Secret Spaces feat. @leap_cosmos on wallet support for SCRT!

Recorded: Nov. 16, 2022 Duration: 0:59:30



Hello everybody, welcome to Secret Spaces. Today is the special Wednesday edition. Normally we do these on Tuesdays, but move things around a little bit today. So this is the special Wednesday edition of Secret Spaces. We're excited to have on the leap wallet team to talk about.
and supporting secret in wallets and the importance of wallets to use your adoption. Give us a quick second while we get this space promoted. Please share this link to the space with your communities, especially the cosmos community. We know they are dying to hear more about this.
So give us a quick second. We'll send this link around and we'll get started shortly.
In the meantime, just want to say hi and a big thank you to the secret team for having us here and for accommodating us on a Wednesday. And not here, you'll use it. Thank you so much guys.
It's our pleasure. We work every day.
So Wednesday is no problem.
and we'll be back to our usual Tuesday time soon enough.
Make sure we have everybody we need up on stage here as well. I see I see Sanjeev, Barun Arjan. I want to make sure I say all of your names correctly. Patrick, it looks like you've just pinned the secret space's announcement. Is that true? That is true. We should be good to go.
phenomenal. So we've got the announcement out. We're going to be sharing this link around the other channels as well. Patrick looks like you've got it out on Telegram and Discord. Is that true? Yep.
Amazing. Then let's go ahead and start kicking off. Again, please share this link around to your communities, especially within the cosmos. There's plenty of cosmos communities. I know, Telegram, Discord, etc. of people who use wallets who want to know how this is going to work, how leap is supporting secret.
and every other Cosmos network, make sure they jump in here, make sure you help us by retweeting the space, liking the tweet. And of course, there's something in it for you, because every time we do a secret space, we do include a very special secret badge to honor the occasion. You can claim your
your secret badge just by clicking the link that we've pinned here. We've got the tweet. There's a link there to claim your secret badge. They are free to mint. But we appreciate you supporting the team that come on to secret spaces by claiming the badge that that team has helped us design. So we have a special
for leap today. And I believe there's something in the private metadata that would be really interesting for users in the cosmos, but you won't be able to see it unless you claim the badge because it's in the private metadata. So claim your badge, unlock the private metadata, go see what the
team is up to, we'll tell you that claim code in just a second because you will need a claim code to do it. But before we do that, let's give the leap wallet team a chance to introduce themselves. So going around, let's start with Sunjeev, go ahead and introduce yourself and pass it on to somebody else on the team.
Absolutely. Thanks again, secret team for having us. So I'm Sanji and the founder and CEO at leap. Been involved in the crypto space for the last four or five years now. Actively started building around the same time last year, which is then we got a grant from
to build a wallet for Terra and that's kind of what Launcher product journey and we've actively been ridding in the Web 3 space since. Prior to this, in what seems like a long, long time back of different life, I started my career at McKinsey and then spent several years of
that working in operations, marketing and product roles at different consumer startups, including like a founders office tent at one of India's largest unicorns. But yeah, last one year has been entirely consumer Web 3. Haven't been building any space as much as it been here.
and maybe I can pass it over to button for intro next.
short I can go next. Hey folks I am Bheurin and I had product for leap. I have been with leap from the very beginning started my journey last year alongside leap. I am currently based out of India. So I have been in the product space for over six years now and I previously headed product for and I take start up in
and I have been dappling around with for the past few years and November is when I got introduced to leave through Sanjeev and it has been the most exciting journey ever since and hopefully much more to come. So yeah, really excited and I'll let Aryan talk about himself next.
Hey everyone, I'm Aryan and I lead a research and analytics at Leap wallet. I also started reading about crypto and web space in general a couple of years back.
And this year is when I joined Leap and within analytics and research, keep looking at a lot of transactions, read a lot of white papers and documentation and just stay up to date with this space.
So by the way, if you don't want me to look at your transaction history, what account balances you hold, secret network is a good place to do your transactions on. But I'll leave it at there. Over to you.
Thank you guys for the intros. Very appreciated. So with the intros all set, right before we get into leap and all of the background here, I will give people that claim code because they're probably dying to know what you guys put inside the private metadata today. So go ahead, click through the link that we
pinned here in the Twitter space. Click the secret badge claim link and then put in the claim code ready for this. Wallet. One word, all capital letters. Wallet is today's claim code. And if you claim today's secret badge and unlock it and look inside, you will see
something very special from the Leap team, something concerning some alpha for the future. Very excited. Very excited. So thank you guys again for joining us here on stage. Let's get right into it with the most important question of all. What exactly is Leap the product and how do the project come about originally?
I can take that. Although I thought that the most important question of all is like what's happening with Secret Lies today? What's the case with all? But maybe we'll leave that for the end. Secret Lies is not constitute any legal or investment advice please consult your professional advisors. Yeah, I know that's just taking.
I'm happy to give a little bit of interaction about about leap first and how things came to be. So what's leap firstly, leap is a for those who don't know leap is a non custodial crypto wallet for cosmos that lets you interact with and access apps on different cosmos chains. Rm is basically to become a super wallet for
which means a one stop gateway where as a user you can view your portfolio, you can send tokens, you can stake, access different DeFi opportunities, manager NFTs, modern governance proposal and a lot more all through one single platform. And the way this is made possible is that
is through a base layer of experiences that we built in combination with DAPs whose experiences will be natively integrated into our wallet. So that's a little bit about what leap is. And in terms of when leaf started and what our journey's been, basically a lot of like, you know, our
the first experiences were what went into the starting of leap. Experiences are each of us getting into the crypto space and also in the last like year or two as we saw a lot of our friends and family also tried to get on word into the space. We realize that there was a huge white space in the entire wallety ecosystem. I'm sure all first I've heard this a lot on
the space is really hard, mobile experiences are traditionally not well solved by wallets. There's just so much complexity of crypto concepts that are usually not abstracted from users. And we could see a big opportunity where we felt that wallet, UX and wallet capabilities really need to let X, if we want crypto to get adoption in the mainstream.
That's kind of how our vision of building a super wallet sort of came to be, which would solve a lot of these issues. And Terra was the first ecosystem we wanted to start building on. This was our end of last year. And we started building out rolled out an MVP quickly, started iterating and we found that there was a strong core user base that got aligned with this
vision and then we work with them over like the first few months to ship as many improvements as we can to the wallet experience right from small things like how do we make it easy to create multiple wallets to UX improvements like auto detecting NFTs in the wallets to like better security features like better password workflows and more.
And we last we were equitably that this is actually working we got to a point where we had about 50,000 wallet users. We had about 200,000 people signed up for mobile beta. Things look great up until one day when the terror deep back happened and at that point of time realize that we had the right insights, right experience and building a high quality experience, but what we needed
was to find a new home for Lee. And then it became sort of just we spent a couple of weeks doing some research and it became very obvious to us that cosmos was this incredible ecosystem. Very close to Terra, but we'd been so heads down on Terra that we hadn't sort of looked around much, but this was the ecosystem to be
End of May in Cosmos SDK, IBC, all of which had become increasingly battle tested in the last cycle. We could see that the app chain narrative was also starting getting stronger. So this was around June when we decided to start building on Cosmos. And yeah, since then we've spent the majority of our efforts building wallet experiences here.
Yeah, we've spoken to a lot of teams where they were very heads down in the Terra ecosystem and obviously there was a lot to build there. There's a lot of users. There's a lot of money through that ecosystem and then it all very suddenly stopped and a lot of teams were kind of thrown into the same position where
You had to look left and right. You had to see what else people were thinking about. We're building and yeah, I think people finally realized the same things that we'd already known for ourselves. Like secret launched our main net in early 2020. We had private smart contracts on main net in September of 2020. We were the very first
Chained to actually get cause and wasm contracts working on Maynet and we did it while having them be privacy preserving by default So it took a lot of unbelievable effort and of course the project had been active even for three years before that so We knew how much work was going in everywhere and
But we also knew how much work was going on outside of secret and outside of terror just around the broader cosmos and you just don't see it when you're when you're in these silos. I think wallets, especially multi chain wallets are essential for breaking down those silos, making it easier for users to discover what exactly all of these chains
what's unique about them, what's unique about their communities, their products, their applications, and what their potential could be. So since you guys are building a multi-chain wallet, what are the chains that you do currently support? You started various, concentrated, but now it seems like you've got support for a lot of different chains. What are they?
Yeah, so at this point of time, maybe you'll also just have to talk about like what are like the form factors that we support because when we again think about wallets, traditionally, of course, like, you know, if you look back the last couple of years, wallets were primarily browser extensions, but essentially we are starting to think about it more loosely as like what are the different reasons and touch points, very user.
wants to interact with the blockchain and essentially like you know all those touch points are also to us or what constitute as a wallet experience. So basically firstly in terms of when we think about like the products we right now have two products life one which is our browser extension and second is our mobile wallet which is our native Android and iOS app but we are also
also launching a third web dashboard, which is almost you can think about it as a desktop friendly version of your wallet, but it also has like portfolio management capabilities. Sort of like a web wallet plus like a zapper for cost most. So these are the three different products that we have. We started off with the browser extension back in June and this is where we have
the maximum support for chains natively. So at this point of time, we support about 28 chains and all these chains, all these are cost most chains that are supported natively. I think the two biggest ones left on a list were secret and FMOS and happy to announce that, like, you know, both of these are also completely just announced MOS integration as well recently. So with that, we pretty much like covered
all of the big cosmos chains. And then for the other two form factors, the mobile wallets and the dashboard. They're trailing a little bit because it takes us a little bit extra work to add these chains to different form factors. But very soon the idea has to have support for like all of these chains across all the different form factors that we have.
That's a lot. I'm really excited to kind of get hands on and see how the UX helps for people managing their holdings across many, many different independent chains, letting them discover those chains. Discoverability is becoming a bigger and bigger issue also because people
So, starting to realize there's dozens and dozens and dozens of chains out there, not just the one chain. And differentiation is something that we think a lot about in secret. So, for example, being a private by default blockchain is differentiated not just among Cosmos chains, but any blockchain. And I think as it gets easier
in the cosmos to launch these purpose specific blockchains and to launch these appchains versus appchains and everything else, there's going to be a lot more chains. Discoverability is going to matter. Usability is going to matter most of all. And I'm sure for wallets, the most important thing
is then prioritization around those. So for something like secret, working with secret is not like working with a public by the fault block chain. And that's for a reason. We want to be different. We want to provide actual unique capabilities for developers and for users. And that's what we offer. But it also means that all these little experiences on
on the wallet side and with infrastructure end up being just a little bit different. And the more closely we can work with partners on the wallet side like Leap but also with that developer to help them understand here's what's different, here's what's the same. And walk them through that process. I think users will choose more and more to use private by default applications
and developers will choose more and more to build private by default applications as the space matures. And it's definitely looking like the space is maturing very quickly, especially the last few weeks. Suddenly, we're all having to grow up very fast. We don't take anything from
for granted anymore. We're rushing to the end state and I do believe that the end state is going to have to include good privacy protections for users, not just in the cosmos, but on any blockchain. Otherwise, these applications just won't be sustainable. So let's look at
than specifically leaps support of secret. Because secret users, they're already using a few different wallets, whether they're desktop wallets, mobile wallets. They probably want to know how leaps compares and what they're going to be able to do specifically with leaps. So what does leaps allow secret users to do?
I can take this up. So just to give a very basic overview of what users can, secret users can do only by this point of time. So we do support the most basic features which are like portfolio overview wherein you have
you have your basic tokens native tokens that you can see that you can see but what we have also done is gone ahead and integrated coin geto so that you see dollar values for specific tokens and at the same time we have integrated asset details so that you do not have to go elsewhere to view any details
about a particular token right. So you can see price charts, you can see any number of details about the token right inside the extension. So this is one very basic uh UX improvement that we did for assets. What we also are planning to do is a lot of bringing like uh as you mentioned, like they're already are
like 30 to 40 chains for on cost most and we provide basic manage chains feature for the users to easily manage these chains. But at the same time we do feel this a necessity for a very agregate basically an aggregated view over time. So that the users do not have to switch across chains. So this is something that is
is in our road map that is very exciting to us. Apart from the basic portfolio of used stuff, we do support IBC transfers and this is where we definitely feel that our UX is much better than the other wallets out there, wherein you do not have to know a channel ID to do an IBC transfer. We have abstract
that out for the users. So for users it would just be like a normal send flow rate. You can be on secret secret network, you can be on Juneau and you can just paste osmosis address for example or stargaze address for example and directly send tokens across to these chains right. You do not have to know the channel ID for example.
We will definitely be adding custom channel support very soon as well, but at the same time we just wanted to launch with the simplest UX around. So IBC transfer is very simple now with leap around. I post that I think one very key feature that we worked really hard on is the marriage secret tokens. So marriage customs
So, this is where we have allowed and this is something that I know for a fact that a lot of users are a lot of pain, you secretly use this a lot of pain across using other words. So, there was no option to create a new key for example, or updating an existing key or importing an existing key. So, this is where
we've allowed users to just go to manage tokens and create their own viewing key or update an existing viewing key or import an already existing viewing key. And at the same time, we provide users the ability to copy the viewing key after they have just created one. So, prior to this, there was no avalent that provided the viewing
key on the UI for the users to copy and maybe import it later somewhere. So this is what we have done and I definitely recommend everyone to go out and test this out. At the same time what we have also done is if the viewing key does not match and the user has already imported it token we show a viewing key error thing. And this
This is where we also as the user to update the viewing key in case they want to like see the balance for the token again right. And not just solve the UX for and UX for viewing key, we have also included query barons which is something where you do not have to do a transaction, do not have to incur a transaction.
the transaction fee for seeing the balances. So the step 24 proposal for the query balances something that we've already gotten to the wallet. And this is how why we think like this is probably the best wallet right now for secret and our definite last uses to go out and test the Mal secret token spot specifically apart from this.
We do support in wallet staking and in wallet governance. So in staking, you can use this can go well stake see their current. Delegations can delegate and delegate and read it again to other validators. We also randomize the validator list so as to maintain the Central Asian every time a user opens up the
at the same time, with US can view all the governance proposals out there, can vote and governance proposals out there from within the wallet. We are currently working on adding percentile filter, filtering basis of stage of voting and as Sanjay mentioned the mobile apps are out so we are also
adding support for push notification when a new proposal goes up. So that users have users know that a proposal is up and they want to put it. So pretty much everything around governance right inside the wallet. At the same time, a major compatibility is something that we currently working on. So we do currently support the basic
coin type 118 where users can see their balances but definitely looking forward to add support for the new coin type and the new secret app that has launched on Deja and would love for users to have the ability to switch between the two. So all of this and to top all of these basically
to pack all of this around. We have a customized activity page wherein we have done the hard work hard work to make sure that we make the transactions readable for normal users rather than use having to go through a lot of pain on reading each of these activities figuring out what this what a particular transaction was about.
We do the hard part and let users understand it very easily. So yeah, I think that's a very basic overview of what we currently support in the wallet extension and which is very soon also coming out on the mobile apps. So yeah, that's about it.
Awesome. What a thorough overview. Thank you guys again. I'll quickly give another reminder about the Secret Badged Details as we get into the second half of our conversation. We've pinned a couple of tweets here now. One is of course the
the tweet from Leap themselves. Please give them a follow. So check that out. And then also we've pinned another tweet here. Remember the announcement tweet for this space. If you click through on that link, you will see today's secret badge for anybody
who's been collecting our secret badges for secret spaces. This one is honoring the leaked team and their presence with us today. Claim that secret badge using the claim code wallet. All one word, all capital letters wallet. You can go claim the badge and unlock the private
metadata, decrypt it and see what the LEAP team has in store for you, which is super cool. So before we get into that, because that does have to do with your longer-term roadmap, which I'm excited to touch on,
A lot of people today that are trying to use secret right there wrapping or unwrapping secret tokens using wrap or they're interacting with NFTs on stash or they're trading on sienna or they're using shade bonds, things like that.
really want to use secret apps that you really want to have like secret contract interactions so they can use these apps on-chain and have the privacy that secret apps can guarantee for them. Is that something you guys have been thinking about a lot? Is that on the roadmap? What should what should users have as an expectation?
Yeah, so I can take that up. So all of these interactions that you talked about like viewing NFTs wrapping their tokens. They definitely are 100% a part of our roadmap. So as as the G was mentioning earlier, right, like all the web 3 touch points that we
to have we'd ideally want them to be in our wallet longer term. What you see right now are the features that Perun mentioned is just the phase one of it, the most basic features that you would want to keep in a wallet, but going forward.
We would add more specific use cases in in DeFi and NFTs bridges, secret tokens and all of these things, right? And these will have interactions with different kinds of smart contracts all over the place. And so definitely yeah, we
We do intend to have these integrated in the wallet so that users do not really need to go outside the wallet to interact with these protocols and make transactions. So yeah, that's definitely a part of the plan.
Sweet. That's what I care about. I just want to use my secret apps anywhere I go. So that's really cool to hear. So let's then go past that. And let's talk about the long-term roadmap for Leap. Not just for Secret, if you want, but just generally talking about your plans to be part of this multi-chain future. Here in the cosmos, obviously, we all believe
that there's not just going to be one chain of rule them all, there's going to be a ton of chains and maybe we'll have interchange security, mesh security, maybe we're going to have something we've talked about a lot with Secret and Secret 2.0. We're talking about the sort of constellations of chains that provide services to the broader cosmos and also interact
directly with each other. That's part of our vision for expanding secret. So I imagine supporting this multi-chain future is a big piece of Leap's long-term roadmap. What does that look like for you guys right now? Understanding, of course, that all these things are subject to change. But what should we be most excited about?
Sure, I can start things off and maybe Sanjeev are in feel free to chip in. But I think as you mentioned rightly, one of the most important things for us would be supporting all the chains that come up once cost most natively. We do want to have native support for all of the chains.
So, native support for change would be number one on our is something that we are continuously striving to do and will keep doing that. A few things that we are super excited about is as I previously mentioned as well on aggregated view in
your wallet. So imagine just opening up your wallet on your phone or on the extension and not having to switch between multiple chains that you are on and having to go through each of these chains specifically to figure out what's happening. So aggregate view for all the chains and it would be a bit complicated
to solve but we'd love to solve that for users so that there would be just one place for them to look at and figure out everything that's going on across all of the chains across all of the networks on Cosmos. That's definitely up there. A few other things that we are really excited about are since the mobile apps have come out we have added
basic support for push notifications. So again push notifications, we felt like there's a huge gap that was missing in the cost-moves ecosystem. So we have added very basic support right now where the users get a push notification on their mobile app whenever they do a transaction, whenever they do a IBC transfer, whenever they
vote for any governance proposal or let's take or unstick or re-delicate. So the basic use case is we will definitely want to work more on the push notification side maybe start adding alerts, start adding governance alerts, start probably alerts around air drops and a lot of other things
that can be done. Push notifications and alerts is something that is a very key part of the next couple of months that we're trying to solve for. Apart from that, as Sanjiv and I didn't have both mentioned about native integration within that. So we've subdone. We are done with the basic support and this is where we want
natively work with most of the chains. We want to have a deeper integration with all of the chains and make sure that we bring in as much support for their apps in the chain inside the wallet as possible. So one example of this is having the browser right inside the mobile app right for users to
just about go and open up any app inside the mobile app and connect directly connect rather than having to do a wallet connect or go open up the laptops to view a app. Post that again these are everything around the Cosmos ecosystem but we definitely want more folks joining us from outside the ecosystem as well.
So bridging and swapping of tokens from the other ecosystem is something that we would love to support as well. So I think these are a few of the most important features in the next couple of months that we are looking at. Over to Sanjeev, if you want to add other stuff.
Sure, I can add a little bit more context, but maybe one thing that I wanted that's a one a bit more. Something that Burden spoke about was notifications and push notification is something personally also and as the team we are extremely excited about. So what we've built right on ship with our mobile apps is that you can actually get notifications for your own chain.
activities every time, like I was saying every time you vote, every time there's a transfer in or out of your wallet at this, you can actually get a notification. But there's two interesting ways in which we want to extend this. One is that you can not only receive notifications on your app, but we're actually building in capabilities for you to receive notifications on your telecom.
So for whatever reason, let's say you decide to not use the app or you have a different mobile app or whatever the case may be or you prefer getting notifications on Telegram. So you can just come and sign into our dashboard. This is going to be built into the dashboard that I was talking about earlier and then you can connect your Telegram and then automatically start receiving notifications through a Telegram but for
any on-chain transaction that you do. So that's something that we are super excited about. And then the second thing that we want to add on top of this is that just like you can follow and get notifications for your address, we will allow you to add any other address. And again, I just want to highlight that this might be a little bit different for Secret, obviously given privacy.
step back and just like you know talk through our slightly longer term vision, right? Like what's where we headed? What happens after the next couple of months? And essentially like the way we've been thinking about our longer term scope, our mission is basically saying that what are all the different touch points where the user is interacting with the blockchain? And how can we like, 10X the UX? How can we 100X the UX?
And what that sort of breaks down for us is we look at it as there are basically four different areas of our roadmap or four different like you know categories of our roadmap. First one being on voting and on ramping. This is something that we really want to spend a lot of lot more time going forward. And what we mean by this is how can we continue to research and
provide better key management experiences based on individual users preference and their trade-off between security and convenience. So we're talking about things like social logins, MPC solutions, smart contract wallets. There's a whole bunch of exciting solutions out there. And our goal again is that we want to see how I'm trying to implement as many of these as possible. And so different users
can come and sort of self select and have different ways to sort of want more them into the ecosystem. So that's that's the first piece. The second piece which I think is already being covered is the transactional piece which is that anytime you want to do a transaction on chain, ideally you shouldn't have to go to a third party tap. The wallet should have like a mini app of sorts which is natively
the wall it and that allows you to do the transaction. This is something that we already sort of working on. Excuse me. The third piece is something that we're really excited about, which is that so far a lot of what wallets all far is that you already know that you want to do a certain transaction and then wallets will enable you to do that. But wallets haven't
really solve for the problem of discovery, which is that how do we actually help you as a user discover new dApps? How do we help users discover investing opportunities? How do we let a user know that there's a new air drop? Maybe there's a new product that's launched? Maybe there's a new vault that's been launched from an existing protocol? And that's where we think that wallets as consumer products, they have a very interesting
So right from social feeds, there's different different ideas that we want to explore here. But going forward in our medium-dom roadmap, discovery is something that we will be spending a fair bit of time on. And then finally, the fourth piece, which is sort of like the final leg, is that, okay, so you're moving on a fun journey.
into crypto, you're probably earning some yield on your assets. But then what happens finally, like how are you actually able to off ramp in the real world, how are you actually able to spend what you own? And that's where we feel like the solutions there are fairly limited today. We had a few experiments that we were doing in Terra times. For example, there was this project called Flex
And their value proposition was that you can actually use your tokens to pay IRL. So let's see, I understood. You could sort of open up your leap app. You'd have the flexor SDK integrated inside the wall in the world. But essentially you just can a QR code and you're able to pay things in real life with your crypto tokens. So that's something concept we found.
really interesting because that sort of closes the loop, so to speak for the user. Again, to some extent, this is also limited by different geography and what solutions are available there. But from a user, pain point length, we think that this is something that's really important and something that we do want to spend a lot of time at the progress along our road map.
Hopefully that gives a little bit more context in terms of what's going to come in the next. That's 6 to 12 months and the time beyond that.
No, there's a lot to get excited about there. Whether you're already a secret user or whether you're using any chain in the Cosmos Clues, there's a lot of functionality coming. At a time where I think having more choices as a user is really essential because chains, as we said, when we have more chains than ever providing different utilities and opportunities
You should not have one way to access all these different applications. You want a lot of different opportunities. That is the great thing about the Cosmos is that because there are so many things that can both collaborate and compete with each other, it forces everybody to build with the user in mind. Really the Cosmos is the best
place to be a user because you always have choice. And everything is so interoperable. Whereas I think in some other ecosystems that are much more centralized, I won't necessarily call any of them out, but they seem to be very centralized around specific, you know, one L one and then the apps
also tend to centralize because it's whoever's most closely aligned with the L1 and like not Cosmos is a lot more fluid. So there's opportunities at every level of the stack. And what Secret wants to do obviously is serve all of those users and all those developers with the very best in class privacy solutions. And that's always been our vision, that's always been our mission.
It's just so interesting to hear. It's like some of the features that users kind of want and that we hear about our features that aren't necessarily compatible with a vision for privacy where it's things like being able to stock or the
people's wallets essentially. And on secret, that's a thing that we work very hard to make sure people can't do without that user's consent. Not because we don't want there to be auditability, but because we do believe in this consent-based model for everything that happens online, blockchain or not. We really want things to be user-centric, and that's
So there's tons of users in the secret ecosystem who would probably be demanding the opposite. The ability to have that level of control in their wallet about what people can or can't see about them, just like they do in the Web 2 world. So it's interesting to kind of hear that there's user demand for the other side. I understand kind of why they
want to be able to say, "Oh, this whale is doing this or that and the other." But that to me, that's not the sustainable vision of Web 3 that we should have. And it's not certainly that original CypherPunk vision where it's like what we really want is for everybody to be able to stock everybody else in the world. What we really wanted was just a system that we
trusted to be correct, you know, a truth machine, the way that it was kind of talked about. And it's awesome to see that Cosmos is allowing for the development of many, many truth machines. I just think that secret is a really interesting one because you can have the truth, but you can also have your privacy, and you can know that something is true
without even needing to feel it to every single other user in the world. Which is a really cool thing. But that said, that's why all these things are going to get built. We're going to have options and users should have both options. Public by default, private by default, it's all about optionality and I'm very excited.
to see how Leap is supporting that vision. So we're coming up to the close of my planned agenda with you guys here. We got through a lot on Leap and there's clearly a lot for people to be excited about. This is usually when we ask people to stick up their hands. If you've got something that you want to ask of the Leap team, now's your best shot.
Put up your hand. We'll bring you up here on stage. You can ask your questions while we wait for those people to stick up their hands. Is there anything that I missed asking you guys about that you really wish that I'd asked or is there anything that you'd like to ask about the secret ecosystem that we can answer for you up here on stage?
No, I think we covered a lot of ground. I think once you have great questions, so thanks again for those. I guess one thing I didn't want to mention, we touched upon this earlier when Buren was talking about things as well. But the way we like to build the way the sort of product strategies that we've always had is that we
like to build in public. We have a roadmap which is also publicly available but maybe you can just drop a link here as we speak. But essentially we have a public board where you can go share your ideas. There's a way for you people to sort of report the ideas there but also that part we're always listening so you can let us know.
on Twitter, you can reach out to us on a community channels. But essentially, you want to make sure that we are sort of listening very closely to what users want. And that's where like, you know, like, to your point also, every chance nuances are going to be slightly different. What users want are going to be slightly different. And as people are trying to support the ecosystem, we want
want to see and hear as many voices as possible. So just maybe one thing to add from our site would be that please give this product a try. And if you have any feedback, if you think anything could be done differently, absolutely feel free to reach out to us. More than happy to start a like and I talked to you and see how we can continue to improve the product experience.
Awesome. Thank you. Yeah, please follow the lead team, lead underscore cosmos being the wallet itself, but please follow the individual speakers that you have here on stage. They're awesome.
And don't forget, of course, to claim their secret badge. We do have a question up here on stage where I brought somebody up here to ask what grits. What's your question for the leapty?
I saw you on mute but I actually can't hear you. Is it just me? I heard something.
Is it just me? I was hearing me. Oh, I can hear you now. Awesome. It was my amplifier, sorry. Oh, good. Yeah. Long time no see. I've been busy. I've been following the lead project for a long time and I'm pretty excited.
I'm in love with the UX and all that. But my only question really is, is are you guys going to make it give the ability for people to load their Kepler private keys into that wallet? Because that's like literally the only thing that's stopping me from moving all my stuff over.
So, I think immediately today obviously the longer way around is creating a burner wallet and that then importing a private key but I do understand that
it's a bit of a hassle. So we definitely plan to add an option of directly importing a private key without having to create a burner wallet. But that is coming a few weeks down the line. But for today, probably the burner will run.
Yeah, that's the only feature that Cosmos station in my opinion that has over you guys is they can do multiple versions of private keys. So correct. That's a great tension and we'll see if you can move it up the road map next mixture and we get it out in a week or two. Yeah, I appreciate it.
just to add to that you can already do that with lecture by the way. It's something that we heard as feedback earlier wherein initially you actually had to again create a burner wallet and then you're able to connect the lecture so that's something that we've solved for where you can actually just literally start
like connecting a ledger to ground up. But yeah, great point. And we definitely try to add this new SSD as well. I actually encrypt all my own private keys with zip stuff. So I don't use ledgers or anything. I'm pretty old school that way.
Love it. No, we will definitely support this one.
Thank you for the question. Thank you for the awesome response. Let's again, people keep raising your hands if you've got questions. We've got about 15 minutes to the top of the hour.
I did want to ask one more question, which was about mobile support, because that wasn't something that we really talked about. Go ahead if you've got anything to share there.
Yeah, so sorry about that. I had some issue getting my mic on, but yeah, so in terms of like mobile support, that's actually something that we've started working on as soon as we deployed the extension and I'm just trying to see if I can share tweet where we'd announced about our app. If you can see, I just shared it here.
So the apps already live on iOS and on Play Store both. So if you can already go to it, we have support for like a lot of the earlier chains that we had support for we've already added it on the app and work for secret is already in the works. So, but one and team have told me that hopefully by the end of this week, we should have an internal build that
We'll test around. We have a master about the users that we shared with them for feedback as well. And hopefully if everything looks good, then it's just the review cycle. Sometimes that takes like a week or so from the different from the respective play stores, but hopefully in like two, three week stops, we should have support for native support for secret life on both our mobile apps as well.
That's super exciting. I mean, there's a lot of things that users like to do from desktop, especially if they're power users in the web3 space. But there's a lot of things that they'd love to do from their phone as well, especially things like messaging or things like NFTs. And we've got a pretty big universe for that growing on secret and will be awesome.
to see how Leap becomes a part of that journey. It sounds like you guys have already connected with a lot of the DAP teams in the network and have been talking about how to build closer support. I mean, I know that I would love to see Native Secret NFT support directly in Leap. And this is something that I've said to every other wallet that we've ever talked to or had on stage here for
from FINA to Kaplier to Starshell, et cetera. So saying it again to you guys, these are things that users love. And I definitely believe that mobile is critical to global adoption of blockchain technologies. We can't rely on everybody having some sort of multi-monitor setup power station in their homes. It's not realistic.
I couldn't agree more and in fact we imagine a world where like you know six miles down the line. We're probably going to be shipping features first on mobile and like mobile is going to have the most number of features and then like you know there's a certain point of an extension and that's what's a property trailing it because we also recognize and that's how like even in terms of how we think about
the team and priorities. We're definitely trying to make sure that mobile is treated as one of the most, if not the most important form factor for us. But speaking of, another thing I didn't want to mention which we spoke about briefly was the dashboard, which is the web dashboard plus portfolio manager.
that's also something that's in the final stages of all protesting. Should be going out maybe this week or next with like the first few change, but that's also where we're trying to get secret support as soon as possible. So like I said, two, three weeks we should be able to see mobile support for a secret life and hopefully
in another we could do from that right so let's say about a month or so from now we should also have secret support on the dashboard and what that's going to mean is you'll be able to see your along with all other chains you can see your secret balances you will be able to see all secret proposals that are live.
So basically on the dashboard, you're able to see all proposals that are live for voting across different chains. You're also able to do right transactions like sticking and voting through the web dashboard. Again, something you're super excited for and we'll try to see how best and how early as we can get secret support live there as well.
Grids, did you have another question? I saw you put your hand up.
I did have a question, but I forgot, sorry.
That's okay. Let's keep it secret. Oh, sorry. I actually remember now. Um, Portfolio track or thing that you guys are building. Um, is that like how is that going to be done through like the wallets or you guys going to be
be able to make it editable for people to put in their own. How developed is it? Do you guys have any previews? Because I'm working on my own giant tracker project, so I'm curious.
So in terms of what we have in scope right now for the dashboard is basically the fact that we want to show you your portfolio across different cost most chains. So for one particular address you're able to see your entire dollar amount also of the portfolio as well as the amount
actually amount of tokens and then we want to add capabilities along different dimensions. So one dimension, for example, would be like, you know, being able to show you split by X amount is held in native tokens versus Y in state assets versus Z in like DeFi versus if possible, we're also trying
to bring in NFTs and all the values of NFTs into the mix. So one is basically just showing you how your portfolio is split across different categories of investing or as classes, so to speak. Another dimension trying to build in here is that can we actually show you how your portfolio has tended over time?
That's a little bit complex because we realize that to go all the way back in time, we probably will need to figure out some setup for like an archive node to be able to like an archive node with some good sort of reliable APIs to be able to track that information for users. But that's something that we've heard a lot of users talk about as being really valuable to be able to see.
the total dollar value of your portfolio over time. So that's again something that that we have in mind. So you guys are basically going to be using nodes to get all your pricing and information. What I do is I actually use coin.geco's API because it's a median value between all exchanges. It's slightly more accurate that way I feel.
We also use CoinGecko for the current prices. But I think where we'll run into an issue with is let's say if you wanted to show you your portfolio way back, let's say two years, we'll find that most prune nodes will actually
not have token holdings as of before, let's say a month or two months. And so to get that data is where we might actually have to figure out some sort of an archive and set up. But price feed is actually coming in from CoinLiaco.
That's awesome. Okay, that makes more sense to me. Yeah
But that being said, if you're already working on something, we'd love to chat. Maybe we can set up a band group. Yeah, I would love to. I'd love to show you what I'm working on because I have a lot of like, I built my own because I don't like the way anybody else is doing it.
We should definitely check. Like, for instance, like, you know, everything is done through notes. There's no manual, anything. And like, I got the osmosis team to
actually give me enough API information that I can actually integrate liquidity pools. And I noticed that's a huge problem with all these trackers. None of them do that. So yeah.
Well, thank you for remembering your question.
It's hard. You got a lot going on. I know when you've got so many questions who's to say. Well, that's an awesome question and awesome update and it's great to see. I think 99% of innovation comes from somebody sitting around and being like, "I hate every solution that exists."
I'm just going to do it myself. That's why I started being a mechanic because I don't trust people to leave me stranded. I want to blame myself and start from there. Trust but verify even for cars.
Exactly. Yeah, I have a I have a mental matter respect for people who can do that level of problem solving across a number of different devices mine. My own skill set is pretty limited. I don't try to fix my own car. In fact, I'm so adamant about my inability to fix cars that I don't own one.
And that keeps me from making major mistakes. You know what? You're probably better off like I just finished moving and stuff and my cars engine right after I finished moving literally exploded. So I'm in the middle of rebuilding the head on it right now and it's a joke. Oh, there you go.
But you probably learn a lot doing it and it is a level of independence that I think everybody can and should aspire to and that's the wonderful thing about wallets and web 3 is You can develop that level of independence and you can sort of learn how these things work I think with web 2 we all got a little bit too complacent
with sort of trusting the technologies and systems because they were so easy and we all got so much dopamine. But now there's a better, more sustainable approach forming. And as we're seeing, the things in Web 3 that aren't working are the things that tried to be the most like Web 2. They collect ourselves.
So maybe, maybe, just maybe, I always have this feeling like if you trust the users to learn, you know, you put some faith in your users, you respect your users the same way that authors should respect their readers.
then you actually get much better results. You get much more sustainable systems and so on. And I think we're finally starting to see what it means to be.
truly educated user in the web 3 space. It's still so unbelievably early, but I do think that where we're headed is going to be a lot healthier now.
Yeah, totally agree.
We got about five minutes to the top of the hour. Are there any last questions? Please put your hands up for the leap team. I'm going to give it one more going once going twice kind of thing. And then lastly, again, leap
team are there any other questions that you guys have about the secret ecosystem about anything else that we discussed here today? I always like to make sure you guys get a chance to ask your questions too.
I think from our side, I want to say we're pretty plugged towards happening. We actually have multiple telegram rules with different focus on the ecosystem. So having chats about how we can get leave added on different secret apps.
We're talking, having a different conversation about how do you get the new secret ledger I added in to leap as well. So yeah, I think we have a lot, we have a lot of conversation about what's happening right now, like in the short term, but definitely would love to like, you know, maybe just here like a quick 60 second.
version of what's coming up in the six to 12 month version for you guys. So the same conversation we had about leaves long term roadmap. We could tell us a little bit about what's coming up next for you and how we as well as should start preparing for that. What a great question.
So in the secret ecosystem, right, we are a layer one, but we're a DAP chain. We're not just a single app chain. You can build anything on secret that you could build on Ethereum, Solana, etc., except you'll have it all private by defaults. We have a lot of things launching.
apps that came from the Terri ecosystem developers who have been wanting to build private by default apps forever but haven't had an ecosystem to do it in all of these apps are finally coming. A lot of stuff being launched on the DeFi side, I know Patrick has a name of a lot of these guys but of course there's everything shade and the enter launching on the NFK.
I know that there's quite a few applications launching as well very soon. If people want to know about all this stuff, the very best place to get the deepest look into the secret ecosystem, we strongly recommend you RSVP now for Secret Summit., you can RSVP sign up to be an attendee at our digital conference. We're going to have five hours of programming featuring speakers from all around the secret ecosystem, all around the cosmos, all around the privacy ecosystem, just going very in-depth into
Secret, you know, from our inception to today, everything we're going to get up to in the future. And especially Secret 2.0, which is this vision for how we're going to be securing privacy beyond our current solutions. Secret 2.0 has already been discussed in a public blog post. There's already a post on the Secret Forum that's been
open for community discussion. Definitely check that out. Go to to see all the discussion around secret 2.0. Check out the secret blog at You can read through all of our recent articles. Secret 2.0 can also be found there when our first look blog and secret summit
Again, as frt.networks/summit, you can RSVP all of this stuff. We're going to go into much, much, much greater detail on very, very soon. But it comes down to tons of app launches, lots of layer one improvements, looking at better ways to do viewing key and permit experience
places, etc. I'm glad that Leap is going to be a part of that. I think there's a lot of experimentation still to be done on using UX because we don't want to compromise on privacy, which just means we have to maximize on UX given that we're not willing to give up on protecting users in Web 3.
That's amazing and I'm so glad I asked the question because I don't know about the rest of the team but I definitely didn't know about the summit so as we speak I've just registered for it myself and I'm super excited to be there and learn more about Secret2.2. Yeah, we're trying to get the word out around the cosmos.
We're gonna start pushing it. I think a lot when we start taking the wraps off the speakers we're gonna start announcing speakers this week and next we're gonna be asking the speakers to amplify you can expect to see all your cosmos favorites you can expect to see you know sucky Jack etc everybody's gonna be there, but of course you get to hear from guys
We're going to have a feature for pretty much every app that's active in the secret ecosystem. Both the ones on made that and the ones in development will have great panels. So secret summit is upcoming. Think of it like a very long secret spaces.
But with even more alpha, if it's successful, we'll do it a lot more often because there's just almost too much to share from what's going on in our ecosystem. And I think people just don't know. Just like you guys, you were heads down in the Terra ecosystem. It's hard to look left and right when you're that busy in a single ecosystem.
I think with everything that's been going on with Adam 2.0 and governance and osmosis and everything else people don't realize how much has been going on in the secret ecosystem not just in the last few weeks but for the last few years and this is our chance to finally let people know who haven't been paying as much attention just how much has been going on.
Just how much we've been working on these issues and what we think the impact will be not only for users today, but users all around the cosmos in the near future. So thank you for our speaking. Very appreciated. Hope to see you there. Hope to see you all there. Remember to follow leap, leap, cause
Thank you for participating today. Thank you, Gritz for the questions. We'll catch you guys here on Twitter out in the secret discord We'll see you all somewhere. And at the very least, we'll see you all next time.
see you next week on Secret Spaces. Back to our usual time on Tuesdays. We'll be doing it at noon USET 5PM UTC. We'll see you back here for that. Thank you everybody again and thank you to the Leap Team. Hugely appreciated to have you here and can't wait to see what launches next.
Like what? Thanks for having us. This was a blast. Thank you guys. Have a great week.