Secret Spaces feat. Secret dApp teams discussing #HackSecret!

Recorded: April 5, 2023 Duration: 0:51:28



Hey Patrick, can we do a voice text test real quick? Can you hear me?
- Yup, I can hear you. - Great, I can hear you, thanks.
Give us just a few minutes to get the rest of our guests in here and then we'll get started.
Patrick, can you hear me alright? All right, can you hear me? All right, cool.
Just waiting out for more of our speakers just a couple of minutes.
Looks like one of them is running a little bit late, but he said he'll be there in just a minute.
Alright, there's a couple more of them. Sean, I'm sending you an invite now. Let me know if you don't get it.
Sometimes my absolute buggy.
Well, we're still waiting on a couple more speakers, but we'll go ahead and get started since it's already a few minutes past. Welcome to Secret Spaces, everybody. This is a weekly Twitter Spaces featuring mainly Secret Network core contributors,
and DAP teams, sometimes we feature guests outside of Seekers as well. This week we are focusing on our upcoming hackathon hack secret and we have several DAP teams from Secret Network that are sponsoring this event.
should be showing up in just a minute. I've got a couple of them in here right now, but we're waiting on two more. But we also have Erdem in here from Secret Agency. He's organizing this hackathon along with Sean Rad. I'm

FAQ on Secret Spaces feat. Secret dApp teams discussing #HackSecret! | Twitter Space Recording

What is the name of the Twitter Spaces that features mainly Secret Network core contributors and DAP teams?
Secret Spaces
What is the focus of the upcoming hackathon called Hack Secret?
Secret Network DAP teams
Who is organizing the Hack Secret hackathon?
Erdem and Sean Rad
What is the Secret Agency?
An organization involved in organizing the Hack Secret hackathon
How many speakers were the hosts waiting for to start the group chat?
A couple more speakers
Who is the other co-host of the Hack Secret hackathon besides Erdem?
Sean Rad
Does Patrick confirm that he can hear the speaker during the voice text test?
Yes, he does
Are there usually guests outside of Secret Network featured in the Secret Spaces Twitter Spaces?
Yes, sometimes
What was the delay for one of the speakers joining the group chat?
Running a little bit late
Is the Secret Spaces Twitter Spaces weekly or monthly?