Secret Spaces ft. Preview of @MessariCrypto and @CosmoverseHQ events!

Recorded: Sept. 13, 2022 Duration: 0:55:36



Hello everybody, it's time for secret spaces yet again.
Here we are on Tuesday, September 13th, kicking off, giving a preview of what's coming.
in New York City and Medaïne to awesome upcoming conferences that will be attending as an ecosystem.
Give us a second while we get our speakers up here and we'll be kicking off soon.
Mike, check for Jay, how you doing? - Living the dream. - Nice. - Look real looking forward to next week's, good to be on a fun one.
Cool. And my check for Patrick as well.
Cool, all three of us here up on stage are representing Secret Foundation. I'm Tor from the Secret Network account. Patrick and Jay here as well. Foundation will be at both of these events upcoming as well, Secret Labs coming in from Israel to
be able to attend these America's conferences in person, which we're really excited about. Guy, the CEO of Secret Labs, will be speaking at Missouri. I, Tor, will be speaking at Cosmoverse in Columbia.
And we've got some special side events going on in both locations. So if you're going to be in one or both of those locations, amazing. This is definitely the spaces for you. We will fill you in on everything that's going down.
If you're thinking about attending a secret event in the future or hosting your own events and they in the future, this is a useful space is because you'll learn about how we approach these kinds of opportunities as an ecosystem, how we like to engage with
people to teach them about the network, about the importance of privacy to web 3, how we educate them about the agents program as well. So welcome to everybody who's joining us here today. We're going to kick off in a second.
just give us one moment here while we fill the room.
and make sure that we've got this announcement out Patrick, do we have this announcement out on our channels?
Yes, it is excellent. So we've got the tweet out. We've got the telegram out. We got the discord out to make sure people get in here. Please do us a favor and share this link around with your communities, especially if you know people who are going to be in attendance at one or more of these events.
please share this link around. Also, we have a badge claim today. You can get a secret badge pretending today's secret spaces like all secret spaces. They are free to mint. You can check them out. We have a pinned tweet here. Thanks to Patrick. You can
go, claim your first or your millionth secret badge to prove you were here to show your support of the secret ecosystem. There's a claim code, however, you need to know the claim code if you want to claim the badge. Patrick, do you have the claim code for us? Yeah, the claim code
is Cosmoverse, COS, MOV, RSE, Cosmoverse, and inside the private metadata of this badge is also a preview of a exclusive Cosmoverse merch item that we'll be giving out at our booth at Cosmoverse. Oh, what?
That sounds exciting. Yeah. Claim the badge in the private metadata. There's a secret for you. You'll be the first to get an early look at what's coming with us to Columbia. Again, the code is Cosmoverse, same as the name of the conference. But before we get to Cosmoverse, we're also going to talk about, sorry, mainnet. So,
Let me start by letting my friends here on the stage quickly introduce themselves, especially Jay, who is with me at the foundation, Jay, if you can give a quick 30-centred introduction of yourself, your role at the foundation, and then we'll get straight into these two upcoming events and what people can expect
on the ground.
It's that we have opportunities for. So I've been really helpful or helping rather in getting a setup for Missouri as well as for Cosmoverse. So there's a lot of cool stuff that we're doing both at the conferences and cells as well as after hours too. So we'll more to come on that.
Hey, I'm Patrick. I'm the community manager at the Secret Foundation. I have my hands on a lot of things, but in regards to these upcoming events, I've just been working on the marketing and the
in-person stuff that we're going to be doing at our booths regarding merch and NFTs and meeting all the people that are going to be there and just networking and seeing what we can do.
Sweet. Yeah, foundation will be bringing a lot of people there will have five attendance from secret foundation for attendance from secret labs and that's not to mention all the secret agents who will be with us in New York. And then in Columbia following they come from all over the world. If you are not familiar with secret agents, you can learn
more about them at scrt.networks.asagents. And if you are very familiar with SecretAidance but you haven't become one, please consider becoming a SecretAgent. We've done so much to improve the program. It is the best way to get involved with the network from a cold start or from a sort of start. You get connected with incredible mentors within the community and ecosystem.
system who can teach you how to use applications, who can teach you how to get involved with cool opportunities like hosting your own events, producing your own content for the network. You can earn rewards and reputation, you can connect with an incredible global community of privacy advocates. We really are so proud of the people who have been leading the secret
and making sure that this kind of educational materials, dot and off the ground, they've done so much work to make the platform for agents just an amazing experience dip into at least the secret discord if you haven't at You can find all the agents there, everybody in our community who has done
so much work to make sure that privacy technologies in Web 3 are more accessible and more usable and more powerful for the people who need them. So with that said and out of the way, housekeeping done, agents done, let's move straight to the main event, which is, "Main Net," namely, "Messari Main Net," and the dates from "Messari Main Net" are September
21st to 23rd. So that means by this time next week, we will be on the ground in New York City ready to go. We are sponsors of MSR. I mean that we will have our own booth for Secret Network. Guy will be speaking on stage. We'll have a lot of activations at the booth. We'll have some dApps in the Secret ecosystem present
at the conference, including the Shade Protocol team, who will be helping with our side event as well as a sponsor. We'll get into that in just a second. But we're really excited to just have our global presence solidified in New York, bringing foundation team members from around the world, plus the Secret Labs team, the core development team of the Protocol
coming in from Israel, that's a really special occasion. If you drop by the secret booth, we'll have our swag, we'll have badges to give away. There'll be a lot of exciting things going on. Before we get into talking about our
side event in New York where we're celebrating on birthday. Let's turn it over to Jay for a second. You've done so much work putting our on the ground presence together for the conference itself. What has it been like preparing for New York? What have we learned from June in Austin? We had a huge presence at Austin Blockchain Week. We had a
think close to 50 people from around the secret ecosystem, it was just massive. Basically a whole offsite for the entire ecosystem of contributors. What have we learned from June that we're applying now in New York and what has it been like trying to plan something like this for the biggest city in the country, get all those logistics done?
it's no easy heat so let's hear it. Sure one of the key takeaways you already said from Austin is we did have organically so many boots on the ground so many people from the ecosystem secret agents that just basically just swooped in and it was it was a lot of fun.
was incredible. The intelligence was unbelievable. Everyone knew something that someone else did and so when people would come up to the booth, we were able to answer questions, we were able to, you know, anywhere from VCs to creative folks who want to mint their own NFTs. So we were really
able to cover all of that. And we -- that was one of my key takeaways that I really want to make sure that we took advantage of that in New York having so many agents in the tri-state area, New York, New Jersey, that we could get to the conference. So we're activating from within the ecosystem to have more agents
show up and kind of help out, hang out, help out and kind of create our own on-site for these events. The way I look at it, it's a two punch knockout. You've got one punch where you meet folks, you meet people during
these conferences where you kind of talk business, but then later on in the evening after hours you get to hang out with these people that you've spoken to, really get to allow them to understand who we are, what we're all about, just to kind of have a drink and kick back and have a good time. And I believe that those one, two punches really are not only effective,
but really fun. We don't take ourselves too seriously. We can't. We shouldn't. But we are good at what we do. So it's a great entry point for people to come into secret and understand what we are, who we are, but more importantly that we're just like anybody else.
So for Massari, we're doing just that. I don't know if you want me to start talking about the after hours, but the booth we have with a great location. We're going to have a lot of foot traffic. We're going to be giving away a lot of swag at the booth each day. We're, we've minted a unique badge for
for Missouri that if you come to the booth you can get this badge. We also have another unique badge minted for the party as well. So we'll bring our two years of what's the reprivacy. So more to come on that if you want me to give more color I can but I don't want to give away too much.
Well, I guess that means people just have to see it for themselves. So a lot of people like me in New York, but not necessarily attending the conference, you know, the conference is is priced at a pretty high point. I know there's a lot of people from other ecosystems attending some great builders, some great investors and great, just a great
people. Honestly, this is always one of my favorite events every year because it's just very well organized and curated. It's at a new location this year, but I think it's going to be just as great. But probably people, as we're saying, are going to be in New York, maybe around the city and not inside the conference. We did want to make sure that there's plenty of opportunities for those people
to get involved with everything Secret is doing on the ground. And there's two main things in particular that we're doing outside the conference that people can get involved with. First is an event, an opportunity for developers where they're going to learn directly from the Secret Labs developers how to build applications on Secret Network.
And then of course, there's our second anniversary party, and that is celebrating the two year anniversary of privacy preserving smart contracts having launched on main net on secret networks. They was the first network to do it. Still the only network to have generalizable privacy preserving smart contracts on main net.
tons has been built since then incredible ecosystem has formed around the technology so it's worth a party it's worth taking one night to kind of celebrate how far we've come before talking about how far we still have left to go let's let's maybe start by talking then about the party Jason's everybody here's loves loves a good party and then we'll drop a little bit of information
about this developer event as well because if any developers are listening and you're curious how to get involved in building your own privacy preserving applications, this is a very unique opportunity to learn directly from the the core protocol developers themselves, but party first. Sure. Is there for the principles? Yeah, I mean, you got to start with the party first.
So, you know, we put together a few events since I've been with Secret Foundation, but I got to say this is going to be the most fun. We found a venue walking distance from the conference that is a legit speak easy. Like there is no sign out on the street. You got to walk down a flight
the stairs through this hallway alleyway and then you get to the venue. It is a legitimate speakeasy from the 20s that we were able to find and secure and it is so damn cool. I gotta say and it's open to folks in the area will post information
on how you can get to the party. I believe Tom, our social media coordinator, has already created a telegram channel. We'll definitely make sure we post the information for the party there so that if you are in the area but you can't attend the conference, you could still come in and hang out. But again, as I said, there's going to be some – we're minting a unique badge
for a limited badge for that when you fill up, you have an opportunity to pick that up. But it's just going to be a lot of fun. As Tor mentioned, Shade is going to be co-sponsoring that with us. So they're going to have a great presence. You can talk to these guys and hear about everything that they're working on this week is super special for them.
So it could have been better timing for this party to happen next week. It's going to be a lot of fun. That's the key. Like I said, it's a speakeasy. There are rooms behind bookcases that you can't find. It's really cool to check out.
And I think that wouldn't be a secret event if there was nothing hidden behind a bookcase. Right on. I mean, there's legitimately you have to find this right, the right bookcase to push and you get into a completely different back room with another bar and another area to hang out. But it's it's it's it's really very cool. We're very fortunate to find it not only
we find it in New York but it's literally just a couple blocks away from the conference. So it's a pretty exclusive venue. I know that it doesn't have extremely large capacity constraints. So hopefully we get a lot of people flowing through over the course of the evening. But how many RSVPs are we up to?
Well, the capacity is roughly around 300 and we are over 600 hours. We did an Austin, the venue that we had there, had a capacity of about 300, but we clocked over 900 people
in and out of the party throughout the event. Actually close it to a thousand. So, you know, if you get there right away, I'm sure you can get in, you know, it's so close to other things going on that you can stop in at any time. You know, people come and go because there's so many other things, not so many. There are a few other things going on that evening as well. So,
We're going for more than a couple hours. So, you know, if you don't get there right away, you can always stop by later on. There's always going to be a culture equate before you. Amazing. Amazing, amazing. Well, I'm excited to party. But again, as I said, there's also opportunities that happen during daytime hours.
So we do have that same day a developer focused opportunity in New York that we've been promoting as well. If you've seen the Missouri side events spreadsheet, you've seen we've got two events listed there. One is this party, but the other is this dead focused event that people are beginning to RSVP to a really very rare opportunity.
opportunity to learn directly in person from the secret labs court developer is not something you often get to do unless you're co-located with them in Israel. So any devs here that are also going to be in New York feel free to take advantage of that. I know it's kind of a stretch to say everybody in this room is going to be in New York or in as a dev and will be available that day.
You know, it may be a small audience, but these always get recorded. We're going to repost them and you may have people in your networks who are developers who will be in town or live there and are interested. Please make sure that they're aware that we've got this side event coming. We are promoting these events on our Twitter. We're going to have the event break links posted everywhere, including in our discord so people know how to find it.
So just keep an eye out. We're going to make sure that everybody who wants to interact with the secret teams and agents that's going to be in New York gets that opportunity. Let's in just one second, let's move to start talking about Cosmoverse because I've been excited for Cosmoverse since last year's Cosmoverse in Lisbon.
That's just quickly end Jay by like talking about What we might be doing in terms of recording media live at the conference like if there's agents We're going to be in town daps that are going to be in town I know we're trying to do a lot of interviews and content How are you thinking about? Producing that content like we did in Austin to be able to feature more of the secreties a
ecosystem and the level of engagement that we routinely get at these in-person events. Absolutely. We did an Austin was because we had so many people from the ecosystem there, we just took advantage of doing really quick interviews with everybody. Who are you? What are you doing?
know, what are you up to? And so it turned into a really good series featuring not only secret agents from our ecosystem, but also people in and around. And we're going to do the same thing in New York. Tom, our social media coordinator, is going to be on the ground with a GoPro, with his phone to record
things live as well as doing stuff to the GoPro for post-production quality content. I'm also going to be there with a GoPro, so in all the free time that I have I'll be doing what I'll walk around, we'll be able to post video of the conference
put it on our channels, all of our channels so that people can actually see what's going on. We are going to try and do a spaces next week. I'm not sure exactly how or what it's going to look like, but we will definitely be announcing whether we're going to be doing it or not and what the content of that's going to be.
We're absolutely going to be recording the party as well. Actually, I've hired a crew to not only do highlights for me, but also to help me with a finished polished video for it, just to kind of appreciate everyone from coming and just kind of show what we're trying to do.
we want to keep doing and moving forward. So there's going to be a lot of opportunity that if you can't make it there, you will absolutely see what we see and hopefully experience some of the stuff that we have as well. Awesome. Well, if anybody listening is going to be in New York, like we're saying,
Please make sure you make yourself known to us, tweet us, tweet at us, get in contact in the Discord, let the secret agents know that you're going to be there. Hopefully you guys are already secret agents, so we can just reach out directly to you. Hopefully you've already RSVPed for these side events so we get to see you. But again, we want to meet as many people as possible in the ecosystem. Talk about what's coming to#
about how we can work more closely together. We love the secret community. We love building together. We love all of the progress that's being made at Lair 1 and at the DAPLair. And I think we'll have secrets to share on both fronts at Missouri right now. Shockwave Delta is scheduled for that
week that we will be in New York at Missouri. And we also have a lot of product launches to look forward to. I know the shade team is launching things. I know the stash team is launching things. The CN a team is launching things. The altar team is launching things. All of which we're going to get to feature. So the momentum is really building and I feel like it's been
kind of a quiet summer for people and it's, you know, crypto bear conditions, people aren't paying attention, but thank you guys who are here because you're clearly paying attention. You know how much things have moved forward in the last months. You know how much progress has been made. We're really excited to show it off in both of these locations, which is a good transition now to start talking
about our second location, Cosmoverse, down in Medellin, Colombia, from September 26 to 28. Again, both Secret Foundation and Secret Labs sending a bunch of attendees. We won't be able to send as many people as New York, but we'll have a good chunk of people from both organizations, as well as some Secret agents and some leaders of the Secret
I'm a student, I'm a student, I'm a student, I'm a student, I'm a student, I'm a student, I'm a student, I'm a student, I'm a student, I'm a student, I'm a student, I'm a student, I'm a student, I'm a student, I'm a student, I'm a student, I'm a student, I'm a student, I'm a student, I#
going to be there. The whole interchained ecosystem, I know there's a lot of secrets being shared by other networks down in Medaigne because a lot of meetings that we're taking and setting up for a lot of stakeholders from every blockchain ecosystem within the IBC universe are all coming together to talk about the next phase. You can sense that Cosmo
and the interchains that narrative is set to explode. People are understanding the value of this sovereign chain mesh model for the internet of blockchains and they're starting to also understand how networks like secret play into that narrative by having very clear utility within that universe, by being a privacy hub and a privacy
is a service chain and having its own dedicated, private-by-default computing ecosystem that is not only generalizable but also composable. People are understanding that Cosmos is the foundation that's underlying all those possibilities and we're very happy to be building on the Cosmo universe as a result alongside some of the greatest builders in
the world inside and outside the secret ecosystem. This has been an event that's a long time coming that we're excited for. We had a great time last year, as I said, this year, we're bringing secret labs along for the ride since they couldn't make it last year and we couldn't be happier about that. Let's talk a little bit about what we're doing down there, Dan.
same sort of thing. We're going to have a booth. We're going to have some side event stuff going on. There's a dev opportunity with workshops. So lay it out, lay it out for us. What can people expect to see? So we found a method to our madness that actually works. So we're going to be doing very similar things in Medellin.
that we did in New York, we have a booth, we've got swag, a bushy is going to be down there and our booth as well as shade. So we definitely have some debt presence on the floor of the conference. I do believe that there will be more than a couple of secret agents in South America who are going to
the conference. So we're going to have a lot of footprints there as well. You're going to be speaking to her if you want to talk a little bit more about that when I'm talking, please go ahead. Because I'm not done talking. We will also have a badge unique badge minted for attendees there who've stopped by the booth. We, of course, we are going to
be doing something after I was originally going through a role party, but when we realized that there were so many other competing events going on, we identified a really awesome opportunity with Luke Wallet and we're co-sponsoring their after party. And their theme is superheroes. And so we are
officially one of their superheroes sponsors. It sounds goofy but this is so cool. They actually have designed superhero costumes that two people, a man or woman models are going to be walking around the floor designed costume with our secret logo. It sounds can't be, it sounds like some goofy cosplay.
going on, but I'll tell you, I saw the diagram of what these customers are going to look like. And it's kind of cool. It's very different, very unique. There's probably going to be over 1,000 people at this event. And it's really a great opportunity to partner with them. And we're very
that they approached us and were as excited to have us part of their, their party as we were to be part of it. Very, very excited about that. The, there will be a workshop very similar to the one in New York at the conference. The difference is that the one is
in a causal versus actually going to be spread out over two days as opposed to just a one day blitz of information. So if you are down there, you have an opportunity to have a little bit more gradual flow of information, but the content is going to be very similar. They are
Both conferences for main net and for Cosmoverse are already at that bright. If you want to participate, please DM one of us and we can absolutely make sure you get a link to that event bright to be part of it. That is the nutshell for Cosmoverse.
very similar to what we're doing in New York, but what I really love about is that it has most specific. And we are going to be talking to a lot of our IVC partners and really having more relevant communication. The whole idea is just for all of us to galvanize together. And I think
It's a great opportunity to do that. And I really look forward to some of the future opportunities with some of the folks in the Cosmos ecosystem for other events coming up. So more to come on that, looking forward to announcing our other upcoming events with them.
cool. So, so, so, tour, what are you going to be talking about down the Cosmores? Sure. I mean, we're still trying to work out exactly what we want to shine the spotlight on more closely.
So much right at the layer one at the daplare we've considered like how much time we should be spending highlighting the individual builders in our ecosystem again many of them will be down with us in the day in and before that in New York. We also that want to highlight the opportunity for new builders coming into the secret ecosystem everything that's
that secret is unlocking that is uniquely unlocked on secret. There's all kinds of applications that can really only be built on secret or leveraging secret. And we want to highlight those. So talking a little bit about what privacy as a service might look like within the inner chain ecosystem, all the ways that you can be
So it's going to be a mix of talking about some of these layer one roadmap items and all of that.
the recent improvements and of course Shockwave Delta is going to make an appearance and we'll preview a little bit the next upgrade for the chain which doesn't have an exact timeline yet but of course Shockwave Delta as we said is coming next week. Dang that came fast. So a little
bit of everything there. Last year at Cosmoverse I got on stage, I just talked about privacy. If people haven't seen that keynote from last year, it was just all about the importance of Web 3 privacy and why we need to prioritize building
And here we are, you know, a little bit later, and the tornado cash news has come out and clearly Web3 privacy is under more threat than ever before. That is not something I anticipated when I spoke on this last year, but if you go back and watch that keynote now, the points are evergreen.
It was really important to show that this is something we should all care about. It was important to show that secret has taken this seriously since 2015, since the first white papers were written by Guy. This was all stuff that we foresaw, but we couldn't, we didn't know exactly how or when or how fast, but we just
And I just wanted to make sure the cosmos universe cared about this, that the inner chain universe knew that this was something we could differentiate on as an ecosystem, leveraging the power of secret in all of these cross chain applications for every chain. So this year with Cosmoverse we want to show how that dream is becoming reality. Hopefully you already care about privacy.
about why we need native privacy for web technology so that they're empowering and secure. And then hopefully then by the end of the presentation, we understand how secrets specifically is playing a role in that. How we intend to continue playing a role in that. And I know there's a lot of other builders in the cosmos who care about privacy who are going to be down there on the ground in Medaille as well. So we're really looking
forward in talking more with those teams like Panamera and Nim and making sure as an ecosystem we're all moving the ball forward. I think this is somewhere that the Cosmos universe can outcompete any other L1 ecosystem, period, full stop because of how many people are building in the ecosystem for privacy by default.
So I don't mean to sound like I'm on stage just yet. I got a week or two to warm up for this, but that's a little bit of a preview about the about what you can expect to hear on stage and I'm glad that it'll all be recorded streamed, etc. Because not everybody can fly down to Columbia, but for those who will be there, that's what I'm excited to shed some more light on.
Hey, Tor, one thing I forgot to mention, we were talking about the developer workshops at both places. I didn't mention what the topic was and it's kind of silly. So basically the workshops are focused around building decentralized Netflix on secrets.
time from secret labs will be hosting that and just kind of walking through the doosels house, what's relevant to it. But I think it's kind of a cool idea. If you have some sort of decentralized streaming service, so I just wanted to
But everyone know about that. Sorry about forgetting. All good? No, no, no, this is this is an opportunity that we have in New York and another opportunity yet again in Columbia for devs were prioritizing everyone in these ecosystems as much as we can. You know, not everybody in these ecosystems is an experienced developer who's looking to make their career.
in Web 3. And for that, you know, come by the conference, become a secret agent, attend the party, there's so many ways to just engage and drive adoption of Web 3 technologies forward that have privacy by default, even without having to go and commit to building an entire application or company around these concepts. But for those of you who are taking that leap.
Just know that secret is trying to be an incredible home for you for the long term and that we intend to be working very closely with developers for the decades to come. Making sure that their applications are sustainable that they are highly utilized at the foundation. We try to support all the depths in the secret ecosystem so that they can reach global adoption and reach global
And that's a long path to walk, right? Not a lot of Web 3 technologies have yet really achieved that level of adoption that we're aspiring to. We're very confident that building in the cosmos is step one and then building privacy by default is step two, but so much comes from giving proper developer support, making sure users
are discovering these apps, that is all the focus for us for the rest of this year next and probably every year after. We're about halfway through this call, which means it's time to remind everybody about our claim code for today's secret badge. Secret badges are free to claim, free event NFTs that you can win or
or earn just for attending things that you already are attending. So today we do have a secret badge like we do for every secret space. We have a pinned tweet here in the space. Go click it, check it out. It has a link directly to today's secret badge that proves you were here supporting the secret ecosystem, supporting the people who are speaking.
And today's claim code, since we just finished talking about it, is Cosmoverse, C-O-S-M-O-V-E-R-S-E, all caps all one word, Cosmoverse, put in the claim code, it will let you mint. You just need to have your Kepler wallet attached, or if you're on mobile, you can be
So, you can connect your Fino wallet so you can mint this badge and decrypt it and do everything you would on desktop. It's super fun.
We're going to be testing a lot of that functionality out on the ground in New York and in Columbia, just showing how you can be leveraging secret to make all kinds of great end user experiences, use NFTs as a standard, use fungible tokens as a standard. So, yep, go ahead and clean your badge.
And keep claiming them every week, come back to secret spaces, keep collecting. We love when people are passionate about the ecosystem and want to show it off. But remember, these are private by default NFTs, so you don't have to show them off if you don't want to. It can just be a record of awesome things that you've done. Plus,
as Patrick mentioned at the top of the call. A little bit of private metadata here, meaning if you claim the badge, you can unlock the private metadata only visible to the owner and you will see a preview of what we will be giving out as swag at Cosmiverse. You will get a nice sneak preview of something
that not a lot of people are going to get to see. So you can be the first in the know. I think that's super exciting. Badges always, it's fun to put a little secret in the know. So with that said, we've now gone through, sorry, I mean that we've gone through New York and our side party. We've gone through our birthday celebration. We've gone through the developer
opportunity. Then we talked about Cosmoverse, we talked about what we're going to be speaking about there, about our booth and our swag, about badges. We're going to talk about our co-sponsored after party with the loop team and the other superheroes sponsors, including Kato and Juno. We're going to be, again, recording lots of media down there on the ground,
sharing it with the community so you can see what it was like to see secrets out there in the wild. We're hyped about it. We hope you guys are too. And now that we've made it most of this way, I think it's time to open it up for audience engagement if anybody's got questions that they have for us about these upcoming events or if they've got any other questions
about the network or if you have an update to share. If you're building in the secret ecosystem, you're doing something that you want everybody else to know about. We can also bring you up on stage to talk a little bit about that. We always leave a little bit of time. We'll add some speakers here. Just before we turn that over, I just want to make sure Jay, did we forget any critical details?
about New York City, Colombia. - Nothing that I can think of at the moment. I think we covered the, you know, the conference, we covered the after party, we covered the workshop. Now, I think we're in pretty good shape as far as what we had to announce.
Cool. Well, then we did bring up asset cowboy here on stage. Did you have a question?
I can't hear a question if there is a question, but I know you had your hand up for a while, so maybe you're not at the phone.
Okay, I think in this case, there may not be a question coming. So other people, if you want to put your hands up or if you want to again, share an update from around the secret ecosystem, feel free to. If there's anything that's upcoming for you as a secret agent, even,
or if there's anything that's going to be coming up for you around the world as a representative of the network or there's something you've just been thinking about idly as an idea. These are always the best places to come and talk it out. Let's start with the village Dow and then we'll go to Scrala.
Village Dow, can you hear us or speak? Yes, hello. Rocket, thank you very much. I appreciate your Tuesday discussion. I find it very informative. I'm a big fan of the Secret ecosystem. There have been some challenges over the last past
the few months with speed and other things, but I see things definitely going forward. My question is, is one challenge I have is I have multiple computers and I have the same wallet on multiple computers. And what happens is it's a real challenge to coordinate
the viewing keys and such on each individual computer. Is there any plans in the future to create some sort of way of consolidating that so that I don't have to export the viewing key and import it manually into the other wallets in order to see it? Is there any development in that area?
That's a great question about usability and maybe I don't know if Patrick you want to weigh in on anything you might have heard from how wallets are looking to solve this. I mean part of this is also that we're moving away in a lot of cases from just having the viewing key system and being able to use query permits where you're not just going to have to manually export these keys.
across devices all of the time. But I definitely understand that that is a UX pain point for people who are less familiar with the network, right? The idea behind having tokens on the network that are private by default means that nobody knows the balance unless you want them to. Nobody is revealed information unless the user consents, but that all
also includes the user themselves. So we have this idea of viewing keys so that a user can always generate the answer to their own questions. They can always ask a question about themselves and get an answer. What that means though is trying to manage this across a bunch of different wallets, across a bunch of different devices.
is the US gets a little complicated. We're not used to doing that on our Ethereum because Ethereum solves this by making everything public by default to everybody. So everybody has all the information all the time. It's good from user experience perspective. It's bad by pretty much any other definition. It's just a privacy security nightmare.
So it leads to some friction. That friction is a trade off for the security that's going to be required for WebThru to scale the global adoption, but I hear you for sure. Patrick, do you know of anything that's being done on the wallet side for this or anything else about like the permits versus viewing key approach that's helping resolve this?
Well, there's several different wallets coming out pretty soon. I'm not sure if any of them are trying to address that specifically. I would say go on the discord and ask that question and I'll try to get you some answers there. I don't have anything off the top of my head, but we'll definitely try to get some answers for you. Thank you. I appreciate it.
I appreciate that. I find the support for the wallets on the CQE system is getting better. I see in general Kepler has done over the last couple of weeks. I've really done a great job. One thing I just want to say something in general
about secrecy and something that I come into challenge with on part of a crypto club a couple hundred members and we talk about secret often and one of the challenges is to the right of privacy that because you want privacy in your transactions
that you're not up to any funny business or nefarious means. And I try to explain to people is that you want everyone to know every time you spend something on your credit card, how much beer you drink or what concerts you go into. Privacy is a right, it's a right of every free society.
And once you have to start making a case for that privacy, you're really not free anymore. And technology really really gives us challenges because it gives centralized agencies a lot of power to look into your lives. And so that's one of the things
I love about secret is that that number one it gives you that privacy, but also it's broader than that. It's establishing the right to privacy. So I want to commend you all and really encourage you to keep it up and just keep on improving the ecosystem. You have a big fan over here.
Oh, blown away. I mean, amazing. And thank you so much. Yeah, we're trying as an ecosystem. Right? Like the most important thing to point out here is like, there's no one person you can stick a finger at and say, you know, this is secret network. There's a lot of different contributors from the core
to all the agents, to all the depth developers, to all the validators, right? Like they are all a piece of this vision. If we didn't have thousands, tens of thousands of people around the world already supporting exactly what you're talking about, already understanding the importance of privacy, we wouldn't have an ecosystem. We would have
have a telegram group. We have an ecosystem supported at every layer of the stack and every layer is looking to grow. Yeah, and that's so true because I've seen the improvement over the time. I've been working with it for, I guess about a year or so maybe a little less than that. And I've just seen them
And as long as that improvement keeps on going, I think this is the ground floor of just a wonderful, wonderful ecosystem, not only a technology in and of itself within the ecosystem, but a technology that other ecosystems can learn from and improve their privacy as well.
Yeah, no for sure. Well, thank you so much. And again, we're I'm glad you see improvement. We see it too. Of course, we're far from our goals, but glad that you're seeing the progress. The progress keeps us motivated and it keeps all of us locked in on the on the progress.
that's in the future where Web3 becomes that empowering thing we think it should be instead of the surveillance dystopia that we're hoping it won't be. And always keep in mind if it was easy everyone would be doing it. The best of success. Thank you very much and have an awesome day. Amazing. All right. Well, thank you.
We've also got Skrilla up here who's one of the secret agency leads. Did you have a question or update? Yeah, I've just got a little update for how the agency in the UK. So I myself, a couple of secret agents will be attending ZBOO live.
in London on the 20th and the 21st. So it's actually at the same time as I'm sorry but if anyone is in the UK and is in London on their page, do give us a shout and you can happy at Secret Skiller or you can find them at Discord and our Secret Agency channel or just
Awesome. If you're listening and you're going to be in the area, DM Skrilla, or mentioned something in the Discord, yes, Foundation and Labs are going to be on the ground in New York City and Columbia, but obviously the reach is the tentacles of the secret ecosystem. Do not stop there. We are everywhere. And thank you, Skrilla, for being
on the ground and proactively spreading the word about what we're trying to build in this ecosystem. It's essential to make something like this a global platform, a global community, a global solution, or again, we're just going to fall short on all of these adoption goals that we have for the ecosystem. We really appreciate it.
it, which is a good time to remind people if you're interested in hosting a secret meet-up or participating in a secret meet-up in your local area. That is exactly one of the things that Secret Agents is trying to solve for all around the world. There is funding available to support these types of events.
Just make sure that you are looking into the Secret Agent program. Make sure you go to You can learn how to get more involved. You can learn more about these types of opportunities. We're trying to do it more regularly and with a lot of the COVID restrictions lifting. Hopefully this is something we can iterate a lot on.
on in calendar year 2023 in the meantime, hopefully we're coming to your area of the world. So if you haven't interacted with a member of the ecosystem, keep an eye out for us in your neck of the woods. If you have a suggestion of where you'd like to see secret holding event or where you'd like
to see agents hold an event. Again, you can always tweet at Secret Network. You can tweet at the Secret Agency. Let us know. We do track and keep an eye on these things. And that way we make sure we've got the global coverage and that if we hold an event, we've got people ready to get on the ground and get some cool merch.
Yeah, absolutely. And if you are interested as a secret agent in going along to our events, we have our events and the University of Relations work in groups tomorrow night. It's straight after the government school in Discord. So that's 1500 UTC in our Discord server.
I know there's some other events that are coming up in the remainder of this year for Q4. We're still considering exactly what we're going to have the bandwidth to support. It's a big month of, sorry, it's a big quarter of continued launches for the network. There's a lot of competing priorities. It's tough to be everywhere.
where in the world and ship constantly. However, I do know a lot of people in our ecosystem are looking to keep hitting the ground, meeting as many people as possible, representing the community out there, whether it's the DAPS or the agents or core team members or whatever else. I mean, we're trying to be everywhere we
can be. But we'll let you know as our Q4 comes together. And again, if there's events that people want to suggest or regions that they want to suggest, always feel free to tweet at us, get in contact whoever you need to, to let us know about opportunities that you would really love to see Secret showing up to and supporting. And
If there's any digital events that you want to see us supporting, we have some stuff in the works as well. We're looking to host our own secret digital event featuring the full breadth of the ecosystem. It's not this month, but soon we'll be ready to put the spot
on all the great builders in the secret ecosystem and many of the builders from other ecosystems who support us whether it's others in the privacy community, others in the cosmos community, we want to make sure we feature the full breadth of the secret ecosystem and the essential collaborators that we have towards achieving our vision. So stay tuned for more information about some of these different
events so that no matter where you live in the world, you can learn more about what we're trying to do, you can interact more directly with all the great team supporting the network, and you can learn more about how you can directly contribute and get rewarded. So with all that said, we've got about 10 more minutes before the top of the hour. If there's any
other questions that people have out in the audience or any other updates that people want to give again from around the ecosystem. Just raise your hand. We'll try to bring you up here. And we'll take it to the top of the hour if we have those questions or updates or anything else at all. Otherwise, we'll
cut it a little bit early and we'll go get this episode produced and uploaded up to the secret YouTube where you can see all the previous secret spaces. Before we log off here, I will remind one more time that people should go ahead and claim their secret badge because it does include a preview for Cosmoverce and
special swag that we're going to have there on the ground. It's in the private metadata though. So you won't know about it unless you claim this badge. And we're not just going to tell you. So you'll have to go click the link in secret spaces right now. It is pinned to the top click through to the secret badge. You can claim it using a very fun code, the very fun code.
is Cosmoverse, all caps, all one word, C-O-S-M-O-V-E-R-S-E Cosmoverse. And you can claim your badge, decrypt the metadata, and see what's inside. You just need a secret wallet address and a kept your wallet on desktop, FINA on mobile, to be able
to unlock this. We got one more person with a hand up. I'm going to bring Gus up here. But don't forget to get that bad because they will not be claimable in the future. They're only claimable for now if you attended the space. Go ahead Gus. Hey everyone.
I'm not very good at keeping up on the community. I do a lot on Twitter, but as far as the NONs and Discord, being an agent I'm re-rotten at it. I've got it made. But I'll be in
Medi and at the conference so there's anyway can help you guys let me know I miss most of this this spaces so I'm gonna try to catch up on some of the telegram stuff and there's anything you want me to know just let me know that's all I got to say
Looking forward to seeing you on the ground. I mean, that's that's kind of what we heard from a lot of people in Austin as well. I'm a super busy person. I don't always do what's available to do in the community because I'm a busy person. And again, the secret community is not just composed of a lot of people who have all day to spend on secrets. People who are working at
as entrepreneurs, as people in Web2Tech or they are leaders in politics, business, and law, they come from all corners and a lot of them have very few hours in the day, but we do consider their support essential because it is going to take everyone
working at every level of society to get these kinds of applications to have adoption. If you do have a lot of time in the day that you want to commit to the secret ecosystem as an agent, that's amazing because we need boots on the ground, we need that level of grassroots support to see these things get adopted. But even if you
don't have all that time in the day, just having you keeping up on the ecosystem, being present with us in person on the ground whenever you can, or just listening into a Twitter space from time to time. All of that is meaningful and we really appreciate every time you connect with us and every time you tell somebody about what secrets
final completion. It's going to be a long road, but we've been on the long road since 2015. If it takes another decade, we're cool with that too. It's important enough that we're going to keep fighting for our version of the Web 3 metaverse to emerge so that we don't have to live in Mark Zuckerberg's version of it instead.
We got five more minutes to the top of the hour. I don't see any more hands here. So I think we'll let our speakers up here on stage sign off. Thank you to everybody who shared updates or asked questions really looking forward to seeing you guys on the ground in Medaïne, on the ground in New York City. There's going to be so much good
stuff to come. And we love seeing people in person. Austin was such a blast at Austin Blockchain Week and Decentral and Constance and everything we were able to do there. And of course our side event to celebrate the Killroy was here secret NFT launch. So again, we look forward to
to everything that's coming. Thank you again to the Foundation guys joining me here today. Jay and Patrick, sharing all the updates from around the efforts you've been making at both of these conferences. It is a herculean effort. The community appreciates it and we can't wait to see the fruits of your labor on the ground live and in person.
Oh, this is going to be a lot of fun. It's a labor love. Wonderful. Wonderful stuff, guys. Well, thank you again so much, everybody who attended. We do this every Tuesday, just a reminder. So we will be back here.
We hope Tuesday the 20th we will be at Missouri. So someone will be hosting here, somebody who has access to a phone during our usual slot. Some of us might be in transit, but we're definitely going to try to keep this as usual. If there's an update on the timing, we will let you
know. But doing something live on the ground that would be like really fun and exciting. So we'll let you guys know. Normally these are always at 4 p.m. UTC every Tuesday. We're going to try our best to keep that timing for next week as well. But either way, looking forward to the
next secret space is looking forward to our in-person events with all of you. Let us know again if you have a suggestion or where you'd like to see secrets shared next. All good. Thank you, everybody. Until the next one, be well.

FAQ on Secret Spaces ft. Preview of @MessariCrypto and @CosmoverseHQ events! | Twitter Space Recording

What is the topic of the podcast?
The podcast is about Secret Spaces and upcoming conferences that the Secret Foundation will be attending.
Where are the upcoming conferences that the Secret Foundation will be attending?
The upcoming conferences are Messari Mainnet in New York City and Cosmoverse in Columbia.
Who will be speaking at Messari Mainnet?
Guy, the CEO of Secret Labs will be speaking at Messari Mainnet.
Who will be speaking at Cosmoverse?
Tor from the Secret Network account will be speaking at Cosmoverse.
What is the Agents Program?
The Agents Program is a way to get involved with the Secret Network and earn rewards and reputation by learning about and promoting privacy technologies in web 3.
What can people expect from the Secret booth at Messari Mainnet?
People can expect swag, badges, and activations at the Secret booth at Messari Mainnet.
Who else will be present at the Secret booth at Messari Mainnet?
The Shade Protocol team will be present at the Secret booth at Messari Mainnet.
What was one key takeaway from the Secret Foundation's presence at Austin Blockchain Week?
One key takeaway was the organic presence of many Secret Agents who were able to answer questions from a variety of people at the booth.
What is the claim code for the Secret badge that can be obtained from the podcast?
The claim code for the Secret badge is Cosmoverse.
What is included in the private metadata of the Secret badge?
A preview of an exclusive Cosmoverse merch item is included in the private metadata of the Secret badge.