Secret University and Secret pathways for Devs

Recorded: Sept. 28, 2022 Duration: 0:55:01



Hello guys welcome to tonight's space
Hello guys welcome to tonight's space. Please if you can I am in yours I signify you as an emoji.
Oh, black, can you hear me?
Paying your meal.
Great. Awesome. Yeah, I see Laura and Alex from the team as well.
Yeah, Helix, I just think you are in closed, I think you are in closed, I think you are in closed, I think you are in closed, I think you are in closed, I think you are in closed, I think you are in closed, I think you are in closed, I think you are in closed, I think you are in closed, I think you are in closed, I think you are in closed, I think you are in closed#
Let's give it a moment so that it seems as we have issues for us with JSplow.
No problem. Yeah, this I think is usually happens on Twitter for a while.
But yeah, thanks for having us. We're excited to be able to speak with you guys. I know you guys have conferences coming up in Africa pretty soon.
Yeah, we have a conference coming up. It's a big conference. I will also ask the coming up from October
I'm going to talk to my colleagues. Yeah, we have a couple coming up. These rates are really close to the top.
in the right corner.
Goodbye and thank you.
Yeah, I can stay here to you.
I'm just making sure in this office to be correct.
Yeah, are you having trouble sending over the host invites? No, I don't know why the constant of sensitivity
Cool, I see Laura on Escobar. They got Alex. I think Alex. Hello. Welcome to my space. Thanks for joining. Yes, thanks for inviting me.
I didn't expect to speak today, so I'm not too prepared, but I'm here.
What was that? I tell you, our whole list of outcomes are quantum. Oh, thank you so much.
All right, so we'll be starting in the next one minutes. I'm just waiting for us, so those rainbows. So we can start officially.
Sounds good.
Hello, can you guys hear me?
There we go. Yay. How you got you? Wait, so do I have to do it off my phone? Or can I use a computer microphone or no?
I'm only able to use my phone. Yeah, same here.
Yeah, I said I'll just make sure you switch to all of your system kind of for it. I can't see the system. It doesn't work on desktop.
So guys tonight we'll be talking about SQL research and SQL first week for developers. So tonight we have a challenge from SQL research in lower and post-ural links. So thank you very much guys for coming to today's space. So before we get
started. Colleagues, please introduce yourself. And David, so also, Lu and Alex, also introduce themselves. Thank you very much. Sure. Yeah, I'll get started. Hey, everybody. I'm Darren. I go by Fuzzy Pizza on Twitter and in the secret network community. I have
been part of the secret network ecosystem since 2020 as once part of co-lead of education, helping initial users of the network understand the value proposition of why secret is so important and why privacy is a human
right and that it's a fundamental need in the Web 3 space. So I have, I was co lead of education for about a year with my colleague, Dumdy Dumms. And after that, I transitioned to working for all
Alter Network, which is the communications platform built on secret. I currently am working with them in terms of helping them with their operations, internal operations so that we can be successful as a decentralized application on secret network.
very excited to be building in this space and be working in blockchain privacy in general. And now I'm also working with Alex and Laura who are also on this call to be able to stand up Secret University, which we'll go into throughout this call.
Thank you very much. Oh, you know, we look forward to it. Thank you very much. So yeah, yeah, please tell me yourself.
Yes, hello, so I have a background in development that quite long started in the later 1980s and so I've been in traditional like IT environments for like most of my
professional career. I decided to get into blockchain stuff. It was pretty cool. The price of Bitcoin was going up and I was like, hmm, I have to get into that. I found a Nigma which was with the previous name for Secret Network.
some studies before that. And just really, you know, everything, Darence, I was like, you know, yeah, totally, I was like, yeah, we need privacy or at least the ability to decide what's what's public versus what's private on the blockchain. And so I became
I'm a name, Genesis Validator for the Secret Network and also as part of the token swap team in the early days to bring, you know, Enigma users over to the Secret Network and allow them to get their secret tokens. And then from there I was a co-founder with
of a chain of secrets that's another validator in the network. They do a lot of infrastructure stuff and I moved on from that because I'm more of a like a I enjoy coding more than infrastructure. So then I went on to start my more like
and help to incubate stash and work on some other things. And now I'm currently sort of like moved things into more what I enjoy and those things are investing either my time, expertise or sometimes money.
into projects and also Secret University, which I'm very passionate about, you know, hoping other developers get up to speed on Secret Network. And so I've found Darren and Alex and I'm very happy to be working with them. They're awesome.
Thank you very much for the last announcement. I was also hopefully we'll unheard of the case for privacy rights probably what so I love privacy so much I want to fund us about safety and I've been privacy repeats. I you know I could easily connect my passion for security because all is low privacy
So it's really for me to know is really a kind of stuff for enough secrets. Right? Is there going to be a lot of relief? There is need for privacy. We have services in one place. So that was also by the way. Thanks for coming today. So I was coming here.
Alright, let's call you up. Please tell me to do so.
Yeah, sure. Hi, I'm Alex. I've been a part of the secret network community since early summer of last year. I joined and joined some of the committees and helped out around the education committee for a little while where
I found Darren and Laura and sort of got into the conversations about how we improve developer onboarding and developer relations on the network. It seemed like an interesting problem. So I come from a software engineering background.
And it seemed like an interesting problem to commit some software engineering resources to and I wanted to build and try to build something that would benefit the community as a whole. I have a immense amount of respect for the way the communities operate on the committees operate.
on the network and sort of provide incentives for community members to contribute at a low level and then at higher levels, you know, as they, as their skills are, you know, defined and rewarded. But yeah, I don't have as an interesting
is a background as someone like Laura, I haven't been around the network too too long. I think a year is decent or over a year is decent, but I know a lot of community members have been around for a number of years. But yeah, I'm happy to be building Secret University and thank you for having me on the call.
Well, I just have to say, even though it's been a year, which can seem, it can be a long time in crypto, you're doing excellent job outs.
Oh yeah. And I also want to mention we also have one more remember in case he's listening to this recording later. DDT, Secret Oracle's was one of his initial projects. He's Secret
We're looking to have him on the team too.
All right shout out to everyone. Every team that is not here until tonight's space shout out to everyone. So if you're listening to record it, we do have religion in space. So yeah, thank you very much for into the show. We are so happy you guys are working through all the developer's to see if it's giving them an easy
for them to be on secrets because the speed is kind of difficult and security is as comes really obviously with a lot of things and creates an environment for the developers so thank you very much for together we do appreciate so I believe everyone can hear me
Yeah. Great. So now let's get started. So Darwin kindly tell us, so what is security in the West?
Yeah, so secret at university is I want to say it's a ever evolving resource for developers who are trying to enter the secret network ecosystem in order to get them up to
speed quickly so that they can start to build the things that they want to build. Right? So as the name entails, secret university is what we kind of represent sort of a university concept where like any general university
you get the education that you need to learn as a student where by the end of your courses, by the end of your experience, you feel more comfortable being part of a community, right?
What we're trying to build here is a platform where students who are entering our ecosystem are able to go through some initial pathways and learning experiences where we kind of hand hold them through a
very niche topic of secret contracts. Through our pathways, they slowly get more comfortable, get their feet wet so that when they finish our courses, they feel more comfortable talking with
other secret community members to get together with other people who have, are also trying to build applications to work together and build new decentralized applications on the network. So,
To summarize it, Secret University, we want to be a pillar of Secret Network to be able to empower new developers to get up to speed and learn the concepts they need to learn to build applications.
I just want to say that's so key. That's something that we're at at the Secret University. So interested in making it easy and fun because it is difficult developing on Secret Network.
You can figure stuff out, but it could also take you like days. We really want to make it more accessible for developers to build on Secret Network.
Yeah, that's awesome. That's awesome. Because we've been on board inter-radiaths to secret investment, to secret nettle boards. Most of the devs have been having issues getting along with other devs because other devs have been busy and most of the crew
They couldn't get enough information on daddy as a support to be on secret. So most of the way, they lost interest in the middle because there was no guidance, there was no environment for them to learn on how to be on secret. So no poor pilot accommodations for them to be on secret.
So it has really difficult for these developers to get along. And we have these issues and I'm so happy sequencing the basis come to solve this problem for us, which is really good. So thank you. Thank you very much. So moving on. So I saw those voices.
And I believe the reason why it started is to make sure there is an easy on body step for developers to build on secrets. So I don't know, before you came up with secret university, is there like history behind this? Or are there also encounters on any developers? Are there difficulties in building on secrets?
Oh, yeah, I'll go ahead there. Oh, no. Could you repeat that last part of the question? So I said in the process of, you know, before you built or before you came around building, sick, and university, do you encounter
have any issues on building on secret or what kind like what broad idea of you guys bring as you can secrets investing to secret network.
I think some of it was cut off, but I think he's asking about the the genesis of the idea of the first secret university. I gotcha, gotcha. Yeah, so so initially Alex and I can speak to this one when we were
part of the education committee, we were building mostly education materials for end users. So how do you secret applications, what does secret network mean to as an investor, as somebody joining in our network
the first time. However, we noticed that from a developer standpoint, there were some educational materials that were missing. And not missing the sense that I wasn't there, but in the sense that there was a lot of disparate information all across discourse.
all across Telegram on GitHub. It was kind of all over the place. And the Secret Foundation has done a really good job so far to kind of move it into the same centralized place on the Secret Network website. However, there was, it
It was still kind of hard for developers to get started. And so we, I was working with Alex initially to build out a concept that we originally called secret pathways, which we're still calling secret pathways, but we wanted to make
It's a little bit easier of an experience to walk them through the journey of how to build secret contracts and fill in that educational gap so that new developers that don't necessarily have to go all over the place to scour
where they should get started. They know exactly if we join Secret University, we follow these initial courses, we would be able to get to the point where we would want to go. Alex, is there anything you wanted to add here?
I think you hit the lower properly. It started all from having these simple conversations about what can we do better and how can we improve upon developer
onboarding on the network and Secret University is sort of the lightest iteration of the solution that we've come to and includes ideas from over
quite a long time with Laura's secret boxes and then with secret pathways. So I mean, it's the culmination of many ideas wrapped up into one package to provide a better user experience for new devs coming into the ecosystem.
Exactly. And I'll jump in and mention the secret boxes thing. So I came up with the idea of a secret boxes after using truffle boxes. You know, when I was doing my blockchain studies on Ethereum. And I was like, wow, this is really cool. It's just like this complete, you know,
So in our case, what we want to do is launch that app in an environment so that devs don't have to worry about installing this or that. And they can do that later as they get more familiar. But the secret box would have everything that they would need. It would launch in something called GitPod.
in that environment and have a fully designed user interface as well because that's something that I cared about because I suck at that. I'm not a front end developer, so I could do some back and stuff, but then it looks like crap and it's like, this is no good.
So that was a passion project of mine and I worked with a couple of our designers, Kate and Jeff. And then Alex actually implemented the secret box. It was really, really cool, like these aliens and things like that. But I just, it was not something that I was
able to not really in my wheelhouse to like get that off the ground by myself and I saw that Darren and Alex were doing the Secret University thing and I was like wow, Secret Boxes could be part of that. So I kind of, I think I bugged Darren a little bit.
The moment you brought up sugar boxes and how you wanted to incorporate with us, I was like, yeah, we can actually do it now. There's no way I was planning on doing it myself. And Alex, you're lying heavily on Alex already, but the moment you jumped in, I was super happy. Awesome.
on body step for developers to build on which is really a fun thank you very much guys for the comment of these are some really easy to how they look as built on the network which is really amazing. So the next question is now
Like I was a long gone goal of sick is investing because I believe our wealth and lots of it and the real personality are and lots of love to build our privacy for the business are artificial so like I was a long gone goal for sick is investing
Yeah, I think our our first goal is definitely what Laura mentioned earlier about accessibility. We already know there's actually a lot of interest in building on secret network. I think Erdemann just today mentioned that there are probably over
30 developers across 30 different universities who are already expressed interest in building on secret network and then that they want somewhere to start right and so that makes us very excited because we know we have an audience that are ready to start building
secret applications, they're looking for materials to help them to go through this process. So one of our goals is accessibility being able to onboard these people as a final, as a developer resource, to be able to make the experience easier, more fun,
And also sufficient enough for them to get started in their journey into the secret network ecosystem. Another goal that we want to be able to establish is that we don't want to be the only ones building on secret
right. We actually want to set up the platform to be able to enable other developers to contribute, acknowledge themselves because we know as a team of four right now, there's no way we're going to be able to write all of the educational materials for the
initiative, right? So we want to be able to build a platform where developers are actually incentivized to educate other developers on our platform so that secret network becomes a very thriving ecosystem that already is, but there's one central place to host a
of developer education. And so those are our two primary goals to become accessible for new developers and also to empower more senior, secret network developers to help contribute and build the education materials for the future of the network.
Oh, that was great. You know, why image and accessibility? Because I believe there is a right to factor when concept community accessibility to the community, accessibility to resources, accessibility to support human resources.
And it's a blockchain for privacy and we need to be more efficient on city networks and we need to develop a way to work with our people.
So it's really interesting, you know, you guys are very accessible for this guys to come over to see you later on. I'm really kind of out of this just I was really also I'm also for instant tiring uh uh development pass notes also train developers on how to do the simulator to offer
So now I believe not everyone is a developer and some will like to know how to do it. So like I'll come on becoming blockchain developer.
Yeah, so I can oh lord you want to take this first I was gonna say I could answer some of it and since you're on this call and you have the the blockchain experience maybe you would want to answer it up to you go for it go for it Alex Okay, so Really to become a blockchain developer it is
>> Right. You kind of heard Laura allude to it where she talked about in a previous question how, you know, in finding the solution for secret boxes, she explored the Ethereum ecosystem. And so really a lot of the responsibility of educating is on the individual developer.
when it comes to the blockchain space. Obviously, that's sort of the element of developer onboarding that we're trying to tackle with Secret University. But to answer the question of how does one become a blockchain developer on Secret Network in particular, it's a little complicated. You have to have some
a Rust programming experience and then you also need to have a relatively high understanding of what it means to develop on a blockchain which is a distributed system and comes with its own sort of caveats and things that need to be considered when
designing your smart contracts. And then you have to think what does it mean to be a blockchain developer? Does it mean developing smart contracts with Rust? Does it mean handling integrations, which some team members do? Does it mean connecting things to
to the secret network blockchain over a website. And so that was the initial reasoning for creating Pathways was that we wanted to, we have an understanding that developers in blockchain come from all kinds of backgrounds. So we really wanted to try to accommodate to these different types of
developers by providing them with their own specialized path and secret pathways. But yeah, I mean, the basic answer to your question is you got to know Rust if you're going to be programming smart contracts on secret network and you need some understanding of blockchain technology.
Absolutely. In my case, I did a nano-degree program at UDAST, it was like online. I don't remember how long it was. It was very intensive. That's how I came to it. But that's not the only path.
know you could just go to a particular network or protocol and use their docs and things and start to develop stuff. But then you need to know the languages and all the other stuff. Everything that Alex wonderfully just said.
So, most is one of the basic smart tool control to learn with popin and secret. I know so after I have done on how to be done blockchain before you become a blockchain developer. So, I just in the future for those who
So, the tools are knowledge on the growth and the work can only be done and different growth methods. The kind of plan for you guys, you know, are three, some of these developed as an after-built business or there's no future plan for that years.
Do you mind repeating that last portion so there's no future plans for
So I was actually not sure how to develop a ZADCAM video worst. I don't know which options we face on these developers to be able to build these new worlds.
So I heard rust. So.
Yeah, I was actually for those developers that's kind of you know, you know, we do it. It's roast that's our not family. I was in English language. I was asking if there's any future plan to face more these developers to build this nearest because I made a developer so I believe the address of the developers that will love now.
I'm not going out to use words, I have to do so I was actually if I sequentially waste the oven in class any plans to all these available for the land on out to build with us. That's what I'm doing. Yeah, yeah, so I'll take this one. So the question I think was
around the programming language rust. Obviously in order to build secret contracts, there's a key few components. It's built under Cosmoism as part of the Cosmoist ecosystem and then smart
contracts are built using Rust and then there's some key privacy elements that are required to understand how secret contracts works. Right. In terms of what our team is focusing on, we're not really trying to build educational materials
around Rust. While we do have some intro course, our initial course does go over what part of secret contracts are using Rust and what other important things to focus on. But we're not going to be building
out an entire course load specifically for REST. If in the future we do realize that a lot of people are struggling in this area, we have entertained ideas of having other teams help us with REST documentation or initial
courses and rest, but we don't think that's our initial primary focus as new developers come in with rest experience. We really want to be able to enable them to be able to understand the core components of secret contracts.
I think if I remember correctly, I think we talked about maybe in the future having something like the area 50, like Karen Rose, do one or 52, or like a secret zombie kind of thing to make like a rust
What's we talking about that? What Laura is referring to is that there are some other projects across cosmos who are already starting to teach users how to develop in cosmos and rest and they also have their own
own way of making the experience fun. We actually are used out. We took some inspiration from their websites or their platforms because they did such a good job. And so in the future, we definitely want to be able to
support developers in any way. And if they want some components of learning Rust, then we could potentially contract with them to help build that out in our platform. It just wasn't our initial milestone to focus on that initially.
Yeah, I just can't understand you because the main focus is to know make secrets and access points for the developers to be in our secrets and also you know for other developers to you know that developers are totally on the street. I know because I spoke to several developers and I
most usually complain about those very unlanguage related or computer solidarity and some other programming language. So, you know, I think it's possible in the future, we could incorporate, you know, maybe these types of labels for developers who are infesting non-linear visual terms also
So yeah, we'll leave that for now. So yeah, thank you very much for answering the question. So moving on. So it's sequenced with the best for everyone and it is for everyone or you know for everyone. So I can want access to the best.
Yeah, so I can answer this question. The question right is Secret University for everyone. And I suppose it depends on which portion of the university we're talking about. Now if we're talking about sort of the knowledge library as Darren would say that we're trying to
as Secret University all of the content, the articles and the courses and all that. You know that of course will be open to anyone who's interested in learning about the network. However, I will say that as far as like contributors to the network, we are looking for
technical people or people who have the will to do research in a very technical field to help support high quality contributions that really have staying power on the university site.
So I think while the foundation is really focused on user education with the agency, we want Secret University to try to really hone in and focus on how can we improve developers' lives while they get acclimated to the network.
So now, so I can one of the security and so that's what it was for you know, definitely cool developer so I can access you this security and where do you when is security basically going to launch?
Yeah, so to access Secret University right now we're in a pretty niche space so we don't really expect too many people from traditional areas to find Secret University. So we have a few funnels that we have in place that are already
tied to ongoing initiatives. First of all, the secret network website that the foundation is primarily responsible for. We have an inbound channel coming from them, so any developers accessing secret, trying to access secret network
would funnel through the main website and then get redirected to Secret University should they want to continue learning more on how to develop. So that's an inbound stream of developers. We also have the Secret Agents program
which is doing a wonderful job recruiting new agents from international places all over the world like Africa to be able to bring on new people who are interested in secret network in general. Should they find
developers through the Secret Agents program we want to be able to redirect people to Secret University as well and also potentially have Secret Agent missions on the university that allow them to reap the rewards of the Agents program as a developer.
And then thirdly, we know that from more of a traditional space, people who want to start developing on networks, they come in through hackathons. We want to be able to start to work with universities and hackathon groups and different of these events to be able
to help coordinate some of these efforts so that when people are starting to build on secret network, they know they directly have resources at Secret University at their disposal. So those are probably our three main channels
that we see developers coming in from and already we're already seeing a lot of interest specifically from the Secret Agents who are working to spread awareness of Secret Network at universities, at conferences, etc.
Alright, thanks for asking that question. So I believe any feature you have to organize the accounts on your Twitter page or not to hit us if you are already fully clicked.
Sorry, can you repeat the question? All right, so I said if I have to correctly you have plans on the United Law Council for a look for deaths to be able to be no sick please. The organization has a custom event for deaths to come together and you know, you don't see things and they win some grand prizes.
So right now our team is focused on standing up the initial platform. That's our initial focus, our full focus at the moment up until publicly mid October. After after we were able to stand up,
our platform and get the initial interest. We definitely want to expand and support hackathons and any capacity that we can. I know there's already a few interested party parties specifically Biz Dev, the developer development committee.
And also, I think Secret Agents Program, Whisper Notes, I think everybody has been talking about hackathons, specifically finding who is responsible for standing that up. I don't think has been decided yet, but Secret University is definitely very interested in supporting these initiatives and potential
and also contributing to providing initial grants for developers to use Secret University as their inbound and then also be able to participate in hackathons through our learning experience.
Sorry. Yeah, I just want to add. I mean, I just when you guys are talking about that, I got excited because it's like, I think that would be so cool for Secret University to, you know, what like what Dan was saying, like, you know, whoever ends up owning hackathons and
sending them up and running them. I'm not sure, but I would love to have Secret University sponsor, you know, be a sponsor for giving grants and prizes. That would be so much fun. And imagine if we could like attend a hackathon in person, you guys.
They're already doing that in Israel. Oh, right. New York. So yeah. Yeah, that will be also my look forward to that. I'll definitely look forward to that.
So, what was dialed in space? It made me feel sick with parts 3 and also sick with boss so I feel my I told you about sick with parts 3 and sick with bosses, you know I believe also for most of the summer robots are
the sequence pathways and sequence busings. So what are the different? So what are the other two? I'm not even looking at them and I'm looking at some other developers. I'm going to list these three. So I can't say a lot more about things.
I think did you just ask about secret boxes? Yeah, I was actually so yeah, what is secret boxes and what is secret box waste? So what are the different and you know, I didn't choose what I believe I believe they have some development as they are all my you know what's
I can speak about secret boxes, but also I can say, and Alex can say more of course there too about the pathways, but the boxes are meant to be sort of like I would like in it to like
getting a blueprint for a house except that all the scaffolding is there and then you just need to flesh it out and it will walk developers through steps and hand hold them in a tutorial kind of fashion. But everything they need is there
So I envision, you know, like various use cases could be encapsulated in a secret box. It could be something as simple as like creating a, like a SNP of the 20, 24 token or something like that. It could be, I can't think of any other
examples, but just various use cases and everything is all kind of packaged there. Whereas pathways are more about like, you know, stuff by stuff learning. If I am understanding that right, Darren Alex. Yeah. So if we were going back to analogy of a university, right, I would probably say
a secret pathways is more similar to an initial course where you have all of the educational materials you need to get started. And then the idea behind pathways is that we have a specific path for any of the people coming in from different experiences as a developer.
If they're more from the front end focus, they have a path for them. If they've built smart contracts on Ethereum, we have a path for you. So we have all these different pathways and different courses that walk them through depending on where they come from in their journey. Good on you. We have Secret University.
Yeah. And then secret boxes. I kind of think about it like every single time you go through a university, each class has many projects, right, that helps you understand your topic more deeply. And so,
Each box is like a mini project where you have to actually go through the experience of building whatever the box is focusing on. So for example, secret counters is a box that goes through a counting application.
many counting application and teaches a developer how to do that specific topic. And so once they've finished that mini project, they understand a new concept that they hadn't understood before. So pathways being more of an end to
course that walks them through depending on their background and then a box being a mini project and the future having many different boxes depending on all the different projects or use cases that you can build like SNP 20 tokens like NFT, etc.
Exactly. And we will have different levels of content available to, you know, for like beginner, intermediate and more advanced. And with that, I want to say, Pope Black, what you were saying earlier about the developers that you've talked to who had difficulties, you know,
on boarding in terms of developing on a secret network, I think it would be really valuable to get that feedback from you and your group of people to know what their pain points were.
as far as learning. Also, I'd be interested if they have any suggestions for code samples or snippets they'd like to see that we could incorporate later in the platform. Any feedback would be great.
Hope Black, can you hear us?
be having some idea issues.
Yeah, thanks a lot.