Secrets of opBNB’s Launch 🔮👀

Recorded: June 21, 2023 Duration: 0:38:09



Okay, guys, hello, hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, wherever you are. We are here today to talk about OPB and B. As you likely know, it's been a huge week for B&B Chain. A big announcement about our Layer 2 solution we are here with our
are being between tech team and also some distinguished guests. Why don't we start with just quick little 10 second introductions from everybody. We're going to get into some questions with our tech team and then we're going to chat with our guests. So why don't we start with K.
Hi everyone on our session architects for BNB chain. So looking forward for the space today and discuss about OPBNB which is based on OP stack as well. And Hayden how about you? Oh yeah, yeah also great to meet Errora here. Particle Network is leading pro-wagging
for comprehensive tree solutions. And we provide solutions including authentication, middleware, and also water and service, middleware, also powered by MPC. We enable developers to build with ease with different solutions
to be established based on our many useful features such as they can allow the users to get on board with their social logins and also purchase crypto with their fields with our very simple API and also we provide an empty solution
not RPC data bi-series. So that would be very useful. We also wild BNB 10 official starter pack for developer solutions. Yeah, welcome and appreciate it if you can follow our Twitter. That's there will be a lot of exciting often news upcoming in the rest of this year. Thank you.
Okay, Hayden, thanks for the introduction. Now how about Charles? Welcome Charles. Hey, hey everyone. Good to be here. My name is Charles Wayne. I'm the co-founder of Galaxy. Galaxy is one of the game platforms for community building.
been working with 2,500 projects with over 10 million unique active users. Great to be here and glad to support the launch of OPDMD for B&B check. Yeah, thanks.
Thank you so much for taking time to join us today. And last but not least, the great Jimmy, the Jimmy. Hello, you want to give us a quick introduction? Yeah, yeah, great to be here. Hello, everyone. I'm Jimmy and I'm the senior solution architect from Nobel. I'm very happy to be here to
to join the celebration and the introduction of the OPB and B. Actually, not really is the one stop infrastructure provider. So we work together with the BNB chain as well to provide the best services of the infrastructure.
Okay, okay, yeah, we've got some awesome ecosystem partners here in attendance. We are just going to go to a quick interview with our dev team. So guests sit back, relax and listen. We'll be with you in a minute. But first of all, we're just going to get a quick overview of OPB.
B, some of you in the space may know what it is. Some of you may have just heard about it, but don't really understand the specifics. We are here to help. So my first question to Arna was going to be, can you explain how OPB and B-Layer 2 enhances BSC, the Binance Smart Chain Network, performance
and scalability of it. Thanks, it's a great question. So the OPBNB layer 2 session, which is actually based on OP stack, enhanced the BNB smart-gen network, like performance and stability by essentially, at say, taking off some of the computational load of the main
So this is basically achieved by executing most of our transactional computation of chain in what is called a layer 2 network. And then periodically it's committed, committing the states of the network back to the layer 1, which is the BS network. I mean, as we all know, like all L1 are facing challenges when
experiencing high activity such as the increased lowest throughput. So after doing some intensive research as well and what's outside in the market like the team realized that the OP stack which is right now one of the key leaders in the scalability is different. Like a good solution that the OPMB can utilize as well to enhance
the BSC scalability. So basically this approach is utilized search to basically dramatically increase the overall transactions throughput, lower the transaction fees and reduces ordinate work conjection on the BSC L1. So this is the main performance improvement that we are going to perform.
I think it's pretty clear that there's going to be some amazing performance improvements as a result of this upgrade. So let's go on to our next question here. So like what prompted you guys to make the decision to base OPB on the OP stack and can you
Let us know what specific benefits this is spring to be in B-chain. So, with this decision today's opinion B&B on the OP stack was managed by a few key factors. So first of all, the OP stack is a layer 2 solution known for, let's say, it's unique approach of OP
this Opistak is as we all know, EVN compatible, which even further expanded the interactability and composability of Opbian V with other EVN based applications such as DeFi, GameFi or SocialFi. So it's really going to make it easy for the report to directly embrace it as well.
Okay, yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, it sounds like a pretty solid decision to integrate with OP there when you explain it that way. So just a couple more questions for you all. I know. Thank you. Can you tell us more about how OPB be contributed to the growth of the optimism OP stack ecosystem itself? Sure. So, if possible, by
We're contributing by basically creating like adding another use case to the OP stack, which I think is leveraging as well like the keyword that OP stack team has done and showcasing as well that's the technical solution that the evidence we robust. So OP/DNB brings as well to the BS ecosystem that's a richness to the OP stack by allowing for a
a broader range of applications to utilize this stack, especially for the scalability benefits. Furthermore, like a small project, we're going to adopt as well, the OP stacks to platform like OPPB and BID, the network effect will strengthen and within the L2 ecosystem, so making this stack even more attractive for other L2 solution providers in the near future.
On top of that, the BNV chain dev community worked as well on some specific enhancements and upgrading optimization in order to enhance as well the OP stack. So hopefully something that we are going to be able to see as well that is going to get adopted by the OP stack itself in order to achieve as well a more collaborative approach in building on top of layer 2s.
Okay, okay, and then finally last question for you specifically, but I know we're going to get into a lot more. What challenges with layer one networks does LP B&B aim to overcome?
Right, I mean one of the main challenges is different to the scalability issue when it's world transaction cost, which is something that we've experienced as world in high activity. So this is one of the reason why we need to look as world into innovation and into layer 2 in order to offload some of the activity on different
So, like as we know, like number of user and transaction on those network increases, as we know we want to reach to 1 billion user or more. So definitely like the strength on the network is currently quite heavy and it's going to lead to like slower transaction, higher fees.
we're challenging us something that we need to answer today in order to be prepared for tomorrow. So we're definitely going to be stuck in to overcome such kind of challenges by offering like a nail to a solution that is significantly increasing transaction fees and reducing as well the cost. So I
in jambyletron is going to show a bit more about some data and especially about that code, which is quite drastically reduced on the WPBNB. So we believe that utilizing such kind of WPSTAC is very key to achieve a scalable infrastructure and this is one of the reasons of the WPBNB's solution as well.
Great, well if we could get everybody in the space right now to like retweet the space link, share with your friends, families, colleagues, and pets. We would love for everybody to know about OPB and Beek, so glad to so much to talk about.
I'm also going to pin our blog into this Twitter space and just a moment here so everybody can read in more detail later on. We also have another technical blog upcoming later today or this week that's going
explain tons more about OPB and B and all the benefits for scalability that we just heard about from Arno. But for now, Arno, I understand you're going to have a conversation with our guests here, so take it away and let me know if I can assist any further.
Are you there? Oh, can you hear me? Hi, X and Kempux, are we just going to check it out? Yeah, I think we may have lost you. We can hear you now. Did you hear what I just said?
Okay, so let's give Arno one more chance and then I think we can just go around with some questions for our guests. Arno, are you back with us now?
Okay, no worries guys. We'll get Arno working in the background. Why don't we start with just the initial impressions of our guests right now? Like what are you guys making of OPB and B like what was your reaction to the announcement and why don't we start with Hayden?
Oh yeah, because I really I'm really file of different layer 2 solutions the first time that I know about that like B and B is going to have it's layer 2 then directly mean it punch me because you know that for the Ethereum layer 2 it's cheaper the price for
almost like 10X and above. But also for B&B as its own gas price, already much cheaper than the Ethereum. When you have a layer 2 on top of that, you have definitely much lower comparing to all the Ethereum layer 2s. So I would like to think
of like OB/B and B as a very like somebody saying like quantitative change makes to quality change. So if you are thinking of B and B can definitely that's the best word to describe. Think about like a well optimized engine of a supercar since
OBBNB is running on BNB chain, it's not just any layer one chain because it has its own vibrato system and a huge user base. So and also for the gas token BNB, it's also like a very high-recognizable, it can be trading like a primfuel if you're
going into the same shoes and also has the one of the largest market caps across all the EVM compatible chains other than the series. And also I know you guys are clocking about like 0.005 USD per transaction in average
and also zipping along with one second block confirmation. So definitely you guys are making the fuss than furious of blockchain work. Yeah, cool. So yeah, definitely since you also have a KVL like three times more than the third place in the older layer one in
M-trans, so you guys know just like competing with each other. You are leading something new. Yeah, so really allowed to see more upcoming news and different features like you guys are building. Yeah, really exciting to be waiting for that. Thanks, Aiden.
I think I'm back. So I still have some technical questions. So actually maybe for people to know as well. So we want to highlight some changes and innovation that we've done on the OP stack as well. So for example, one of the improvement is, for example, the cash system of OGF, which is making it faster and more efficient. And all of this, I think, is going to explain it. But before
for like that's so maybe Jimmy what are the enhancements like we mentioned as well in the articles like the capacity of like 4000 plus TPS once you can one second block time like transaction fee which are quite lower like 0.005 cents maybe can you provide some inside about what has been achieved as well and discuss into the
detail optimization. Yeah, sure. Actually, not really is working closely with the BNB team to build the OPBNB. So we actually, we are the core, one of the core contributors in the OPBNB. So this part actually, kind of the optimization
is very interesting and exciting for the OpenBnB because it can bring down the transaction cost to a very low level, almost to 5 or 6 times lower than other layer 2s on the Ethereum ecosystem. Of course, we are not competing with the
each other because the OPB and V, we want to make it as a, you know, a very active contributor to the layer two solutions to boost the whole economy. So talking about, let's come back to the technology stuff. So talking about the optimization, we contributed just to
mentioned, there are a couple of improvements so that we can reduce the cost and also improve the performance. I think the most important one is that we actually made some improvements to the cash system of the OPGAT, which is the execution
layer of the OP stack to make it faster and more efficient. OPVMB actually added a new cache layer. We called it the share the pool. That is basically used by the prefetched process. So before this kind of the improvement, the prefetched threads and
and the main EVM process use different data structure. So after we introduced the shared pool, the prefetched threads can just retrieve the data to execute the transactions, the update the cache, we think the shared pool, that can include
improve the you know the the hatred of cash that can optimize the EVM execution logic to make it running more faster. Another improvement to the cash system is actually we improved the accuracy of a data data
structure we call the bloom filter. So basically, which can provide the unnecessary recursive accesses to the cache. So every time EVM, if you are familiar with the EVM's, you know, the cache system, every time the EVM needs to access the world state, it first
the Bloom filter to see whether the key is in the cache. Actually is in the level two of the cache we call it a def layer. So it seems like EVN will ask the Bloom filter, "Hey guys, do you know whether ALAN's account is available in the cache?"
So, usually, if it is in the cache, the EVM will just query the data from the cache recursively because it has four levels of the cache. So it will go to from the top to the button before it reaches to the level DB, which requires more time consuming operations.
of the file access. But there's a problem of the Bloomfiltre. If the data side is in crisis, the Bloomfiltre may have a problem answer. If you ask the Bloomfiltre whether Alan's account is available, the Bloomfiltre will reply you, yes, but in
reality, Alan's account balance is not in the cache. Instead, you have to go to the level DB to clear the data. So we just improve the accuracy of the Bloom filter to avoid the unnecessary cache readings to improve the performance. Another
We can't optimize it, we can't be able to do it, but we can't do it.
availability layer. So the batcher in the original design of the OP stack, it will step me the step in the transactions in a sequence way to wait the confirmation of the L1 blocks. So, yearly it takes 45 seconds or
something to gather the confirmation before the submaid in the next batch. So we changed this away to add a new monitoring process to keep monitoring the transactions to layer one to see whether there is a reward or any kind of the issues on the layer one. It is yes. So
we can just revert the transactions. So that allows the OPB and B to submit the transactions to the layer one in a synchronous way. So it can remove the bottlenecks, the performance to reach the gas limit from the 30 million to 100 million per block. So this is very important because if
If we have a large gas limit, that means we can have a higher TPS, because we also introduce the EIP155-9, so the gas press will increase or decrease according to the usage of the block. So if we increase the block level, that can make the gas press even
stable and even lower compared with the lower gas limit. I just had a question, Jimmy. Some of those like enhancement as well that we've been doing something that can be brought back as well to the OP stack as contribution, correct? So some things can be leveraged by the
of course, all this kind of optimization we introduced to the OPB and B actually we are, you know, make some adjustments and will be contributed to the, you know, to the optimism OP stack directly. So this is not only for the B and B ecosystem, but I think that's a good example of the
also for all the layer two solutions. It can be introduced to other chains. All the performance can be improved. Exactly. I think that's one of the key main point is what those innovations can be utilized as well and brought to other L2 ecosystem. So it's really interesting. Yeah.
Yeah, that is true. So another optimization, we introduced is allow to change a little bit about the mining process, I mean the layer two mining process so that can reduce the time to generate L2 blocks so that it can increase the execution speed
even for the to reduce a million, a couple of million seconds for each blocks. So this, this is also kind of the performance because we engineer for the, for the user experiences to reduce the cost as well as improve the TPS. Yeah. So I think I'm very excited to introduce
It's kind of optimization to the community because it's not only for the V&B, but also for other layer 2 chains. Exactly. So definitely, yeah, OPPB and B is like one of the first which can utilize those kind of new, let's say, innovation within the OPP stock case. And thanks to that, we can as well reach almost 4,000 or more transaction per second and like
a transaction fee which is quite drastically low compared to our L1. Maybe we can jump to some other question for our guest as well. So, Charles, for example, as your project at the point is what on L2, like OPE or B2 or other L2 as well, what is your current experience or do you have any challenges in building on L2s?
Well, based on our experience, first of all, we spend a lot of energy. We spend a lot of development in terms of a user acquisition. So we directly talk to end users a lot. And so most of the time, we find out that, you know,
You know, users in general, they love altos because of the cheaper fees faster transaction speed as well as the scalability and overall experience for end users and also, you know, to make it really scalable and sustainable in the long term.
So that's in general, you know, that's why, you know, every time when we see there's a new layer to, you know, either is an ZK EVM or just other other robots, other layer to solutions, whenever they launch, they always have a
a lot of attractions and a lot of builders, for example Arbitron, for example, Opuson, and recently we're also working with some other layer 2s. Well, and in general I think the long-term, you know, this is a key starting point, entry point for the
the next bit and users, by the next giving what two users to get really get started easier on the blockchain overall. And then meanwhile, we do see a lot of development for developers. They in general
more and more defying innovations, more and more NFT and gamifying innovations, they're all happening on layer 2s. So I think that the launching of OPB and B is really a strategic move overall and as we all experienced in the past, BNB change is already for
a lot of transactions. It's one of the top three active blockchains out there. So it's very reasonable for BNB chain and it's very strategically helpful for BNB chain to start to launch its own layer 2. And I think
Even last year we had the discussion internally as well, you know, do we launch our own layer to, you know, on BNB chain? Exactly, why not? Yeah, yeah, yeah, at that time, one of the concepts was introduced earlier was the app, right? The app.
there's such a specific way for application but then now with the launch of OPV and Bs it's like there's no need for for for for action but but it's actually a better solution and encouraging the the building of the ecosystem faster and more efficient and better
It's definitely a great comment, it's sort of maybe like a few months back or maybe one or two years ago, like a lot of people were looking at side chains, but with the growth and the stability of rare tools such as Optimi, OP stack, or Abitrom, the SKVM which is coming as well, I think more and more people are going to look more into L2 and like you say maybe even
like spinning up their own L21 top or differently open. So definitely something that is evolving constantly. Exactly, agreed. By the way, Hayden, so I know that for you, for example, like giving that OPB and V-promise for high performance and low transaction cost.
or do you see that do is implement my potentially impact the user experiences within your platform or application for your users? Yeah, I think the most important thing is really how this cut down of the gas costs can like help promoting
some new technologies. For our end, we have seen that there was really a huge improvement in the account system. So, originally, we have the thing called account protection, which allowed the developers and also the
project running company be able to sponsor users for their guest fees. And I think with this being a hybrid into gather with the situation that the guest fee being like a hit down into very certain low level. I think everybody
Everyone building DApps have the motivation to adopt this account traction solution so that they can allow the users to enjoy the very advancing account features such as as I mentioned the sponsor a gas sponsorship so basically user don't have to
pay the gas by himself any longer. And also there are some other features like a badge transaction you can combine different steps into one signature and it can be overall being processed with one call. So since like you do token transfer is no longer
a pro role then swap. It can be combined to one single step and there are many other features like session keys that you don't have to always like science signature to make ever since work. I think that would also be very useful for gaming industry because I think gaming
industry really stands out to benefit most from the lower cost and from the response responsiveness of the low latency. So yeah, I think those are very important features which can be built down as at the
like the context of low gas costs and we can see more user being able to enjoy the benefits of web tree products with all this is happening. Thanks for your comments. It was different in spiteful, especially as you mentioned.
the what it's experience for users which I believe will drastically change over time as well as always, or lose differently one day. Bridegases also, I do believe that there is a lot of stuff which are going to happen on the what it's side in the next coming months on different layers, especially to optimize the experience of our users.
Yeah, indeed. Maybe Charles coming back to you. How does the OPB and B commandment do? Let's see, continuously optimizing
resonate with your project need as well and expectation of scalability within blockchain. So how important is it for for you and your users to have a really scalable solution now infrastructure?
Charged and you hear us? Or maybe you're still in your teeth and you're not feeling well.
I'm sorry, you are asking me right I was asking you like how how do you believe that this continues optimization like reason it is you project need as well expectation of layer two and scalability within a web stream I think the
Two of the most in our experience or based on the function data of BNB chain, two of the most frequent use cases of current BNB chain AR1 is a DeFi and GammaFi.
And actually, those two apps, I think these two apps, these two sectors are the ones that really need the active scalability to skyrocket their user growth as well as the user experience.
So I think overall being between the ecosystem, the community supporters overall, they are doing a good job in terms of attracting new builders, especially in gamified and defy sectors. So I'm very boldly
have a to see more DeFi and the GainerFi apps to really utilize OPB and D instead and really power make their overall user experience more sustainable, more user friendly.
Great Jimmy coming back to you as well as like no doing I was like an infrastructure provider as well So what do you see the layer tools playing a role in the infrastructure for web3 and now what's in your your work map as well? I don't know if you have anything you can share or not Yeah, definitely so of course
As an infrastructure provider, we are working towards the to support the opbmb as well. So that means you can use our API service to connect it with the opbmb so that you don't have to set up your own node to connect to with the p2p network.
The other thing I want to mention is that the layer 2, especially the ODB because it's extremely low transaction cost, it's very suitable as Charles mentioned, it's very suitable for the game file because imagine if you are a player of a game, you have to do a lot of
the actions, it's kind of the interactive intensive application. So you have to engage with different objects in the game or different assets. For example, your virtual assets, your virtual equipment, these kind of things. So you have to do lots of transactions every
single day. If the cost is, you know, the transaction fee is not almost zero, it will be very high burden for the operators of the game. So the ROI, I mean, the return of investments will be almost zero or even negative if you just do the same
thing on the layer one. I know the BSE is already more affordable than Ethereum at this moment, but in the long term, I think that almost zero gas fee should be the key to for the mass adoption. We can start from the gain fire applications.
I was wondering, Hayden and Charlie, when can we expect you to deliver the first let's say, DAF on the OPP and BTSnet? Are you
your team already working on it? Yes, definitely. I have seen some currently progressing in the pipeline. You have seen the pack.
Great, looking forward to see what you're going to deliver as well. I don't know if anyone in the any other comment or the one, but otherwise maybe we can take one or two questions from the community as well, I guess we still have a bit of time. So if anyone wants to ask any question to us or to the guest, feel free to raise your hand.
Well, if we have no question, then I think we can we can wrap it up as well for today. So as you mentioned before, we're going to release as well like a more technical article, blog article about explaining what exactly has been done on the different innovation parts and how we
utilize as well the OP stack. If you're looking forward to release that one and hopefully everyone will be able to read it and ask question on top of it as well. Do you maybe Jimmy and Sergeant Hayden you can finish with one sentence as well?
Jimmy, you want to go first? Sure. I'm very optimistic about the mass adoption after the OP/BMD is released. So I'm very looking forward to the MinNet launch and to see what kind of exploration we can do together.
Yeah, I think OBBMB is something that we're really glad to see because it's a hybrid of the marketing need and also the most advanced technology in the oil blockchain world.
I think some magic can happen with this combination. And also since OPStag is evolving day by day, there will definitely be some more exciting features being able to be plugged in as it was designed to be modularized in the first day.
not only by the frauds, but in the future we may also be able to have Ziki prove as part of the OPB&B feature in the future. Yeah, really cannot wait to say something may happen.
Yeah, in general, we're very bullish on BNB chain, and I think this is a great news for BNB community. We look forward to developing along
with OPP and B and the BNB team as well as offering, expanding all the services there to support the builders there.
Great, thanks everyone for the final comments. So I think it was an interesting space today if you free to release and tweet later on and look into our next tweet that we're going to
releasing a few one or two hours I believe with the new technical article, expanding a bit more like what's happening under the hood. Thanks for joining. Thanks for hosting.