Secrets of Web3 Education with Open Campus 💡

Recorded: May 2, 2023 Duration: 0:47:57



Hi, hello everyone. Hi, Ellen. Hi, you guys. Can you hear me clearly? Yeah, hi. Hello. Hello, hello. Nice to meet you and nice to meet you.
The mutual here, we have some speakers here and the listeners here. And we'll soon start today's space about the figurates of WebFridication, which opened campus, which is recently the latest and financed large-pap program.
project coming from the end of the chain and that's why we have this space today and we have two speakers to introduce the secrets of why they start in this and what's the future plan of open campus. So maybe can you two first introduce yourself first.
Hi everyone, I'm Yogi, I'm the CON founder of TANI TAP, one of the co-launchers of Open Compus. And as of last year, subsidiary in any Mocha brands as well.
Cool, cool, hello about you. Hello everyone, Alan here, Chief Business Officer at Enemokers. Enemokers is one of the launch partner of Open Campus so we're very excited to have the chance today to share more about our mission and what we're about to do.
Cool, cool. And I bet you will be there must be very busy in this day, but especially last Friday for the ICU. Indeed. How's it feel? Well, I think we were of course overwhelmed by the enthusiasm from the community and there are 120,000 people.
that subscribe to our token which we understand that has actually broadened since a couple of days of trading since Friday. So, you know, I think that there's clearly a lot of excitement around education and work three. So, you know, hopefully open campus can deliver our version of, you know, how they will look like.
that were excited to basically launch a new category on Web 3. So I think education is something that most people wanted to think about the Web 3 education. They think about Web 3 education, about teaching people about wallets and passwords and onboarding them to Web 3. And we're one of basically leverage the Web 3 technology to do much
much more than that. Yes, Web 3 education as the need is a big focus for us, but also just showing the world that with Web 3 transparency and ownership, we can reinvent business models and financial outcomes for creators and teachers in the space of education and really enable a more decentralized way of
creating the education we want in the world. So it's very exciting for us to be able to introduce that to blockchain. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that is that is. So my first question is about the story. You know, we always like to speak ideas, we start up, have the stories. So what is the story behind Open Campus? How did the idea of a penpumpismy first came about?
I think the story starts, take it a go actually. About 10 years ago, I co-founded a company called Tani top and I give some background here to the folks who is our Tani top.
was always about decentralizing education by giving educators themselves the powers to create the best interactive content for their communities and earn directly from parents. Now why that is important? Otherwise, if you're an educator, if you want to contribute educational content in the world,
Your bound to focus on the traditional education system maybe you're a teacher and you're you know underpaid as a teacher or maybe you're an entrepreneur or someone wants to create a project in education and still it's very hard for you to really raise the funds and reach Communities unless it's like really big English speaking community communities mostly in the US and
So we wanted to create to empower the individual. Anyone with a good idea and we built a platform where anyone can create interactive content without writing code, sell them directly to two parents and make it living that way. And after a fast forward 10 years, Tanya Tup today has, you know,
Over 10 million parents who have registered on the system, a quarter of a million of educators and 66,000 creators who have created content in total a quarter of a million content units. And generating millions of dollars or directly from families. That was the first step we took for those
decentralization and then when blockchain came to be and new technologies, new advancement in blockchain like NFT came, we thought about how we can leverage that to really help change education, not just from the single education entrepreneur standpoint, but from the
a standpoint of entire communities. How can we take entire communities and give them tools to create the education that they want for their community and also own it and earn it. So, you know, with NFTs, we can actually own the content and we'll explain about it more. But really, that was kind of the base for Open Compose. Create
creating the right to the right economics and incentives for communities to work with educators to serve their communities but also earn worldwide. Cool, cool, cool, I get it. So maybe one more question about it because you know, like you mentioned about
platform were not really moving fast enough big enough and open enough in the nature of work 3. And so by making it a protocol which we in TANETUP have started implementing and already we can talk about it very soon and how we've implemented on TANETUP. But by making this into a protocol we can invite in the
as well as established companies from Web 2 and Web 3 to implement the protocol and offer the same kind of features to their audience. By doing that, they'll onboard their own Web 2 customers onto blockchain to enjoy just features, but also offer a much bigger voice.
a variety of topics, subjects, you know, tiny topics focused on the kids space, for example, by partnering with companies like Binance Academy or you know Coursera and Web2 companies, we can reach the entire audience and that's what we want to do. Thank you, you're the same.
I know like animal footprints may have been missing a lot of in the web free projects and protocols every year and many many like education projects. So why do you so choose to support open campus? So what does attract you maybe what is the moment that you decided to? Okay, we will support this we will partner with them. Yeah, I think
I think as you hear from the story that you just told this journey that Animo Keha had with TinyTap really started many years ago. So she founded a company 10 years ago. Animo Keha was one of the early investors in TinyTap five years ago and then we acquired majority last year. And that's when the mood
to Web 3 and Activation begin. We really had the same vision of decentralized education and that's the point where we thought it would be important to have an open protocol where we had multiple launch partners coming in and that really come to the start of Open Campus.
I think we at Enemokin believe that as a category education of course is very important. I think at the very early stage of NFT and Web3 people talk a lot about creators in the art space and of course that led to a lot of the NFTs. But if you think about the teachers, they're one of the largest creator community in
well. And of course, what they teach is super important. We all learn via our teachers and they had huge influence over how we've learned our lives, the way we see things. But as we all know, teachers are very poorly compensated a lot of times and they don't really have an easy way to protect their IP rights.
And there isn't enough funding coming into this right and you know as we all know that's really the magical web 3 right by connecting Creators user investor You know we we can have that capital fly will so more with more interest and capital and community Power coming in you know we can we can bring it
a lot more capital and a lot more creator into this. We think that education is really ripe for Web3 and that's why we took an interest many years ago and we thought last year was the right year to activate and that leads to the formation of Ompicampus and what people have seen.
in the past couple of months from us. Cool, cool, cool. And another question about maybe we have been asked for many times is like, you know, when we talk about IP rights in Korea economy using blockchain, we always miss some problems. Like, first I think it's our own chain of chain problems. Like, if you really have the own chain of T, sometimes it's
very hard to protect the IP rights of ChainRex. And thanks to me, it's about the speed and the efficiency thing. So how do you think you would tackle this? Yeah, thank you for that. It's a really great question. So for everyone who's listening, one of the challenges that we've encountered that
both on Web 3 and on Web 2, you know, the world outside of this space listening to us. When you say NFT, they think about the kind of the PFP projects that really captures the attention of the market. And this is just one aspect of NFT, because NFT first off is a technology for only
And that is exactly how we're utilizing it. We're introducing a new type of NFT. We call it the publisher NFT. The publisher NFT gives you content publishing rights over existing content and to address your question,
As long as it's online content like interactive courses, a purring session, anything that you can measure and capture the value of it online, you can also encapsulate that into a smart contract that captures the value instead. So if there is an interactive course
on TANI tap or maybe partners that will join Open Campus and you buy a 50% ownership of that content, you'll be able to see exactly how much EDU were deposited into the smart contract representing that content and you'll be able to unlock your proportional share with your
publish a NFT which acts sort of like a key to a box that holds your share. And so even if we're only starting with online, unlike music industry where you know the music can be played on stages and outside, on education you have the ability to capture
All of the revenue online once it goes outside it can amplify the online activity and will need to come up with ways to ensure that but even just now capturing the online market is a huge big deal that is worth billions of dollars especially if you recall like the booming ed tech
At the moment of China, like between 2016 and until last year, the amount of money that went into online companies and the demand of the market showed were in billions and billions of dollars. And all of that can be, instead of owned by several companies, it can be owned by millions of people who made that happen.
Yeah, yeah, that's true. And if I can, yeah, if I can add to that, I think, you know, it's pretty interesting how we apply Web3 to education. So you've mentioned publisher NFT, which is really at its core. And it's much more than just putting content and turn it into a tokenized NFT, right? Because that's just part of it. But because NFT is composable, we can
We can put a smart contract to it which allows us to do revenue sharing. Because a lot of these courses are already revenue generating and through Publisher NFT, we'll find new co-publisher coming in that work together with the teacher. So the co-publisher will do work and then they'll get a benefit. They'll get to share
revenue as well. Because NFT is composable, we can work by by overling smart contract on top of it that allow that revenue sharing. So I think that's in that way we try to think about a decentralized education where there is NFT and smart contract that really allow
what the idea of getting publisher, TCHA reader, investor, or into working together. Yeah, that's very impressive. And I think another question is about like, we're talking about web free rights. So we're talking about applying web free education industry, which is
Definitely a web-to area. So when we try to bring this like new things like you know, like say to teachers to university schools to students What is your experience? I know tiny tapas Achievements in the branding this uses to web free so an experience you would try to apply or you could share with onboarding this web to you know users with open-camping
Yeah, it's definitely a very fine line. We're a tiny tap is also geared towards a younger audience. So like, you know, the pre-K12 audience, pre-K8 even, other focus. And it might be scary, like if you throw tokens and NFTs in class
and on the absurd and there's also, you know, absurd regulation. So we believe the best way is basically to split it into two channels. The first one is the consumer experience. So when a consumer, I'll give you the tiny type example. When a family subscribes to tiny type, that's
say they're paying $100 a year, subscriptions that give them 1000 credits. They will have a wallet and we'll share our roadmap this week and people will be able to really see what we're building but part of the plan is to implement everything inside of TANI TAP. When you open the TANI TAP app, you'll have a token system and each token will give you
access to maybe one game or depends on the token value. And so from the user perspective, it will feel like just any other website you have tokens, you're using them to access content. And there is a custodial wallet in the back for you. Only when you're kind of really starting to get more educated
what's happening, you can withdraw your tokens outside of TANI TAP to your own wallet. But instead of TANI TAP, it's all going to be a technology base. It's going to be in the back. What's happening in the back is what's really exciting. And that is the economic side of it, which the creator, the supporters of the content, they, those
tokens coming from the consumers will go into a smart contract holding them in a box, holding them. And the creators can track that and withdraw their propulsion or revenue share. But more than that, the owners, which is you guys listening to this conversation, are
are the tour guides for the web2 teachers. So once you have a web2 teachers that now has a partner from Web3, they are co-owners of a piece of content and they can work together to further increase its value, but not because of hype, because you actually increase its value. You make it
reach more audiences, you localize it, you play with the pricing of it. Maybe you partner up with someone else who has also great content and you curate that into a new course. So this kind of symbiosis relationship between the creator and the Web 3 owners is a great way to onboard the teachers onto Tani Tup.
And of course, you know, as an incentive for teachers to kind of get more familiar with that, when you create the content, and it doesn't have to be, and people listening to me here, you don't have to be a teacher. If you have to, something you want to teach, you have the subjects that you passionate about, go to TANI TAP, you can start creating today in preparation to
to the features that open companies will bring to tiny top. And so when you create content, if that content generates 20K a year and you sell 50% of that, you can sell it at 5x, okay, you can sell it for 50K and you get some upfront funding for your next project. And the person who bought that now, when it was only
20K, can sell it later when the course has improved and is now generating 100K. Okay, so it's a real physical financial asset but also a way to connect the Web 2 and Web 3 world. So that's how we're thinking about activation. Cool, cool, cool. You have anything else? I think as we have seen in the past
here, obviously a DGen community, but when it comes to mass adoption and in areas like education, I think there's going to be a lot of Web 2.5, maybe 2.25, where we're going to gently onboard users and get them familiar with the idea of digital asset.
Obviously wallet custodial wallet is one way to activate them, but then you know we're gonna do a lot around what does it mean to Hold a wallet what does it mean to hold a digital asset what utility does it offer right so I think you know it you know while we depend and and we look to working with sort of the degenerate
free community, we see a big part of what we're trying to do is to on-board the web too as well. And I think when it comes to education, teachers and parents, you know, it may not be, I don't think there will be huge, decent population mountains, so you know, therefore it's a big task. It's something that we keep in mind a lot in terms of how to bring them on.
I want to add one more question here about because Ellen yours the investor right and you also talk about the financial thing so I'm quite interested in when a crypto investor you know look at this like on web to five or even web to point to point five area what is your investment framework like in terms of like
I'm not a valuation or the product things. Do you have a slightly different framework from you looking maybe Web 3, total like Web 3 native project? I think that's a very good point. I think when I look at a project like this, I'll definitely look at what was the starting use of it, because
I think a project that are transitioning from Web 2 to Web 3, let's look at a starting point. For someone like TinyTab, which is 9 million registered users, 300,000 teachers, there's a great starting point and we know that there will be a lot of people that you can potentially onboard. There are many companies that are screwing through that transition.
I'm going to look at how good they are in activating that user. For those of you that pay attention to the activity of Open Campus Tiny tab on B&B Chain, it's been ranking top five consistently in the past few months. I think that that is also something that we as investors
we look at, the user base, the activation percentage, and we expect that if that goes well, then the eventual utility and monetization will follow. Cool. Will there face any problems like if it's the Web 2.4?
If I were to face a problem, maybe about the tokens, about the structures of the traditional company before, and it's turning on chain, and how we're like any more comprehensive how with this, but 2.5, maybe projects and startups. In terms of this capital structure, or maybe the regulation problem, I'm not quite sure.
Yeah, so obviously there's a little bit. So I think the question is how does any mocha help web true company transitioning to web 3, right? Okay, so maybe I'll start and you can you can add your experience as well, right? I mean, I think one is, you know, really, of course, there's going to be a lot of handholding around how do you set up a web 3 business, right? So for example,#
open campus, you know, involve us setting up a protocol, a foundation, which means Dow governance structure. So all these are pretty new for most Web2 companies. So there's something that any Mocha has a lot of experience in, right? And then the other aspect that is important, as I mentioned, is the activation, right? How do you bring people from Web2 to Web3? And, you know, clearly we have a lot of experience.
and building community and marketing and these are things that we bring, these are capabilities that we bring to companies that we invested in, similar, like in this situation in open campus. For me the biggest change was that as a Web2 company, it's
really up to you as a company to lead the product. We've been a very data-driven company doing a lot of performance marketing and growing slowly but steady. We're now one of the top 10 grossing keys apps on the App Store. If you just go to the charts, you'll see us there. It took a lot of discipline from us, but at
At the end of the day, we were like 25, 30 people team. And the biggest shift here is that it's about the community as your partner in leading the way. So just think about the launch, the list thing that we just did with the D.U. That's added as gave us 120 and 292 token holds
there is. I think it's much higher now, out of an area or something. And those are all people who have a stake in the success of the protocol. And they have a voice and we need to make sure we can carry that weight and deliver with them and also leverage them. Because I think
the efforts of Web 3 and what everybody has been always saying that in Web 3 when you give interest to the users, they're not just consumers, they don't just engage with your content and go away but they're actually benefiting from your success, they have more incentives to promote the project and make it a success. But for that to work, you need to build a
right tools for them to do that. So those are kind of the mental challenges, the mind says that we're undergoing from a private company to a company that has a lot of token holders working with it. Number one, and number two is also a little bit more of a long term thinking. So because it takes more time in web
three steps are more obscure. There isn't a playbook. So I'll tell you what I feel. Okay, so when I started tiny tap, I started, I tried to define what is the fun, what does it mean to be a startup? And in my book, a startup is a company that doesn't have a playbook. It's not like opening a barber shop or a shoe store or a summer camp.
Okay, you don't know what the products are. You don't know what where your customer we're gonna pay and your first tip is market fit right that's what you do and I feel that web 3 as an ecosystem is in startup mode right we have a great technology we understand its value and we're looking for the market fit
We're looking for it together. That kind of security is something that we also feel and that is navigating in the fog until you kind of start to feel the landscape and start to understand where the right path to follow. So that has been one of the biggest challenges for us. Every time we do something, we like to publish anything.
50 auctions that we did in December where we saw the 12 NFTs for 254 if that gave us a lot of insights and now we know with that idiot token and it's very clear to us where we need to go next but we know that we're going to listen to the community throughout the process.
And I think another thing that breeds you to the web free world is that you choose to be in the chain as your first public chain, right? You choose to build on the PMB chain and that one like brings the whole project to own chain. So what advantages do you think, like why, so why do you choose to be in the chain, there are many public chains you can choose from and what advantages
thing like the image change has maybe over other public change in supporting the web group maybe. Several reasons for me. One, Binance, you know, audience is one of the biggest on web trees so obviously it's amazing to be able to tap me
to that and make sure our project gets the attention it deserves. Second, the kind of support we've seen from the Binance team across, like from working implementing the BNB chain and preparing further listing,
of that is to be available to have a partner like that. And thirdly, as far as I know, education is a big focus for finance. And we wanted a partner that really understand the importance of that with finance academy and other initiatives. And so those kind of three reasons for
for a very easy choice for us to partner up with the Binance and launch the EDU token on Binance. And maybe just to add, I think we got summarized it very well. I mean, a B&B can handle the large throughput that TinyTab and Open Campus has in mind. So that's a very important choice when it comes to chain. And the other is,
The team is very helpful. We have to make technically a lot of the way. That's something that we always look at from our technical partners. Maybe one more reason I think in the BnB chain and Binance branding, there's something that is very
consumer facing and it is known outside of the web 3 space. I think that is very important. A lot of the chains are, and a lot of the chains, a lot of the activity that happens in web 3 kind of stays in web 3. And so our mission here coming from web 2, like Alan said, coming with our own users, with our own funnels,
is to make this a natural bridge for Web 2, Web 3 where we have years of experience knowing the space, you know, I know all the CEOs of the big companies and it works in the space and we're gonna work, want to be able to partner with them and have them implement OCPS.
So not just Web 3 companies. So all this Web 2 angle is something that is very important for us. That's our uniqueness. Yeah. And I know BMChase also working on some skill-ability and solutions like Greenfield, like the KBMB, like OdeGaF fans, and trying
to be more decentralized. So as just like Open Campus, there's any plan to integrate with this skill ability like solution because I know like you have a lot of MFTs, right? You need this more scalability and it's better. Oh, absolutely. We can't wait for that. We need it. Ready last month. Please.
Yeah, because look what we're building is an economic system that is constantly working by the nature of it. It's inherited the system. So someone comes to tan it up. He wants to access the PCF content. Is EDU travels from his wallet to a PCF content? Any and that stays in the smart contract.
come that we draw it, there's a lot of activity other than just trading of NFTs. And for that to run, or the way we will envision the system, we need kind of a layer 2 or a ZK system that allows us to write a lot more events to the chain. And right now we're kind of limiting
getting it to the minimum that still holds the vision of what we're doing, but definitely yes, and we're talking to the team, we know a lot of good things are coming and we'll be the first one to adopt it for sure. And yeah, I also wanted like maybe to speak
Because until the list is here, that will be reaching Greenfield, you know, it's the solutions, decentralized storage solutions, and also we have the KBNB things. So if you check the BBNG's like Tech Roadmap this year, and you will find all these like updates and innovations there. Okay. And actually open campus, I know you have list out your like roadmap.
in the website. And what do you think is the most important thing in the coming, maybe few months or one or two years? So we're going to share an official roadmap. I mean, it seems a balanced resource paper, but we're also going to extend it a bit more
in the coming days. So please follow OpenCampus_XYZ to keep track of the project. OpenCampus is also one of the listeners here, so you can easily follow. And I think a lot of things are coming. But in the first few months, we're going to really focus on our strong suit, which is
you know, activating the tiny tap consumer, consumer funnel and activity as well as working with other keys, content providers, the biggest brains in the world. We're going to search very, very soon, but very, very soon, we want to launch the protocol itself.
So other companies can also integrate it outside of the kids space. So it's definitely not going to be focused just on kids. This is our focus as a company, but the protocol itself is meant to enable education in all verticals. We're also very passionate about community activation. So let it.
offering tools. You can call it maybe subject down if you want to subject down which is a place where communities can congregate and fund projects that they care about and earn from it together and that can be subjects can be Web 3 can be AI whatever subjects you want to bet on or whatever subjects you want to see in the world you'll be
be able to kind of fund it, create it, promote it, and earn from it as a community. But what people really should pay attention is that we're going to take the publisher NFT. This is going to be announced very, very soon. So you're hearing it here first. We're going to take the concept of the publisher NFT that we
launch in December. You can go to and take a look what we did there. We're re-actioned 12 courses, 80% ownership in 12 courses, of Tisha's content, revenue generating content, the people who owned it have been withdrawing their revenue regularly since November. And we're going to open that
to the public. So before it was kind of private sale and we're going to now auction about a thousand games on TANET. Each game is an actual existing game not a project that will come to be existing game that is generating revenue and expense across languages from English to Chinese and you'll be able
able to become a co-owner of such an asset. And that, I think, will give people an understanding of what it means to actually own a new type of NFT, an NFT that is a bit of a mini business, and gives them ideas on how they can future monetize it and increase its value. And also create a community that owns
something meaningful. Hopefully this will basically generate very significant amount of money. We'll share the numbers very soon, but what's beautiful about the model is that everything is transparent. Every game has a history of financial activity. You can become a co-owner of that. So the big publisher and if the auction is
coming very soon we hope to launch it on the open campus site on our own marketplace. Follow, you don't want to miss that. That's the first mass scale of healed generating NFTs based on educational content and your opportunity to also support education because the
The revenue from that sale will actually go to the creators who created the content itself. So you're enabling them. You're onboarding them to Web 3 and also giving them the funding to create the next wave of successful content. So follow up and campus, they tune with it and also follow B&B
change and you can be the first to scrap the change there. And nice, nice. And Alan, the last question is for you. So after Open Campus, you've already discovered Open Campus. I think people now are curious what other opportunities, like in terms of these education
or in terms of this, about two theories, this animal car is still looking at, who could be the next open canvas, right? So, wow, the question, right? I mean, as you know, as many audience here know, you know, any mocha is an active investment in Web3, we've got founder companies in our portfolio. Obviously, one big focus
have been gaming for us, we will continue to see a lot of great games coming, I think 2020-22 has been a year of building, so we're going to see a lot of great games launched in this year. Another category, you know, we, but I think also 2023 is a year of different use cases for blockchain.
So it's not just games. So I think education is an excellent example and I think that's why you see the excitement around open campus. We think it can also go to other category around sports, entertainment, music. So those are the different categories where I think there were some pockets of innovation.
back but you know we think this is a year where we have a lot of exciting projects in the pipeline in addition to the games which has these different sectors that's going to be transformed by by Wealthweeks so you know stay tuned to us you know follow follow any mookas twitter as well yeah sure sure sure
So, okay, that's all the questions from my side. I maybe want to leave some time for the listeners here. Like, if you have any questions, you can raise your hand now. We may be able to take two to three questions if we have enough time. And let me check the comments here if you see any interesting
questions there. So if someone is asking do you have any utilities plan for the Golden backpack and Silver notebook in FTs? I'm not sure quite right. Okay so these are the Genesis NFT that we've been giving out to early supporters, people that follow us, that help us share the world about open campus. So you know I think we move
Mike, I think we're too as detailed as running the campaign so good at stations that are so show on open campus is probably the last round giving out some of these Genesis NFT and holders will get first access to services that all the gamers will launch. You get a really big alpha just now that we're going to be launching the next set of publisher NFT.
you would need to be a holder of the Gen.CNFT in order to participate. And then we've always been saying that these NFT, Gen.CNFT, both of which will also get to participate in the governance of EDU. So, in a station, we'll be announcing both very soon. Cool, cool. So, I want to make sure that the people here listening to us.
holders of the backpack and the not-pack will definitely get first-pick and allocation in the publisher NFT auction afterwards it will be open to the public but they will get best served first. Cool, cool, cool. So let us take maybe one question from Balmy.
I think it's still connecting. Hi, Bummy. Hello. Thanks for bringing me up. Great conversation going on here. Just have a question. So given that the, I mean, there's an incredible amount of teachers that you're working
with on the tiny tap side on your platform and the focus being on education. How do you plan to consider the KQ Throat education standards to help teachers map blockchain education, the blockchain tech technology
you know, education into the curriculum. And how do you plan to explore that informal learning space? Because I believe that, you know, it's a major avenue to get the Web 2.5, I guess that space
of web 2.5 to a web space in the future because like a lot of teachers they typically have a problem bringing innovation into classrooms just because it's not connected to the education standards especially in the West.
Thank you for that. It's a beautiful question. Thank you articulated the problem. The education and traditional education system is kind of focused on the same curriculum for years. It took, I think, only, I think last decade we really start seeing STEM.
coding, coding actually getting into schools, because a lot of time for schools to adopt that. And now people are like, for example, so asking like how long would it take to traditional schools, K-12 schools to adopt AI into their curriculum, let alone blockchain. I know that in Hong Kong, there are schools
are actually teaching about Web 3 technologies, which is very encouraging. But the idea here is that we shouldn't wait for the addition education system to adopt subjects. We should just create them. And so for example, I mentioned the subject now, and that is that a group of people can decide to fund projects
So, I think that's the way forward to basically give you that.
to give to people the opportunity to create that content and fund them. Yeah, that's the plan. On the more immediate side, I can say that we're going to add the blockchain category into TANI TAP because we're thinking about power-tune shipping. You know, we don't want to rush as a company TANI TAP to
I was out of the K12 and so we're thinking about it as part of a financial literacy for kids. So we are talking to some prominent brands on Web 3 and blockchain crypto to together curate and create a course that explains to
to younger students, doesn't have to be young kids, just younger students about the concepts of blockchain in a gamified way. And you, the community can become co-owners of that project. So if you know that the biggest company on blockchain now comes with a course that teaches financial education for kids, you might want to be a co-founder.
owner of that course to support it but also to our firm. Thank you very much for that explanation. I just wanted to just say one more thing. So I'm an educator but I also went to back to school
to get a PhD to actually learn about engineering education, which is why I'm very very interested in this topic. And what I see is the biggest issue. It's not that the teachers don't want to use these type of platforms. It's getting the policy side of it, but I do see an incredible opportunity here.
I will continue to follow the project because I do think the more the engineering educators go in for grants and sponsoring, I mean, open platform, I mean open campus or sponsoring more, how can I put it? Research.
driven schools. This information would definitely get into the schools and they would get it because if you look at the way the teachers actually get their education themselves to teach the students, they usually come to us at universities to learn about the next innovation coming. So when they come and they're able to
say, well, open campus or a tiny tap is sponsoring a session for blockchain. Now they're there anyway, so they have to learn it. So I think we have an incredible opportunity here to disseminate this information into the webtooth space to make the teachers comfortable to teach financially.
literacy. It's huge now that people want to teach that. So congratulations on the success and I look forward to following the project. I see a huge opportunity here to bring this directly to the teachers. Thank you. Yes, thank you. Please stay in touch. We have a lot of great announcements that are coming.
to encourage teachers to create that content, to provide them with grants and funding to do that. We're all about trying to reinvent business models in traditional education. School is a huge part of the education system. We want to be a part of that. Yes, we're focused right now on outside of education, but if the right
partner comes and wants to create a common core aligned curriculum or anything that is more standardized, it can definitely do that with open campus. The end result will be amazing because it can take it back to schools. In fact, we are also working with companies who are selling in schools. I was at the GSV ASU Summit
last week in San Diego, the biggest education summit in the States, and a lot of great companies are looking to adopt that. We will be at EASTY if you're coming in June, which is the biggest teacher conference, and we definitely want to see how we can support teachers to create content for the classroom as well.
It's not just about selling to consumers. Thank you, you thank you, but I think it's a very good way that this community is powered that we have just really new teachers educators here to support our PC and to give feedbacks. So we have another maybe time for another question and Meno, I'm not sure if they're there, if you think maybe you can
It's admirable and thanks for having me with conversation so far. So my question is it was mentioned that people can create us, can upload their content on tiny pap and eventually they can inform that using the open campus
for the call. What I want to understand is we will open campus app, it soon separates platform where creators can upload their contents and then monetize it all, the creators have to upload their contents on tiny tab or other partner platforms and then integrate
Yeah, that's brilliant question. So I think there's three sides to open-campus activities. The first one is basically an ecosystem one where we would like to work with partners to implement the open-campus protocol. So if you want to create content,
If you just go to tannitap you create the kind of content you'll do in tannitap but if you create a different website that allows you to produce your own courses and that is more fitting to what you want to do you go there. So this is the partners out tannitap other companies. Another route is what you're suggesting that open companies
It's self will offer tools for creation. That is definitely something we're considering. We don't know exactly what date will announce that. For now, to be able to create your own interactive and video courses, I do recommend checking out the tiny tab.
You can create courses and very soon you'll be able to self-meant them and invite owners to co-own it with you. So you can already do that now. You can get the iPad app and you can get all you can go to and create content. Open the Compose itself will have a marketplace where you'll be able to
and see all the inventory that exists from across the ecosystem. That said, please follow. I mean, the more people from the community like yourself will hear, you know, asking for those features and those utilities, the more like
please look at the prioritized. Cool, cool, cool. Thank you. Thank you. So I'd love to give more options or questions, but things we run out of time. We'll stop here. And thank you for and Minna and thank you for all the listeners today. We've already had a great
conversation. Thank you, Ellen. Thank you, Yuguf. And do you remember to follow BMI chain, follow Open Campus, follow NEMO Co-brands, stay tuned with all updates. And we welcome all the amazing educators and students to join the system and try to interview this about place and try to make their average
should have been rewarded for his or her contribution. And thank you for, thank you for, and yeah, we'll stop the stage here. Thanks for all your time. Bye bye. Bye bye. Thank you everyone. Thank you everyone. Bye bye.