Sei / Eclipse Pad / Cosmos Hoss

Recorded: March 22, 2023 Duration: 1:15:31



GM/GN. What's up? Let's do it.
Oh man, is that kind of space? Is that kind of space?
I was just testing it out to see if it works. That's a... What's going on? Yeah, all good. All good on this answer. Main neck conversations, but we'll get to those another time. Yeah, it's exciting.
Do you just let me know like when you want to get it going? I don't know if you want more people to come in or give a couple more minutes or just let me know
Sweet. Who have you got hosting with say today? Is that Joe? Was that Brian? Yeah, Joe. Nice to be here with you guys. That's not in, you know. Yeah.
Cosmos Houses here, Cliffs is here. I had to be a part of the action. I like it. Anytime you know, man, I'm always I'm like like you youngins like to say the the too long did not read on me is that I'm just a Cosmos soldier.
I love Cosmos, I love crypto, and most importantly, I love talking about crypto, and yeah, so that's what I like to do. And it's exciting because sadly, my background has been taxes, so I've been
At the office because it's tax season and it's just like yeah, it's not a good time So this is way more fun and way this is the better experience talking about crypto so I'm looking forward today He's also on the cause this year
What was that?
He's an Austin on the causes here. I was hoping. I don't know because I'm going to Florida and I was going to hop over from Florida, but I don't know. I want to. It would actually kind of work out pretty well. I want to Florida for a week. Great. And I'm wrapping that up as
as soon as consensus starts. But there's a couple of events in Austin this year. I know that that's the first one and there's another one in June I believe. But maybe I'm not sure yet. Are you going again?
it's a bit of a hike though. It's something like 40 hours from this side of the world so yeah I'm just hoping it's good. There's a lot of events around this year and they're definitely good good places to go so yeah. Absolutely and then it'll be better this year because it's not in the freaking Dead Eater summer and not 100
degrees every day where you want to just sleep. I love it. I love it. I got so wrecked there. So I don't know how you're an enemy. I was like I'd probably rather be only you know, hot but not like that. That was just a fence. I wasn't I wasn't ready for it. I'm not gonna lie.
But yeah, I guess we can get it rolling. Hi everyone. Today's space is going to be between say and eclipse and of both teams I haven't spoke to either team and quite a while so selfishly I'm looking forward to just kind of reminiscing here, but we'll just go do a little intro just said earlier. My name's Cosmos Haas. I've been in Cosm
I've been in crypto really for a couple of years now and I just really love Cosmos. It's growing and developing so fast. I remember when there was really really for most part nothing to even do in Cosmos and that seems like years ago in this space, you know, time flies. It's like dog years in this space, but
I'm excited for say I've been on a call. I did an AMA with say quite a while ago and I'm excited to see the growth and development of what has transpired at that time frame and that's kind of my little intro. I'll pass the buck over to Grover. Yes, not good to meet.
Yeah, I go by Grover around these parts. I got into crypto 2017. I was just a humble DJN until 2021. I started working for time, actually working on a project on Terra. And so that was my introduction to Cosmos, actually via Terra.
So that was a pretty, the peaks were very high and then the lows are very low. So then you started expanding, looking at it to Cosmos. I already knew the founders Jeff from a collection when I was working on the Terra project. And yeah, I just came across
And now I'm looking after ecosystem as part of the say core team thinking about who's launching when and how and just kind of how the ecosystems looking from a bird's eye view. So yeah, really exciting times and my telegram has exploded 100 X since I joined so that's I think that