Sei: Insights & Alpha

Recorded: June 5, 2023 Duration: 0:33:19



Hey, hey, guys, do you hear me?
Yeah, we can hear you how's it going cool. Hey, it's going great. How is it going? I'm doing awesome exciting for this AMA. Thank you so much for hosting me Thank you for coming. Okay. Hello guys. Welcome to this exciting AMA session
and thank you for joining us. I am Tatarra, I call Neil from CEDA and I will be your host for today's event. And today we have an esteemed guest from CEDA, Philip, who is a part of CEDA and who handles marketing and growth at CEDA. Hello and thank you for joining us.
Thank you so much for having me. I have to get into. Cool. Today we will be discussing many exciting things like personal experience, say overview, its uniqueness, micro-trans, and we'll figure out your questions and I hope you'll enjoy it. So if you have any questions,
questions related to our topic, please feel free to drop them in the chat and do not forget to add some love during our session. So guys, let's go. And let's start with a brief introduction about yourself, just in a few words to get know you like your name, your position in say and blah, blah.
Yeah, definitely so I can give you guys a little bit of background by myself. I've been in the crypto and web 3 space for pretty much like the past three years working as a growth lead for different definty file protocols primarily. I started off my career joining a founding team on
Solana where we were building cross-shade infrastructure and I served as the head of marketing and growth of that team. After that experience I went on to join Trader Joe where main responsibilities included developing the go-to-market strategies for the multi-chain expansion efforts helping deploy
the decks from a marketing standpoint on to Arbor German B&B Chain and now I'm a part of SAZE growth team where I mainly hop on the phone with founders ecosystem projects and people that I think that have a meaningful presence within the ecosystem
the potential to develop a meaningful presence within the ecosystem, really focusing a lot on my efforts around ecosystem growth, around empowering people that are looking to build within the ecosystem, looking to empower our amazing community members, ambassadors, and really anyone that's involved in our space.
Hmm, this sounds like an incredible experience in that space and crypto and I'm sure that it's certainly valuable for say, thanks for sharing it. And can you tell us when have you joined say and why is say
Yeah, definitely. Great question. So I joined, say, a few months ago now and it was a really interesting opportunity. I think joining an L1 really offered a lot of different opportunities to work on kind of a lot of different aspects within Web3 and crypto when you work for a D5 protocol, which was primarily when
I was doing in the past, you have the potential to grow a protocol and grow an audience. But when you work in L1 and when you're more focused on ecosystem growth, there are a lot of different stakeholders and a lot of different people that you can look to empower. So whether it's ecosystem projects or community members,
you know, whoever it may be, I have a lot more opportunities to provide my support and look to empower different stakeholders like I see it. And I'm able to now work across all the different pillars of Web 3, you know, not just being focused on B5, but also, you know, collaborating and working with the amazing NFT projects and founders building on say.
and also are thriving GameFi ecosystem, which you're not really excited about. A lot of very cool games coming out. So I really enjoy the opportunity to work across very different work streams and collaborate with individuals from all sorts of backgrounds and use cases within crypto.
That's amazing, that's amazing, really, thank you. I just have one comment to you, I remember, as I'm an ambassador from SEIA, and I remember in Colnil Chat, you just post your announcement like, "Guys, help me please, if I haven't followed
please do it right now and I think I was almost the first one who followed you so thank you this is really great and I like your like a Twitter account because I read all your posts and guys who haven't followed yet for Philip please do it now and it's really
And now we are going to delve into the short overview of say and further details on the unique factors that distinguish say from other players in the crypto and what makes a unique. So can you share with us what to say and what makes a unique?
Yeah, definitely. And just before I dive into like a quick overview on saying really happy to hear that, you know, like the efforts that we've been putting forth in towards of like the ecosystem in the community side are really starting to, you know, come into fruition. We're always looking to acknowledge and, you know, celebrate the people in our community that are looking to
So, you know, build our ecosystem together. So, that's one thing that just makes me super proud and super excited to like come and show up every day to see all the amazing community members and ambassadors come into work together. But yeah, I'll dive in real quick to, you know, a little overview, high level on say. So, you know, say is the fastest layer one for trading.
We have one core thesis and that's that trading digital assets is the fundamental use case for crypto. With that being said, say only has one value proposition and it's that any kind of trading application, whether it's a decentralized exchange, whether it's an NFT marketplace, or whether it's a gaming platform will operate better
on say versus any other L one you can find and you know the focus that we have towards that core thesis of trading digital assets makes us a general purpose chain in the sense that you know all applications whether it's a straightforward trading application like let's say a decentralized exchange or maybe it's like a gaming platform
or a wallet that still derives the majority of their activity from some sort of trading primitive. We really focus on the core fundamental of why people use crypto, why people are here in the first place, and then looking to optimize our infrastructure, optimize every layer of the stack to optimize
that best possible training experience and we're able to do that and able to really separate ourselves from other L ones through a handful of technical events. And so we have, I won't go through all of them, but I can go through a few of them now. The first and foremost being that say is the fastest training to find out the point playing with a lower bound.
of 300 milliseconds and then some other optimizations like say being one of the only chains to conduct parallelization, say having the redistribution of M.E.V. for additional value accrual and having a built-in order matching engine that trading up some leverage. Essentially with the creation of say we learned a lot from like the shortcomings and the successes of
other L ones and I thought, you know, how can we really provide the best infrastructure for all of these, you know, great trading applications across all the different pillars of crypto and web3 to come and offer that best possible trading experience essentially. It all goes down to that fundamental use case that we, you know, truly believe in.
Yeah, absolutely agree with you. And you answer, how to say this, highlights the key elements that set, say, apart in the crypto industry. The fastest layer one on customers focused on trading best. I think what can be better, yeah? And this great. And as I understand it,
what makes it unique and well prepared to achieve its goals that say it's focused on becoming the best chain for decks in DeFi, NFTs, gaming, etc. because it can easily connect with other platforms and really they sought some. Okay, we are doing great and it was an
insightful discussion about say and its unique features and we are moving to the next part of our AMA and let's shift our attention to the macro trends and cryptid option. As all we know that crypto world and blockchain technology continue to grow and recent years have introduced new protocols, new concepts, improved
mechanisms, scalability, privacy. So these innovations have the potential to lose future trends in crypto space. And so, Philip, you are as an expert of the marketing and growth, I'd say. Could you tell us about the current macro trends you are observing in the crypto space and what is say position?
Yeah, definitely. I appreciate that overview there. So essentially I think the way that I see the current macro conditions is that obviously we've been kind of in a bear mark rate quote unquote for the past few months, maybe close to a year now. But really what we focus on as builders in this phase is just getting ready for that
next wave of adoption. So, you know, it's easy to get caught up in macro trends and to try to, you know, be predicting what's going to happen in the future. But really, I'd say we just focusing on, you know, what we know is right. And that's, you know, just providing that best possible infrastructure. We have a set amount of goals that we worked towards that really, I would say, don't
depend so much on the macro conditions because there's so many other stuff that we need to focus on to empower our builders and community members. So I'd say that's kind of like the main focus. But taking a step back, I do think that this is kind of a pivotal time for the industry and for Web 3 in general because this is the time
where the builders really can focus in on their products, focus in on preparing for that next huge wave, which I think will come. And I think it will be interesting to see the different avenues that we can start to see kind of that mainstream adoption coming from. If I had to guess, I would think that NFTs and GamePie will play a very pivotal role in that.
you see kind of the increase in adoption in digital gaming and also just like programs like loyalty programs and other you know corporations starting to get involved in building digital communities and that sense of digital communities whether you know you're playing Fortnite or whether you're subscribing to
Starbucks loyalty program, they all have a lot of use cases for crypto essentially. And I think that people are slowly but surely starting to realize the potential that, you know, Web 3 applications have to empower different, you know, Web 2 programs, different Web 2 games, you know, whatever it may be.
And I think that now you see all the best teams really focusing in and you know just building as quickly and as best as they can to prepare for that next wave of adoption which we all know will come sooner than later. No one knows exactly when it will come but the trend that we're heading towards is I would say positive in that sense.
Thanks for sharing this is really cool and thanks for your insights like I'm really excited to hear how say is adapting to the evolving crypto industry and I think that say is the best community I have ever met really it's incredible community and I'm best of our program is
It's really amazing. And also about NFTs, I have two NFTs. I remember in my collection, like Dusk, NFT, and Down. I remember this collection was amazing. And look at our discord. It's growing every day. It's really huge.
Yeah, definitely. And, you know, to answer your question about how say is preparing, you know, one of the main reasons that say was, you know, created in the first place because was because of our founders realizing some of the prevailing scalability issues that have been, I would say, you know, prevalent within the industry for quite some time now.
You know, in order for crypto and web 3 to be able to be open to mainstream adoption, we have to have infrastructure that will be able to scale if the industry. And with that being said, that is a core focus of everything that we do at say is being able to scale. So when you think, you know, what goes into providing the best possible trading experience.
It's having applications that can scale with the demand. So, you know, once we do see a huge influx of, you know, crypto newbies or new people coming into the space, we will need to have applications that can process transactions efficiently. And, you know, as fast as possible to offer those best prices and all the different aspects that go into
to trading digital assets. And I think that's a core focus on one issue that really still needs to be solved across the entire Web 3 space. It's being able to scale, being able to provide a user experience that is similar to the one in Web 2 where you don't have to, you know,
you have a streamlined process, you don't have fragmentation in using different applications or using different chains. And I think that's kind of the trend that we'll be heading towards where a lot of the processes, a lot of the user experiences will be more streamlined and people will have a much more enjoyable experience using crypto.
Wow, Yannis first really brilliant. I see that it says dedication to making group to training easier through partnerships and user friendly tools is truly impressive. Thanks, Philip.
And just as we go through this topic, can you tell us about any special corporations, partnerships, or exciting things that say is doing to become one of the leaders in crypto markets?
Yeah, definitely. Well, you know, there's a handful, but one that I'm really excited about that's actually coming up in these next few weeks is this AI hackathon we're throwing in collaboration with one piece lives. I think at say we started to realize and wanting to put ourselves at the forefront of this AI
and blockchain convergence. I think like everyone here has been hearing a lot about AI and how it's kind of disrupting the way that companies are able to accomplish things, able to process data and all that stuff. So, say you're starting to realize this and really pushing towards adopting AI
And it's probably one of the things that I'm most excited about. I think it's kind of like a shared excitement across the space to see, you know, how we can further enable.
what blockchain is able to accomplish by incorporating some of the strongest things that AI has to offer. And I think the hackathon if I believe will start either in one week to two weeks, I think the registration is still open. So I would encourage anyone in this space to check out the say official account.
There's more information you can find there. I think we also have a blog post that kind of breaks down. The partnership, we will have this hackathon and there will be more events coming in collaboration with One Piece Labs. Their team is really great and just super excited to see kind of like all the amazing stuff that comes out of that partnership.
Cool, many, many, many exciting things are coming and AI is a real future and I'm excited that say is going to integrate into this. Yeah, it's really
very exciting and we are looking forward to it. And what do you think about Saze Roll? I mean what role does Saze play in the wider adoption of cryptocurrency and defying?
Yeah, I think I alluded to it a little bit before, but essentially in order for our industry, for the crypto space to evolve, we need to be able to have the base layer. We need to have a foundation in which founders can come and build applications that can be used by a wide array of different audiences.
So essentially now I think it still takes some time in terms of onboarding. When you think about how can we prepare for mainstream adoption, the first step is figuring out this onboarding process. Right now users will have to come and maybe be confused on how to set up a decentralized wallet or how to access some decentralized applications.
I think that first step in education is going to be crucial. But from a say, labs and say foundation piece, I think we're really just focusing on an infrastructure part. So we want to make sure that the infrastructure is viable for all the different protocols that are going to build on say, and we're going to look to empower them to help with that onboarding process, which is something that's going to be, you know,
super pivotal in capturing the attention that comes to crypto. It's one thing to get a lot of people talking about and excited about crypto, but it's another thing to actually be able to convert them into crypto users and into defy users. Getting them from just being a trader on centralized exchange like Binance to actually being a decentralized
or specialized finance user, maybe like trading on a DEX or participating in some gametime initiatives or even just buying and selling NFTs in a decentralized way. So I think that focus on onboarding and then also just providing the infrastructure for the applications to be able to provide a seamless onboarding experience will be crucial.
This is nice, thank you. I am amazed by how C is not only keeping up with the current micro-trace and blockchain industry, but also actually shaping them. I am proud to be a part of C, that's cool.
We're going to the end of our brilliant anime and now I will jump into the chat and look for your questions guys if you have some questions you can ask us and I see when Maynet some questions are really strange like Maynet is coming up
just follow up the official sales account and how to complete okay and any questions, interesting questions guys you can maybe we can maybe we can speak a little bit about the SAE ecosystem and like the amazing products always
want to take the opportunity to highlight the amazing teams and protocols building on say. Love to start off with Mizzou, I see us in the audience here. When I think about the NFT ecosystem that we have on say right now, it's such an early stage, it really just gets me super excited. And I think Mizzou, which is an NFT marketplace, by the way, on say,
There's a really good job building a collaborative environment for these NFT projects and thinking about what does it take for an NFT ecosystem to really thrive. I think there's a few different factors that go into it and having a marketplace that's really supportive of the ecosystem and really looking to empower the builders and creators is a super, I would
It's crucial in order to really have projects that thrive and have attract both creators and traders. It's very much so a two-sided thing and I think Muzu definitely gets that. There's so many great projects coming to the SAE ecosystem. A lot of them have a lot of plans. I've had the honor to chat with a few different
founders of the different, say, NFT projects and, you know, they really are super dedicated, have some really exciting plans. I don't want to give away too much alpha, but I just recommend to follow me and fall, say, and you'll start seeing some of the amazing initiatives at all these NFT projects coming out. And then also just our game by Ecos
system is super, super exciting right now. I think it's really laying the foundation for a lot of different teams and protocols to come and build really cool games on say. We have Tatami, which is going to be a game publisher, similar to Treasure Dow on Arbitrum, if people are familiar. It's going to be a super kind of
collaborative way to connect with other people that are interested in the gaming ecosystem on say and build awesome games. Also want to give a shout out to Tetris, which is like a D Gen version of Tetris. Super cool. A lot of different features coming out from that team and they're just super dedicated. I love to get on the phone.
with different founders and protocol teams and see how dedicated they are towards continuing to build out their gaming experiences or whatever they're working on. Just super bullish. I get super excited about it. And then obviously across the DFI we have so many exciting projects. I think LaLana is really going to be kind of like a differentiator.
in the space. They have a cool GMX style perfect change coming out. So super excited for them. Also, Sparrow Swap will be a great way for new people to come and get, you know, introduced to the ecosystem, discover different tokens and get to know all the amazing P5 protocols building in the space. Yeah, this is amazing.
amazing, a lot of collaborations and exciting partnerships. It's really amazing. I'm looking forward to testing it as I'm a tester tool and it's really brilliant. Thank you, thank you for your insights. Yeah, and you'll be a good point. A lot of, yeah, yeah.
a lot of these protocols that I mentioned are actually live on SACE Testnet now. So if you're interested in checking out a lot of these cool protocols before main at launch, you can actually do so. You can find information about all the teams that are alive on Testnet on SACE official account. So on the Twitter account, there's a thread that was published I think.
think maybe you wanted two weeks ago, that goes over every team that's live on SACE Testnet right now, and it is an incentivized testnet, so I definitely encourage anyone that's interested in learning more about the ecosystem to go and check that out. Really cool way to get familiar with, say, before me, Net Launch. Yeah, that's cool. And this is just the beginning, yeah.
a huge beginning. Of course, yeah, that's when I get a lot of messages of people telling me how excited they are about all the things that are coming out. I'm like, oh, like, this is just the beginning. We're just laying the ground works for really an amazing ecosystem to flourish. And that's
So it makes me most excited because I have experience working across different ecosystems, across the Salani ecosystem, Arbitram, and I think that all of the use cases that have really proven product market fit, and have proven that they have a lot of interest from crypto traders and crypto users,
I think we really have either one or multiple teams building protocols for those use cases. So it just makes me super excited to hear about all the plans and see all the amazing teams migrating over to say. And I think it's really laying that frame where it foreign ecosystems are flourished.
Yeah. Um, are you there?
I'm not sure if we lost you there, but this has been an amazing AMA. I don't know if anyone else has questions. I can go through the comments right now. More than happy to answer any questions. Just going through them now to see if there's any insightful questions.
But it's been awesome. I really enjoy hopping on these AMAs, connecting with community members. I really encourage anyone that's looking to build their presence within the space, looking to build cool stuff within our ecosystem to reach out. You know, our, the Say Labs team is super dedicated towards empowering and providing all the
support resources tools that ecosystem projects may need that founders may need that community members may need and there's a lot of exciting initiatives coming out. I do want to flag that for all you ambassadors in the crowd we are having a lot of exciting enhancements coming out. We're just finalizing them, but you know I couldn't be more excited.
I had for it. I do have a lot of experience working across different ambassador programs across different DVR protocols. And I think that the one we're building is really the strongest I've ever seen. So super excited for this like for the ambassador enhancements to roll out and for people to start realizing kind of the benefits of being a long term.
So that's super exciting. And yeah, I mean like like we're all still so early, you know, I think that's one important thing to say like and we see you, you know, that's one thing that I want everyone to know all of your efforts for all you community members out there. They are acknowledged. They are recognized.
and they are greatly appreciated. We will continue to work on rewarding people that are looking to build the ecosystem up. And I think that's just like maybe one important thing that we can end on is that this is very much so a collaborative effort. You know, it's not just like the SAE labs team pushing the ecosystem forward. It's not just the ecosystem projects pushing the
The ecosystem forward. It's really a collaborative effort. It's like really trying to push the flywheel in a sense that like you know we have a small push that once the ball gets rolling it will really be exponential growth and You know the more people that are getting involved the more people that are collaborating with modern
and the more projects that are building on say, it seems super, super exciting, super bullish, and I just can't wait to see all the amazing things I know that are coming start to roll out. - Yeah, I think if there's any other questions, we'd love to answer them or we can wrap up here.
I think yeah, I see some questions but these questions are not related to our topic. It's like when we're in it, what about air drop and so on.
Okay, sounds good. Yeah, I mean, main net is coming up like the only answer I have is soon, but I would just like recommend everyone to follow the official account, turn notifications on, follow your national account. We have accounts for all the different languages across, you know, the main segments of our community. So, you know, if you're not a native English speaker, you
is head over, you know, say India has a great account of, you know, a national account that really makes sure to distribute all the information in the native languages. So I think that's a great place to start. And, you know, just turn on those notifications beyond the look out. A lot of exciting things are on the way. And big thank to you because you have
for your support. Actually today is our first AMA and my first AMA. So I think this is a big, like a little victory for me and for say India because today we started our first AMA. And to summarize, I would love to thank our guests and
I would like to thank Philip for your valuable insights and contributions to today's MA. You have demonstrated your expertise and dedication to our projects. We really appreciate all the participants who joined our MA today. A big thank to all of you and I think we have to say goodbye.
Awesome. Thank you so much for hosting. It's always just such a pleasure to come on and connect with the community and to answer any questions. Thank you everyone for joining. I see a lot of familiar faces in the audience. Super excited to see people consistently showing up. Every day I continue to be impressed with all the amazing stuff that are
community members are able to contribute. So you know this is all really you know for you guys and with you guys again this is a collaborative ecosystem one that we're really going to build up together. So you know let's keep up the amazing work and a lot of exciting times ahead. Yeah thank you. You are strong but we are stronger together.
Exactly. So thank you and see you next time guys.
- Bye, see everyone. - Bye.