Recorded: Jan. 29, 2024 Duration: 1:10:00



GM GM testing 123
Mike check
all right good morning good afternoon good evening wherever you guys are um thank you so much for
tuning in to uh the ama with sate network uh thank you very much for joining and before we get it
started uh please uh hit like and retweet uh for this uh ama announcement channel as well as this
space link so that more audiences can be tuning into this ama and also uh would like to learn uh they
can learn also more about sate networks and upcoming updates that they will be providing in this ama
and if you have any questions be sure to comment down below if you want to and if you want to step
on the stage later on this ama will be adding five adding five speakers to the stage and and have them
ask questions all right so how are you guys doing everyone um all right hey sir how are we doing
all right happy happy monday happy monday sir yes sir uh sorry if i forgot about interaction so we
have uh grover uh head of marketing of sate network joining us tonight and hey grover how
are you doing today sorry once again how are that very very well thank you very well thanks uh
thanks for having me how about yourself i'm doing great i'm doing great a little busy day monday and
and yeah i had a great weekend and uh it's pretty refreshing uh it was a pretty refreshing weekend
and it was just ready to get ready to uh face the new challenges and whatever whatever it's coming
up what i was uh what i was gonna be uh gonna be uh sorry i'm very my mind is already um
everyone right now so i get that monday feeling as well i get the monday feeling as well i don't
know usually like this but yeah sorry that's all right that's all right um yeah i think uh crypto
is extremely busy busy industry and i think many people don't realize uh that i think they picture
that you know you're sitting with your laptop by the pool you know maybe we're all in barley
somewhere that is not the case it is 24 seven it never switches off so uh it definitely takes
a special kind of someone to uh to keep to keep at it for sure yes sir yes sir for sure thank you
so much um so uh could you uh introduce a little bit about yourself your background and probably where
you're basing kind of stuff yeah sure so uh yeah my name is grover i'm head of marketing as say
um my background i've been in crypto since 2017 uh through various different
projects and uh interesting interesting sort of schemes and all sorts and i found myself here
now as head of marketing at say network uh i've been with the project since uh just around the start
um i can get into more about what say is in a minute but yeah that's uh some of my background
here before i was a mechanical engineer believe it or not nothing to do with uh programming and
and software and that sort of stuff but um i think yeah it's just such an interesting and
fascinating industry so really happy to be uh to be working in it now oh that's awesome so
mechanical engineer shifting from mechanical engineering transition
into the totally different industry um so what's the um what what made you dive into crypto
just personally oh and yeah i mean so um it's definitely i think when you first sort of it sort
of just clicks i remember in 2017 sort of trying to get my head around this stuff and sort of like
okay what does this really mean um a lot of the stuff it didn't really click until honestly
2020 with d5 summer it's like ah we have this sort of trustless programmable uh intermediary
that sort of can replace so many it's like it's so game-changing for many many different types
of businesses the way we kind of coordinate like it's kind of this combo of philosophy
and economics and and finance and so many different things all wrapped up into one
um so i just found it so so interesting um and at the time you know when you're working an office
job and you're uh in a glass box and doing some some engineering drawings you're like you know what
this is much much more interesting um so yeah i guess that's like super briefly i think at the
time i think you could say it's like uh uh maybe it sounds idealistic but it's like a credible
revolution for our generation it's like this big this huge new thing that's coming out it's going
to disrupt so many industries that i think once you realize the potential of it you just get sucked
in so uh that's a little bit of of that but personal background oh that's awesome that's
awesome there's a big word so it's everything is a revolutionary like for the finance industry
which say also um is uh solving a lot of uh previous issues that we had during the last
four runs and all the stuff as we uh onward to that uh at this moment at this current moment
and um as far as we already know um i i guess like there's not too much information that
i mean there's not new information that people already i mean people already know about the
same networks and the fastest blockchains uh optimized for trading especially trading
digital assets and cryptos assets um so let's get into um the AMA section so um we have some
few questions that are already prepared and i would like to ask perform uh as a uh presenting
i guess get IO as well and afterwards or well have five participants just step on the stage
and ask questions and hopefully uh you could answer uh the questions from the users for
for sure i see we already have 172 comments so we're going to be here for a long time i think
yes sir um unfortunately we won't be able to pick every one of the questions but yes we'll do
what it is as much as we can all right so yeah um before we get started if you have a question
make sure to just comment down below as well uh say 176 we could get it up to probably 500
questions by the end of the AMA all right so uh let's get into the first question so can you
give us a brief overview of say and a core vision behind it yep so uh originally uh the co-founders
of say jay well jay was at robin hood and uh if you're familiar with robin hood back around
sort of the gamestop saga uh there was a whole sort of controversy around switching off buy buttons
and you know taking away access and um that that really inspired him originally um to want to build
his own on chain exchange to rival these sort of centralized offerings but in 2021 he realized
the infrastructure wasn't really there so there weren't really high performance blockchains that
you could feasibly run consumer facing applications on you know he was stuck with things like ethereum
very very early salona at the time um you know he wasn't completely clear how it would play out so
this was the original inspiration for say to facilitate crypto apps that have a web2 like
user experience with all the benefits of crypto like self-custody decentralization
etc etc so a lot of the team are from the bay area in san francisco with experience in other
sort of high-paced tech companies so we think that uh this vision is achieved by building
out the most performant and fastest time to finality blockchain infrastructure possible
so uh it also has to be accessible and open to as many developers as possible
so that it can truly move the needle forwards in crypto overall so if say it's successful then
applications will be able to offer nearly the same ux as any web2 competitor and that is
really really powerful we think thank you so much for answering this question and
thank you for the brief introduction for saying it worked as well i'd like to ask you a little bit
about uh uh follow-up questions if you don't mind so um basically you were talking about like
ux ux user friendliness and also while maintaining the core principles of like decentralized issues
like uh self-custodies and all that stuff and security as well and in the blockchain
technology so um how do you see the balance between these these two things like you say you
were web2 like experience a user friendless ux and as well while maintaining the decent
uh the benefits and advantages of decentralized issues in the security blockchain industry
yeah um so yeah this is this is a really good question so uh a lot of a lot of blockchains
and a lot of teams that you'll hear now um we agree with people like toly at salana guys at
sweet app toss um you know other high performer blockchains we totally agree with this point that
uh hardware costs are going down over time uh and so it makes sense to leverage uh the the the
improvements in hardware that are going on all the time in the real world uh to ensure that you
can actually provide an experience with your apps that that uh consumers can you can actually sort
of like uh how do i put it use without paying 50 a gas or uh you don't have to wait for 20
minutes you know for transactions to get finalized or all of these horrible trade-offs that um uh aren't
we think are just not necessary anymore uh we're sort of you know ethereum came out in 2015
at the time you know this was sort of what made sense this is what was possible but um
you know it's been nine years and and we think it's time to move forwards and uh and start to
really delve into some of these high performance environments where it's not just that you can um
so there's that the obvious stuff like hey if you if you deploy uniswap on say for example and and
we'll get into how that's possible in a little bit um it's not just that it's like okay cool i take
the same app and i make it faster um you actually remove a bunch of bottlenecks that developers are
facing just overall so if they need to uh if they want to run applications that needs more than 30
to 50 tps that's not actually possible on ethereum or on a roll up right now uh so hey
here's a new place where you can build an app that actually leverages faster throughputs and uh
and you can take a lot more computation and put it on chain like there's a bunch of new things
this whole new design space that opens up so um at the same time you want to make sure that
you have a distributed set of nodes around the world like this is not just like one data center
like what's the point what's the point of running off of one pc uh that's not the case
at all we say um so there's a distributed set of there's 40 uh 40 validator nodes right now and
we'll be pushing to increase that in the future um and we'll also be pushing to add some things
like light clients and zk light clients to sort of improve this this verification piece
which we think is really important on the decentralization side so yeah um that's um
what we're we're looking at on on the say end decentralization versus performance we think it's
it's uh it's it's actually kind of low hanging fruit at this stage to to crank the performance
much much higher especially for the evm um so yeah that's that's what we're looking at
all right awesome thank you very much for answering um so yeah maintain the desktop um really cool
balance in the between like user user friendliness and as well as they can maintain like uh
decentralizing shape could be more improving the decentralizing suit weight as we as you guys
go on so the leading to next question so what inspired development like this is the main topic
of the ama as well so uh the development of say v2 uh what we what are the uh motivations to
propose this upgrade to say uh network yeah so i mean i mentioned a little bit just then about
um in evm right now uh well actually maybe i'll start with one one statement which is that we
think that the evm is here to stay um the theory of virtual machine it has terminal velocity and
it's extremely unlikely for the evm to lose its majority market share in the next at least
you know one to two years uh other execution environments like move uh fuel are all going
to have a tough time to sort of break in um we think it's a similar to javascript in web2 so
even though it might not be the best language it has tons of support and so it's the default
that devs use um so with that in mind we spoke to a ton of developers when say launched back in
august of last year uh we launched with cosm wasm and um we came to the conclusion pretty quickly
that the amount of work and tooling and applications and mindshare around the evm was just so
significant um this is should be the the absolute next thing that we support on say
the actual work for this was started back at the end of 2022 um but we picked up again and
and started to we made the proposal back in november of last year to to ship save e2 so um yeah all of
this points about you just can't get more than 30 tps uh on ethan and rollups which really limits
this design space so what we're proposing here is a parallelized evm which lets you get the best
of ethereum and salana that's the best way to frame it it's simplistic but that's the best way to frame
it so you get the evm and all the mindshare and the tooling around it plus you get the fast
execution kind of environment that salana offers where this is there's a bunch of details um
we're incorporating geth which is the most battle tested implementation of the evm uh this will be
completely bytecode compatible with existing apps that use the evm right now so um side note we
think that this paralyzing the evm will serve as a potential scaling approach for the whole
ethereum ecosystem we're hopeful that like the ethereum community can can leverage some of this
work and the open source code base of say to you know fork this you know use it for their own
purposes um it's it's definitely really easy to to view the industry as zero sum but
we think uh it's just super early um so we take a positive some viewpoint so things like you know
zk sync and and uh all these other roll ups are being built out right now we think are really
helpful and it will definitely help to scale the industry but safety is just another another
approach okay thank you very much uh for a insight and updates for v2 um i'd like to ask one more
questions uh regarding that um same question so what are the as a developer's perspectives that
without getting too uh too technical into it uh what is the challenge that they could possibly
face when utilizing the say network um and build build adapts on the network
and with uh those for especially for those developers that are familiar with existing
blockchain infrastructures infrastructures that you already mentioned like ethereum solana etc so
yeah so if i understand your question like what what are the problems that would be
solved for them or are there any challenges yes oh i see okay so um so yeah so if you have built
an application on ethereum or on arbitrary optimism anywhere that's this in the uvm you can port that
with no changes straight over to say um you know immediately basically so uh you know truffle hardhat
all of these different repositories all available and could be used on safety too some of the
challenges so like um specifically what you could build in a high throughput environment the super
obvious one is a an order book i think a lot of people always go there first because uh trading
and exchange and speculation is such a central part to crypto in the first place like you know
what do people use uh right now they you know rather than do it like the majority of trading
clearly happens in centralized exchanges you guys know know that better than anyone uh so like how
do you try and get some of that market share how do you try and get some uh some of that
to come on chain in the first place well you can't really build a competitive order book at all
on chain right now unless you take components of that off chain so i think some examples perhaps
like dy dx for example dy dx is the the most popular and i think has the highest volume of any
perp text still although vertex has been doing really well um but they uh they elected in the
end like hey we can't use this ethereum roll up we have to build our own blockchain uh on cosmos
and i think they still have the off chain auto matching right so like some of these components
are not on chain still so you know you still you still want to see these these pushing the
boundaries and cranking the the performance of these chains even higher so you can bring more
and more and more of this actually on chain and remove assumptions and trust you know problems of
trust and um you know try to have to create all these extra sort of uh little little connections
and little uh what's like creating more entropy i think is one way of putting it uh so that that's
that's one really obvious thing that you can solve um there's a bunch of other stuff bringing
computation on chain means you can start to think about ai and you can start to think of
uh you know all kinds of really interesting like this this airbnb for gpu's idea that people
have spoken about so um there's there's a bunch of stuff i think i probably don't uh know all of the
use cases and that's the awesome thing i think they'll become uh more and more obvious as time
goes on but um i'm really excited to see what people build uh and and come up with and uh if
i come up with a good idea right i might try it as well but uh i'm sure other people smarter than
me will we'll do it first awesome thank you very much thank you very much that's cool awesome
um so basically um uh let's say as a non-non-developer person like myself as well i'm not really
developing as much as you guys are and um so to explain to those people that are not familiar
uh with the technical aspects of edm and paralyzed edm etc so uh can you explain in a really simple
terms that uh audience on this ama uh could understand so what is it paralyzed edm means and
like unique key features and advantages yes absolutely so um i so parallelization like
what it's a very very interesting word it sounds like a buzzword um i think a lot of people it's
useful if i if i can come up with an analogy to try and explain what this actually means in
practice so this is my favorite one i think some of you might have heard it already um but i will
repeat it here i think it's um it's the best i've got and i haven't found a better one yet so let's
say that you have it's a really really hot day maybe you're in barcelona it's 40 degrees outside
and you really really want to drink um so there's one vending machine and that one vending machine
has uh let's say five different types of drink it's got coke sprite fanta seven up and something
else um the problem is there's only one vending machine so everybody in barcelona has to queue up
this one machine and whether you want a coke or a sprite or a seven up you all got to queue and
you got to wait in that same line um so take that that's kind of what's happening now on
uh all evm chains so everything's happening a single thread like one one at a time sequentially
instead imagine if you could have five different vending machines which all serve one different
type of drink so if you want sprite or you want fanta or you want coke you don't have to queue
with the people who want coke if you want to sprite right so like you kind of parallelize
the process now now obviously like five machines is still not very many for barcelona in this
case is actually like every single different part of the state um i guess touched is a is a separate
vending machine so imagine there's like an nft mint okay well i'm not interested in this nft mint at all
i just want to send some gas to my friend so he can like um like execute a swap on uniswap or
something you don't have to queue with like board up your clubs running at the same time
you don't have to like join the queue with those guys you can have join the queue with people who
just want to send some gas or you you know if you want to do a swap on uniswap well now you're just
doing that separately it's like they're running at the same time in parallel um so this by itself
like leads to a bunch of very interesting like um sort of outcomes um and it gives a reasonable
performance boost by itself uh so on say v2 this process will be optimistic um what that means is
that developers don't actually have to do anything uh in the first place to sort of say hey this
is going to be a hot spot or hey uh this is this is going to be uh pretty busy so all the transactions
are assumed to be parallelizable uh which is the hardest word in the egress language to say
so the fancy name for that is optimistic concurrency control so all that means is that
developers don't have to do anything they could just deploy their apps and then automatically you
know it will uh the chain will will parallelize everything and then it will resolve conflicts
afterwards so by operating the evm on top of say not only does it benefit from this optimistic
parallelization but it also means you get the fastest time to finality of any blockchain
using say's consensus mechanism which we've called twin turbo to make it really exciting
so that means that transactions will finalize in around 300 milliseconds which is like you know
human reaction times are like 200 to 300 milliseconds um if maybe if you're an athlete they're a bit
faster but that means that you can get a web2 like experience like hey you click you click on
you know swap and then an rpc gets called and 300 milliseconds boom the chain's done uh so in
the end it's uh it's pretty damn quick compared to like waiting for ethereum which takes something
like i don't know up to 20 minutes sometimes um so yeah you'll be able to use metamask you'll
be able to use other ethereum wallets that you're familiar with and you'll be able to
just come and use this uh this new um new kind of uh i guess landscape on say
so yeah hopefully that's that hopefully that's helpful with uh parallelization i think that's
probably an oversimplification but it's the best the best one i've got so far
i appreciate that i appreciate that yes that's um uh very easy to understand
if you're non-tech persons as well um yeah and then a paralyzed evm um it's very hard to pronounce
and i was working for it i mean i was working on a pronunciation all day long paralyzed paralyzed
i practice every morning every morning my routine i get up i uh have my breakfast i brush my teeth
and then look in the mirror and go parallelizable five times
parallelizable okay and what's the what's the easiest term uh easier term to say uh
uh things happening at the same time that don't touch the same part of the state so like yeah um
that that's kind of one way of looking at it and uh i think any any analogy that's about things
happening at the same time uh like if you're in a kitchen oh well you don't just cook one ingredient
one after the other you have like multiple chefs and sous chefs and you and you're kind of cooking
things at the same time that's another one to to think about that's awesome yeah thank you very
much for your simple explanations um so what's how's like growth uh since the launch of the
state network and um like how how is it adapted to the state network and then building the tabs
yeah um it's been really really fascinating like um it was a little bit quiet immediately
after mainnet i think that's somewhat natural with uh any layer one blockchain launch you know
things before launch and then you launch and then things uh sort of quieten down a little bit um
we've seen uh a really amazing sort of community response in the last two months perhaps a little
bit longer now um where i think uh this this whole saian meme you probably are familiar with
the people are using like dragon ball hairstyles and things like that um i'm a fan of dragon ball
as well which makes it even cooler um but yeah this is like completely community driven and a whole
whole bunch of nft projects and memes and uh training volume it's turned up on say in the
last couple months and nft's are really really taken taken off now um to like a a really cool
degree to the point where um yeah i think we're i can't remember exactly what the stats are but
we're right up there like top you know top five chains by nft volume which is uh really cool
because we you know the evm is not even here yet so we're really excited to see um how that kind
of plays out uh once uh once evm launches um yeah you can come and check out like i suppose i could
do a few shout outs like um palettes is is the nft marketplace here we've got uh dobs we've got
sailors ants uh sayans we've got we bump uh the guys that we bump are building some really cool tools
as well um a whole bunch of teams the saian the saian uh meme coin team as well also building
some cool tools so a bunch of like grassroots kind of development is happening which uh we're really
excited by we think it's amazing so um all of that has been taken us somewhat by surprise
um so looking ahead to save v2 as well uh all of that is already code complete and and ready to
well it's it's going to be on testnet imminently uh that's the best i can give the official
the official line is that it will be uh testnet in q1 and subject to governance and audits
mainnet in the first half of 2024 but yeah it's it's looking pretty good right now um
so yeah uh all of that is is pretty exciting but definitely check out
uh the ecosystem which is live right now so uh yeah that's um that's how things have kind of
kind of played out oh thank you very much um yeah nfts and and also meme coin is a very
essential of key sectors and of uh i think a growing and adapt more bigger adaption and
expansion in for the best blockchain networks and ecosystem in general and yeah i've started
seeing like a lot of uh nfts and then maybe coins on the say just taking off and i'm like
oh what's going on and out there so yeah i don't know either a lot of time is uh it's
like hey did you check out that mint i said wait what no what is that you know it's like there's
just so much going on right now um there's some cool dashboards on uh flip side so if you've got
a flip side and then you put on uh say then you can filter down there's a bunch of really
really cool uh dashboards i've just opened one up now let me see okay so yeah i mean there's
like 25 000 people have bought nfts in the last uh 30 days you know um which you know sounds uh
sounds like not a lot of people if you think about it's like one football stadium maybe
of people um you know that's what i mean by early like this is still like um relatively
small number of people if you think about the global market and potential but it's like in crypto
it's definitely more than uh uh yeah it's it's what we would class as an early adoption i guess
right definitely indeed um all right so let's see let's go to the next question so
apart from okay besides optimistic optimistic parallelizations what other uh improvements does
say uh b2 will bring yeah so uh this proposal basically uh it touches pretty much every part
of the stack so the the parallelization part is is you know it's uh uh the part you might hear about
in and i don't know threads and marketing things but um there's a bunch of other things and you
can check all of this out in the say blog if you guys go to there's a nice
article with some diagrams but basically the first thing is say we'll now have two execution
environments so this is the same blockchain as before it's not like iphone 4 iphone 5 like a
separate device this is like the same uh chain it just will now have two execution environments
which is uh wasm and evm and all of that will be part of say's core binary so this is not like
a set of smart contracts on top of say this is part of the core binary itself um the other part
of this uh which is pretty interesting is say db so this is an effort that's been inspired by
a ton of work done over the past year in collaboration with some other teams around cosmos and the net
result of this is it ensures that say can squeeze out a ton of performance from parallelized evm
and addresses the state bloke problem that you start to see with these high performance blockchains
so if you think about like say has already done uh over 2x the amount of blocks that ethereum
has in its entire lifetime but already so like this is a lot of data like when you have high
performance chains with 300 400 millisecond block times you start to see your state grow very very
quickly so it's important that you try and manage that you make state syncing if you're running up
a node like if you want to spin up a brand new full node on say and you want to get a copy of
the entire history you want to catch up with the chain as it is you want that to be possible and
not take too long and there's a bunch of other really important things about reads and writes
back to the state that you can read about more again if you're into that kind of thing
in a recent blog post we put out again about specifically about say db but yeah this is like
a really really important part of of the whole process we we retain the twin turbo consensus
i mentioned before which is a modified version of tenderment which is used across several different
cosmos chains which basically took took time to finality down from six seconds to 400 milliseconds
and what's really important about all of this is that all these components are either fully
battle tested like i say components like software all this software is is fully battle tested or
rigorously tested in production so since a has been live since august 2023 you know tenderment
was tested pretty well through several different cosmos chains that shall not be named but it's
got a lot of a lot of action and then yeah all of this is you know leveraging standard some standard
but high performance databases as well so all this means that you know you you basically get
we really do see it as low hanging fruit like the evm should be paralyzed by now
but okay cool if no one else has done it yet then we will be we're very happy to jump in and make
this happen because this is what people we think need so we take the developer need we take what
people are asking for and we say great let's let's ship software that fixes that problem
versus sort of i guess i guess the trap here for some teams would be to try and develop
the perfect solution from the start and then never launch it and just not get through that
iterative process of listening to feedback and then shipping stuff quickly so that's that's
part of this whole thing about say labs we put a very high weighting on ruthless prioritization
you know solve the solve the problem and then iterate and improve and just keep going
so that's more about what save you two is and some again a little bit more thinking about
how it's designed in the first place
awesome thank you very much so basically you're just attacking the problems and then
okay when when you guys realize that like nobody's solving the problem nobody
actually providing the solution to the current problems especially like um what is that like
known requirements as well like software requirements storage requirements and all that stuff so you
have like achieved um as far as that information i have uh 60 percent reduction in state storage
and all that they think times like 12 times 12 x improvements and all that stuff like that
is that is that number correct or yeah so that's versus save one and save one is already pretty
performance so it's um yeah it's really really awesome um so and exactly that like what do
people need right now you know the ethereum ecosystem i think um it definitely feels like
it slowed down recently it feels like people are a little bit jaded by more rollups than they can
and all these roll ups are just writing back to ethereum mainnet so they just they all just
get uh you know to compete with each other for block space in the end of the day so hey let's
let's just build this uh let's just do let's just build this uh this is high performance evm uh the
people are i think gonna really appreciate and i think people are really gonna have a lot of fun
with uh like right now versus you know spending a long long time on this thanks so much awesome
very um very exciting upcoming developments and also like you know um how you guys like
attacking to the the ecosystem to try to improve the ecosystem in general um not as not ecosystem
in general but crypto industry in general um so basically what is the roadmap uh to mainnet for
save v2 and um uh how can teams get involved and like who might be like if let's say for
for those that interested in and taking you apart um yeah yeah um so the the next step here is the
testnet and i would love to tell you all when exactly when it is because i think i'm pretty sure
but uh that's that's called jinxing it uh so we'll let you know in due course but this is very very
soon um at that point it'll be an opportunity for teams to start deploying basically their
applications and start to sort of really um test out and see how things are working so
uh there'll be some pretty detailed instructions about how to get involved and how to um
connect to the network you know the really obvious stuff because it is there will be some confusion
and for sure it's it's sort of work through because cosmos wallets will work on save but
also ethereum wallets will work on stage so yeah we want to make sure we want to try and
make this as seamless as we possibly can um and then over you know however long testnet runs
you'll see more and more applications deploy um we're kind of excited to drop some announcements
about who is going to be deploying on um on save v2 testnet and uh yeah and then in due course the
first half of 2024 we'll see um we'll see mainnet so uh provided the audits will come back squeaky
which i'm sure they will see that's what that's that's called jinxing it um so that's um that's uh
yeah how things kind of look from where we're standing and then i mean that's again like
you know mainnet ships and that's not like okay cool that's it we're done um there's there's so
much innovation going on right now around high-performance blockchains you know even just within
parallelization uh even within like you know like what's the motivation for people to deploy move
as a smart contract language it's like well the evm has got a bunch of things that re-entry
re-entry attacks and security problems so like okay well maybe we think about that next maybe
we're thinking about zk like clients and uh how we can improve the decentralization of save through
like anybody can verify transactions you know there's just like a whole whole pile of things
for us to get through so that is very much like just another checkpoint uh like i said we'll we'll
we'll listen to feedback we'll see what people need we'll see what people are saying
and then we'll ship and that's uh that's just going to go on
not in perpetuity but for a long time i think awesome thank you very much so um okay um
i wonder if so from the investor's perspective there's a user experience part and also um
as a developers like okay there will be a better environment for developing a say network and
it will be easier for those in better developers that are already familiar familiar familiarized
with the uh uh there exists a new blockchain infrastructures infrastructures uh so from the
investment perspective like why do you um think uh people should look into the state network and
then upcoming uh not really worse upcoming uh developments so what what should the investors
should be able to be excited about i mean this is not a find and understand advice i understand that
but from your perspective yeah um for sure i mean yeah caveat like um i could never encourage anyone
to speculate or to yeah invest and say specifically for any reason um but i mean there's plenty of
reasons to be excited about the tech and the things i spoke about today i think so um yeah
primarily because we think is a step improvement in just like it just moves the whole evm and when
you talk about ethereum like the way i see ethereum as a community is is uh the developers and the
people building on it you know versus like uh i don't know particular holders or something like that so
you know if you're if you're making life much much easier and you're removing bottlenecks for
people to build actual consumer grade applications that like millions or even billions of people
could use then that's very very interesting um and i think that's a problem that's worth solving so
yeah that's what i would say on that point okay thank you very much and this is like my personal
question okay not investors not a user if you say anything would you describe your say as an
eth killer or is this like your oh no no no no no i yeah i always find people talk about
blockchains killing each other you know it's like no they're there i see them as quite peaceful
creations i don't see them as things that kill each other uh at all um no i i think um again
it comes back to this whole thing about you know is this uh you know is there like the pie
a pie that's growing um and is there space for multiple projects to exist simultaneously
and is this like absolutely yes like in my view um like this industry is still
we like like if you here's here's one um example of how we're still early in crypto uh if you
if you just go and bother to actually like try some of these apps you're in a very small group
of people who then um you know sometimes find themselves getting uh airdrops for different
projects like you know looking at uh you know it's a lot of ecosystem recently things like that
you know if you even like could be could find the strengths to try the apps in the first place
and get through that user journey then congratulations like you're in a very select group
so like that's just one example of how like crypto is clearly very early like
it's uh it's not super user-friendly it's not exactly widely adopted uh a lot of this stuff
costs a lot of money for people to even like consider using and uh yeah there's so many like
hurdles to get through so yeah i don't think we're anywhere near like the potential of this
industry and there's definitely space for projects to coexist i mean um you know there are ideas that
say are using like from from aptos is some of that tosses work like block xdm and you know it's
all open source and you know and and so we said cool that's a really nice idea man so like uh we
think it's it's like collaborative more than anything else and there's some stuff here like
hopefully like some that say dv work you know that gets implemented in production and people see
that and go oh cool yeah that seems like a really sensible way to do things let's uh let's implement
that as well and um yeah we hope that people might do that and uh and and benefit for some
of the work going on here that's that's like the whole point that's that's why it's open source
in my mind um beyond like the security point it's uh it's just to accelerate this whole
industry forwards faster because otherwise it just slows down just enormously and
i don't think we're um at that point yet where we can uh you know start locking things down
all right yes sir yes sir i 100% agree with that it's like it's not a good but it's like um
collaborative effort to just move it move the move the space forward and without eight layers
and now you wouldn't probably say may not have even existed and then develop as well as uh
it is current currently um without a problem uh having the uh issues previous issues and then
the eighth network blockchains like like gas gas uh high gas fees and uh you know you know
transactions and blockchains and all that stuff so um yeah and then also a lot of founders like
that i talked to the mention uh during avma um always always mentioned like we need a collaborative
effort uh within the ecosystem without it within the industry industry to to grow further and then
uh achieve the math adaption in the mean yeah there's just not enough people working in crypto yet
to do that you know teams of 30 teams of 50 you know really um yeah it's uh we're not at that
point where uh where it makes sense too much to to lock things down um so yeah um for sure i think
that's uh that's my take and then yeah especially like um like i mentioned about like modern hardware
like it's getting cheaper all the time and um it just makes sense like it's just super super easy
now to get your hands on like i think the the full node requirements on say a 64 gigs of ram
and one terabyte ssd which is like pretty achievable by most people a lot of people
days um so yeah we think that that's pretty modest and and attainable uh yeah not i think
a lot of people when they think about these high performance chains like oh yeah sure like
you need like a quantum commuter you need to all be running in the same uh the same data
center in germany somewhere but that's uh yeah that's not the case that's right that's right
so for uh thank you so much for answering i can actually inspirational like a very
inspirational and announce inspiring answers so what uh let's say before we get into like a
questions from users um the audiences sorry um what would you say you say like there's not enough
developers in the in a web3 working in a web3 so uh for the younger uh audiences or whoever wanted
like uh shift a career shift a career into like true web3 and development side um what is what is
your advice um that you can uh provide to those guys yeah career i'll give some career advice
yeah um i think uh gosh i mean this so like with any kind of early industry uh things move really
really fast um like absurdly fast but at the same time there's tons of opportunities and ideas are
very welcome like shared and discussed and you know if you turn up to these uh like any of these
crypto conferences uh meet some of the teams like it's all pretty open i i found like most most
people are very welcoming to uh just like have a chat and talk about what they're working on like
i think that is one pretty attractive part if you're sitting in silicon valley you probably
already have this entrepreneurial mindset um there's no place i think to that's better for an
entrepreneur to work than in crypto right now uh i think that's been true for like probably
i don't know three to four years well i mean since the last uh bull run quote unquote started
probably that's true and if you dipped to work on ai maybe you're coming back now let's see
um so yeah i think it's one of this it's fast paced uh it's very exciting new ideas are getting
shared and sort of worked on pretty much uh like within a couple of months you know you go from
concept to all right cool let's let's push this to a test net and see if it works so
all that's super exciting i think especially because it's so um like we've had so much focus
on infrastructure definitely in the last couple of years everybody's been trying to build out
high-performance infrastructure trying to you know sort of like move things forward to unlock
the whole point which is to get consumer grade apps we don't have killer apps in crypto that
actually leverages tech for that millions of people use yet um so the first people to get
that nailed like that's that's a huge opportunity um so yeah it's it's um from from that perspective
there's just like a huge opportunity for somebody to come in and just make the magic happen
so yeah um that's uh i think that's my career advice for today
awesome thank you very much thank you very much all right so uh i have more questions that i want
to ask but let's get uh let's get into the user's questions um all right so before we get into that
uh i would like to share uh that uh we'll be giving away uh eight hundred uh let me specifically
just give me a hundred seven say uh to up to 20 users so five questions uh we will pick
five questions uh from from the request of the speakers and then we'll be bringing five
papers on board uh to the stage and also 15 uh we will be having a gleam um there's a gleam
links in the announce ama announcement channel um for the get get our your officer account if
you could uh pin up the uh announcement tweet on the top of the so uh this link uh that'll be
appreciated and if you haven't applied it if you haven't submitted your applications for ama
ama giveaway so please make sure to do so and make sure to follow and like um and retweet
this tweet as well thank you very much okay so let's pick uh let's see one uh first person
and uh give me a second we have so many requests uh let's see all right uh we're gonna go
uh just give me a second sorry guys uh let's see hold on all right let's go mario
hello mario if uh could you kindly accept the request so once you're on the stage go
ahead and start asking questions you don't have to wait for me okay and mario how you doing
um hello mario you're on the stage um he's uh he's saving princess peach currently hello
oh hey how you doing i'm doing good man uh thank you very much uh you know uh security is the most
important aspect in every project right while uh building a better project so i want to know how
secure is your smart contract have you
uh did you hear it i heard security of smart contracts and then i didn't hear the last part
of the question yeah i'm talking about the security of your project have you done any
audit uh if yes which company are you audited with yes yes we have done two audits of uh say and
let me remember here one was with gosh isertic and then the other was
oak yes oak i think i have to look it up i'm pretty sure this is on github
i'd have to look it up because it's been a long time well we're doing a new set of
audits right now for safety two as well um and i have to double check who that's with
but yes uh say has been audited twice and i will post that actually from grover's account
so you can have the links
all right all right thank you very much thanks for the
thank you all right thank you mario uh make sure to just uh dme your user id uh for entering
a neighborhood within the 24 hours after the cma thank you very much again all right let's move
on to the next person all right we got uh let's see yeah all right all right next one up uh creep
all right
can you hear me oh
i'm sorry uh can you hear me that's all right
um okay um can i ask my question
um i want i want to know about your team and uh some of their backgrounds
i want to know about your team and some of their backgrounds
i'm sure um i can answer that if you uh mute for a second cool um yeah i think uh first of all yeah
it sounds like you might have this ama on uh on some large speakers oh the second so the team um
the background there is a lot of the engineering team have backgrounds in silicon valley companies
by which i mean uh so j was robin hood um some of the guys here from databricks
uh got guys who worked in just like silicon valley high high sort of um techie startups uh
on the growth side though so that's the engineering engineering side on the growth
side we've got a guys who are much more crypto native um and a bit more in the weeds so
yeah i mean i i've worked on projects in crypto before um a bunch of the guys here have also
sort of dabbled in defi and uh some other similar ecosystems uh jeff the other co-founder
it has background with um goldman sachs um so that's that's sort of like uh if you check out
the forbes 30 under 30 article it covers a bit more about j and jeff's backgrounds and
how they has how they sort of arrived at this point but yeah that's just a super super quick
overview of of how the team works great thank you all right thank you very much cypher creep
creep far oh thank you very much again and we'll pick one person uh before we pick in
uh one comment um one question from the comment section so let's go bring one more person um
let's see we got
uh all right let's go with uh save max wall
one thing i was going to say about audits there's a bug bounty on immunify uh so anybody can go
onto immunify they can check out the save bug bounty and if you can find bugs in say's code
uh which is of course all open source and anybody can read it then you can make some money so i
encourage everybody who's a white hat hacker or somebody who is enthusiast or hobbyist just
hop onto immunify and uh see if you can find some stuff to fix
awesome thank you very info uh same and max well go ahead yeah hello say so i'm quite curious on
one fact um how do you like give resources to developers again could you like repeat this
fact because i'm a developer and i would love to build on say
sure so yeah the safe foundation uh so there's like two two businesses i'll just be clear
so i work for say labs uh software development company and then say foundation is a non-profit
that's basically the whole the whole point of that business existing is to further the say ecosystem
in various ways so i think the best way to get started is to get in touch with somebody on the team
so if you see the say network account that i'm on here at say network all the affiliates affiliated
accounts if you dm any of those people you'll be able to get in touch there's a number of different
ways the foundation works with teams depending on what you're building what stage you're at there
is a entrepreneur in residence program which basically if you want to apply to that you just
say you know what your idea is and what stage you're at and then the guys just take a look at
that and and see how to how to work best together things like you know covering the cost of audits
things like um you know giving some advice on marketing giving some advice on you know
protocol design that's all you know within within the scope of of what we can do so
and the foundation yeah will in some cases uh you know for projects who look really really
really interesting and we and the foundation thinks they can further the ecosystem
then uh yeah things like milestone based grants are definitely on the cards so that's um
just a few ways that the foundation can work together with projects that are deploying on say
if you are thinking about deploying like even if you're not really sure um if you want to
build on say then definitely reach out anyway and uh it's well worth um just seeing if the
conversation is a good one
awesome no i hope that answers your questions
yeah awesome thank you very much all right so we'll pick one person from uh one comment
one question from the comment section so we've got a jessie um twitter handle jay yyj 101 uh say labs
decisions integrate the abm as the first new executioner environment acknowledges ebm's uh
widespread adoption how easy will it be for protocols already on ebm the transition to
integrate integrate say network tools and a like uh libraries do you have any grant programs
currently available as well so uh the first the first half there uh how easy is it to deploy
you shouldn't have to make any changes um to your to your existing code you should be able to deploy
directly to um the say testnet in x weeks when it launches
oh sorry someone phoned me um so that is uh on that on that front all all the same tool link
all the same uh like hard hat and truffle and you know everything that you're familiar with
if you're building on the evm already will be uh possible to use on say and work on say
exactly the same uh the only difference is that everything will go much faster
that's in principle at a very very high level of what's what the difference is there
and in terms of grants yeah like i mentioned like i mentioned just there with a safe foundation
there's there's ways to work with the foundation to sort of progress your project faster and
it's definitely worth reaching out to get in touch and see see if the conversations
can be progressed
awesome thank you very much um i think the next question do you have any grant programs
coming out available if you could answer yeah so i mean there is a program there's like an
entrepreneur in residence program um which again my favorite website in the world to say blog
let me just find a find a link here um but basically uh you can go through that and apply to
it and depending on whether you're like a consumer facing app or if you want to work
on an incubated project or you just want to get some marketing support that that's the
best place to start so yeah there's there's a bunch of stuff information in there for some
founders who working on some projects it's possible to get actually like a salary to work on that
and in other cases you can get token grants but it's definitely case by case
we found that if you are not like so you have to be somewhat careful about just handing out grants
like you have to go through a process to make sure both projects are aligned and it sort of makes
sense like long term like so there's definitely a process there to go through versus like hey you
know come and apply and if you have any kind of project then cool you can get a grant that's
we found to be less sustainable especially having gone through the first mainnet launch
it's a lesson there so we think that that's the right approach and it's also it finds like the
best kind of founders and it finds the best kinds of teams who are genuinely like you know you can
have long-term collaborative partnerships where you work together for a period of time
and that's that's how you're going to get the best results at the end so hopefully that's
answers the question
you're so thank you very much all right oh so we got one more person to go and i apologize in advance
and i won't be able to pick everyone else but um everyone is a request requested already but
let's pick one more person just give me a sec
okay so we uh let's go to with the henry
hello henry whenever you're connected to step on the stage uh go ahead and ask her questions
can i ask my question yes sir go ahead okay so my question is what are the reasons are you currently
focus it on global expansion what are the most ambitious goals of your project can you share with
any upcoming objectives in future cool yeah um so in terms of global global events so um we've got
a couple of things going on in apac right now so there's going to be a career event it's going
to be an event in japan um we think those are both going to be really fun uh we're also looking at
ethereum events coming around like just globally so the obvious ones east Denver but say we'll
be turning up to pretty much every single ethereum event over the next year yeah so i mean there's
there's a bunch of events that you could definitely if you just follow the say network twitter page
you'll be able to follow and see when those pop up um i think so we have hired people out in
apac as well and sort of globally and started to build up presence where we can with the resources
we have uh in in those different regions as well so right now yeah we've definitely got a more like
international approach i guess just like the content wants to be and and sort of the ideas
want to be as applicable to as many people as possible but over time yeah we'll definitely
build out more regional sort of support and more regional focuses um yeah over the next over the
coming years all right thank you harry thank you harry and thank you uh grover for answering his
questions yeah thank you very much for answering my question what events happening again uh east
denver yeah let's always um say there's something going on in japan yeah we'll do some we'll do
some events in korea in japan um coming up pretty soon uh information to follow information to follow
but yeah i mean like um we will uh i've got a massive calendar of uh pretty much every event
no demand here and uh trying to filter down the the best possible ones to turn up to but
yeah well we're definitely going to be uh flying around quite a lot the next year for sure so
yeah whenever there's a say event like we want to have some people there from say labs or foundation
and invite people over to come and meet them and you know just talk about some of these ideas
particularly like you know we want to we want to find as many developers who are interested in
building projects on say as possible and that's just super super important for us so um yeah
looking forward to meeting more people awesome thank you very much so final questions from myself
uh so we'll find the two i guess uh so team based in international team based in in like
no globally like international right um is that correct or is your team based in a big area only
uh all over all over so yeah bay area um singapore uh europe uh you know just like
a good scattering of people uh all over the world at the moment yeah
oh i think one two three can you hear me oh sorry we can hear you sorry i was
from you sorry i was muted okay cool i forgot to mute um all right thank you very much thank
you very much again um all right so let's wrap up our ama and apologize for those that have
requested to step on the stage one selected um we don't have enough time uh wish i could
pick everybody else but oh my god we can but if you would like to participate in the giveaway
say giveaway uh go ahead and make sure to just go ahead and click the gleam and submit your
application for a giveaway thank you very much uh thank you very much joining again and thank
you very much for asking you all a whole bunch of questions and thank you very much for
covering the helping me um uh with uh messing introductions but uh uh we're going to go
i'm sorry no thanks thanks for having me sir and uh yeah always good to chat and um yeah looking
forward to more amas in the future awesome thank you very much um do you have other uh final words
to the audience uh so yeah i think my my call to action for everybody is the usual ones follow
the states say twitter um join the discord if you're really really keen on say definitely
join the ambassador program uh check out what's going on over there i know the community team is
going to be pushing a bunch more activities and events into the discord pretty soon so
yeah it's still early um and uh yeah come and come and check out all these things and
stay tuned for um say uh save you to testnet which is uh soon tm and there should be lots of
really interesting things happening all around that so pretty excited cool thank you very much
yeah if you like make sure to just for follow uh say twitter official account as well as you
join in the discord to get more information about say and for developments and the progress
of the uh say network and as well as the cv2 cdb etc okay thank you very much again
and make sure to uh hit the like and then we tweet this button and this am a link so that more
people more audiences more your friends can learn and understand more about let's say in
current developments and future updates okay thank you very much again and i think we'd like
to wrap up uh for this monday morning and i have to refresh and i have to just reboot my energy
uh to get through all this week thank you very much grow over again uh we're growing
i wanted to have you um to this ama and with the same network the fastest blockchain network
for optimize for trading and as fastest and low fees uh innovating providing innovation into the
crypto industry and thank you very much again uh for tuning in to this ama again and we'll
like to see you uh in the next ama thank you very much thank you great thank you grover cheers
thank you bye-bye very much bye