SEND NODES @NodeMonkes x @MagicEden AMA

Recorded: Jan. 29, 2024 Duration: 0:54:28



mentioned make sure to the space invite your friends and like luckily this space
is recorded so as always in case you missed the space you can always listen
to the recordings however the last track it's not a track it's a viral music that
we've been hearing on crypto Twitter the last few weeks however I'm gonna let it
play for one minute and then we start the space huge shout out also to Miso from
the magic Eden team and yeah as I said we start in around one and a half minute and
then we start the talk oh no no my German internet connection oh man my
German internet connection is not yeah it's back it's back it's back one
minute one minute guys don't look at me I opened up a space today morning and I
played this track for like one hour I get 200 people don't underestimate the
minute is up but to be honest this song is growing on me that I can listen to it
for an hour and I wouldn't feel it and to be honest there's a 10-hour loop for
it on YouTube with Gandalf bobbing his head on it it's called Gandalf sex guy
10 hours HD and you can check it out if you want to you know it's a really good
song I don't know my favorite part I can't point it out for some reason
however I want to send a huge welcome to the magic Eden wallet team legend Jasmine
and where is he and gnarl not is it that Gina how do you say the name I'm
not sure but you shout out to you guys and also chartful from magic Eden huge
shout out to everyone also from that sorry the no monkeys committee members
like we have Gio with us he's one of the you know leading committee members of the
North monkey of the North monkey is the guy helped us you know when we didn't have
a discord he created discord for the community he helped with the
verification and now he is helping further with the official discord of
the North monkey we have cord we have Titus we have straight straight is not
part of the monkey's community but he's a friend Meso is also part of the
magic Eden team nice to see you there man huge shout out to everyone that's
joined us here and why am I muting everyone it's my mistake sorry guys and
yeah let's get to the co-host first legend and jasmine welcome stage how's
it going guys hey hey excited to be here thanks for having us welcome
welcome Jasmine legend how's it going man hope you're having a good day
doing good man nice to see you thanks for having us you're welcome guys
welcome guys yeah so we're starting right now you know the first thing that
happened is today the magic Eden wallet went public so we have some
questions I have some questions I collected some questions from community
members from different people and before I asked them if you guys want to
do a little bit of a breakdown of you know you know the magic even wallet
what's different about it utilities benefits and so on then I will start to
ask my questions but I don't know it's up to you both guys like legend or
Jasmine feel free to take it yeah for sure oh I was also gonna say we also
have a member of the exes team's name is sunny it's s Kundra if we can also
invite him up I think he can also share a little bit about where's how
you can invite him like you have the power of invitations okay cool cool cool
Jason can you invite him he's yeah click on his PFP you can invite him as a
speaker and he can request a speaker if he wants to invite okay cool cool cool
yeah let me kick off with maybe a little bit of highlight and then I'll
invite Jason cuz Jason's really the OG here so he can share a lot more about
kind of you know the history of the magic in and wall and how we've kind
of been thinking about it as a company so on a really broad scale so yeah we're
really excited to launch the magic Eden wallet today it is a full NFT focus
cross chain experience across bitcoins Solana aetherium and polygon I think one
of the things that we were thinking about the magic Eden standpoint is you
know we have the expertise of building a marketplace on all of these
different chains and one of the things that we noticed for our users was
that man it's really frustrating right like if you want to use all these
different chains you have to get started with a new wallet every single time you
know when there are new ecosystems you're also not even sure what wallet
you're actually supposed to use and so it felt like a really obvious opportunity
for us to kind of bring that all together for folks but we also know
there are a lot of wallets in the marketplace in the world today right
and so we don't want to just be another wallet out there and I think when we
looked at kind of the landscape of what wallets were out there we felt that
one thing that was clearly missing was an an a wallet that basically focused on
the NFT experience first right you can kind of see that from the minute you
download our wallet most wallets typically open the token page we open on
an NFT page and we don't just stop us stop at showing your NFTs we actually
make it a point to show you your portfolio value we add in support like
we're a SAT support which I'm sure ordinals folks really appreciate and
you kind of really quickly and easily understand your entire NFT portfolio
just from looking at it in one go and so you know that was kind of the experience
that we sought to create and then one of the other things I think that is often
quite unique relative to other wallets is that we actually have this native in
wallet cross chain swapper so you can go from any token you want within the
Bitcoin salon Ethereum and polygon ecosystem like you can go from Bitcoin to
Bonk or vice versa if you wanted to and that is really kind of a big kudos to
the Exodus team so that's that's sunny I'll invite them up after this as well
this is a wallet that we built in partnership with them they have this
amazing wallet as a service product and this none of this could really have
been happy could have happened without them so that's my overview Jason do
you wanna to ensure some more yeah so like the wallet story it started like a
few like a couple of years ago when we were trying to unlock like mobile
users and we have this assumption that the world's gonna be or crypto is gonna
go global and most people are on their phones and we try to work with all the
wallets out there that existed to integrate into the magic Eden mobile
app and what we found was that you know one there's issues with Apple that they
just don't like NFTs and most the wallets weren't ready to go to like
unlock all of these users so I'm going through all those iterations of trying
to get distribution on people on their phones and so the individuals don't have
to like just grind on discord all there on their computers just led us to the
path that hey we have to fix the onboarding problem ourselves and we're
gonna like bring the communities through our own wallet instead of trying to
integrate and move faster there thanks a lot guys like the thing that
interested me the most
can you hear me hello can you hear me yeah because I just received a call from a
friend and I thought yeah I'm not right good so I was saying like the most
interesting thing that I found about like this wallet is yeah you're
sorry guys he's calling again I'll be right back in one minute so I have to
text him one second sorry guys yeah so I'm gonna yeah please I got the
opportunity to play with it yesterday and I was kind of impressed with it
honestly the cross-chain swapper that's built into the wallet is a super sleek
feature because I know that I'm probably not the only one that hates using simple
swap or whatever whatever you use to swap tokens and spend two three hundred
dollars to swap four grand to Bitcoin so that's that was a super big win for me
plus the fact that I use multiple tools multiple wallets and asset dash and a
bunch of other a bunch of other things to see my overall portfolio value and
the fact that that's all cleanly displayed inside the wallet I mean it
gives me gives me incentive to not use anything else and in this world the
easier things are to use the more people are gonna adopt them so you guys
have made huge strides in that in my first 15 minutes of using this wallet so
I'm sure there's a ton of things that I have yet to discover about this wallet
but kudos to the team behind this this this has been perfect and the fact
that it went public today I feel like the adoption is gonna be larger and
faster than you're expecting thanks thanks to you for taking over yeah so the
thing is like I haven't got to use it like I have a wallet but I haven't got to
use it yet but I like the you know like how it was made you know that it's it's
a lot smoother to use it you know if you're switching to involve chains if
you're trying if you like I've seen that it was kind of true like if you
don't have enough money to mint something it's always fun that you have
sometimes some left credit or some left crypto in your in some other blockchain
like for example sometimes I do that I'll switch from what's what I have left
from my for example what I used to have on my ETH wallet I used to send it
to another wallet and then swap it then send it back again it was a long
process but now you can just you know swap between blockchains and you can
also you know swap the same cryptocurrency between blockchains which
is something interesting and what's most interesting is not only this function
that you have this function that actually works you know with the NFT
marketplaces and this is also new and this is also important also I had a
question one of the questions like you know that came up is I think I think
like also some community members asked about it is the activity on the Magic
Eden wallet that's what's being recorded to be counted as points for the future
airdrop or your activity on Magic Eden itself or both and you have some kind
of background on that guys yeah so we're still we're still working through some of
the details and so right now I think we're mostly the rewards the diamond
program that we have is mostly for Solana wallets will have a closer time
with diamonds we're just kind of working through the details like nothing
specific to share yet okay perfect perfect and there is another question
that we had earlier today one second and it was Basie 7 of 52 who asked it and
he asked does it support hardware wallets already that's that's what he
asked oh hardware wallet support is coming soon so we're gonna have a
ledger integration it's actually already done but we're just going through some
extra security security audits because we want to make sure it's really safe to
use all right thanks and also like there were a few points that you guys
mentioned about the wallet like we had a little talk you guys mentioned that
like the main parts is like the road to building and safety and privacy and
security and perk and perks and perks so if you guys can you know summarize you
know also like you know talk a bit few words about each point would be great
specifically security like privacy and security this is the major point and
major fear or major you know point of interest for most of the committee
members almost of the people who are you know in web 3 so if you guys can
you know talk about these three points and mainly the security and privacy one
because you know it's a new wallets a new system be nice you know to get to be
familiar with it to some extent yeah I can I can do the security side so
basically as Jasmine mentioned earlier we we built this wallet with a lot of
Exodus is tooling and the beauty of that is that we didn't do security from
scratch we leverage their infrastructure that they built over many
years and they we are able to kind of leverage all that they've been a wallet
for a long time we've added extra audits to kind of ensure that we are doing the
right things and we're gonna have continual audits as we do new releases
and kind of keep it all locked down there and for ordinal specifically we
just did this recently where we'll make sure to protect kind of your rare sets
and your ordinals to not accidentally send them as you know as Bitcoin payments
so there's that end of it will very NFT focus protect your assets and then
just like the core wallet logic is locked down or there's one package that
is now open-sourced that everyone can check out and we're kind of depending on
those packages so anyone's happy to audit that code give us suggestions and
then we could kind of build together there yeah I also I also want to invite
Sunny to talk about it because I mean you know this wallet again is only
possible thanks to kind of a lot of the hard work Exodus has been doing over
many many years and so even though it feels like it's a wallet that's
launching for the first time today it's actually built on text that has been
battle-tested for many years yeah thanks for the introduction Jasmine so as Jasmine
mentioned I'm with Exodus I'm a PM on our enterprise wallet team over here
and for those of you that aren't as familiar with Exodus we've been
building in this space since 2015 right our mission has really been around
building a simple secure wallet just to make crypto easy and accessible for
everyone so it was really nice partnering with a team like magic Eden
that shares that same vision as us right and also building a crypto forward
wallet that we believe the community needs right today most wallets when they
think about NFTs they build it in as an afterthought so it's really nice
having the magic Eden team there that's really driving it from an NFT
forward state as far as security goes I think Jason did mention you know the
key like some of the key factors of security here one of them being is that
you know the code is open source so we are like actively collaborating with the
community just to accelerate innovation and adopt new technology so you know
that's a big piece of our wallet as well
thanks man like really really great work with the wallet like not gonna lie it's
it's an easement and like I've been trying to test it right now and so on and
it's like it's so easy to use comfortable to use another question that
came up to us too is was there a problem with some kind of I think it was rare
sats or something like that like someone mentioned yesterday on the space but I
asked him they had proof and they said there was no proof but they heard it
from someone that some people were having some kind of difficulties with
rare sats so the question is does magic even while that support you know most
kind of ordinals you know also curse descriptions and very sats and
everything and in case it doesn't support some kind of descriptions would
be nice to know in case supports everything also be nice to know so what
about that guys yeah yeah we do support rare sats if you're having problems with
it please give us feedback because it is a fresh product and we'll continue to
like improve it I'm assuming they're having issues maybe loading the rare
sats and things like that yeah we're still gonna iterate and make the infra
better there and also we put in some work recently to kind of protect your
rare sats from being spent so if there's cases where that's not true let us know
and then we'll we'll kind of iterate and make that better thanks a lot man yeah so
basically the middle questions were kind of like this the other question that came
up to where what's next are we expecting some kind of so I know that like this is
a huge today it has been so for those who don't know as of today the magic
even wallet is public and open for use where everyone you don't need a code
anymore to activate a wallet you can just you know get the extension also one
of the questions that we receive often is how do I install my magic in a wallet
you go to Google Chrome extensions and you search for magic magic even wallet
and you download it then you add it to your Chrome browser basically they ask
to create a password and create a new wallet if you already have a wallet you
can also restore it but basically as I said through Chrome extensions you
download it and then you activate it you have to put a password there is no
need for the code anymore as we mentioned as of today it's for the public
so yeah this is basically how you can use it so one other question I had so
whenever I go to magic Eden almost like maybe I did a mistake whenever I go to
magic Eden and try to connect for example with my account or you know slash
my wallet and I'm supposed to get one of the options connect with magic even
right because oh yeah I see it right now it's it's seen like before I was I
didn't refresh the page and I was clicking all I've seen was connect with
phantom metamask slope and so on but now I can see it it's on the top so
yeah go ahead sorry man yeah if you if you had the magic even website just in a
tab you probably have to just refresh the page to see the option we have to turn
on that feature flag and so yeah and another thing for the wallet if you had
it installed previously like make sure to up force upgraded to today's version to
get kind of all the good performance and things we added recently and we force
upgraded also from the Chrome extension yeah there's a some instructions on the
announcement week but basically you have to go to your Chrome extension page
click developer mode and then there will be a update all extension button all
right perfect and for those who downloaded it just today they didn't
they don't need to upgrade anything is that correct yeah yeah if they just
downloaded it today they should be good all right all right perfect yeah so we
just talked about a few points we're not to talk about so those who are asking
also about the points our reward system as we said for the time being it's
limited to the Solana ecosystem there is not still a lot of info that's out about
it but soon there will be more info of course about it second we talked about
the wallet today as of today it's public how to download it is go to your
Chrome extension page download the magic even world extension activated by
just clicking on it you don't need any code it's public as of today put a
password and you're good to go if you already on the tab that is open on magic
even and for some reason your magic even wallet it's not appearing when you
trying to connect just refresh your tab or close it and open it again and it
should be fine it worked with me I wasn't seeing it and I just refreshed and
it worked just fine and what else would it talk about we talked about security
and second it's loading and as of as always guys make sure you don't store
screenshots of your seed phrase on your phone or your laptop you know it's old
info but sometimes in the scheme of things and we are you know having a lot
to do sometimes we forget to say I'll do it later make sure you don't do it
on your desktop on your phone or so on make sure you write it and put it and
hide it somewhere away yeah so as far as I understood there was some kind of I'm
not sure maybe it's just you know an automatic feature but as far as I
understood like you don't have to have multiple wallets in order to qualify for
air jobs it will be an easier way to claim air jobs Jasmine can you expand a
little bit on that yes I think I mean I think the aspect that I would highlight
because this is very different than if you're used if you're primarily used to
using a single chain wallet is that this wallet has all your addresses active
at the same time right so I think like you know I used to use a lot of meta
masks and I feel like when you want to go between different chains you would
have to explicitly swap into the different chains versus in this
particular case your Bitcoin your Solana your Ethereum your polygon addresses are
kind of all there and depending on the specific dap that you're using you're
actually going to be able to connect to that dap and that's it it kind of just
works very magically so yeah to your point when you create a magic in a
wallet an address is actually created on all those different chains and so in
this particular case like we're probably gonna have a lot of Bitcoin folks and
so if you import a seed phrase to use an existing Bitcoin wallet you can
actually create a so it will actually show you the corresponding Solana address
that is associated with the same seed phrase and so that way it's very easy for
you to go use another chain as well using your original seed phrase or you
can always start from scratch as well all right perfect like and as as I see
like you see you have multiple addresses so it kind of makes sense another thing
I had question I wasn't clear on that when I asked legend but I think he said
yes but I just wanted to make sure so the Bitcoin what like the Bitcoin aspect
of the wallet support supports cursed inscriptions is that right or no yeah we
should be supporting displaying cursed inscriptions again if if there's a case
where it's not just open the ticket thing goes into scored and we can look
into it so yeah our goal is to get into and like ordinal support so this is day
one if there's issues we're gonna look at it and work with you guys to clean it
up all right all right another thing you mentioned to you mentioned something
about like like I want to also to ask about that more because I wasn't sure if
I got it right you said make sure you don't use your rare sets as Bitcoin
transactions fee or something like that what do you mean by that yeah I mean
for for example if you have a wallet that has no ideas about like what ordinals
is or what rare sets is they open the opportunity to like you spend those rare
sets as a Bitcoin transaction so because we have a rare sets marketplace we know
which ones you own and we could keep them in your wallet but I meant like if
you don't like for example as far as I understood if you have a wallet that
doesn't support for example curse inscriptions or for example if you send
your rare sets to somewhere that's you know to wallet that doesn't support them
this is the way that you spend them as transaction fees or did I did I say
that right or did I understood that wrong like is this the scenario or is
this or is there another option that this could happen yeah it should not
happen in the magic you didn't want I was referencing like you know other wallets
that are not aware all right all right perfect perfect yeah I also would like
legend you have some other points you wanted to add oh sorry I've seen you I
muted I thought you had some other points anyways I want to welcome also
Nemo and Chiyo we already walked them welcome them shortly and as kendura how
do you say your name s conjure s conjure I think yeah it's gonna thanks a lot for
joining up and you know meshing few words about the wallet I want to talk
to I want to talk to Nemo how's it going man Nemo is an old friend mine in
the space and he's been working on some cool art the whole time creating
little crypto fish and Nemo can you tell us a little bit about yourself and
welcome on stage this is the first time we see you on the node monkey space
welcome man how's it going man it's going great like excited today finally
you know everyone here has their own magic in a wallet they can use it
freely no more using 10,000 wallets you can do just use one wallet and do all
your transactions inscriptions and minting with it and other than that it
has been a crazy journey so far with a node monkeys community like man those guys
reminds me remind me of if you remember man back in the days of the old stone
dapes times three years ago man it was really good times and they have like
this committee here they have you know the same vibe but 10x of that one we
had before and one other question I had for you are you still doing music man
100% you know I'm doing music and I just love to see the node monks doing real
good and the arts fire I'm excited to hear about this magic eating wallet this
is like a godsend because I'm tired of switching from here to there to everywhere
to do stuff on chain so yeah this is cool but yeah definitely still doing
the music still doing my thing I've just been playing alone glad to have you
meet here man glad to have you here and always make sure you send me your music
you know I love to be able to play music fly on spaces usually so if you
have anything new just DM it to me and we'll make sure to play it and yeah
guys so we talked a little bit about the magic even wallet in case you have
any more questions feel free to DM them to me or send them in the group chat
on the discord or drop a comment on the right bottom corner make sure it with
the space and invite your friends this is not gonna be a complete full node
monkey space that's like three hours something like that
Jasmine go ahead sorry I've seen you on mute hey yeah all good I just want to
make sure cuz um I have to hop to a meeting actually after this but I
didn't want to kind of talk about that perk standpoint because I think that
will be particularly interesting for the known monkeys community so fun fact
I'm actually also the ordinals PM at magic Eden and so I don't know that I
can't believe I'm offering this but like I guess if you guys have feedback about
the ordinals marketplace you can also DM that to me because we are also always
trying to figure out how to build the best experience for users there and so
I think one thing I did really want to call out in particular for the magic
Eden wallet is like you know because of our bias and our love for kind of
ordinals you really want to make sure this is a really excellent experience for
all ordinal users and so in particular one of the things that we kind of
mentioned earlier is that I think one of the things with wallets these days is
that there are a lot of wallets in the world right and I think while today feel
very utilitarian in nature they feel like an afterthought you go to adapt
and then you know eventually at some point you have to transact and then
that's when you basically go and use the wallet and one of the things that we
think a lot about internally is how do we actually elevate the experience of a
wallet right so that way a wallet isn't just an afterthought but it's a thing
that you actively like look forward to using that you want to use because you
know maybe there's something else that you can get down the line and so we've
actually built out this very extensive perks program basically if you go to our
website wallet magic Eden IO there's a whole section on perks and in
particular what I wanted to call out for the no monkeys community is there's a
lot of partnerships that we've been doing specifically with different BTC dApps
and projects so one of the ones that might be very interesting for folks is
that there's kind of like an allow this boost factor that you're going to get for
ink if you use the magic Eden wallet over the course of the next month we
also have very specific partnerships with liquidium there's a 1.25x multiplier if
you use the wallet basically during the first month as well as Saturn you
will basically have an increased boost for a potential like moon airdrop that
Saturn is doing separately so you know check out all the perks there and
take a look at them but I think you know what I really want to kind of just
like flag is where our number one priority is kind of building this
amazing wallet there are a lot of features you want to build to make sure
that it is the best Bitcoin wallet experience out there but in addition
to that we're also constantly thinking about how to augment the role of
different ecosystem partnerships that we can have and so also open flag where
if you guys are if you are kind of in the BTC community and are building
something interesting please feel free to reach out always keen to hear from
folks thanks a lot Jasmine and this is very interesting to hear I was just
going over the perks page of you know the magic Eden wallet talk and I see
also there is open editions extravaganza can you can you tell us
there is definitely an open edition yeah yeah so okay this this is
actually I wasn't sure how interesting this was for you guys but we're also
very excited about this so you know magic Eden loves creators where we're
obviously very creator forward and so one of the things that we're actually
doing is we actually have an in-app native claiming experience and that's a
perk that we're also going to be offering to our users and so we're
dropping these special collections with clinical sores DJ and ape Academy and
but doggo both doggos over the course of February and they're also going to
be they're all going to be open edition claims there will probably be
more in the future that we're also sorting out right now those are on sole
because to be honest actually we originally built the claims for BTC but
the problem with BTC was that we felt the experience was still a little bit
too slow for a new user right because if you imagine a user that may have
never been on Bitcoin before the kind of feeling of having to wait for your
funds to show up wait for the transaction the process wait for the
NFT to show up it was just not quite at where we want it to be yet and
so we're also thinking about that in parallel there's some other things we
kind of have to fix before that but you know yes there are going to be many
kind of cross-chain opportunities between the wallet and that's something we
really want to you know promo as well also I've seen the point multiplier
1.25 X on liquid young is this also the liquidium lint the lending protocol
you're talking about yes that's right oh that's crazy that's crazy let's go for
those who don't know what liquidium is liquidium is a lending protocol on
Bitcoin Jasmine if you want to also you know like throw out to you a few words
about it out of mind but it's also one of the you know one of the advantages of
using the magic either wallet to and I think this is important important
because 1.25 is not is not a little number to just you know and this yeah
yeah we're very kind of grateful to liquidium for kind of offering that I
mean really again the thing that we were kind of thinking about is just like how
do we have the best end-to-end Bitcoin experience for folks that are actually
active or no users and so that was sort of the thesis for how we brought
together this set of feature perks perfect perfect yeah so guys we had a
nice talk about the magic in the wallet as I mentioned in case you had any
further questions feel free to send them in the dns or comment on this space
we're not staying here for long I think like we're closing down in about 15
minutes we're just trying to get as many answers as possible you know because we
have people from the team here and they're ready to answer everything we're
very excited and we are very grateful for you guys for being here taking the
time to answer the questions for the team sorry for the community unfortunately
today is a very very packed day there's the quantum cat mint there is two spaces
from other to node monkey community members to doing spaces like one
happening currently and one happening afterwards in one half hour so it's a
packed day a lot of good news happening a lot of good stuff happening however
I'm gonna play another song and we'll see in case you guys have any other
questions for the for the magic Eden team feel free to send the questions in
the DMS in the group chats or in the comments make sure to the space and
invite your friends and after the reset we'll go over some numbers regarding the
node monkeys in case we don't have further questions we'll close down the
space again legend and yeah and Jasmine and chartful and miso thanks a
lot for being here and also G gnarly and I've seen vor also join us shortly
thanks a lot guys for taking the time and giving some attention for the node
markets community of course we always appreciate such gestures so now we're
gonna play a song as I mentioned before in the meantime make sure if you
have questions to drop them in the dns to send in the group chat or on the
discord or in the comments below that magic Eden team is here ready to ask
to answer any questions about the magic Eden wallet that went public today so yeah
one song I will get afterwards think about your questions
make sure you send your questions make sure drop in the comments send them the
group chat or discord and in case we have any will answer them in case not we'll
talk a little bit about the node monkeys and then we end the space
all right so we're back to you guys let's see if we have some extra
questions or not in case yes let me before checking the questions go over
the node monkeys stats and price action and we'll give more time for you
guys in case you have questions thanks a lot Jasmine for you know hanging there
and you know being help for us to answer the questions any any member could
have right now and let's go over the stats so the current floor price is not
so different from yesterday's which is good we've seen some kind of change in
some other collections floor prices due to the upcoming mint of the quantum
cats fortunately it's stable here as we said in the past week the floor price
was hanging between 0.14 0.15 and 0.2 bit BTC right now we are at 0.16 79 BTC
where which is close to yesterday's which was 0.17 BTC and so that's a good sign
as we've always said that the difference about this collection it's not hype
derived collection it's more of a community a powered collection you see
as we said that the quality of the committee members type of committee
members we have is different and yeah there's not a lot being promised by the
team but at the same time there's something that's being delivered which
is something nice too however back to the floors and the trades we have the
body floors it's not so much changed since yesterday as we mentioned the
alien floor price alien body floor price is 2.85 BTC the gold body floor
price is at 0.83 BTC and from there on it's kind of close to each other the
count you know the trade counts floor price we have it's also the same as
yesterday the 1t the 1 trade floor price is 0.97 BTC now the earrings floor
price is also the same the highest is the cross earring floor price at 0.28
BTC and now we go to the eyes floor price eyes traits floor prices and we
have early night eyes at 0.34 BTC laser eyes at 0.27 BTC and from there on it's
just close to each other and now we have the head trades alienate at 0.8 BTC peer
head as 0.45 BTC and overload as 0.4 BTC crown 0.4 BTC and hoodie at 0.37 BTC
and then we have lightning at 0.3 BTC and from there on it's kind of the
same and now we go to the numbers the total trade volume at 1,400 and almost 10
BTC traded in the past period I think we are closing we are close to closing on
a month of the non monkey is on magic Eden which is interesting to see I was
hoping that we close on 1,500 BTC by one month but yeah it's still
achievements to do 1,400 and 10 BTC we still haven't closed the month we
still have two days but let's see how it's gonna go owners we are currently
sitting and 4,400 I can't see the exact fractions but shows 4.4 I'm gonna say
4,400 because this is the least number it could be it could be more which is
better but it's 4,400 is the minimum number of owners now the number of
listed is around 1,400 as I said I can't see more than two decimal more than
one decimal so 1.4 K listed and other than that it's kind of it was kind of a
slow day because everyone was charging for the quantum cats mint I hope you guys
got some cats I hope you guys were able to meet some cats I hope you guys used
the magic in a wallet to mint some cats but however there was the quick
overview overview about the node monkeys price action so far and we
answered some questions regarding the magic Eden wallet one second so one of
the questions I had right now where can we see all current promotion with soul
NFTs equilibrium etc I think you can see it on the magic Eden wallet docs like
you search for perks and you can find it there but Jasmine if I'm wrong please
correct me but this is where I found it and I think this was funny guys yeah
and I think I'm in the actually in the tweet that you go through it the perks
pages oh perfect and guys make sure you check the pin tweet above it has most
of the details you need to you know it's a comprehensive thread about the magic
Eden wallet let me check the group chats so far there is not much questions
asked let me check the discord let's see okay so
oops how long was I muted because I was talking for before all of it so you
might have to just say it again no okay okay I'll start saying it god so after
we answered the question the questions actually I was just going through
multiple social media apps to check if we had some fresh questions so far we
don't have many fresh questions we answered the all of them guys yeah guys
in case you had any any extra questions feel free to do DM DM them to me or
maybe DM Jasmine but make sure to check the website and her pinned thread above
Jasmine thanks a lot for being here thanks a lot for joining us you and
your co-workers feel free to say a few words if you want to yeah for sure no
thank you so much for inviting us to this really appreciate it big fan of
the known monkeys and so I actually have to hop now but yeah thank you again
please feel free like check out the magic Eden wallet if you guys have any
questions or feedback we'd love to hear it you can always you know comment on
something or DM me we definitely read everything so yeah appreciate it a ton
thanks a lot for joining thanks a lot for joining Jasmine I'm really glad to
have met you on spaces finally have a good day and see you maybe on other
spaces someday so guys that was the magic Eden wallet short M.A that we did
we talked about the known monkeys price action and the known monkeys stand
resistant they stand against all odds but however I'm not gonna go so long on
this space because there was a space that's already booked by Leo I just
hosted this space because there are members of you know the team members of
the magic wallet magic magic Eden wallet wanted to do an AMA little AMA
wanted to join the space and we couldn't do it yesterday so we decided to do a
quick one today however guys this is the known monkeys community space for
today feel free to go to Leo space I might join there as a listener or
maybe I go to as a speaker but I don't want to you know be an asshole
because this is not cool to you know extend my space was he's hosting so
guys feel free to go to Leo space right now and have a good day see you in a few