Shill your #DeSci to MoonDAO on #gitcoinbeta

Recorded: May 9, 2023 Duration: 0:41:49



Hey guys GM, let me know if the cohost invite works out this time. No, right now it works at this in my case.
Oh, not that I think it's for Cruiser Vanilla. Cool. Yeah, yeah, this morning I'm on fire with through spaces. I updated my, my handwriting.
I'm just making another process about the spaces so we can gather some people.
[no audio]
Yeah, definitely. I mean, for me today is just, you know, quick check up what the status is. And then what's up for this last day of get coin of the get coin round. I know there's a lot
of stuff going on and I need to jump right off in like 40 minutes or so. At the meantime we can also discuss what happened and how your experiences were for this GitCon round. So also some form of a review here.
But yeah, let's wait for a couple of more minutes. I think we can also share it again in our Discord so that the other folks are also aware about that.
Um, cool.
Yeah, cool. I'm also posting that thread that we mentioned about all the space projects.
alongside the link. So I think it'd be something interesting to be here on the spaces and talk about.
Yeah, definitely. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, it kind of went worse between all the zero-gipose on Saturday and Sunday. So yeah.
So frankly speaking I'm really tired looking forward the bent of the event. In my case I expected like a guest feels really killed the round and
Yeah, I expected that local would raise more. So I'll have to focus again on fundraising for the next. I don't know how much time. I tried the evening. Yeah, this was nice. It was like
almost 300 bucks in total only in gas fees it was yeah really frustrating today there was a significant drop in fees and yeah during that period received a couple of donations
That's amazing, but after all, that's crazy. However, a lot of amazing connections, a lot of great experience now. I feel quite confident on Twitter spaces after, you know, I don't know. I'll never just spend the beginning like
10 hours per day or two days. It's a trend. Like in the last couple of days maybe 5, 6 hours because I just can't even talk and listen anymore. But yeah, it's really made an experience. Really happy to survive it.
Yeah, that's my thoughts. A lot of lessons learned. A lot, I don't know. I need like a week to process everything that happened. Just in my mind to understand how things, like, really a lot of things happened.
Yeah, definitely I also believe that yeah, we that the gas fees. Yeah, almost killed it. I mean not that there was no activity on the skid con round. I see you know, we have like I think the most popular project on this desirame
was a replica with like 40 donations in total received. But yeah, I think especially for the future we should definitely stick to layer to alternatives. I know we had this conversation.
What can you hear me? Sorry, yeah, yeah, just a drop for a second sorry Okay, um And yeah, I just wanted to tell you that you know we we had this discussion for I think one and a half weeks now, so you know if they get
Yes, if you're high and a lot of people cannot participate in this round, it makes like the whole system vulnerable in a way that you know, more mature projects can take this to their advantage, but I think with the fixed matching
matching cap we got like a good good system in place to more or less make this fair enough but yeah we we saw with these with also other decides to do it's that there was a lot of stuff going on and some of you know we also we are human and also made
mistakes and the due diligence process and the important stuff is just to write things down, to make an official report out of this right now and then see how we can improve this. But in the future, I would definitely stick to layer two solutions just because the lower guest
piece, but that's it. And yeah, I think I think for now, do you want to continue talking about that? Or I will just go, you know, around and collect some updates if there are any from my side. Yeah, again, I'm involved in this
So our rejectivity still, the email campaigns are through and now I need to follow up with some foundations to get them into interviews. Last week I had a chat with folks from the FireCorn Foundation and overall, yeah, it's just a bunch
of stuff going on and I think we need to proceed all of this stuff that happened in this round. Also for next week I know you're usually like 24/7 and get coin radio on other Twitter spaces so great, great job. I also
I tried my best to attend as many Twillies basis as possible, either to present wound out of all or to present like the these based ecosystem. So this was also successful. And yeah, I think the last couple of things on on my table are the
podcast episodes with mosaic twins in here. I was the lazy and you know did not catch up there. But yeah, we can definitely do this either today or tomorrow. After the get con round and then yeah, it's just from a lot of follow ups.
I'm getting the people again to call it. So yeah, there's it from my side. Any updates, any news from your side? Lucas brought, I see also Balak in here in the audience, Ryan, Hacker twins, Feefreech who jumped abroad on stage.
Yeah, hey guys, yeah, I've been shipping a lot about this the side rounds on spaces as well mostly in Portuguese and a couple of them Spanish as well. Yeah, actually in the day after tomorrow I have another space
speaking about how how we managed to support this disarround and how it was the overall experience. I think it's pretty early for most of you. It starts AAM.
in Brazil time. But yeah, if you do like to attend, it would be interesting as well. Yeah, the Twitter content went a little bit behind the schedule.
But yeah, I think we did a good job, spreading the word. Our tweets are really great engagement rates based on our average. It's really above average. And I think this basis worked really well for converting people
and for being this first point of contact with the Cyfogs and with more technical people that are not so much into crypto. So I think that our next steps would be to have a really good onboarding flow
And maybe follow up with everyone that we contacted during this this round and invite them to join Mondau and maybe to join our events or AMAs or things like that. Talk more about their projects. Yeah, there's a bunch of cool
projects on this this high round and I think we can sort of in a way still support them a little bit more considering the gas fees and considering that yeah this round was not everything that we expected
But yeah, our challenges were of guest fees, but I think I think we established a good path, you know, to interact with everyone and to bring them on board and to spread the mission.
I also see that Jubil is here in the audience. Hey, Jubil. Yeah, we are on the last day of the GitKind round. We are sponsoring the DIA Sign round and we're talking a little bit about how this round went.
how we can make it better for the future. I'm not sure if you're familiar with Gitcoin. It's a protocol that uses quadratic funding. But yeah, if you wish as well, feel free to jump at stage and talk with us. It would be awesome.
Awesome, awesome. Yeah, I'm totally totally with you the gifts when it comes to on on barding or the people that we had a chat with. I think we have great opportunities, you know, to to get them into moon down to start projects all of this. And then, you know, look, look how
we further can collaborate on these topics. And yeah, let's definitely catch up there. And I think if we have the on-body process straight, I think this will also be a topic this week for the growth growth. Sadly, last week I missed the growth growth medium
But this week our DEF definitely is joining to also provide some input there. Yeah, and then it's just our responsibility to go one by one and follow up and ask how we can further support all these projects that we see with the most
potential to get into moon down as well. Cool. Yeah, and again, if you are on mobile right now and not on desktop because desktop is a little buggy, please feel free to jump right on stage and also, you know,
So put in your feedback, your retrospective experience to this get going round if you're either one of the grantees or somehow involved in all the Twitter spaces. But yeah, what's on your table? What was your, yeah, what
What do you think can be next steps for this gig on Rob? From my perspective we have to find a way to pull more money into the system and I'm talking about Mundal's sponsoring because Mundal do not have
like all the resources to run and to run the ecosystem but I think right now that's the most important part of the equation is to get more sponsors on board.
on average like, on average from from from discussion it seems like around 5k per project that that that would make around much more interesting and that would get much more traction overall so that that
could be used as a baseline. So to summarize, yeah, and regarding L2s, definitely I feel quite like I was the one who was chilling for a mainnet, my mistake. Yeah, but lessons learned.
And in terms of L2, it would be amazing to find the partner with whom we share like division and yeah, to run on the partner's blockchain. Overall, it was really amazing.
really interesting at some point in time unfortunately I was not able to talk to all the people that I wanted to talk. I like to spend unfortunately like half of the day I had my accident so I had to spend a lot of time in hospital. That's quite distracting and
Yeah, after all, after all, like with all that in mind, frankly speaking, I'm thinking of other more best ways to find the project. Of course, good coordination.
nice it's amazing but you cannot rely or count on a good coin so it's a nice bonus but definitely
They're like it has its own disadvantages, so I'll definitely like it won't be in the next rounds, but I'm not sure if I'll be so active and so involved because basically
I'm exhausted. That's updates from my side. Yeah, I get the ceiling. It's being really a marathon for most of us with Gid's coin and all of the other cool projects that are happening right now.
I'm really bullish on our open innovation initiatives. I think that I put on an ideation one of those days, a hackathon proposal and a conference proposal. And yeah, Pablo is working with the centralized price
way of doing things. I think that all that can, we can really attract other sponsors and evolve from this sponsor title to a power, you know, to a title where projects can't part
with Mondao and the powered by Mondao and you know we can support the fundraising, we can support the tubing and a bunch of other stuff and yeah make the ecosystem stronger. I think it's the best way that we can
collaborate with the whole ecosystem, not only this side or this space, but solving real world problems. By the end of the day, that's the main flag that Moonau brings
to the table that it's possible to organize people into a common goal, into a dow and raise a bit of money and solve this really, really hard problems on space or on Earth.
Go in, Manor. Yeah, you're definitely right with that. We had these chats a couple of weeks now with all the hackathons that we are planning and also pub from public side with the deep prize.
want to have access again to provide some input there as well. And I think, you know, if we can continue with these grants in some way or another, we can just make great connections, but we need to have a solid foundation where, you know, it's completely clear how a partner
look fly, it's completely clear who is responsible for what if we want to have like a long term sustainable contact point with these corporations. And then I think, you know, if we make under the space, this open innovation task
And so we have a very important question. And we have a very important question. And so we have a very important question. And so we have a very important question. And so we have a very important question. And so we have a very important question. And so we have a very important question. And so we have a very important question. And so we have a very important question. And so we have a very important question. And so we have a very important#
really, really summarized this whole process. And yeah, sadly, you know, I really counted on file coin because, you know, in the last couple of weeks, obviously, I also had some contact points with the people
like from space chain and lunegistics and Copernic space you name it. So the these space OGs in a way. And yeah, we need external support from from outside of our ecosystem to attract more funds because right now the budget is already allocated. We can, you know,
together join forces and make like small pools, but it costs us more probably that you know it's beneficial for the ecosystem. So we need to activate academic institutions and traditional space companies to build these sponsorship pools.
And then capture it, then capture it with a good, good project execution, good hackathon for example, or price, price making systems. But yeah, let's just see how many people we can win for this and then push the
into the right direction. And I think with this layer too option as well, I'm thinking about optimism for for example, distributing grants. We also got good good contacts here and this and this get compared around and let's use them first. So yeah, this is what I wanted to add here.
Yeah, I think we have this great Community potential, you know to bring everyone together and make us all stronger One thing that yeah really bothers me sometimes is that grants are so cool
You go there, you apply for it, there's a committee, and okay, receive the money, and that's it, most of the times. Or sometimes you become kind of a sub-salab and keep running on that grant's name.
But don't really feel like your part is something. So yeah, I think Mundo has a great opportunity to kind of change that and connect people in a deeper level.
And yeah, that would be really, really cool. I think actually that we're doing kind of doing this in an interesting way with the zero G-sits. I got a couple of people reaching out in my DM, my personal DM, and I'm
the moon down one. And yeah, talking about the projects and asking about moon down, asking about, you know, how we can partner up, how we can keep supporting each other, how is the community. Yeah, I think that it's pretty cool.
when we really just talk about cool stuff with each other and with two people without really needing to talk business all day long. Yeah, go on, Balak.
Hey guys, sorry I was just at the beginning, first beginning of being a few days on the end travel and then feel not so good so yeah so I didn't check the discord messages so in time then yeah
So from my side not so many updates, but I see you guys are organized, the AME and also with different grantees and those very, very good, so great, great.
Yeah, and for me, and Grinpyo China, there's a problem with Twitter account. They couldn't get it back. They tried a lot of times to apply for this and from Twitter. I think maybe they need
to contact Ilung and get their official Twitter account back. Seems like they use different VPN location to post different things. So the Twitter thing that maybe this is scammer account something.
Yeah, and I think that is Kidcoin, Grand, is a milestone and also CRG, and it's also a milestone for us. I think if we join Mondao, I join Mondao at the beginning, so let's
a lot of people outside so that okay, Mundo is just a scammer or something but yeah actually no we really we are really doing the things a big project and do something with space-related projects and also we want
We also want to support project-related projects like this time. As I can remember, a ticket to space and upt, this one ticket is over million US dollars, and also this ticket is for free.
But still, but still, it didn't, and the more people believe us. They think, okay, we are, we are just want to, I don't know, to just get to to to pump the talking or something. And the ticket is not real. And yeah, but we make, we make it true. And also,
due to our second ticket we also to try our best to get visa for for this our second arsenal and also now the Githcoin and also the LG project and what we are all doing there is about space related sure we
We also do like Pablo mentioned this device and also I see Lucas also submit a lot of several, several iterations and for conference something. So I think a moon down is in a right road.
Right check to do things. Just show this thing that we need to deal with in the community. But I think now, Mundo gets stronger and also recognized by more people involved. I also want to say one more word.
At the beginning of April, I just went to the Web 3, the Web 3, Hong Kong festival. There are so many projects there, such as fine coin, chain link, avlounge, and also different
change there and I talk to them but we are Munda doing there are some people who are Munda before that go is Munda really and then while Munda will have a zero G project and also keep going they think okay Munda is real and Munda and doing right thing so yeah
Yeah, that's making it continue. Great guys. Manu, I see you guys on. That's pretty awesome. One of the most common reactions, I've been to, I think six or seven web three conferences in Brazil the last couple of months.
representing Moondown mostly. And I think that one of the most common reaction is, okay, we've heard about Moondown a couple of years ago, but oh my god, are you really doing it? You know, this project is real. I really did a really sense someone
space. I'm really picking a fight with the US and the sea to get a visa for you. I'm really doing a zero-gift fight. That's amazing. So I think, yeah, I think we on this bear market, we are really building it and we are really
setting up the foundation to make people believe that we can't deliver and to prove to everyone that Mundo is real, Mundo is not about token, it's not about a company, it's not a money, it's not an investment, money is a government
governance token. So I think that all those statements are really important for us and everything that we are doing right now will for sure pave the way and make people understand that we are
Really building it and that we are really on track to the centralized access space Yeah, for me for example, it was a big surprise when I landed on the community and I learned that It was for real. It was not just about token, you know
know. And yeah, I think that my main mission here at Mundo is to spread this word and to make more people understand this, understand that, okay, we are a crypto project, of course, we use blockchain, but the main goal here
Here is to build this centralized ecosystem is to create things in space, is to make a lunar settlement within Mondau and to build real relationships with real players in the space community.
And what I want to add here, guys, so first, you know, you're totally right. We're just paying the way for so many projects to get into not only our community, but into our ecosystem overall. But in comparison, where we started,
where we are heading towards and how we want to connect the dots. We just started out and we are not even ready where we are going through all of this. But I'm really excited if we now set up this structure not only to start
But also from the technological side, the innovation process in place to not only form teams, but also get the tech into the community. I think we are really, really well prepared. Not only for this bear market, but then also for the for the bull market that is under running.
And yeah, let's just continue and do not stop and let's celebrate when we achieved more. I mean, it's, you know, tomorrow is another day and we will face, we just now, we're just now
now facing a lot of new challenges and new projects that we are starting. So I'm really optimistic that we also can communicate to the world that we're actually real and we're doing this crazy stuff here to actually decentralize and democratize access to space. But yeah,
happy, happy also to have you on here, Julio. So yeah, you also want to share some thoughts, feel free to do so. Yeah, hello guys, my son, we, we, we, we found our crew. Something that I'd like to say, I coordinate
the Space Anologues Station of Tatymart in Brazil and Semiaert and office of Brazil in Rio Grande do Norte State and I'd like to one of the ways to decentralize space is also the Space Anolog missions.
I'd like to invite everyone and also see a partnership with Mondau and also Mondau community to invite everyone to take one of our missions. Also, it's happening one mission by month. It's like a week mission.
also there is a visual omissions and visual omissions also is very feasible to people sometimes with some difficulties to be moving and also sometimes challenges related to some funding and yeah I'd like to
offer this opportunity also now we around 900 participants in our missions and more than 140. Yes and I'd like to just give this compliment and comment this with let lookers and other
friends aware about because I believe that these are not admissions the virtual and the person missions would be good for to also have a group working to have more ideas about the space exploration.
Yeah, that's pretty awesome, Jiu-Jiu. I personally follow your work for a couple of years now, and it's amazing what you guys do at App.marts. Yeah, let's put together a proposal, maybe for the MoonDow community, to have maybe a MoonDow mission.
there, and other in real life missions, animal missions could be really, really cool to set up this partnership and to have you on board with us. And yeah, to grow together. Yeah, also we receive a participant from Green.
And also this month will be received participants from Colombia and now we are receiving 12 countries in impersonations and will be amazing to have the possibility of a specific commission with Mundo participants and it's very feasible.
and only be necessary to have some specific meetings to discuss about how it would be feasible, a specific month, and what would be the protocols. We established more than 200 protocols and surveys, and yeah, let's do it.
Cool, Balak, you unmuted yourself. Want to add anything? Yeah, hey, great. So, Dr. Julia.
I'm right. I'm sorry if I'm pronounced. Yes, it's right. Thanks. Okay, great, great. Yes, so great. So this and also I'm a moon doll. Good, Stairwrest. I also have to you to join moon doll partnership or moon
more deep cooperation something. There's Mundo as Lucas mentioned, I want to add this Mundo contributes system. And if we find interesting things which could build inside for Mundo,
You can set up with the help of Lucas or me or Manuel as you can see here. We can help you to create a project on the project. It includes the benefits for MoonDub,
and also what's the content of this project, also the member and how what's the timeline to fulfill this task of that. And we were discussed by our, there's a senate meeting.
And the project leader need to explain by represent the project to that meeting and after that it will get feedback and also everything finished, it will be voted by senate members, the senate members.
I think 13 or 14 people, if it gets 70%, then it will go to the snapshot community vote. Use our government's token very many. And after approval of the community snapshot, then it means that the project has officially
approved and then can start the work. And in that project, there's also a WAPE. It means that minimum variable payment, you can make assessment of how much pair
The project appears this case you want to get and also of each quarter we also have an incentive for different projects and need to find sure each project need to write a final report and yeah then also and tell the committee
we're worth for a incentive for different projects depend on on which kind of benefits and bring to Mundo. So this is a general contribution system by Mundo and also we're happy you to to to set a project by ours. Yes.
Absolutely, I will be very promising I believe and I know that this week is very busy with the contest but we can see locals I believe would help us in terms of arranging a meeting for the next week would be very welcome and yeah thanks so much and
Let's do it and also share more opportunities because it's not very costly the missions and I believe it's a very good way to decentralize space and also introduce a lot of people to space exploration. Thanks so much.
No problem. I will get in touch with you, Juvio and yeah, everyone from Brazil. I think it yeah, I can help a little bit with the language barrier as well. We are actually that's that's an
really interesting thing we are launching this week by the end of the week the the food up moon dow documentation in Portuguese Brazilian in Brazilian Portuguese it's a huge milestone for moon dow we're having
so much with Thurman from the Brazilian community. And yeah, I think this is a huge step, you know, to get closer and to make to bring everyone abroad. I sit
that we have a couple of people that just arrived, we have Marcina, the pack. Yeah, we are basically wrapping up the session, but if you want to hop on stage and speak a little bit, feel free as well.
Okay then, I think we can wrap up this meeting and yeah, I hope that everyone has a great week. Please check out the the site projects that are on the gates going with just published a nice threads with
some of the coolest projects on hardware and these space. Check them out, follow them, interact with them. And yeah, every dollar counts. Currently supporting the matching pool for
this round. So the way the GitCon works as many people, the donations are based on the number of people that projects and the number of people is
more important than the individual amount. So yeah, share with your friends, families, enemies, wherever, and let's create this whole design and this space ecosystem together. See you all soon. Bye!
Awesome, thanks guys. See you, bye. - Okay, thank you, bye. - Thank you guys, bye.