SHIVA INU $SHIV the beginning of a new trend …

Recorded: March 28, 2024 Duration: 0:52:43



What is going on man
Hey anybody who wants to come up here come on up right now right now right now right now
It's been a fucking great day dude holders or fucking growing we might have a nice little forget
Correction, but dude they are needed, but the holder count is not slowing down
Look at that look at the correction look at the holder count is fucking flying out yesterday. We're sitting at like
We just hit 2,500 holders yesterday and right now. Let me look let me get the numbers
Let me get the numbers get the digits
Sitting at 30 no saying dude
3,569 holders so that is a thousand holders gained and less than 24 hours, okay
Look at the volume look at the holders. That's it
What's going on guys?
Yeah, what's up? What's up guys super fired up to be here. Hey
Hey, we're super excited. I mean today. We had a
Normal retracement the volume is picked up. It's insane what we're doing right now the numbers
The only thing that matters right now guys is obviously you know
We keep saying the same stuff over and over but if you look at every single project that that's gone
You know into the hundreds of millions the thing that matters the most to us
You know is that we trend we increased our holder account
The more holders the higher the market cap and we just keep the positive vibes. You know we keep vibing on the chat
I know the thing is here. There's a way it's have not slowed down
I mean the community is still fucking pumping out these rates like it's no other I mean we're getting shield all over the place
We're still trending for again number one or two on text tools
I mean this thing is like we're still trending holder counts are going up the volumes going up just a little correction
That's the time to buy last time. I said buy the blood that was at like 200k now. Did you buy the blood?
Keep buying fucking red
Yeah, I know we're all we're all doing amazing big ups to all of you guys hitting hitting the rates
I mean that definitely is helping tremendously and we just got to keep doing the same thing
You know we got listed on Poloniex today. We got another listing coming up. This is only the beginning guys day three
You know we're gonna we're gonna see who's gonna be with us
in the 50 hundred levels
Billion levels you know I mean this is this is the this is the space you're in right super volatile
But it's exciting there's a lot of copycats and derivatives of our coin right now that are coming up
And that's just a sign you know that we are actually the original we started a trend
I don't think this trend is gonna end because there hasn't been a batter dog that has come up since sheba
You know sheba was gonna be the doge killer right and sheba never had a real real killer until sheba
The batman right of et8 so just so fired up man. I'm excited
Yeah, I know I also pinned it right now on the top, so I mean that's our first
central exchange that we got listed on and
As you can see the second
Central exchange is just question marks right now, so I mean the team is fucking cooking
Okay, and all these fucking loud as course. I'm on my way. I just got done farming fee at RL dude
So I'm on my way home right now
It's a lot of shit fucking popping off the team is working hard in the back end like fixing all these things for us
I mean, we're fucking killing us community
I mean like it you know as crypto really has been saying you know the fucking race have been insane
Like I've been not working. I've seen I mean I even looked at a chatterbot
You know and we're still number one over on their leaderboards for their five-day or their weekly or their I think like daily or the weekly chart
Something like that the raids are going insane. We have like over 500
raids in the past three days
Like that is insane numbers and crypto slimmer. I got you in there dude, but uh I don't know
I sent you back down for some reason whenever I proved you
So I mean like these corrections you know they're always gonna happen
Like don't let these little corrections shake you out
You know like hold it with the same conviction you guys held it in the past three days
Like I gotta just keep reiterating this like we're only three days old
And we've already accomplished so much like in the past three days
We've already accomplished like over it's a 40 million in volume. Okay?
40 million in volume in the past three days is
Yeah, like you don't like that's so much money. There's 40 million dollars in volume in three days
Yeah guys stay fired up stay positive. I mean man the
Chart is looking so bullish. It's doing what it's supposed to and
I'm just honored to be here. You know day three with all of you
Exchanges are coming. It's just gonna get more and more hyped for all of us
We just got to keep doing our part. You know
Keep them. I'm just like nine men
Not even just like the holder counts been growing up like
Freaking insane. I mean it's 3500 members in the past three days
They're like it does our hourly volume is sitting at a million or six hour volume is sitting at almost eight million
And we're doing we're pushing about 25 million dollars in volume daily
Our 24-hour volume is 25 million
Like everybody in here is doing freaking amazing like pushing the project hard as they can I mean the raids are going frickin insane
The community is strong as fuck and fucking bullish. There is no other stronger community than this
I mean everybody is here. They know what they're holding. They know the the value, you know
They know the possibilities of where we're gonna go as a thing and like
Three days we already got put on our first central exchange in three days
Like it might feel like a lifetime because you're in the crypto space is fucking grinding on these rays, you know
It just takes so much time but like
Step back. It's only been three days
Yeah, we're bullish I mean there's a hundred fifty people on this call right now super excited
Some of you guys are unmuted. So if you guys want to come up ask questions if you're a new holder welcome
Floor is yours
We're like
Extremely so it's like
You know like take it take it sit back, you know, like you know, like wait a little bit, you know
She been you didn't mature into like a whole year right before before it leads billions of market cap a billion mark
She basically laid out the red carpet where she
Guys we already know what's up, you know, this is this token is
The ultimate I call it the ultimate token honestly the ultimate new token to have in your portfolio
In a very small mean like also like I'm gonna be dropping some alf on you guys in here
Okay, so the team the team they have been
The enemy some some nice little juicy juicy things to drop to you guys saw me like
There's already another central exchange in the works
Okay, and they're gonna be dropping that like any time the announcements on that ones and also like they're gonna be looking at
Different partnerships to so, you know increase our whole account even crazier, you know, just help
You know even I mean just get a bigger community in that way
So I mean the team on the back end is fucking pushing it, you know
The community in the front lines are fucking pushing like crazy. I mean we're running
You know at least like
150 raids a day
I mean we're pushing almost 200 frickin shatter shields a day and that now that's only the shatter shields, you know
Though the ones that get noted it doesn't even go off all the other ones that just get put into the chat
And you know, we raid them hard as fuck
I mean like the community is freaking insane and I'm gonna keep reiterating it like
You guys don't realize if you don't realize that yet like how strong this community is like
and what we have done in the past three days just take a step back and
Just fucking look at it and just fucking be amazed like you're part of something fucking great right now
And it's such early stages and it's only getting stronger and stronger every single day. Don't freak me out. So freakin early
Like it's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. How early we are and
It's really to me
It's it's gonna be an incredible journey some people are gonna some people are gonna face some people gonna buy that and that's just normal
I'm in it for the long run, you know, I'm in it for the long run. So I
Mean just like the community that we've built in three days dude, like there's communities have been out for months that don't even have like
the same conviction or even the community like the strong community as we have like
Dude, we'd be chilling in the VC and teach you for free like a 24-7 with like 60 plus people in there
They don't like they won. We're sitting there freaking 10 people 15 people, but it just grows daily and you just you know
It's just like everybody just knows what they're doing and it's just yeah, it's just fun
Yeah, the team the team is super experienced guys. They they know what they're doing
but I'm getting messages as I'm on this as I'm on the spaces here with you and
Obviously you guys know we've been hinting now. I'm dropping another
centralized exchange here soon, but they're also working on a huge partnership
That's gonna help the project and that's gonna be announced today on the telegram. So I'm fired up
I want to know who this partnership is. I mean, we're already getting attention
Just don't want to be rude
But what what attracted me is community is how many holders there are for being so new and everyone's ready
You know people are working for their bags and that depending on no one else like other communities, you know, everything is perfect here
Everything's perfect. That's why I got involved
Yeah, yeah, you guys have some important people involved too that you probably don't know about yet, you know
there are people like we're living growing more than a thousand holders a day and
Like what the rate that's going crazy
Didn't black rock by that day
Did they buy pet they have no yeah, I I um
Pretty much. I I think black rock and ended up buying Pepe
So if black rock would buy Pepe, what's the source on that though?
Keep track of their wallet. Huh? Keep track of their wallet. They have a hundred million dollar wallet. Yeah, pretty much
Okay, so I don't like random people I know like random people have been sending, you know, black rocks like Pepe into their wallets
I mean, they got shit. I forget meme coins on there. Yeah, no, I think they bought Pepe. Um, but
Here's the thing guys. This is a bullish signal the fact that we have 4k members in telegram on the first 48 hours
That is a huge bullish single signal
20 million do we got hundred and sixty people in this space alone
You know, this is our second space. Heck yeah, dude
Everyone knows what's up and and the people that don't know they're gonna buy into
Thing like this community is like built by like literally we got
3500 like met like like minded people and they're just out for one goal
That's it. Just fucking make a big-ass bag and fucking have fun
I was the entire Tg is just like
Raids literally all of the fucking time and even if you just go to the VCS like a I just found this raid boom
Hosting it. They're just looking out for raisins having a fucking
Yeah, this is gonna be this is gonna be an incredible journey guys, I mean it's a lot of fun
We're building tremendous relationships. We're so excited here just to build the friendships and to be on the VC meeting new people
I mean, this is gonna be a journey people are gonna come in and out and
We're only day three. I mean we're so freakin you
There's so many things in the works that can be like just that can be set up for this project
And we are the ones in the front lines
Because it's not about a development team. It's not about the website
It's not about the frickin token, dude. It's about the community the great projects
Have a great community behind it and you guys on this space is every single one of you make up our army
every single one of you our
Critical component to us getting to a billion dollars in market cap and and and the more aligning united
We are on that on that belief
The quicker we will get there
Okay, that's it. Well, here's the thing. I'm not trying to get there quick. I already know it's gonna happen, you know
Just you know, just you know, like let it happen slowly, you know, like what you know
Does happen like slowly, you know, this thing can happen in a single week
Yeah, and it is happens happening slowly
Like what someone touched on yesterday in the video or in the voice chat that we're talking about if you actually look at the graph
It's going low and slow. It's not like these fucking pump and dumps
So there's um, there's a real graph real chart that's going on that actually shows that this is not just this
Regular pump and dump meme coin. It's going low and slow and then like how someone was saying earlier now
We're on a retrace completely normal. It's good. It's what we want
This is just overall just look at any meme coin that goes up. Look at the history, bro
Even the ones that are 1 billion they all have 50% completely normal. Oh, absolutely every single one
I was in a project project the other day and this guy was like
I told him to name me one project that has not experienced a dip and I'll give you my whole back
And not just one multiple multiple
It's completely normal. Yeah normal and people
Bitcoin ETA Solana
Doge coin every every single top top 100 coin as good every
Someone on Bami on telegram. I got banned for posting Dan Pena. Yes
All right, cuz I got fucking about said I was spamming Dan Pena means for billions and some will report it out
I'll burn know that no, that's me. That's AI burn with a capital. Hi. Yeah. Yeah, I burned
Well, I can't DM you dude your accounts
Yeah, I know. I'm not I can't I can't I can't DM anybody
I'll comment. I'll comment on your I wanted your post
Guys we're almost 200 people in spaces right now
Every single project has not just one multiple multiple 50% retracements on their journey up and
This is all bullish news the communities the community is strong too, so I'm not worried I didn't sell shit
I still got my fucking
Original bag. I'm not selling nothing. I mean just look at sheen just look at any coin like 50% retracements
Even Pepe had a huge like huge retracements before it went up people
People got scared it's safe cars like
Crypto Yoda it can't be found. Wait, what the fuck? What's that? I'm gonna send you wait. I'm gonna send you a
Well, this might use in there
Hey guys, I have to head out but keep running the spaces I'm gonna chime in
On the phone and
God bless you all. Let's keep it up. Let's keep let's keep the hype and momentum going so proud of every single one of you here
We're all CEOs of this project. Remember that
Thank you
Hey James, if you can look up another one on there
It's a I burn hashtag shiv if you can unblock that in the telegraph, that's me
Yeah, I know I can't damn you either
We're moving back up very nice
James I'm gonna type it in the chat here
This reminds me of yesterday's space right when
When James said that there was alpha coming in right at right right at the end of last night's space
and then although all of a sudden boom the news came for the
For the centralized exchange and you know, the team has been working day in day in and day out
And I'm not just not talking about the front lines, which is us obviously
I'm talking about they're working on the back end like exactly exactly look look
Been a part of a few projects where they're saying. Oh, yeah, CMC is coming since he's coming
It's been like yeah, they show the application but we're all right
Like, you know, they don't fast-track it, you know, it's just a different type of project. So I don't know man
I mean you seen I mean a hundred thousand dollar buy earlier you seen
$80,000 buy so I mean
To me it's a no-brainer
Like I really don't understand how people can be fading this and and guess what those dips that are they came in today
I'm glad that they came in today because honestly like if we were to go up
Exactly, it's needed. You need some entry points for new holders
Shakes all those wimps out and I was one of those wimps man
Listen, I was one of those wimps when I started years ago. My first bull run that would have been me
Oh my god, the sky is falling. Let me sell my entire bag and guess what?
Yeah, the problem was a big mistake, right? Listen, I sold over an eighth worth that 22 million markets
I mean, I re-fought like these at 12 million
New holder too, that's the thing. I mean these guys like they're buying
The red that's how they do it. Yeah, this is the guys too. I mean you get like when you bought we need
You know, I mean like you don't get freaking panicked out. You still keep the same fucking conviction
Not only that it's the same people the same project when I sold earlier
When I told earlier I got transaction number 666, so I know this is going to a billion
That's that yeah
If I sell and I get that transaction number i'm holding
I'm holding this point up. Yeah, that one dude that bought like 35 grand
I'm sorry, baby. Hold on. What do you think about right now? I'm just gonna play the chart
My stomach coming coming
What do you think about crypto news?
You say crypto news
What is that? It's basically a news outlet for crypto
They awesome
Somebody's got to mute themselves. We're getting muted 0.27 trillion
Blackrock withdrew 1.27 trillion Pepe
valued at 1.9 million
From popular cryptocurrency exchange by name. Why is my name not showing up?
Does anybody know why my name wouldn't be showing up in the thing? He's trying to add me back
So I mean like the thing is like with the whole like news
Like i'm pretty sure the team i'm pretty sure like the team is working on like that type of stuff like more
Get like more normies in and that kind of stuff, you know
Because even if you go on like google shiva into I mean like on finance on coinbase
Like they have articles like how to buy shiva, you know
Like all that stuff is already out
So I mean they're probably already working on something like that to get like a bigger what i'm saying is blackrock blackrock bought 1.2 million
worth of Pepe
Those what i'm saying is if blackrock would buy Pepe
Then well, what else are they going to buy?
Yeah, I mean who knows dude, you might three, you know, two, three, four or five months from now
You know who knows might they might be one of the top holders too
You know, I mean like you never know where like them you'd be
You know that their wallet might be showing us. I mean, you know, can I say one thing real quick?
All right, fellas there's obviously this coin is very special
We've built up some good friends and communities
We've done some great rating and and getting some influencers
Uh, so great job, but one thing I want to note or to dictate here, and I won't say dictate
I apologize for saying that
It's that um, we are not
This is the birth of something great
A lot of people who may have paper hands may think
PTSD from prior
Projects, we just need to be aware and support each other to know that this project is different. This is our baby
This is our baby. This is special. This is what we are here for, right?
As long as we're able to bond hands and support each other and
Be creative and reach out to influencers and make content
The sky's the limit
Let's go about the community bro. And this coin has definitely a solid community
I've been in a lot of meme coins and I haven't seen something like this for a while. So yeah
Right and have you ever told me you like you like you'll see it, you know
But it's only for like a couple hours, you know, and then everybody gets burnt out by like here
Yeah, fucking day three just consistently everybody showing up and working for it. Yeah, you wouldn't make sure that they got it
Right and have you let me ask you guys this have you ever been in a community like community like this when bitcoin's over
No, no, no, so this is uncharted territory
And finally, not only that the supply that's a good point
The supply is four times less than sheba, you know
So there you go, man, if you made it in now you're gonna be straight mathematics
They were already recovering from the
Hey guys, I think I think james was driving so I don't want to bother him but
Um, oh dude, fucking go ahead. I'm driving and drinking and driving
No, it was just about get me it's just about getting me back in that group, man
I'm having like withdrawals and dude, i'm trying bro. I'm trying to get fucking
Bullish motherfucker in here. Do you think it can't be found?
I don't know
With the hashtag shiv and I I don't even know what the hell I got booted for
AI burn. Yeah, it's just AI. No, it's not it's not a lowercase l. It's capital I
Either, bro. I don't know what the hell's going on. This shit's just banned or accounts and can't join
Okay, I underscore. No, it's just space AI both capitalized and then space burn and then it's a hashtag shiv. I think at the end
Fuck bro, I don't know why it's doing that
Is whoever reported me. Yeah, I mean that's me. I I have an I have an at too. That's like a
Yeah, my ad is a uh capital a I
a burn, um
One a I burn one
No, I just have the same issue with my thing. You can't find my username. It's probably the bar
Maybe you don't have permission to to add people again or something on the on the telegram
That telegram stuff is
Crazy if they didn't give you permission like add things on it on your on your account. I don't know how it works exactly
I'm used to it for yesterday. I kind of fun stuff. Let me see
Members ad members
Let me see I got crypto
So what happened is I got booted and then it dropped 50
And yes, I think I think if that had happened was coming out with their money
I think that I think that it happened with somebody else
I'm trying to add you to it right now and it says I can't add you because you only
Accept messages from contacts and premium users. Oh
Okay, yeah, that's that's probably me. No, I upgraded because I had a project I was getting spammed
All right, so hold on let me just send you a dm real quick and maybe I can add you as a
Content you guys tell me a message on telegram
Now I can't do you have to yeah, I'll just I'll turn off wait you think you have to work with your settings man
Yeah, I know it's because I I upgraded to like telegram premium or something. I got to turn it off
same privacy secure
Just capital a I burn one
Okay, everybody, okay, you can send me a dm now my issue work
Let's fucking go
All right, all right, whoever reported me don't report me again, bro i'm posting
Around here. I'm trying to i'm trying to hype the chat up. I get banned. I'm like, bro. I see my thing get reported
I'm like, what the fuck right? I love the audacity, but let's
Let's get together a little bit reporting me and I got banned. I was like breath
And then I said this I'm like bruh
And then yo that just said one too, all right, what's that
Just add you in there too, I guess. Okay. There you are. All right. There's view group. It says the invite link has expired
Wait, can you can you find my username now?
Thank you des for making this possible
Really you guys are awesome
Let's go. Yeah, i'm sorry to take up this time. I I can wait till the end james. I don't need to
No, it says right can't everybody doesn't need to listen to this
How many people in here now, let's
Sorry everybody, holy shit this place pack
You guys want to recap the bullish news again for those who just joined in
Yeah, james, let's catch up later i'm gonna go on mute
Yeah, no worries, dude
Try my best here, baby
All right, so
Just a fat little recap i'm gonna frickin get my my handy handy dex tools up here. Okay, so I can
Type in some numbers
But like what we've been saying, I mean for the past three days right now, we're just we're at dex tools number three trending. Okay
We have over 3,500 members in the past three days
So just our hourly volume is sitting over a little bit over a million volume a day like literally every hour a million
a million a million a million
And then our six hour volume we're looking at seven point four five and we're rocking 20 fat 25 million volume
Daily, okay, and we just crossed our so the past three days
We've already crossed over 40 million in volume in three days
So, I mean same thing with the raids dude on the chatter shield bot i was looking at in their uh main tg
We're sitting number one on their fucking daily every single day because we're knocking out like
200 raids a day and that's only the ones that we end up doing like the shields
Doesn't it doesn't even count the ones that we don't shield there's literally twitter links popping into the chat every single
Fucking 10 seconds. I feel like there's somebody trying to rate something. So I mean like if even if there's no
Shield going on. I mean the community is fucking lit. They
I mean the community is fucking solid. It's a
Good group of fucking people with the same conviction. They know what they're holding and know what the outcome is going to be
I mean like we're just so early and like these corrections
Are needed like right now like we're sitting at a 15.7 million with an all-time high of uh,
I think it's like 29 or did we cross that 30 million more? I'm not sure. I think we're not yet
It was 25 minutes. All right
So i'll be like it's like 29 million or 30 millions on our time high in three days
Like we're already got put on our first essential exchange that the teams have freaking knocked out for us
And we're gonna get put on another one. That's gonna get uh announced
Shit dude, I told I they announced that shit yesterday to me
I gave it to you guys and literally less than 12 hours later
We're fucking put on the poloniex
And then the same thing like another central exchange already in talks with that
And the same thing with uh, like partnerships
They're dealing with a partnership in the back end to help, you know, the the community with I mean our you know
Anything I mean just it's just gonna help the community in general
So I mean the community right now is just gonna get stronger and stronger, you know, like we've had
100 000 buys plenty of fucking 30 50 000 buys like the people they know
When you see people buying like that, they're not just throwing 50
Fucking thousand dollars because they like it because they know what's going to be happening
The community's insane the holder count is going up
I mean don't even like if you're if you buy if you entered it like 20 plus million
DCA now, you know now is your time to DCA and get it cheaper back than you did
I mean like I told people this around like when we were sitting x 300k and we dipped down to 100 something k
I mean, this is the time to DCA you buy your fucking bag
And enjoy the ride, you know, and then once you get to the point you feel comfortable you sell your initial
Sell your 2x 3x for the case being but always hold a nice little moon bag
That you're comfortable holding and just enjoy the ride, you know, enjoy the community
Enjoy the raids like this fucking community is out there the most base fucking shit i've been with it like
Everybody is just having fun, dude
Like in the vc would be popping 50 60 70 people in the vc daily now
And it's just everybody having a freaking fun time like raiding. It's just a fucking raid fest all the time and everybody just
We're number one on DEX, we're number two on DEX tools right now too. We're at like 16 million market cap
I think the second leg's coming. What's that? Yeah, I do. Here's a good example of Floki
Okay, Floki's 1.4 billion market cap that shit went down
like 50% and then proceeded to do like 250% gain, so
And then it went up even more like
And the fact is we could definitely pass Floki like who fucking cares about Floki
That's just 1.4 billion market cap. So I don't like the Floki devs anyways
Floki's trash, bro. Floki's trash is 1.4 billion. Who cares about Floki, dude?
We're definitely we're definitely we could definitely pass those coins
We got to keep grading on twitter about twitter if we go if we start going trending on twitter and stuff
So I mean like these corrections they're meant to happen like they're going to happen
It's not just going to be like one solid pump like it's going to get corrected but people, you know
They're going to take their profits. It's all good. You know, like the community is growing stronger and stronger. I mean like
There's there's no fud in the tg there's literally zero every time
It was hype the hype didn't even stop every dip
So, I mean that's what you got to look at, you know, like just have the same conviction
I mean like these 3500 holders in the past three days
They have the same conviction and we find that many people and more people coming in, you know, like of a nice solid group
I mean they they feel safe in this community, you know, like the energy goods like the vibes are just fucking immaculate
It's just fucking
It's just good all around dude. Like I don't know what else to say even during the dip man. Everything's good
It's perfect
Were you able to add me back?
No, it's still I said I added you back
Then you disappeared what the hell bro, I want to dude, I don't know what's going on in telegram
I think I think it's permissions. It has to be permissions. No, I'll check. Give me a sec. I'll check
Is it i'm creating like new links too. So I mean I created a new link for this guy
I'm saying and it took me. Did it work for him?
The one that he joined on because he joined on this one let me send it to you
I'll send it. I'll try to join this
I just sent you this
Because I sent him like two or three that
All right, send me the one that you just sent him mine says expired yeah, I just did it worked i'm in i'm in
Oh, all right. Well, i'm not
Very good. Yeah, try the link. Try the link you just sent me because that just worked for me
I don't know why the other one didn't work. I I I did
It says says no it's expired. Did you do anything on your settings that you want to share with me?
Maybe refresh refreshing just get a new link. Maybe maybe you just have to do a new link every time or so
Yeah, i'll close down because I that's two people joined on that link now
That's you and then another person has joined, but I just sent him. I just keep creating new links. It's that expired again
I just shut down
Telegraph opened it back up
All right. Well, I just made a brand new one too. Let me see. I'm gonna send you this one
I don't forget link master dude. Go back
Like you're driving the simulator driving with my toes. Nah links expired man. That's what it says links expired. So let me see. Uh
You go ahead keep it on i'm gonna i'm gonna search what uh, see what google's gotta say
Very good, dude. If anything, I mean just let me know on the dm's dude
Because i'm gonna have to head out here in a little bit, but I know we're gonna be popping off the vc
Still is gonna be going off
Um, wait, but you got a couple things to take
You got banned and now you can't join on his link
So that's is that what's happening or
I don't know
I'll try to figure out
Yeah, that's what it is. I I got banned. Um, so I said we're gonna eat this dip
and then uh
I I can't click the links
All of them say they're expired now when I go to the shiva
Twitter page and click that link as well. It says the same thing. It just says expired expired. Yeah
It was doing the same thing for me earlier when I was trying to join through
Through twitter was doing that but maybe it's just try try refreshing a new link and send him a new link. It might just be the
Well, he did that he did that
That's what i'm reading. It says refreshing the link but
Do you have any privacy settings on it might be on your side
You might have like some settings on this stuff. I went through them
I didn't see any of them shut everything off opened up myself to the world game really vulnerable listed my skirt still nothing
Because I I had to turn off my um
I had to turn off the
The the message thing I had on like the for private contacts
We want to open up the floor for anyone anyone want to say anything
Be bullish
I could message you
Wait, I can try to send you a link too. I'll try to i'll try to get the link you can try to join using this one
All right, because that last one he just sent me didn't work neither. Um
I'm trying to find these settings in telegram now. I'm pretty sure i'm
All right
Wait, what's your username?
Capital, I got it. I got it. I got it. It's all good. Yep
I mean I got your i'll send you a message on
On twitter. All right. I'm trying to find these settings. Did you find some settings that you messed with?
the only thing I changed was uh
Like the the private messaging and stuff like the dms. Yeah, where's that at? What's that under i'm looking at?
Wait, what's that?
They had a storage or
Wait, go to the settings button then go to privacy and settings. Yeah privacy security scroll down to
Messages and then I just put everybody. Yeah, it's wide open. Yep. Okay. Let me check. I'll try to see if I can see any
All right, so we're gonna be closing up the space here i'm gonna have to take care of some things irl
Um, I know that the team is going to
Open up the vc shortly. Um, I just
Fucking stay keep staying bullish. You know, I mean like keep the same fucking momentum that we had
You know that we have right now. I mean just like
It's just hodl bro. Just hodl don't stress. We're going back up. She's gonna go back
Yeah, if you're stressing out and you're bugging out and you're stressing out, it's not gonna do nothing
It's not worth holding if you're gonna bug out just just
It's not working like in this none of that community
Telling you even if you bought
28 million like all you need to do is
Do not look at the chart. Just fucking enjoy the community and do the rates and we'll fucking get back
And you're probably asking why we keep hammering the phone if you're feeling stressed
Don't feel anything. Don't say when when when when this bullshit because it's gonna happen, dude
Just you just have to have patience have the conviction just fucking
That's it. I mean, I don't know what else to do
We got fucking 3,500 bullish people in this fucking community. It's fucking growing
We only got 5,000 followers on twitter. It's just gonna keep growing like crazy
All right, dude, like three days ago three days ago. We had
400 people in the shiba inu tg now. We almost have 4,000, you know, like
In three days. This is what step back. Take a step back
Look at what the everything that we have accomplished as a team as a community in three days
That's all if you're worried about this dip if you're worried about this dip
Look at every other coin that's over a billion and look at how many 50 dips they got
And then you're not gonna worry about I mean i'm even gonna look at you know
Like look at bitcoin last bull run dude maxed out all time 69,000 and went back down to 20k, dude
People were accumulating the people have conviction and look at it now
We're already back up and we're number one on dex tools right now. We're training on dex tools
I was just trying to say that big time
Don't stress
We've been trending. We have been trending non-stop on dex tools since like 12 hours in launch
The first 12 hours we got put on cmc
Yeah, just a reminder the coins only three days because the team fast tracked it
Like I just submitted cmc application
You don't hear shit for two weeks we got put on cmc the first 12 hours
Okay, you don't hear about it
I got an idea. You know how people are saying shit bar me this army, right?
We should create a new tier systems
that would that would um
Kind of like not not as like serious, but just like a kind of like a like a um, like kind of like a joke
but like um
You know this guy has general tier. Um
First private first class
Like um, just basically the tiers in the military system
I think that'd be really cool
Yeah, it could they could definitely build some things on the website. They could add some
Some stuff to the project for sure
But that's the thing if we had if we had a discord we could have done something like that
But I don't know if you can do that on target
Yeah, that's a terrible conversation
How that would work with discord and stuff
Bro, the the dude that got banned and tried to join just send me a dm
I can't I I tried sending you a dm but your dms are close. So just send me. Yeah
That's the same. I asked james to send you my info. It's just
Yeah, I know. I'm gonna keep on trying. I'm gonna send his info right now, dude. I'm gonna send it to you on uh
On twitter
I just I just see yourself. Yeah, but get him to send me a dm too because I can't i'm trying to send him
I can't or what what is it on? Uh, what is it on telegram?
All by my username. I all said
Can't send it. I just sent you a dm bullish. Okay, is that is that?
Hey, so just as I gotta say, okay
The space is gonna be ending here whenever the host gets back is gonna fucking turn the shit off
So it's gonna any second now. We can just fucking rug. I'm just letting you guys know
The vese is gonna be opening up in the telegram here shortly. Okay
Um for everybody who wants to come up and speak
I mean you guys can i'm gonna try to get as many people right now as you guys want
Oh more the better. I think on telegram. Is there a limit on telegram? How many people can speak at once or?
No, no, dude, everybody if you have fucking 80 people didn't talk at once bro, that'd be chaotic
Can someone make a channel for all the the dope artwork that we got like all the shit
Yeah, so we could use it for our posts and shit so that would be a good reference point you make a channel
There you go
Good idea i've heard tonight
I don't even know how many people are in this space right now. How many people are in this space?
I don't know. I'm trying to check. I can't I don't even know if you can look at it
Yo, yo, yo, I need to get on band people wants to speak 131 people right now, okay, so i'm like
Day three
Well, you need to be popping off with the vc shortly in the tg
So I mean just get ready. Enjoy the grades fucking join the rates in there. It's gonna be you know, you if you're new, too
Don't buy any scams
Look at index tools. We're like trending two or three
That's the only shiv you go to if anything go into the the main
Freaking twitter account right now. This is the only contract that you do if you go buy
The shiva inu on uniswap don't just freaking type in shiva inu
Because that's how a lot of people in the beginning got scammed because they didn't even put the contract. They just put shiva
Yeah, I actually got that
I just sent you a dm on uh on telegram
So also there is no air drops at all. Okay, so if
Every day do I get look into my I look at my account and i'm put into a brand new shiva eenu fucking scam account
Tg do not fall for this. There's no air drops. There's no staking
There's no connecting your wallet for getting millions of tokens
Whatever the case being if it sounds too good to be true
Some way to verify that like
Y'all are the the real people because there's like four sheath token
Twitters is is so hard
Follow this one. Oh, yeah, I just followed it now, but i was following another one
Yeah, and the same for telegram
The same thing you can just go to I mean the thing is you just got to do your own due diligence, dude
Like if they have a contract like right now this shiva inu token, you know, the shiv token eth has a contract pin
Hey, if you go in there pin them pin it on dextools, and it doesn't it looks weird. Oh, yeah
But we got but we got like there's places with the same contract, but they'll
We got to water that down a little bit
You know what I mean? We gotta water that down
Once we get more followers people are going to know which ones is legit one. Just be careful. Just don't like
Just use that tool. Click don't follow anything. Just do your own due diligence, too. You know, I mean like yeah
People so it's kind of you know, difficult to explain it
So I just told them you know, just pause in the 40 and wait until you can figure it out
You know, yeah, just be careful
There's no websites where you can connect your wallet and buy this coin. It's only on you
No telegram groups. There's only one telegram group
And the thing is too like, you know, maybe this account gets verified, you know
In the next couple days, you know
But I think is too, you know, like just post a contract, you know index tools because it's only going to be one
You know, they might have different contracts, but you're gonna do, you know, do your own due diligence
Put in index tools. You're going to be only seeing us like you're not going to see 30 different shifts with the same contract
That's not how it works. You're only going to see one sheath with one contract. That's it
That's it
Well, I mean at the end of the day there's only gonna be one Shiva with 40 million volume in 24 hours
You're gonna you know, you scroll around and you can see another Shiva, you know with 1k volume
It's just a freaking I know this one has like a money sign as an s and it has it
It kind of it rugs like nine people in the beginning because it's a honeypot, dude
And those people typed in on the uniswap Shiva, you knew and they did that
Yeah, but bro, you're thinking like way too logically like as a consultant
You have to think about what can go wrong identify that and then explain it to the masses
I think that's how do we avoid future, you know
as of right now
due diligence, dude
Well, for example on the telegram, there's a there's an ass
Underslash ethernet 20 in the space for quite a while
And before connecting you while it's anything like ask a few questions
Because I mean it's the same thing too is like so you go into let's say if you go into telegram, you know
And like yeah, I see what you guys are saying, you know, but you just got to do like your research
And you see me james you see, you know cryptoslimber here
Um, I mean we're all like tagged up in the like inside of the
Tg so I mean you just go in there you see the same, you know
I have the same name in there james b cryptoslimber has the same name in the cryptoslimber you find us in there
You know, you just look for those same people that you're talking to now in the tg, you know and like
You're gonna see a fucking bullish ass tg all the time. I mean
Thank you. You're gonna you're gonna find out you're gonna be in the right one at the end of the day
All right
Look at the member list. That's all you got you
Yeah, I mean look at the member list like if you don't see me because I mean like james b there's nobody that can make
a there's nothing that there's no like person that can make a
Fucking fake account of mine because there's no like eyes or fucking l's fucking in the name. I can make that shit
Hey, chill out. Chill out. Don't say that shit right now. Okay for that black
But hey, I gotta head out the space is going to be closing probably like any minute now
But like I said, I mean stay in stay in the space until it get closed
If not, the vc's gonna be opened up here shortly, but I gotta take care of some things
It's fucking always a blessing talking to you guys and i'll probably see you guys later on tonight in the vc fucking knock out some raids
I mean we're fucking in there daily
I mean just have a fucking good time, dude
Heck yeah, fucking enjoy it. Enjoy the fucking ride. Keep working. Three days in keep grinding guys
Keep working. Don't fucking slow down. I mean the fucking momentum is still there three days in
Fucking getting stronger and stronger. It's just to fucking keep going. Hey, I got banned too
So i'm gonna i'm gonna shoot you a message to james. Get me on band, bro
Dude people need to stop reporting random stuff. I got reported for posting like yes, bro. Like come on
That's great. All right, i'm going back to shilling the calling talk to y'all later. Thanks. All right, peace