Shrapnel SCU Mint Party w/ @playSHRAPNEL

Recorded: April 19, 2023 Duration: 0:46:33



Hello checking my audio. Everybody can hear me. I can hear you. How are you doing? How's things this morning? Good. Good. I would be in here as art on avalanche if the account wasn't currently suspended. We had some mistakes were made. Some people got hurt. No.
No, there's just some back end errors with with the account itself. So we're working on that and But I wanted to be in here to support as the as the NFT guy for the NFT mint because this is like really straddling a lot of my interest the the gaming part and the NFT part Yeah, it's going well so far to TTC
I think it's about to open here and there's only less than 1,000 left to mint. I believe 3,333 supply and last I checked, about 23,27 minted, so going well. Yeah, I'm going to have to balance the co-hosting duties with trying to mint while I'm talking.
So if I get real distracted in about 13 minutes, then you'll know what's happening there. But we got trappin' a lot as a speaker. Shrapin' all, hey, who's on the account? - Hey, how's it going? It's Tony. I look after Web 3 marketing for Shrapin' all. - Hey, Tony. Thanks for being with us today. - Yeah, thanks, Tony. Appreciate you coming on.#
Appreciate you guys having us up here. I'm super stoked. We're having a fun day. We just left the Discord War Room chat and we're looking at the the mint and getting ready to launch tier two here. Yeah, it's going well. I think there's only less than a thousand left right last I checked. It's excellent and I'm real close.
and bring it up joe from our pd team joe are you there hey what's up people hey joe how's it going? hey joe
Get a be up here. >> Quick interdiction, Joe, your work on the BD team and Wysh Rapinole in particular.
Yeah, we're on the gaming BD team at AvA Labs. It's been kind of awesome to have been working with Shrapnel for, I don't know, about a little over a year now, maybe a year and a half at this point.
and seeing all this come together, especially with the mint today, it's just a good way of rounding out the rest of the week. So yeah, pretty pumped.
Yeah, same thing. And I will turn it over to Game on App Lynch. I was just kind of stalling while they got everything set up and got in bite sent out. So are you good to go? I think we're up and running. So thanks Tony for jumping on with the with the shrapnel team. And I think, you know, just kind of for those new to the space, if you just want to give kind of a once over the#
the SAU meant and kind of the benefits that that can bring to holders in game and then maybe touch on it so the token air drop that's upcoming that would be fantastic for sure yeah so at a real high level shrapnel is a AAA extraction shooter built on an avalanche subnet so for folks that may not be
familiar with extraction shooters. The premise for the game is you have a persistent inventory in our case that lives on Shane and that inventory has everything from your guns to your skins to the grenades that you're bringing into the into the game so forth and so on and all of those things that you choose to bring into the game
game can be looted from you when you die. And likewise, you can loot the things that other people have brought into the game with them. And so there's a real risk-reward mechanism going on the whole time. Throughout the course of the game, there will be three extractions, meaning like a literal helicopter will enter the map and carry people off. And if you extract
successfully, then you get to keep the things that you've extracted with and your persistent inventory becomes more valuable. Trap Nl's really focused on UGC, and so everything in the game from the guns to the skins to the actual maps that you're playing on will be fully modable, so you'll be able to make your own versions of these things.
and then actually trade and sell those things as well. And so, you know, everything from the maps that you're playing on, again, to the guns you're playing with, hopefully, you know, at full maturity will be things that have been created by the community. We have two,
Collections that we've that we've launched and had mince for we also have a comic book collection that we air drop to people who were holders of our of our Genesis collection the Genesis collection is a set of five characters from the game called operators The game is set in the near future a giant
asteroid has struck the moon and large pieces of debris are raining down on Earth and have created kind of a deadlands around the Earth as the Earth rotates. And in these meteors there's this this fictitious substance called sigma and sigma turns out to be like super valuable. Think of
it like unobtainium in Avatar. And so mercenary groups quickly spring up to go and extract this stuff sigma from the sacrifice zone or the dead zone. And so our genesis collection is a collection of these five operators from each one of these these factions
And they give you all kinds of benefits a bunch of in game content early access to the game later this year and early access to the token, which will be air dropping in the coming soon. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say when yet, but soon we'll be air dropping our token. And we've been talking about how to how to become eligible for that.
but it's basically hold an operator and then create an account on our website. So that's our first collection, our second collection, which is what we're minting today and then what we're pretty, pretty far through the Mint 4 is called the Sigma Containment Unit. These are the container or the canister that
the character will carry in game that holds the sigma or contains the sigma. And so you can think of this as like a piece of gear that you'll be wearing. And so we have skins that will be making for that item in game that we've partnered with both popular artists across the blockchain
people like Adam Speesack and Aforia and then also with popular projects across the chain. So Overworld is going to be making an Overworld themed SCU scan. We're working with Champions Extension to do something similar. So yeah, we're really excited about, again, leaning into this idea that everyone is going to be a creator in the Shackle Universe.
That's awesome. That was a great overview. I truly appreciate it. I've mentored my SCU this morning. I grabbed the polygon in a theory of minutes over the last couple of weeks. I'm excited to jump into the world. I've been following since the beginning. I'm a huge fan as a native call of duty enthusiast for decks
I am excited to be able to jump into Schrappnell and it fits my exact interest in playstyle and what you guys have done across all chains has been great. And especially over the weekend I saw a lot of partnerships with different communities across Avalanche. We're offering whitelist so the collaboration between Schrappnell and the communities
It's just been a great thing to see across the ecosystem through the bull and the bear that we've all been going through. So truly appreciate all the work you guys have been putting in across all chains and across all developments and all the expos that you've been at. It seems to me it's well received everywhere it goes.
I've always been excited and looking forward to following this all the way through. Hey, thanks so much. We've been having a blast and thank you for all the help connecting us with folks across the avalanche chain. We've had a blast. We actually did a spaces with the chicken folks last night and they're a real riot.
Yeah, that's a good group of people. I love the chicken guys. They're always entertaining. They've been bringing it since the beginning. So it's great to see you on there. I caught the end of that last night and enjoyed it as well. I just want to touch on. So the I was looking across just a couple of the chains and just to see how it was distributing out and it really looks like a
across everywhere, it's not like a consolidation of NFTs inside a couple of wallets. It looks like it's a lot of unique owners across all chains. I mean, it's got a 3,333 supply for the SCU across all the chains. And right now in Avalanche, you know, 67% of our unique owners, I think is on
Polygon, there was 1800 unique owners out of the 3000 and then Ethereum had their own 1300. So, I mean, to me it looks like it's been going great. You're getting the word out, a lot of unique ownership, which is always good to see. And then, you know, I'm interested to see like how the content creation works. To me, that was one of the biggest interests when it comes to Shrapnel.
We all know how the Web2 Studios take time to update and drop maps and players are always demanding, you know, bring back a classic or modify this, modify that and being able to have that type of reward and content creation system for people to make maps and adjustments on the fly that can be rewarded based on how playable they are. I think it's just a huge advantage.
We're super stoked on that. We've marked long and the CEO of our studio has really long believed in this modding community. Everyone on this, I think there's a fun fact that like everyone at the studio who's actually working on the game,
game worked at Microsoft at one point or another and touched the Halo series. And many of them were involved in that forge product that was super popular for Halo 3 was where that came out. And I remember going to a conference with one of these guys,
years ago, got named Dave who's on the game team and we were listening to Gabe Layton who's now popular in the Web 3 space. I don't know if anyone's familiar with Gabe from DigiDy2 but he was running Machine Zone at the time which was a very big mobile gaming studio they created Game of War. It was that game they had like a kid up to an ad for at one point.
They had all the Arnold Schwarzenegger mobile games as well. Do just printed money in Web 2 mobile gaming. And he was on stage talking about these games that he made. And he said, "I wasn't a great game designer, but I knew that my community would create more compelling content that I would ever be able to hire people to create." And so I built a chat room with a bunch of
game stuff around it. I thought that was such an interesting way to describe the way that he created such success in that space. We're obviously not doing that. We're making a AAA game and we're excited to bring our own creative style to it, but we really do believe that the content that the community creates within this universe that we're building for them is going to be much more compelling than anything that we come up with.
Yeah, I agree. And Halo 3 was a classic. I think that was one of the first games I really got into and played religiously. So totally related to that whole experience and just the way we've evolved into where we're going and where Schrapner is going now. It's just I think that the natural next step in gaming as a whole.
and rewarding all those that are into this and content creating and making everything just better. I think I just can't wait. I'm excited. I know we're about three minutes away from T2 opening up here. So the only question I had was if you had a T1, can you mint again at T2 or is it just one per wall?
I couldn't remember if that was true or not. You should be able to mint one more in T2 and if you if you have trouble with that, just shoot us a DM or pop into Discord and we'll get you sell. But everyone you on T1 should be able to mint one more in T2. Okay, yeah, so in this first come first serve for T2. So I'd imagine since we've you've had over 2200 minutes that
T2 should go relatively quickly based on that Yeah, I think so, you know, we're yeah, we're at 2300 right now and 2327 and We're seeing you know a bunch of activity on the floor. We've we're at like a point three floor and we have who've done over a hundred
So far so I think that as soon as the T2 opens up we'll see the mint out pretty quick Yeah, and for the so for the upcoming token air drop I know I tried to squeeze out the dates from you, but I don't think he can say it yet, but I think from what I've used together in the discord
and some of the Twitter threads is based on holding operators, how much strap you're going to get, and then the rarities will come into play at some point on strap allocation. I just don't know how much or how, and that's going to happen. And then you can also use that strap to secure your call sign on the website if that's correct.
That's correct. Yeah, I cannot unfortunately still cannot share the date. You know, this is not the date you're looking for. But what I what I can't say is that based on the number and rarity of operators that you hold, you will get a specific number of tokens airdrop to you.
You know, almost feel like magic soon here. And we I don't think we've actually released we haven't released the actual numbers yet, but we started to release some some Easter eggs on our Twitter. Like, you know, like one of the one of the values of the air drop is like very related to the distance between
different spatial bodies around the earth. And we've got some hints on our feet around that. So I'll leave it at that as well. But pretty excited about it. I, you know, I am the first thing, as you said, that you'll be able to do is to go to and create a call sign, which is effectively
a gamer tag that you'll be able to mint on chain and having a call sign in Shrapnel will come with with pretty regular benefits. You can think of it almost like having a battle pass. You'll get in-game skins, you'll get access to quests that that give you stuff in, you know,
in game and on chain, that stuff might be NFTs, it might be more token. Operators will have the most opportunity to participate in that quest system and be able to reap the most benefit, but call sign holders will be as well. And then very shortly after we really
the call assignments will release the creator tools, which will allow people to start creating what we're calling like the the V1 or the first iteration of of UGC in the game and that's going to be like 2D creation within almost like a Photoshop type utility.
you'll be able to create decals and patches for your guns and your armor. And then the next phase will be, you'll be able to start making skins for those weapons and skins for the characters. And then the next phase will be the ability to actually make like your own functionally different weapons and functionally different maps and sets.
pieces of maps. So holding an S.D.U. will get you early access to all of those creator tools. But you will also, everyone at one point will have access to the creator tools and you'll actually use Trap to mint the things that you create if you want to put them on chain and make them a part of the Trap and will game and sell them in the marketplace and all that stuff.
I cannot wait to see what people come up with as far as skins, maps, and patches. I think there's there's some talent out there that just hasn't had the opportunity to really display what they can do and I can only imagine where they're going to take it. See, I made yesterday I made a dinosaur made completely out of skulls.
We have some pre-made skulls that our artists have put in there as decals, and I shrunk and rotated them, and I made a little Veloster Raptor out of a human skull and an ape skull and a rattlesnake skull. I love it. That's great. I can't wait to see some of the previews drop on those.
That's going to be awesome. We've got a bunch in our discord if people pop in there and say, "Hey, yeah, man." We've loved working with the Adelaide team just to gush on that team for a little bit. You guys have been incredible partners and both from being supportive on the timeline perspective.
and then, you know, as we've been working together on things like our upcoming partnership at Consensus, the summit in Barcelona and then 3XP in June down in LA, you guys have just been a wonderful team to work with and can't have more positive things to say about the technology and the group of people.
I truly appreciate all the comments and I can echo them all right back to you as a partner. You guys have been fantastic in supporting everything that we've asked and tried to help with and then getting you guys to the expose and displays and just bringing it every time. And I know some it's going to be a blast. I can't wait to go to three XPs so you guys there and
experience the whole thing again so I love it. I look forward to it. It looks like T2 is open for those that haven't got to meet yet. Almost done. Almost done. So, grab a point you can. The only thing I wanted to mention, I noticed that there were some quests available that you could do to earn points and I saw that they were redeemable for
like collaboration partnerships as well. I think that's a great way to kind of continue the exposure and collaboration with other partners. And if you hadn't had a chance to jump on there and do those quests and get those points to Winsome Raffles I think is a good opportunity for the community as well. Oh, dude, we're gonna have so much fun with
I love that team by the way. I am a Zingga fanboy. Those guys, you want to talk about like min maxing a market bull run they won with mobile. And I think that the community three guys are with opera team are going to win in Web 3 as well. I mean, they already are. They're kicking ass. But if you go into our discord, you can.
As the host was saying you can run quests and get points and we're going to continually add to the store of things that you can purchase with those points but like right now we've got some NFTs in there, we've got white list spots, we've got collab spots and I'll be buying a couple thousand dollars worth of these
I see you across polygon avalanche and and eith over the next couple of days and we'll be putting those into the store pretty constantly from now until you know the end of time. And then we're going to have some cool merch coming out our hoodies are like legit dope something I would like wear around outside of like working here. And so we're going
to put some of those in there. We have a partnership with Razer and so we're going to be putting Razer edges in there and actually, you know, while I'm on here, we've got a small enough group. If we have anyone, if you want to pick someone, unfortunately, we need to pick someone from the US because I sit and see out of Washington, but I have a physical Razer edge at my desk that I
I've been saving for a giveaway and if we want to just pick someone from the audience, so Avalanche crew, you can do that. We'll send it out later this week when I'm back in the office. That is fantastic. Yep, for sure. We will definitely pick someone out of the audience. Here we'll do RNG and grab somebody since we do have a small group and I think
I'm already a fan of the hoodies I haven't seen them yet, but I want one so I'll be on the lookout for those as well. Um, kind of as we go along here, if anyone has a question or wants to jump up on stage, feel free, Jeff, you've got something as well. No, I think I was just going to say like I think it will actually
I mean, I feel like we should get some avalanche branded like razor gear or some other Like I don't like keyboards and like shrapnel avalanche gear. I don't know. There could be could be some cool things But I feel like I feel like out of these NF2 holders. There's like so many fun things you could do. I already listed a bunch of
But it's almost like that's like your initial like big fan base before I guess the game you know goes on you know like full full main net. What how do you guys see with like I don't know like down the road with like betas, alphas and
And I had an awesome opportunity to track the game at GDC, which was so cool. But how are you guys thinking with NFT holders? I guess down the road when there's open betas and stuff like that. For sure. Well, first, I've said this a couple of times, I've had a couple of people
will take me up on it so far. If you're in Austin, Texas or you're in your in Texas and you are going to be near consensus, please drop in our DMs and we'll get you on the we'll get you into the show for a demo. And so that'll be our first really public demo is going to be a consensus. And then I won't say quickly
because that means different things to different people. But before Q4 or early Q4, we will start allowing operator holders to play the game early. And then in December, we will have probably late, late, late, late December, we will have a release on the Epic Games Store that we're calling like an open beta where anyone will be able to download the game and play
it, it'll be full featured, the marketplace will be live, so forth and so on. So that's kind of the roadmap for the playable, but the first people that we'll be able to play the game will be operator holders. Damn, I love it. More of a reason to grab these. That's pretty exciting.
For sure man crypto hado dude. I love this guy He's been on our timeline for the last couple weeks. How's it going man? Hey guys, what's up? Yeah, I've been a huge fan of you guys been following you guys for And it's been like a year two years I it's been a long time I made a video about you guys a long long time ago, and I was just kind of reading the synopsis of like the#
the world you guys created and fell in love with the idea of it. I do live in Austin by the way. There's no way there's no chance in hell I can afford a ticket to consensus however. But no no we have we have we do we have bracelets and so we can't we can't give you it's like a pass for the show but if you're in Austin
Just like hit me up in the DMs. I'll give you my telegram and we have these like temporary bracelets We can get you on the show floor running through a demo hang out with the booth with you for a little bit and then we just get them when you When you leave and if you're in Austin, you like well, we definitely want to have you out for barbecue I'm gonna go try to eat my body weight in barbecue at Terry Blacks So you#
I already sent you all a DM. I'm totally down for that and that great choice by the way. I'm glad you didn't say Franklin's because I think Frank that's kind of a scam. Loki. You have to weigh like an hour plus to eat but. Dude, I'm selling the beef rib at the beef rib at Terry Blacks is a life-changing experience. Terry Blacks is amazing. I love it.
You also got to go to hop dotty's best burgers. Yeah, yeah, I'm a big fan and there's that there is a also a Detroit style pizza place called like 413 highway 413 or something. We're we're going there as well
Oh man, I'm jealous. I'm not gonna be down there guys, but we do have summit. We got a lot of topos up there, prosciutto, espresso, you know, you get all those fun things.
Hey, so I just ran a quick Twitter picker so for the razor and it came up with fang as the number that got the win so at two seven fang if you are in the US just shoot the gaming on avalanche DM to me and I will
work with you to get you over to that razor that Tony so graciously gave out. So I truly appreciate that. I think that's a huge win for everyone. Yeah, where are we at now with T2 men? I think we're almost there, aren't we? Yeah, we're only have 300 left is what the blockchain developer
So what's next on the roadmap after you hit 3xp and June, what have you guys got on the schedule? So after 3xp and June, we will start those flights of, you know, call it closed beta with
the operators. We'll also in I think it's July or late June will be at Comic Con. We wrote another series of comic books we wrote five last year, five this year. I actually wrote one of the one of the comic books this year. I'm super excited. And we've had some really professional
Editors and artists in the in the video helping us out One of our advisors is this guy Neil Stevenson. He wrote Snowcrash, which is a pretty iconic Metaverse book and he's he lives in Seattle and he's like friends with our CEO and so he like he like literally come
and he's like hangs out in the office and he's read all of the work that we've written and given us pretty material feedback on it. Our CEO Mark is part of the screenwriter's guild. He's out option to move you to legendary once or twice I think already and so he's spending a lot of time with us. It's like really exciting. So we'll be at
I'm gonna go sign this this comic book that I wrote was pretty fucking sweet and we have Five other people that are be down there with us doing that And then we'll release those comic books. We'll air drop into operator holders We have some short films that we're gonna be making later this year again with with some of the
HBO crew, the people who did all of the choreography for John Wick are going to do all of the choreography and fight scenes for our short films, which we're pretty excited about. Again, it's like someone that like Mark Long has just friends with from when he worked at HBO. And so I mean, we're obviously
to do this, but we have the ability to tap them because they like our studio, which is fucking nuts. So that will be some of the fun like off-chain, trans-media stuff that we've got going on. And then I really are big pushes in December when we release the game and hopefully, you know, tens or hundreds of thousands
people eventually millions of people are playing this thing. Based on how you guys are going, I don't see that being a problem. You're everywhere every month it seems like you guys are doing something big, something interesting and something fun and all during that time you're staying engaged when the community discord, Twitter, everywhere. So I think
on all fronts you guys are firing on all cylinders. Thanks you know what I'm really fired up about is that we haven't really turned on the web to marketing yet right like we've had a couple of we've alluded a couple of times to our our advisors right like myth is one of our advisors he's a super popular youtuber was a
super popular Twitch streamer, but he'll actually be a consensus playing the game and making content and that'll be really our first kind of jump into what I would call like real video game marketing, right? Like I'm doing the Web 3 stuff here, beating the drum well until we have gameplay and then once we start
having more of a game, it'll really be more people like Myth, people like Lyric and Shroud hopefully playing the game and out there working with folks like Twitch going to TwitchCon. And so that's what I can't wait till that happens. I think our growth only becomes more exponential at that point.
Yeah, all this without any playable content and web-to-market, I think is just unbelievable where it's come from and just the teaser clips get people fired up and the trailers and just seeing the gameplay footage at events just continues to build on my hype. I can't wait. I just wanted to be December already.
Yeah, and you know the one of the things I love about the studio is I spent so I'm hi my name's Tony by the way I don't think I did a much of an introduction but I spent most of my career in in kind of orthogonal groups to gaming I was that I did spend time in Nintendo but I was a data analyst like my job was to onboard Oracle and help the the we shop
operate, right? Like that was, it wasn't anything close to creative. And then I moved over to Amazon where I spent the bulk of my career working on like retail products and then eventually I was on the team that bought Twitch and created Twitch Prime. And so I was able to work again with a lot of studios closely, but I wasn't really on the studio side. And now
Being on the studio side, it's so cool because the culture that the culture that these folks have is just it's phenomenal like one they've all been making games for like 20 25 years I'm like the least experienced person on the team And so they've all kind of done it before and they've all worked with each other before so the vibe around the office is just like super chill very
There's a very high bar, right? Everyone's very critical of the work and wants everything to be as cool as possible. But everyone's kind of already been there before too. And so, you know, we play test every day for a couple hours. We sit around and we play the game and we talk shit and we identify things that we can make better.
like total egos at the door like the guys tuning the guns are sitting next to the QA people who are sitting next to the the office manager Jen while we're all playing the game and saying you know hey this gun is handling like shit or like I just fucking shot someone from across the map with my pistol we need to fix that
like that's not reasonable. And that's happening in real time with everyone at the studio. And that breadth of feedback, not almost daily, like daily, because I have people coming in on the weekends and playing now too, is just so fun to watch, because the game really changes every week.
Yeah, that type of response to feedback is just breath of fresh air and just to hear the excitement, it just kind of bleeds into everywhere and everyone on the team seems to be just as excited as you are and which is always fun when
interacting with anyone from Trappinor or the community who's been following it for a while. You can just feel the excitement and anticipation for this game to be released and people to get their hands on the sticks and really start playing.
If anyone else out in the crowd wants to jump on stage has a question or just wants to chat, please feel free to hit the request button. We'll bring you up and we'll see what we can get you your question answers. I think the TQ, let me get them up here.
Can I mention something real quick? Yeah, please go ahead. Yeah, I'm just really excited for the user-generated content portion of this game. I mean, not only does it look fantastic already, like I'm just really excited for like what people are going to
If Roblox is like any indication of what a sandbox can just make, I'm just so excited to see what Schrappin will can do, especially when we incorporate NFTs and different Web3 aspects that we can't do in Web2.
I couldn't agree with you more. The content creation piece is one of the biggest things that I look forward to seeing and what people can come up with. And it's just the sky's the limit.
Yeah, Mark or CEO, he's such a smart guy and he says something that we actually turned into like a Twitter quote at one point, but he says that, you know, people don't, they don't age out of wanting to create and play things that people have created, right? Like they're aging out of
the format that Roblox and Minecraft are in and you see those companies like trying to adjust and pivot to making triple A content within their platforms now and even to the extent that Tim Sweeney saw the value and has now opened up the creator tools for Fortnite in such a way that's producing some
really cool stuff. And I think that we are just right there on this this wave. We're going to be coming out at a time when people are really ready to consume this type of content. And I just I think that I think it's going to be gangbusters. What's what I'm most excited about? Because I'm like, I'm like kind of shitty at first person shooters. I can play
I'm not I'm not terrible, but I'm not like I'm if I get into a group of the competitive group people are gonna fucking kill me But I love making stuff like I would love to spend hours figuring out how to make like the best building with the the tightest corners and the creating creating the most exciting fire fights, right? Like I'd do that all day Exactly and I think there's a ton of people out there
They're not able to handle the sweaty players that are dominating some of the maps, but they can create maps and content that people will just love to play. And that'll keep them engaged in building to just make the game better for everybody. And then they have fun. Everyone has fun. And it's a win all the way around.
Yeah, actually a quick quick question, you know about the UGC stuff. You know, I remember I remember like you're mentioning Halo 3. I speak so many games and also you download even not just different maps and different types of you know tools but also like game modes.
Are you guys like also thinking about beyond just I guess like you know Creating creating materials and new maps and unique maps, but also like game modes are like I remember on Halo there was one there was one really popular one called like duck hunt You know, I don't know how I don't think that would actually translate
into Shrapnel, but like, are you guys thinking about different game modes that, you know, players could also create with UGC? Yes, 100% like, and the way our creative, our chief creative officer puts it is really the best. He says that, you know, you're never going to hop into Shrapnel and play Mario Kart. Right? Like, that's
not going to be a thing that exists, but certainly modes like Capt for the Flag or deathmatch style modes, I can see those emerging as things that people want and that people are willing to curate. Part of our tokenomics include people who are holding our token
they can actually lock the token up to promote or curate content that they think is going to be popular. And if they, if they're right, then we will admit token to them as a reward. They don't, you know, you never lose the token if you're wrong. And it's not popular. You just haven't locked up and see there's a, there's an opportunity cost there. But if you're right and people play the content a lot#
would be financially rewarded for that. So we believe that we are not the arbiters of what is going to make this thing the most fun. And so if people believe that an extraction shooter matched up with the deathmatch mode is like the most compelling way to play this thing that we've built, then we want the creators and the community to tell us that. And we're going to
Not only are we going to reward that with more curation and more people being able to play that mode, which is kind of like the end of the road reward in Web 2, but like people who do, who create that dynamic will be handsomely rewarded from a financial perspective, you know, again, assuming our tokens worth anything, they'll get a lot of it when they make stuff that's popular.
Love it. I feel like that was like, you know, there's so many good examples of games that had really good UGC, but there was no like true ownership from the actual creators themselves and there's just a lot of copy pays and there wasn't really ownership. So I'm really excited to see how this kind of plays out.
what when it goes live and all the creators come in. I guess like maybe just quick little pivot on this with a going back to NFT mint drop. Like how are you guys thinking with like Easter eggs or you know you mentioned a few fun things but like
You know Easter eggs are always fun with within games You know, I think you know, I don't know like you can have like cool dance moves or you can have new cool custom skins like or Kill cams or I don't know I'm just kind of like making stuff up on the fly But I guess think with Easter eggs. Yeah, I mean
Like I mentioned, Neil Stevenson being one of our advisors, the actual sword from Snowcrash is was one of the weapons in our game, right? Like that's that's that's an Easter egg and we it's like it's like cannon, right? Like Neil is
writing the prequel to Snowcrash or a sequel. I can't remember which direction it's going, but part of the canon and lore for Snowcrash is going to be that like the sword is on island where our game is set being held by the Yukuza faction of our game, right? And so that's
Just like one example of a nod if you're a nerd, I read Snowcrash every year. It's like one of my favorite metaverse books. That'll be cool for people like that. And we have a battery of partnerships like that. Again, Myth is one of our partners. We're going to be putting him into the live action shorts. We're going to find all kinds of ways to give him nods.
in the game, both in the UGC tools and in the skins that we create. So we're just, we're super excited about all the fun ways that we're going to hide stuff. And there will absolutely be Web 3 references in there. I'm trying to figure out how we
we create a reference to becoming onboarded into the web 3 kind of DGen space, going from a, everyone's seen the memes, but like a respectable buttoned up person to, you know, like, chugging energy drinks in on space is still 4am.
Yes, I will be one of those up till 4am for sure. I think TQ games you requested to speak I want to give you a chance to throw your question up.
Hey guys, I just want to say hi to everybody here. And of course, Tony, we just recently got into a meeting together a while ago and try to leave. Can't wait to share my skin ideas. I just want to say we can, you know, we can only count in our fingers. The kind of
people and projects that empower real gamers in the space to where your authenticity is something that can be put into the main stage and put a spotlight on by people that support you. And this is the kind of thing that I'm so
So bullish about Chabno, not only because they're leading in providing that kind of support for creators, but also, you know, we need more games that will do free minutes for the people and for the gamers in having opportunities.
opportunities and open doors for creators like me from you know the Philippines the third world I have a guild that they get 100% of everything that they get and I try to spoil them what I saw as I can but we don't have sometimes entry point you know enough resources
to get into some games that have huge barriers of entry points and being part of their communities. And this is something that is limiting the purpose of mass market adoption in my opinion. And I love what Joe said about carbon-
people bringing copypastes of even content we see that right now. And so having the UGC to earn something that I've seen as an ambassador for seven other games that also, again, so Kishi is kind of like pushing forward with the UGC is something that is empowering
independent creators and that's what Web 3 represents to me the power of being empowered as a creator yourself and not just because you were part of a guild or you're doing a copy paste of another so-called OG Influence
and making sure that you give us the stage to take more space, to make noise and be a part of it while embracing our uniqueness is a value that I think is priceless in our space. I just want to give you guys those flowers because you're very inclusive
with this freeman. I tried my best to bless as much people with gas fees to get in as well and they're real active gamers and these are the real daily grander gamers that make sure you know to be on top of the games that they do want to play and if
future. And yeah, we've had spaces together with Tony as well, amplifying legitimacy in this space. And it's very important to showcase the right projects that can zoom out and show everybody that we can last generations to come and
And yeah, I just want to say that and hi to CryptoHadow and everybody here, Saw Squad and Ken. And yeah, so much love for you guys and so much respect. Thank you for the amazing Femint and congratulations on your journey. And Ken went to see more. Ken went to work with you guys with the skins as well.
Likewise, TQ, we love you guys. I'm excited to be partner with Trivoli. Super stoked.
I'm so excited about that for you because it's something that we really need to focus more in showing people that there is legitimacy in the space, where in bad press and people with bad
perceptions about NFTs are just being destroyed by projects like Shrapnel and that kind of like show that, "K, no, there are actual builders in this space. We do actually care for the creator
and we want to give them empowerment and an estate for them to explore the web to space. And that's something that I share with you guys as well. So excited to see what we're going to be doing together and yeah, power to the gamers and power to creators.
Yeah, thanks, but I appreciate the words that I couldn't agree more on them being more inclusive and just celebrating everybody everywhere and getting them into the game. The one thing I did want to pivot back to real quick on the NFT minute, I don't think we mentioned it, is that within the overall supply of the SU, there's a one of one in there as well, right?
There is there's a golden one of one and we will be picking the winner of that one on one via one of one via like a random while it drawing here in the next couple of weeks and the will air drop the one of one which is
free dope, like I said, it's a gold version of the the S.E.U. And then you'll get some some exclusive in game content with that as well that we we haven't released yet, but it'll be something in the in lines of one of these collab skins that we're talking about.
Nice. I am crossing my fingers and hope I grab it and if you haven't grabbed it yet, you've got about less than 200 left before they're all gone because Avax is the last one so the rest of the supply will be gone. So jump on there now if you have a T2 and mint.
If we don't get the 200 less than 200 left-minute out after the T2 closes, is there an open public? Is that going to start right after or how is the if there's any extra supply handled? There is not. I don't suspect that there will be any extra supply.
we're still mitten pretty quickly here and we only have we have less than 200 left now. But if there isn't any, if there is any left, we're just going to mint it into a treasury wall and use it for giveaways. Perfect. So don't wait. Go now.
Cool awesome guys, well hey, I actually have to run to my next meeting, but I will I will catch you guys soon Yeah Tony thanks for coming on and looking forward to seeing the next steps and seeing you at summit and doing at 3xp after that
Awesome. Thank you so much. We'll talk to you soon. Yep. All right. Thanks, everybody, for joining us today. If you haven't mentioned out and you have T2, I recommend just go check, make sure because you're eligible to mint T2, even if you mentioned a T1.
So just go ahead and grab your extra one right now. If not, then there is a plenty available on secondary across Ethereum polygon and avalanche. So grab and see if you can grab that one of one. So thanks everyone for coming out.