🥧Slice Sunday #42🥧 How are you feeling about crypto? 🤔 Let’s talk 🎙️

Recorded: Jan. 21, 2024 Duration: 1:59:21



hello hello everybody now this is a very strange start to the space i am sorry if you can hear an echo
i'm sorry if you can hear my fire alarm it just went off three minutes before we started
i live in an accommodation block so if one person burns their toast the whole building gets notified
so i'm fine standing in my bathroom just hopefully minimizing the noise you just have to get on with
things like these there we go it's gone off now it usually goes off two three times and by the time
it's finally finished but we just hopefully that's it off for good now it didn't go off for too long
now thank gosh it's been on for hours at a time before you just have to leave the building get out
i left for one two hours before i came back and it was still on it is so loud it's unreal but
at least we know they have a lot of safety here so i'm going to actually sit back in my normal seat
get back to the normal noise level and if it starts to go off again i'll have to mute quickly
go back into the the shower where i was hiding before and try speaking from there but here
we go we're back to a usual start now i see we've got loads of people up here requesting to
speak good to see you all i'm glad we're back in it slice sunday number 42 i think we actually
started these slice sundays the second week in february so it will be our 52 like week anniversary
our exact one year anniversary but of course we've missed some spaces or we've had to cancel a few
spaces so we will be reaching the 52 mark in 10 weeks time so i'm excited for it that will be a
huge event we might have to do a mega space i'm not sure what we'll do but we've got to get
something good planned coming up for that as i say we've got the projects up here already
here we're going to have in total we have the nubus project the pride lions club the killer bunny
death squad or knuckle bunny death squad sorry kvds uh brood bones the meta builders and minties as
well so six projects up here tonight and as you may know we have the brood bones they're back
for two weeks in a row the reason we're doing that is because they actually had quite a big event
happening midweek so we wanted to just bring them back up hopefully you remember their pitch
from last week they'll give you a bit of the basic introduction and then they'll go into what
actually was going on this week as well we don't have a lot of updates that are going on we have a
lot of behind the scenes things a lot of discord um actual improvements that we're going to be
making we want to get a new holder uh bought in as you know our ones in maintenance at the minute
i think that bot will just need to be deleted we'll get into something a bit more stable and
sustainable we're going to be re uh rejigging uh up the the channels a little bit getting rid of
some old ones bringing in some new ones making it more fun and interactive to be in our server
because we know that just throughout january throughout the weekends throughout everything
discord tends to be down and a lot of the other servers we want our space to be a fun place to
be bring in more people just being involved of course you get the passive income just by
sitting there by doing that thing but we want to make it fun to actually be in our server as well so
that will be happening and the way we'll also do that is by making the store a lot more lucrative
so that's coming this week as well by introducing a lot more partner nft some tokens as well so
you can buy some mean coins with your asap you can buy some salana with your asap a lot of
different prizes like that uh and yeah we'll we'll just be making loads of improvements over
the next coming week and hopefully by this time next week in slice sunday we'll you'll have
realized i'll lose improvements what's been going on and yeah that's that's pretty much the plan for
the coming week we do have uh something to chat about let me add a couple more people up as
speakers here that yes we've been having a very interesting discussion in the shareholders channel
uh over the past couple weeks and we've sort of or just it was actually just this week
um and we're actually going to bring this discussion to the holders because it's very
very important that they're involved in it as well so i'm just introducing the point here now
um so that everybody is on the same page because we get a usually a large audience here on slice
sunday of of our actual holders themselves and of course it's recorded so we'll get people
listening back to it so you you know what's going on but you'll get all these announcements
in the holders chat as well and in the main uh announcements channels too so as you know
a slice of pie it has been a passive income project for eight months in a row now
since may 2023 we've been paying our passive income consistently and and the risk was being
a long-term project like this is we start to get people who are no longer involved in web3 or
have minted nfts right back in september 2022 and don't even know that we're paying out this
passive income so what we sort of floated the idea of doing just to bring it up for a discussion
we don't have a bias one way or another we just want to know what your thoughts are
we actually thought to bring in a more quote unquote active sort of income where each month
to claim your income you would click one button and just make sure that you you have then
claimed it for that month this would then mean we would also we would tell all the holders we
would try our best to go around DMing holders personally letting them know that this is
starting rather than just posting announcements about it we've seen in another server that
actually does this it was able to increase their payouts that they were able to do every single
they do their bi-weekly payments they increase their bi-weekly payments because they weren't
paying out to inactive or dead wallets anymore we're not sure how many nfts would actually be
no longer with us so the people who don't even check their wallets who don't even know that
they're holding these nfts we're not sure how many of them are are there um out there but
once we start this once we do the claiming process that's when we would actually know
how many are actually out there so we would be able to increase the payouts let's say the payout for
this month is coming up 31st of january we would just post an announcement in the discord where you
click on it once you click on this website you would simply connect your wallet we would know
that your discord address and we would know your wallet address as well and that would be you
claimed with the amount of nfts that you hold and we would send your your payout to that wallet
as necessary that would be as simple as it is um i i said active income quote unquote because
it's really still passive um it does it does include an interaction once per month but i think
once you've gotten over that hurdle once you know that you just have to be there at the
start of the month and click claim then that that's it you don't have to be here engaging
with quests or doing anything like we see in other servers so it's important to to understand
that point uh and it's still very very much up for discussion we want to hear all the different
points of view and that's why we have holder votes and that's why we have shareholders as well so
we can get all the different points of view that we might not even take into consideration
so we're going to post up an announcement about it just explaining all this information
in the holders chat and then we will be reading through everything that the holders are
saying and we know the pros and cons of course the cons could be someone could have this in a
wallet they intentionally don't check the discord because they know that we pay out the passive
income see that's what we don't want we don't want somebody who's held these nfts for eight
months now suddenly losing out on their income that would suck for them just because they
haven't actually checked the discord that's not what we want to do at all it's just the wallets
that we've been launched for a year and a half now who just minted on day one and have never even
checked it again and just don't have any intention they might have deleted their phantom
wallet or done something and the wallet is just paying out debt income every single
month which could be money which is going to you to increase your individual payouts
just by clicking that button each month so that's the thought that's what we've been
discussing just all these pros and cons have come through um and of course we want to hear
more so we're going to put it in the holders chat after this space and then obviously hear all of
your opinions we want to know and what you think and then if this does come into like if you guys
do want this or if you don't want this if you do want it it would probably be being introduced by
like march or april time and if it's not being introduced then of course we'll just continue
with the normal passive income that we have i see the bacon sandwich has put up his hand
what's up bacon sandwich hey man nice to hear from you well it's been a bit um but yeah no i can
i can see where you're coming from with wanting to increase the payouts for your active people
but there's a fine balance between that and also hurting the people that believe in you
and bought early days on the understanding they could just leave it and it would just continue
so i can see where um where your predicament is because there's no there's no right or wrong
answer here um it's a it's a real tricky uh colundrum you've got there buddy it is what i think
we could do is look through our holders list um because i think most of them have already verified
their holdings and just try to reach out to them individually if we know they hold 10 or 20 NFTs
that's a significant passive income each month we need to be telling them that this is happening
so we would be reaching out and definitely letting people know are there are there many NFTs that
haven't been verified in the discord well with the bot we have currently we can't track how many NFTs
have been verified we can only track that they have the rule or not so it's just a yes or no
it's not like we can't see uh which have been verified and which have not okay because i
was thinking that maybe uh going down the route of people that have verified their NFTs um they
should obviously take priority when it comes to payouts yeah in my opinion but i'm not a token
holder so i i can't say anything yeah um i'm just uh i'm just brainstorming no it's it's what we're
trying to do as well because uh the the other project who does this they're called one link
and it's simply a tool that they have set up a website where you click on it you connect your
wallet and that is you in like for the claim they also have it set up where even though you
hold the NFTs say three months down the line you click claim you can back claim everything
that you haven't done to that point so in that case it wouldn't really increase the payouts because
let's say i hold 10 NFTs and i haven't claimed for three months i could then come back on i think
this is the way it works just the way he explained it to me it's then held in that wallet and i can
still claim it after that payout window has closed now that i don't think would be the way
that we do we would prefer the way that it increases if you're no longer claiming if
you're no longer clicking that button each month then it would increase the payouts for the people
who are for the people who are adding value who are bringing uh uh claiming in our project
then of course they get the larger payouts say we have a thousand dollars to pay out
and 10 people claim then they get the payouts instead of if we have a total of 20 holders
who aren't claiming now that is it is a very tricky conundrum as you were saying
because of course we've said we want to be passive income and we do want to be passive income
but we don't want to be wasting money we don't want to be sewing i don't know a hundred to two
hundred dollars a month just into wallets which will never realize that money and we'll never send
it back out because we know because we launched back in september we had such a rocky start
where we just went invisible for three or four months before the investment pool became something
we've probably lost a lot of holders along the way who just don't even know that they've earned
this income so far i see we've brought claire up to the stage as well claire's been involved in
this discussion uh the the whole time and it has been uh it pretty extensive with the different
opinions in the shareholder exclusive chat which is what we love and of course you know that you
can always buy shares if you want to be involved in that shareholder exclusive chat but yeah that
was just a little shell claire you can go on ahead uh and get your opinion um yeah well i
was actually not going to give an opinion on that um subject i was just going to let you know that
a few people are actually struggling to hear anything on the space um i know i'm out from
proud lions i couldn't hear anything but i think i think he's okay now um so some of the listeners
i think it might be from certain regions that just can't hear anything i know it happened to
myself um one of the world hall spaces that i was listening to and had to listen to back you
know to the recordings so just letting you know if people are coming in and out that's why they're
trying to be able to hear something right okay interesting i didn't know that so if you guys
just give me thumbs up thumbs up like just spam thumbs down if you can't hear anything at any
point in the space or any holders um that that or any projects that come up and actually start
to speak if you can't hear them spam thumbs down we'll we'll bring them up bring them back down
but thanks claire for bringing that to your attention of course guys we have that jumbotron
up at the top of the space make sure that is a free jumbotron you can be pinning things up there
all day because the people the listeners they love to read everything that's going on they want
to be involved as much with the reading as they are with the listening in this space and i see
we have the knuckle bunny death squad coming up to the stage and it's actually perfect timing
now that we're sort of moving away from the discussion as i say we will be posting that in
the holders chat about the the passive income everything i've just talked about so you guys
can actually have a physical discussion there where you're writing down your thoughts
and we'll try and share all the pros and cons with all of you and see if see if we can get
some actual figures on how many dead wallets there could be and how many different holders
who just haven't interacted in many months see if we can actually reach out to them and get
them involved in the discussion as well oh we got my sugar thank you baking you're unmuted
oh sorry no worries getting your cup of tea or something no it's no worries uh we actually yeah
i ran out of sugar earlier and my wife went out and i asked her to grab someone the way back
because she didn't say oh no she didn't right okay we we actually have the knuckle bunny
death squad up here at the time uh that this is perfect because they will be going
first in the space as i say we have pride lion clubs up here meta builders up here jdub will be
representing nubus project we have brood bones as well and the knuckle bunny death squad so kbds
will be going first uh because they have a bit of a time constraint this is a project we've heard from
uh for a couple times on slice sunday but it's good to get updates it's good to hear
from projects that we haven't heard from in a while so when you're ready you can take it
from the basics and introduce everyone to your project and then tell us some updates that have
been happening in the past few months hey how you doing good to get to be back in the space again
yeah it's good to have you guys i see you've got that nobody pfp still around so it's nice to see
they're still active and engaged which hopefully we can hear a little bit about that but it's up
to you uh where you want to direct our attention yeah appreciate it yeah we'll we'll touch on that
a little bit i'll uh got got a lot of a lot of stuff to go over so i'll uh i'll try and get
through the spiel quickly and the uh try and cover all the stuff um so for anybody who's not
familiar we are the knuckle bunny death squad we are an art and lore uh project developing the ip
around the knuckle bunny death squad which is a gang of post-apocalyptic punk rock bunnies living
in a city called the burrows um we are telling that story uh we're through comic and animation
we're in the process of uh completing our first comic at the moment um and uh are going to be
doing some supplementary uh short um webisodes around that uh following down the road um
basically we're we're our whole focus you don't have to have to bear with me i haven't had enough
coffee yet this morning so i'm not in my my usual usual swing um but uh yeah so the knuckle bunnies
live in a city called the the burrows consists of seven different burrows each of which has its
own unique flavor we've got motor city with the mobsters rockers bikers cholos we've got city
gardens for all our 420 bunnies the uh rasta bunnies skate punks hippies neon row with the cyber punks
aliens discos uh jabber jaws the hooligan bunnies steam town's got our steampunk bunnies we've got
the underground with all the punk scoths hipsters and uh the outer which is all of our apocalypse
bunnies so each um this is kind of all represented in our first collection which is our og collection
um which we launched about well over a year ago in september so uh that one uh was our
first mint we minted that one out in under 24 hours which we were pretty stoked about because
that was in the depths of the bear market there um but uh yeah well basically our focus is uh
kind of elevating art in the in the salon of space we operate as a full student service art
studio as well so we've done uh full collection art one of ones for a bunch of different projects
we did uh uh the gents soul city poker club gen two full collection we did the voltex dal
full art replacement on their gen one um what else we did a collection that's yet to be released
for uh tripping eight tribe dalhala labs we've done the degenerate tiger federation 10k that
one's going to be starting to get revealed shortly here and we're just putting the final touches on
the nobody collection which uh i'm going to try and uh well maybe pin one up in the billboard
here i can always have a hard time talking and uh scrolling through twitter at the same time but
um yeah basically that's one of the other aspects of of the project we operate as a full service
art studio uh do some dev work as well my background's in um web two digital agency i've
been doing that for the last uh well 25 plus years and with this project i'm working closely
with my daughter who has been working full time with me on knuckle bunnies since she graduated
high school she's a very accomplished artist and comic artist as well and so she's kind of
working on all of that side has done the majority of all the hand-drawn art that we do
and uh yeah so it's it's been kind of a fun opportunity for me to kind of work with her
mentor her and then for us to kind of build this uh this thing together as we've gone over the last
basically two years now a little over two years that we've been been going um in addition to our
og collection we've released a number of other collections uh both some some as airdrops and
other as uh others as mints we did uh an art series airdrop directly after our first mint all
of our holders uh we took over a project called the grim sweepers that we had done the art for
that never really got uh proper promotions so we took that over brought it into the burrows and got
that minted out um so that one was kind of a fun piece that we've incorporated as well
we've got a remix collection uh that we've done a bunch of one-on-ones for other projects we
most recently our larger uh mint recently we had the year the rabbit mint that went off last year
got a pin-ups collection one-on-ones collection so yeah we're just really focused on
on art we really you know that's kind of our passion um and it's something that we wanted to
design and build a project around from the outset um you know two plus years ago there was about a
million projects popping off a day and a lot of cut and paste roadmaps and everyone was kind of
struggling to or you know try and figure out what's this utility and what are we doing and
and you know we really wanted to focus in on what we were passionate about and we just
established from the outset we're an art project art as a utility and we've kind of built from there
so through the course of that and over the last couple of years obviously we've
worked closely with a bunch of different projects and and made a lot of really good friends in the
space most recently we got together with a bunch of those projects and we're part of launching the
nobody token which has a whole bunch of cool stuff happening in the background and is about to
be launching if i can get back to finding that link so i can put it up into the bulb give me bear
with me for two seconds here and i'll just find that we give a little preview of what we're
actually having nobody up next week on slice sunday so we'll get the the full pitch from them
so i didn't know that claire's just informed me that which will be great awesome to hear from them
yeah so pin the art up as much as you like but make sure to stay on topic knock up any
death squad because we'll be getting what nobody does and all their utilities next weekend yeah
that's awesome yeah so we've just finished that i just pinned up that
tweet there it's got a little bit of the little sneak peek of some of the art coming out for that
so that's going to be minting in the next two to three weeks we're we're just waiting
for a vesting period to finish up on that and then that's going to launch be stakeable for
nobody and have a number of other utilities involved with that just quick overview that's
just that nobody token is a project that basically 15 other nft projects in the space all came
together to launch put the liquidity pool together for and are all individually building
different utilities that help support that token so it's cheap as hell right now because we've
we've been working on stuff in the background and everything's about to pop off so
definitely worth checking that one out but yeah as far as knuckle bunnies are concerned
we've uh you know we've always got stuff going on in the background we love collaborating with
other projects a lot a lot of kind of big collector diamond handers in our community and
so one of the things that we launched recently was the the holders virtual album which is a wallet
gated um basically collection manager um so you can kind of go in there sort your collection with
all of your different ranks your different uh achievements etc with links and directly
connected to help you round out your collection so anything you're missing for any achievement and
so forth you can directly click through to find those specific ones on magic eden or tensor
um so just a little adding little utilities and additional development stuff as we
grow our development resources and you know just want to always be focused on bringing
cool stuff to our collectors um yeah i know i'm rambling a little bit so that's a little bit
a little bit of a madcap recap on what's going on with the knuckle bunny disco
amazing i was trying as you were listening to all the different areas and artworks i was trying
to write them all down but there's no way i got them that is so detailed would be a mind i want
to know a little bit more about the comic and a little bit more about the lore if you can tell
us some about that yeah so um we've got we've got a whole bunch of lore on all of the different
burrows and everything on our website if you go to knucklebunnydeskwat.com you can check out
a bunch of the different i haven't updated that recently so there's some of the uh portfolio
stuff isn't up there right now but we've got a whole section on there on the lore that goes
into each of the different burrows which provides a little bit of background on the flavor there
and then we're also going to be starting to roll out additional lore into the storytelling
over the next little bit the first comic is sort of a prelude comic which sort of sets the tone
for the story as we go forward our goal is to be we're going to get that comic out and then
what we our our goal is going forward is to be releasing a series of comics one of one of one
centered in each of the seven burrows that will kind of have an overarching story that kind of
tells the background of the uh the origin story of the knucklebunny deskwat um as far as all of the
different art and collections i'm just going to drop in the comments our creator address on magic
eden if anyone's interested in checking out some of what we've put out uh for kbds um that is just
up at uh magic eden.io slash creators slash kbds and then you can be able to link through and
check out all the different uh drops we've done amazing i'm on your website right now
uh trying to go through all the lore but it is extensive looks like you guys have been doing
this for a while which is great and who is actually responsible who's the ones behind all this lore
uh that'd be myself and my daughter we've been we've been you know this all started um you know
well a little over two years ago um we were just kind of talking about uh an idea and one of the
things for me like as a dad i always like to try and um show my kids uh you know what you can do
if you put your mind to it and that was kind of uh one of the things that we use this project as
an example of is like here you know we've got this idea um and if we continue to take steps
towards that goal um you'll be amazed what we can achieve and so you know we've kind of worked
together my youngest daughter has been somewhat involved as well um and it's just been really
kind of cool to see something come from just like this crazy idea about these punk rock bunnies
into a full-fledged thing with the community of people behind it that are enjoying the art and
having fun with us while we while we do this so um yeah it's uh me and sketchy bunny are uh
the ones behind behind all of it we've got team members from my agency money bunny and cyber that
are helping us out as well an amazing team and the discord with uh dr green uh and shelby helping out
and a bunch of our other uh nomads which uh nomads role in our discourse if you hold one
one from each of the seven burrows so we've got a really uh solid core team of people that are
helping us out and and uh building building the community building the project out and
yeah it's been amazing we've had nothing you know just a really cool opportunity to meet so many
awesome people on web 3 over the last couple of years and just looking forward to rolling
forward into the bull run one thing i didn't mention um part of uh what we're doing as well
we've got a subbed out called the crypto crew which was kind of an offshoot um just to kind
of help people get more education understanding about crypto trading investing um and so we did
a small collection uh tokens of you know 100 basically uh where one of those each equal to
share in our investment portfolio that we put together and so what we do uh every week we meet
and kind of review our portfolio talking about what's going on in crypto and so we built uh
um with the money we raised from that 100 of that just went into building a portfolio in crypto and
so it's been a lot of fun with that as well just sort of watching that grow and uh collectively
learning and sharing alpha and doing that side of things as well which has been a lot of fun over
this crazy meme coin Solana season we've been having definitely and how do you get involved in
that uh crypto sub diet hand uh so that is for holders in kbds so if you're a holder in kbds
um basically you uh just open up a ticket in the crypto crew discord which we've got linked in kbds
as well um to purchase one of those that is uh there we started at 100 usdc per token we have
only 25 left at the moment and they're now 125 based on the value of the portfolio having
gone up substantially we were very early on uh muro in that one we took 150 bucks that turned into
uh 3300 and that's just one of about 15 that that we're in at the moment so
yeah it's been it's been fun um you know some some people that had very little exposure to
crypto or understanding of how that work uh got involves uh some very experienced uh crypto traders
are involved with that and so it's just been a real fun way for everyone to kind of learn together
share information share alpha uh answer questions i think for me like having been in crypto for quite
a while i remember that initial period of just kind of not knowing what was going on and trying to
figure out and trying to figure out what was a good source of info and um having people that
you know and trust and and have uh hung around with for a while sharing information and helping
you with that i think makes it a lot more fun anyway i don't want to take up all your time
that's ask my spiel happy to answer any other questions though no absolutely and thank you so
much for coming up i love the lore i love the comics we did hold two of your nfts but they
were in the store in the slice of fire and they were bought pretty quickly as soon as they went
in the store we'll need to get a few more put them in the store again now that we're doing
this big revamped up big upgrade these are definitely some valuable assets we want in
there so thank you so much for coming up yeah appreciate you having me up and appreciate the
support uh looking forward to uh jumping up next week and chatting with nobody as well
absolutely i'll see you there awesome so next up guys we have the meta builders another project
who i think they've been on the space before but not in a long long time so it's a week for
updates this week which is great here on the knucklebody death squad i'm now going over to meta
builders these guys do a lot in the space so we could be here for a long long time listening
to everything they do but we want to hear the main points we want to hear everything
that is going on right now in the next couple of weeks so meta builders you're free to tell us
what's going on and give give the basics as well because there will be some people who've
never heard of you okay thank you so my name is mike smart i'm the founder of meta builders
and co-founder of community of communities meta builders provides turnkey solutions for
businesses and brands who want to enter web 3 with that we have professional artists animators
marketers musicians we've helped launch some amazing projects in this space i personally
am one of the founders of metajax as well who is one of the only nft projects or music nft projects
to be nominated for a grammy um so i've been around since 2019 building a payments company
and we transitioned that payments company into what meta builders is today which we build smart
contracts and launch projects of all kinds uh create nfts for businesses and essentially
pretty much everything that you can imagine when it comes to web 3 services including you
know building in the metaverse and whatnot so um that being said the the main thing that we're
doing right now is launching a collaborative nft project built up from all the ip from all of
these different entities uh that we've been building for the past five years and decided not to launch
back in 2021 ish because of the direction that the market was going in fact we were you know
seeing a lot of projects going to zero and whatnot so we're coming back for round two
and i'm excited to show everybody what we've been building
amazing yeah and i know you guys have an extensive history and then of course community
of communities we've been partnered with them for a long long time that's why we've got
the plus in our name they've got some huge representatives in here tonight they arrive
baking sandwiches up here but is there anything that's coming up that you guys
want to talk about or want to focus more light on because i know you guys have a discord server
that we could get some people involved in it's just we want to target our our audience to
wherever you want the attention if you know what i mean
yeah so and it is rather complicated and like you said you know the main points are what you're
trying to hear right now but you know i just want everybody to be clear that it is an incredibly
complex and deeply rooted collaborative effort that you know different facets of the projects
that we're launching are connected to all these different individual projects within the ecosystem
so let's just start with the the card packs for example you know like in the card packs
and within that project the sdp card pack launch there's going to be avatars that are
meta builders avatars that are linked to the meta builders business but there are also owl cards that
will be linked to the smart digital payments or sdp owls business or that'll be a way for that
business to generate revenue and you know and then there's a med pack kit that we're going to
have for sale that will be directly generating revenue for the community of communities dao
you know and so on and so forth so it's a very decentralized project but all you know
collaborating together which will tie into the hang reverse and the community of communities
collaboration project the book collaboration project different utilities you know like early
access to certain things and whatnot i've seen the hungry animals about a few times we will need to
bring them up on this space get involved a little bit more with what's going on there
but yeah you've obviously uh you've got loads going on because you've you've been
chatting to me about it for a while now and i'm excited to see what is coming for you guys of course
with for example the book nft that you guys have been launching just all the different projects
that you guys have been going through i am interested to know a little bit more about
the grammy what's the story there and what's been going on with that project
so meta jacks is uh basically an nft project that was founded by tim ellis who is the co-owner of
campus jacks which is a famous jazz club in orange county california in the united states
and uh basically he started the nft project to save the club during the covid 19 stuff and
him and i were talking and i ended up making a bunch of money investing in random shit coins
essentially and so i jumped in on that project to you know help him out and help them out and
uh that was way back in 2019 2020 um and essentially one of our artists arturo sandoval
who's 13 time grammy uh nominee or winner he we launched an album with
i can't remember dal records i think is the name of the the company and between the three of us meta
jacks arturo and this dal records company we ended up producing an album that was nominated
for a grammy which is an nft album and i believe it's the only album to be nominated for a grammy
that's an nft but uh and we have a bunch of other artists as well at meta jacks but um
you know i listened to some of their music see why it was actually nominated i mean it's impressive
in and of itself just to be nominated uh but especially to a grammy uh it's huge like you
have i don't know people taylor swift kanya west winning the main grammy award soon to be involved
in a competition like that for different categories of course is still huge so i'll need to have a
listening to have a look more into that project and see what's been going on with them though
but thank you guys uh for coming up i want to know more um you've obviously got the card
packs you've got the the stuff coming in future but we want to know where to find out these
sources of information so is it your twitter is your discord which one's more active that
we can get involved in um i would say right now um going through so we just built an app
that's called which is part of what i wanted to uh talk about is called meet a builder where
we're essentially trying to pull what we're doing in the community of communities and like the telegrams
and the discords into this app that people can it's kind of like a dating app for builders
so that you can build a profile and have people just swipe left swipe right based on whether they
like your profile or not and it's very detailed similar to a dating app where it's like do you
smoke you know are you married you don't have to answer all these things but it's the more
detailed you are the more chances you get for people that are detail oriented and want
quality builders to be able to pick and choose uh what type of people that they want building
on their projects and that will also be attached to the token that's going to be involved in the
pack drops where there's going to be a reward system and a point system for the this app
where people can boost their profiles to get better attention and whatnot
uh people can tip the builders to you know if they want to these builders to work on their projects
they can send them a little tip be like yeah come work for me you know because we're going to be
verifying these builders and allowing them to showcase their projects on a social networking
app that's connected to this uh you know dating style app meet a builder so it's pretty
pretty in depth and we'll be launching all these things out of the community of communities
telegram that's where all of these things will be essentially located so
okay so this this app right now say you've got 20 developers on it is there a shortage of
developers or is there a surplus like is obviously we're coming into the bull run hopefully there's
going to be more projects more opportunities for them is it just too many projects reaching out
and you don't know where to focus your attention you don't know where the real people are who
will actually pay or are the developers sitting totaling their thumbs waiting for projects to
actually start asking for them what's the what's your thoughts on that uh well i mean i see this
as a way bigger long-term vision than just like what's happening now and so we're building the
infrastructure to empower the future builders to be able to onboard into these scenarios that are
you know efficient with when it comes to the ui and ux and whatnot uh being able to
take these web two based uh generic style platforms where people are super used to these
swiping mechanisms and be able to integrate the web three gaps into these into the payment
mechanisms and the the bounty mechanisms so that as we move forward as an industry people can be
onboarding through apps that they're used to uh with back end functionality for web three
and uh then with that that's why we're drunk so and that's why i said it's really complicated
we're dropping the packs for people to get an early access into the token that will help us
provide liquidity for the token which then will allow us to have actual real world value
for the token that these builders can then utilize to pay these web three service providers or and
or whomever ends up being attracted to this platform it's going to be focused on construction
virtually and physically you know pairing builders with builders in a sense so
um yeah so it's highly complicated but in functionality wise it'll be simple you buy
the packs you have a percentage to get the coins the coins will turn into cryptocurrencies that
will then be utilized on a platform to be able to pay developers to build your projects
and uh boom shaka laka okay so it's a self-sustaining sort of thing just cycle it around
that no that makes sense um especially with the utility whenever you buy the pack obviously
you want to get something in return and you're using this token as the thing in return
when is the timeline for all of this obviously it's a multi-stage process this won't just be
released so can you just take us through your vision for when this will all be coming out
uh so the token or the the card pack drop that will include the tokens in that in them
is geared for february i think we're like 35 days away or something from the the drop date february
24th and the app should be launched somewhere around or before that like real soon because
i want i want to launch it asap um that way we can get through the bullshit and see what's wrong
with it before everything gets crazy um and uh yeah so i would expect over the next month
and a half for these things to happen and then the the last thing will be uh the token because
we'll have to obviously mint that provide the liquidity make sure everything's good there
with the tokenomics and everything but yeah we're we're close about a month away and we
will be first launching it in the community of communities uh telegram signs goods i read
downloaded telegram today for a completely separate reason but now i'm realizing there's
a more important reason i just don't use it enough at all but i need to get back on there i
i re-uploaded it again and i went on i saw there was thousands of notifications from that
community of communities discord so i was reading through trying to see anytime we were pinged or
anything anything i've missed but please just reach out to me on discord if there is something
important because telegram is a completely different animal i'm just not ready to deal
with just yet yeah no worries we'll be making sure to reach out to people at via email and i
wanted to mention one last thing as well to comment on the the potential outreach mechanism
for the participants being email you know is the most efficient format because email not only you
know notifies people on their phone but also is an efficient way to keep them updated so if you
have them subscribe to some sort of like channel say only subscribers will be getting the updates
if you miss the updates it means you're not subscribed which means you screwed yourself
you know and put it in their hands not yours so that you know if something happens and
changes happen in your investment mechanism at least they're held accountable for some level of
you know their own activity interesting right yeah we had uh as it was on the uncle bunny
dashboard website it was the same thing where they had a mailing list set up which i think
is a great idea where you can get the information sent out pretty quickly and it feels more
personal than a discord announcement or a telegram announcement because you're chatting one-on-one
to hundreds maybe thousands of different people yeah like for me email me claim you know email
me on the first with a claim link every every month email me please you know what i mean like
because i'm in 200 discords and probably equally as many telegrams and then many other different
things so i'm not going to go digging through a bunch of links or channels to find anything
i'll forget to claim i do it all the time i'm so many different quote-unquote passive income nft
projects that i got to go click a fucking button every month and i'm sick of it to be honest so
if you email me you know a claim link that's probably more efficient for people like me i
don't know there's many but but they're out there yeah no of course uh and that's very
relevant to what we're doing as well with the claim button so that's that's definitely an opinion
like people are involved in tens of hundreds of different projects uh like actually invested in
them uh and they don't want to be able to have to go through and remember to do that or lose out
in their income so that's definitely something we need to take into consideration final point
uh before we we have to move on to our next project here is how do we buy the packs what's
the chain what wallet do we need and what's the price going to be do you think so it will be on
the wax blockchain and there will be two price points for the packs we'll have further drops
later on down the road but we'll focus on the packs for now 25 for the blue packs which
there will be 2000 of those packs um and they include many different nfts you know over a
dozen different cards and playable avatars and whatnot but they're 25 bucks a piece
with the option to get 30 of the coins in those blue packs those 2000 blue packs and then
there's a gold pack that's 55 which gives you a chance to get 70 uh total of these tokens which
the total of the hundred tokens represent one percent of the token supply of the the
meta builders token or meet a builder token that will utilize on that platform so there's
pretty big opportunity to in early on that project both projects and in one pack drop
and yeah you'll be able to get that i'll be dropping links in the community communities
telegram which you can find a community of communities dot world
sounds good now i have not interacted with the wax blockchain before in my life um so it will be
a new experience for me and i'm sure for a lot of other people uh before we do move on though
because that's a new point um that that i kind of want to bring up is there anything new we have to
do of course you're going to probably need a separate wallet um for the wax blockchain
is there anything that comes to mind um that will be difficult or swapping from the usual
polygon salon aetherium to buying something on wax it's the same as you would bridge anywhere else
you can bridge uh you can either buy wax e over on metamask and then you can bridge via wax.io
um over into wax p which is a multiple of i i believe 10 so you'd have one wax e you would have
10 wax p or something like that um so that's how you could do it easily and they're building
towards interoperability as well because the people who built what the wax blockchain also
built tether some of the people so uh you know they're they're focused a lot on the interoperability
aspects of their nfts and everything like that and i wanted to mention real quick too
that metel hot wheels street fighter atari fucking coca-cola all these different companies
are on wax and they've been on wax since like 2021 or something like that so a lot of the og projects
like mine sdp owls were before board eights before moonbirds before pudgy penguins you know
and i believe that these a lot of these projects on eath were sniping the projects that were on wax
and just putting them on ethereum you know and so i just want to mention that because
the biggest brands in the world were over on wax before the board apes were over on e so they
obviously saw something of value over there and uh we were there first interesting well i hope
you get a lot of success selling these packs we will bring you up what we do is uh we want to
get updates from projects when they have big things going on so whatever space is closest
to your launch date we'll bring you back guys back up we'll see more about the utilities of these
packs and everything to do with that see if everything's going to plan which i very much
hope it will be we appreciate you coming up lots have happened lots has happened since you
you came back up here last time so i'm glad you're back up here again of course we've got
the rest of the community of communities up here on the speaker panel give you some support and
representation along the way too awesome so let's see who we have up next it should be yes
interesting so we had metal builders of course they're launching on the wax blockchain and then
we have another project who i'm interested to talk to because they are on a completely separate
blockchain again this is the proud lions club i haven't heard from them from them in a long long
time we had them on the space a probably a few months ago now that has actually been
i want to hear from them get all their updates we had the proud lions club nft in our store that
actually got sold very recently and i think it had a floor price of 150 or something so massive nft
at one of our community one hopefully they're utilizing it and i'm excited to hear about all
the utilities that are proud lion club nft brings you hello hello can you guys hear me okay
yes you're kind of quiet if you could just get a closer to your microphone
in my mouth
all right how's that
yeah that sounds good okay great yeah well uh my name is amal i'm the founder of proud lions club
and ceo of proud lion studios uh web 3 gaming um company um for five years um we started our
uh project um about two years ago um on the e-blockchain and um we migrated over to atos
um a couple of months ago um we had tons to build and the roadmap was getting super detailed and
we just didn't want users to be paying these massive amounts of money and gas each
we did a cook analysis and looked at what people have spent since the meantime
um plus using dax that we built um it was well over 35 000 to 40 000 dollars in just gas fees
we thought that was just ridiculous um that people had to pay that much in gas fees for
just using the network when all that could have been put to good use so we um after searching
long apart um we were actually uh nominated by actors as crowd winners and within on that sense
i think 10th of december oh sorry before uh gosh well it's been a few months
uh so we migrated the entire e-collection over um we got everybody we it was a bit of a learning
process for everybody but um we made it super smooth we built a custom dap to move everybody
from eath to atos and get their nfts over uh with almost zero cost we in fact paid the gas fees
for people um to move over um but ever since then we've been popping off um proud lines has
been doing super well we've been making breaking records on atos over the top we have we just
released a new collection exactly one week from today which literally broke the marketplace and
we like to say that we broke the internet uh because we crashed pretty much every marketplace
uh and the minutes sold out public minutes sold out in less than two minutes
so um those were some crazy records we had um we raised over 21 billion uh gooey tokens which is
a token on atos uh which is the number one token um on atos at the moment um so yeah crazy stats
we did extremely well the collection called gooey lions popped off and we started trending
all over um today marks the one week anniversary week anniversary whatever you want to call it
but uh we just dropped in all the information all the utilities coming to the gooey lines
um not only did we trend on mint but we immediately started trending on secondary sales as well
um so we atos has been trading us super well um we love how fast how it costs almost nothing
so like i said we did comparison of when we minted on product lines uh on eth um which was around
35 000 plus in gas fees while opposed to the same number of nfts uh one minted on atos for about a
dollar so uh massive massive difference um and people are loving it people are able to trade
freely they don't have to worry about when to buy when not to buy uh people are making a
bottle of money we did a massive airdrop to our holders um a couple of weeks ago as well
with the launch of the gooey token so um people made a bottle of money those who are holding
um large bags of uh lions so i know a couple of users and i think um you probably guys probably
know pat um pat's one of our videos pat made three thousand dollars for just holding onto his
up to his lions um so yeah we a lot of people were very happy and the move was a bit
scary for everybody but people are now seeing that um it's totally being worth it but yeah product
lines is um uh a play to learn um metaverse project what that means is we have we pretty
much gamify everything um be it our um you know our mints or our um staking or the games that we
actually have uh we like to gamify and reward people um we we paid out tons of rewards
over this last two-year period um it's close to 40 000 now um and we we love giving away we
um back to the community and it helps well it basically encourages people to hold on to
their nfts and say that you know there's more use to this than just lining my wallet and waiting
for it to somehow turn into money someday um but we because of the gamification we are able to
um get people to use be active um so yeah it's been a great journey for us so far
we have so much more coming actually we just won another massive grant for our pay to earn game
um called jungle run it's a cross community cross chain project where um it's kind of like temple run
um but with web3 integration and some pretty cool multiplayer features built in as well
um so you know it helps communities get together play against each other win tons of rewards
um we do have the company proudline studios so 20 of profits that we make at proudline studios
um gets reverted back into the reward system um and if you if you check our twitter you'll see
you want rewards we've given away uh we have monthly checkbots playstation 5s whatnot um
but yeah that's that's prob lines we check it out on aptos um it's super easy you can get
our any exchange grab some aptos grab some lines we have two collections um the og prob lines
collection which is also trending um on the top charts on aptos as well as gooey lines
uh which is our most recent collection um which is one of the most uh if you say if you want to get
new into aptos you're fresh into aptos uh that's an easy um entry point for you
with the gooey lines it's all part of the line verse uh prob lines ecosystem we call the line verse
um yeah and um we have so much more coming but uh um all i can say is grab them now
they're they're they're flying off the shelf um they're doing great volumes um and yeah we we
added over um 1,300 new holders um like i said um on the 14th um of january with that mint so
the ecosystem just blew up and we had to redo everything to upscale everything to support the
um huge number of people we had coming into the ecosystem um but yeah that's prob lines for you
amazing i'm sure you've been a huge asset to aptos as well um with the the increasing volume
because it's a chain that i hadn't heard much about uh until claire was telling me about
your migration over there i'm just wondering why didn't you choose a blockchain like solana a
bit more well known there'd be a little bit less um like people scared to merge over to solana and
the fees are very cheap compared to ethereum yeah so solana um was one of the options you know
that we looked at um we we had so much going on we had we had such um an extensive roadmap
and utilities and games built up um we wanted to not be drowned we wanted to showcase um we wanted
to be able to um bring um to an ecosystem that not only um would be compatible with what we
wanted it to do but also where we had an opportunity to shine um and of course aptos was
very welcoming like i said we bought three grants from aptos foundation um they really
love the stuff that we were building we love the technology and its capability um for nfts
and support for entities is massive um if you look at the uh the aptos v2 tokens uh the digital
standard tokens they are they have some pretty incredible features um and we're going to
actually utilize one of it very soon this year um that are the most uh well-awaited collection
called ethereal cups um it's going to be one of the first dynamic ai collections um basically
just to give you an idea of what the ethereal cups are um they're dynamic like i said so they
literally your um nft evolves as you interact with it um you can switch ai cores you'll be
able to buy something called orbs or trade orbs or earn orbs um which are essentially ai cores
two-year ethereal cups so you'll be able to swap ai cores and give your um your cup your nft
a different um personality a different knowledge base a database so you could you can talk on
different topics based on the core that you plugged in and not only does it the metadata
evolve but also the actual visual of the nft evolves um so you're going to be able to level it up power
it up um and it all happen um you know pretty much dynamically um in front of your eyes
so atos really offered that to us super fast transactions um and almost you know no gatsby's
um i wouldn't say no gatsby's but it's enough that you know if we wanted to we could set up
an admin wallet and pay the gatsby's for everything ourselves it's that cheap um to to do stuff on
aptos um but yeah um that's mainly the reason the technology behind what the aptos we do tokens
offers is what really attracted us um to be part of that ecosystem so it's good yeah and just as
you've been chatting through it i'm explaining i've been on the lion birth the last time um
it's the lion birth island last time i was on this uh was september 2022 so a while ago i
remember you guys brought us in just like a sneak peek behind the scenes um and it it
has gone leaps and bounds since then i've got like a c3po looking character and i'm dancing
on an island which looks like pretty real i think if you think like art survival evolved
kind of graphics where you've got the beach and the land yeah so if you go into our discord um
and then go to the official links um there is a github link you can copy and if you paste that into
the um and into the lion verse you you will get the actual problems through the avatar
you just have to go to discover copy the link and paste it um under the avatar section
inside the metaverse and you get your own lion character
awesome and is there going to be integration or has there been integration
for the people's nft's say i buy a female lion or like a lioness or a lion with different traits
can i then make that as a character uh not for now so the the lioness metaverse at the moment
is still in very early um alpha stage i would say um we've got it to a point that yes we can
we can uh technically host um get together so we can do live in fact live streaming as well
um on the big screen if you if you notice there's a big screen with the ethereal cards on there
um so i could be sitting in front of the computer and broadcasting um everything live
like doing a draw or you know doing a quiz or something um but and it's not yet equipped to
support um the the nft's of you know custom nft's custom avatars as of yet um we we've
paused development on the metaverse for now with the whole move over to aptos um but once we're
settled here and like i said we have one of the biggest um play to run games coming to aptos
called jungle run um we've just received like i said another ground for that plus we've also
been nominated um to be part of uh block games's app rewards app so if you know if you are if you
guys are in etha you know block games has been pretty good pretty well with their app that
they just come up with um it basically showcases uh different types of games and as users play
those games they reward them um for completing achievements um and then you can exchange that
for actual um usdt um nfts and they have the big nfts on there um so proud lions is one of the
150 games that has uh you know signed the contract with that which means um on launch itself um the
jungle run game gets exposure to 50 million users um on their platform that's how big the user
databases so um we're super excited you know for jungle run um and it's going to be one of the
biggest things we've done so far um for the problax ecosystem um we've spent close to a year
developing the game uh we're pretty close um to getting this on um the android and ios stores
um tweaking things out of course um because google and apple have changed a lot around
rules around the uh regulations uh for crypto um games um so we're trying to work alongside with
them to make sure uh we don't get delisted once the apps are our life but yeah we're getting there
awesome well i'm so glad you guys come up share all that information i i don't know why but i'm not
in your corner anymore so that's probably why i had no idea about any of this so i'll leave the
join back on the server see what's going on just from the website so far it looks great being
involved in that little game even though you say it's in alpha stages i think it looks so so much
better having the first part i had seen it so i'm very impressed with that i'm sure i'll be
impressed the more i look into the project but i appreciate you guys coming up here and sharing
all that info with us great thank you so much pleasure being up here
sure next up we have uh let me check here we have j-dubs who's just uh been able to come back up
let me just tell you add the the actual process on how we're going to um do the last three projects
here so we had j-dub come in at the very start of the space of course we like to do that first
come first serve uh type of process so i saw meta builders and proud lions club come up first and
then uh j-dub after that so j-dub will be talking about the nubus project then we will have the minty
going uh that is nft terence i see there in the speaker panel and then we have brood bones at
the end to give us the updates to tell us what happened this week uh with the brood bones
project so j-dub when you're ready let us know everything about the nubus project i'm excited to
hear hey what's up everybody sorry i'm out of space hey what's up everybody how's everybody
doing today uh my name is j-dub can you guys hear me i'm just sorry very loud and clear
all right good uh sorry guys yeah i've been having some connection issues hi buddy maybe sorry guys
i know yeah i hopefully stay strong this entire time you were just able to get up before
i can hold upon you so it was sort of meant to be i'm sure you could go getting just fingers crossed
yeah i had to uh i had to exit out of the app and go into the um
the desktop website so you know hopefully uh hopefully it's fixed you know but i think i'm
good so yeah but anyway i'll get on with it guys uh my name is j-dub also known as jus williams
you know j-w jesse whatever you want to call me uh i'm gonna be talking a little bit about
the nubus project guys uh the nubus project is a multi-chain entertainment company uh we're on uh
salona aetherium and um polygon guys uh we actually have a mink going on right now
sorry guys i'm trying to get my self situated here uh we actually have a mink going on
right now uh with the hold on buddy one second i'm talking uh we actually have a mink going on
right now it's the uh paulus alien mink it's on uh polygon we're minking for 20 matic uh i love the
careless aliens the careless aliens are really dope uh the artwork is really dope and the uh the
staking system is the um is the really special part i always love talking about the staking system
oh sorry i'm out of breath here uh yeah the staking system guys i'm gonna look at something
real quick real quick yeah yeah i think i can hear i can hear you a lot better when you
when you were talking quieter to be honest i could i can't barely hear you because it's
over modulating the speaker i got you i got you louder so you might be able to just wanted
to tell you that yeah you're good uh yeah so uh yeah the um sorry the uh polygon mint you know
the careless aliens guys uh i love the careless aliens you know uh the staking system i always
love talking about the staking system uh the staking system you know all you got to do is
sign one transaction and uh you know you're going to be able to go on uh continuously go on missions
and collect alien artifacts uh these alien artifacts you know are like little raffle tickets
uh we have what's called grand discoveries uh these grand discoveries hold on buddy
hold on buddy uh these grand discoveries can be anything uh they can be um nft's crypto they can
also be uh some irl stuff you know um i love giving away irl stuff so we're gonna be giving
away a smart watch through those uh grand discoveries as well uh you know um so be sure
to get those in there and get them staked you know at the end of the end of the main you know
right now we're already uh over 35 percent minted out uh that they've been flying off the shelf you
know um the community loves them uh you know we've been uh we've been doing uh we've been
doing it for a couple months now you know we uh started minting back in uh early may
the beginning of may uh it was right as our other collection the gas mask gang like it minted out
and then we immediately started minting this other collection so it was like perfect timing
really you know uh but yeah you know uh we're gonna have a big giveaway too at the end guys
you know we're entertainment based so think entertainment as long as you have one um
one alien in your wallet you're gonna be um you're gonna be um you're gonna be in that
giveaway you know uh so you know think entertainment base you know um we've been giving away lots of uh
irl stuff as well through um this step challenge you know slice of pie is uh has been part of that
you know they joined us this month uh you know we got a uh space tomorrow actually i got it pinned
up at the top hopefully uh slice of pie will be there as well you know they're always more
than welcome but you know um we've been doing this step challenge for a couple months now
uh we started it off with just uh just two projects uh us and uh open head and uh you know we expanded
it out from there and now there's like 10 or 12 different projects in it and you know it's really
it's really been amazing you know it's just uh it's all about uh getting the community involved
and uh you know getting uh getting them out and making them a little more self-aware of uh you know
taking care of themselves you know so we've been offering up some really um some really
great prizes you know we got a ton of nfts uh up for grabs this month um as well as uh some irl stuff
you know i'm actually going to be giving away a chromebook so you know uh how we're doing
the uh the giveaway you know obviously we got the uh top six uh if you're in the top six then
you're going to be getting um a ton of nfts man uh you're basically getting uh uh and if you're
basically going to get involved in every project just uh just from you know placing in that top
six you know uh also you know for the chromebook um you know how that's gonna um the giveaway for
that's going to go you know if you're in the top 10 you're going to be injured to win it automatically
um also you know we've introduced a different way of participating in it it's called pops uh proof of
participation uh so you know i think uh you know of course you know we want to encourage people to
go out there and walk you know and take care of themselves that's what it's all about but you
know like the winner last month they uh they walked like 465 000 steps now i realize that's insane
like that's a that's a ton of steps guys that's that's awesome that he did it but you know i
realized not everybody has that time and i want everybody to uh have a chance to win the uh
to win these awesome prizes uh you know like especially the irl prizes i've been throwing up
you know i want everybody to be in it you know i always say nubis project is that all
inclusive project that we want everyone to be a part of you know so i i've introduced proofs
of participation so uh at the end of a space at the end of rumbles you know i'll give a single word
you know uh you know uh and you know it'll be your job to remember that word you know i'm
throughout the entire challenge at the end of the challenge i'm going to give out 12 pops
at the end of the challenge if you have all 12 of them uh you're going to be entered to win that
chromebook you know we're going to do a duck race a uh wheel spin something like that and uh you know
so if you're in the top 10 and then all all 12 people that or if you have all 12 of those
pops anybody that does that regardless of your step count you're automatically going to be entered
to win that chromebook you know so you know uh the the pop challenge is a couple different
things you know it kind of levels the playing field because like i said you know i realized
not everybody can walk you know like 20,000 steps a day you know it's great those people that can but
you know i want everybody to have a shot at it so you know this is another way to uh kind of level
the playing field and give more people a shot at winning uh winning some awesome prizes you know
and also you know i i think participating in the spaces and participating in the rumbles and stuff
you know that stuff is important to the community you know it matters a lot to me and it really
helps us out you know following us uh being on these spaces uh like and repost and stuff you
know that helps out a lot you know uh even if you can't mint a project you can always follow
them on twitter and uh you know like and repost their stuff i may not be able to uh buy into
every project i uh yeah i see and i love but you know i can follow them on twitter and i can uh
like and repost their stuff that's always something you can do and i think that uh
participating like that should count so you know at the end of the spaces at the end of rumbles you
know i've been given i'll give out a single word you know and uh you know that like i said you know
um if you have all 12 regardless of step count step count you're going to be entered to win that
prize you know and also you know it's kind of a double-edged sword we're uh we're trying to
maybe onboard some people who aren't um as comfortable with in the uh in the spaces you
know they'd like to be so you know maybe the argument was before well i don't know how to
create a wallet i don't know how to keep track of it well you know what if you're if you participate
in this pop challenge you're going to be uh learning an essential skill of doing that you
know keeping uh keeping your um your uh key phrase safe you know writing down those words
keeping them safe it's the same basic principle so you know you're also learning some web 3
skills with it so you know it's kind of a double-edged sword i was really excited about it you know and uh
you know i've been i've loved doing this step challenge with everybody i've been meeting a lot
of great people you know uh we love getting the community involved you know i'm all about the
community i'm all about giving back to them you know i i grew up i grew up i was part of the
community you know i started off in the community you know i didn't start off in the project you
know i just fell in love with it i fell in love with the uh the founder spasm or uh troy powers you
know uh he's an amazing guy you know he's he he created this project you know um because of what
was wrong with the space you know i actually met him in a project previously and was it was a rug
you know so you know he created this project because of everything that was wrong with it so
you know he's he's really been doing it right um i i honestly before i got involved with the
newest project like i was done with nfts you know i'd already lost a ton of money uh just
investment and stuff and i was like you know what screw it you know but uh you know i i saw that he
was really trying to do stuff right and uh you know it it brought back my passion for nfts you
know it it sparked that fire within me again you know and i i wanted to become a part of the
community and you know i got a i started a mod and you know and now i'm up here on space is talking to
y'all and you know it the community aspect in the newbies project is is amazing you know we uh we
always say fam and stuff like that but in the newbies right we like we truly mean it if you're
in that discord server like you are our family and we love you you know and i'm sure everybody
up here feels like that feels like that about their community you know you go very uh you you
grow really close to your community you know you know it's crazy you know people say you know you
can't make friends over the internet well you know what you've never been in the space guys
you know i've i've met some of the best people i've ever met have been uh been in the space and
through the newbies project uh i'm gonna i'm gonna be honest the newbies project saved my life guys
it really has you know it's given me something to live for it's given me something to uh to um
work towards you know it's given me something to have goals towards you know like i if i get down i
know i can always jump in that server and my team will be right there to uh lift me up you know that
and that's what it's about you know that's really what it's all about you know it's a core aspect of
it you know like um you know people who don't belong you know you come to me and i guarantee
i can find you a a community in this space that you'll belong with and find people you can vibe
with that's the great thing about this place man i got so much love for y'all i got so much love
for the space uh but yeah you know um like i said we got the uh tearless alien mint going on right
now you know we also have a couple other collections uh we have our gas mask game collection it's only
available in uh secondary um our gas mask game was our first collection uh you want to use the term
og you know we don't really call it that but you know um all of our collections are packed with
utility by far but um the gas mask gang is by far the uh the most utility pack so uh you know
you get uh 30 royalties hold on one second buddy i'm talking uh you get 30 royalties from secondary
we also have a claw machine and uh you get five royalties from that uh you know we also have a
ton of new auctions that uh they've come live you know we have uh a tightened auction house
which is for uh the larger holders if you have 25 or more careless aliens or 50 or more gas mask
gangs uh you're going to be able to get access to some really awesome uh partner nfts uh and you're
going to be able to use nubus coin uh you know we also have um new auction houses and uh new
stores you know um you can purchase uh other partner nfts or you know you might get some
real cheap in the auction house i'm i'm going to say you might but you know some of those
auctions man they get heated uh you know that we've had some really good auctions in there you
know we've opted off some uh rare trait aliens uh we'll throw up some partner nfts you know i'll
do some pioneer pals later on uh you know when that uh when i finally get time you know but we're
always uh we're always looking to collaborate you know um you know that's the thing we're always
looking to uh for good projects to uh collaborate with you know and uh we've met some great people
you know uh but like i said you know our gas mask gang it's only available on secondary uh you
know uh like i was saying you can uh you know you get the royalties we haven't sent the first
royalty payment out though uh you know so uh if you don't have your stake to get them in there
and get staked because that's how you're going to be qualified for the royalty payment so uh
how the royalty payments work uh as soon as the dollar amount matches the amount of nft stake
then uh that first royalty payment goes out so for example if we have 2500 in the royalty wallet
and there are 2500 nft stake boom that first royalty payment's going to go out and you're
going to get a dollar for every nft you have in your wall or every uh gas mask game you have in
your wallet you let me rephrase that you know but yeah you have a dollar for every gas mask
gang you have in your wallet and uh you know like i said uh with soul pumping you know uh
that payment's going to go out probably sooner than we think you know uh we've been really pushing
it on secondary with that um yeah you know the uh we also like i said you can get 30 nubus coin
a day just for staking uh we're also going to have a uh rent to earn you know where you're
actually going to be able to rent out your nfts uh so you know uh that's going to be another
way to earn passive income you know if you're like i said uh the um the gas mask gang is
actually going to be a play to earn game guys you know we haven't released the game yet uh so you
know if you're thinking well i'm not going to have time to play the game well that's where the uh the
rental system comes into place you know that's going to be another way where you can just earn
from that you know not everybody has the same playing style you know uh in games so you know
if you're a gamer you know what i'm talking about you know some people like to uh like the
more brutal close-up methods some people like to snipe far away you know uh but uh each nft is
going to have different load-up stats uh different health stats different weapons stuff like that
so you're going to be able to experiment a little bit and uh yeah i think it's going to be really
dope and add a different aspect to it you know um i've been really excited for this that we've
uh it's been being built for a while you know this project is being built for a while
uh we uh we actually reached our one-year anniversary back in october so uh yeah you know
it's been a hard year but man we've been growing uh consistently and uh we're gonna keep doing it
we're gonna keep delivering uh we're not we're not going anywhere guys uh we're only getting
started if you are if you're thinking i'm too late you're not too late guys you we're still
very early you know um like i said you know uh we have a couple different collections our
polygon met with the aliens you know our gas mask gang which is only available on secondary
uh we actually also have a move to earn collection i don't rarely talk about it so i have a few extra
minutes so you know i'll mention on that we have a move to earn collection uh called the new move
you know it's uh on polygon and you can actually uh earn through it as well you know by submitting
on zeelee as well as you know participating in the step challenge so you know just for
walking we already have uh we already have two programs in place right there for earning
you know which is really great we're always looking to give back to the community always
looking for different ways you know uh that's why we started these new auction houses you know to
give uh give people a more of a shot you know so there's uh some different types of auction houses
like i said there's a titan auction house there's also a newcomer auction house so uh if you're new
to uh newbies you know you know if you have a you know you can't you know obviously if you're uh
just got one nft you know you're probably not going to be able to step into that you know
uh titan auction house and have all the newbies going that these others have been uh
stacking you know for a couple years so that's why we created the newcomers
uh we have a couple different ones so check them out you know i got the discord uh pinned up top
as well as the mint as well as our space on uh monday be sure to come check that out i'll be doing
a uh hold on one second buddy uh i'll be doing a giveaway on that tweet up there as well on that
spada hold on but uh space up there as well so uh be sure to tag some friends and uh yeah be at
the space on monday if you guys have any questions please let me know i'm kind of rushing yeah
sorry there was uh kind of a lot to cover but yeah you know um please let me know if you guys
have any questions but yeah you know my name's jw set your heart to blaze y'all much love
absolutely thank you so much for taking us through that project of course i've got my questions
but i will try to keep it limited and i do have one main one i don't think i can touch on it
or maybe i just missed it out a little bit i minted my careless alien this week i'm waiting
on the reveal to happen every hundred minutes you guys do a reveal but i've been told multiple
times though check out the zealie check out zealie quest go on to zealie and i'm not too sure what
zealie is so can you just uh let us know a bit more about that and how people can get involved
yeah absolutely so zealie um it's kind of just another way to earn you know and uh you get
it for just basically um just doing stuff you already do every day inside discord so you know
we have uh different challenges set up uh you know we have like um just posting in general chat
um dropping a gif um you know reacting you know it can be anything you know uh we have it set up
you know and you can uh actually um you know just put you'll have to post a screenshot or uh a proof
that you know uh that you did that action you know and uh yeah you know it's just another way
to earn yeah we have um what's called the uh duat which is like you know um basically for
the people who've been supporting and like climbing the leaderboards in the uh zealie challenge we've
got a uh we've had a lot of prizes in that uh in that challenge even the zealie challenges too if
you guys want to get up i'm almost done buddy if you guys want to get involved in that you know i
think uh last month the prize for uh was like 15 newbies nfts which is uh which is awesome man
so you know we've uh we've got we've really had some people fighting it out for these
leaderboards inside zealie uh and the zealie leaderboard you know it's funny you know
especially on that claim day you know like uh right when uh when you know you have to have your
claims in you know uh before a certain time people will be like opening up tickets like crazy minting
like crazy you know it's funny you know uh it's awesome to see people getting so excited about
the project and uh you know it's it's really great if you guys don't have zealie uh for your
discord you know you check it out you know um you don't have to it's not a subscription
based it's all completely free and it's just another way to um to get more engagement inside
your uh discord so uh yeah you know it's definitely something uh you guys should check out but yeah
you know um yeah it's really awesome you know the zealie is just another way to earn uh earn a
newbus you know uh i know a lot of people several people use it but yeah you know if you guys
haven't checked out the zealie definitely uh go check it out because that's another way
you can earn you know just from um doing stuff you're already doing
100% well now i know and i will be getting involved in it if i can so i've been in the server and
you guys you're super active like any rumble just daily that you're always playing always having fun
in there so it looks like a great and active community if people want to mint i believe
it's still 20 matic per mint which right now is very very cheap so it's a great entry point
yeah and how many mints are left we're like uh we're a little over 35 minute out so i think we have
like uh we minted like 3500 something like that somewhere in that area maybe a little bit more
let it maybe a little bit less but uh yeah we're about 35 minute out it's a 10 000 piece collection
so you know uh you still got some time to get in there and uh mint guys you know you there are
some really awesome traits um you know they got a couple of you know we have a lot of egyptian
themed stuff you know so you know we got some egyptian uh traits that are really dope uh you
know we got some different head dresses uh we have some cool awesome egyptian skin a rainbow skin i
really like the rainbow skin you know hold on buddy please sorry guys uh but yeah you know
the traits are really fire you know they're careless aliens so you know a lot of them are
smoking a little bit of something you know you're into that but you know uh yeah you
know the traits are really dope um the artist did an amazing job um with it
yeah and i won't ask you any more questions i won't uh disturb you anymore go see to your
son daughter whoever is chatting in the background will will not take up more of your time i
appreciate you coming up chatting with the newest project it's a very very deep project as it
sounds like i'm not doing very well in my step challenge this month i think i've got about 100
size and steps so far we've got not long left until the end but yeah we have some huge steppers
out there and i hope they can get their slides by nft awarded for being such massive walkers but
yeah i appreciate you jade up for coming up here any time man i always love coming through
man much love absolutely no worries uh next up let's check we have minty so we've had nft
terence very patiently waiting uh throughout this time to actually come up and chat to us
so far in the space yeah we've heard from kbds meta builders proud lions club and jdub
with the newest project that they're all updates on projects now to me i think that minties are
brand new i recognize the name and i'm not sure why so maybe they've been on a long and
distant memory but i'm excited to hear everything that their project does and what they're
actually going to do in future so terence when you're ready you can tell us all about it
what's going on man thank you so much for having me i really do appreciate it um but yeah like you
said minties it is a feeling it is a familiar name we've been in the space for a while a little over
a year now uh i am the co-founder of the collection along with uh my friend p wine and we've got a
small team with us here that's been working really hard uh trying to build something magical
for the for the web3 space um so i mean in short it's a it's a vision that p wine and i had
after being in this space you know just seem like kind of more of a hobby perspective
for a couple years we kind of teamed up on uh on some previous projects
and you know we decided that minties would be our own little uh uh brainchild that we would
come up with ourselves and the long-term goal for us honestly is to create more so like for lack
of better words a community-based incubator for creative minds and professional development platform
for more strategic lives right like left brain right brain uh kind of people and right now what
we're doing is we're starting with the building of our community and so we will be minting uh in
february we actually have a little uh a little contest going on if i find a tweet i'll pin it in
the top of the space here if you guys can figure out the date uh with that p wine birthday
slash our mint day and then uh you'll get some some pretty awesome prizes that are that are shown
there in the uh in the tweet description but uh like i said we're starting with what's developing
the community right because that's where we think will uh provide the most value and so we're
minting uh 10 000 NFTs uh throughout a series of what we're calling mint seasons um and so
season one like i said we'll be minting soon in a couple weeks and that will include a portion
of the 10 000 NFTs that that will be minting uh and then we'll be pausing periodically and having
uh new seasons regularly scheduled now in order to mint a minties you do have to have a white list
spot so joining the community and being active participating in the games is the best way to
do that uh so make sure you grab a white list before you before we do mint and when you do grab
a minties you will be provided with a myriad of opportunities once you hold them right so the more
that you hold the more opportunities you will have to mint another season uh you'll get the chance
to have some free mints and i believe once you collect up to a certain amount then that will
qualify you for what we're calling the VIM role which will then give you access to our monthly
minties subscription box so as long as you're holding that certain amount of minties uh and you
have that role you'll get a subscription box in the mail uh that will consist of some awesome
products that'll come from some partner collections that'll come from come from some uh independent
mom and pop that that we reach out to personally uh and just a bunch of other like coordinate
and stuff that that you may interest and again because this is community based a lot of the
decisions that are made are going to be based off of what the community thinks right so a lot of
times we will leave it up to you um like what do you guys want to see in the subscription box
what do you guys want to see in some of the raffles uh but i think the most exciting things
that people can look forward to is the jackpot prize that we have at the end of our mint season
so again holding a certain amount of minties and having that VIM role is going to qualify you
for certain things like the the huge jackpot that we'll have at the end of our uh at the
end of our total mint seasons um every collection that gets minted out a percentage of those funds
will go into that jackpot and will take that total percentage which i believe will be
five or ten percent of the total 100 that'll be minted uh and then i'll go towards a jackpot
that'll go to a lucky winner uh the rest of the funds are going back into the community
being invested by way of sourcing more art for our NFTs as well as sourcing um products for those
monthly subscription boxes and you know for more prizes and awards that will await you guys that's
what's in the short term for us uh in the long term we're hoping to take that uh and more or
less form a platform where in which like i said uh people can gather in and share educational
resources uh we have a lot of awesome partners that specify in in their own field uh shout out
to i'll say one of them i don't know if it's in here but wolfpunks has been a really awesome
project uh that we've been connecting with and they uh their whole thing is that they use their
funds to uh rehouse orphaned dogs and so they're they're really really well versed in that field
and so providing educational resources around pet ownership uh what to do when you find lost
dogs things like that uh that's the kind of information and the kind of content that will
be hoping to provide um through or by way of you know our partner collection and we'll be offering
this to our community on our platform so that uh you know anybody you know can go in and learn what
they what they would like uh so just because you need a whitelist to mint doesn't mean you need a
whitelist to be a part of the community there's many things that we're offering to you guys to
take advantage of like our weekly poker tournaments um where in which you can win whitelists and
other rewards uh we have a bunch of community raids and we actually also started a a another
minty's collection on the sei blockchain our original minties will be uh minty on ethereum
and various other blockchains as the seasons come uh but we did create a another another community
uh for sei and they've been growing pretty fast but it is it's new beginnings for them so
it's still interesting to see if you guys have any questions i'm definitely here thank you so much
for the time uh i don't want to take up too much more no of course and i'm interested to ask some
questions and hear a lot more about what's going on so you say you're going to be minting in these
seasons uh type of thing will this correlate to any quarterly or monthly or will it be
just random based on uh how often you think the demand is really there for the nfts
yeah so the goal is to do something regularly like quarterly or or seasonally um actually
and so we have 10 000 uh nfts set up for this first instance uh for this first drop
we have another 10 000 for the next um and so yeah the goal is to release them in batches
we're hoping that we can mint out before the season ends but that's not going to uh that's
not necessarily going to stop the the plan schedule that we have for releasing seasons for releasing
drops right okay makes sense so this season as you're calling it has 10 000 nfts but that
will be broken up into different batches correct okay right and this first batch that's coming up
when and how many are you going to include in this so the first batch that we have is going
to still increase with each season so i believe the first one will be starting with uh 5000
and that will be in let me see if i can find the tweet that'll be sometime in the next
four weeks that we'll be minting and so like i said the exact date is still uh but it's
p wine's birthday is what the exact date is and so if the community can guess the exact date uh then
they'll get an awesome prize here i'm just looking for the tweet to post and
so you actually have the giveaway going on that if they if they guess the date uh sometime in
february i'm assuming next four weeks uh then then they get the prize that's kind of cool actually
i'm going to say uh it it would be too coincidental i don't think i'm included in this
giveaway but i'll still make a guess it'll be too coincidental for it to be on valentine's day so
i'll rule out the 14th um but let's say the the ninth uh february uh february the
ninth that's a friday it would be a pretty nice day to launch people are coming back online on
friday so february the ninth um and that that's p wine's birthday happy birthday for february the
ninth is that correct i know you probably can't release it but if it is correct then
that that's completely lucky here we go we've got the tweet at the top no unfortunately february
night is not the correct date but yes something to that effect uh if you do guess it right and
you send it in uh via like filling out a ticket or what have you then you'll get what you see
here in the in the tweet there so it's a bim role a golden bim ticket uh that's going to come with
again like that role and the monthly subscription box as well as a couple of other fun knickknacks
and a free mint in drop five so there's going to be i believe 10 drops for this first season
each one with increasing uh amounts of nfts for everyone to mint
sounds good uh and of course there's only a certain number of dates that could actually
be involved with that so join up they're just going to say join quit and fill out your guesses
you know it's it's pretty close so it's a matter of time before somebody guesses it right
yeah 100 so good for a new ticket good luck um and if anybody does win it hopefully by the end
of the space you guys will be able to let us know and just got the got the giveaway claim
now you've got all these seasons coming up and such you can't release the date of course uh
the supply as well but have you got a price for us uh so the price is going to be community based
as well we usually leave uh both in the uh in the discord and we periodically reach back out and
we we try to gather information from the community on a regular basis so the last price that we have
seen that people have been okay with is around 0.05 for the initial one and then we'll probably
go back in and do another boat closer to the actual midday see what the community's thoughts
are um and then go from there sounds good it sounds like really community based which i like
i also like the the artwork um or the sorry the profile pictures that you guys have released so
far um with your neon signs and such like absolutely i'm more interested yeah to learn some more see
what's going on uh and get more involved but i wish you guys luck within the next four weeks
is a very close day that we'll cover around whenever that date actually is we'll cover right
much much quicker than you guys assume and as i said with the meta builders we will 100
bring you back up when someone guesses that day when it's confirmed you can come back up on the
space uh give us an update or maybe how it went like after the after that would be really
awesome and i did send meta builders i sent you guys a follow just a heads up i really do like
what you guys are doing in terms of from what i can gather from what you guys have talked about
it seems like you're kind of uh tokenizing like uh like making like a tokenized uh kind of like
upwork platform or like freelance based contracting platform where developers can can earn the
tokens that you guys are providing for for doing work for other people and i i would really like
to see i would like to learn more about that so hit me up 100 i think you might have had to drop down
i'm not sure if he shot me at the end but yeah um definitely i'll pass on that message to him
see that you guys want to get more involved because i'm sure they're up for some partnership
especially with their men coming up as well no doubt no doubt thanks again for the time i
really appreciate it yeah of course um we're going to be moving on to our final project
and that is the brood bones now if you guys don't know who or what these guys are i will let them
do the explaining uh just for a little bit they can give you the basics uh of what they do and
what they aim to have uh actually running in 2024 and then after that they can get into the updates
of what's been going on this week so jake are you there can you hear us yeah i'm here thank
you for having me yeah absolutely so just as i say you can tell us just a bit about what
brood boots is as an actual project and then i want to hear what's been going on this week
because i'm sure you're hyped as well yeah definitely so i'll try my best to keep this
very brief as i know this has been a very long space so far so i i appreciate all the listeners
who are still tuned in uh thank you for for lasting this long and uh you know waiting for
me so basically we are the brood bones brigade uh in short we're building a photo finish live
digital horse racing stable for their game uh so if you don't know anything about photo finish i
highly recommend checking them out feel free to join our discord ask questions about photo finish
uh there's links there as well to their discord within our discord there's links to their discord
their site um etc so feel free to swing by we do a ton of giveaways as well um and rumble matches
so uh it's it's a good time so i'm not here to speak about photo finish i'm here to speak about
what what we're doing the updates for foals day uh for those who aren't aware that's when all the
new horses are are born each month every season um every four weeks 28 days uh so it's it's
literally christmas once a month so it's it's for that alone the game is tons of fun
the breeding events going on getting the new horses getting the genders revealed the
overall grades revealed um but our updates for our personal stable the the brood bones
community stable rather um we retired our prize horse jinx if you go to the jumbotron i did attach a
a couple tweets up there uh so one for jinx and then one for um a horse that we purchased from
the legend in the space gaius um so jinx she's our s tiered philly uh when when uh the horses
racing before retirement you actually don't get to see their their stats you only get to see
um if you look at the the stars on the right hand side of the picture uh that's known as
the preferences so all you know is a horse's preferences you don't know what their subgrades
are for each individual stat so um i was buying her blind whenever i bought her two months ago
or three months ago rather um it was it was a gamble for sure but we we gambled in one we see
um a couple s plus um s plus level stats i was expecting one maybe two uh and then like two
maybe three s minus stats but we only ended up with one uh and the speed stat so that was uh
humongous she's basically um borderline s plus tiered which um if she did end up s plus then i
would have had to pay a lot more for her we already paid 10 grand uh usd for her um so that's a little
little bit of about you know what we can expect from from her future foals um as as she continues
breeding um you know for the next two years basically um so kids uh of course jinx's
ass tier just could she produce an s plus horse yes yeah she could produce an s plus horse she could
produce potentially a double s minus horse as well uh depending on the the stat rolls um
for for the foals so there's a um usually whenever i'm looking at a horse you can view
like the the bloodline of a horse and i i just use the law of averages so for example looking at jinx
um she has an s minus speed if i bred her with somebody with an s plus speed it would be safe
to assume that the foal would have s you know using the the law of averages go right in between
but it's possible that a horse could be bred with um an s minus uh like an s plus horse could
breed with an s minus horse and produce an s plus horse still like uh so i usually just go by law of
averages but there are outliers um on the higher end or the lower end as well so it's uh that's
part of the fun of foals day is uh seeing seeing what you actually get and then even more fun
when you actually retire the horse and you see what the individual stats are so uh this is huge
for us uh we have this filly that we'll be able to breed with other monster studs uh producing
you know monster foals is the goal uh that will sell for you know 10 grand plus USD and we can
share that with our with our holders as we get further into the breeding business where we have
a nice foundation where we can begin selling the horses as well um and then uh and the other
other uh posts where i have the full of gaius uh that i purchased i wanted to i wanted to kind
of show the the ranges right so jinx is our s tiered filly uh we purchased an a minus tier filly um
because the preferences were so strong you know again we can't see what the individual stats are
because um this foal isn't retired uh so all we have to go off of is the uh right turf firm
preferences nine stars you know three three three and three uh that's the max you can get
uh i posted some pictures to show like what the bloodline looks like as well uh if you if you
go in and you're checking out horses um so this horse just looked really strong both the mare and
the stud that produced this foal both have nine stars and the right turf firm preferences uh so
to us or to me uh when i was looking at that horse that just looks like a very solid foundation even
though the uh overall grade is only an a minus um we can breed with higher level studs and produce
higher level foal so if i bred with uh for example an a plus using law of averages i could assume
the foal would be an a i breed that a in the future with an s minus i can assume it'll be
safely an a plus and just you know uh take baby steps to improving the overall grade while having
a solid uh foundation for the bloodline so this has been huge for us i'm looking forward to
um breeding out these horses um racing got uh the full of gaius matriarch the second um as
as she gets older um but yeah it's it's um basically what what we've had was uh celebrating
our foals day uh were these these two huge wins and uh if you have again like i said if you
have questions about photo finish there's a lot to unpack last time i spoke for 40 minutes didn't
even realize it so there's a lot to a lot to unpack there but i'm going to keep it brief
uh this this go around i know it's already been a long space so for those who are interested
in learning more how we will provide passive income um if you want to start your own stable
how we'll provide uh breeding re um breeding deals with our with our holders with our partners
um stuff like that so feel free to come on by yeah and it is just utilizing your skills
okay i thought my microphone was broken though it wasn't showing me anything i was updating
it is utilizing your skills to make some income so the better you are at like playing
foot of finish and breeding horses and racing horses then the more income you can make
i am interested to know have we entered into any races um i'm saying we as in i'm just
a person interested in the project i think a lot of our holders have won some nfts of yours
so they'll also be interested to know but have when are the races and what horses are we entering
into them yeah so we do have um currently one full or one one filly rather um who just became uh
in the two-year-old category you know the juvenile category um so she she's been racing hasn't been
doing so well um i think with that we were breeding out you know a uh a sprinter with a
long-distance runner so it kind of made a little bit of a wonky um full uh to say um there's there
are some hidden um not skills per se but hidden preferences that don't show up in the skills um
we have horses that may prefer long tracks versus short tracks and that personally i don't know if
it's been confirmed or not but i don't think that's necessarily just because of the um skill set that a
horse has um so for example if you had a horse with a very strong start speed and a very strong
um for very strong start stat and a very strong speed stat you would assume there would be a
sprinter but that i my belief is that horse could still prefer you know eight furlongs versus
four furlong so so maybe it could prefer mid-tier distances as a personal preference that and that
wouldn't be shown in anything other than um experimenting with races seeing where they
excel where they um you know don't don't do so well at there's uh what's called the fleet figures
tab uh on the on the horses you can kind of uh see where where they uh waver where they where
they excel and where they kind of taper off as far as their skills go uh so right now our our newborn
uh not newborn newly racing philly rather um she's we're still experimenting finding where that
sweet spot is for her so um yeah it's uh not impressive i'll say this at the start but
uh we're looking to really hone in and then whenever she starts breeding we're going to
look for other um horses that match her um her strengths as well as her preferred distance
so that way you know we can we can kind of hone in on where the where the future folds will be so
this is a lot of experimentation right now as we are you know this is our first or second
really um breeding season that we've been a part of as a community so we don't really like know the
horses yet you i don't think you'll truly know a horse until maybe two or three generations down
the line where it starts to stabilize right so it's uh yeah a lot of experimentation i'll just say that
all right well i'm glad that you you can post about it and people can be along for the ride
because it's interesting to see and then of course people want to set up their own stables
and go from there then you can provide that information for them as well of course thanks
before coming up telling us about foals day i'm excited for jinx uh is she currently pregnant is
she going to be producing for next season yes so she is pregnant currently um in the post
that i made she wasn't um at that time she wasn't pregnant but we did breed her with ride the
lightning which is an s plus tiered stud um with the right dirt firm preferences as well so we're
hoping that the um outcome of the foal will be stronger uh overall as far as the preferences are
concerned jinx um if you look at her bloodline she her um the stud that was used to breed her
was right dirt firm and the uh mare was a right turf firm so they had two separate preferences
um which weakened jinx overall um in in her dirt preference that's why she's only at the one star
versus being you know two or three stars um so well we're breeding her up hopefully the resulting
foal will you know uh improve overall off of her stats uh based off of the the father's the stud
stats um and with the overall grade being s plus we we definitely um expect an s minimum but hoping
for you know that s plus philly to be born or s plus colt that way you know our our holders have
a monster that they can breed with in the future so you know it's a win either way for us uh whether
it's a philly or a colt most people prefer colts but i'm actually for this first one um i am
completely unbiased as far as which which one we get so for those who don't know phillies are
the females colts are the boys so uh most most people prefer phillies but again we're trying
to get into the uh breeding game as well so i will welcome a colt with open arms okay i get that
and i look forward to seeing a month from now so it'll probably be the 15th 16th of february
that we get to the end of this season yeah so um foals day is uh always hits on a monday so
this past monday was foals day so that would make uh february 19th probably the 12th
12th okay even nice okay yep yep yeah so just before valentine's day i'm sure there's going to
be a lot of valentine's day memes with the uh with the breeding going on and so uh we'll probably
we'll uh any artists out there that want to join the community and draw up some valentine's day
cards for the uh horses that would be hilarious um so yeah you can expect that we'll be making
some memes and giving out you know prizes as far as uh that's concerned for for those that join us
yeah a hundred percent well we had no money to escort there has got the artistic skills so
whether they want to put them to use after something so valuable we'll see if that sounds good
uh and it's perfect that it lands on that day thank you so much jake for coming up here giving
us those updates of course we're excited to see what jinx will provide hopefully we can hone the
skills of that other one and the reason i'm saying this is because if we ever do mints in future
we want to look out for other passive income nfts that could help us to build out our investment
pool so yeah we just like to bring up projects who have potential just to see what they do track
what they do make sure they're not scams and and yeah so that's um i'm just glad you could
come up for a second week in the room and actually chat to us about that we're coming up on two hours
now um we do of course always always play rumble royale after the space we have a record i'm pretty
sure it's a record it's got to be a record of 60 people in the rumble royale in our discord right
now so what i'm going to do for this very first game you you've got to be in that server go
send in a gif send in a sticker do something make sure that i know you're looking at that
channel right now i want you to go over there sending gif sending stickers we're going to start
up that race as soon as uh or start up that rumble as soon as uh this space actually ends
and we will be playing for a slice of pie nft so the winner will just be airdrop one of these
passive income nfts as soon as that rumble finishes so i'm delaying it stalling a little
bit now because i want people to run in there as fast as possible and get involved in the
discord rumble royale i'm going to ping people one last time i'm going to make sure that you know
where it is in our server and once you're there we will start the game uh we want to we'll be
giving away yeah the slice of pie nft after that we'll be playing some more rumble games for our
asop token or actual in discord currency which of course you can use in the store and then
we'll be playing some races after that it's a chilled out time we've had a long-ish space
here tonight basically wrapping up perfectly onto ours which is great to see that's usually the time
that we aim for with this space of course last week was a bit of an exception uh because we had
seven projects up here i hope you've enjoyed this weekend i enjoyed hosting it it was funny
at the start with my fire alarm going off that stressed me out because i very much thought that
was going to be going off the entire space so it was obviously something was looking down on us
the fire gods and turned off that alarm somebody who burned their toast had actually turned off
the toaster by that point so thank you uh for that not going off uh very much long after
the start of the space and yeah we've heard from some great projects got all the updates
we'll have some and hopefully another six projects for you again next week but that's it for this
week in slice sunday we will chat to you and see you all very very shortly on slice sunday number
43 good night everyone