Sneakers x NFTs Episode 28

Recorded: May 10, 2023 Duration: 0:50:10



Very nice. It is hard to search on Twitter and then come back to his face. It looks like he's going into sequential order laces. I probably erased it from my memory because I don't really wear Jordan twos, even though just for a random piece of Jordan information, it's the first Nike shoe ever released without a swish on it.
and they basically did it to make a statement to prove to Michael Jordan the strength of their relationship and that they would do what not I want to say what he asked but what he wanted to make him happy and he kind of set them a test with the Jordan to to take the swish off the suit shoe and lead with his name so it isn't an iconic part of sneaky history but not a shoe that
that I typically will wear. So it has like a padded kind of pale blue aesthetic and it is the high cut. So for me out of the three shoes is released so far, this is definitely the most commercial and am wearable. We know it's cement season right now with Jordans being that we obviously are Jordan one that we love covered in cement print.
I actually saw on shelf in Footlock a last week, Laces. So I think Footlock Australia might have accidentally already put it out on shelf before it came out. But this is definitely the most commercial version of his partnership with Jordan Brand so far. And I think, yeah, this will be massive. Based on the resale value of the other two, this will definitely be a raffle item. So keep an eye out.
out for these soon. This is one thing that I think Nike and Jordan brand do almost better than anyone. And we saw that with Artifact obviously in the way that they were leaking shoes by having the team just wear them on stage and events is like these unofficial leak schedules, like a lot of brands get really emotional about products leaking or whatever, but without
going out with a new statement or public imagery or professional photography, they have Jay Balvin and celebrities wearing them front row at a next game for the playoffs or at a golfing event or like and it's just so smart. It's almost like they have a team of people who try to
to make leaks look professional when they're not. And it's kind of genius because hype is built in a variety of different ways and it isn't always just by posting it on sneaker news or for when news or so collector or sneaker freak. It's really just about people feeling like they've found something and when you wear them out on the street without the news
story coming out. It had such power and it's something that Nike do so so well whereas most other brands seem to be very fearful of that. So that has been a huge one for this week. Outside of that, if yours old as me and a sneak ahead, the Urah, you are a WA MX one was
always a bit of a grail mx1 release and they are bringing it back in reverse white color at the moment. I think it's the first time since 2004 we've had this story and narrative connected to the mx1. I am an mx1 lover. Laces I'll ask you in a second what your favorite mx is but for me I think
that the graffiti kid in me loves MX 90s, but the casual shoe wearer in me today is fine. It's hard to go past the shape and style of an MX one. This is kind of pulling at the heartstrings a little bit because this was a massive shoe back in the day when I started to collect sneakers and one of the sort of very early MX one that
was actually desirable or had a resale value. So very cool to see that back. But over to you, Laces, if you had to pick an MX one to settle on forever, what would what would it be? No prompting and no opportunity to prepare. I can't I can't I did so hard I can't take one they are they are one of my favorite shoes as far as like how
comfortable they are. If I had an arrow down the one I would say the Air Max at Miss Elephants would be one of my top ones with the bacon being a second and then I'll leave it at that. But yeah, Air Max go to chew in my opinion. Yeah, I was a huge fan of the bacon's Dave and his quality
meets like actual butchery sneaker store was very much ahead of its time and I think there's something that definitely helped inspire like BBC and ice cream and all those brands when they were building those like thematically structured sneaker stores after DQM but outside of that it has been a relatively slow week there has been
been a couple of additional updates that or at least news stories from a sneak aside I wanted to mention first being I'm a bit of a sucker for clot I don't love all their collaborations but very much piggybacking on the black and white trend which I think is fading and I've been very public in this space saying that I believe it'll be the summer of color at the end of this year so maybe
places you can tell me if you were starting to see a colored train come through as your summer starts. We have very much heading into winter down here in the Southern Hemisphere in Australia, but I think the back end of this year we'll see the re-emergence of colour finally in sneakers which will be exciting and I think this clot fragment down Crowley will
kind of be the end of our black and white sneaker trend. It is really nice and well executed by comparison to a few of the issues which can look a little bit tacky but I do like this dunk. I think it comes out next week and then just a quick shout out to Brianna Stewart who has had the launch of her second signature shoe with Puma. It is the
first female signature sneaker in the basketball world for a decade. So cool to see that Brianna continues to see the support from Pruma and obviously leading into the Paris Olympics and the commencement of the WNBA season. Very cool to see a new shoe come out with her as well. But other than that, it hasn't
be in a massive lineup of sneakers this week. There was a few SB releases, but they didn't really pull up my heartstring laces. Was there anything else on your side that sort of stood out to you in the last five to seven days? Not really. I opted to not go for the Hereto Stunks, the SBs, this go around just because I wasn't necessarily
I have to have these. But I did want to mention, I know you mentioned a little bit earlier, the cement ones that were these last week. I was so surprised. They sat on shelves here as well at our local store. You could literally walk in and grab a pair. And then also on the sneakers app. So I wondered what stock numbers were or maybe they just weren't as
as popular as what we pumped them up to be. I don't know. If there's one thing I know about us, we went wrong. I think everyone else might be. But look, I wouldn't be surprised if they really ham and ham and ham and the numbers on those laces. So look, for me, I just think it's an epic, beautifully
design structure too. It reminds me of the early Supreme SBs and yeah I just think they're a massive win for anyone who's able to pick them up and when cement print really turns around and becomes a trend again like there's been few shoes executed in the last five years that carry cement print as well as those so definitely a highlight
from and around the ground's point of view. So if you're listening to this for the first time, we traditionally will move into an around the ground segment, which is a summary of all NFT price action on key sneaker-related NFT projects in the space. And we'll kick it off with Adidas. So obviously with the emergence of ALTS and the ability
to activate your key to pick your DNA and then the general public being auto assigned. DNA is much like a DNA for a clone X, for example. I was received amps, so I would say mid tier ranking. We have seen old drop a little bit. It did get up really high about
space. And I think that as we continue to proceed and you see like the barbie news today with boss beauties and a few other things, partnerships, token gating and digital rewards will be a thing that becomes second nature to all of us over the next six to 12 months, particularly with gasping so high. So I would say DGN, NFT,
probably fading out and shit coin season re-emerging. These digital collectibles on layer 2s will continue to grow in desirability and presence and knowing that ALTS has the opportunity to do that with their new partnership. It means to me that the drop in price isn't overly surprising as the hype fades off a little bit, but I think the next
phase for Adidas will obviously be to release the visuals for the PFPs and then explain to people what they can be used for in the future. And I think that's probably when we'll see the next run on Adi from a Nike point of view the the artifact mint or the artifact forge sorry finish
full of hours ago. So we're actually sitting at a pretty high conversion from an Air Force one minting point of view. As of last night when I went to bed about 18 to 20% of sneakers had not been minted. With no surprise there was a mad rush to the finish line and everyone thought it might have been the end of days when Steve Aoki
10 Murakami drips but alas it was very different for Mr Steve Aoki for a change the price continued to go up and there was a bit of a run on a price in the last couple of hours on the Air Force ones particularly so we've seen that close I think there's a couple of hundred left unminted
which by comparison to approximately 13, 14,000 units were available at the beginning of the forge is a really great conversion for the community and I'm really excited to start to see those come out. So that has been a huge part of the new cycle this week as we lean into the rest of the product that they have
in their economy. So the clone exprises drop from 3.25 to 2.85. The only thing I would say about clones this week is if you are looking to buy a clone just be a little bit careful there is absolutely no big support on blur until 2.35. So it is very easy for one person who is holding 10 or 11
clones to dump the floor. So just keep an eye out. Like there's every chance in the world that happens and it has happened on a variety of collections in the last couple of weeks where one large holder has manipulated the floor price pretty significantly due to a lack of big support. So just keep an eye out on clones.
I don't think there's any reason to fud them by any means, but just got to look at the numbers and do some financial planning before spending 5, 6, 10,000 US on a digital collectible and there is a bit of a risk to a floor price on clones right now. Animus has actually continued to slide a little bit. It was .48 an hour or two ago.
someone's drop one for .44, but I'm actually bullish on Animus, not that we've had any news on the project for the last couple of months, but it is, would imagine coming out probably after the forge has subsided. So keep an eye on Animus this week over the next couple of weeks for some news, as I think they probably
start to run that up. The Nike Crypto Dunk got up to 0.17 last week has seen a bit of a fade down to 0.13. It's still up on its all-time lows of 0.09 or 0.1. Still a piece of sneaky history and worth keeping an eye on as well. The other projects that we're mapping at the moment are minted, which is currently sitting at 0.05 which is
sneaky heads hitting me up about how to get a pair of Murakami Air Force ones and it really feels like we were kind of on the money there where they were the most desirable pair from the everyday collectors point of view. I have a friend who minted two of every Air Force one and eight Murakami trips so as soon as they arrived
I might do also like a little livestream from his house to go through the quality and do some QC on them and see what they like in real life. But at this stage, I didn't pick up a pair this time around, but very cool to see. And what's your feeling on the forge now that it's closed and how do you sort of feel like it all wrapped up?
I thought it was a good show you know, like you mentioned last the feet back from people as of the apparel goes. I know that you have
ones in your lifetime. So I can't wait to hear what these shoes are going to look like and feel like in person. But yeah, good showing by Artifact. I'm really excited for what they have going forward with the project animals.
Yeah, likewise. So from an NFT point of view, we typically will move into NFTs as part three of the space. And we might actually finish a little early this week because it has been a bit of a light news week. But obviously I wanted to just kick off with Turbo. So if you are not familiar with Turbo, this is definitely not a meme coin space. But I would say it has been a shining light.
in the news cycle of the last seven to ten days as a RET aka mankind, lifelong artist and I would say pal of mine down here in Melbourne Australia used chat GPT in a budget of $69 to launch his own meme coin. It actually had an anthem about $180 million market cap and continued
continues to spread, I would say positivity along the journey, the narrative that sits around Rex, I would say decision to create this token and the really touching video he released that explains his process and the reason why he created Turbo is I would
I mean, it's amazing that the interviews and press that is getting at the moment and the unprecedented support is pretty special. The fact that he's probably the only person that's doxed behind any of these kind of coins, I think has power. And if you look at some of the people in the turbo community in Discord that are helping push them forward at the moment,
it's pretty exciting. I'm definitely not someone to shill a token, but I do love Rhett as a person. He was the host for my panel on NFT Melbourne, and I actually caught up with him a couple of nights after the token launched when the market cap was sitting at 30 million. And we didn't think it was going to go too much higher, and we were definitely wrong.
It's really exciting to see that push through in a season where now OpenC Pro allows Pepe as a integration. It is kind of still in the middle of meme coin season right now, but look, I mean outside of the relationship I have with Redo is it has been fun to see and I know Lacey
from your side you've been following it on the back end as well. So have you kept an eye on it at all and are we still holding any Pepe or are we out? So I actually did not. I was just an observer of Pepe. I was an observer of Turbo and I did get in on one beam coin and I think I wrote it to zero. I haven't checked on it. I kind of just never
off in my head as a lottery ticket entry. So I know that meme coins are not my strength. That's why I was so hesitant to get in. But it's been great with the narratives behind turbo and even the meme nature of Pepe seeing, you know, that meme coin volume drive up gas
prices. I usually just kind of focus on try to focus outside on other things when that tends to happen. Yeah, I'm having massive flashbacks at the moment to where I thought Gwe 200 was cheap, which is not a happy place for me to be in mentally, but at the moment I remember I got logged on this morning and I've
about 5.30am local time. It's 8.30am here at the moment. And Gwee was 64 and the word bug and jumped into my head, which is terrible when we've been sitting on a like 12 or 14 Gwee for like the last four months. But nonetheless, it has definitely created a more expensive transaction process. And once again speaks to all the things that we've
been promoting in the last couple of months pertaining to all these brands, particularly the sneaker brands moving onto layered twos, which was originally criticized, but when you realize that the everyday purchase of these tokens or collectibles will be sub $50, which is primarily the focus of Nike, for example, you just simply cannot
do that on the eith with the transaction costs so they currently sit out. So yeah, it has been a pretty consistent news story there. Now I've been in conference all week this week so I have struggled to stay up on the Audenals news. I know that Binance Marketplace is integrating Audenals. I think I was spoken a bit in this space before about my
dislike for Binance marketplace. I'll quickly suffer that in 30 seconds and then I will maybe throw it over to you Laces who I think is a little bit more across this than me, but I was a launch artist in the 100 artists that were selected from a global, I don't know, however they did it, globally to sort of help launch and promote the Binance
market place. And honestly, it was one of the most terribly supported and I would say misplaced use of power like partnerships that I've ever experienced in my career. I have worked with everyone from Disney Nike Lego, Puma, Addy, blah blah blah blah like Medicom, like Japanese, like
European, US companies, finances marketplace launch is one of the worst professional experiences of my life. No support for artists, no consideration for artists needs, no promotion made available, changing of the contract continuously leading up to launch. I quit by enhanced marketplace on
launch day and had to go through Hong Kong and China to get out of my contract. They refused to burn my tokens. It was an absolute catastrophe. And honestly, seeing them fail from a marketplace point of view after that was tremendous. I am sort of a little bit bullish on seeing them integrate ordinals.
with a positive momentum that has received this week. There has been some news and I've seen NFT statistics and other people putting out content around maybe a lack of conversation pertaining to ordinals but I think that's definitely ramping up again. At the moment with on-chain monkey in a variety of other projects continuing to push that narrative. But Laces, I'm hoping maybe you can
I'll cover my lack of up to dateness on this a little bit and sort of maybe give me a bit of a heads up on what's been happening over the last couple of days from an ordinal's point of view. Yeah, so ordinals continue to see rapid growth with the number of inscriptions. I'm trying to find the exact number here, but I will save that verb.
four million ordinals that have been inscribed to date. So to put that into perspective, like when we were talking about ordinals back in January, end of January, early February, there were roughly around 10,000 at that time. So we just continue to see people
describing images, but there are actually more inscriptions of text now that are happening on the Bitcoin blockchain. So these are known as BRC20s. And BRC20s on Saturday, we had a total of around 400,000 BRC20s that were inscribed.
that was a daily record. So a BRC 20 is almost like the equivalent of an ERC 20. So they're just absolutely blowing, blowing the numbers out of the water at the moment. So the major difference between NFTs on Ethereum and Bitcoin is who pays to
them. On Ethereum, you know, the purchaser is the one that's paying to mention them. Whereas on Bitcoin, it's actually the person that made the image or made the BRC 20. They're the ones that are responsible for minting these. But the great thing is, is that with these ordinals, when you
are minting them, they are forever impermated and what we thought impermated on the Bitcoin blockchain. And if you were to put something on chain on Ethereum, the cost of that is just monumental. But what happened this past week that was very interesting and newsworthy was that someone
actually found out that there was a bug in the ordinal protocol or the ordinal code. So this, I guess you could call them a white hat hacker sent a message on the test net and they found a bug on May 3rd that could impact the way that these ordinals are numbered. So
A lot of people when they first this news broke, you know, there was a lot of almost like by-shaming for people who had paid high dollar amounts for these early ordnals. But the hacker has posted what he has done and the creator or the, I guess you
called them the founder more or less of how to inscribe on Bitcoin Casey Rotemur did put into the GitHub that they are actively working on a solution. So hopefully, you know, they're able to get it quick or fixed quickly, but it definitely has not slowed down the momentum on ordinals and some of the ordinal hype that we're seeing with like you
aforementioned their integration into Binance. So I think that ordinals will continue to be kind of like that. I don't want to say like the kids who dropped out of college and is living in his parents' base, but that everyone kind of wants to ignore, but they're going to be there. And they're always going to be there.
And I think you're going to see that kid that's in the basement end up being really successful. That's like a terrible analogy, but it's the first thing that came to my mind. So I apologize, profusely. So many movie references just popped into my headbed laces, but that's very helpful. Thank you. It totally makes sense.
did see a little bit of news about that sort of like minor hack or like heads up on the older number earlier. And I think like a lot of projects are definitely looking at this as an integration opportunity for their ecosystem and how they proceed moving forward. I feel like on chain monkey and good Giro have done it really well. I feel like a few other
projects are kind of jumped on it as just like a narrative farming exercise, but definitely the upside for like future integration I think is there. Even a project that I'm particularly fond of which has a super low floor price of like .01 bad bunnies has released an opportunity for ordinary
and they've actually released farming this week, which is for cabbage, which is their token. So it just really feels like it is something that it has become like a part of an inevitability for us and continues to sort of build up. And I look forward to caring about it even more when it's on a marketplace not called Binance.
So, sorry, Lisa. No, you're fine. I was going to say, you know, it's a topic that brings up a lot of debate. You know, there are people that believe that ordinals are going to be what, like, bring more people into cryptocurrency. And then there are other trends of thought that just believe
that this is terrible for the Bitcoin ecosystem because we continue to see the transaction fees surpass the mining rewards. So I think I said that right. But it is causing a lot of debate. But I think it's something that, you know, with where we're early, more or less.
And continue to keep it on your radar. And if you happen to have an ordinal fall into your wallet or you have something that you just want to test and inscribe yourself, it could have the ability to age really well, not financial advice or decision advice. Yeah, there's going to be a whole bunch of not financial advice in a minute when I ask
you a question about if you had point six, would you get a cool cat an MF or a sassy seal? But look, I think from a news round point of view this week, there's a couple of other things I wanted to touch on. Pudgy Peguins announced this week that they were able to raise a nine million dollar
raise and the floor jumped 0.5 with their partnership announcement with WME, which I think is massive, you know, pudgy since their relaunch or sort of restructure has, you know, obviously seen all time highs from a product point of view in the ecosystem. They continue to be a shining light of a project that continues to grow.
in the middle of a bull, sorry, bear market and it really feels like WME and UTA are out there and acquiring as much IP as they can right now. And when we speak about what the future looks like for projects and partnerships, outside of the fact that I'm continuously astonished that NFT projects just do not collaborate with other NFT
projects and that feels like the most low hanging fruit in the world right now when there's a lack of engagement across Twitter and Discord to cross pollinate projects. It should be seen as an opportunity not a threat and I really feel like that is something that a lot of projects should be focusing on when currently they're not. Everyone seems to be grabbing these
low hanging like you know not much value adding web to partnerships but WME and UTA kind of doing the opposite it feels like UTA is grabbing everyone in LA that they can get their hands on and this $9 million raise from Pudgey to me really feels like where the future is going this to me feels a lot stronger than those sort of time cartoons
announcement that we received 12 months ago, we're still waiting for those three or four cartoons to come out that we were promised, but from a Pudgy Penguins point of view, did you see this news laces? And I think this is like the third or fourth acquisition from WME. This this year they've definitely been like picking up stuff all across the board. Right now.
I didn't see this news story so that's awesome. Was it you who mentioned the Oh no, it was your friend who mentioned her sent you a gift of a savvy seal? Interesting. Yeah, it was a friend of mine who is a mom in her late 40s in a chat we were having as a group
group who sent me a SAPI SEAL GIF, which is kind of interesting, you know, because speaking to the Chubbyverse crew, one thing they really focused on was getting visibility through the lens of GIFs, and I think they're upwards of hundreds of millions of impressions through the GIFs that they have made available. And to me, it's a really
However, subversive way to broaden your brand's notoriety. And I think that, you know, with Elon posting the meme card by accident in quotation marks the other week just because of the memeification and the value of that image. But these brands that are kind of in the NFT space that have this cute aesthetic really attest to
attacking the gift market, I think is actually genius. So yeah, I lost my shit when I got Santa Sappy Seal just in a regular conversation because to me that was like a real breakthrough moment for me in the space and a real rare opportunity for me to see like my everyday life crossover into my, I would say digital life.
But outside of that, Lace's, I wanted to ask you about this happened when I was asleep and I don't know if you saw it, but Malady jumped like two-eathe after Elon posted one today on Twitter. Look, I'll go to be honest, I heard a little fired about this project.
from a founder and messaging point of view. So I always avoided this, although one group of DGENs I'm in are obsessed with buying and trading this project. So I'm kind of out of the loop. But do you have any idea why the hell Elon posted that this morning? Not that obviously you know what he's thinking, but
You know, I was I was super stunned when I saw the tweet come through with Elon and the Malady photo. So I don't I don't think that this is coincidence that he is posting these memes on his Twitter. But yeah, Malady skyrocketed to around seven e at one point.
and the last time I checked it was around five or five point two. So it's definitely had a pullback, but we continue to see Meladie's perform well in this bear market. And we continue to see it on that upward trajectory. It was one of the first collections that was available on Blend.
I have known about malady's and then following them from their launch, which was roughly around two years ago, and there were some mistakes in a wallet that I controlled, and I sold a malady for minimal profit a couple of weeks ago. So this one kind of hurt.
but I will not say anything further about Malady's to avoid the Malady curse. - Yeah, very fair and we'll move on very quickly with all things considered. So there's a couple other things I wanted to quickly touch on today. Boss beauties have announced, one on announce, but launched the initial phase of
their collaboration with Barbie. Obviously Barbie with the upcoming launch of their movie. If I also was in charge of the marketing for the Barbie movie, I would not have my film dropping the same day as the Oppenheimer film, which is probably one of the most anticipated films of the life
last three years, but alas you cannot control the entire world, but Boss Beauty's continue to put out new content and new material and they have released essentially a lucky dip box this morning, which is I think at 25 US and contains collectibles that are available for a limited time.
and we'll influence, I think, some activity in the wider ecosystem that they're building. A beautiful part of this is a $250,000 US contribution to both of the funds, which I think is a fantastic cause and point for this partnership itself. So it only launched an hour or two ago. So, worth keeping an eye on, I do still
hold a boss beauty, which I've been absolutely wrecked on. But nonetheless, I think it's an amazing high profile partnership. And in the week where you've got, you know, WME making a presence, Artifact Nike and Adidas having a big week, Barbie getting involved, there's definitely reasons to continue to be bullish and positive about where
We're headed from my side laces and update on a new story last week. I did submit my art piece to the Moonbirds re-roll hoping that I get lucky. I heard a rumor that Kevin might have thrown a crummy swiggle into the mix. So as soon as that happened, I was like, yeah, we're just going to absolutely re-roll. 1,200 people have submitted their art for the re-roll. So I will
let you know how we go. They haven't announced the distribution method or when exactly that's going to go into our wallets, but let's all keep our fingers crossed for me, very selfish request, that we get something there. So basically I think they're going to redistribute the artwork that has been submitted for roll, and then there's a second
and essentially like lucky dip, so everyone gets a ticket and then they're going to like roll a raffle for the tickets to get a whole bunch of additional pieces that were thrown into the pool, which I believe will include oddities, moombards and some art as well, which I think is really cool. And then the other thing that I've kind of been
this week is a malgamesh of price action and this like 0.5 to 0.6 price really seems to be one where a lot of projects are pooling together. Previously we had a lot of projects pooling at like 2 to 2.3. Obviously we had Clownex pull out of that with the support that they received in the wider market over the last three weeks and that
Those three or four super bullish buyers of like 50 to 60 clones which really pushed that floor up. But Moobirds has had a massive drop today of about 11% and sits just above two weath. But you see MFers and CoolCats and the Animus Egg and all this stuff dropping double digits today where it feels like the only person having a positive today is Crypto Dickbots.
which probably says everything you need to say. But it is a really interesting space to watch at the moment around that .5.6. A lot of projects seem to hold that. And then if they do break that, it is typically a pretty horrible slide. So MF is Cedar .5.2. You've got Rengar .4.2, Coolcats .5.9, which I can't believe
I'm saying you've got artifacts, animus, egg at .44, happy seals, .53, pixel, mon, .64, so really sort of crowded space at the moment. So worth keeping an eye on. I might pick up an MFR at some stage laces, although I flooded that whole exit of that project. The community is super strong. They definitely
help push the Nuclemi goes launch and it's my initials and I just feel like I have to eventually get an MFI but I'm sort of keeping an eye on that at the moment. Is there anything around the traps outside of maybe some gen art or anything that you're kind of watching just like day on day or we can't wait at the moment to see how it goes and maybe if there's something
of interest for you that he's worth sort of caping an oil. The fact that cool cats is around point since you right now is just like blows my mind. It really does. You know that was one of those projects when I first entered this space. It was like a holy grail of NFTs. So you know I the nostalgic part of me is definitely like
to those. But besides that to be completely candid, you know, I have not been watching the PF P space as much, but keeping my eye on the generative art side specifically like friendship bracelets and some of the other curated pieces that
out within the past year, you know, we're seeing those even reach like all time low sum as well as like 0.2.3. So I hope and think that, you know, we will have a bull market again and I would love to collect some art in that interim time. So I'm just, you know, keeping my eye out on some
Some pieces that may have like sentimental value for you, which would be cool cats. I totally agree. I was looking at collapse sequences the other day, apparitions, 100 sunsets. Like I'm not sure if they're the kind of thing that you're following. I'm definitely not an art.
blocks expert but I have been keeping an eye on that sort of side of things, a renders game and a few others I've kind of just sort of bookmarked for future reference and I do have some big art blocks friends that are lamenting the prize but also collecting at the moment and you've reminded me to take another look at Friendship Brace
I definitely wanted to grab a palette version at some stage and maybe now is not a bad time to do that. Sorry to interrupt. I will give you some more specifics and now that I pulled out my wish list on my open sea. One project that I'm really keeping my eye on is the great color study by
Alpha Centurri kid. He just closed out his one-of-one auction today and all of the pieces sold for around 10 to, I wouldn't say there are some even some like 30 eat sales for his piano collection. So the great color study I have one of the pallets and I would love to pick up a couple more of those.
Also keeping my eye on Ori by James Merrill, which is an art block curated collection that had an all time high of around three E from his now sitting at point five. I also have Imposter Syndrome by Ipskitch bookmarked, Vila by Harvey Remir, who is the Fontana artist also and thinking about
possibly putting in some bids on Fontana's Meridians are selling as low as 5.5 right now. Yeah so those are a few of the art projects that I'm keeping my eyes on that are bookmarked on my watch list. Awesome thank you Lices I was practically riding a little low down so
Maybe it's some stage over the next couple of days if you can hop that list into our NFT chat in the discord that would be epic because I'll definitely bookmark some of those as well. From a NFT space is there anything else on your side that sort of stood out this week and what has been probably I would say a pretty quiet week is sort of mean coins and shit.
points really took the news headlines of the last seven days. Not much really. It's been pretty quiet. You know, I wish there was more to report, but the one thing I will say that has been, you know, the shining light and all of this is that even though we may not be in NFT media at the moment, it's still been great to see, you know,
people continuing to check in and engage and make connections with one another in this market. So I think that's definitely been one of the highlights of my week is that although it's really quiet out there, sometimes that quietness gives you the ability to really make some connection. So I am very thankful for that.
market slow aside. Yeah, I feel the same way and especially big thank you to everyone in our discord who turns up every day. I know that we aren't putting out like launches every day but we've got a really fantastic community of people that are dropping in saying hi regularly interacting and helping
So just if you are listening, just a big thank you from my side, we definitely value your presence and contribution to the discord and being a part of what we're doing. So a huge thank you. I guess what I'll do is I'll do a very quick comment to sort of wrap the space up and not to end on too negative of a tone, but I did
lose a friend yesterday Frank Cosic. So if you're not familiar with Frank Cosic's work, I just wanted to give a quick shout out to him as an artist at the end of this space and maybe hopefully inspire you to check out part of his career. But Frank was, I think, so weird. I'm going to have to get used to saying that. But an absolute icon
You know, from Costa coast in the US in the art scene, he is a pioneer and developer of the rock art poster. If you can think of some of the most famous food fighters, Pearl Jam, you know, some of the biggest posters ever created and sort of 70s pop art punk aesthetic was very much created and pined
it off the back of Frank Cosic's artwork. It was a trend that really emerged through the sort of low-fly San Francisco art scene and re-emerged again in the early 2000s to artists like Jeff Soto and Alex Paddy, but it was very much pioneered and created off the back of the work of Frank Cosic, who for the last 10 to 20 years was then
involved very significantly in the progression and proliferation of the final toysine, which is where I personally became involved with Frank's work. He was a good mate of mine, a fantastic sounding board. The reason I have a kid robot collaboration to this day, we spent a few days together in 2014 hanging out in Singapore.
And although he was a bit of a grumpy asshole, when you got to know him, he was a sweetheart, a really, really gentle and kind person and his grumpy persona was exclusively driven through, I would say, keep your circle pretty small. If you got to know Frank, you had a good friend and he was a fantastic sounding board for me. So a big loss for the vinyl toys.
this week for the art scene holistically and a lot of people lost a good friend. So if you have any kid robot toys or any of his heart send it a smile as you walk past it this week and yeah it's been a bit of a sad one. So with all that being said I didn't want to end on to a negative note but yeah if you do feel inclined to go check out his
work. He has been very present in the early scenes from an NFT point of view as well. There is a lot of his artwork around and he was a great individual. With all that being said, thank you very much for tuning in to episode 28 of sneakers and NFTs. My name is Matt. We lay session tonight here every week running this space so we hopefully
See you again next week with a little bit more sneaker NFT and sneaker NFT news. So if you are in the Northern hemisphere, have a fantastic night. If you are down on the bottom of the world with me, grab another coffee, have a great morning. And thank you for joining us. And hopefully we'll see you here next week. Places, thank you very much. - Hello, good week everybody.