SNOW Parachain Launch! Kusama, Polkadot, and ICONists welcome

Recorded: Oct. 19, 2022 Duration: 0:59:15



Alright, hello everyone. I'm just gonna get the team up here. Thank you. Thank you all for being here. I'm really excited to get this going. Dan, I've invited you up to the speaking panel. So it should come up as an option for you to speak.
A Petrus, a Jeff, Luna, JR.
Just a little alien, see a lot of familiar faces guys. Thank you for being here.
Just gonna wait a little bit to get more of the team up.
See you reactions. Congratulations everyone. Snow launch. Exciting times. Now don't forget to jump on to the icon discord and into
to the Twitter Spaces channel, that way we'll be able to look at the questions that you have and then we can also invite you up to speak to help us organize things a bit.
And I'm just going to make sure that that is public for you guys to join right now. All right.
and second guys.
Hey, Donnie crypto. How you doing? Hey, Dan, you're up here.
Yep, thanks. Glad to be here. How you doing? Good morning. I think we're the two on Pacific time. We're up. We're here first. You're on Pacific time now too.
Yeah, I am, yes. Yeah, it's bright. Good morning, California. Yeah, it's going to be a warm one here today. Yeah, I think so. I see digital Dave. I'm going to invite him up here as well.
So Dan, just to get things going, how has everything been for you?
As far as the snow launch goes, it happened during the middle of the night for me or the the air drop going live, I should say. And the team did a great job with it. I was just happy to see it.
When I woke up see the evidence in the Slack channel of how well it went. Yes, the perks of a decentralized team, right? Yes. We are we're able to work all hours and a night. I see IBS in here as well. So I should bring IBS.
Yeah, and just so you guys know we have we have a fully decentralized team all across the world. So Dan is in California and Abby who's bringing up here, I'll let him tell you where he is, but do you know how many countries we have across the world then represented?
Yeah, I'm not even sure I could count them accurately. I know Nepal for sure. Yeah, exactly.
David, I've invited you up to speak so you just gotta have to go into your settings and same with you Abby. You've been invited to speak. So go to your settings and accept that on the Twitter space.
I see my hashes in the audience also.
And I see, yeah, there's there's Mo as well. So all of you guys on the Twitter space now on the on the core team, you should be invited to come up. Hey, David, how are you? All good. 5 p.m. in the Netherlands at the moment. Sunshine. Oh, you're here in the Netherlands.
That's great.
I didn't know that.
Okay, and Abby and Mo, are you here?
So the community, I'm going to check in on the Twitter spaces I see Paul Rouge has posted in the Twitter spaces on the icon discord. Everyone, if you join that channel,
you'll be able to ask questions and then I'll also ask to come up and speak with the team. But why don't we, we're almost sorted, so I want to make sure that
Everyone can get in here. Mo you've been Mo and Abby you've both been invited so
you should be able to go to the Twitter space settings and accept the invite to be able to come up and speak.
And if anyone wants to kick off with a question and you want to put it in the icon discord Twitter spaces channel chat, we're happy to hear them.
Otherwise, we're going to dive into a little bit about what the process was of launching snow, what to expect going forward, and just general thoughts about the community and what we want to build here. Hey, Abbie, there you are. Yep.
Finally got in. Hi, Anthony. Awesome. Hey, this is Abby. Um, and Mo is about to, I'm sure he's about to jump on. So I'm going to just start with Dan and Abby. Why don't you guys introduce yourselves once again to the community, um, your roles on the snow team.
down we can start with you.
Sure, yeah, I was

FAQ on SNOW Parachain Launch! Kusama, Polkadot, and ICONists welcome | Twitter Space Recording

Who is hosting the podcast recording?
The speaker does not explicitly state who is hosting the podcast recording.
Who has been invited to the speaking panel?
Dan, Abby, Jeff, Luna, Jr., and a little alien have been invited to the speaking panel.
What is the purpose of the podcast recording?
The purpose of the podcast recording is to discuss the launch of Snow and what to expect going forward, as well as to address questions from the community.
What is Snow?
The speaker does not explicitly define what Snow is in the recording.
How was the launch of Snow?
According to the speaker, the team did a great job with the launch of Snow.
What is the benefit of having a decentralized team?
The benefit of having a decentralized team is that the team is able to work all hours and a night due to the different time zones in which team members reside.
Where is Dan located?
Dan is located in California.
What is the time in the Netherlands?
The time in the Netherlands is 5 p.m.
What channel can community members use to ask questions?
Community members can use the Icon Discord Twitter spaces channel to ask questions.
Who is in the audience on the Twitter space?
The speaker mentions that they see their hashes and Mo in the audience on the Twitter space.