Solana ART & Culture w/ Pop Punk | Grateful Show #256

Recorded: March 26, 2024 Duration: 1:12:25



I'm hittin' with mittens, I'm missin', wishin' me listen
I'm bustin' like sun and water while fishin'
Fuck the movement, it's work
Served words with nerve, embedded, I said it work
Damn, you heard, man, you heard
Comin' from the town of Illy, and now these are full of fillies and rallies
Suckers get silly and soundin', and foundin' now these are riotin'
Really, so here we go
Now holla, if you hear me, yo, come and feel me
Fluck, never mixin' with trickin' brothers
Bitch, you know what fixin' that ain't fittin'
To be hittin' for nothin' spittin'
Fixin' spittin' and gettin' written off
You're like the pattern, bad pattern, boy, you're bustin' me, yo
Boy, you ain't just started, so what, so long
See you fly by, my fly, how's could I say it
When you play it, fly, boom, fly, fly, fly, fly
Here we go, now holla, if you hear me, yo, come and feel me
Here we go, now holla, if you hear me, yo, come and feel me
Fluck, broke, who had a coat with skills only a bad
No pattern, now where's the way to flow
It's on point like that's who's man-handlin'
Nook who, partyin' with the suit booth
Lookin' for the breakin' poo-pooh
I thought you knew two stone styles
Dammin' and jammin' and why we playin' in the gym
We bust, bust with a party image
Damage is manager, damage is Mike Smith
And even mannequins, you're a fan again
I'ma wanna know who's the man again
Naughty's back like vertebrae's
What the hey, I hope, the way I show you, pray I'll flow
Steady breakin' till the boogie
So better time to slam bang and watch all of you
Tag, tag, tag
Here we go everybody
So hyped for today's space
How are you doing?
I got like millions of DMs about how this
So can't wait to talk with PopPunks today
We're gonna be talking about art on sauna
About rubbers, about a lot of stuff
And I actually picked how the anthem probably
So yeah, check it out
I hope you enjoyed
We still have two more minutes of intro
So drop a GM right with the space
And it's gonna be wild
So let's fucking go
Let's fucking go everybody
Grateful show 256
GM, GM guys
In my opinion, this was one of the best intros ever
I absolutely love that
It's on brand
Howdy guys
I circle around to say hi to my co-host today
And to Carlitos who paid to be on stage in Howdy
And then we say hi to PopPunk
Beast, how you doing bro?
Yo, GM to everyone
Man, I'm doing amazing
I see a lot of familiar faces here in the audience
More people are joining
Which is fucking amazing
And yeah, I agree with you
I mean, the music was pretty epic
I know the space today will be fucking epic
So you guys on the right place to be
Let's fucking go
I also have to say hi to Tino
Big actually silhouette
How to say the fan
He's been shilling it in our group for ages
So Tino, how you doing man?
I'm doing really, really good
Yeah, I love silhouette
I love actually the whole Solana ecosystem
I kind of fell in love with it
And you know, dig deeper into this rabbit hole
Of course
So I'm super excited about today's space
And really excited to be on the show today with you guys
And see so many amazing people in the audience
Let's do this
Carlitos, you have 30 seconds
That's what you paid for
So you can say hi
And what's good, man?
Or you can pay more
Or you can pay more
Howdy beast, howdy grateful
I think there is a misunderstanding, right?
I was promised that I get more howdy from you
If I'm here
So I don't know what you're talking about
Other than that, proud holder of a rubber
And proud holder of howdy
And very much looking forward to this discussion
And where it's going
Same here, man
I'm so hyped
I absolutely love this market
It's a madness
It's craziness
And we are having fun
Our group chats are pumping
We are having an amazing time
And I'm so happy that Poppunk actually gave
To a grateful show community
A few allocations for howdy
We are really grateful for that, man
A lot of people got so excited
And yeah, can't wait to talk about Solana
So guys, if you have any questions
Drop them into the comments
And I think we're good to go
Let's fucking go, baby
Let's fucking go
Welcome to the show
GM, GM Legend
How are you doing today?
Howdy, grateful, beast
Carlito, Tino
Great to be here
Feeling good
I will admit I was a little tired yesterday
But my energy is super renewed
So I'm excited to be here
And just want to shout out
That you were one of the people early on
Who supported, you know, who like purchased
Collected New Wave Surf Club
So we're talking all the way back to the beginning
You've been supportive
Of things I've worked on
But of course, the broader community
You're a super supporter of the community
And I just want to say I appreciate that
Thank you so much, man
And I was looking into my database
And I thought actually that we did spaces
Like Grateful Show together
But it was a space after crypto
Noble was hacked, right?
And you mentioned New Wave Surf Club, right?
And you guys doing great stuff with the security
Yours, like the Wave Surf Club is a source
For actionable NFT security education
And that's so important
So big shout out to you guys
Yeah, and a lot of people kind of go like
Obviously a lot of us knew each other
I just mean in general before Novo
But I do think that Novo, when he regrettably
Had his punk stolen
It did bring a lot of people together
It put a focus on security
And so many others kind of led the way
And getting the word out
And there was even fundraising and things like that
So it was pretty awesome
Man, and I minted my ape when I was in Bali
And there were a lot of surfers
So for me, the art that you made
For that collection is absolutely amazing
And I love it
So really, really enjoyed to be part of that community
And Solana is really the meta right now
The gas fees on Ethereum are really high
And I got deeper into the Solana ecosystem
And I started really liking what's happening there
And that would be one of my first questions, right?
Why did you actually decide to go to that blockchain?
We've got to be talking about rubber a little bit more
But why did you decide to try different blockchain than just ETH?
Well, rubber was definitely the main motivation
I really wanted to do a blind mint with rubber
There's a thousand pieces
And I thought a blind mint would be a good way to do it
I released collections before on OpenSea
When it wasn't blind
And I'm not against it, I think it's fine
But I think when you have a collection that's like a thousand
It's just very hard to have them all kind of listed at once
And so I was looking for a place to blind mint
And honestly, the infrastructure is pretty good there
I know Ethereum has options that exist
With HeyMint and other things you can do blind mints
But for low technical
Solana had really good ecosystem with Metaplex
And all that infrastructure that they've created
And then low gas feed figured in
When I released rubber
If I would have done Ethereum
People would have paid far more in gas than they would have paid for it
When I released rubber, it was 0.25 Sol
And for the equivalent of ETH, people probably would have been paying
If I would have priced it at 0.02 on ETH
People would have been probably paying at least twice that in gas
So gas was definitely a big consideration too
I mean those are two huge things that make it attractive
Yeah man, and we mentioned silhouettes
And also Dario did the flux drop ride
And the collections are doing really well
And also art is amazing
And we often talk here about art
Art is the utility, right?
But you guys push it a little bit further
Because I know for silhouettes
It probably happened yesterday
I'm not sure about it
The snapshot for ordinals
For ordinals with rubber
You also got some alloys
You also got a howdy ride
So how do you actually think about creating collections
Than just the art that we used to talk about here, right?
Yeah, so I mean I'm definitely like
I'm an art collector, art creator
And I definitely think that people can just collect art for the art
I don't think every artist needs to be like
I have to provide this utility
I have to provide this
I don't think that's absolutely necessary
But it's certainly the case that the collections that have been released
Especially some of the larger ones in the last year
Have done some things around utility with rubber
I had no intention of doing any particular utility around rubber
I mean it was a 0.25 mint
I thought it was cool, I liked it
It just happened to take off and it was really big
But I also saw that there was a lot of collections literally that day
After it took off getting released
That were very derivative or low quality
And so if people are just going to buy art on magic Eden
Why not make it art that is really, really good
And let me be clear
There was really good art on Solana long before rubber
Like tons of great artists
There's like machine coded generative
There's all kinds of stuff
But it just so happened that after it released rubber
A lot of kind of more copycat or low effort art was getting related
So I thought if I'm going to help on board people on the Solana
It would be awesome that they would give some access to rubber holders
Because rubber holders had shown a level of commitment to art
Certainly there was lots of speculation too at the time
But so that was kind of where it came about
So kind of got deep into the ecosystem there
So happy that so many great artists have come over
You mentioned Cirque before, he's a long time friend
Great artists, there's so many
And cannot full circle
But speaking of Novo, when there was all the security focus
And raising money
I remember Dario led a lot of that
It was literally hosting spaces like 12 hours a day
While cooking food
And Dario created Flux, which is really awesome art
So shout out to that
But there's too many in name
But a lot of great artists have released on Solana
And so it's been cool that there's been some
You know, wireless access to rubber holders
And of course, Depicto by Nucleo is one of my personal favorite
That was a free event
And that was one where a lot of rubber holders also had access to it
Man, I absolutely love about
You know, what you guys doing there
You actually help us to explore
And a lot of people to explore new things, right?
Like with the silhouettes I mentioned
That ordinal drop
And for people it can be maybe the first ordinal
Like with howdy
It can be also the first meme coin, right?
For some people
So I absolutely love this time in the market
Because I also saw Captain
I think they used the District One, right?
And that's so exciting again
They are exploring new stuff that we are doing new crazy shit
So really, really having a great time
And super happy that, you know, I'm part of this
And I know Beast, you have tons of questions
So go ahead, bro
Definitely, yeah
I mean, what was the inspiration beyond rubber, man?
Because I know like in January I saw it everywhere
I saw people going crazy, you know, calling it a fit and sound Solana
And you know, all these things
And I love it
I mean, I still see that it's beautiful
I see Carlito keep tweeting about that every other day still, right, Carlito?
So where did you get the inspiration and what did you want to create?
Yeah, great question
So I kind of
Most of what I've done in art has been kind of what people call post photography, synthetic photography
Essentially it's AI that appears to be like photographs
So photograph-like
And, you know, County Fair was one of my first collections like that
And then Las Vegas, Rapid Change in the West is an absolute favorite of mine
And I was doing some things around transportation
And I was doing a variety of things
Contrasting the suburbs with racing, doing racing tracks
I was doing some with just racing tracks with tires on them
And they were all pretty, you know, photorealistic pieces
And then I got one that was very much like rubber that came up in a mid-journey matrix
And I was like, it just stood out so much
But I absolutely loved it
So I really started exploring that a lot
That was like all the way back in last July
And I tend to work on multiple collections at the same time
So rubber for me was a nice respite, like a break, you know, from a couple more, you know, serious topics that I was doing
And it was just so fun, light, the colors, the shapes are just so enjoyable that I just kept working on it
And then, you know, in December, kind of had it to where I wanted to be
And so I started talking about it more
But if I went back, like the first rubber I ever did was
I think I shared it back in July, if not July, August of last year
So it was quite a while before I ever released it, which is
I try to do with a lot of things, work on for a while, make sure they're in a place that I'm really, you know, happy with
And then release
So that's kind of, it came out of a little bit of an accident
And then I spent six months working on it because I thought it was such a cool accident
But I absolutely love rubber
Still look at rubber every day
Like when I go to Magic Eden, literally I just go to rubber collection first
And I look through it because I like it
And then if I need to do something else and I don't get distracted before that, you know, I get there from the rubber page
Because that's where I go
May I step in? Just out of curiosity, you know, because artists, you know
Sometimes you just also with the NFT artists or people just releasing on specific blockchain
And you mentioned that, you know, like Gatsby's might have been one of the reasons why you actually started exploring Solana
And my question would be more like, how do you approach this as an artist?
These new things, new blockchain, new technology, new stuff
Do you study it first? Do you test it out?
And how do you actually, what is the process behind that before you actually launch and test it like really live?
I think it's a good question
Especially for artists, because like I think you create art
That's kind of your primary thing for a lot of artists
And then like distribution and promotion is separate, you know, is entirely separate for that
As this platform, like, you know, you just kind of want to get it out in the world and you don't care as much about those things
And so for me, it's kind of like somewhat out of necessity and somewhat out of like interest
So for me, I thought if I'm going to do a thousand pieces, there's no way that anyone's going to be able to collect these on Ethereum
You know, at that point, and maybe even to today, it would just be prohibitively expensive
And I know there's been some large, obviously lots of people do release larger collections
So sometimes you need that need, you need that, like, I literally need lower gas prices, or at least I think I do
And then you kind of explore it and, you know, start to get into it
I found in my life, like, the best thing you do is find some kind of way to nudge yourself in a certain direction
So you can explore it, figure out what's going on, and then if it resonates at all, or maybe it doesn't, you have to do it again
But just like something that is of at least enough interest that'll keep you compelling
And then, you know, once you get past that point, then you can start doing the harder stuff
Like, okay, I'm kind of seeing this, this is interesting
I'm into this, maybe the community is interesting, whatever it is
And that can kind of be a foothold, and then you can start to do kind of the harder work, like, what are the technical details?
Is this viable in this market, you know, who should I reach out to if I'm interested in this or not?
So that's kind of my, you know, my approach
But certainly, I haven't done anything, you know, there's tons of chains out there
And someone who's been in crypto for literally a decade, who's held Bitcoin for 11 years
I have not released anything as an oracle, and that's just because, you know, I've had other things going on
I absolutely respect what's going on there, I think it's awesome
And I think it provides yet another, you know, way for gas fees and stuff
But, you know, there's only so many choices we have, so that hasn't been one of them
But, you know, find that little way that is just interesting enough for you to explore
And then once you do that, maybe it'll resonate and then you can get the other stuff
I think it's also awesome that you inspire other artists, right?
I see Michelle in the audience, she also dropped her, like, it's not a photography, it's based on her photography
And it's amazing art, and she also dropped it on Solana, so that's amazing to see this movement
Tino, do you want to add anything?
I just want to add, we had so many amazing artists in the audience
I see Cirque that we mentioned several times, I see Pobedin, the Trails, the Solana collection
It's just amazing, it's just brilliant
And as I said before, you know, like this, it was for me like a big rabbit hole
Because, like, from silhouettes, I got into Luke's Perpotea
No idea how to pronounce that, but you probably know what I'm talking about
To Trails by Pobedin
And, you know, like, you get opportunities with a lovelist
And you get opportunities to basically dig deeper and to explore, to find new artists
And I think this is really, really something special
And I felt it after a long time since, you know, like, the bull ethereum art times of 2020 and 2021
So I'm really, really, my soul is really, really happy
And I see Carlito's hand, so go ahead, bro, and ask the question
Thank you so much, I'm really enjoying this conversation
And I wanted to ask you a rather personal question, right?
How did the experiences of being an artist and collector yourself help you understand the current narrative?
You mentioned that you chose Solana for the reasons that you did, and it seemed to be the perfect timing
So I'd like to know, how did you orchestrate, or how did you actually deal with the organic hype
Around the rubber, around the heads, around howdy
And, I mean, Tino mentioned that, right, if you weren't blind, you saw it all around the timeline yourself
And there was no way around it, so is there a secret sauce? Is there, like, something you did specifically
Or was it, like, purely organic networking and relying on your network of your past?
Yeah, I mean, a lot of it was just kind of, it was kind of, like I said, the gas fees
And then from there, it was kind of exploring on my own
And then, as you said, like, you know, your networks are huge
I know, like, people like to talk about the cabal
And there's different cabals, and a lot of it is war
And I mean, I do not deny that, you know, there are groups who work together in spaces
To do things, some people do, manipulate, some are just organic
But honestly, like, networks are one of the most powerful things in this space
And I don't think I'm the most networked person
But I am fortunate to know a few people
And I can talk about this more later
But, like, you know, people, some people are very willing to help you out in this space
And I have certainly, you know, benefited from that
So I, you know, asked around, got a contact at Magic Eden, talked to Magic Eden
And so that's kind of, you know, I was going to release it, you know, on my own rubber
But, you know, I talked to Magic Eden, and they were interested
And so, you know, we went there, and then, of course, that's, you know, developed into a really strong relationship
And lots of others, artists independently
And artists I referred have gone through Magic Eden just because, you know, it does have some visibility
It has, you know, support on a lot of things that are helpful to artists
So, yeah, it was really a little bit of necessity at the first
Then reaching out, and then kind of finding that perfect fit
I would, maybe other people would say differently
I don't think I'm that much of a trend follower and probably to my own fault in crypto
Like, I think people who can kind of time trends and in art, you know, effectively can, they can do really well
I'm a bit of a boomer, I'm not like a IRL boomer, but I'm probably a bit of a crypto boomer
And so I'm a little bit slightly more set in my way
So it takes a little bit more of a nudge to get me to go in directions
But, you know, when I get there, then I try to go as hard as I can in it
And work as hard for whatever I'm doing
I appreciate it
And I appreciate you, you know, collecting your upper and, you know, promoting, like, the artists in this space so much
And just before I forget, like, you know, you talked about me inspiring artists
Like, literally, I was in this space for two years, you know, most recently
Getting to collect artists in this space, hang out with artists
And artists are certainly, like, the biggest influence on me without a doubt
Like, I am, I take total inspiration, you know, not total
But essentially total inspiration from artists
Because, you know, I've looked at literally art for, you know, two years straight
I had the privilege of collecting it, reading it, things like that
And I will say in the last few days, I have not been able to be on my timeline as much
But, you know, absolutely appreciate all the artists have done in this space
And, you know, no knock on crypto people, but if you're going to spend two years in the bear market on Twitter
You should be connected with some artists because they make it, you know, a lot more pleasant
Now, just if I may reply to that very briefly, that resonates highly with me, right?
You built in a bear market and then you take the credits out of that in the bull market
And I think what you mentioned is the exact path to follow
So take those connections, ask for favors, but don't go beyond that
And basically just rely on what you do and people resonating with that
I have to drop off in five minutes, so I apologize for that
But before I do so, I would like to remind everybody to like, comment and repost the space
So that more people are here, and I will most definitely tune in to the rest later on
So thank you very much
Yeah, we have special transitions for today
Please go ahead, I saw you unmuted
Yeah, thank you Carlito
And yeah, I love the point actually about using these connections
And using the network that we all have here
Because it's kind of unique thing that we've all built here
And it's still so easy to reach everyone and to really collaborate
This space is still like super open for collaboration and helping each others out
So I just wanted to leave it here for everyone here in the audience
Just don't be on the journey alone, we're here together
Man, and we've been talking about it here since ages, right?
People are the alpha of this space, and it's definitely worth it to network and connect with others
And they usually also reply to your DMs or comments, so do it
Meet people IRL too, it's always the best time, I know NFT NYC is coming up
We're going to cover that too, but it's amazing space
So it's a huge opportunity to not only make money, collect amazing art
But also to network with incredible people, right?
So that's 100% the alpha
Yeah, I know Beast also asked me to actually ask you, Bob
About is actually rubber connected?
Is rubber connected to howdy somehow, or do you have any plans with it for the future?
So I think people have collected a lot, I'm pretty aware that I definitely try to take care of collectors
And try to put them in the best position possible, especially as it relates to things I control, like art
So rubber was included in the distribution of the Hattie hats
Rubber is a big part of my life that are not connected
But honestly, the rubber community is very integrated into Solana
We're very fortunate that of course we have collectors from all different chains
And collectors often are cross chains, like very few people are just one chain
Or at least they're becoming less and less so
So I was very fortunate that there are lots of collectors in the rubber community
Who have made it possible that when we distributed howdy hats
And then eventually howdy, it was possible to read lots of people
See sets out there, there were so many different communities in Solana
That were supportive early on, some were more supportive
Even as howdy hats stuck off
But we were fortunate to be able to get a large distribution far and wide in Solana
Which I think it sets us up very well in terms of awareness
And otherwise going forward, because we started with a really wide base
And that was made possible by rubber
How did you actually came up with the idea that you distributed the NFTs first
To selected communities, and then there's going to be a token airdrop
So, you know, there were kind of two aspects of it
And there's like literally howdy, I just think
I love howdy, like literally I say howdy
You know, it's a little bit Texas, Midwestern thing, I'm from the Midwest
So I would love to go in that part more
Because I think it's cool, I love the dog, you know, the doge
The music was perfect, you know, he's very spaghetti western, Clint Eastwood
And so it's just like it's literally something I can look at the rest of my life
And be part of and be interested
And that's a big motivation
People have known me long enough, and I understand many people haven't
Like, you know, I try to keep up with
And we really put a focus on things that we've worked on
So it's not just like, oh, it was here and then it's gone
Which kind of feeds in a little bit to howdy more broadly
We definitely wanted to raise awareness of it
We wanted a wide distribution
I come back from all the way back, you know, to Bitcoin 11 years ago
You know, a lot of what made Bitcoin special
And what people who go deeper in is that it has an origin story
And that origin is a pretty fair distribution
Obviously, if you didn't have a computer
And you weren't mining Bitcoin, you didn't get any
And that could be true all along the way
And this, you know, in the case of howdy
You know, if you weren't in one of those communities
Or you didn't engage, you know, heavily at the beginning
Or in other circumstances, it doesn't mean you actually got like the howdy hat
But we tried to do a wide distribution
And I thought this is a way that we can both increase awareness
And, you know, with lots of different communities
That, hey, this thing is going to happen
And we also could do a distribution that was literally free
You know, the airdrop was free for howdy, the token
It was also free for the howdy hat
So we were really trying to do a fair and free distribution at the beginning
One thing I'm excited about now is, yes, there was certainly a lot of hype on the NFT
And I appreciated that all was there
And, you know, the hat holders and everything else, it was awesome
But now, you know, we have, you know, we have this distribution
I think it was pretty free and fair
And now, like literally anybody who has access to the internet
Can now, you know, become part of the community
And they can purchase as much or as little howdy as they want to be part of it
And I think that it's going to be the kind of thing that continues to spread
I don't think the things that resonated with howdy hats and everything around it
You know, I don't think that comes to an end anytime soon
I think we will see a lot of people embracing howdy over the long run
I think it has that
And now it has a bit of a hero's journey
Because we've had some struggles for sure
You know, like distributing the hats, distributing the howdy
There was definitely difficulty
But I'm, like, very excited by how multiple communities have come together to really support this
And, you know, some deficits that I personally had in this space
And I'm happy to talk about those
We have started to address largely because of, you know, having a community that thinks this is something really cool
That they believe howdy can spread far and wide over a long period of time
And be, you know, if not, you know, the meme coin
But a meme coin of the Solana community
It's largely because people are willing to help
They're willing to get in there
And I know some people are just willing to help
But these people, we've had so many people with very specific knowledge and expertise
Jump in in addition to an already strong team to help us navigate this
So that's why I'm particularly excited
So if I can double-click on that a little bit
You know, like, in this meme coin hive, it might be easy for people, you know, like, observing
Okay, I'm gonna release the next meme coin
I'm gonna, you know, make some money and stuff like that
I really love that you took, like, different, like, bit, you know, like, the approach
A logic and a fee, distribute it afterwards and so on
What would be the learnings, you know, like, if you were about to launch the token
Or somebody who's thinking about that, like, what would you be doing differently?
What would you be thinking about, etc.
I definitely get as much expertise from every aspect of the process as you can
I will fully admit that on the meme coin side
While I, you know, got to participate with hats going up quite a bit
I'm not, like, and I've also, there were, you know, other coins along the way
I am not, like, you know, or at the time was not, like, super into meme coin culture and things like that
And so I think having people who are knowledgeable about every single aspect is, you know, really important
Things like today, you know, we had a fairly large treasury
You know, people who know me, in general, my, like, the feedback that I've gotten is
Nobody was afraid that I was going to suddenly dump the treasury on people
But that, you know, everybody doesn't know me, like, the meme coin world is why
There are certain, you know, best practices that one needs to have
One of them not having, like, a giant treasury that is not in use
And frankly, we didn't need all that treasury
There were things that we kind of needed for in terms of liquidity pairing
We got the liquidity pairing, you know, done and it wasn't, like, necessary to have that
There was consideration of doing, like, staking
Everyone says, you know, a bad idea
So we're like, yeah, let's try to make it as much of a meme coin of the people
And thus, you know, today we burned 210 million howdy tokens
Because, like, the team, these were not, like, a stealth, like, team share
Literally it was supposed to be used, like I said, potentially to get more people staking
And it didn't, and for liquidity pairing, and we had enough as it was
And it matched better, so, you know, we just burned it
So, like, having, to answer your question specifically, having as many people as possible
Who you really trust and who really know a space involved or have some specific function
I think that is super key
And in terms of, like, what works, I definitely think some buildup to it works
I think increasing awareness is really great
There's probably some other learnings, but that's what immediately comes to mind
Yeah, I love it
Sorry, go ahead
Yeah, I wanted to ask about the heads, actually
Because I know there are, like, different styles of heads
So why did you do different ones?
Because I got so many questions in my DMs
Like, you know, what's the utility of heads right now, right?
And I'm not sure if you want to share it or how you think about it
But I'm really curious how you thought about the art
Who actually created the art for those heads
And what's gonna happen with them for the future
Because the floor is still almost one soul, right?
Like, it's still, it didn't go to zero
So everyone expecting something, probably
Yeah, so what I would say about the heads
First, ours did a great job, you know
The team is largely, you know, I would welcome, you know
If the artists ever want to say I did these
They are absolutely welcome to do so
I think they did a very good job
They're minimalist, they're cool
They conveyed kind of what we were going for well
And it was, you know, part of the distribution
Kind of like I said, like, with rubber
I try to take care of people and keep top of mind
You know, people who have supported over time
I think that if the hats are to be successful
I think that the meme coin needs to be successful
And so we are in the, like, in the moment
You know, in the next week
We're putting a lot of focus on the meme coin
We will continue to do so
I think the hats obviously have a place in the ecosystem
I said a couple times, you know, during it
That, you know, as the, you know
Something that's the origin of the meme coin
Is like super important, it's historical
It's a marker of being an OG in this community
And I believe that Howdy is gonna be something
That is special as a token broadly as a meme coin
And if that happens, then naturally the hats
Will follow from that and be important
We're not getting into, like, details about
You know, what might come from the hats
Or if there's anything in particular there
Maybe it's a little holdover from before
Where I was very conscious of the fact
That if I talked about something
Especially when the hats market was going
That, you know, people
It could be viewed as something that people could run with
And trade on it
So I just didn't get into a lot of details
But I think the hats are important
But it's not like in the next several days
There's gonna be suddenly
A PFP collection's gonna drop
Or something like that
I think the hats are important
They're part of the ecosystem
But for them to truly be successful
I think that they, you know, the meme coin
Needs to take off and Howdy needs to take off
And so, you know, at least, you know, in the immediate future
That's where we're putting most of our focus on
Just to be frank
But I think that they are absolutely cool and awesome
And I think there's lots of ways that people are thinking
Which is how I often think
About how there could be distribution of things
To, you know, people who have shown interest
In that particular thing
I think that element is always there
And this is kind of a list that we worked hard on
To resonate, you know, to create
And we're very thankful so many people did
I know there's been lots of trading and hats
After the distribution
So I don't know exactly what the distribution is
You'll have to forgive me
But, you know, what we're focusing on long-term
You know, short and long-term is on Howdy the token
Because everybody can do it
But I'm very appreciative
And it is like an OG marker
And I think it's still important
I love the way how we actually picked the people
And the community
Because I think 9DCC and GMAN did something similar
Right before they dropped admin 1
And, you know, we were on the event during NFT Paris
And, you know, I really love the community from 9DCC
Because, I don't know, it was formed around
You know, he picked some people who got the pop
And he selected, I don't know how many people he selected
You know, they will get it
And it's such a great community
It's such a great people
We had an amazing time
So that's definitely alpha for me
And you mentioned that you want to focus on Howdy
So, you know, I don't know how much you can
Or want to share, you know, but we have some special sound here
That works like a hypnosis
So maybe we try that, you know
And now you can share everything
So what you want to focus on in the next upcoming weeks
Well, I think there's quite a few things that we are doing
Some of them are kind of boring, technical
Like I said, you know, we burned, you know, all those tokens
Our intention, as I tweeted out today
People might not have seen it or might have
Is that, and not just attention
Like, we're going to do it
But I say intention and I'll explain
You know, this RLP was funded in large part
From royalties from the NFT sales
That was the intention from the beginning
It was literally, you know, in the first, you know, pen tweet we ever did
And we want to do that and we'll do it
Because of the nature of the way Solana is at the moment
You know, we've talked a lot about the positives
Solana, I do want to mention
You know, right now Solana is not highly functional, honestly
Like, in Ethereum, if I want to just pay a lot of money
And extra gas, I can do almost anything I want
On Solana, that is not the case
Like, there are a lot of very basic transactions
That are not going through
You know, I experienced it
But when you're talking about transactions
That have a large amount of Sol on them
And not even a large amount of Sol
There can be issues, especially when you're dealing with the LP
So, we are going to be taking all of the LP that is on Orca
And we're going to be moving it to Radium
There's lots of reasons
One of the, you know, there's lots of exposure
A lot of the bots are on there
A lot of the follow-up bots are on there
Et cetera, et cetera
So, it just makes sense to have it on there
When it gets over there, we intend to burn all of it
That was generated from royalties
Which is going to be, you know, the substantial almost
You know, all of it
So, that's going to provide some locked liquidity
It's going to mean that people know forever that they can train Howdy
But it is very difficult at the moment to get LP out of Orca
Like, I have 31 transactions today
Probably, it might actually be more
30 was in my head and then I did more
That have failed trying to get out
I know it comes out
I did some yesterday
It works fine, et cetera, et cetera
But, like, it is very difficult to do
So, we are going to be working on that
Transitioning it over
Once we get it into Radium
We are going to be burning it
You know, it's not going to be, you know, a sudden decrease in liquidity
Because of that
But literally, I've gone from like
Oh, I'll do 20 soul out of it yesterday
Or I'll do 10 soul to
I cannot get a ticket to go through four or five soul worth of it
So, that's a little bit of an issue
We will get through it
And once we do it, we'll transition it
And the whole time, liquidity is going to be the same
Because we're just taking it out and immediately putting it back in
But that's something we're going to be doing this week
We also have, we have additional people
We've had so many people help with Telegram
It's another deficiency
Despite being very long and crypto
Telegram never gripped me in the same way
Like, literally, I know, you know, punks chat all the time in Telegram
Et cetera, et cetera
I've never been a huge Telegram person
We have people who stepped up and helped early on
We also have additional people who are doing it now
And we view it as an area where we're going to get lots of new people into this howdy ecosystem
Like, we're not saying, like, they have to come that way
But literally, we have people who have worked before on meme coins
Who are also close
Because I'm just, because someone's had worked on something before
It doesn't mean I'm going to do it
But people who are close, who are going to be better at helping run that
Which I think is awesome
It's going to help out quite a bit
And we have other stuff, too
I can't give everything away now
But I'm, you know, I'm very excited about what we're doing
And, you know, I know yesterday I had a couple people be like, you know, you tried hard
And I'm like, literally, we're just, you know, we're getting started with this phase
It's very early
And I'm thankful
Look, people are going to sell
Lots of people are going to do it
Lots of people held lots of hats
Hoping it would, like, immediately go to 50 million
You know, it didn't happen
And so the people we have around, I'm very appreciative
And I'm also appreciative, like, if you look at our overall numbers
They are increasing
We're getting more and more people who are holding howdy
And I think that really bodes well in the future
Because if people know me, like, this is just, like, you know, a good starting place
I've been here, you know, so long
And I love this project
And we're going to keep going hard with it
Because, you know, howdy is awesome
I definitely like the meme
And if you go into the comments, you can see so many, you know, funny memes
I really enjoy even this theme, you know, with the music and everything
So that's definitely, definitely dope
Well, you know, you probably looked into the meme coins, right?
Like, what do you think that actually makes the meme coin successful and going?
You know, we have on Solana with head
You know, that works
I hold it, you know, I don't know why it works
But it's cute, you know, dog with head
It's funny, right?
Like, I told my girlfriend, like, our life savings are in the dog with head
And she didn't know what I'm talking about
So I don't know
But, you know
It's not on the yours life savings, man
I think a lot of people here
Yeah, so what do you think that it makes, you know, the meme coin successful and going
And that some other meme coins, they don't make it
Is there some kind of, like, cookbook, how to create such a coin or...
I think if there's a cookbook, everyone would do it for sure
That is absolutely the case
And I get your whole, you know, life savings or house savings
As in, like, with head, I've seen some screenshots from people I trust
And the amount they're holding is, you know, absolutely insane
I think a lot of it is just builds over time
Certainly, momentum helps, but there are many things
I was literally in the Doge community when we were getting started
Like, Reddit was a big thing then, you know, Bitcoin had Bitcoin talk, etc
Like, Reddit is really where a lot of the early Doge people formed together
And I know community is sometimes thrown around as utility
I'm not saying that in this case
I think community is just awesome in general
And I think you can find community in lots of different places
But literally, Doge had a significant community
And maybe it was a benefit, but it was also, like, literally an advantage
Like, there were things we were doing, there were things we were talking about
We were meming it up
You know, we did things like, you know, the NASCAR sponsorship
I was part of the community when we did that
There was sponsoring the Jamaican bobsled team
When, you know, Jamaica literally didn't have the funds to sponsor them
They were doing that
But a lot of it, too, is like having memes, having something to talk about
And having a community
And the powerful thing about meme coins is
And there are many that, you know, struggle
And, you know, go down
Like, if you look at your portfolios and you're one of those people who doesn't sell right away
You see there's, like, a gradual decline often over time
But you also see that in the successful ones
You just see them sticking around, actually putting in the time and slow accumulation
And then when that happens, I'm not saying that's what gets you there
But often there is an impetus that gets people excited, gets people going
And that's when you get the momentum spikes
Will the momentum spikes stick around?
Will there be another spike after that and one after that and one after another?
I don't know, but you have to put yourself in the place by building a community
Who is into it by providing, you know, cool stuff
And in this case, the community is literally providing cool stuff to us
So many good memes
So much good content, so many tweets, shout out to all of them
I do want to shout out The Plague specifically
You know, that's an Ethereum community
But they have really brought it a lot
You know, we have, I don't know, I'm not, like, adding anybody
At least one of our team members, you know, has spent a lot of time in The Plague
Like, as a community member
And you want to find some people who can actually do memes and who understand this
And if you can find people who've spent, like, two years of their lives creating memes every single day
And they're into what you're doing
I consider that a lot of alpha-burstly
Because I've seen the success things like that can do
And if you direct it to something that people, you know, are into
I think you can stick around
So shout out to everybody, you know, who's holding Howdy
It's very much appreciated
Thanks to everybody who's creating memes
And, you know, thanks to everybody who's, like, offering, you know, help beyond that
In terms of technical things
Otherwise, it's just very much appreciated
Memes are so powerful
And it's so much fun
Basically, I think yesterday we had a group chat with Beast and Tino
And we talked the whole day just in memes, you know
No, like, tech, just memes
And it's so much fun, I love it, you know, I really enjoy it
And I also really eat muxy back in 2021
And I'm so hyped that finally, you know, you guys pushing Solana
I enjoy Solana
You know, I bought for Solana, I think, like, you know, a few months ago
For the first time, so I was kind of late
But, you know, with new art, I actually have a reason, you know, to do something there
So, you know, love exploring new stuff, you know, the curiosity again
And again, you know, I'm really enjoying the market right now
Because I'm trying and exploring so many new things after that, like, slow bear market
So it's definitely dope
Beast, I saw you unmuted, go ahead, bro
Yeah, we definitely deserve it, grateful to have a little fun during this market
After two years of, you know, we all know what was here for two years
So I think well deserved
I also, I mean, howdy, it's fucking memeable
Like, when I scroll through Twitter, it's fun
I mean, it's amazing
I'm curious, do you think there's, like, besides the memes and the art
And all these, like, funny things, do you expect also, like, devs coming in
And building some products, apps, or some, like, things with howdy
Or, you know, what would you like to see to happen in the ecosystem
Because, like, for example, I don't know when we think about bonk, right
We have this bonk bot that actually works because of bonk, right
Like, first we had a meme coin, then we had a product
I think now on base we have dgen
And again, for example, there is Dracula, which is that, like, short video app
And it is supposed to use that meme coin dgen for it
So do you plan something with that, that it's gonna happen with howdy
I have so many different interesting mechanics around things
Shout out to people who have sent them, closed people, etc
I mean, I do not rule out that use
I think you do want to have it integrated to the ecosystem
You want it on exchanges
You want people using it when there's kind of a hot new, you know, farming market
Where the farm's actually providing the incentives
I think being highly connected in a network is a super benefit for a meme coin
I am a little bit more on the pure side
I think, which is ironic, I know
But I think that if you put the focus on the token itself and its meme ability
And you don't distract too much in the mechanics, I think it makes a lot of sense
We've seen a lot of people try to go for, like, a second round of
Well, we're a meme coin, but we're also this
Like, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it
Like, you do you
I just think that it's probably not going to spread as wide
If you pigeonhole it into a certain mechanic
That doesn't mean you can't, or a certain kind of, like, a use case or something like that
Certainly it can be used
And if the community kind of comes together and does it organically
I think that's generally good
But I think if you install too many mechanics on it
You start to kind of dilute the message a bit
So that's just kind of my take
Yeah, I agree
And it's amazing, if that organically happens
That people start creating things around
I think it's actually the most powerful way how to grow it
Right? Also, because, like, you're not, like, you're not paving the narrative
But you let people to do it
Beast, I'm laughing here so hard
Because I had a doctor appointment today
And he asked me what I do for a living
For a living, I know
And when you mentioned, you know, DJ and Dracula
And Dracula, man, he made you like, yeah, man, I just bought a DJ
DJ, man, oh my God
I know, I tried to explain Dracula to someone
And I was like, it's so obvious, right?
It's that app for, like, cutting the videos or what's that
And then I, like, think, thought once again
And I was like, what the fuck am I doing here, man?
It's so funny, it's so funny
But really, having a great time
And it's absolutely wild
Sorry, Bob, I saw you unmuted
So if you want to add anything, go ahead, man
No, it's just my space
You know, I'm nowhere near the level you grateful and team are
But I'm just used to, like, if there's any silence, I am muted to talk
Because I do a little space every couple of weeks
But I was just unmuting
Yeah, that's all good, that's all good
I absolutely love the vibes and energy
Do you also think about, maybe, ordinals?
Because I know that mutant hounds are coming with a collection
And I believe that will also onboard a lot of people to ordinals
I actually don't know what was my first ordinal, but
You know, also, I was waiting a long time before I bought first one
And I think this can be also an amazing way to onboard more people there
Yeah, absolutely, I think there's a lot to be said
Like, as specifically as it relates to, like, meme coins
I think there's a lot to be said for, you know, cross-chain connections of them
And that is the type of thing that we'll absolutely explore
Because I do think there is a ton of value in that
We have kind of the know-how to do it and things of that nature
So I'm totally on, you know, I totally think
In terms of things that we're exploring for the future, that's one of them
Because I do think it's so easy to take these meme coins cross-chain
It's easy in the sense, like, technically, not so easy in the sense of community
And things like that, but I think that matters
Just in terms of ordinals in general, I think it's been awesome
I wouldn't say I'm a slow adopter to it
My ordinal collection is not particularly big
I think a lot of it for me was I got so used to, after all these years, just holding Bitcoin
Like, you know, I did it for so long that the idea of, like, spending Bitcoin just is so counterintuitive to me
But I kind of had a breakthrough when someone said, well, you don't actually have to take, you know, your Bitcoin and do that
You can use something else, you know, you can trade, you know, something else that you happen to have in the Bitcoin and do it
And that's kind of what broke through for me
Because, I mean, if you've been in that whole mindset for so long, it can be really hard
But I think it's pretty exciting
There's lots of, you know, just to be frank, there's lots of money in Bitcoin
I go back with a lot of old school Bitcoin whales
And even ones who just, like, do not care about anything else
But if you start to put stuff on Bitcoin, suddenly they get excited about it
So I'm very happy for that, both for artists, you know, for developers
Like, actually getting to do some development in Bitcoin is pretty cool
Because, you know, while I go back a ways, I've never been one of those people
It's just like, you know, Bitcoin is only a store of value, nothing else can be done on it
I'm very conscious, in fact, highly conscious of the fact that Bitcoin needs fees
Because eventually there will not be, oh, what's the next halving
There will literally be no mining of Bitcoin
And so you need use cases
So that's, you know, that's made me very happy on multiple levels
I also feel like Magic Eden helps a lot because you have all the chains in one marketplace, right?
And it's so easy
Also with the wallet, I don't use Magic Eden wallet
But I heard that you can swap Bitcoin to ETH there and to Solana
So it's very easy for users
So this helps a lot
Do you also see, like, differences in people that are mostly collect art on ETH
And people that are collect art on Solana
You think it's already blending together and people collect, you know, no matter the blockchain
I think it's blending quite a bit
I think probably the biggest difference I see is people
Maybe you haven't collected before versus who have
And I think that applies to almost all the chains, you know, kind of universally
I don't see kind of difference
But there are certainly people who are collecting for the first time
And there's probably a little bit more, you know, enthusiasm for the idea of something new
And then you have people who have collected, you know, a long time
And they're less, I think, into what network it happens beyond what blockchain
And they're more, you know, kind of into the art
But, you know, I get that joyfulness a lot
Collecting something even though it's not the first time
So I try to channel, like, you know, both of those things
I think in Ethereum, we've seen kind of number go down for so long in the art
Like, obviously, there are exceptions
But I think it's tougher to kind of reignite and be like, oh, you know, some parts of this world
You know, this entire web3 world are experiencing a little bit of a bull
And it's kind of hard to get back in that mindset
Just because we haven't seen that come into certain parts of our ecosystem
I think we will
I don't know that it'll be as strong as last time
But they'll eventually get in there
Bitcoin will probably be the exception
Some of the people who are collecting in Bitcoin are definitely different types
Just because they go back so far
And they have such, you know, interesting mindset that I do
When I talk to kind of early Bitcoin collectors
I would say that they stand out probably across all of them
And that might be some of my own biases
But I do see that a little bit
Man, how bullish are you on the current market in general?
Because you've been in crypto for 11 years
You said you bought your Bitcoin 11 years ago, which is impressive
So, I mean, we talked about this, like, news cycle, right?
About the bull market and stuff
How early we are now, like, what's your thought about the current market?
I think we're really early
There are, you know, there's legacy stuff
I was at a place, I was getting, you know, I was at, like, a convenience store
Just grabbing something
And some, you know, two people were talking
And they were talking about, like, Shiba, I think, or something like that
So, like, meme coins are, like, out there
I don't think, you know, this one was totally unique
But you're not getting, I'm not getting, like, in real life friends
Texting me, like, Coinbase is, you know, up on the charts
But it's nowhere near, like, you know, number one position
And, like, finance, and certainly not number one position overall
So I think a lot of the signs we're looking at, you know, were still pretty early
I think, obviously, the ETFs have been, kind of, have driven a lot of the narrative
And I think people who are already here, it's freed up some money
And there is some new money here
But I do think we're still pretty early
And this is one of those weird ones where, you know, the institutional money
You know, like, family offices thing
People who didn't have access before
Some individual people are starting to put money into Bitcoin
And that has piqued up other people and created some narratives
But I think we're still pretty early in this one
Yeah, I agree
When I take Uber, I still don't see the drivers, like, trading
And checking the charts all the time
So it feels like it's pretty early
Yeah, I remember that last bull market
It was really funny, man
It actually happened to me in Paris
Like, the guy, the Uber, asked me if I'm there for NFTs
And he's buying some and stuff
So that was awesome
I have one more question
Because in our group, we have plenty of artists
I know they're, you know, playing a little bit with Solana
What would you recommend to them?
Like, how to approach different blockchains
Like Solana, ETH
How they should, you know, approach it
I probably, like I said, explore a little bit
I don't know what that is, for me, like, it was collecting
Metaplex, trying to figure it out
You know, try to find some use case that's particularly good
You know, if you are someone who does, you know, large collections
I know that a lot of people have talked about either being a generative
Or an AI kind of thing
You know, a lot of what Magic Eden does in particular
Is they want larger collections
And it's pretty tough for, like, an illustrator
To do a collection of, like, 500
So I also would look for things that work
Like, there's really good, like, machine-coded generative
Over there
I don't have a name in front of me
I actually reach out to them for distribution if they wanted it
Because I think they're one of the earliest people to do it
But, you know, find groups that are somewhat affiliated
Find people who have done work there before
Ask them, you know, how was it, what's their approach
See if you can get information in terms of, like, reaching out to someone
And try to find, you know, kind of what you're seeing is
For some people, you know, it's going to be
You know, I have this one piece I've worked on for a year
I really, in order to be in this space, need to sell it for quite a bit
Maybe for you, that means, you know, heading to Bitcoin
Like, talking to people there, talk to people who have released on Bitcoin
You know, they've released ordinals or other types of ordinal variations
See what they did, because that's the kind of place where maybe
You can get the amount of money that is useful to you
The other element is technology
I know, you know, on the different chains
There is different options in terms of, you know, how things are stored
Maybe you're like an on-chain maximalist
You know, maybe Bitcoin's for you
Maybe you want to be where historically something, you know, has started
And maybe, like, doing on-chain and Ethereum is for you
I think a lot of it depends, but one, kind of find a way that you can slowly explore it
Because you're never going to go from, like, zero to a hundred
Like, literally, you have to take those initial steps
And so you kind of want to find the steps that at least interest you a little bit
So if you're, if you collect other artists and you're an artist
Maybe just kind of explore that
If you're into one type of thing, explore it a little bit
And then from there, kind of spread out
Ask people, try to find groups, and sort of, you know, do it that way
I definitely, I think there's possibilities on lots of different chains
I know there was some talk, I don't know where it was
But, like, I mean, I'm on Farcaster
And I think some of the stuff over there is really cool
But I only had so much time of the day, so I explore it a little bit
And, you know, do more when there's something that kind of resonates
That was long-winded, but that's how I got it
Love it, love it, man, love it
Yeah, it's amazing to see the artists, you know, explore in new ways
How to drop their art and connect with their collectors
So, absolutely love that part
Also, there's a new group formed in the comments
Howdy by nature, you know, that's my favorite
That's so funny, oh my god
People are wild
Brian is also asking that he would like to also do blindment
What marketplace did you use, I think, Magic Eden, right?
Yeah, Magic Eden is what I used
And Metaplex definitely lets you do blindments
They have, I think it's called Truffle
It's kind of their forward-facing
It used to be called Creative Studio
And you can just ment using Metaplex
Blindment, shout out to Nucleo, who did Depicto on there
I know Brutal did his ment on Metaplex
And that's kind of independent technology that they walk you through
But it does have an interface you can use
Definitely Magic Eden has been an important part of, you know, at least some of the kind of art that's come out
But you can do it on your own, it's not like it's entirely, you know, it's not gated
Like, there is good blind-minning tools that exist on Solana, which is pretty cool
I'd love to see competition
Obviously, just shout out to Manifold, they have done so much for Ethereum
And I know they're doing more on, you know, layer 2s and stuff like that
I'd love to see them, you know, get involved even more on Solana
Or, you know, maybe do that and do blind-minning
Like, getting even more people on the same ecosystem who have just done so much for artists would be awesome
But there's definitely options out there for sure on all the chains
Yeah, I remember back in 2020, like, there were almost no tools how to ment, right?
And oh my god, we have so many great tools that you can use and that are simple to use
So that's amazing, we are progressing and that's great
Also guys, I have a shill button here
And I would like to shill a Grateful Show, which is on stage
So if you're not following us, please give us a follow, you can just tap the icon and press follow button
Also follow PopPunk, he's doing amazing stuff in the space, really excited
And also check the security stuff that he's doing because security is number one
It's so important because if you lose, you know, whatever you've been building for a long time, that always sucks
So definitely focus on security
We've seen a few, you know, with a bull market, like, a lot of scammers and bad actors will join the space
So definitely be careful
And yeah, Beast, you know, do you have any more questions or anything that you would love to ask or share?
I mean, I just realized how actually awesome is it with Meme Coins that you have, like, all different communities
Like, when you scroll through the audience, you see all these different PFPs and different projects being together
So it's kind of amazing
And yeah, I think for...
Man, we have humans, I see Laura with amazing PFPs
Absolutely loved it
You're right
And I think it's more for PopPunk if, you know, there is the Howdy Cabal
There are people that they might be joining the Howdy Cabal
So is there anything else that you would like to share with the audience today or, you know, it's yours
Yeah, absolutely
First of all, I appreciate everybody who's already involved
It takes a lot
I think everybody's early
I think everybody's gonna be early for the next month
I mean, I was late to with hats
And I was still early
Like, there's opportunities if you think this is the one
And it resonates with you
And nobody has come in large
You know, that's the wonderful thing about tokens
Like, you know, my cousin in Florida can buy $10 and feel like they have some ownership of it
There are people who buy more
There are people who buy little to none
But who also create memes
So I'm pretty excited what we have
I cannot name everyone largely because most people are
Sedonymous or non
But I just want to shout out to everyone
I also want to shout out 17 Mile
Who has been a real big proponent
Who's shared, who's brought in
You know, you talk about meme coins
Meme coins are like, you know, can be international
Obviously, like most of us are from around the world
But it's pretty awesome to see that they can be in so many different cultures
17 Mile, you know, is a great collector
And other things I wanted to mention that
But yeah, come on in, we have different levels
If you are like hyped up on, you know, Adderall and caffeine
And you're prepared for telegram
Join us in telegram
If you're just like, I want to share my art
I want to contribute, you can do it on Twitter
But yeah, Howdy's on Jupyter
It aggregates the liquidity
So no matter where, this liquidity exists
However long it takes to get to different places
Did I lose connection?
Oh, you're good
You're still in us, man
It said connecting, so I thought I killed the thing
But you know, Jupyter's a pretty good place to get Howdy
Because it aggregates all the liquidity
And we love liquidity aggregators
And shout Jupyter for their airdrops as well
But it's kind of an easy way that people can do it
But I just want to thank you all
It's been awesome, appreciate everything you do in the community
Like I say, we go back and have some kind of historical mileposts along the way
And kind of the Howdy tradition of along the trail
Appreciate you supporting New Wave Surf Club
And getting that security message out there
Appreciate all the things you do in between
But also, like literally kind of helping orchestrate
With Dario and others supporting Novo when he lost his punks
And I appreciate you giving us a little time today to talk about Howdy
So Howdy to y'all
Let's fucking go
Absolutely love it, Pop
Thank you so much for joining us and sharing all the alpha and everything you're doing
I really enjoy it
It's like almost 10 p.m. here
And it's such a beautiful end of the day for me
So thank you so much for joining us
Tino, do you have any more questions or you want to add anything?
I just want to thank also because this has been amazing
Such a vibe and really beautiful thinking
And also to all the new listeners to our show
As you see, we've been here for a while
It's the episode number 256 of all of our shows
Are also on your favorite podcast platforms
And we talk a lot to artists
We talk a lot to builders, to people who use their NFTs for different IP
And different businesses and stuff like that
And so we are here mostly Tuesdays and Thursdays
Sometimes Saturdays as well
So make sure to join us
Follow the Grateful Show account
And thank you so much
This has been amazing
And looking forward to chatting again, Pop
Appreciate you all
This was Grateful Show, 256
And of course, guys, we have to finish strong
So let's fucking go
Have a great Tuesday, interior day
And Howdy
Let's fucking go
We needed one
This is wildcard
Thank you everyone for joining us today
You guys fucking legend
What's the sound of Howdy
I'm not the one who's starting that
What's the sound of Howdy