Solana dApp Store: Chat with Solana Mobile team on anything dApps

Recorded: Feb. 1, 2023 Duration: 1:17:57



All right, good morning everyone. Thanks for joining. Welcome to the Twitter space today. I am Laura Ely marketing as Lana mobile. Today we will have a Twitter space to talk about everything related to the salon adapt store and
how to get started building a app for the DAP store and how to submit a DAP. So last week we shared a sneak peek of the Slanted App Store on Twitter. There got a lot of the members of our community very excited. And second half of the week we shared our DAPs.
and officially open this submission process for our DAP store. So today we're here to talk more about how to build for the DAP store and the answer any of the questions you have. The programming today will spend about half an hour having a discussion with two leaders from the Sloan-on-Mobile team.
I will leave the rest of the time for Open Q&A. With that, I would like to introduce our speakers today. First, I have Steven Lever, who leads engineering. Yeah, so Steven leads engineering for all of Solano Mobile. We also have a live
Gute, he's a tech lead for our adapt store. So if you want to say hi as well Olivier. G.I everyone. Good morning. First Steven I wanted to have you come on and share more about what we announced last week in regards to the adapt store.
Absolutely. So last week we were super excited that we were able to open up our submissions to the DAP store. We released tools, documentation, process, and the long awaited policies for the Salona mobile DAP store. All available.
You can find it on our Solana mobile github or solana You can find it directly to there. The most exciting thing for me was that we received our first unsolicited submission of a DAP less than three hours after we opened up the store, which was super exciting.
I knew there were a few that were going to be coming in teams that we had been collaborating with. But to see the first one completely unsolicited show up warmed my heart. To date, our submissions cover, let's see, we have wallets in there, we have defy apps, but we've also seen things like social apps in there.
We've seen a music app get submitted an application for DAO's an app for it to help with staking so and even more beyond that so I was in just the roughly week since we opened the DAP store for submissions. We've seen lots of incoming and very exciting to see.
You can find all that documentation, like I said, at or on our Salonamobile GitHub. And we invite everyone to start getting their submissions ready for the Saga launch. And we'll have talking a little bit more about that later in this Twitter space. So, happy to be able to announce that. A lot of heart
work from the team has been going on for months and months to get us to this point. And I'm excited to get our DApp Store submission process going so that we have an amazing DApp Store ready for the launch of Saga coming early this year. And Laura, with that, I will hand it back to you to kick things off. >> Yep, sounds great.
So Stephen, you mentioned the DAPS door will be launched alongside the SOGA devices. So there is a question that on everybody's mind that is in plan Saga. Yep, so we are putting the finishing touches on the system software. There's still a few
You need to be fixed and some certifications that the device needs to go through. Particularly on the software side, there is a long checklist that we have to go through both with Google to get the device certified for the Google mobile suite as well as with carriers to make sure
the devices ready for every network and every market that we support. So we're getting ready for those final software builds, working very closely with our partner, awesome on this. And we're not quite ready to announce the launch date of the device yet, but we're still on track for early this year.
for sure. So the short answer is soon we can't wait to get the devices in everybody's hands.