SolarPunk Cafe with Guests @W3STDAO and @SolarPunkGen

Recorded: Sept. 20, 2022 Duration: 1:02:09



Hello, buddy. How you doing? Legends. I'm doing well. I think we all need to crowdfund a solar punk cafe somewhere. Yeah, let's do that. Let's make it collective and keep doing that. Let's go. Let's make a solar punk cafe.
- I'm so excited for this one, to be honest. - It's a nice one with all friends. So I'm just really excited to listen to the conversation. - Yeah, too. I got my coffee, I got my music, and I'm excited.
west of the tower punk generation want to ask the join to speak or to get you up here. There we go. I'm right at them. Oh, shine Patel from DreamDowling here as a
Hello, I'm very nice. Hi everyone. Hello, hello, hello. How are you all? Doing amazing. It's great to hear your voice and reconnect. It's been a while. Yeah, sir. I was, I was
It was about to contact you again, but it's been a very rough summer and these weeks they have been really hard. Sorry for that, but I'm here, so I was waiting to be here again with you all. Take your time, I'm super glad to just be reconnected.
I love your entire perspective on the solar punk movement and everything that you're doing. So this is a really opportunity. Thank you for hosting the space. This is our punk a phase. Amazing. Yes, sir. I was just telling Earth Base that one day I hope we have a real solar punk cafe that all
us can meet up. Yeah, man. Let's do it. Most sustainable cafe in the world. Yes, I know the producer had a good coffee. Oh yeah, let's go. We call Fy Hap for that, right? We go. Oh, we're thinking another one, man.
We may have more than one coffee. Okay. Okay. Well, amazing, amazing. It's great to have Earth-based in here. Thank you once again for creating the SolarPunk Cafe series. It's honestly been amazing every time I've joined and listened in or been able to host or be a speaker. So just wanted to say thank
you once again for formulating and producing all of this. And in here we have two of my favorite solar point projects I have ever known and I'm so excited to be able to host both of them. And here we have Westow. I believe it stands for Web 3 Sovereign Territory and there
doing some really amazing stuff. And then we have SolarPunk Generation, which actually funny enough when I first got into SolarPunk, I was searching on Twitter and they were the first account that really drew my attention. And it looks like it's an account ran by multiple generations of people that believe in
solar punk or multiple relatives and so I'm just super excited to be able to connect with them. And yeah, I would love to just kind of open up the floor, maybe to our West Dull first and just, you know, anything that's going on in your world pertaining to solar punk, please feel free to share with us and I will kind of
Guide with some questions afterward. Yeah, thank you so much. Thank you so much for your nice words and for having us here. As you know, we are now trying to create all these network which is also in the base in the very basis of the solar pack movement.
to get connected and reconnected with people that are doing amazing stuff and that's where we are now for sure trying to make from that some practical stuff and activating initiatives that are under those values and under those
So right now we are developing the whole idea of our nodes. Maybe I can explain a little bit what is west about and then I will dive into that. West is basically the, it just stands for Web 3.
solar panel territory. So it's a kind of way of rethinking how we get organized as society and as individuals. So what we are trying to do is replicate what a nation is, but from the
from the web 3 perspective and always towards solar punk reality. So we are very excited to explore the whole areas of what it could be a solar punk society. So that means
We are exploring and speculating about architecture, about fashion, about governance, about politics, about economy, about how we produce and how we buy. So our lifestyles, the whole spectrum of what we do.
a society. And for that, we are starting from a digital, creating a digital community through blockchain. We are a tokenized community. And what we aim to do is just to try to reproduce all our
values or try to activate our values in a physical dimension and try to start all those projects that could have a seed of solar punk inside. So the solar punk for us is it's a paradigm. It's
power force power is a whole spectrum of aesthetics but for sure ethics and that is related to how we're going to decolonize the future. So it's more about like,
in the status quo and try to create a reality where common goods are in the common good is in the center and well our work streams basically are creating nodes which is about these enclaves that can be digital or
physical and then we want to also get focus on active museums. So we just don't want to create a new space where to isolate it, leave and reproduce a solar punk movement, but we want also to onboard people and we want to make our
about what is solar punk. So we want to like activate nonviolent actions and try to make some noise about solar punk. So we are also in that road. And for sure also our third work stream is Fundra
So we want to with this common treasury that we that we are activating through through this blockchain Activity we want to give support to other projects that are on the on the same line or on the same page so these are the whole
three lines of action but the main one is now for sure the nodes and we are in the very beginning of a flagship embassy what it could be and flagship embassy we are trying to design and think what it could be solar punk embassy
how people should live there, how it should get organized, how people should help each other, how people who work the soil, how people should use resources and how people who should commonly live in a
in a centralized governance. So this is going to be our blueprint for us. We need to demonstrate how you say we need to play with the possibility of this new way of
of society and of a place to live together. So from there we would like to invite other people to reproduce it and to create like a toolkit for others to reproduce solar punk embassy. So many other nodes, many other flagship, many other embassies could be a screen
around the world. And we are also partnering with solar pan nomads, which is represented here by EarthBers based soul. And we are working on the safe places. Maybe we can talk about that later. And we are also creating solar lab, which
is a residence for SolarPunk artist. We want to explore art as a way to question reality and to make people rethink about the mental structures and the way we are
educated under some values that just reproduce the status quo. So we need the art to ask all that reality. So this is more or less what we are doing now. We could dive more into that later. And yeah, thank you for this place to make us
Talk about our project. Amazing. Well you guys are definitely one of the most amazing projects that I've stumbled across and you really are taking such a holistic approach. It feels like to just with a solar pump culture would look like and all the mechanics that would go inside of it and so just think it's
so much for sharing all that and I was sitting here taking notes and just learning more and more because when it comes to creating a world you really can't miss any part of it and you guys really have figured out a way to kind of touch everything and it seemed like you have a really solid plan so I'm really excited to watch you all develop and connect with you.
And what's really exciting too in this in this cafe space we have solar punk gin So you guys were talking about the mechanics of society solar punk gin. They're the people that would be living within it and it seems like they're championing You know bringing together families and getting everyone on board with this solar
and what is a culture without the people and without the families and the micro communities within the culture. So, so I would like to hear more about what you're up to and your community that you've been building and so much more. You're actually one of the very first accounts of every
followed when it comes to solar punk. So it's also super nice to be able to speak with you in person for the first time right now. Yeah, yeah, that's so cool to hear. First of all, just wanted to acknowledge that this space is on fire. This is a really cool space with a lot of cool solar punk friends and
Thank you for being here and thank you Solar Pond Park for hosting us in Air Base. Creating this space and bringing us together. This is a really amazing experiment. I'm honored to be here with such cool people, including
in West Ridao and everybody's in solar punk cafe. I mean solar punk part, I keep confusing your name, solar punk part. So my name is Dei and I'm actually from Colombia so as Giro was sharing about coffee, Colombia is a really cool space and a really powerful
country for coffee. So if you guys are going to come and drink coffee and do a solar pump coffee down in Colombia, let me know. I'm actually going to be in Colombia in a couple of weeks. So yeah, there's a lot going on right now in my world. I guess I can give a little bit of background about who I am. I am a school say college
I am the founder of Twin Mines, but I'll talk more a little bit about solar punk generation, which is a project that I'm stored in. It's a really nice to hear solar punk part that I was one of the first accounts that you
So SolarPong generation is a project that seeks to accelerate innovation, collective intelligence and also regeneration. So both regeneration, inner regeneration and also regeneration.
We're doing that through storytelling, expressive arts and intergenerational environmental engagement. So really like you said, the idea is to bring people into the movement and I'm trying to bring families and children into the movement and it's nice to hear about
about this world that West Ridao is creating because bringing the people into this world, it's really cool and really nice to bring the people into this world. And also, yeah, very based on the ground actions and there are a lot of different pieces of the project.
There is a podcast, there are workshops, events, pilots, there's a summer camp, there's also a solar-point tool kit and eventually the idea is to create also a regenerative school where children and families can come together but they also come together with
people from the whole family ecosystem. So we're looking for brothers and sisters and aunts and everybody to get involved so that they can help children and youth develop their projects based on solutions to build that future and to build that solar-prone future so that
everybody can find their unique role within that future and everybody can be engaged and plugged into this building of the future that is happening right now. So yeah, I guess my mission is to reconnect people with nature so they can find their unique role within
that future and find their talents, find their eke guy, find their purpose because right now I believe that we have a mental whole crisis and it is rooted in a lack of meaning and purpose and people are really trying to find meaning and what they do and
they are quitting their jobs and they are depressed and trying to figure out what they want to do. And one thing that a lot of people don't recognize is that they can contribute to shifting the trajectory of the planet and they can help us build that future. But because they don't know what's happening, they don't
know about solutions, they don't know about these really cool things that people like, like you guys are doing. So my hope is to show families and children and people who are maybe disconnected and not tuning into the solutions to really help them see what's happening, what's available, how they can join, how they
can get involved and also find meaning and purpose and help them navigate their econside and support them with their mental health and their emotional health. So we're not only focusing on creating that future but we're also focusing on helping them
emotionally and mentally. And so yeah, there are some right now in the process of building alliances. I'm going to be traveling to different countries that are really affected by climate change right now and working, collaborating with some people and seeing
Where the first pilots can be so right now traveling to other places and also bringing the podcast together there are actually some really cool collaborations I'm gonna be announcing soon and yeah, there's also some collaborations with some artists so
artis trying to bring near diversity and disabilities into the solar punk movement so that people in these populations can also see themselves and they can see themselves building that future. Finally I'm almost done
Finally, there's also an art contest that is inviting people to create solar-pong art with people in it and creating that feature so they can actions and just being involved with this building that feature. So yeah, that's one of the things
that is happening right now, that line is coming up pretty soon. So if anybody has any questions or anybody wants to join, please let me know. That's also something that is alive right now. But there is a lot happening right now, and I'm just really excited to be able to put my energy into these things right now and to share with you guys. So thank you for this space.
Well, this is amazing. I'm super glad I knew we were kindred spirit when I found your page. It's really amazing to just hear what you're working on and honestly both of you guys kind of hit everything from like an external point of view. It feels like West Dow is more figuring out how to create
the culture in the world and feels like solar punk generation is really focused on the internal how do we become solar punk on the inside and then have that kind of play a role on the outside. So it's really really something special to have you both in this space. I don't know if this was planned or what but this is that. This is awesome.
To be honest, I have questions for both of you, but I think that I'll go back with Westdowl just because I know that they've got so many amazing things going on. I would love to hear more about what projects you guys have been stumbling upon since right now your main focus is nodes and different things like that. What are the things that are getting
you excited about solar punk because I really feel like getting people excited is the first step in getting more people to want to join this movement is sharing cool projects and different things like that so I would love to hear what your role as perspective is on some of the cooler projects that are out right now that are exciting you. Yeah it's amazing I mean
The thing is that as I was listening, I was wondering how solar punk has been growing these last few months or even in the last two years, not since the pandemic. The thing is that in the beginning solar punk was more about
the US related to something aesthetic. It was more like it was coming as an answer into cyberpunk and all that stuff and it was a whole imaginary beam build from the aesthetic point of view which is never only a step
for sure because arts is not it's a political thing for sure but it was more related to science fiction and a speculative science fiction on all that stuff and it jumped into the into the physical dimension with permaculture for sure it's probably
one of the main things also with architecture but mainly with a lot of solar punk projects that has evolved from the idea of having a farm, a regenerative farm, all that stuff and I'm really excited about how solar punk is getting bigger
through other dimensions like sharing, sharing, like helping people and mental health, new ways of governance, like the idea of equinearchicism, something like that, like new politics, and also how are we gonna
how are we going to build new spaces if those spaces should be rural spaces or more city spaces. A bunch of new stuff is developing from the very initial idea of solar punk as an active movement.
just as a speculative movement. So I'm very excited in how common people are embracing Sarar Pank as a dream, I mean, as something that is reachable, but when we want to change something,
We need a new imaginary. We need something that it represents our hope. It represents the way we could live in the future. So we need those images very clearly. So SolarPank is a new...
It's more free that it's absolutely no articulated or not regulated paradigm. It has no rules. It has nothing yet more than a manifest and a bunch of very nice people working for a future and for a
But it is working as a sign and a sign and a sign. It is working as something that it makes all of us like here now share a common vision of the future and how things should be based on the idea of common vision.
good and on the idea of regenerative cultures. So for me it's so exciting how a new movement is arising and it's answering a lot of things and we are getting rid of sustainability as something that it was completely absorbed by capital
and it was completely reused or resignificated as something for selling more stuff and continues, continuously being productive. So we are now sharing in this spectrum of new ideas that make
a lot of people move forward. So that is really what excites me a lot. And many projects are coming from there, like for sure, a lot of small little communities that are not even recognized as solar punk, but that
for sure have the the inner values and they have the this core ideas of solar punk even though they don't know so it's so important for us to educate people on what is solar punk and and try to preserve solar punk from from other
hands coming from another forces like the economic forces and so on and try to maintain it as a pristine place where to build our own private way of living and then try to board as much people as possible
Thanks to the for sure the sovereignty of blockchain for example, that's why I think that technology is a very basic thing in solar tank for sure and we need to Take out from from technology the
the, how do you say, the imperialism of the force. I mean, the idea of governments having the, and for sure, economic forces having the authority of using and developing technologies. So we need common source and we need
need for sort of blockchain to rebuild our future. So if I took some streams, but you did great. I really appreciate all of your points and also super excited for everything that you stated. I think
to segue into that, we love to ask SolarPunk Generation what is your approach to getting people on board to the SolarPunk movement? It seems like you're dealing with explaining what SolarPunk is to different generations of people. I would love to hear how you get people excited about SolarPunk.
Yeah, that's a really good question. So the, I guess the main foundations of solar power generation are using storytelling, expressive arts and intergenerational environmental engagement. And because I have a background in both education and on education specialist and also school psychologists, I worked in
schools and public schools for many many years and also private schools also alternative schools and so I know a lot about what doesn't work mostly about what doesn't work and also about the things that do work in some even in some of the alternative schools and
know what are some of the things that don't work. And learning about these things has helped me really build, I guess, a framework to engage people and to bring them into the movement. So some of
So some of the elements that I used to real people in first is education, so exposing people to what's happening building awareness, not only about the problems, but also the solutions and bringing people to really appreciate what are some of the things that are
some of the initiatives that are happening on the ground and what are some of the gaps that maybe they can help with. So exposing them to a lot of the problems and seeing where they can plug in themselves into not only the solar-pun movement but also the climate justice
movement and this is this is what I love about Sulabonk is it's so many different elements and building that society it's about first of all dealing with the problems that we have right now and climate change is one of the main crises that we have right now we have other
and funding crisis, but that's a big one. Then we really need to work really quickly to help a chief, the trajectory of the planet. And so building awareness about these also giving them tools and resources so they can plug in
So, for example, the summer camp will be about connecting, also about connections, so education and then connection, so connecting the gaps, connecting them with their inner talents, connecting them with the resources outside, connecting them with funding, connecting them with maybe people that can
support their initiatives and just accelerating that collective intelligence. So education, connection and also helping them build those inner strengths and those inner skills that they need to build. Like you said before, to become solar ponds and to really be the heroes
in their own story. So one framework that I really like and that I'm using and combining that with my background in emotional intelligence is the inner development goals. So they are taking a lot of different elements of
or different different skills that we need to build to be able to solve the problems that we have right now. So right now we really need to come together into radical collaboration and in my opinion and also based on what I've been learning psychologically this is one of the main
barriers that we have right now it's coming together in that radical collaboration and communicating and agreeing in what we are going to be collaborating on and the alliances that we're going to be building. So that's the first step is really working on that emotional capacity and building capacity. So
helping with communication and helping people build the skills that they need to communicate and to also build their inner resilience and build their inner strength. So like you said solar punk party focusing a lot on the inner strength and the inner skills that need to be built. And then from
there also bringing people on the ground to connect with nature to plant trees. So I have, I create a lot of programs and resources for families and for children and the idea of solar palm generation is to scale these programs and to bring these to more people. So
So yeah, I don't need that answers your question, but I think it's about integrating, so connecting all the dots and giving people the resources so that they can actually do something and find their ikigai, find their meaning, find their purpose and help us at the same time contribute to shifting the trajectory of the planet.
You answered it amazingly. That's what this movement has been for me to be honest. During the beginning parts of the pandemic, I really felt like I lost my purpose. It felt like one nature was mad at us, but two, you know, we're sitting inside and disconnected from the world and all these different things, sort of disconnected from the natural
world living in a big city of Los Angeles. There was at the time and I just finding solar punk was like a huge breath of fresh air for me just to be like oh my gosh here is this you know at the time an aesthetic that kind of shows us what the ideal world would look like but now it's like okay now what's my idea
in our world. What's my ideal purpose? And it's obviously to make the world a better place in the ways that I can contribute to that. And SolarPunk just creates that perfect foundation, you know, and whether it's mental health or environmental health or just building communities or using technology, you got a little bit of something
for everyone right there. It's really great. It seems like we have two guests right here that have a really good understanding of those different variations of the foundation of solar punk. It's really going to take you just helping people. I look around, especially here in America, there's a lot of people that are lost.
of mental health issues that are skyrocketing in the air and it's like how do we get people back on a better path. And first I think it's not envisioning the world as some terrible place but envisioning as a place that's in progress to a better version and that's what solar punk kind of
and tails. I'm super, super excited that all of you guys are in here and interested in this because I really feel like if there is a chance to pull people out of that and reconnect them with purpose, this is the best thing that I've seen so far and it seems like you guys are coming to that same conclusion.
I'm super excited for that. I would love to, you know, open up the stage to anyone else that might have questions or wants to add into this conversation. I'm filled with thoughts on different things like that and I could go on for days and days about solar punk, but would love to just, you know, bring anyone up. We would like to chat.
Well, I do have a question and do you mind to talk about your project? What solar punk park is and what you are actually doing in this magical place now?
Absolutely. Well, for me, like I said, the pandemic, I, who I was pre-pandemic and who I am now post-pandemic is definitely a different thing. I had this specific day in June of 2020 that was filled with protests and wildfires and it literally felt like we were in hell or something.
something like it was like literally the description of what hell would be just all outroaring and I just really wanted to get back in nature and I was blessed enough to be connected to this property in the middle of downtown Los Angeles and actually in the center of two of the biggest
Park and downtown Los Angeles, one being called O.A historic park and the other one called Elisian Park and this space is like a it's kind of like a it's like a small TP concrete type of shaped home with a tree growing in the middle of it and it's got a kitchen and a bathroom and
and it just has a huge yard. And so it was like a huge blessing for me. And what I realized was a lot of people that live in these big cities are lacking a connection to nature. And you know, just through that lack of connection to nature, you almost forget about nature. And so I'd turn this space into what I call now solar
punk park where I invite people, especially people that are downtown, maybe feel a little removed from nature to come and connect. And what's been really cool is that solar punk has become more popular if you search solar punk Los Angeles. I'm the first one that pops up on Google SEO search and that's been kind of a
blessing for me. I've been reached out to by students from USC, students from Oxygenal College, UCLA, all sorts of places, all sorts of entrepreneurs and businesses and they're just reaching out to me. And I said, you know, maybe I'll start a day every Sunday where people can come through and just connect and talk
about whatever it is they're passionate about and you know eat some healthy food and just get back into nature together. So we started this thing called solar Sundays on Sundays where people can come together and just connect on whatever they want. You know it's I think a lot of solar punk initiative is about free
freedom and being able to do what you want but making sure that your mental health and other people's mental health and the environmental health is taken into account. So you feel like you're adding to the purpose that you're doing and it's not just for you but it's for the world as a whole. So that's what solar punk park is.
to invite so many different interesting people, whether it be architecture students or environmental students or sustainable businesses or people that are trying to tackle the housing crisis. And we just come together and we come up with projects that we can work on that aren't necessarily big and like, oh, that's a huge project changing the world.
just little hyper local projects that get people back into nature. Our first project that we're working on together is putting together a really nice butterfly garden for the community of Los Angeles. So we're all going to work together to go and clean up this park that is extremely littered and clean all that trash up and then plant
plant, a bunch of milkweed plants, so that we can start bringing a lot of butterflies to life. And butterflies have been really special to me and I think to many people during this time, because if you talk about being a caterpillar that's slowly moving and then all of a sudden you're in a cocoon and everything's dark and you're alienated.
It's just a kind of a tough place, but then out of nowhere you start to break free and you start to be able to fly. I feel like that is a great juxtaposition of what has been going on in a lot of our lives since the pandemic. We were moving slowly, we got caught up and closed in the darkness, and now we're learning how to
break out of the darkness and learn to fly. And that's what solar punk is for me. So it's just been nice to kind of bring all these people together and do that at Solar Punk Park and people have been donating land to us, hundreds of acres of land saying, "Hey, do you want to create a solar punk park here? We have this infrastructure. We'd love to give this to your nonprofit."
We actually turned it into a nonprofit as well, so it's nice to just be able to receive donations and different things like that that have to do with nature and making the world a better place. And my goal is to kind of turn it into like almost like a franchise of sorts or something where I can give people all of the stuff that I've learned from creating this first solar punk park.
and allow them to create their own solar punk park and their community and whether it just be a little half acre of land or smaller, just turning into a space that's made for solar punk to come together. So that's what I've been working on and it just warms my heart to be able to connect with all of you guys and that you guys want to spend time.
Hearing about solar punk and talking about it and also that you're working on this on a day-to-day basis that just reaffirms to me that I'm not crazy because sometimes it might feel like you're crazy when you're trying to create a better world everyone's like looking at you weird but it's nice that there's some other people that like like the same thing as me I feel a little bit more a little bit more sane
Beautiful. Amazing. Amazing.
And I'm letting up also SolarPunk Connection who shares a lot of the same perspectives as me when it comes to bringing together people that are into SolarPunk and then we'll all start a group of people here and looking into the audience too and seeing a lot of familiar faces. So this is awesome.
I would like to add something, it is that you were on my focus also when we started West and we were scouting the whole solar punk movement ecosystem and how it was developed.
being developed around the world, you were there. So that means a lot for us. I mean, that you've been working and struggling, not knowing that we were already connected. So thank you for your, for
for all your work and it's amazing how you think, how you help people and how SolarPank has also helped you and this is the amazing thing of creating a collective imaginary.
because we all share something even before we know that we share that we don't need to tag something as sort of a punk to be worthy but when you do it everything gets higher so everything gets bigger so amazing
It's really great. I'm trying to, you know, the idea of a park and being at a park when you're younger, I'm sure we all spent time at a park one day or another and, you know, that's a place where you imagine and you can connect and you see, you know, other people in child life
an amazing place and now it's such as imaginary, it's actually we can build it. We actually have the tools, we have the resources, we have everything that we need if we want to create a solar-points world, what's going to stop us? We all have the imagination and resources and tools to do so and get this cool blockchain technology
together in such an amazing way and allowing it to be transparent and fair and it's everything that we've always looked for and it's great to live at this time in history where we can create such a movement that's so embodying of a actual world that we all agree is what we want
want. So you know, with love for anyone else who would love to speak or add to conversation, I'm filled with thoughts and joy right now. So anyone else feel free? Hello guys, it's me, I'm Gabriel from the store connection and I waited a
along the porters in with the west now because I look at your project up on the store and I just project what I've come but now listening closely and to the park and also to show up on generation and straight to your DM guys. Your project is very awesome and we want to
we are in touch with you and make it go further to some collaboration before the night background around the happens and also solar punk park we have a projector is very similar to yours and the idea of the franchise is open because here in Italy we're having a city where at least
We have a little house with some land that was abandoned and with the town we have a manager to get it with the nonprofit I work with and we are ready having a chicans lane eggs and some people that work in
for teaching the people in the place and in the city how to grow your middle piece of land, how cheap it is to get from chicken and how much space you can leave it a little garden for breeding chickens. So if you're starting something like this and your ideas, your vision, your image,
me to talk with my people at the nonprofit and we are looking forward to getting contact with you talking better about this idea because it is something really awesome that we resonate with them. So just I wanted to take
Guys, awesome project, awesome to share this exhibition, bringing life to our fun, vision and nation because we are in some town in the city in the Etter, of the Watt-Tris. So it's like we are all neighbors, but we still have to teach other in the face. So in this Ethereum place,
I give you a good morning to leave India to wherever you are and see you guys next time for the pleasure to listen to you explaining your project and to share some time with you. Amazing. Well thank you so much and please let's connect after this.
time the chat it's awesome to connect with you happy to help in any way. Yeah yeah. We keep on the idea of the adding solar park the solar park parks in other places we have in Europe and in Italy we are taking the appara project for your
when you're going to be in places, I don't know how to stay in England, they shared where you can get the chicken, but it is kind of the objective that we have in the idea of bringing people closer to learning how to manage their food and their
amazing well I wanted to also take a second to see what earth-based soul is up to kindly produce the series of solar punk cafe and I've just been inspired by this man and been able to hop on
on some video calls with him and just see what he's up to and bringing people back into the nomadic style and would love to hear what you're up to today and how things are going with you as well. Your project is definitely one of my favorites and I'm always excited to do it here what you're up to.
Well, thank you and actually I'm enjoying this lot is Sulapan Cafe and let me share with you that it was a nice coordination exercise of canising the Sulapan Cafe. We did that just one week before the beginning of Gitcon Grants.
It was sort of crazy because I never organized the Twitter space before, I never hosted one, but we said let's give it a try and it was I must say a success. Very interesting conversation, a lot of people joining us and now we have only one left tomorrow and after that
But we will sit down with all the 45 between hosting guests that shared this journey. We will sit down with all of them and we probably will, I'll propose that we build a collective around this idea and trying to have sort of a cafe maybe every week.
and keep sharing the solar panel. Very briefly what we are doing, we are doing very precise things, we are defining the collective solar panel, the new thing, and how we are doing that, we are testing our
ourselves. So we are testing this kind of lifestyle of ourselves and then we are empowering artists and I see some artists who've been in our listening tonight and some organization like West our partner and some individual. So we are just
facilitated the process of the collective emergence of solar pangenomenism. Then we are building a community of solar panomads and we are building a network of safe places for solar panomads and the first one is just been announced in
days ago and today with the beautiful video the first one will be build it together with Westau our partner and we are so excited about that and just to close this very brief presentation in case you are impressed but what we are doing and you like what we are building you can
support us in a very simple way. We still have two days to get congrats so you can check on my profile, my Twitter profile and you will find a link to our Git congrats and you can support us with one dollar and this will help us a lot. Thank you.
I keep hearing about get going grants and such an interesting thing and I found a lot of projects around it I would love if you could kind of help me understand kind of overview of what's going on over at get going with these grants and I'm sort of familiar but would love to kind of understand
a little bit more if you could help me. Yes, very briefly because I don't want to take too much space on that, but it's the very center of the, let's say, the gen space and Git congrats around
February 2 and a half months, so basically every three months because they last two weeks. It's a big exercise of fundraising and communication. They work very simply. We ask our community to give us that is Moldonation, $1.
$2.00 of tiny donation, but then there are sponsors that apply some matching fund and the bigger your community, the more successful you are in presenting your project, building a community
around you, the more matching fund will be applied. The true Imagine Formula called quadratic funding. So for now our quadratic funding today is something like 45. It means that if you donate $1 to us today, then the sponsor
will donate another $45. This is an amazing way of fundraising for a project and at the same time is a good chance for you to talk about your project because at the end what is really coming from Bitcoin grants are the connection and the
people, no better your project, you connect with other colleagues in the space and also I must say the vibes are incredible. Everybody is really supporting each other. Our project has supported already some like 80 other projects so we all support each other, we all vibes together and this lasts
two weeks, really exhausting but really exciting and really the magic of web trend, the legend space and these only for commons. Well that sounds incredible, sounds like a great connection of community and somehow a way of turning one dollar
into $45, which is, I don't know if that sounds pretty awesome. So thank you for sharing a little bit more about that. If Westau or Solar Point Generation have anything that they would like to share or anything that you guys just have in mind before we kind of close the space, please feel free to share.
Well, from our part, it's been a pleasure being here and sharing some ideas with all you guys and I would love to repeat this but speaking less us and hearing or listening more
to other people it would be great to make these spaces a more distributed way of talking. I know that sometimes people are shy and they prefer hearing other ones but it
it would be great to open mics and let's talk freedomally and without any limit about what it could be. So our punk future.
I'm using. All right, well, solar pump cafe is a really love everything that you're doing, earth based solar and please let me know how I can support. I'm going to look into get coin grants and look into you to the projects that we're in here and don't donate my small amount to help and you know just
It's super thankful for each and every single one of you for joining and spending time with us today. I hope to see you guys in the future and that this is going to be a big project that we all work on together for quite a long time. We see many amazing changes on Super Excited and let's all stay in contact.
I am always on DMs or on Twitter or spending time here. So if you ever want to contact me or have questions or just need some resources, I'm always collecting resources and open to sharing them. Because I don't know if it's all about transparency and open source and empowering each other. So nice to connect with each of you.
and working forward to seeing you soon. Yeah and let me add up a very last thing. We I'm a city that I'm absolutely in love with the spirit of solar punk and solar punk affair where we are meeting amazing people and everybody is supporting each other and the
also has been a good exercise of helping people to connect, because for us this is very, very important. We are just facilitating the process. So please feel free to connect any of the speakers that you have seen here, any of the guests, the spirit is
really of total collaboration and I must say that we had and we selected amazing people in the solar punk space. So some magical things are happening, keep the magic going and I would like Dave to close the space and sharing something nice
Thank you. Yeah, that's a big, a big task in a big role because yeah, I'm really I'm feeling really inspired by this space and it's nice to see what other people are doing with like SolarPon Park mentioned. It's nice to see
see that we are not alone in what we are creating and that we are not crazy. I was actually thinking about this the other day. Some days I do feel crazy when you know there are so many things and so many pieces that go into building a project and so many elements that go into that sometimes you just feel overwhelmed.
well. But I was thinking actually it's crazier to not be putting all of your energy into building this future right now because we are building the express structure right now for what we just have a couple of maybe months and years to really
build this infrastructure so that we can do it safely and it's sad that a lot of people don't realize this but it's the crazy, the crazy or the insanity is to not be joining the movement and to not be putting your energy and your efforts to at least find
a small way to join or a small way to get involved and I know there are many psychological barriers to engagement but just find it maybe starting by educating yourself and other people in this room of course you are already doing that and thank you for being here and for listening and
Don't be shy. Feel free to reach out if you have questions about the movement or the projects. Reach out to all of us. I think this is really the superf creation where we are right now. It's this really exciting moment where we are all coming together and building this
building that, starting to build those first actions and those steps for that better future. So it's just really cool to be here and connecting with many of you with everyone in this room and with the audience. So yeah, we are now crazy. Crazy is to not be doing these things right now. So thank you everyone for being here.
And yeah, I don't want to close it, but yeah, I guess you say the sorry you say the very keywords so now you I think I have to ask west to close that because you say the keyword that is infrastructure and I would like to close from Westau and
telling just a couple of minutes left, the hell is a solar bank, a metanation, help us to understand because we need to be in the solar bank infrastructure. I was hoping you guys to tell us what is a metanation.
The thing is that methanation is also related to this context that we are living now, this metamodernism, which is a kind of balance between pessimism and optimism. Now it's like we were coming from
this postmodernism that everything seemed to be liquid and nothing was about becoming reality and we were defeated by the weight of reality. And now like we are in a meta-modernism, so we are under this new author
options of Timisim and so under that umbrella we realize that we can actually build our own nations. So it's not just more about like arriving to this world in the nation that you are selected to be and that you don't decide.
And then you can join a nation by your values. You can join a bunch of people that are the house. So you have these elements. You have people. So you have identities, citizens. You have territories. You have governance. You have resources. And you have culture.
all those elements build a nation. So we are used to have all those elements as something that is heritage. You don't decide you arrive here and you become a citizen here, you have a territory and you have the resources that your country are
So then why not with their new power and the powerment of blockchain and the sovereign option that gives you a blockchain why not rebuild all those elements from a solar punk perspective?
perspective and from a regenerative perspective. So to start with, you need for sure resources and then you have the option with tokens, for example, and you have to get organized and you have the doubts for that. You have
the you need territories and then you have the resources and the coordination through the DAO to start finding and securing territories and with all those steps done you are creating a culture you are creating values and you are actually becoming a
But the thing is that you need the last step, which is diplomatic recognition. But when you have a lot of people organized, when they have resources, when they have the option of hiring their voice or rising their voice,
They are organized, as I said, we can't do a lot of things and we can tell the old fashioned states to make us be recognized as a state. This is going to happen in the future for sure, but we are step by step doing our homework to reach there. How we can
Come citizen of this solar punk matination? Well, everyone is welcome to be a visitor, which means to just come over what is called and talk with us and talk and start discussing, but then to become a citizen, which is
not just having a voice but also a vote, like having the right of vote. You need to become through the passport. We still don't have the passport. So what we have is the misfits collection, which is an NFT art.
collection, it is a generative art collection, which will represent the first citizens of the matination and with the acquiring this NFT which is has a very nice storytelling related to multiverse solar bank and all that stuff. I highly recommend you to stay tuned and
and see what we are dropping because I'm blocking all the info right now for the launching which will come in the 21st of October, probably around that. It's not definitely. And then with the acquiring this Miss
fits NFT, you will become directly a citizen, so you will get your passport through that. And that's more or less the way to join our community. So please come in and start building with us. Amazing. Very last word, solar punk park is your
I'm just so happy to have this space and I think you have everyone so much for us in time with us today. A lot of good notes were taken and a lot of conversations that are just getting me really
looking forward to the future and building a better today as well. So we'll chat very soon, everyone. Thank you. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Bye. - Thank you so much. - All right.

FAQ on SolarPunk Cafe with Guests @W3STDAO and @SolarPunkGen | Twitter Space Recording

What is the idea of a solar punk cafe?
The idea is to crowdfund a cafe that is environmentally sustainable and follows solar punk principles.
Who are the guests in the podcast recording?
The guests are representatives of Westow and Solarpunk Generation, two solar punk projects.
What is Westow?
Westow stands for Web 3 Sovereign Territory and is a digital and physical community project that aims to create a solar punk society.
What are the work streams of Westow?
The work streams are creating nodes, active museums, and fundraising to support other solar punk projects.
What is a node in the context of Westow?
A node is an enclave that can be digital or physical and is a blueprint for a solar punk embassy.
What is the purpose of a solar punk embassy?
The purpose is to demonstrate how a solar punk society can function, and provide a blueprint for others to reproduce solar punk embassies around the world.
What is Solarpunk Generation?
Solarpunk Generation is a group of individuals or families with multiple generations who believe in the principles of solar punk.
What is the focus of Solarpunk Generation?
The focus is on bringing together families and micro-communities and getting everyone on board with the solar punk culture.
What is the Solar Lab project of Westow?
Solar Lab is a residence for solar punk artists to explore art as a way to question reality and promote solar punk values.
What is the aim of the Solar Punk movement?
The aim is to create a paradigm shift towards a solar punk reality that prioritizes ethics and common goods over the status quo.