Solving Real World Issues with NFTs - Tick3t Tree ๐ŸŽ™

Recorded: Feb. 22, 2023 Duration: 1:08:25



(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
That's it, keep going, I was just messing with you.
(upbeat music)
I feel right, the unique talent battle with you. I feel right, the unique talent battle with you.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Let's go happy a Wednesday everybody how we doing gonna learn about some real world problems today and so on. I love it Adam my man
How are you? GM, I had to open a new space. I don't know, two spaces keeps, keeps impressing me every single day. So we had a lot of people signing up to the other one that we had to open a new one.
We'll recover. Let's shoot this out. Once again, we can get all the people in here. Good, yes, we're going to talk to Ticket Tree today. Hopefully it took up guys. Our boy, CryptoFlan connected us with these guys.
So we know it's going to be something great. And I know we've been talking a little bit about ticketing as well, which is the main problem I think you guys are trying so right. And one of the most I guess straightforward use cases that could be used with NFTs.
some tickets as well. Personally, I asked an update today. So I'm excited to see how you guys tackle this problem. As always, before we started, feel free to shoot this out and come up if you have any insight or any questions. That you want to share with us. So yeah.
Awesome, I'm doing good TK. Welcome to the ticket tree guys and syntax and Peter and the list there as well. What's on there? I see Mr. Sound, Sound like up with us and then I see the ticket tree account came up as well. Welcome guys. How are you doing?
good. How you guys doing? If I sound a little under the weather, definitely been sick today. I'm not really sure what's up. Probably just all these late-ass nights and early morning starting to pile up how it is as a foundry.
you a it will hit you like a freaking train on one day and that day has been today for me. Well yeah thanks for having us. Sounds like here legend he's kind of the the co-pilot for this one for me.
as you can always insta one. My name is Elijah, I'm the founder of Take a Dream previously known as Roddy, but kind of docs myself a little bit so I just decided to use my real name because why not. So yeah, thanks again for having us.
You're so humble Elijah. He's off to his name because it's a little corny if you're hoping and aspiring to be a global ticketing solution at global
worldwide company, solving all the ticket issues everywhere. It's a little corny to have an alias. So you just get in that consistency. It's going to be a Elijah in Web 3 in real life as well as you're in Web 3.
Yeah, yeah, I mean it was hard. We had a meeting with, um, we actually had a meeting with a professional team the other day last Friday. Um, and I was kind of showing him, you know, a little bit of the community, you know, all the support we've had that, uh,
Fonji for a so far just from presale and I wasn't gonna go in there so my name is as an alias so yeah, I mean as things kind of Incorporate like tie together, you know, IRL things and the web three side of things
Like sounds like sad. I think it's just important for all of a community as a ticket to be transparent with what we're building So yeah, it's all we're up to kind of sad though the routing name had some had a good time had a good run
Welcome guys, how did you because I know Mr. Cryptoflan spoke to us on the crypto plan is a OG in the pod
community and have been doing a killing so far with its derog of the morbid. So I think we interviewed in last week as well. How did you guys get to meet a quick of them? What's your guys' relation?
I believe sounds like introduced us so if you want to tackle everyone that'd be cool.
Yeah, absolutely. Well, first off, thanks for having myself as well as take a tree as well as Elijah up here for the, for the pot. I'm excited. This format's really cool because it's a it's about hour long to deep that and
I really appreciate that. I am the community manager with Ticketry. And so far as a question regarding cryptoflan, cryptoflan is amazing. So I was I'm in this project known as well.
He had a name because it got rouged, Halo Labs. Hey, Krathal Flannies, actually here. Cool. And a, the current founder with that project, because they, they're helping to derrunk the whole deal. He recommended more bears, which is
the project that CryptoFland derogged and is heading now. And CryptoFland, his voice chat channel is incredible. You're welcome to just hop on there at any time. It's really nice to have that transparency availability of a founder. And I just started hanging out there
for a little while. And one thing came to another and I was advising, you know, there's, it's such a small community at this moment. It won't be forever. He's doing incredible things. He wrote in all these various projects. And I
I said listen, I'm a community manager at Ticketree and we just started bouncing concepts off each other and sorting out pre-sales as well as doing. We did a deep dive with them off of Treehouse Talks, which is the name of our Twitter spaces. So that's how we know CryptoFland.
Beautiful. Yeah, I see it down there everything crypto flat welcome as well Happy to have you back with us Cool, so happy to see you guys connecting as well. Yes, it's doing an amazing job with these D-Rals, right Cool, so with my limited research
research on the ticketry, I see that you guys are trying to solve. I read a little bit about trying to solve real world issues, right? Which is, what are the things we need to do with our lovely NFTs to get some type of mass adoption, as I would like to say? So I would like to learn a little bit more. Could you
give me that brief about Tickety and we can dive into some questions off the map. Yeah, totally. So essentially how it started was I went to a Boston Celtics game, which is professional basketball, the NBA, about a year, two years ago, right before I got into a blockchain where
3 and I bought two scam tickets I got scammed for about $450 for two side game and I had to spend another like $500 for tickets so so it was about a thousand dollars for for two tickets to I mean these these seats they were like the further seats back possible and I was like usually
no way like a broke college kid should be having to pay a thousand dollars for a basketball ticket for two shitty basketball tickets I should include. Then a couple months later you know I stumbled upon web 3 and blockchain and learned about you know the tech what it can solve and it was just the most
you know, probable use case was ticketing. I then went on to create and develop and found a project called Boone AIO, which is a whitelist software bought in June of 2022. And then last, you know, August, we started building ticket trees.
And so like I mentioned, the problem we're trying to solve is at the very service level when we started, when the idea was born, was fraudulent tickets. It's the most obvious use case of blockchain that is to use blockchain for ticketing to get rid of
scam tickets on the market. After that, we kind of built into it, you know, and saying, you know what, we can use a blockchain platform to streamline ticketing operations so they can sell their tickets directly to fans, resulting in cheaper and more affordable tickets for the
average fan. And that kind of became our main goal and still is our main goal to this day. And when we said, it all sounds great in theory. And then you know, you go and you dig into the ticket industry a little bit. And there's more problems that lead up to this, you know, sky high prices of tickets.
We found that the root problem of most the majority of these expensive tickets actually came from teams and organizations not having any control over their concerts or their games and their events. So that's what we kind of focused on. We focused on you know what?
What would be the easiest way for teams organizations to give the most value to their fans through tickets? And it became pretty clear, you know, if each ticket is an NFT, they can, you know, update, reveal digital media from the event straight
to the fan's ticket, kind of bring back a sentimental value, kind of, you know, creating some memorabilia for the fan, whereas nowadays, I think it's up to like 85% of tickets are just barcodes and emails, which are kind of lame. So it started with this, you know, the very, very
very minimalistic surface level problem that we wanted to get rid of fraudulent tickets on the sporting market. The next obvious step was, well, how do we make tickets more affordable? And now we've kind of found ourselves after digging out the rabbit hole for a bit in a world where we are
More indirect talks with teams and organizations, specifically professional sporting teams on the east coast of the United States.
and kind of solving their whole ticketing needs to result in cheaper and more affordable fans for tickets. It's exciting times. I mean, solving the root problem is kind of the goal as I see in any system. Don't want to put any band-aids on the
industry. So we took the solution to tech to the root of the ticketing industry, which is the lack of control organization and flexibility within teams to organize their games and sell ticket to their games. And it's going great. I mean, every week we have the next three
weeks we have big meetings lined up with professional organizations which is really exciting definitely you know further along than we thought we would be so yeah I mean you probably tell my voice man it's tiring times but I'm trying to left stuff out so if anyone has any questions or sounds like wants to cheer up in that'd be great
Yeah, let me just give you a quick, quick elevator pitch of what Rajas mentioned is so take a tree as a Web 3 ticketing solution platform. What it does is it empowers event organizers and example of such would be sporting teams.
musicians, like live live plays like Broadway, etc. It allows them to sell directly to the fan at the face value of the ticket. So therefore they don't have to be incurring any excessive fees which is definitely getting
the way of fans being able to afford to go to these games, as well as an opportunity for a post event reveal which migrates their ticket, their ticket tree ticket into a digital collectible. So there you go.
Cool, thanks guys. I remember when I was when I was a young my family was very big on football and I remember I went on my first like it's got Al-Trasica which is literally basically Barcelona versus Real Madrid in Spanish league and I still to this
they have this like when you're talking about collectibles I still to this they have this ticket saved because it was such a childhood memory for me when I was there and saw this so of course this ticket has great value to me and I could see the use case or these becoming collectibles so it got to be interesting to see if
There is like tickets that become collectors items after the games and stuff as well. And I know, but I know guys that there is some ticketing solutions today on the market, for example, for my, I'm going to Paris this weekend for the NFT event there. And I have my
ticket in this app called the guts, which is obviously a ticketing tool for Web3 as well. I connected it with my Metamask and got my ticket in the app. So is there something that you guys feel apart from being on another shame? Are there some other problems that you guys feel like
you're really solving that haven't been tapped already. Yeah, and to be clear, our platform is actually already multi-changed for the tech that we have so far. But yeah, in terms of guts and kind of, I was actually unfamiliar with the guts until now, but other, you know,
projects or platforms are doing similar thing to WebTorch ticketing. We believe that we can do it on a much larger scale simply because of the connections and the network that we've made on the IRL side of thing. And also the Creator Portal for
our, you know, for teams to come on and to sell is actually there's a lot they can do in there that goes beyond ticketing, which is kind of where we have grown, I'd say, in the past week to weeks or so, and it includes a lot of
I don't want to drop any alpha that might allow to drop so far. But what it entails is a lot of marketing tools and engagement tools for organizations to connect with their fans on a deeper level, especially at live events.
And that's from what I can see from these other web3 platforms is where we kind of stand above in my eyes But yeah, I mean we're all so I'm trying to solve the same goal I'm looking out there site. There's like pretty clean But yeah, we're differentiates us and other you know committers that we've seen so far. I would say it's definitely definitely there's just room
One big concept and technology kind of on the side that we developed the other day that this actually one organization loved arguably the most about the presentation. So I'll leave it at that. That's kind of where I would say. But yeah. I'm a high school student. T.T. Zims. I'd like to answer your question as well.
So with NFT Paris being this week, are you guys using any is anyone using your guys's system or technology or ticket system? I don't know what's with the technical term for it.
this week in Paris? No, not in Paris, but we actually did have people reach out yesterday about NFT NYC and the LA event. So we're hoping, I believe, which I could date. I'm almost positive, you know, NYC was one of the
is in early April the other ones in mid-March and I'm hoping we'll be ready for mid-March. We should most definitely be ready for early April but it's cool to just see some of these other web3 communities pop out because that would be a dope place to you know so I think it's
out of T events. But yeah, so in terms of Paris, no, we won't have anyone at Paris, but hopefully at the next major NFT events, whether it be LA in mid-Marcher in New York and early April, we have some connects there and some people have already reached out, which is exciting.
Yeah, it would be, it's interesting that you're able to, like you're already using your platform with web two companies, but not web three companies and events.
Yeah, it's actually kind of odd because the bigger, so when we started this in late November, December, it was kind of like, hey, we're going to start with Web 3 platforms. We're going to go and outreach to different Web 3 projects and communities.
And then smaller web to teams and organizations and venues and then you know build up all that to professional teams and musicians and then I kind of got put in email chain with
professional teams and representatives from professional sporting teams here in the US and kind of accelerated our goal in that sense but in no way or shape or form have we overlooked the Web 3
the Web 3 side of things or these Web 3 events were definitely interested. Like I said, we had those people reach out yesterday to us and we're hoping to be able to do both of those events. But yeah, it's kind of crazy.
We kind of thought, hey, maybe six, seven, eight months down the road will be talking with these professional teams. And now three months in, they've reached out to us in a sense. It's pretty exciting, but at the same time, it is kind of overwhelming.
What's been the biggest difference so far between talking to Web 2 and Web 3 companies for the ticketing? What's been the easiest and the hardest parts of both? Yeah, the Web 3 conversations are definitely, definitely easier to have because they understand the majority of the tech
I don't really have to there's really no better man. I'm trying to look at a better term here. I don't want to say dumb it down, but that's essentially the concept. I don't have to. I can just dumb it down. I'll let's say it for you. Yeah, that works. When I talk to these
to companies, but essentially that is definitely the biggest issue when we first started in terms of development and platform sneak peeks to show to web two people to show to normies, I should say. The first feedback we got was, hey look, this is great. It all looks great. Sounds great.
But the world and society is not ready for NFT jargon and crypto jargon and not everyone has a metamask and every fan has a metamask. No fan is going to be able to come on to your app and say buy an NFT and know what the hell it means. So we kind of took that as a
positive, okay, let's use all the blockchain technology, the other web 3 tech, and let's spin it as a web 2 user experience. And that has made those web 2 conversations going a lot smoother than previously before. And it's funny on a level too because this is just from like a personal experience and belief like
Everyone uses the blockchain concepts in their everyday life. But when you say blockchain or NFT, their mind goes crazy. But yeah, that's definitely the two. Another distinction I'll say that the Web3 conversations are definitely more relaxed. I don't know if that's just because we used to doing a ton of these
spaces, but having to explain, you know, just basic smart contracts and NFTs and all the reveal process even. So these web to web to representatives and teams is kind of tedious and it can get lost along the way. Sounds like I know I probably lost something out.
No, no, this is all absolutely your territory, but I do want to build on some of stuff related to that. I've been to the top details on what the app demo looks like. This is the front end app that a fan would be using.
So what's wonderful about Ticketry is that it's a familiar web to interface. And then on the back end is where blockchain Web 3 magic, if you will, the actual ticket gets sorted out and fulfilled. And so it's very important that if a fan
If an event organizer, if we wish to have an event organizer, have ticket tree be the official ticketing solution for that live event, it's very important that the fan knows how to buy those tickets. So making it as simple as possible for them is very important. And you can see that demo. It has
As a striking green background, there is going to be other themes available. Up to including custom themes by a given event organizer if they care to go that route. Also what I recall was the it was a happy accident.
In my opinion that we have this opportunity to reach out more IRL before Web 3 because the sooner a ticket tree could acquire some in real life clients, it's very powerful for ticket tree because the revenue stream is outside of Web 3.
And if a thousand people go to a given concert, oops, we've just onboarded a thousand new Web 3 users. We've the mass adoption opportunity for tick a treat is vast. And so I welcome any further questions, but hope that gives you guys a little more insight on what's going on with us.
Really good to see some guys out there working on the actual Web2 problems we could solve with Web3 while the rest of us is buying into multi-pictures. Both are good as well. I could give you one of the problems that I've had with that platform because I have actually
actually both two tickets to N.F.D. Paris. So if you guys could solve a really good secondary market where I could basically like I don't know magic heat and or something just list it and they could get sold that would be really because I can't get rid of this fucking ticket however bad I'm trying. Good. I just want to
The news part of the Ticketry platform pre-event, there's going to be a pre-event marketplace. It's own ecosystem, just Ticketry. The whole Ticketry ecosystem is to help facilitate the sales of Ticketry tickets or the sales and trading of post-event.
digital collectibles, NFTs. So what's super helpful about that is you can buy a ticket and then if you can't say you can't go to the event, you can put the ticket up through the ticket tree up and sell to someone else.
As I understand it, we don't wish for Tickety to have the problems of WebTube problems and neural-life problems where people can't afford to go to these events. And so we don't want everything to be boughted and scalped. And so pre-event, I believe
We've given wishes to cap it at about a 20% profit, if you will, so that fans can still afford it as opposed to just having scalp incorporation just go and just
Do what's happened in Web 2 over and over again, which is to destroy the the opportunities for people to go see these live events.
Yeah, and I like to touch on a point here too that you made that That's actually a problem as well like you actually it sounds like you actually purchase two tickets to NFT pairs You kind of you guys can't get rid of one of them and you can get your money back a lot of if not every single one web to platform Actually doesn't have refunds
funs either, which is absolutely shocking. So yeah, sounds like just touched on it a little bit before, but essentially, you know, before, if you're in your place, you'd be able to, you know, go list that second ticket that you actually bought for, you know, 110%
Damn, I really wanted to go down to T-Pairs, but it sold out. But I'm gonna keep looking on Ticketree app, you know, the days before the event. Hopefully something pops up and all of a sudden you go on your list, your second ticket you actually bought. And it kind of helps you and another fan that's hoping to go. So it's kind of, you know, two birds once down right there.
Can we to start trading tickets like it's monkey pictures go and buy out of the entire event and then get whicelished for events all of this time of summer we're doing today but we're taking Peter I saw you had your hand up earlier sorry I bounced over it what's happening
Thank you guys, hairpader.
No, I cannot. I cannot.
nor can I.
Let's see. Here we'll have to leave and do and then join again and see if we can get it working. Yeah. Do that. Do that. Let's dive into something else in the meantime. I know you guys also are making
you're not just making tickets, you're also launching an NFT collection, right? So I want to know a little bit about the collection and what's the point because I guess you could build this platform without having NFTs, right? So tell me about the collection.
I'll get started. I'll get started. Yeah, so a collection. It's a we're doing an FTE collection and if you want a collection
The answer to the art, I've got this amazing one of one so you can click on my image if you care to see what it's about. Very clean, very unique and unmistakable. No one's going to think this is a monkey, no one's going to think this is a robot, no one's going to think this is anything else in the room. This is a tree.
So ticket trees, there's going to be 555, so 5555 of them is the target size. The benefits of having a ticket tree tree is that you get number one discount of
on tick-a-tree events, opportune even for free events, for free events, should an event be big enough and a contact be made as such. In such case, I mentioned for people interested in going, there would be a raffle or something like that for the community, as well
as a reward share system will be sorted out where a percentage of fees collected will go back to the holders. Also, there is a pre-sale going on right now and that is two-sale for pre-sale.
So the target price for the real for the real for the mint date is going to be three to four soul. And so two soul is a wild entry price to be part of such a dynamic platform and solving such a vital issue that needs to be solved.
And also you get an amazing role in our discord. Absolutely going to our discord. Do yourself favor read our way paper. It is fire. And have any questions. We are happy to help you out with that. The pre-sale role though is special access to a special channels in our discord.
as well as benefits up to and well past the actual mints. And so we are always going to remember our early supporters. And that pre-several is the biggest representation that you are an early supporter and we thank each and every one of you.
Beautiful. I have some questions on that. Peter, I don't really know. You're requesting to speak as a co-host right now. This is a new phenomenon. Let me see if I can get you back up and you can ask
questions as well. But awesome, thank you so much. How much of your revenue? It's obviously very refreshing and nice to see a revenue share structure, which is not another
gambling platform with our Solana instead it's a web to or not web to business but a business model that doesn't just eat our current ecosystem. So how much of your guys' profit revenue will be shared with the holders?
Yeah, I can take this one. In terms of exact numbers of percentages, we are 100% sure as of now. I can't say that in the earlier stages of our, you know, project and revenue, it will be a bigger percentage of what we are making. But as, you know, we grow and kind of
operate with more teams and organizations. The percentage of that will most likely decrease a little bit, but at the same time, you know, I like to say it as this 20% or excuse me, 10% of 10,000 is more than 20% of 100%
So that's the way we're looking at it. But at current projections, we are hoping to be the most substantial revenue sharing project in the ecosystem. You actually mentioned it as well because I'm
I've been doing it for the past 18, 24 months and my biggest issue with the revshare project is that all the revenue comes from inside the ecosystem, which is a pain in the ass, it's good when the ecosystem is going great, but when volume slows down and more people go offline.
My rev share takes a big hit so you touched on it You know when our platform is generating revenue from outside the ecosystem You know the volume within Solana kind of is irrelevant at that point and it creates a more steady safer investment for you know
holders rather than you know like you said gambling a web 3 gambling site which is really cool but yeah in terms of number it will be very sufficient I don't know how many other projects once we get up and going and really get an after it I'm not sure which other projects
We'll be generating more revenue, especially from outside the ecosystem than take a tree. But I hope it's a lot of them because you know the whole ecosystem succeeds and each of everyone of us succeeds. So yeah, there's a little point there. I hope I can answer to the best my ability.
Yeah, and a quick, a quick aside for that. Because my origin, I was actually a, I got promoted from within Ticketree. I was with Ticketree back when there was only about 200 members back before Thanksgiving. And when I first arrived, actually in the audience,
We said avocado recommended them and he's there in the audience. I hope everything's going well sir. And what happened was when I showed up I was like wow this is really tiny and this is a great idea but this is either this is either going nowhere or it's just is going to
200 people here because it's so early. And it turned out to be early because we now have over 3300, almost 3300 people in our discord and it's growing each and every day, each and every week. And so as a, I always get me a perspective holder so I can give you a little thoughts
So that when I first heard about the concept of oh, how the revenue amount will go down over time. It's actually a goal that is that it's an opportunity to try and pay back the investors as soon as possible, make them hold. And so I really like what
and respect what Elijah is doing with that. So far as, initially they may not have as many clients, but as the clients expand, it's just like he said, you're gonna have an enormous pie and the percentage may go down a touch, but that goal was to take care of the holders.
Good stuff. Thank you guys so much. I actually have another question on that topic, but I want to get let Peter talk as well. Peter, hurry back.
beautiful it seems to be going great uh... behind the just a pft today i would get a repeat i'm sorry
up, request it again. I'll bring it down and see if you can come back up. Good, then I get to ask my other question.
For example, like when I minted, I know you said that you wanted to make investors hold. For example, like Mr. Cryptoflub down there, I minted these original passes with this product that is launching and he made us hold really fast.
on this investment from our region. Had the beautiful person and one of one beers, we could rock for the life without worrying about ever going down on our investment in this revenue share structure.
So you guys have a project that I know this is probably the toughest question you'll ever get on a stage, but you have a projected revenue model just something a little bit of some expectations that you guys have you done any math on this.
Yeah, yeah, Carter is down in the area in his space. I know he can't speak right now, but he's kind of leading the financial side of this in terms of revenue projections. But the thing is it's hard to make these projections because just adding one professional client, professional sports team, can just
absolutely below this out of the water. So we do that to the best of our ability, but the goal is to, as soon as we have our first client on board, take as much revenue from that as possible to give back to the holders, to kind of like sounds like alluded to, kind of
cover their investment and some as soon as possible. So yeah that's as much as I can say right now I'm not a huge numbers guy but I will say that we do
have a revenue share model up in our team, our team Google space. But it's so
subject to change than my eyes I don't really pay much attention to it. But yeah, yeah, that was a good question.
Just so you know, I did some of Google searches a couple days ago and just in the US and ticket tree has got aspirations to expand everywhere, but just in the US, 2023 projected overall
ticket sales for all tickets out there is the range is so hard to just get right but it's between 30 and 60 billion dollars. So this is why it's so hard to imagine what it could be especially with the clients that a ticket tree is speaking with.
Yeah, obviously a huge market. So if you guys could just get a little share of that, these owners I guess will be repaid a lot. Cool guys, Peter, let's try again. How are you doing?
Can you film now? Oh beautiful, how are you doing? Awesome, great, great. Thanks. So this might have been answered before with the video.
that one of the difficult questions to answer to this prospective customer's right was how do you convince people to use the app right like instead of just going
and buy in on ticket master or whatever, having to do that extra step of getting a wallet or maybe know that that would be the answer, right? How are you answering that question to this pro?
future customers like the guys that are going to be using your service as not the small guy right but maybe a singer or a venue or this place that that would be the first question.
Yeah, it's another question Peter, it's nice to finally hear you. Yeah, so...
I got to touch on it before, but a couple of these professional teams over in the US have actually already reached out to us about just setting up a meeting so they can learn about us a little bit. So, you know, there's two levels we kind of bring on fans and we bring our organizations in.
The idea of the plan is that when we bring on an organization, they sell their tickets primarily on our app. So their fans can only purchase their tickets from TIGGETRE. And the conversations that we've had so far with the organizations,
are more than comfortable to do so. And so our real goal in this is bringing on organizations rather than focusing to the fans because you know we bring on an organization their fan base comes with it. So
The real, real, real value proposition we have, the very first value proposition we gave to organizations is why we kind of are better solutions for them, it was simply, I should say, from a financial standpoint.
where it was, hey look, fans are currently paying $200 per ticket, but you guys are only retaining about $95 of that sale because you have to pay, you know, ticket master or any other secondary web 2 platform to kind of host a transaction, ticket
for your fans, you could sell them for maybe $150, $150 making 150% of your current sales revenue on tickets while making tickets 75% the price for fans. And that was a very, very
So, the basic level of it, when we first, you know, grew this idea was we will generate more revenue for organizations than ticket master and other Web 2 platforms. So, that's still a goal and that's still
that is still what we plan to do. But as I said, the things change when these conversations go on. And yes, they are, of course, of course, they are interested in the financial side of things. But they are really more interested in kind of, they more engage with the possibilities and the tools that we have
to connect their organization with their fans and to kind of recreate a fandom with a sports team or an organization. And we have many different ways of doing this. I did mention a little bit before a couple of them, but we're kind of holding that tight to our chest right now because like I said, that is
what kind of takes us above other web through web through ticketing platforms. But yeah, so it started out, you know, we'll generate more revenue for you than other web to platforms. It's now in a sense that they have so many, so much flexibility and so many different, you know, things that they can do within the creative portal of the
their Tidetree account, the organization account, that allows them to connect with their fans on such a deeper level that they are just way more interested in. So yeah, not to mention just the other thing, the other like elephant in the room is that Tidetmaster sucks for fans and for organization.
Our first meeting we had with a professional organization was about two and a half, three weeks ago. And the first thing he said was, so he was new to the organization, he was new to the team, he's the VP of marketing for this sports team. And the first thing he says is, yeah, when I came into this organization,
The first thing I asked the company or the board was how do we get out of ticket master and he said their reply was we all want to get out of using ticket master But there's no other alternative. It's like okay, where I take a master now what so they've been looking for a way out for a long time and we're kind of just creating the way out for them and
along with a ton of other boosts and parts. Okay, so if I understand correctly then from what I have, right now you're focusing more on creating a better experience for both the
the customer who ever is selling the tickets and also for whoever is buying it right. Right now like you said ticket master socks they have this crazy fees and they also have a secondary market that has crazy fees too.
So that's not good. And you're creating a better place. What I'm missing here, aside from the point that you said that whoever means is going to get great perks, which I like, is the implementation, right?
All these that you mentioned can be done with the site, right? You're creating a better experience. When does the need for the blockchain comes into play? That's my question here.
Yeah, take this. Yes, I'll let go. You go for it. Okay cool. Yeah, thank you for that question Peter. Um, so what is worth knowing is that the front end is very familiar to the fan. Let's just talk about the fan triangle choir ticket as well an MFT that is functionally a ticket. The front end
is very familiar with them. They will sign up just like they sign up today in Web2. They provide an email, they provide a password, whatever the requirements are from to a setup and account like you would register anything. And on the back end, I wall it gets created Web3 wall it, which then helps
facilitate all things related to the ownership of that ticket. On the ticket, it lives on the blockchain. It's confirmed to be a proper ticket. You won't get scanned because it's not some barcode that someone just made up and give to you and then you go to the game and then you're out 500 bucks like what happens to Elijah there a few years back.
There's a ticket tree marketplace inside the app. So if you want to facilitate for that owner of that ticket to trade it, they have those opportunities. There's a post event reveal, which is an option by the event organizers.
And the sentiment is the majority of the organizers want to go and award their fans for going to these live events and they want to have more engagement with their fans, which is not possible in Web 2. And so we're all familiar with the reveal here of an NFT. Post game, post events, a couple of days later, maybe maybe 24 hours later.
Who knows how the event organizer wishes to do it. But media files will be randomly distributed to the ticket tree holders and it turns your ticket into an NFT. However, they want to do it. The most enticing of it is one of one short video clips from the event.
And then the event organizers could go, you know what? Let's say it was a concert. You know what? There's a part where all the fans are chanting for the encore. We've determined that that is one of the top, top moments of that concert. And so whoever has that ticket with that footage on it, the next time
more in town, you get part of a VIP opportunity to meet the band and they will perform a private concert and they'll, instead of you having to pegs or meant fees to go to this concert, you get to go to this concert or maybe you get exclusive audio downloaded to that ticket or maybe you get merchandise, whatever it might be.
However, engagement is appropriate for that event organizer with that fan base. Ticketree is allowing, and that's where I feel the Web3 is absolutely getting utilized and utilized quite well because the front end is so familiar to each and every fan.
Okay, okay. So if I get it right, aside of giving this better experience, right? And like you said, anyone can come create an account and you could have all these things in a centralized space.
I'm getting from what you're saying is that as long as it comes the creation of a wallet which I would get to know as the moment I create my account. So those keys I could use them then outside
side of your marketplace and site to do with the NFT whatever I want your site is just enabling but not gaining. Is that correct? You'd be able to, yeah, I mean this is where it's like if someone is here in the middle with Web 3 and blockchain we want them to be able to do as much
as they want. So in your case, yeah, you'd be able to take the private and the seed phrase or the private key from the ticket tree generated wallet and you know, go plug it in and use the wallet for other uses as well. But you'll not be able to go and yeah.
Any project or collection launched off-ticketry will be shown on-ticketry only, which is what we're working towards as well. So you wouldn't be able to take it from the review of "Basic Go" with the Madrid game and go listen on magic.
you'd have to list it. Okay. Okay. Nice. Will you have the option to just signing with my current wallet like create my profile with a course so you don't have the the private keys? Yeah, that's all we're working on now is what we kind of implement
to the wallet generation now, we're kind of saying, well, how can Web 3 users that already have wallets kind of just come make an account if they already have their wallet ready? So that's what we're looking at. But that is the goal. So yeah, that's a great question.
Thanks. Beautiful. Let's get to our lovely listeners who came up here on stage as well. What's up? P meta. What's up everybody? Just wanted to pick it back off the Pinterest question there because he followed
it up and answered or got the answer. But I guess what he was asking was how do regular Joe's go on this site and use Web 3 technology and I think he guys nailed the answer there. I guess the only other questions or comments I have that are pretty cool is
Some of the other potential uses of this like if you are using a ticket tree The app and you're in your at the game and at halftime they say check your ticket tree app There could be an air drop for free beer or something like that. That's like another I guess use for it. I guess
on top of the post game review and all the other endless kind of capabilities with it. I think the secondary market, that's a great idea as well. So yeah, I just wanted to come on and echo, I guess, the site because I
I am a mod in the ticket tree, so I've been following this since November. One thing that as well, you can pay for the tickets and correct me from Ronda Lysha with Crypto or Credit Card. I think maybe you can elaborate a little bit more on that, Lysha, about the different payment options.
that you guys are working on, because I think that's a really cool feature as well for the more Web3 savvy users. They can use their different cryptos and for Web2 users that are kind of getting introduced for the first time. They can just use their traditional payment methods. So if you just touch on that a little bit more, thanks. Yeah, we'll do.
So yeah, essentially the default payment system will be Fiat Payments, so debit and credit cards just simply because the majority of fans use or don't use crypto cards you'd pay for their tickets. However, I would love to be able to buy my Celtic tickets, my Madrid tickets and use
so on. So there will be an option in the settings where it's default. Set default payment setting wherever we want to call it. Where then, you know, they can come and pay with with cryptocurrency as well. But yeah, for now the default payment is credit or if you credit debit cards, some of you cause a majority of
fans are not using crypto to pay for tickets. But I think as time goes on and even kind of just as more people familiarize themselves with our app and where we're building, that could maybe incline them to actually get into crypto and make their own, you know, phantom wall and make their own Metamask.
And then you know they may be in the future those fans that started paying just with the Fiat payments were like screw this crypto's way cooler I want to pay with crypto and then they still have the option to do that So so yeah, there'll definitely be two options the Fiat payment option is deaf has been advised from the you know web 2 sports
organization we've talked to just can easier to prevent them to bring on their fans to say hey guys you know what we're selling our tickets on ticket trees app the community is the same it's a lot easier to do that than say hey we're signing our tickets on ticket tree you guys need to go download or met a mask wallet open up a coin base by you know cryptocurrency do all that
but yeah, but but some of us love that nonsense and we've already done it so we're ready to go. So yeah, that's another great point. I do have to say I have another private AMA in about two minutes starting up so I will have to run but yeah this has been great so so thank you so much.
I can hang around for a little bit. So the ticketry a party can still continue. I may not be able to answer every question like Elijah is being a founder that he isn't an absolute stud and advancing the system. So thanks Elijah for being here and
Yeah, let's just see what happens next year.
Yeah, yeah, and before I go, sounds like just have one of the guys up here, one of the hosts pick, you know, two to three listeners from the audience to be given pre-sales to free pre-sales before we end this. So thanks for handling this. It's a dope show and we'll have to do it again sometimes.
Thank you so much. No, I think and I was usually a good fine. It's the average attention span of a Salana de jam as we used to say so. So I think it's it's almost time. We will do the old fun.
We will pick three of the beautiful people that read with these spaces and give these watchless spots. Thank you so much guys for giving the people that stick around some rewards as well.
I don't know if you have to go, but one of you guys, anyone that was very intrigued by what they heard, I want to get more out of ticket three years, when I get involved or anything last you want to share, go free to take it.
I can take this one. Yeah, just do us a favor, follow ticket tree, get a concept of what ticket trees all about, absolutely get into our discord. Because what that discord is all about, we will show you the ropes, read the white paper,
And understand that we got a lot of exciting things coming up and daily there's always some new information going on. And the other thing is there is a ton of spaces out there. So this was an amazing opportunity for you to be learning.
If you click through me, I have obviously follow the OG, the real deal Tick-A-Tria. But I'm kind of a supplemental piece to Tick-A-Tree. So if you wish to learn something in Twitter, you can click on my profile, follow me. I'm going to follow this room.
I frequently will post other information such as I try to keep a little catalog of the various spaces available so you could you could get some more details if you care if you if you're better learner as a listener. And also worth knowing.
is that the Ticketry Concept, I will just sum it up one last time, we're empowering our event organizers to sell directly to the fans and the fans will only pay a normal fee because they will pay exactly what the listed ticket price is.
And then they will also have an opportunity to have that ticket migrate to a digital collectible, which is something that's just not possible right now in ticketing. And so I thank everyone for your time and absolutely get into our discord. Let's go.
Let's go. Yeah guys make sure you follow tinketry and I'll just add something as just as well. I like I said I've been following this project for a while now and these guys are true builders they've been growing
projects will mint, they'll make a bunch of promises and then you're sitting around for days, months, weeks when you're able to hex going on. They don't want to go that route so I think that's something to be bullish on as well. So if you're not in the discord, if you're not following the Twitter, check us out.
you know these guys there's constant updates there's presale links going on so you can get lucky and get some presale any questions that you know sounds like can answer he's he's an OG he knows all the all the ins and outs lies as the owner and he knows everything but sounds like is
is a grinder and he knows he knows a lot too. So if you guys got any questions please ask, you know we'll do our best to answer but at the end of the day come into our discord check us out there's a lot going on and I can't stress enough like this team is a team to be bullish on.
Thank you very much, Pimaeta. It's so funny. It's the ticotry concept. It's so simple and elegant, but the actual implementation and opportunity is so vast that I forget sometimes various matters. And absolutely, we've already built up the platform. And so I was bullish on that because
It's the new meta in this environment. It's not like it was a year ago or last summer where you could just have a lot of hype and have yourself a roadmap and go, "Hey, once I get these funds, this is what we were going to do." And then they may or may not do that. Whether that amounts to a slow rug or just the cons was not viable, whatever it is, that's absolutely
not what Ticketry is about. We are going, we already have the platform on Testnet, we already have various things going and the platform will be presented for people before men so that you guys can see what it's about. There's already demos up, you can look at the top of this board for what that's all about. So thanks, Pima, for bringing that up, geez.
Definitely bullish on projects that build first and mint a second and it's something that is very needed in the current markets. So good job on that guys and very very good luck on your journey. Thanks so much Pee Meta and sounds like for coming and talking to us and
I'm sorry I didn't have the time to get to you. I've been a little MIA from the Ticketry community. I had a bunch of stuff come IRL and the auditions. I now got an internship as a front-end developer.
what I'm doing, so I'm trying to learn how to do that. But yeah, honestly guys, you guys are still early. Like everybody's been saying, we haven't released the platform yet or minted, so you guys are way, way, way early. I remember still like, I was
DMing sounds like on Discord. I was like, "Uh, I'm not like, we were kind of like, is this real, is this legit? Are we, are we gonna get rug?" Because it was so freaking early. But yeah, no, this is, this is the way guys. Trees are gonna make it, take a master's the problem. We gotta make events great again. Let's go.
Let's go. Good luck on your journey, Brio, becoming a developer. Cool guys, thank you so much and thank you to all the wonderful listeners as well for sticking around with us as always. For some reason you guys keep showing up and listening to us talking and interviewing projects. I love it. I love
it. Oh, quickly, quickly. And please, anybody who heard this, if you enjoyed this, this is a recorded space. Let your friends know, retweet it, and follow the pod, whatever other projects are doing, because it's a deep dive hour long format. So as you're interviewing other projects, I feel the projects will
be worthwhile because when you're giving an hour questions, the ones that don't have much opportunity and not well thought out, they won't last for an hour. But you know who will last for a while? We're going to last for months, if not year, absolutely years because we have a long-term focus of being a global ticketing solutions provider. So let's go.
Thank you. Thank you. Yes, if you like the list and do us another project, make sure you follow them all because we will be here and continue on this journey. I think we'll interview. I just saying shout out to the listeners. You guys make the show.
Oh yes, oh yes awesome guys, let's wrap it up. Thanks again for coming on and To the ticket guys welcome good luck on your journey. I'm excited to follow follow along as we talked about we will be picking three people who read with at this space follow ticket three and
follow the path who will get the tree list as I saw it was called but the white list and early access. So make sure you read with the space if you haven't already. Tomorrow actually right as I finish this space I'm packing my bags and moving to Paris so tomorrow we get a live coverage of the madness
down in NFD Paris. There is some people joining us live at the event as well, so we'll be, we'll actually be at the open bar at the time, so we'll see. It could be an interesting space tomorrow. For anyone who wants more spaces, I am sure, teaching you to find out. Let them know too much.
sound I couldn't hear it just sound uh red jake's sorry bro I hope it wasn't Twitter space is acting up again what's new
That's always good sound if you get back feel free to interrupt me otherwise we'll rock it out of here. Yeah, think it's firing up his face we'll be there talking a little bit about the madness in the markets just the mince and everything happening today.
Have a great rest of your evening and we'll be back on 2pm ESD tomorrow as always. Ciao!
You been trying to act like it's okay, but I can see you trapped in all way Telling everybody that you manage it out you've been trying to throw with them damages out what you trying to play like you can
I can see you cooking like two play I just did a kick it like a little cut. Wait, problems don't go away. I don't go away. My mom always fat time will go away minutes will fade away. Can't do anything to get away.
We lay low cause we chillin' Everybody gotta stay there ball Even when it comes to the point of fall Yeah, yeah If we say so, don't we say so Cause we win it, if we lay low Then we lay low cause we chillin' Everybody gotta stay there ball Even when it comes to the point of fall Yeah, yeah Dollars in the bank won't change
I'm gonna be a little bit more
โ™ช Feeling everybody got it, feeling wrong โ™ช โ™ช Even when it counts, look out the phone โ™ช โ™ช If you say so, you โ™ช

FAQ on Solving Real World Issues with NFTs - Tick3t Tree ๐ŸŽ™ | Twitter Space Recording

What is Ticketry trying to solve?
Ticketry is trying to solve real world issues related to ticketing to achieve mass adoption of NFTs.
What inspired Elijah to create Ticketry?
Elijah was scammed with fake basketball tickets and had to pay a lot of money for real ones, which led him to believe that ticketing is a probable use case for blockchain.
What was Elijah's first project related to ticketing?
Elijah's first project related to ticketing was Boone AIO, which is a whitelist software bought in June 2022.
What is the main goal of Ticketry?
The main goal of Ticketry is to streamline ticketing operations so that organizations can sell their tickets directly to fans, resulting in cheaper and more affordable tickets for the average fan.
What is the root problem that contributes to sky-high ticket prices?
The root problem that contributes to sky-high ticket prices is organizations and teams not having control over their concerts, games, and events.
What is the most obvious use case of blockchain for ticketing?
The most obvious use case of blockchain for ticketing is to eliminate fraudulent or fake tickets from the market.
How did The Ticketry team meet Cryptoflan?
The Ticketry team met Cryptoflan through Halo Labs, a project that Cryptoflan derogged and is currently heading.
What is Ticketry's approach to solving real world ticketing problems?
Ticketry's approach to solving real world ticketing problems is by using blockchain to address issues related to scams, high ticket prices, and lack of control among organizations and teams.
Who is Elijah and what is his role in Ticketry?
Elijah is the founder of Ticketry and his main role is to provide leadership and direction for the company.
What is the purpose of the podcast recording?
The purpose of the podcast recording is to discuss real world problems related to ticketing and how Ticketry aims to solve them using blockchain technology.