Who is the special guest on the AMA session?
The special guest on the AMA session is Chef Mochi from PancakeSwap.
What is Seller?
Seller is a blockchain interoperability protocol that enables one-click user experience accessing tokens, DeFi, GameFi, NFTs, governance, privacy solutions, and more across multiple chains.
What can developers do with the Seller protocol?
Developers can build interchain native tx using the Cla Interchain Message SDK to gain access to efficient liquidity utilization, coherent application logic, and shared states.
What is PancakeSwap known for?
PancakeSwap is known primarily for its DEX product on the BNB chain of BSC.
Which chains besides BNB is PancakeSwap deployed on?
PancakeSwap is also deployed on Ethereum and the Apollo Chain.
What makes PancakeSwap unique?
PancakeSwap is unique because it is multi-pronged, meaning users can come to us to yield farm and also do other things like leverage trading, participate in our iphones, and other fun activities.
What is the largest DEX on the BNB chain of BSC?
PancakeSwap is the largest DEX on the BNB chain of BSC.
What motivated the team to start the project?
It is not specified in the text what motivated the team to start the project.
What can users do on PancakeSwap besides trading tokens?
Users can yield farm, do leverage trading, participate in IPHONEs, and other fun activities.
What is the benefit of using the Seller protocol?
Users of Seller-enabled apps will enjoy the benefits of a diverse multi-blockchain ecosystem with the simplicity of a single transaction UX all from a single chain.