Spotlight: Deep Dive with Genopets

Recorded: April 20, 2023 Duration: 0:55:31



(upbeat music)
Hey, what's going on everyone? Sorry about the technical difficulties. We have the initial space. We managed to get this one spun up and we have the Gina pet team.
as well as Albert on the mic Albert welcome Tim welcome Tim first of all thank you so much for organizing this Albert Thank you so much for being here and very excited to start learning about Gina pets and what you guys have in store
Awesome to be here. Yeah, thanks. Thanks Noah for putting this together last minute and apologies everyone. Been trying to get these guys together for a while now and had a technical difficulty at the end, but at least we're here. So very happy to be here and co-host with Noah and Albert's my good friend as well as a co-founder
of genopets are super excited. Why don't we get started with just the general introduction algorithm to maybe a little bit more about your background as well as what genopets is for those who might not be so familiar? Sure, yeah, I'm the co-founder of CTO and CTO of genopets. I've been in
the Web 3 space since 2017, built on Ethereum, later EOS, and now Solana. I've been pretty familiar with the whole L1 space and Alt L1 space for a while now. I've been pretty into
scaling at the L1 level since 2018. Geno Pets for those that don't know is a Web 3 enabled casual pet care game that's fitness based. You walk every day and your steps can be turned into energy in the game.
to level up your genopet, customize your genopet, and play and feed your genopet. Your energy can also be harvested as ketocans to be used as an ingredient to craft additional items.
and power-ups for your pets. And we've been live in the White List beta since August of last year, and we currently have 30,000 daily active with 100,000 total users.
Alright, so I'm going to hop in here. Can you tell us really quick about some of the features in gameplay and geno pets, such as feeding or playing with your geno pets and anything else that players and users can expect to find? Yeah, so our
mobile app is a fairly simple experience and that there is no web through knowledge necessary. It's a simple pet care game that's enabled by your steps. So every day you walk and at the end of the day or whenever you want you can open the app and you'll see them
amount of steps that you've taken that day. You then press the middle button, we call the bank button, that's the action that starts everything else. You then convert these steps into energy. Depending on your pet's level, the energy conversion ratio is different. So the higher
level your pet the more energy you convert. After you do that, then you can do a few things with your pet. What you mentioned earlier is feeding and fetching. We launched that about two months ago. When you bank your steps, you get
randomly drops of food and toys that your pet can then use. When your pet has three meters that we called the nurture meter, the love meter, the nutrition meter, and the fun
meter. The love meter is just a simple cute mechanic where you can pet your pet and it gets happier. On the nutrition side, your pet gets a hungrier every 24 hours and with the food
that you acquire by banking your steps, you can play this mini game where you toss your food to your genopet. It currently is hovering around 85% success rate, so there's a 15% chance you fail if you don't time it correctly or aim it correctly. Same with fetch, it's also aiming up.
aiming mini game. That's that's sitting at 80% success rate. You toss your foot, you toss your toy over for the pet to fetch. There's a meter for timing as well and also direction. If you miss, then the pet doesn't get it and it's not
fun for the pet. Very soon it will enable mood factors, meaning these will factor into how much energy your pet converts. If your pet's underfed unhappy or bored, then you will not convert
the full amount of energy as you every day when your banker steps. So it's important, a vital importance to make sure those things are kept up to date. We got a lot of inspiration from Tomagotchi, the earliest pet carrier
game. You know that many of us played when we were kids and I'd say that you know it's not only just punitive it's also a bonus if you can keep your pet fully fed, fun and loved then you actually get bonus energy.
Yeah, got it and I'd like to step a take a step back Albert and talk a little bit more about I guess move turn games in general You know, I'm sorry move turn game. So yeah, and they and they how they sort of incentivize players to develop the long term exercise habit while earning and also having fun
playing games like GenoPets. So how does GenoPets help players build these habits and what's your retention rate like? Can you dive a little bit deeper into that? Yeah, so we're definitely, we actually were the first game to coin the term move to earn.
But I personally think the term move to earn now has a bit too much emphasis on the earning part, especially in this market. There is a potential to earn in the game if you enter the Web 3 side of things, but for the most part in today,
What you can do right now helps you form a long-term habit is mainly your emotional attachment to your pet and the ability to level up your pet and make it more rare so to speak as you exercise every day.
had isn't a fully fitness hardcore fitness game in a sense that our best players are not the marathon runners. Everybody walks every day. I've talked to people who played this game didn't play this game before when they started playing it and realized how many steps they were
taking just simply because they live in a city where they walk a lot. And that's the kind of habit that we're trying to form. And that, you know, you don't have to be a fitness fanatic. Everybody walks and everybody's able to
Everybody is able to gather steps and every night at around 8pm we send notifications in your application to remind you to log into your app. And this has become pretty habit-forming as we've seen for a lot of our player base.
are usually pleasantly surprised every 8pm to go in the first few days to see how many steps they've taken, bank them, and it becomes a doping mean hit that they now look for every night. And because of this, our retention rate has been pretty high. Granted that we are
and whitelist beta stage and the numbers are not in the millions, but our retention rate is 56% after 30 days. This kind of number is very rarely seen in the free-to-play gaming, so we're very encouraged by this pattern right now.
Yeah, I'm sorry. No, before you go before you go ahead Albert, I'd like to sort of clarify so you mentioned that When when your users sort of go to the web three side of things they can they can earn but but you think that Move to earn games nowadays have a lot more a lot too much
So does GenoPest have the choice for users to play it without the Web3 side of things or is it only a Web4? Yeah, it's actually a default. So if you download the mobile app, it's by design that there is no emphasis or mention of the Web3 part.
Our data shows that 81% of our daily active users don't even touch the WebThru side of the game. So we like to think of the WebThru side of the game as an expansion pack. If you want to be a merchant in this game that you play, then you can buy the expansion pack.
And practice with this expansion pack looks like is this NFT that we call the habitat. So now the days you can go on and imagine eating a bi habitat, that's a space that your pet lives in. Once you buy habitat and activated, you actually see your pet living in the space. But it's far from just cosmetic.
you then open up the mainframe. It's We call it the mainframe. It's our web app. You log in and now you're able to start managing your habitat. Your habitat allows for a few things. Harvesting your energy as ketocans. You can craft crystals with ketocans.
tokens, and then you can optimize equipment for your pet. So we call those augments, power-ups, and chromacrystals that you can change the color of your pet. Those items, we don't create for the players. The players create for the player.
And that's what I meant earlier when I said, if you want to be a merchant for the game, you can potentially earn this way. Now, these items are currently being traded on Magic Eden. We have quite a few hundred different items that you can equip on your pet and also use
to change the colors to repeat and also power up your pet. We're coming out with more very soon. But that's our idea of how sustainable earning can actually happen on a Web 3 side, which is it's not just an emissions-based game where you earn token, sell token, earn you sell token,
Erntogin and CellToken. I mean that is a part of it. You can still do that, but the idea is that the ultimate goal is to have these tokens be recipes, recipe items for crafting for items. Now the crafting contract and the crafting
feature was launched in mid-December. We've had a lot of crafting activity since then, a lot of trading since then, but the ability to use those items are going to be activated very soon. We're an active community testing
Now we have a set of testers from our community, probably around 50 of them that's been playing with it for the last two days. We'll probably fix some bugs and launch that. So that will basically conclude our road to augmentation. If you look at a JenoPets Twitter account, you can see like a
progress bar, they'll fill up the progress bar for what we're working on since August and it will complete what we call the Tomagotchi loop. You can then, besides feeding and fetching your pet, like what Noah asked earlier, you can now customize your pet to look
However, you want with the items that you can purchase, then you can also compare your geno pet with others. We were launching this feature called the Geno Dex, kind of like the Poké Dex, where you can see other people's geno pets. And we believe that will cause a lot of excitement in the community.
So yeah, no, no, so I mean I think that Albert kind of nailed it on the head and it's You know, we didn't see this a lot with these early extra earn games, right? There's a there's an influx of people maintain and then
I don't have enough case either get dumped or it's just getting funneled back to the same kind of into the same mechanics like what you're highlighting there Albert is in game burn mechanics right utilities for the actual tokens of people are participating in the economy rather than
and trying to mint as much as they can and dump it on the market for a profit. Again, last year we experienced a crazy hype of these extra models, big crashes in crypto. You've highlighted what you guys are doing differently.
What has changed for you and your team as far as how you're approaching these things? Yeah, so the extra earn was was a huge wave last year and the year before it all started by Axi Infinity, right? I think a lot of these concepts were also in Axi Infinity
like the SLP token isn't just used to sell. You're supposed to also use it for breeding. Now, it's a math there that needs a little tweaking so that it doesn't go into hyperinflation. So what's changed for us in our team is fairly related
to all of this. So in 2022, which is last year, most of our focus has been on the Web 3 part of the game. So we spent months building out these on-chain programs to manage your habitat, to manage crafting
And also we did all these on-chain treasure hunt events where people can solve puzzles online and min and fts. So last year I would say it was the year we also worked on the mobile app, but I'd say 80% of our focus and efforts have been
have been on the web through side. This has paid dividends, however, if anybody keeps tracks of on-chain metrics for games, but we're probably top three or top five in the entire
space, especially for on-chain only games, we have the highest number of transactions on Salon or each day for any game. So that's definitely paid dividends. But what we've seen is that there's a limit to the amount of players you can acquire through this
method because for a player to join your game this way, they have to be fairly crypto savvy or if they're not, then they have to be willing to learn how to create a wallet, learn how to spy souls so they can start transacting.
That's a much harder sell in this market, whereas a mobile app that anybody can download is a way easier way to get them to join the game. So starting late last year and I think a lot of people in our community have noticed the difference is that it's now 80/20 on the other side. We spend 80/20
We present our effort on the mobile game. That's our main source of user player acquisition. And we've seen that turnout well as well. In the sense that in this court from time to time, we have people who've been playing here for a week or for a month saying, this is the first quote unquote, "wept three game that they've played."
It's pretty addicting. Now they want to know what's more they want to learn about NFTs and learn about crypto and Web3 and how to create a wallet and all that stuff. So it's the other way around and we've seen that growth funnel work much better especially in this market. So that's the main change that we've made.
Yeah, for sure. So I mean, I think that with Axi like I wanted you to dive a bit deeper into what exactly you believe they should have tweaked in my opinion as far as the tokenomics and the token economy. I'm not an expert. What I do know
was a gamer though, is that, and again, using the example of Axi and Hatsoth to Axi and their trailblazers, they were the first to do it, but just using them as an example, they, you know, there's the only real use for SLP was breeding more Axis. You breed more Axis, you give them
the scholars, scholars, far more SLP, they, and it's just kind of the circular, the circular economy, I guess, no, well, that's not what I'm trying to say. But my, I guess the point I was trying to make is if you take a game like World of Warcraft, for example, and you take the, you take
utility token in that game, which is gold, there are like dozens and dozens of uses for gold. You were kind of highlighting some of the different uses for key tokens. So I guess that is a distinction I was trying to make and it seems like you guys are on the right track. Is there, but is there anything that you can highlight about
about the actual tokenomics, the inflationary component of tokenomics that you would change? Yeah, so I think the biggest difference here. So obviously, like you said, Axi Infinity was the first to do it. So it's easier set than done and retrospect, right?
One of the main concepts that we've been looking at is token sinks are not all made the same. There are two types of token sinks, inflationary token sinks and deflationary token sinks. The problem with SLP was that it's main token sink
was inflationary. Let me explain what that means. We all know that in order for a token to have value, it needs to have utility and hence this concept of token sinks. Now token sinks are features where you would have
have to use the token to gain something. Now inflation and token sinks are features for that token utility that leads to more token gain down the line. Maybe it's not immediate, but it is more token gain down the line.
Lots not just actually infinity, but like most X to earn games in 2021 and 2022 that was the mechanic you got tokens and then you can put your tokens back into your NFT so you can earn more tokens later and for
So that's that's the problem of the design that we've been tackling since the beginning. We ourselves have this problem because we have inflationary
and deflationary sinks. We designed a lot of deflationary sinks. So I talked about the inflationary sinks. Let me talk about what deflationary sinks are. Deflationary sinks are token sinks in which these features do not result in a higher earn of the same token later on.
Examples of that are the biggest examples of that are cosmetics, but it can also be other features like boosts here to your pet that doesn't allow for That doesn't actually allow for more token emissions. Maybe it's a boost in your pet that
That that allows them to battle better and so it's a zero sum results them in and victory over zero sum games so net admission to the game is is flat right so that this is
This is not actually anything new. If you look at CSGO or Fortnite, a huge part or any mobile game, actually a huge part of the player consumption are in cosmetics. Now, the thing with cosmetics is that the man naturally is much lower and that there is no speculative component.
So if you look at our economy right now, especially since we haven't enabled the use of these items in our game, you can also see that we have the same problem. We had a lot of tokens in the beginning, so you saw that our key token was relatively
stable and supply, but then after each cycle of new habitats being born and being upgraded and being created, you can start seeing an uptake right now. So we're seeing an uptake right now and that's why we believe that launching a lot of these cosmetic and deflation
SYNC's utility will be critical in balancing that out. And ultimately, it's just a bit of balance. You have to have both. Ideally, you want more of the deflationary sinks. And that just goes back to organic demand and why we were focused so hard on the mobile experience.
Yeah, I think we have two more questions before we move on to the audience section. So if any of you guys have any questions, just request and I think Noah or I will allow you guys to come on stage and ask Albert any questions you might have. Albert, I'd like to know what's next.
Thanks for you guys. What's in your roadmap? I think you mentioned Geno Dex's and what other things within the game are you are you final launch? Yeah, so after we launched augment we call it augmentation after we launch augmentation and
And that's very, very soon. I can't speak to exactly one, but it's we're on the last stage of that. What we're working on is social challenges. So anything that gets you to play challenges with your friends, which will eventually lead to
to battle. Battles are pretty big undertaking in itself. So while on the way to battle we'll be doing many forms of social mechanics, besiege challenges we may do others as well depending on the
back from the community. The idea is that we want to iterate fast on ways that people can interact with other genopets and also use items to strengthen the genopets in these arenas.
On the other side of that, we're also actively working on what we call the NAP marketplace. We want, just as I was saying before, the mobile app provides a seamless experience for people who don't understand how to create a wallet, so on and so forth. So naturally, the extension of that
is the ability to buy items directly from NFT marketplaces and SIFT marketplaces from other players without having Web 3 knowledge. So that is also a fairly big undertaking. We've spoken to representatives at Apple and Google Play and this is the correct way
way of doing it in the mobile app without getting flagged and potentially kicked off, which is to utilize the Fiat in-app purchase feature so that people can buy in-app currency that can then be used to buy NFTs
on the game. So we're working on that pretty actively. As I said, this is a pretty big undertaking. So probably another quarter or so before we can launch it. So those are, yeah, and then after that, it's battle, obviously,
allowing journalists to battle each other. That's the ultimate token sink. And that probably, we don't have a time frame for that yet, probably two more quarters after and at purchase. So yeah, that's our roadmap for now.
So I was actually curious about, I probably, I mean, probably already know the answer to this, but what made you guys choose Solano?
Yeah, so we chose the Lana and this summer of 2021 Before that I was a big proponent on LL1 scaling already I I I'm a firm believer of that because it doesn't fragment liquidity and it's just If you can do it on an L1 wide
do it on the roll up. Now, summer 2021, if you remember, it was Salana summer. That was when the first few NFTs were being minted on Salana and people were going crazy. So that was when we decided, yeah, this is definitely the chain to build on. From a tech perspective, I
I'm a blockchain engineer. I still think to this day, despite some of the hiccups with the chain pauses, that when it's working, the parallelization of the transactions is still the best in any chain. And we definitely need
that because most of our web 3 side of the game is on chain. So we need the chain to perform very smoothly. So that's the technical side of it, but the community side of it was we were there in the beginning of the NFT craze on salana and that really helped propel us to be
One of the top games in this space fairly quickly. So we owe it a lot to the Salonna community. It's funny about that you mentioned Salonna because we just launched Bitcoin babies on ordinals. Like it was the last week or two weeks ago and people after that people
or screaming about how they want to minouselon again because it was so slow people were just weren't used to how slow it was. I think people really appreciate the fact of how fast salona is with all the load that it has. Our crafting experience definitely would not be possible on any other chain.
So I guess the kind of
It sparks another question. Do you guys ever plan on going multi chain one and then the other question I had was what are what are the ordnals babies? What was the incentive behind launching those? Yeah, so the first questions do we plan on going multi chain? I'd say
Yes, we already have with the launch of Bitcoin babies on on ordinals and also our main token gene was launched on BNB chain at the same time as the Lana. I'd say to answer that question multi chain for us means that your assets can move freely across chain
which I think is very important whereas the main web through gaming logic will likely not move because it creates fragmentation of logic and it will be a lot of problems. But yeah, the second question is what are big coin babies so big
Bitcoin babies on ordinals is the special collection that we launched on ordinals that has these baby big coins with the baby geno pets with a special Bitcoin texture on it. So if you go to our
Twitter you'll probably see it or if you go to magic eat and Just look for it. It was it was something that was just launched fairly recently our our baby pets have never had this kind of texture and color so it's like gold with if you've seen like the Bitcoin the the
the Bitcoin image of the chips inside of the gold coin, that's the texture that the baby has. It was pretty well received. It was only 300 pieces, but we sold out in 20 minutes. It was all
and all the fairly successful launch. Yeah, it's a so sorry Tim one more question about that. Do they link back to the to the game in any way? Yeah, so right now, no, but in a few weeks time will allow them to be brought in.
the game as well so that people can can evolve those those Bitcoin babies into a bigger pet. Now whether that can be written back to the Ornals thing is we're still trying to figure that out. Maybe it won't but you can still play any game and yeah it will be reflected in the game.
Yeah, so Albert I'd like to just hear your thoughts on just web 3 gaming in general at a high level the next 6 to 12 months and beyond I think a lot of Web 3 games have moved towards like kind of like what you said where Web 3 is kind of an expansion or like a
It complements the web two side of things or these games are focusing more on the actual gaming experience and less on the earning side of things. We see that also in I think Nike's expansion into web 3, they're not really focused on the NFT side of things even though it's really the underlying technology
Do you agree with that or how do you see this space evolving? Yeah, so I was at GDC a month ago and it was quite heartwarming and that I think in 2021 and 2022 a lot of the gaming space people despised NFTs and despised
WebThru Gaming. I think at least from the builder side and the investor side from traditional gaming, people are coming around to the idea. And the main idea is that WebThru Player Own Economy and WebThru Ownership is a tool that you can use to supercharge
your game by adding a community that really cares about it and has an economy that they themselves operate. So that will be pretty apparent. I don't know if that will fully come to fruition in six months. That's a fairly short time.
time span, especially for gaming. The 6 to 12 months, I think you'll start seeing a lot more games live with the same kind of thesis that we have. We're still aiming obviously to be one of the first to do it, Fiat on ramp and mobile app and everything, but I think those
model will start, you're going to start seeing different small versions of this kind of model come out. I just been hearing about it quite a lot. So you'll see that and I think finally, perhaps
perhaps one or two AAA titles will start entering public beta phase. I'm excited to play some of those. I know in Web 3 we would like to say it's so early, it's so early, right? But I think for gaming especially, we are in the
stages and very quickly we're going to see some infants come out of it and it will be exciting because it will start it will start validating a lot of the ceases or or rejecting it in which case we go back to the drawing board but I'm fairly encouraged by what's going to happen in the next six to the next 12 months
No, he got any other questions So yeah, I guess I was curious to know what what Albert thought about what needs to happen to incentivize more web because I mean like I have a lot of friends that play games and they
It's kind of a hate idea of crypto and even being able to pay to play. How do you kind of change the perspective of a lot of these old school gamers that don't like the idea of someone coming in and just being able to buy their way up?
the ladder. Yeah, that's a great question. I think Peta win has always been a problem. It's about not just in Web Through Gaming, but in the free-to-play mobile games as well. I think sufficient balancing in the game design is the first step in doing it.
I think the hatred of NFTs or Web3, that's a fundamental marketing issue and also a perception issue. I don't think the pay to when a problem is unique to Web3, but to solve the second problem of perception.
I think there's only the way I was talking about earlier which is to secretly Slip it in until it becomes obvious meaning your free-to-play game does not have to say Web 3, Web 3, Web 3 and Head them over the head with it, right? We don't either. We do make Ben
of it, but we don't try to tell people that hey, you're playing a Web 3 game. You want to ease them into it and then before they know it, they're like, wait, I love this game. It's a Web 3 game. Maybe Web 3 is not so bad. So I guess that's how we think about it.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, I feel like you nailed it on the head and it's one language is important and then to hopefully people are just able to interface with Web 3 games the way they are with Web 2 games and that's what you guys are trying to do without realizing and then you kind of sneak in the um
you can see in the benefits of asset ownership and tokenization of the in game currency and people start to see that it's a solution to a problem they didn't know they had and pay to play always has been happening for decades that happens on black markets and so it's the way to capture that value so I just wanted to hear a
I just wanted to hear what your perspective on that was. So for people that are looking to dive into genopets, what would be from A to Z the steps we need to take to come and be part of the ecosystem? You mean genopets? The ecosystem, genopets? Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, so the mobile game is live on your iOS on App Store and Google Play. You can just download it. You're going to need an invite code which you can go to join our discord to get one or you can use actually for this
event you can use a special invite code. It's my name, actually Albert, ALB, RT, all over the case. You can use that and you can get into the game. After that, just I feel like our onboarding experience is pretty self-explanatory. You can summon your very
own Gina pet that's not on chain yet you can level it up and if you're interested in the web through side of the game you can join our discord and ask about it but the easiest way is just go on magic eatin and buy a habitat I would still say that our discord is the best place to get all the information on it because buying a habitat is not so simple
there are habitats that are fully decayed from harvesting and there are habitats that are almost fully decayed. So, asking, learning about it on our white paper, the white paper, "" and then going on discord to learn more about how the economy works will definitely be a prerequisite if you want to become a
merchant in the game. But otherwise downloading a mobile app and just playing it would be helpful to begin with. Hey Albert, before we move on to, I think we just have two people in the audience who want to ask questions. But before we move on, can you explain, I mean, I'm not sure how much you can share it now.
but there is a 10 NFT winner give away going on with this with this Twitter space. So can you explain a little bit more about the augments? Yeah, the augments are what I was talking about earlier, the parts that you can put on your genopet were given away 10
this Twitter spaces. It's actually from we crafted it ourselves. The team actually actively plays the game as well and all the giveaways that we do, we don't just mint out of thin air. It's also part of the economy so Ketokin had to be burned and other ingredients had to be burnt to make them.
So that there I don't have too much information on the exactly which 10 but yeah we will be giving out 10 to augments to 10 lucky lucky participants and but yeah so you will have to download the game and play the game in order to use it of course.
Awesome. Noah, you want to move on to the audience questions? Yeah, of course. Hey Captain Levi, welcome sir. Mike is yours.
Thanks a lot more. I do have one question. I'm actually seeing here that the nutrition is actually taking an effect on the pets' activities where I'm seeing here that the nutrition is actually an important factor.
Could you please tell us how the 60% cap affects the pets itself and what happens when it reaches on really reaches zero? Yeah, when it reaches zero, I have to check the white paper again.
again, your energy conversion, I think goes down by 50% or even more. We changed it recently to be a little less punitive. It hasn't been activated yet, but yeah, so what happens is let's say you have a thousand
and you're used to be able to convert a thousand energy based on your pet's level. If your pet is like super hungry and your mood factor is at like 10% or something, then you can only get 500 energy instead.
That's awesome. But I just wanted to make an inquiry because some of the Samsung smartphones, they usually count, they also have step counters installed in them. I was able to find some kind of bypass by just waving my hands.
up and down in the same spot and the phone was actually thinking it's a step. Considering the fact that you guys really don't use GPS as I saw on your websites, how do you guys verify that this person is actually making steps, especially when it's different from when someone is really trying to manipulate
system and where someone is actually maybe on what you're making some indoor exercise. Yeah, so it's by design that we don't use GPS so that you can, you know, people on treadmill and stuff can also get their steps. There are two parts
Parts this answer. Number one is that we have an algorithm that detects basically unrealistic steps based on a few parameters on the backend. Then we periodically ban players. We actually ban quite a lot of players for that.
Secondly, it's just our game design doesn't really encourage you to get a ton of steps because first of all of your pets lower level your energy conversions capped anyway. And as you get more steps, the incremental energy that you get the marginal energy that you get these
decreases. So it's the finishing returns to be doing stuff like this. Now if you're shaking your phone from time to time and actually getting a step or two, it's not a huge deal to us. We don't require 100% accuracy.
Alright, that's awesome. I'm trying to get back to the formula on your white paper where there are actually a ton of factors involved but I did not see where
you make calculations for age. People with different ages will actually make different energy count. So I don't know if they're going to be an adjustments to this or why do you guys not really factor in age?
Are you talking about the age of the player?
Yes, yes, exactly. Yeah, it's a fairly good point. This is a lot like we've talked about a lot of factors that go into this, but ultimately age is something that you can't really verify unless we do KYC. So yeah, steps
for us is just the input for the game. Ultimately, I don't think the down side of enforcing age versus the upside is a lot bigger, so that's why we don't do it.
Thanks a lot Albert, I just gave it a follow. I think I would love to know more about this. I'll be joining you guys in your groups. We'd love to appreciate the detailed answers to my questions. Thanks a lot Noah. Thanks a lot Reminds. Appreciate it Captain Levy.
Yeah thanks Captain Levi. Let's go lucky D best. Go for it brother. Hello guys, come here. Yes sir. Okay so I'm also in the know that what have you permitted to prevent
and all sorts of other things. We do business together to get to share information about projects. And we have lots of verification, a lot of socials, as that's the service and it's certificate.
And also compete against people. Don't see ideas. I'm sorry. What's the question? Lucky, can you summarize that in like a couple sentences? What is what exactly are you asking?
Like we have any plans to prevent aca-tax in your games and also with advertising or do business against share information about the game and we also plan to have a vacation badge on all of the socials as a Gustave as an Instacifical
and also compete against your team with amount of CSI ideas.
So I think that's a good thing to do.
all our APIs are fairly protected from hacking. And do we plan to be Twitter verified? Yeah, we'll be Twitter verified soon. So I think those are two questions. I also think you said,
advertising? I think do we do we plan on advertising? Is that one of the questions? Yeah, I think he was wondering if you guys are planning on running any sort of ads. Yeah, so we haven't ran yeah to date we haven't run any kind of like paying
I think we will eventually, but not until the game is fleshed out to the point where it self-explanates to anybody without context, which probably will come after we launch at least launch social challenges if not battle.
And Albert, are you guys going to be at any in-person events for fans that might be attending conferences and want to meet some of the team? Yeah, so I'll be at consensus next week. I have a panel. It's a pretty cool panel with two other Pat games. It's called Metaverse and
And the new, I forget it. Yeah, sorry, the new breed of Web 3 pets. That's that's the event. It's about I think it's 1 p.m. on Wednesday in Austin, Texas. So if you're going to consensus, I'll be there. That's the, yeah, that that's the main event in person event that I'm going to in the next month or so.
Thanks so much guys, Noah and Albert. I think that wraps it up. I really appreciate it. And again, so sorry for the technical issues in the beginning. Albert, do you have any sort of final thoughts where people can find out more information that you mentioned discord?
else you want to share with the audience before we end things. >> No, I think just reminder of you download the game today, you can use my name as the invite code to get into the game. So I look forward to seeing you guys there and in our discord.
Yeah, likewise Albert Tim. Thank you so much for organizing this Albert. Thank you so much for coming on. I love seeing what you do with Web 3 games in built in this tree moving the needle forward looking forward to meet you at consensus. I'll be there as
as well and well-quin talk community. Thank you for joining this broadcast. Remember that everything you hear on these AMAs or meant for educational purposes only nothing is financial advice. So be safe out there and we'll see you all in the next one very soon. Take care.
Take care guys.