StackUp x Ontology: Learn & Earn Part 2 AMA

Recorded: March 19, 2024 Duration: 0:40:10
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Hi everyone, welcome to the session today and just give us a few more minutes while
we're waiting for a few more of our speakers and wait for a few more of the traffic to
stream in.
Hi Jeff. Hi Susan. Can you hear me? I can hear you loud and clear. That's great.
I'll just give the audience a little bit more time to stream in. Maybe we'll
kickstart in maybe about two minutes.
Okay, hi everyone. Thanks for joining us for this Twitter Spaces session today.
I'm Jolene. I lead the marketing efforts at StackUp, a global developer platform
and I'll be your host this evening. Today's session will revolve around StackUp's
second collaboration with Ontology blockchain and after what was quite a
successful first campaign and we want to kind of look to have some of your burning
questions about Ontology answered as well as the second campaign. So today
joining me we have Suzaku, StackUp's technical content manager and Jeff who
is the European head of ecosystem at Ontology. So both of them will be sharing
insights into the latest campaign and then we'll also move on to a second
segment where we'll shine a spotlight on two of our very own stackies August
Horthy and Raghav who took part in the first campaign just to hear about their
experiences of how it was learning and staking our ontologies mean net. Lastly
we'll open the floor to questions that you may have for Suzaku and Jeff. So
without further ado let's kickstart the session. Thanks Jeff and Suzaku for
joining us. Could we start off with Jeff maybe you could share a bit
more about your background as well as a little bit more about Ontology and then
followed by Sam. Yeah absolutely so I've been with Ontology oh I don't know
maybe four years now maybe a little bit longer. I sort of got into Ontology having
lived in Singapore. I moved to Singapore as a climate scientist strangely enough
and ended up working with Ontology and things. So I've been been embedding in
web 3 crypto for four or five years. Really enjoy the scene really enjoy the
vibes that people have here. As for Ontology we are at layer 1 blockchain
originally focused on decentralized identity solutions. Since then developed
lots of different things we developed Ontide as our sort of overall package
for decentralized ID. We've got things like Onto wallet to make it easy to
access web 3 in general easy to create and decentralized identity is easy to
interact with different assets and different chains. We also incubated a
layer 2 system called Goshen Network who also were themselves looking at doing a
Bitcoin EVM built around that as well and we also launched the Ontology EVM
Ethereum virtual machine to make it easier for developers to develop with
Ontology. So lots of different things lots of stuff going on we're in our
seventh year so been in the space quite a long time and thanks for having me as
always. Thank you Suzaku maybe onto you. Yeah hello everyone so this is Suzaku
from StackUp right and we've been doing lots of learn and earn campaigns on
StackUp so far where we have seen developers come onto our platform to
learn about the various kinds of web 3 protocols and to also upskill and to
level up their coding knowledge in web development as well as in the web 3
development spaces right and from there we've you know we've also got a very
vibrant you know discord community where everyone just helping each other out is
the kind of like tech issues or the kind of tech support that they need. Thanks
for sharing thanks Joe for also sharing more about Ontology and all its latest
launches as well as Suzaku for sharing a little bit more about StackUp and
what we do here. So I think before we dive into the exciting parts of campaign
to which most of the audience is here like really excited for today I just
wanted to do a quick recap of maybe our first campaign so maybe during the first
campaign for those who actually joined us and participated in it you will be
quite aware that it was a focus on basically teaching the developers on how
to leverage key developer tools in the Ontology ecosystem such as ONT ID and onto
a wallet app to empower more users to own and control their identity and then
with that we also had for the first time StackUp was actually air-dropping
quest rewards in ONT tokens and participants were actually able to stay
on Ontology's mainnet for the very first time and then I think something
that we really celebrated was also the fact that we had over a thousand
developers who engaged in all the learning quests and with that
wanted to also check in with Joe so maybe just wanted to hear a bit from
Ontology's perspective about how the first campaign went and how its impact
on Ontology's ecosystem was. I think the biggest thing I really enjoyed from it
is just how much engagement we noticed from the StackUp community from the
developers taking part in these quests to getting involved in what they were
doing. It was great to have conversations on Discord with people for them to drop
in ask their questions communicate and for me this is really what I wanted to
make sure that we got out of these campaigns is actually closer
connections to people who want to develop actually build those sort of
relationships to say look we're here to help we're here to talk about these
things and I think that personally was a real huge success and I'm looking
forward to seeing more of that happen in part two of these campaigns. That's great
and I think maybe Sam maybe you can sorry Suzaku you can add on to that in
terms of what we can expect maybe for continuity sake in campaign two maybe
what can developers actually explain expect from this campaign? Yes so in our
second campaign which launched last Friday right users who learners will
actually be able to expect to learn how to do smart contract creation and
deployment on the Ontology EVM network right so Jeff just now mentioned that
they have the Ontology EVM network so that it's easier for people to you know
work on the Ontology network and that's very true so basically on StackUp we've
done quite a bit of work on Solidity and so we figured you know with all that
work on Solidity we might as well just create you know a quest where we would
have people you know create a very simple smart contract using Solidity and
then we would also have that deployed on the Ontology EVM network right and
so from there that sort of opens up the kind of possibilities right by
first giving people a taste of what it's like to deploy and interact with
your contract and then from there you can just take it away with what I've
ever kind of ideas you have to develop.
Thanks for sharing Suzaku. I think from your perspective what are some of the
essential skills that the developers can expect to gain from this second primer
quest and because the second primer quest is quite different from what we had
in the first campaign so maybe could you elaborate a little bit more on that?
Oh yeah for sure so I think some of the essential skills would be you know smart
contract creation, smart contract deployment and then also interaction in
the smart contract and these are just really very basic but I think what it
does do is it sort of helps give you a fuller picture on the kind of different
things that Ontology offers so for example in campaign one you learned
about ONT ID which is you know very much you know focus on your your
privacy right and then now in campaign two you're doing up a smart contract on
a decentralized network as well and from there it's really open to you know
learners to try and synthesize and to see what they can make do with these
two things that they have learned in both campaigns.
That's great thanks for sharing and I think just for the context just for
some additional information for the listeners tuning in today so basically
how this how a second campaign is going to be run it's really similar to how the
first was run in the sense that there's going to be a primer quest where you
also be learning more about Ontologies technologies and the tools
that you need and then if for those like those fastest and best submissions
who win will get air-dropped ONT tokens as well and these tokens can
actually be used in the second sticking quest to actually stay on Ontologies
mainnet so maybe let's dive a little bit more into how like why maybe why the
why of why it's important to kind of learn more about Ontologies technology and
how it's different how so different in comparison to other blockchains so maybe
Jeff you could share a little bit more about what are some of the advantages of
learning about Ontology yeah absolutely it's funny right you know if you do
ask me this question even just maybe a year and a half two years ago I just
started off with talking about speed speed of the blockchain cost of
transactions how many transactions per second and these are all really cool
features of the Ontology chain but the kind of what we demand now you know just
a year and a half down the road and we demand those features as standard we
demand them from all the chains we want to use you know even Ethereum are
pushing out their blobs and changing the way that they can put transactions
together to bring down the cost to improve efficiency so you have to start
looking and thinking what actually distinguishes one blockchain from
another why would you build with one chain and not another and I think it
boils down something I think we do really really well and that's putting these
different protocols together for people just to drag and drop into what they
build this is really important developers are really busy they're always strapped
for time they always need more time they always need more help because they
have so much to do and so being able to drag our SDK for Ontology into what
you're building and actually be able to integrate it into a system being able to
hook up with Onto wallet really easily to get people to be able to access what
you're building being able to tap into things like orange protocol which is
like a decentralized reputation management tool as a protocol being able to tap
into that and bring everything into that I think these are huge advantages to
building in that Ontology ecosystem and I think that's what developers are
going to be looking more and more for on top of that I honestly believe we're
getting to a period whether it be around game file and decentralized social or
real-world assets where actually decentralized identity is going to become
more and more important it's no longer going to be something may be optional
that people might want to build with it's going to be something people need
and so of course we've been doing this for seven years so building with
Ontology you get to build with a very experienced decentralized identity
provider and I think that will prove to be really important as people build
moving forward and I would say the EVM makes it really easy because it means
you can transfer things for different reasons you can build on different
chains you can do all those different things which I think is also really
really important for developers thanks for sharing all of that I think it's
really interesting what Ontology is really doing in the space and how it
really differs from other blockchains but in addition to that perhaps from the
perspective of developers what do you think how do you think having these
skill sets will help them along in their developer career or whether they
are looking to get into the web3 space yeah and that's a really important
thing right you know if you're starting to build that career forward if you're
trying to push into the web3 development space I think a couple of
things is one you can get to build with Solidity you can use EVM you can build
with the most used language that you're going to come across in the space so
you get to do that with Ontology I think that's important you get a huge
amount of support you know we are around to try and help answer
questions help what you're building and that also will send you in good stead
moving forward because you can get you can access our community and if they
don't know the answer they will throw it to the tech team and try and get an
answer for you which gives you great access to people to try and support what
you're doing on that building as I've just said about that modular approach to
ID wallets you get to be able to use all these development kits you get to
be able to learn how to integrate all these different aspects as you move
forward so starting from a very more basic approach of building a smart
contract over time you could build that out into doing really complicated things
and I guess you know a little bit of alpha on on this is that we are going to
launch also an aunt ID fund to try and help people develop great products and
great things so down the line wash that space if you build those skills that's
something you might be able to look at and apply for and get involved in as
well that sounds really exciting so many look so many things to look forward
to for ontologies ontologies updates like moving forward and I'm sure many
of the listeners tuning in today are also looking forward to that and with
that I guess it will be very interesting to really pick up I think this is a time
to really pick up all these fundamental tools and skills to eventually be able to
really start building on ontologies network so so far I think we have some
more people who are just like joining in right now so maybe just a quick
recap of the session thus far we've done a quick recap of our collaboration with
ontology so far and what developers can expect from the second campaign and
joining us today we have technical develop our content developer Suzaku and
ontologies European head of ecosystem Jeff so now I'd like to move on to the
next section of our Twitter spaces where we are going to start maybe we want to
hear a little bit more about the experiences from our stackies who took
part in our first ontology campaign and maybe dive a little bit more into like
how that went so August Hauti and Raghav maybe you could give could give me a
quick shout out so that I can spot you
August August Hauti can you hear me
yes okay hi both of you maybe just before we get
started could you give a quick introduction of yourselves maybe where
you're based in and share a little bit more about your background maybe you can
start with August Hauti hi I'm Jessica I'm from Nigeria but I'm based in South
Africa I am into you know tech things and more focused on cloud computing but
I'm also learning a lot on web free blockchain development and the likes so
yeah that's pretty much about me thanks for sharing maybe Raghav on to you yeah
hi everyone so this is Raghav from India so I've been working as a developer at
IBM and I'm just focusing on blockchain technologies like how to scale
applications and build a new new products out of there and my I actually
maybe work in AWS stuff so currently exploring the blockchain technologies
thanks for the introductions okay so today I think what we want to hear from
you is I think many of our listeners also very curious what was your
experience with the first campaign and what was the most exciting part for you
maybe you can start with Jessica okay the most exciting part for me was
definitely delving into the campaign content because I was very intrigued
about ontology's ecosystem how they're tackling the whole decentralized
identity and how their technology can secure data so I was very intrigued to
like get into the content as well as waking up very early to be part of the
first 600 people to receive the onto tokens so yeah that was it was very
exciting that's very exciting what about you Raghav yeah so for me the most
exciting aspect was getting the hands-on experience with ontology's
decentralized identity solutions so as a developer I have worked on authentication
and user management in traditional labs before so but there was always this
reliance on centralized identity providers like Google Apple etc but with
ontology's on tidy framework we are actually exploring a whole new paradigm
of self sovereign identities where users truly own their data and credentials so
yeah that's great to hear I think from what do you feel that was some of the
most important skills that you learn from the first campaign or how has that
entire experience helped you level up as a developer yeah so campaign one was
like an intensive training course where I learned about building or decentralizing
identity solutions so I understood how to issue verifiable digital credentials set
up secure authenticated data flows using blockchain technology and more and it
has expanded my knowledge on using this new technology for any trust on so
however the bigger learning for me was about creating user-friendly experiences
so since blockchain development can sometime seem very technical and complex
to people outside of it but this particular campaign has showed me the
importance of designing simple easy to use identity management system that
regular people can actually understand and use without any difficulties so
combining new these decentralized tech with clean and user-friendly design is
actually going to be a crucial as with three become so popular and
mainstream so it has actually helped me to realize the need to think about
the full product experience and not just the technology itself that's really
great to hear all this honey would you like to add on to that for me campaign
one provided me with invaluable skills about the ontology ecosystem and their
technologies as well as the I got more information on how the
decentralized identity worked and yes taking procedures as well as interacting
with the onto application I must comment on tools application developers
their app the app is really really sleek like one of the best of three
applications I've ever interacted with so yeah it also helped me understood you
know how though how their blockchain is like different from other blockchains as
well thanks for sharing really great to hear all these like personal accounts
from you guys I think I wanted to I think something that most of the
listeners will also be very curious about is because I think for this campaign it
was it was the first time that we had everyone do a staking quest whereby
developers were able to really stay on ontology mainnet so maybe could you share
with us how your experience was like to to do this site for the first time maybe
you can start you can start off yeah sure so actually the staking process on
ontology mainnet was actually seamless I used the onto mobile wallet which
had a clean UI experience and with just few taps I was able to stake my own
tokens and become a part of ontology consensus network so actually what
struck me was how accessible and user-friendly it was I mean I felt
compared to others taking on some other chains which had just before and the
onto wallet helped me to keep updated on the staking rewards and it is easy
for me to claim or restake them right from the app itself as a developer it's
really convenient to have all these tools in one integrated solution what
about you August Hati how was your experience like for me it was a very fun
experience because it was my first time ever staking on mainnet so the
experience was pleasantly surprising it was like very user-friendly very easy
and it was fascinating to see how the on G tokens were used to pay gas fees as
well as you know seeing how much potential you could gain from your stake
stake assets so yeah it was very it was very fun for me yeah and I think for
the first time we also had a stack up onto a stack up note on the ontology
network so that was that was also something very unique and special for us
and then maybe from job your what's your perspective because I mean you're
hearing all of this you know how everyone's talking about how seamless the
whole staking process was and and all these information about how ontologies
campaign was really smooth yeah I mean it's obviously great here such good
feedback and and I just want to say thanks to the two people coming up and
and talking on stage you can be a bit nerve-wracking at times coming up and
chatting in front of everybody so I do appreciate them taking the time out to
do that I think it's really interesting that it's great here one of my key
things in this space is the text pretty good right it can be complicated it can
be difficult to use at times for developers but the tech in the entire
blocks change space is pretty good the user experience isn't there we're not quite
there so I want to reiterate what's already been said this is something is
great to hear people thinking about from the very off from the very start
thinking about how they can make that user experience better so great to hear
this feedback on the onto wallet it is pretty sleek that we're always pushing
out improvements we've got lots of improvements coming now staking I
actually think staking can be quite complicated anyway we have a two token
system which can be even more complicated so it's good to hear that
that wasn't too much of a barrier for people that they got through that and
got staking so really good feedback I appreciate people coming and chatting
about it as well great stuff thanks for sharing everyone and I think right now
after hearing all about this whole user experience and process I think many of
you will also be interested to kind of like get started with our maybe our
first primer quest although the staking quest is not yet not yet out but maybe
just if I've kind of pinned a tweet on this space so you can feel free to jump
in there and then click on the link it'll bring you straight to the
campaign page if you would like to get started and join the campaign the first
campaign is happening first primer quest is happening from now until 22nd
March and then the staking quest will happen from the 5th to the 16th of April
so thank you for sharing so like for all of our guests for sharing so far and I
think now that we've come to the last part of the session I'd really like to
open the floor to more questions more specifically to if you have any
questions for suzaku or for Jeff whether it's really related to the campaign or
it's related to ontology blockchain please feel free to request for requests
for to be a speaker and I'll pop your questions in I think you're in you're
gonna knocks do you have a question
okay I think I've got a question from Ammar Ammar Paul so he's asking we all
know about the Devon AI so is there any effect on the web 3 if yes what are the
key skills that we must upgrade for web 3 I think this question might be
directed to I'd be directed to Jeff or suzaku I can jump in this so you can I
just double check was a question around how the development of AI and the how AI
is growing is going to impact web 3 is that correct
I think I think we'll just take it as it is maybe you can just just answer the
question based on that assumption yeah yeah I think AI is really exciting I
think there's a couple of things that AI is going to mean one I do think that
even in web 3 AI is gonna be something you have to get used to working with so
you know developing good prompting developing good prompt engineering knowing
how to work with it and knowing how to use AI as an editor and I mean that in
a development sense so you can write your code you can write your smart contracts
you can do all these things I think AI is going to be really useful for
checking for problems checking for issues think at the moment it's not
going to write those things it's not going to write those contracts but I
think as a as an assistant it'll be really useful so learning how to use AI
as a functional assistant to help you check for bugs help you check for
mistakes and just check the integrity of your code I think will be really useful
and really important and then and then just understanding that relationship
between AI and web 3 you know one of the things that I think is going to be
very concerning and something we're gonna have to deal with our questions around
things like proof of humanity you know how do you know something is human how
do you know a video you see contains a human how do you know the person
interacting with what you're doing in web 3 is human and I think proof of
humanity that's something we're looking at integrating more into things like
orange protocol is going to become really important in that web 3 world so
understanding how decentralized identity proof of humanity and all those
different things can be used to secure the integrity of your web 3
developments in an age where AI is going to become more and more prominent
thanks Joe for for all your insights I think that whatever you mentioned was
really very interesting and then I hope that that answered your question
actually let me add on a little as well so I think that you know even if you
have so I think I'm are probably actually mentioned Devin AI so for those
of you who don't know who Devin is or what it is it's basically by cognition
naps and it sort of premiered like last week so it's so of course it's quite a
bit of stir on Twitter and in the tech world because you had this like AI that
yet managed to train to sort of do tasks on Fiverr and to also do certain
kinds of like code generation or bug fixes kind of stuff but I think I do
want to highlight that at the current pace that AI is going right you know it's
still not perfect even with some of the code generation that it does you know
it's not perfect even by we look at the benchmarks they the undead perfect as
well and the thing is with web 3 we are always having new things coming up and
it's very important for us to be agile and flexible so in that sense for
example you know if Solidity we always have you know new versions coming up
you know or with different blockchain protocols we have different kinds of
languages you know whether it's you know move or or rust and all that your AI
models and train on you know may not be trained on the latest versions of these
languages right in fact if you ask check GPT to write up a smart contract
around you know guess for example it it would work if you know Ethereum was
much older right by the current standards it may not be able to give
you the perfect contract you know at the first goal it may even get you you may
even have to talk to it a few more rounds before it finally gets you
something that's actually updated right so I mean that's just speaking from my
experience using AI to to do some of the stuff that I've done on stack up oh
fun fact actually so the smart contract we have for this ontology quest was
partly created by AI yes but obviously I was there to make sure that the
contract works as well right so at the end of the day the human is there to
verify and check that the work of the AI is is correct and we still very much
are relevant as developers thanks exactly for sharing that's very interesting and
yeah I think very interesting to hear how how closely knit knit it you know
how blockchain and AI can potentially create new opportunities as well in the
space and how everything is really like somehow in a way integrated do we have
any other further questions from the floor before we close up this session I would
like to ask I'm directed to talk how easy it is how easy is it to integrate
ontology's network to build a D app like what exactly does a developer have to you
know do to achieve that yeah it's a great question you know I would say if you
stick with the EVM I don't even know if I'm allowed to say this if you're
starting out I would build on the EVM just because it's a solidity there's so
many more resources for helping you write and develop it's a public blockchain
area so you can grab use a force it to grab test net tokens really easily you
can build in solidity you can get all those things done you can use all the
sources that are out there from crypto zombies and around to everything else and
and build on the EVM just like you would build on any EVM compatible
blockchain so that's pretty straightforward you can download the
free SDKs if you want to integrate things like aunt ID into there and I think
this is the big thing that I would really suggest is beyond all of that
drop into discord you know look even if it's me I'm not gonna be able to help
you on the technical side too much but I can put you in touch with people who
can or I can forward your questions to them you can you can drop me a
message on telegram on Twitter on discord I don't mind I'm always happy to
pick it up it might be a day before I reply but I will reply and I'll put it
into places so that's something we're really active on trying to support people
building developing especially when people are starting out and trying to
get making their first steps into ontology and first steps to building with
us so build on the EVM use things like the stack of campaigns to get your
basics sorted look at all the tutorials you can around different solidity
programming and solidity development and then also talk to us say hello ask the
questions and we'll find an answer for you
thank you thanks Jeff yeah so really just I'm really thankful I for all for
Jeff to kind of like you know be sharing on on that on behalf of ontology
and then really just to be so well receiving in terms of like all the the
feedback as well as even encouraging people to reach out and ask questions I
think that's all really like part of how how how strong and supportive
ontology network is as an ecosystem as well so maybe just we have like a few
more minutes before we wrap up this whole session so does does anyone else
from the floor have any any other questions for Jeff or Suzaku
okay if there's no more questions if there's no more questions thank you
everyone for joining us this evening just to read just to reiterate the
primer quest is happening from now until 22nd March so feel free to start join
to join the quest just a head on over to the pin post in this space and then
click on the link and then start signing up for an account and start
playing and then in between from post 22nd from 22nd March to 4th of April
that's when we'll be giving out the air dropping the O&T tokens to all the
successful successful participants and then the sticking quest will happen from
5th to 16th of April just make sure that everyone can have a chance at going
for this sticking quest just because we are also going to be opening a form for
you to do an exchange for for O&T tokens so that you can also stick on the
quest yeah so keep an eye out for that okay so get started and if you have any
other questions please feel free to drop us any messages on our discord channel
and we'll help you we'll help you there thank you everyone for a great
session tonight and have have a good evening thank you