Stader X Planet Finance

Recorded: April 12, 2023 Duration: 0:44:39



Hey, I'm ordered.
and just brand new speed classes.
You have to share it to be good access.
[Clock ticking]
[Clock ticking]
18 and I want to have granted speaker access to you.
I believe if you are mute you can speak.
How's that? Can you guys hear me?
Absolutely, yes, I can hear you. Brilliant, yes, on the phones a lot easier, wouldn't there much luck on the laptop?
Yeah, great. I think we can give it one more minute before we start. That's okay. Yeah, I'll just drop the link in our telegram to let us know that it's happening. Great. Yeah, yeah.
Busy day.
Yeah, just a couple more seconds. Let's start.
Okay, I think we're good to go. More people can join in as we go by. Yeah, see you guys.
Awesome cool here anyway recording the session so that should help
great then. Okay, welcome everyone, welcome to this engaging AMA session with Sari to have the Planet Finance team joyous and we're going to just delve into some thought to working conversations around crypto and the five space in general and more so into what Planet Finance has been doing so lately in the crypto
space and the collaboration that planet and state have made in the last couple of days. So yeah, let's just get right into it. So team if you could just sort of clear us a brief introduction to planet and the main goal is it has the D5 phase. But yeah, thanks for having me.
Yeah, so plenty of the decentralized finance protocol on the bear me chain. We noticed there was a kind of a need in the space for just trying to have those high seals, you know, you often visit different
sites and they have good deals with some things and average deals further. And for Planet, we just saw that we wanted to just have that all in one place that was easy to access for new and old users. So simply
we either aggregate the best yields or we create them. So we saw a bit of a niche in the money market area with our green planet and that's where we kind of started it out with being quite unique in that we offer users decreased borrowing rates based on their gamma hollins but also on the
flip side that can earn more. So it's that that both ways that you're benefiting, you're benefiting from using the platform correctly by using our utility token, you can get better borrowing rates and you can also get better lending rates. Apart from that, we're just being
recently really getting into doing that aggregated pools just with the craze in thinner and then leading into now Pancake swap V3 and Uniswap V3. Yeah, there's just so much changing in the space that just try to stay on top of that as we go forward.
and looking to as I said aggregate the best the yields out there. Sounds good. And what is it that in particular sets the planet finance team apart from the rest of the five platforms and the end of the chain? More so the yield indicators and money markets out there.
As I said, the main thing that we see as a top thing for planet is the fact that we give that dual benefit to both borrowing and lending. There's not many other many markets or if any money markets that allow for you to earn more in your crypto and
and then pay less for boring crypto based on if you're using our utility token. And with that, we have a strong focus around the BNB chain assets and the ones that are on the BNB chain because being built on the BNB chain, we're very bullish on BNB
and that's where we kind of want to align our tokenomics so that it incentivizes users and drives growth into the ecosystem and then in conjunction with the whole of the B&B chain. What says as a part is, well we're trying to be
quite quick movers and obviously this space is changing tons and with the recent addition to liquid B and B staking which we believe is going to be a huge defy component. We're quickly jumping on there to be able to bring that to our users and just to be able to enhance our defile frinks for our users.
Awesome. Yeah, and other than that, if you could just sort of explain the toolness, Acquain Gamert opens in the planet. So we have a jewel token tokenomics aqua, which was our first token that came out came out over
200 days, there were no teen tokens and they were just came out to the users who were using our protocol. It's primary use for governance at the moment. It's hyper-deflationary with 35% of all fees generated by the protocol, buying and then
and as I said, there were no team tokens at all, so there's really in the hands of the community. And with that, that allows our community to be making and participating in those decision-making processes and shaping the way planet is going. On the flip side,
We have Gamma, which is our utility token and also our war token. I kind of alluded to it before that the token is used to both boost your rewards through the Gamma boost tokenomics and then also allowing for decreased varring rates. And just with those two, we just hope that we can
you know cover that decentralized aspect where it's you know community owned and community driven while also creating that defy utility that in this space you know there's a lot of shitty tokens that are just you know they just reward tokens and people just farm the shit out of them and then move
on to the next. We hope with Gamma and the fact that it has those key token omits that you are and that key utility that you're wanting to at least stack more Gamma to earn more or stack more Gamma to then have better boring rates if you are boring or lend
or if you're on those LPs, you can earn even more. Gotcha. Great. And how is it that the planet finances overall aggregated pool system works? And what sort of benefits does it sort of occur to users?
So a big thing for Planet and the APYs that you get is that Gamma Boost. For anyone that's not sure what I mean by that Gamma Boost is it takes into account your Infinity Gamma which is Gamma locked in the Infinity Vault and it takes into account your share of the Infinity
and your share of either the pool of what you're in based on everyone else's assets and the pool and their assets and then the Evo. It's a really great token on because it really benefits you to hold even a small amount of gamma in the infinity vote if you're thinking you know five
to 10% worth of the original pool assets value. You can see that APY climb very quickly. So no one on planet unless you have zero again and no one has the same APY as we often get
is sharing their screenshots of their pool. They've you wise and you can just see that some of them might be rocking, you know, 100 plus in a pool. So it might be at 60 on a 60% on a pool. So it just shows the power of gamma and the ability to, you know, if earn more in that selected pool.
Yeah, I think that's pretty helpful for all the users out there. Other than that, only just a couple of days ago, we partner earlier.
of data BNB and planet has or joint has to offer high use both on the aggregator side of things. So the BNBX, BNBNBX,
Yeah, so like as I said, we're very bullish on what liquid staking will become what it will be in terms of the DeFi scene. I think we'll see a lot of money move from B&B into liquid staking B&B as it becomes more mainstream.
And we obviously just want to stay ahead of that curve and be providing those users that are those early adopters for a reason to be staying in these liquid staking solutions. So as you alluded to with the BNBX, we're happy to have had BNBX and BNB, then a pool and
the BNVX USDT tenor pool. Both of those, as you said, just a recent partnership and we've already seen great growth and users joining into their pools together. They got about $330,000 total
them and then just recently tapped the money market for B&B X and that's climbed up to 382,000 already. So it shows that there is a lot of people in the space that are jumping onto the liquid staking and yeah we're there to
Obviously provide them with a place to park that to a either provide liquidity and earn high yields or be used that as collateral and then potentially borrowing or just if you're just into holding just the single asset just lending that out for a good rate.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I think the money market use case is very obvious for us as a next step because we already have pretty deep liquidity across the access, but I think activating money market use cases and offering with plan it is sort of what we would really looking forward to. Yeah, so could
So, would you also maybe walk us through some examples of how users can leverage BNBX for innovative D5 strategies on planet finance? Yep, so there's obviously high risk in it. There's low risk strategies. Low risk just because of the fact that planet does have
those tiered borrowing rates and those higher lending rates based on your gamma holdings, it is even quite profitable to just supply the ambx and then just borrow the ambx and then just supply again. So you just loop in the same asset and that's very
the same price that they're not going to depag from each other. Just over time you will see that borrowed balance going up a little bit if you're not offsetting it with the GANNER rewards but if you are offsetting that with the GANNER rewards, you're well above the curve.
haven't even more fun than that, you could supply BNBX and then borrow BNBX and then half USDT to provide that in an LP. There's just so many, so many different opportunities and so many different ways to play it based on if you're long BNB or you're short BNB.
just the fact that you can now use that BNBX as
collateral and then it just really opens up so many avenues to, as you said, leverage your position or just get more exposure to the markets.
exactly and I think this sort of further is the you know growth for the entire DeFi ecosystem all these boring use cases on top of liquids taking derivative the lights which are B and BX and I think to sort of add on to your point the collateral factor is also pretty sweet as sitting at 80%
So people can loop in pretty well and like you know pretty pretty high use I think easily up for this 70% even if the loop is three or four times and the best part is given that BNBX is back to BNB for liquidation risk will be the same.
And what are some of the most popular VMD and VH foods in planet like we've already
on through that, but if you could just throw some light and you know maybe some statistic where I'll be sitting at in terms of liquidating an API is across the pool then on the lending market. Yes, as I as I learned too, we have three three either Poozo vaults you can use your B&B X and
So that's the B&B and then the B&B Extuist DT. Our devs have recently introduced transform and we've integrated one inch into our swap as well because we don't. The only liquidity we provide on the planet
So that's Geber and Aqua. We don't have any other LPs ourselves. So we to create a great user experience and we want users to be getting the best swaps of the time. We integrated one inch into the site and with that, we're going to be able to get the best
the transform button, it can transform any asset one click into an LP. So that's super handy for anyone that other said, you might have done a small borrowing and lending strategy. You've landed BNBX, you borrowed, you know, you might be short, you might be, you might be
long on, being bc of borrowed USDT and you can transform that into an LP and within four clicks, you're locked in and earning those high yields. And that's kind of when even when I first started using crypto, it was confusing.
Now, I don't think it's so confusing, but when you first start out, it's confusing, and we just hope to be able to bridge that gap for those new users so that we're just trying to make it as easy as possible for them to really unlock their capital and use it efficiently and effectively.
I think this is bang on, I think you will listen. A great UX has won a billion, the ecosystem currently. Even though we have come a long way, I think there's still a long way to go. So yeah, bang. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. And yeah, I mean, since we've already talked about
this partnership that we have started on the full side and in the world as well as the money market. From a futuristic point of view, how do you envision utilizing BNBXM? Over all the liquid-staking ecosystem on BNB to drive innovation in the roads.
the end of the day.
As we go forward, we're currently only aggregating phenavolts, but we're looking into Pankoic swap V3 and then using swap V3. So if there do come pools on there that have liquid saking and BNBX, will be sure to aggregate them as soon as possible. Just because as I said,
We're always looking for the highest yields for our users. By just looking for the highest yields, we can target one LP pool. It could be from Pancake, Swap, it could be from U, Swap, it could be from Fennel. But we just want to have that best pool for our users.
As I said, as we go forward, we will just continue to look for that best pool for our users to then be able to jump into because we don't want to grow stale and become like, oh, you know, that one's then our aggregated in the top pools anymore. So we want to say, how do that curve and make sure
We're working with you to see where you're pushing your liquidity and you're pushing your attention. So we're pushing, you know, we're behind you to also contribute to the expansion and adoption of BNBX. And yeah, to just be a, you know, crucial role in trying to
change up how the B&B chain works and how liquidity and D5 plays out in this scene. Awesome. We could use to sort of head all of this and we need to see our partnership with Planet as a launch-kinding partnership. Yeah, yeah.
So have you guys on board? We've been a bit of a loanable for a while, but it's good to now be out into the, um, out into the, the defice base and working with other protocols as we, you know, try to just as I say, grow, grow and expand what we can offer our users and, and we've seen that liquid second is going to be cute.
huge and there's a lot of users. There's a lot of very, or so, not pumped up, but a lot of people that are very bullish online about B&BX and Liquid Staking and we want to be able to cater for their crypto and investing needs.
Awesome. Great. And other than this, I mean, can you also probably share some of the future plans that we have for our plan X Binance and including also also upcoming partnerships and platform updates which are there on the line.
So as we actually release a weekly update on Sunday. So that kind of goes over what we've done for the week and what we're looking forward to doing in the weeks to come. As I said, we're
Looking to aggregates some other protocols. We're just checking over the pink. I'll just have a look over the pancakes what V3 contracts and then also you need swap.
apart from that we're getting, we currently don't have a landing page so that's almost finished so that will allow users to have a nicer introduction into planet to be able to see into our tokens because we do have quite a
unique tokenomics with our dual tokens and sometimes it become a bit confusing. So we're just, as I said, we're really wanting to make it as simple as possible. And so that comes from revamping our UI. And then
Additionally, just for the protocol itself, we're looking to have a lot more stuff. Automatically done, so that will be the buying burns for aqua.
reducing the gas fees for some of our polls and then
Yeah, just looking for other other partnerships. And better said, the ones we have were currently partnered with yourselves and he low money and hey. So we're big into working with other B and B protocols.
When they'll come and if the community wants to see them, then they'll bring that up, as I said, with Aqua being so important to our governance. It is important that we almost listen to our community and what they would like to see, because that is the
for France of what we are, it is about our community and providing our community with the high shields. And so if they want, if they're wanting a partnership in over here or a partnership over there, then we'll look to integrate that if possible.
Great. All of these updates really sound exciting and seem to be bang on in terms of unlocking the next video. Awesome. My question is just to ask you how can users play updates?
and all the latest news and developments that planet is pushing out and for that matter we guys as well. I'll answer that one. Yeah, so we'll be answering the phone about planet's first for this time. Yeah, so if you head over to our Twitter
description. We're mostly based on telegram. We've got a really good community going there. The devs are super active. Bizzar had dev. He's awesome. He's always in there. So we've really got that community feel that people can come in, talk about either
what they're wanting, even talking about the current market situations and what they think is great. So we're trying to really build that community feel in our telegram. A ton of awesome community admins that are always there to help any support that someone might need.
But yeah, we're mostly just based on on telegram and most of our big posts are supposed to be there either on telegram, Twitter or as medium articles, which all can be found in the description of our Twitter profile.
For us also, to everyone who's tuned in, it's pretty much the same. We're pretty active on Twitter. We're also having a TC channel out there, which is the official TC group. For B&B, we do have digital communities as well to handle any queries that the digital communities will have.
some of them are catering to particular regions that we already live and we are also going to activate some more regional communities. But other than that, for any relevant information and updates, stay tuned on our Twitter and there is a link to your own description as well, so that should help.
Great. So I also see a couple of requests here in terms of maybe community for all the people who have tuned in a couple of them maybe want to ask a couple of questions. So if that's okay, we can take two or three questions.
Yes, we are great. So, Cynthia, I think we can start with your try to grant you speaker access. I see you requested for quite some time.
I've granted you speed paralysis. Can you unmute? Hello?
Yes, we can help you. Hi. Lovely to hear from you, Wiseau, Joe. Been on the group for a long time. I've just took a question about the state of ex-planet. I mean, what we released
what planet released a few days ago talking about the 64 times return with the BNB staking and BNBX. So my question is what is exactly the difference between BNB and BNBX?
And how do because I'm I'm used to just staying on the planet platform which without having to go to any other platform. How we can go about obtaining this 64 X return and what is the difference between the end B and B and B and B and B X.
Great. So I can pick that up. So yeah, I just go to basics a bit on what liquid staking is and how the model for BNBX works. So essentially you're taking your BNB on our map and once you do that you make this liquid
for a PMPX. So, BMPX is essentially liquid token which represents the PMP that is take the state up. The model that is particular token follows is an exchange rate model which means that over time as taking rewards of crew to the pool.
the value of p and px with respect to p and b increases. So when we launched the value of p and b with the same value of p and bx, so 1p and bx equal to 1p and bx. But it's being like close to 9-10 months since we have launched
And today if you see on under one BMPX is equal to 1.06 BMP. So that is a 6 person game for all the people who stayed with us when we launched in the last 9 months or so right and this value of BMPX would respect to continuous 20s continuously. So almost
So in every day basis, you can see this exchange rate going up on a real time basis, not just on our DAB but across token trackers like Coin Market, DAB or CoinGaE or even on Dex's. So yeah, if that answer is your question, I can ask it at the end of the part.
Yeah, I didn't want to make a giveaway. So I got that on there. If you want to, I'll be touching that. So with the 64% as I alluded to, everyone's got different, different APIs that they can attain based on their infinity gamma holdings, but with that,
64% that was just come from at the time the average percent used for just supplying BNBX, borrowing BNB, taking it over to start to then mint, deposit it, mint more
be in there. And because every time you borrow and then resupply, your collateral has increased, so then you're able to borrow some more. So with max borrowing, with the collateral factor of 80% planet allows
max borrowing is 90% of the collateral factor. So that's to prevent someone from accidentally hitting max borrow and it being 100% instantly liquidated. So that's that little safety barriers to say you're allowed to borrow 90% of your collateral factor which 90% of 80%
is 72%. So for every $1,000 you deposit of B&BX you could borrow up to max of $720. And then so that 64% came from looping that around four times. I think it was in the post
not sure what that gets you to, it's probably around a $3,000, so 300% increase, 200% increase for your original deposit. So even though on the site, you might, you will see an APY that's no
So near 63% it's taking into account the initial deposit, not the current deposit. So you're earning 63% on your original $1,000. Even though on planet it will only be displaying that you may be earning 14%, but that's 14% of your new
value, your new total supply. And with the fact that we do provide, I think even now on the BNBX borrowing side, it actually has a positive borrowing rate for level three. So you're
The game you're receiving for borrowing B&BX actually is higher than the amount you're having to pay back for borrowing that asset. It's currently sitting at 1.43 for level 3 discount, which is
holding 10% of that supply balance in gamma. So even a loop going from supply, borough, supply borough, they're both positive AP-wise and as they combine and as you
That thing, yeah, you're hidden those high F.E.W.Y. Right, understood. The planet's side of it is kind of clear to me because I think we did a similar structure when Terra Luna was
is having a looping strategy with another website, we are with another decks, but going back to the actual BNB, BNBX from state, just as a follow up question to someone just wanted me to order this. Can you hear me?
Hello. Yeah, I can hear you loud and clear. Okay. The host from stator. Can you hear me?
I'm out of the boss from stata. You can hit yes now I can hear you. So I'm just going to continue going back to find a safe I'm audible.
Yeah, I can hear you. Can you hear me? I think you can't hear us.
Uh, sure.
I'll put a thumbs up. I can hear you, but I'm not sure if you can hear us. Joe, Cynthia, good, any of you can farm if you could listen to me? Yes. I can hear you.
I can hear you go to, so I think we can hear each other Joe, but he can't hear us. I think that's the problem. Static, can you hear us now?
If I'm audible joke could you just tell me if I'm audible? Yeah, okay awesome cool
Great. Yeah, I think if anyone has any other questions I can grant speaker access, otherwise we can conclude this probably waiting for a minute to sort of. I just wanted to quickly touch on
If anyone wants to answer the question, we will be happy to take the same. We do see a request.
Yes, go for it. Can you hear me? Yeah, you run mute if you could argue to, he can probably hear you.
Now I'm on mute. So shall I go ahead with my question? By the way, Cynthia, if you've got to ask, do you still have a question? Oh, sorry, because I sort of miss that bit. If you doubt if you're identified, we can still take that up. Yes, I
I do. Can you hear me though? I think you can't hear me. Can you hear me say yes if you can? Yeah, it looks like you can't hear. I can hear you. What's the question? I might be honest. Okay, yeah. The question is.
Yeah, the question is, what stator is doing is is it something similar to with what usdt is we're depositing bnb with him or with stator and stator is now supplying us bnb x the user gets bnb x from stator we then take the bnb xd
planet finance where we stake the VMBX on the lending side on the supply side and on the borrower side I would say. If you guys can borrow what I can say is feel free to sort of shoot us a question on this Twitter handle you can be a mass or you can sort of reach out to us on TGNR.
I'll be happy to take this apologies for the technical issues here. Cool that I think in terms of any other questions that you guys might have feel free to sort of hit us up on our respective TG groups. We'll be happy to sort of take the question.
Yeah, why is Aljo I think we'll have to connect some other way he's probably gonna end it if he can't hear us. Yeah, go for gold. I actually might for anyone that's keen, I'll jump into the planet telegram and jump on there if anyone wants to carry on talking to me or
anything about planet. Okay cool I'll jump in there. But thanks for coming guys this is our first Twitter space we've done. I hope you guys enjoyed and I hope you enjoyed listening a little bit about planet and what we are providing in the
in the DFi space on the B&B chain and kind of what we're also looking forward to doing, moving forward and kind of where we think the DFi scene is heading and how we're trying to stay in front of that. And, you know, as I said, our main goal is to provide the community with the highest yields and we're always looking to
either create those or aggregate them on our journey or decentralizing the planet's finances. But yeah, thanks for having us. - Love David. - And then potentially look to hopefully do another one in the near future. - Awesome.
Great, see ya.
I think there are starter guys that have some issues just over on their side. So yeah, it might just conclude that there. And as I said, if anyone's keen to carry on talk and I'll be in the planet telegram. Cheers guys.
Hey everyone, apologies for all the technical issues at my end. So yeah, I think this was a pretty fruitful session. Apologies if we missed a question or two here and there. Happy to take up any queries that are still pending. Feel free to hit us up on
on our respective TG channels and communities. We'll be happy to take your questions there. And Joe, I'm sorry for the glitches again. Thanks a lot for tuning in guys and we really see you as a long-standing partner. Apologies if I still cannot
here you after sort of blabbering here for a bit. But yeah, thanks a ton and looking forward to more such AMAs in the future and a long-standing partnership with you guys. I think we can conclude guys. All right, bye bye.