Staking Reimagined

Recorded: Nov. 23, 2022 Duration: 1:06:27



Hey everybody, hey, yeah loud and clear on there. So we're just going to get everybody online and approved to talk. So bear with us because we've got quite a few
speakers today so it should be a great space so give us a couple of minutes to get everybody logged in online and then we'll also get started from that. Perfect sounds good.
Okay, that was remarkably rapid. Congratulations to all the speakers who have logged on. I'm very impressed with that. But I expected having a couple of minutes just to allow people to log on. So there with us is we
give people just a couple of minutes to get logged on and ready to chat about staking. I think it could be a really cool conversation. So do remember to tweet and share and retweet and get as many people as possible to come and listen to the conversation because I think
there's a lot of talk about, especially with how exciting the crypto space has been, if exciting is the right word for the last couple of weeks. So let's give people a couple of minutes, maybe four minutes, past five minutes, past the hour, then we'll get started properly.
Welcome, node. If you could just do a quick mic test for me to make sure we can hear you're okay, that would be really cool.
Yeah, yeah, welcome Polaris absolutely fine Sarah can we can we test the on to no on to speaker as well make sure we can hear you
All right. Would you hear me? Yeah, hey, you, perfectly. Thank you very much. Okay. Hi.
We'll get the conversation started pretty soon. You'll have to pair with me. I'm still on a huge high from England's magnificent victory in the World Cup. So, you just have to deal with that.
David, where are you from originally? You American, where are you from?
Yeah, well, bilingual family. So I am from the States, but I'm currently working in these Tonya regions. So yeah, what about you? I'm from the UK.
from England, so looking forward to playing the only reason I ask is because I'm looking forward to playing the US in the world called the NA Cup of the Day. So I'm just riding this wave at the moment.
GMGM everyone hope everyone's having a fantastic day welcome to our spaces welcome David I'm not sure how to pronounce your name bro Kellis is it Kellis?
Yeah, it's Scandinavian so it's very hard to pronounce it my name is Shalambria, but you can just call me KJ. It's easier to pronounce I think KJ I like it. Nice. Welcome my bro and welcome everyone else
to our staking reimagined spaces. Thank you, ontology forward slash Jeff for giving us a warm welcome and let's kickstart the conversation.
I think we should kick off right and let's introduce people. So we got David from Garda so what wedding give us an introduction of who you are David and what you do and what Garda are all about.
Absolutely. Hi, Polaris. Hi, KJ. Hi, everyone. And special thank you goes to Benny for inviting me on behalf of Garda. So I'm the marketing guy and I'm here to talk about Garda. We are in Nanka studio platform. We're not just a wallet because we offer
Plenty of staking options and I should probably mention that you can stake ontology, but I'm gonna talk about that in a bit Yeah, I think that's really cool. I think The beautiful thing about Web 3 is people do
to a multitude of things. I think to be a successful wallet, you can't just be a wallet, right? You have to do several other things as well. Absolutely. And so I guess at that point, let's go on to Sarah, Sarah, how am I pronouncing that? I'm not sure. And maybe just introduced onto wallets as well.
Well, yeah, hi everybody, nice to meet you here. I'm Sarah from the ON2 team and thank you so much for inviting me to this discussion. It's my pleasure to be here and share my ideas or information about ON2 and
the onto community or information about the staking with all of you. - But, hi Sarah. - Thank you very much for that. KJDude, come on, get up on stage and tell us who you are and what you do.