Stargaze Week 36 Creator Chat. Thursday 11/10 at 7pm UTC.

Recorded: Nov. 10, 2022 Duration: 0:50:48



Everyone hope you're all doing well today. We will start here in a couple of minutes once more people roll on in. Thanks for joining. Probably could your answer. Yeah, no, are you saying so having us go? Yeah, I know must be pretty early there for you. I think right?
31 a.m. Thanks for being a good sport. No worries, I haven't quite ticked off my morning coffee but I'll get to that shortly. We can up and roll into a Twitter space. It's a weirdest row of productive days.
That's it. Cool. Yeah. We'll give people another minute or two. We had daylight savings time here in the US. So stuff is pretty much ahead by an hour. Yes. Yeah. Dilemma. Let's give a little bit of time to roll in.
Yeah, sounds good. Now it's this here.
We got a few more people in here, but yeah, I think we may have had a daylight savings time. A little bit of a... What do you call it? Miss... Miss timing?
That's our our space is 8 p.m. UTC now. We do it here as well, but obviously the
country is pretty big in Australia so it varies from state to state quite a lot. It makes it hard for the country to keep up with each other. It can be like two and a half, three hours at times from one state that borders another.
Oh yeah, yeah, no, it's a huge country for sure. Let's see here.
I see a couple of requests to talk. We'll first go ahead and hear from cajurans and then we'll take any questions. I'll go ahead and start with some update for the week and then we can get to talking about the project. Sounds good? Yeah, beautiful. Great. Yeah.
So some updates for the week is that we've opened up the names white list for way for yesterday. So if you guys did not get the opportunity to sign up for the white list for Stargay's names, it is now currently open.
Please check our Twitter and you will be able to sign up. Some other updates, bulk, bid and bulk by option are now available on Marketplace. So you do not have to make multiple transactions if you want to sweep a Marketplace, just collect them all and
hit one button and they all aggregate it together. Along same lines is the bulk remover for offers is now on your profile. So if you go to your profile, you will see a section for offers made and you could remove your offers with one click. We did have
Stargaze did co-sponsor a party at NFT London with PS Labs and the SpaceApe Society and some other friends. So that was a fun little thing. Photos are online. We hope anybody in London was able to head out there and have a good time. There is a
proposal on Commonwealth. This is to fund lunar assistant. They are a project, like a discord gating project from Terra. Go ahead and check it out. Leave any comments if you support it, if not, let your voice be heard in Commonwealth. Also,
Great filtering. We mentioned it before, but it is coming soon. It's always the last couple percent that takes a longest, but it's almost done. I think you'll be very excited to see it. That's all the updates we have right now. Let's go ahead and welcome cajureans here. Welcome cajureans.
Hey, thank you. Good to be here. Thanks for joining. And yeah, so I guess tell us a little bit about history of the project. Yeah, I think a few of the things that you've just mentioned is probably how we
how we ended up here at Stargate. We wanted to build something for our community and obviously at Kajero in terms of the way the ecosystem works, everything's quite sustainable and built a little bit different to what people are used to.
seeing there's no inflation, they're trying very much to do everything off real yield, the tokenomics are a little bit unique. So we just wanted somewhere where we could build a project for the community, we wanted to keep
NFT off chain in terms of the minting. Stargaze were incredibly bullish on it and then obviously after working with the team and being part of the community throughout this process we've only become more so.
It's a, um,
a really unique environment at Staggers and we've been approached and been able to work with a lot of different projects throughout this process and really, really happy to be here. We feel like the benefits that our project
offers to our people is fantastic but the benefit of being able to do that with another community and yeah it's just a really good fit for us. Okay great yeah can you tell us
I guess a little bit more about the project and how you're planning on what the roadmap is to plan for the project. Yeah, so we have a total supply of 4444 where we've got a roadmap up on
Basically, with this initial mint, we give 50% of the mint revenue back to all curgistakers and 100% of the royalties ongoing continue to go to all curgistakers. So what that does is it allows our community, and opportunity to kind of
support Kujira throughout the Mint itself and then over time the project continues to be owned by the community and continues to give back to the Kujira ecosystem. Where are we're all members of the
the community we have been for some time and we're really excited to be able to participate in a fun NFT project that we funded for post the first mint and the community can all kind of be brought in and be involved. We've already had community members feature in the mint. I think Keeks is
on here and listening, who we've dealt with throughout the process and has been really good in terms of submitting artwork and we've been able to get that artwork to feature in the mint. I'm certainly hoping to mint a little bit of Kix's work myself.
Yeah, yeah, the artworks are really cool. Could you guys tell us a little bit more about the artwork and how it came to be? Yeah, both myself and the other co-founder, I guess, have grown up with 8-bit gaming. Our game leans towards 8-bit gaming and
terms of the game that we have a working prototype for. We wanted to start at the beginning, both in terms of our own experience, but also in terms of the ecosystem that we're building for in Kajira. The block size, the grid that we're working with
40 by 40 is quite a challenge. But we have a little bit of a, I guess, a vision as the ecosystem grows. So too, will the grid size? So as we move forward, we look to sort of evolve the complexity of the art.
Okay, cool. Yeah, you mentioned the game, right? Kujee Island. Can you tell us about that? He said there's already a prototype up right? Yeah, there is. So I think that one has hit our website. It's definitely on our Twitter, the game poster. We're working with one of nine
Devs who worked on GTA EVI City. He's had quite a bit of extensive history with Unity and with online web-based gaming that has blockchain attached to it. So we're building a combat racing game that our NFTs basically will be
out of the ocean and into the cosmos where they can race on fun and interesting levels. It's going to be a constant evolution. The reason we've built the project the way we have to be funded with the Stargaze Staking Rewards
is so that we can continue to fund further development. So Kujii, the original game, will be a constant work in progress, but we will also look to build more products and build out the ecosystem as the funding allows.
Okay cool, yeah really cool stuff you guys are doing then. Can you tell us a little bit about also, I guess, your migration from Terra into your own chain and then how you decided to choose Stargaze?
Yeah, so without sort of diving into the, I guess, the negativity of that whole time, we were lucky enough to, to guess, be involved with Kujik throughout Terra and we saw the benefit that it has in terms
liquidations and they're trying to I guess do something that opens up opportunities to just general investors and the little guys that were once reserved for your Wales that had the tech and could afford to participate.
Liquidations were always an interesting space where you're looking at 30% so in events like yesterday, probably the best thing to to describe at the moment. People getting 30% discounts on liquidations and people that were getting liquidated were losing all of that margin. So what terror
What Kujee built was the ability for people to basically sign up, put their capital in and own a percentage of the protocol that helped the liquidate it, the liquidators, and it just
supports the underlying token as well so that you're not seeing those massive spikes in volatility. We particularly believe in that in the space and everything that we do and everything that we build is in the project is a little bit of a, I guess, an ode to that. That's why we have
the road map that we have while we want our project to be as sustainable as it can possibly be. But while we also feel like it's super important to share that revenue with the participants of the project. So every cajure and holder will share in the revenue from Cougie Island, they'll share in the
revenue from everything that we build and then moving forward, we have the ability with future mints to share 50% of all ongoing mint revenue with people who hold one token from each mint, which means there's two ways I guess they can get their revenue
through holding, which is just individual holders, but then also they continue to support and believe in the project through furtherments that community puts together. They'll be able to share in that underlying Mint revenue, which is sort of a guaranteed return through the StarGaze staking rewards.
How are you distributing the staking rewards? Are you doing snap shots a couple of times a month to see if people hold NFT or how does that work? Yeah, so that's still a little bit fluid at the moment in terms of the tech that's currently
available. In the beginning obviously we've got a little bit of time to get that working while we're working on the game. So we're talking to some other projects that have done airdrops and different things that we can sort of find the best model for that moving forward.
We are working on a bit of a dashboard, but we're also in chat with Stargaze as well as to what's coming with the actual NFT staking and whether or not we could kind of hitch to that. It's all about where we're best placed to distribute those rewards seamlessly and automatically.
Okay, great. And so when you, I think you said the 50% of the mid revenue is going to cajura stakers, is that going in the form of kuji, or is it going to be like the stars token on cajura? How's that going to work? No, so definitely that's the stars token where I'll be seeing that stars token.
We're looking back to the Kajira Staking Rewards wallet and we're informing our community as to Stargaze and the opportunity there. We have through what Kajira's built, there's a DAP code pod which allows users to look at any cosmos
ecosystem and what they stake or what they hold in terms of tokens and they can sort of split that stake across all of the different validators. So we'll be asking people that receive the SARS rewards to have a look at pod to stake that through that
pod system and help to further decentralize Stargate as even though Stargate is just one of the most decentralized chain award. We really believe in everything that we do, every token, every ecosystem that we interact with, we really want to help not create self-proclaimed
pressure and really get people to invest in what way believe is good technology. Great, yeah, I mean you guys coming over to Stargate and launching a project is a great way to meld the two communities together. I myself checked out some
Kajira stuff. Saw that there's a Star's USDC order book on Finn, which was pretty cool. Haven't seen that before. And yeah, learning about the ecosystem is great and hope that Kajira users will come to Stargaze on, you know, other NFTs as well.
I think this certainly will, where obviously going to be a, we're going to kind of have a foot in both camps, we're going to live in Cajura and live in the stargays at the same time, so we'll be a bit of a bridge for that. The teams have both been amazing to work with and I think that's definitely a bit of a watch this space as to what
what comes next from that relationship. We've got a few other projects from community members on KUJI. We had KUJIRA heroes. They've done something similar with their secondary sales staking rewards. But for us, yeah, Stargaz is
has been great to deal with. Super upfront, uncompromising in terms of the systems that they have in place which protect the participants of the ecosystem which we absolutely love. There were certain elements of the featured project launch that didn't really suit our project.
But we are hardly supported by those elements because of what they mean to the StarGaze community and the fairness of what your product is and what you provide. Thanks a lot. Right now I'd like to open up the floor for any questions.
Yeah, if you got anything, just request to speak and we'll get you answered. Thank you. Right now we've got one person Gabe, hello Gabe. Oh, sorry, it was connecting and you know, does that little disconnect or you can't hear much of anything? Are you asking for questions?
Yeah, do you have any questions for for cajurians or stargaz for both for sure before I ask cajurians cajurians just mentioned Can you put it on the jumbo tron of how stargaz one or just awarded the most decentralized chain or whatever?
because that was like news to me. I guess I'm under a bridge, loving Stargaze. I was like, "Oh, I never saw that." Also awesome with the updates that you guys made with being able to make people be able to suit the floor and do things like that on your chain. Freakin' awesome and the updates you're doing. Love to see it. The progression there's amazing.
Cougarins as well. Thanks for all that information and insight as well. What is your insight or thoughts of being deemed as the security in the future for what you guys are doing for an expectation for people to get returns off of that, off of holding?
Yeah, I think that's an interesting place to be. We don't see ourselves as a security as such. We see ourselves as a community, I guess, that are participating in a project and everyone's kind of building it together, similar to what a sporting class
or just any kind of club would be. So I guess that's definitely something to think about. We haven't really been approached or questioned on that. So yeah, not something I had, I'd spent a lot of time on, but don't see as an issue.
Yeah, I much love and respect. I'm not trying to come off as like a d-bag or anything. I just see some issues.
personally, but I think you guys are close to the right mindset and are doing some good things from my perspective.
Yeah, I mean, it's certainly a conversation we're happy to have and we don't shy away from from any of those difficult conversations. There's a few probably things when we've participated in projects or when we've worked closely with projects where we feel like there's some issues with NFT technology.
technology that is probably not as much as it probably can be. This project suits our project, it suits our ecosystem. We want to create something that our participants know is going to be there in 12 to 18 months time. We want something that people feel like
have ownership over and we don't want people entering at different prices. I think that's been obvious and probably a little bit jarring to some people along the way but we're really trying to think of everybody that comes along for this ride and while we've got
a few people spearheading this really is an attempt to make this is owned by as many people as possible. If anyone has any ideas on that and wants to reach out to us, wants to work with us
We're obviously happy to, we've had other projects get in touch for collabs and those have become a little bit bigger than what they originally intended to be. So yeah, we're happy to work with anyone and we'd love to get any feedback on obviously what we're doing and what we can continue to do in the space.
Yeah, and mate, it's it was announced the most decentralized at the Columbia Conference and it's like plastered all over their website since then. So you might be living under a rock. But this game, man, I want
learn more about it. Like building a game is tough. So like what's the, I heard you have, I guess the builder with the experience building it, but what can you explain kind of like the graphics or the gameplay?
Yeah, definitely so I think what we did early on in the piece was we sat down and we talked about what our most sort of fun simplistic gaming experiences were and the things that came up for us were sort of side scrolling to the adventures
gaming sort of Mario Kart being able to sit around and being able to kind of jump on something and have it be instantly competitive for anybody at any skill level but then have an amazing amount of depth and replayability as well. So we've really tried
to kind of work towards that. It's definitely a combat racing style game. It's mostly underwater, but then there's also the ability through the pods to be able to move out into other levels and it'll be what it is
to begin with, we've both spent a little bit of time playing the game and ironing out any bugs and where at the stage now, once we get through the mint, we can start to put a lot of our assets and everything into the engine, which is exciting.
All right, cool. Thank you very much. Good to hear you're in Cosmos Joe. You're up. Hey, how's it going everybody? Just have a quick question. This is the first time I've heard about the project. So I'm glad I was able to catch the spaces. I did hear the part about the revenue being distributed to the NFT whole
I was just curious if you can go into specifics as to where the source of the revenue is going to be and if you have any timeline for how long it would take before there are profits to be distributed to the holders.
the initial mint, we've got 50% royalties at 100% commission going to all KUG status as we move forward. Any revenue that comes from the P2E game is shared with all KUGers and holders. So anything that we build in terms of the community that's
building for the project will be revenue shared with every cajureans holder. As we move forward and look to do subsequent mince, we've only really thought as far as two mince down the track, but with the second min, 100% of the mint revenue will be
For the project 50% of that mint revenue will continue to fund building for the project and 50% will be split between people with an NFT from each mint. Got it. I was just curious if you knew offhand like I know the game's not developed yet, but
What aspect of the game is going to be generating the revenue? I don't know if that's the best way to ask the question. Yeah. So we're working on the mechanics of that at the moment. We're trialing a few different things. Whether or not there'll be different modes to the game. We'll kind of those different modes. We'll have to work differently. There may be like a deathmatch.
style setup and that would be like a winner takes all I believe. There'd be obviously a percentage that would come back to the revenue for the project but basically players would be putting up a small amount to play and then that would be shared between
the leader board and the participants of the project. That makes sense. So similar to our online poker tournament would work. Yeah, very similar. So I mean, we're trying to make it as flexible as possible. We know that everybody wants different entry points. We would like to give people the ability
to set those things themselves to maybe set all some scores if there's people that would like to, we often, within our chats and stuff, things get a little bit heated and it might be nice for people to be able to, even at some point, put up their NFTs in that regard as well. So we're definitely looking at all of those options.
with people on both sides, the forefront of the technology with StarGaze, the Kajira teams got some amazing devs and then our game developer is just we're so lucky to have him in terms of the talent that he provides. Cool thanks for that man I'm going to definitely join your telegram
and ask more questions. Thank you. No worries. Thank you. Um, yeah, I've got a question for the game. Do you have, um, is there any, um, any inspiration or are you looking at other game designs to kind of base yours off of or kind of like, uh, how are you working on the mechanics?
Yeah, so our developer has kind of pushed us towards things that he's familiar with. He's got a really broad experience within gaming, but one thing that we like to do being a community project, we know that we have vision and we have
an idea of what we want but whenever we work with someone we like them to kind of work within their wheelhouse we find if we're trying to micromanage or we're not staffing the creativity of the people that we're bringing in so what we've decided very early on is that we basically want people to come in and
use their breadth of experience and build, build what they want to build. Magnum Opus is a word that comes up a lot for us. So we just ask people to basically put all of their experience together, build the most fun thing they can envisage building with all of their skill set and then we add our assets
in and we kind of work with them to make it very cajirin and very fun for our people. Great. I know Gabe you've got your hand up so I'll get you in. Yeah, no for sure. Yeah you're the closest project that I've seen.
that's getting close to the mark of stuff that I look at. So hats off to you on that. I think there is just a little bit of some oversight on some intricate details of things that I look at. You know, even if you already said that
I didn't hear about that news of Stargains and stuff. I don't care. I already said that. Someone's appointed out already said because I'm more involved in a lot of different things just because I'm busy. One place just because I don't recognize something in one place doesn't mean I'm busy in another. But I could get you connected with some things that I think you
have some over sites on good urans if you want to request me. But if not, that's all good. I think you'll have success otherwise. But I just see some oversight on some things. But I think you're really close to the mark on what needs to be accomplished and done in the NFT space. So hats off to you about that.
Thank you. Thank you, Gabe, that I'm not sure why the mic isn't coming in there. Yeah, we can hear you. Yeah, it's... You can, yes. Yeah, thank you. We really appreciate that. I'd obviously love to chat more in depth. Sounds like you've got some big ideas.
So, definitely reach out. We're trying to do some things, I guess, that we feel address some issues with the tech in terms of it being able to go to the next level and for it to be something that can... the projects that we see that have been super successful have
had almost communities pop up out of nowhere just from holders. What we're trying to do a little bit is to build that community from within a community that already exists and see if there's a difference there to not have any discounts to have everybody
brought in at the same price apart from a few comp winners. When you're doing things differently obviously it does take time and there's obviously going to be a little bit of oversight because everybody can only think in certain directions in certain ways. So while we're trying to obviously do everything we're also trying to break new
ground which means there's going to be things that we're going to figure out on the flyer and that we're going to have to kind of adjust and tailor as we go and we're certainly aware of that. So happy to kind of be able to do something like this and those challenges are part of it. Yeah, no, I really appreciate
I can see the hive mind working. It's definitely new and innovative. The ground approach that you're taking. People may not be very aware, but there is others that are doing kind of the same likelihood. So it's the hive mind working in the right direction. And you guys, anyways, it just shows
that your mind's in the right space and that you're taking in the right direction. Not to like, surely like crazy, but like it just shows that your mind and heart are in the right space before you're going. So that just shows that you're willing to work with your community and do what's right for the progress.
and that's the sorry steps for progression. So thank you for being here and doing this. No, thank you. We really appreciate that and for that to be seen is a massive achievement in itself when we see that reflected back from people who are witnessing what we're doing. So yeah, we're not
really appreciate that. Thanks for the comments, Gabe. We've got a sunny side. Welcome back. Hey, so I have a question, but I just want to comment earlier on what you had said about having these different buy-in levels, especially when you launch the most important
thing is your player base. If you lock out the player base, your game is going to die. You can't have these tiered matchmaking services. It doesn't work. So one of the ways you could start before you have that player base setup is using equalize.
Everyone that's the maximum they're willing to do, but the win percentage is based off of your allocation of the money put in and that's how much could be taken from each player. That way the low buy-ins can play with the high buy-ins on the same match and you don't run into this player issue.
The actual question that I had for you guys is when you launched on Stargaze, what are the features that for you as a project you want to see next and you need for your project in the future?
Okay, yeah, thanks for those ideas on the gaming side of it. I'll definitely have met a few notes here. But yeah, I think the things that we would like, we have an amazing amount of trust, I guess, in the process through working with the team in Stargaze.
and we know that they're very much at the forefront of RBC NFTs and there hasn't really been anything that we've needed or wanted that's tripped them up. There's definitely some things that they're doing at the moment that we really, really like. There's one
thing that we wanted to do and this is we've got another element of a project. Was it the wait list? No, no, the white list was not an issue. We were happy with the way the white list worked. We loved our white list event. We felt like it was a
a really good process. But the main thing for us is probably the analytical data on people that hold. We're creating the blowhole, which obviously everything we do is kind of whale themed. And that is for the top 50 cajurons holders.
and it's to make a I guess a subgroup that can be a more passionate body within the community that can continue to value, like create value and capture value for all of the project participants and we didn't want to limit the
that to it being a whale list, which we just at the moment don't have the ability to base that group off of total rarity held, which we would probably prefer as opposed to total NFTs held. Just in terms of opening up that opportunity to as many people as possible and not necessarily who has the ability to
bother most? Oh, okay. I actually really like that idea because again, it doesn't make it a paywall. In terms of that technology existing, that is a relatively simple script, believe it or not. It's not something that I personally have the technological ability
to do, but I watched Art Dev do the rarity and it's really easy to implement off of that. If you can find somebody who literally dropped out of college, maybe the second here, they can probably make that script for you. We are in chats with
with Hubble and we're hoping that it's something that becomes available to specific projects, even if it's through a request. Initially, that you've got the ability to populate that data. There's a few different aspects to it, I think, in terms of getting it done. It's certainly not my forte.
But if that could be done, that's great. And we would probably look to pivot on that pretty quickly because we just, like you said, we don't want to limit the opportunity to people that have just the funds we want. People that participate to that to go on a little bit on luck, which I think is important and crucial to
the NFT community. But a little bit just on, on yeah, people rolling the dice and saying, hey, I really want to be involved. And then they have the ability afterwards to caption more rarity as they go. And yeah, just a fun and I think a fairer probably way to do that particular side of
project. Yeah, if you want more info on it, let me know, but it really should just be like the way Rarity has calculated on those sites. It's just the aggregate percent of the amount of trades there are divided by how many trades there are.
And then multiplied by some number, I think it's like a thousand usually. But yeah, that calculation is not bad. And then you just apply it to the snapshot. The logic behind it is really simple to keep it updated in real time. That's something I may not know how to do.
And we do have some snapshot tools that I think Kevin K for IBC NFTs has built and I believe Wildev has also built
some snapshot tools. So yeah, those are out in the wild. No pun intended, but yeah, we'll make them more accessible to creators.
Yeah, certainly and that's one thing we're noticing as well is that the amount of stuff and the speed at which it's being built is amazing. It's hard to keep up with at times but sometimes you ask the question and it's not until you get into a space like this where you get
answers that weren't available when you initially asked which yeah is awesome. It shows that everyone's doing their bit. Yeah, you know, there's a lot of people developing on top of store gaze and it's really helping out all of the creators and the community a lot. We've got, we've got
Dove, Dove in here. Welcome Dove. Hey, all how's it going? It's going very well. Yeah, thanks for, thanks for joining. Yeah, absolutely man. Yeah, it's a pleasure to be here and obviously I'm a big fan. You know, you can see my PSP there. But yeah, I don't want to hog this space.
just kind of wanted to jump in and just on top of something that Gabe was saying in that we are an I know I've seen this before in other chats but in terms of the cajurance team when it comes to tech and stuff that they need built like we are super super happy to lend our expertise
and help with whatever needs to be doing. So yeah, I just wanted to kind of say, you know, just mention that we are very close to the team, love what they're doing and when they're going through the motions, like we will always be there to help in terms of any integrations
they may need and anything that kind of needs to be done, whether it's in terms of IBC or just really, really any kind of tech stuff that is going on because that heart they are artists and gamers of course and yeah, I just kind of wanted to mention that they're not kind of
swimming alone in terms of tech challenges that they may need. So yeah, just to kind of let everyone know that we are really on hand to help with all of that stuff and I'm sure we will even more in the future. So yeah, hopefully that can
help people understand the community element that is going on, the fact that they are doing what they're doing. Definitely we will come back to that with the exact same energy and the stuff that we can supply. So yeah, I just wanted to mention that and also that I'm super pumped.
Personally, got some stars loaded, so let's go. Yeah, great to hear. Thanks a lot. Yeah, it sounds like it's like a solid partnership between cajirans and the cajirateam and developing the art and you guys are developing the technology behind everything they need.
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, no, I mean, that's it. It's been a great exploration for us to dive into the NFT world. Everyone knows us for being really into DeFi, which we are, but in Velcro,
the caugurans have explained it really well earlier. The fact that those ideas and that kind of the idea of equality and fairness and bringing stuff to the people, the fact that that can spread way beyond just trading and bidding on liquidations and all the rest of it is actually fast
to be honest and to see how this is progressed and to see the different offshoots that have come off of it is truly fascinating. So yeah, I mean honestly for me, Cugerans is very close to hearts. Very cool. Yeah, I know you guys announced your wallet as well. I hope to pass
we see these NFTs in there that people and users, they're profile images. Yeah, it's only man. So I mean, it's the beauty of Cosmos is that it's super easy to just query a chain, for example. So we don't have to go off and build what you guys have done. We can literally query stargays.
like very, very easily. That's really the beauty of what's going on with the tech behind Cosmos. So we could quite easily have a kind of NFT sort of wallet for people that they can literally just sort of view house, maybe
be send around and we don't have to go off and build an incredible marketplace like you guys have done. And I think that's probably the beauty of what's going on with AppChains and the Cosmos in general. And I think that that's really going to become more prevalent as we move forward.
Obviously, but if a bad time now, you know, some crazy stuff going on, but I think all of us builders are going to keep pushing for that. So, yeah, definitely that there's no reason why we couldn't, you know, have a little house for your Stargaze NFTs inside the wallets and be able to do certain things.
functions while the minting and all the amazing functionality you guys have remains on Stargate. So yeah, I know we have our chats and there's going to be many things that we can push forward on. All right, yeah, it sounds really exciting. A lot of cool stuff I had.
We could. So I'm kind of on that same note. I guess, could you tell us a little bit about the team who else is involved in the project? I guess it's you and Dove and, um, remember else, yeah? Yeah, so we we've been lucky.
to not need a lot in terms of even as I'm looking at the space here. I've obviously got our little picture and then we've got Stargay's on one side and Dove on the other. And for us, that's all the support we could possibly need to kind of fulfill our vision for the project. We have an amazing artist. We have
members of the community that are coming along for the ride and contributing and shipping in. And that's really how the the blowhole came about as well in terms of creating that core group of community members that can then continue to go out and look at opportunities, look at what other projects are doing.
We really want to bring as many people into the center to play nicely with as many other projects and protocols as possible. The the blowhole members, whether that's done on total NFTs held or total rarely held at some point when that that tech realises will have access to
beta testing of the Kajira wallet. We'll also look to give them access to products for initial product testing. We have other projects that we're working on in the background that are all part of the value capture for the participants of the project and that just gives up
us a really tight net little community where we can kind of test that stuff out. We feel we're really well placed getting back to your question, but Stargay's team Cajira, there's not much I think we need other than them in terms of the tech and where this space is headed really
Okay, thank you very much. I guess on that note, what were some of the biggest challenges you faced in launching this project?
the block size 100% the sticking with a very small pixel grid for the launch of the project really limits some of the things you can achieve. It was really important to us not to deviate from the
that in terms of the artwork. So that's probably been the biggest challenge in terms of trying to realize the full vision of the project. And I think people have started to see in the other artwork that we've done where this is kind of heading
But your initial product, your initial NFT, NFTs themselves, it was hard for us to probably maintain or give people a good view of what's coming with just purely sticking to that small grid size at time.
everything else we've kind of found our way through obviously the movement in terms of the market and the pricing with the stars token was was difficult conversation wise at times in terms of funding that we require for the project versus whatever the stars
price would be on a given day. So quoting the price in a stable asset was probably something that we would have probably leaned towards and we kind of ended up doing out of just out of necessity at one point. So we didn't have to focus on that every single day.
Okay, great. I'd like to invite people to come up for any other questions for cajurans. We're going to wrap up pretty soon. So if you have any questions, please request to speak and we'll get you answered. And yet, do you have any advice for new projects coming up?
I think the main thing if they've already found their way to star guys is just lean on the systems that are in play. Star guys are amazingly responsive. We, sorry, go back to your other question, but in this question as well. We had one issue where because of our artwork being a little
bit unique. Our images weren't populating within the platform as sharp as we would have liked. Within 48 hours, Stargaze had altered the script so that our images could be as crisp as what we wanted
them presented. So it just gives you a little idea, I guess, of how responsive and how amazing the StarGaze team has been to work with throughout this process. If you're a project looking to launch anywhere else, I would say maybe have a think about StarGaze.
Thanks, yeah, we hope to have a kind of more good projects like yourself come up. I'm gonna take another call for questions going once, going twice. Okay, is there any last words you want to tell us for dear answer?
Just thank you. Thanks for having us. Thanks for being a really good place for us to build this project and to do what we want to do for our people, but then be able to bring a lot of other people into
and along for the ride we certainly are for Kujee and for the Kujee and community but we believe we're building something that other people are going to want to be a part of and whether or not they participate in Kujee
as a result of that. They'll obviously get to know cajurians and then we're going to have products as a result that are going to be CosmosWiD. So this certainly isn't only for cajurians. Yeah, I think it's a very exciting
space to be in and we're very excited to contribute as positively and as fairly to that space as we can. Awesome, yeah, I'm looking forward to our two communities melding together.
That's the go that's definitely the go for us All right guys well, I don't see any other questions So I'm gonna call it here everyone have a great freshman Friday tomorrow and just as a final reminder
the the white list for Stargaze names way for is still open. Thanks again for joining guys and y'all have a great rest of the day. Bye. Thank you.