Stargaze Week 61 Creator Chat. Thursday 05/04 at 7pm UTC.

Recorded: May 4, 2023 Duration: 1:00:10



Hey everybody, we will start off in a few minutes as more people roll through.
Hello everybody, just in, you know, the few minutes as uh,
people roll out through and we will get started in a minute.
Raka, I've invited you to come up and speak.
Oh yeah, you're good, we can hear loud and clear.
Wow, thank you very much.
Yeah, thanks for coming.
Don't worry, that'll be quiet until you begin, you know.
Cheers, yeah.
Yeah, we'll roll through the announcements for the week and we'll get started with the projects.
It's like 2am here, so like I did have a little bit of coffee about like 10pm, just to keep going, you know.
Oh yeah, I know it's late for you right now.
Where are you?
Bangkok, dude. I've lived in Bangkok.
Yeah, you're on that side of the world.
But the thing is, I've realised that Southeast Asian time zones are probably some of the worst time zones to operate in, in regards to crypto.
So I need to be kind of like a little bit agile and a little bit like flexible with how I'm working these days.
Well, I'm not, I mean it's a hobby, you know, it's a pure hobby, but we'll talk about things later. But yeah, it's fantastic to be here, bro.
Yeah, thanks.
Also, Stargaze Raffles, I've made you a speaker as well.
Okay, why don't we go ahead and get started with our announcements for the week.
So, some big ones, free mints are now live on Stargaze, so you can whitelist for free mints, or you can do it live as well.
Game of NFT's Phase 2 has kicked off. This is the application layer for Game of NFTs.
So this is when people are actually going to be building stuff with the protocol. It's really cool, I've seen some ideas already.
Consensus was last week in Austin. We had a small event and we met a lot of partners here. It's a great, it's a great time to meet people.
DAO DAO is on testnet, and it will be coming to Stargaze very very soon. Hopefully in the next few weeks.
We have full Stargaze support for Leap Wallet, and we will be hosting a space with them next week.
Commonwealth, the Governance Forum, before proposals go on chain, they now have a separate channel in Discord for you guys to get feedback on and help them develop their application as well.
And we will also be having a space with them next week.
New homepage redesigns you guys haven't seen, there are live sales, live mints, and listings there.
As far as governance, there is still a tokenomics update on Commonwealth, and a new funding request on Commonwealth for Build Your Own Mentor.
We've also added the website field for names for creator links. So you'll see how much you make when a listing is for sale.
And also, there was a big request for start time sort on Launchpad, and that is now there.
And a lot of people have been asking about Infinity Pools, our first audit was completed, and we're waiting on the second audit, and then it will be up relatively soon.
With that said, now we are here to talk through our projects for the week. We've got Rack and Stargaze Raffles.
Stargaze Raffles, just as a reminder, you need to be on your mobile device to be able to speak.
So I don't know if you're having issues, if it's a Twitter bug or not, but hopefully you'll be able to come up.
But we'll go ahead and start with the Rack team right now. Welcome, guys.
Well, bro, for one minute, can Stargaze just slow down so I can catch up with all the developments?
Because at the minute, it feels like I'm waking up every day, and I'm looking at the tweets, and then I'm jumping on the computer, and I'm like, what?
Stargaze is on absolute fire right now, and it's so uniquely placed within the industry and in people's hearts.
If people like us in the community can leverage Stargaze, and if Stargaze can leverage people in the community like us, that is a match made in heaven, isn't it?
If we think about it on a holistic scale, Stargaze for somebody like Rack FM is the greatest thing ever.
Did you say that Outposts were on testnet? Did I hear that right?
It's actually the DAO DAO native contracts are on Stargaze, so you'll be able to use DAOs natively within Stargaze, not through an ICA call or anything.
Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. I can't wait. I mean, the entire thing is really exciting, especially with Outposts and the Cozumwattum, et cetera, what it can do.
I'm not a tech guy, but you just have to be involved. If you've been involved in the ego for like two and a half years and you've taken a vested interest in what's going on, Stargaze are shipping unbelievably well in it.
We've done a couple of things already. We've done some NFTs on through DAO DAO. We dropped out all of the DAO token stakers.
So I don't know if you guys know this. We did drop them a wrap, a custom wrap by Finn from TerraSpaces who's down there recording.
And also, we have done some stuff on Omniflix. So this is the first thing we've done on Stargaze.
And this has been two and a half months in the works, in the planning. And we're just so excited, man.
And you've been such a dream to work with. Let me tell you guys, people in the audience, but more importantly, people on the replay.
And I can see Rak and everybody else is down there, right? And Don, guys, the Stargaze team are an absolute dream to work with.
It's so helpful. It's just like ridiculous, man. What I've seen with Stargaze, and to another degree, some of the platforms has given me such a bullish attitude on the next like six, seven, eight years of what we're about to experience.
It's phenomenal. Really, really quality work. And shout out, quick shout out to Graphene and Bonzi, who have been like instrumental in the strategic advice.
Very, dude, I'm so, I mean, I love Chien already. We've had them on the show, but like working like the nuts and bolts.
Yeah, working with the nuts and bolts for you guys. And then Bruce Grind and stuff out like, dude, it's been exceptional.
So thank you from us. And hopefully thank you from, you know, some mistreated and like ill-treated dogs.
And the next few days, I expect this is going to like be a very, very successful mint simply because in lightning speed, you're going to be at the sea and money being put to use and changing lives.
And that's what's important, you know. And I have to shout out, dude, Finn, like one of the instrumental part of our team down there is coming.
But like Bruce man's here. I don't know what Bruce man feels about the wheelchair mafia. He's seen a lot of videos.
He's spoken to Michael. It's a very emotional subject that we feel strongly about. And I've got five, like very, very healthy Thai dogs.
So like, I like I look at my dogs and I'm like, look how well cared for you are. And then I look at what they got going on.
And I'm like, can we like raise some money? I mean, that's where we've come from, Bruce, right?
The whole collection, the sole purpose with the collection is just to change some lives for these sweet, sweet, positive creatures.
And if you go and check out the man that rescued dogs, his Twitter page and his homepage, just take a look at the wheelchair mafia and how heavy they are when they go for the runs with the real chairs man.
Like, how do you not want to be a part of that joy?
And imagine now you can just do it by fucking going to Starcase and minting an NFT.
As easy as that. Yeah, I'm proud. I'm proud to be a part of it.
Yeah, I just want to help the dogs to be honest.
Bruce, the concept though of the 555 and the 555 is basically guys for everybody that doesn't know.
In Thailand, five is pronounced ha. So what the ties do, like, ha, ha, ha, like joking kind of thing, you know, like we use a magic smiley faces.
The ties are all type 555 to each other. It's a really anyone that's lived in Thailand for any period of time knows it's a very prominent number.
And, you know, we planned this when like, Stargates was like, what, two and a half cents or something like that, I think, you know, and the very fact that we haven't changed this right at it to us is very sentimental.
Like, it was never about like, like what we could do, like, we're trying to attract money to Michael in other ways.
And we've been really successful. Like, we've had small things. So if anyone knows small thing, you're all sure.
If you encrypt, oh, yeah, crypto Twitter, like we got him like having Michael in his pin post.
That was our job. We've already got the angel stuff set up. We did that back in September.
This is the next evolutionary step. Bruce has spent a lot of time working on this kind of collection.
And, you know, he's had a reject that like a lot of stuff like so we could create what we would call like the history.
You know, you don't know if you're going to get something from like the eight hundred or something from like the next two hundred years.
Like dogs have been with us for centuries and like they've had injuries for centuries.
And I don't know. We didn't know how to market this for Stargates.
We tried some stuff. We were like, hmm. And then we think we might have got this right, dude.
But yeah, this is just like a thing about giving back.
And I think everyone's going to like really enjoy just owning a piece and just keeping it in your wallet.
You know, I mean, any royalties go to those guys, which is also, I mean, really good.
But I don't know. Just just do some good in your life, everyone, you know.
Yeah. Have you guys worked with this organization before?
Yeah. So there's a funny story about this.
Actually, Michael doesn't even know he's had sixteen thousand bought from my ex-wife.
But like she just transferred this like without even making a big fuss about it.
But Michael, the guy, he's a legend here in Thailand, by the way.
Guy's been doing this since 2013, 10 years, I would think this year.
He takes care of I think he's got eleven hundred in the sanctuary or the eleven hundred and then another like two or three hundred on the streets.
They take care of every day. The ones that like don't want to live in a sanctuary. Right.
So I knew Michael for quite a long time living here. He's really famous. Right.
One of the biggest here. Yeah. And bear in mind, dogs are mistreated here.
However, I got a dog from him, a rescue dog. And it was a really sad story, a sharp here.
And I had it for like four successful years. She became part of my family.
I've got amazing photos all over Twitter like this is a real like I don't know.
She was in a puppy farm for four years of her life.
And then the thing she was for. And then I adopted her.
Michael rescued her, you know, and kind of fixed her health.
But it was really bad a little bit. But very quickly, I took her on and, you know, she was traumatized.
And then kind of we shared this little bond at this time.
And it was it was one of the most magical experiences in my life.
And I've never seen her in a half years with her before she passed away peacefully in the middle of the night.
And like she lived like a life you cannot believe man it was.
It was an epiphany and life changing moment for me. And this guy like he's so legit.
He's got six hundred thousand followers on his Facebook guys.
TMT RD really capital letters TMT RD.
Obviously dot org. You can go and find them.
They've been featured on the door door. I think the video on the door door the last time I knew this was like a long time ago on the door door video with my law.
I think he'd had about one point three million hits like I went viral quicker than you can believe.
Like I just I've been through his parvo outbreaks and I've been through all of the hardship and heartache.
And you would not believe the costs of feeding thirteen hundred dogs daily.
I mean bro think about it. Think about feeding thirteen hundred dogs daily.
So can you guys tell us from maybe the people who aren't familiar like who you guys are exactly like what RAC FM is and kind of like how you got into into the scene in the cosmos.
Or Ben should be here for this one Ben should be giving you the definition of what RAC FM is.
I just invited him up.
I mean we're an offshoot and a bit might buy offshoot.
I mean like the marketing kind of like like community led offshoot of raccoon supply and to an extent raccoon dot bet.
So like we're just the original OG community members of raccoon supply that started doing spaces.
Started with a mint out one. A lot of people know the history.
And then we just kind of became this I don't know autonomous organization.
But recently Finn who is in charge of and runs travel spaces.
Yeah the CEO essentially he told us you know guys he's doing such good work here.
But you know we need some organization some production we need some.
So in January we decided to go to an official RAC FM and see if we could start.
Like you know I mean Shane from Stargaze who was a legend by the way Giga Chad.
He was one of the first on our show like and dude we just try to make sure that we want to listen to.
You know there's a lot of shows that have to be really ultra professional.
Like the racks don't need that like.
And also these guys have never had like kind of any same what we've been doing.
It's just literally a community led project that originated out Iraq and we've been doing spaces now for.
Wow. We've been doing them now nearly 15 months.
So this is like quite you know with hundreds and hundreds of hours.
And now we just want to we've got a DAO on DAO DAO.
You know our DAO DAO DAO. Shout out there. Shout out Jake.
But I mean imagine what's possible.
I don't know. I don't want to imagine what's not possible in this industry.
I just want to reach like reach for the stars and I don't care if I land on the gutter.
But I think the way the tech's going if you look at the updates and the way the tech is progressing.
You must be uber bullish. Look at the interface that stars is running now man.
It's been ridiculous. I can't do it. I can't wait to mint.
I can't wait to show all the transactions online. The money. Watch this guy like it's.
I don't know. I'm sure it's a very proud daddy moment you know.
Yeah I know for sure. I mean you guys are doing a lot.
I believe like that the rack team that your dev team is also working on the open edition mentor for Stargaze as well.
So there's like deeper you know collaboration going on as well on a more technical level.
The right Chad's on that the rack dev team that absolute terrorists.
I'm telling you to let them let them on your blockchain and watch them go to town.
I've never known two people who were just like I Rob or you're going to listen to spaces.
Tell us what happens like let us down like the level of code.
These two guys can put out in the front end that can build. I'm telling you put your money on right.
Like yeah that's no joke but also put your money on Stargaze because I'm going to I'm going to say this publicly.
In my opinion the rack the OG rack collection should be on Stargaze like right now.
On the live spaces I'm going to say this right now.
I mean he's down there you can bring them up but I don't see any reason like why not especially with Dow Dow now.
I mean it's a no brainer than me but I've only got a vote like everyone else but let's say a mole.
I don't know if you want to come up and speak but to me Stargaze is where like rack is a PFP NFT.
That's it. I know it's got like collateral like connected to it right as being a part owner of the casino.
Well think about that man.
We just got we can't do anything on where we are right now and snip 721s.
I don't know if anyone actually knows in the audience how far out there snip 721s are but I'm not bullish on math.
I don't know. Come on mole.
Tell me I'm right or wrong.
You should move to Stargaze.
As he thinks about what to say let's go in here from Stargaze raffles right now about their project launching on Friday as well.
Hi everyone.
So from Stages with Stargaze referral.
Do you hear me well?
Yeah we hear you well.
So to speak about Stages referral.
We just in simple terms aim to make weekly refers paid by the yield by delegating our mint treasury to Stargaze validators.
We would like to delegate only to NFT project owned validators in the first time.
Maybe maybe later we could expand it.
But we truly aim to delegate near than 100 percent of our mint treasury to Stargaze validators to generate yield.
And this yield will pay Stargaze NFT that will be added to our raffle prices and to be distributed to our holders.
So by minting one NFT you will have a chance on 2000 to win a raffle each week worth of 3000 stars worth of NFTs only Stargaze NFTs.
Okay cool.
Yeah so you guys will be purchasing NFTs from the market to raffle off every week.
And how are you planning to do the raffles?
To do the raffles I added a simple metadata to our NFT.
Each NFT got a unique ticket number between 1 and 2000.
And at each draw the winning number will get NFT dropped.
I mean if you minted the ticket number 1000 and this number wins the raffle then I will check on the constellation to find your stars address.
The owner stars address then help him the price.
And the price choice is a community driver.
So we will have a few wrongs on this card using Apero.
And the owner of a certain number of NFTs will be able to propose a collection that they like.
And after this everyone will be able to vote for it.
Choosing oh this week we would like to purchase I don't know a bit of NFT or Cosmos 8 or anything.
And why NFT will show what our community wants.
And distribute it via raffles.
Great. This sounds like a community-led project.
It may even suit well for a DAO.
So are your funds going to be going into a multi-sig or is this like a very trust-based system with the community at the moment?
Yes, I'm alone behind the Stargaze episodes.
They are going to say they are going to buy new Cosmos.
I'm here since about one year I think.
And I do not have lots of contact in Stargaze.
And behind it we plan to not take a lot of I don't know a lot of projects.
I don't know something like X percent of the new treasury.
We will not put it this way.
We only keep 10 percent of generated yield which I had the numbers.
It approx 300,000 a week.
Which is like something like five dollars.
And I can't pay someone to proceed the multi-sig each time.
But if someone wants to do it for free, I'm open to make a multi-sig.
Yeah, I think when we do have DAOs up, your project would probably be a pretty good candidate for it.
So people would be able to vote on what to do with the treasury funds
and be able to probably distribute the rewards easily.
I've never been involved in an FT before I learned about Stargaze.
And I think that the person which could be chosen for multi-sig must be someone very active.
And I can't pick anyone even if it's a person very active in my community.
If tomorrow he decides to leave or I don't know, I will be blocked to continue, I think.
But I'm not very aware about multi-sig.
With the DAOs, you should be able to add and remove people.
And you can have the entire kind of community vote on that, not just a three out of five multi-sig.
But yeah, we're here to help you.
Please ask in the Discord or the community here.
Everyone's very helpful.
You said you are new to Stargaze and Cosmos, right?
How did you hear about Stargaze and how did you decide to launch on here?
I firstly heard about Stargaze by seeking for airdrop.
I saw multiple tweets saying,
Stake some stars to get airdrop, Stake atons, Stake Juno, etc.
And then I just came to see what happens there.
And I found it fabulous to get a blockchain-only NFT dedicated with low fees.
I remember getting free means for $50 worth of NFT as fees.
And I truly believe in Stargaze.
That's why my project really aims to support Stargaze's collections
by only minting or purchasing floral for price to pay our holders.
And I think I purchased my first NFT on Stargaze.
I don't remember, but less than one year,
I actually helped.
Then I never left Stargaze.
And I now hope I think I'll do NFTs or something like that.
Awesome. Thank you.
Thank you for coming on.
I think the community will be more fun with you.
Right now, if anyone's got any questions for the RAC team or Stargaze Raffles,
let's get you guys on and we'll get your questions answered.
I think we lost maybe the other RAC person.
They didn't want to come up and chat.
Are you here?
Oh, he's still there.
I do, so RACs can't, Bruce is here.
But RACOOM, the official, like the proper RACOOM, the devs, you know,
like not us, us players, they're out for lunch so they can't come up.
B-Bands is like, just messages can't come up.
I'm going to add a caveat here because I see Jaws here, Signal, Chads here.
I see Green.
I look down here and I see amazing people, amazing like creative or just people who,
I see people who don't extract value in this room right now who add value.
And I want to say this, I think between us, guys, this community,
we can make this a record mint out with the wheelchair mafia
and we can have the funds like to him within like lightning time
and we can actually have Michael on because he's like, he's like, right, dude, okay,
I'll make Friday, but I think it's before the mint, obviously.
He's like, okay, because I asked him, I said, well, dude, would you come on Joe's show?
You know, I thought that would be a good one for the NFT.
He was just like, well, things come up, you know, but we're going to get this guy on.
He said he would come on a Stargates face.
I think if we make this like a record mint out, that's really good for Stargates.
That's like a really cool look that like, okay, the Stargates community actually like cares about this,
like wanted a minted out.
Joe, or what's that for? Joe's crying with the emojis.
Can we bring Joe up on her?
Come on, Joe, what are you crying? Are you crying on your dogs?
Joe, he loves himself some relevancy. Get up here, man.
The thing is, and it's quite interesting.
It's quite interesting how easy it is for us with the connections, like with Michael,
it's quite interesting for us how easy it is to execute and how the team came together
to create this from like nothing from zero, you know, we've made a hero from a zero
and we're going to say, your man, you know, get enough money to be able to take care of things.
And I mean, listen, dogs in wheelchairs, the greatest spec in the world.
That's one of those things I just open YouTube for and I look at every time I've been feeling like bad about myself
or I've been through hard times and things, I look at these videos and I'm like, okay,
the world's just a better place now, you know, I feel better about myself.
Like, I can't feel like bad when you look at what these guys go through, you know,
like the real wheelchair mafia, yeah.
What's he got? I think he's got about 30, I think he's got like 30 in wheelchairs or something.
Yeah, no one adopts the wheelchair ones, you know, about 30, 32 in wheelchairs.
And the wheelchair is a proper expensive, like it's a hard one.
Like what is it? 0.5 East for like a wheel, something like that.
Good wheels, expensive stuff, man.
Yeah, wheelchairs aren't cheap.
Yeah, I don't know if you guys know Saturn Candy, but she also did a collection to support dogs.
I think specifically dogs, it was a shelter in the Philippines.
And we do have like a pets channel in our Discord that people will occasionally post pictures and videos with their pets.
So I hope you guys participate in that too.
Dude, actually, did you see that message from the animal rights activist yesterday and said she'd like created like a wallet and was on board and to get ready for it.
Dude, she's never, ever, ever done crypto in her life.
Like she's just, if you look at our Twitter, it's just all animal rights activists.
And Bruce will tell you, right?
Yes. Was that yesterday, Bruce, or the day before?
I think it was yesterday.
But yeah, yeah, she, she made a new wallet.
She, she knows Michael through, through activism, I think.
And she saw a post he did about the star engagement.
So she went and did some research and just made a wallet.
She's already loaded up, loaded up on stars and ready to support, support some doggies.
And I just want to say, if you're a person that doesn't give a fuck about dogs, I give a fuck about charity, man.
That's okay. That's up to you.
But just imagine you can have a proof of charity in your wallet.
So people won't know that you hate dogs and you hate charity.
You can just show your wallet and you don't have to have that conversation ever again in your whole life.
There's a lot of utility to this.
Did you just drop proof of charity live on here when we're trying to keep this for tomorrow?
Oh, my goodness.
Bruce, please, we, this guy, honest to God, Joe, I know what you mean now.
I was Joe left. Oh, we should have got Joe.
How many do you want them?
But yeah, proof of charity, like we've been talking proof of participation, proof of attendance, you know, this whole thing.
Adding up the proof of reputation.
I think that's where Starkey is like has like a good lead is on the proper reputation with things like this.
Imagine you've got so many different like credits with so many different like things.
You know what I mean?
Not like social credits because you can be a non or you are a non.
But like this should add up to something like the things you've invested in the things you've like proved your character to be.
This like this everything that what's happening now goes a lot deeper than what anybody thinks.
Proof of contribution plus proof of participation equals proof of reputation.
There we go.
Yeah, sounds like people need these wheelchair dogs tomorrow.
So are you guys going to be updating on maybe like the status of the dog or the shelter?
Maybe post any photos of those guys.
Bro, so fingers crossed when this happens.
I think like like the biggest like dog shelter here.
I think you're going to say like a nice stargaze like logo on the front of it for the rest of its like beers.
And it keeps expanding.
They keep like being able to buy more land from the local municipality.
I think we're only at the beginning.
I mean, I should.
It's not that difficult for me.
It's just been difficult at the minute.
I can go down and we can do like a little live video.
And showcase star gears like for this.
I think I think if we do a record mint out, I think this will do more for star gears than anybody can believe.
Like if you listen to the audience, honest to God, we're being taught about this.
Like this should be like less than five minutes.
And that's all I'm saying.
Everybody wants a wheelchair.
You know, you want to own that stuff.
And then imagine coming here, though, like on a holiday at Thailand and being at the sanctuary, which is what it is.
It's an amazing thing, man.
By the way, you've got no idea how big it is.
And like what they've got with swimming pools and everything, man, you've got to go and look on the Facebook.
Because remember Twitter wasn't popular for that kind of stuff back then.
Like, bro, imagine like you go, though, and you've got the NFT, man, and you go to the place like and it's just like it's not like a bar code, is it?
Or a QR code.
You know what I'm talking about.
It's like a rather special to you and the experience that you're going through.
And I don't know.
We're trying, you know, we're only no code plebs.
And that's the beauty about Stargears.
I mean, Bruce, Bruce, how easy is a no code pleb has it been to be able to like do what we've done or what you've done, particularly with Stargears?
Let me put it in this way.
I could do it.
All right.
So let's let's just say it all, man.
It was fucking easy, man.
And the documentation was great.
Like every single step was laid out with links, pictures, explanations.
And if I had any questions, there was a whole Starcase team on Discord ready to answer any of them.
It was very easy.
Thank you for helping all the projects launch every week.
So thank you very much for that, guys.
Shout out Bonsie.
I have to say it as an ambassador for Stargears.
Bonsie has to be like one of Bonsie is in my top three favorite people in crypto.
And that's in summer because like that means like he's up there above some of the rock people.
I'm going to joke.
And by the way, shout out Bonsie like this guy, like motivational advice, like really kind of like, you know, Rob,
there's no limits, you know, like the only limit is you.
He's like that that guy.
Does that make sense?
He's really, really like, oh, my goodness.
He's such an asset to your organization.
That is ridiculous.
I could like.
So I guess I've got a question on the royalties, guys.
So what happens to the royalties?
Does that go to also the dogs eventually or does that go to the team?
Or what's the plan with that?
It goes to the dogs in perpetuity.
Yeah, that's that's the plan.
Michael gets all the royalties like literally the funny thing.
The funny thing about this dude is what you never see on blockchain is Michael knows where I live.
That's like the unique thing here.
Like, can you imagine if I wrote the project, it just turned up with like a few titles and I'd be in a grave tomorrow.
You know, that's that's a beauty.
Like, OK, we'd love the doubt to be able to do this.
But at the minute, the Dow can't.
However, listen, for these royalties, we would love like a sub and automated sub down on Iraq.
I found out that we could just send this to Michael.
I mean, we could we can get contracts that can automate and change like stuff and be able to send it to his wallets.
I mean, this guy is full crypto, right?
Like this is going to start the test like Dow down and start like we're stress testing you guys right now or we're about to.
Well, people don't realize like how far ahead our thinking is about, you know, how we want to stress test like.
I mean, you are you guys are putting out all these tools.
Do you not want like people to like utilize them?
I mean, I'm sure you do, right?
Oh, you know what?
That reminds me.
I also I missed one update we had.
We we read the badges sites of badges that stories that zone is redone.
And so it's much easier to claim a badge and share the badge claim site.
So, yeah, that's another tool we built this week.
You know what?
Stargaze is.
Yeah, listen, listen to me synopsis here very quickly, though.
Stargaze is like a cultural gasoline, isn't it?
Well, you can pour it on a fire and the fire like it kind of keeps blowing up even more like I mean, I wrote off bad kids.
How badly like how bad am I down on writing off bad kids, right?
Has been like shit on blah, blah, blah, right?
What a mistake.
I mean, if you can't learn by mistake in this world, I don't know what you're doing.
And literally the PFP.
Oh, no, no, no.
I mean, I was just agreeing with you.
You know, like when we talk to a lot of people about what Stargaze is and it's like place like in the cosmos of the ecosystem, we say it's like, you know, like the cultural center of the cultural hub.
It's like all the NFTs are essentially like cultural artifacts, right?
And that's really our power.
And you build culture and culture is upstream of politics.
That's why Shane is actually a really, really cool guy.
When you brought the street room and he's just like relax this book and he's just like bantering on with you, man, this guy like knows like like that.
That interview just changed like, I don't know, everything.
I'd be honest with you guys.
NFTs carried me through that winter.
Like if it hadn't been for NFTs, hadn't made for Stargaze, eventually, financially, I might have been in trouble.
But I just managed to be able to like liquidate some assets, right?
Some like fungible assets, right?
And be able to like just do right in the right.
I mean, it was.
I have to say it wasn't until the JAWS.
Like I made like a proper money overnight.
And then I was like, oh, my God.
And then Stargaze has given me so many opportunities and I've had like very little in real life work or input or like for a long time.
And I would say Stargaze probably put the food on my table for four months over the winter if you played the game.
No, no, it's impressive.
Yeah. So you're deep in the Stargaze as well.
Like real deep.
Dude, how can you not culturally buy into like what happens?
And like I say, I mean, you know, when we see everybody like on one day, you know, change their profile to a wheelchair mafia
and then going like Smalls like latest comment.
And we just all start spamming it and like we can like see, you know, people who've got real money being like a Bruce man.
I don't know the figures, but like it slowed down a little bit.
But Michael, we got him quite a bit of money after the last post right.
We got like.
Yeah, yeah.
I can't remember how much it was.
I just remember seeing him posting the the transaction that he did where he sold the atom for for Thai bad.
And took it out and feared.
I can't remember the amount, the exact amount.
So, you know, if we can change up.
Now, go ahead. Sorry.
No, I'm just going to say we've seen it before, whether it was with the jaws or the squids or whatever.
We've seen the power of when like a group, a community.
And this is not group think by the way.
Yeah, it's culture can come together.
Shout out squids, by the way.
Whether it can come together and you see that even the corporation, if you're seeing it like just by changing like your profile for it or like many community members, you can like raise crazy awareness.
So why not try to connect that to that?
Think about it.
It only takes a little bit.
I mean, isn't it just people might not know or people might not be aware and you just create an awareness about something that is a like a real terrible issue that's there in front of you.
We don't realize the power that we can harness.
I think we're getting there.
It's getting it.
And Stargate has given us the tools.
But yeah, man, shout out everybody goes down there.
Look at this stone island.
You got like people who were trying to do something, help people make a difference.
And I love this world.
Right now, this world, I'm in such a happy place right now, bro.
Can't wait for this mint.
Yeah, no, it'd be fun if, you know, when you guys minted out, then they moved on to Stargate's raffles.
And then the voting in Stargate's raffles is to buy the wheelchair dogs.
And then the circle continues on.
Sorry, can you repeat that you cut out in the mid-census?
Bruce is like, wait, wait, wait.
He's taking notes.
Get your notepad.
So, you know, your crew, you know, once you guys mint out, we'll go and miss the Stargate's raffles.
And then the Stargate's raffles community, you have the voting power, can buy the dogs for the raffles.
What do you think about that, Stargate raffles?
Can you repeat that raffle?
I couldn't hear that either, man.
Yeah, I couldn't hear a raffle there.
He was a bit muffled.
Is he getting kidnapped?
He sounds like he was getting kidnapped or something there, no?
It was all right.
Raffles, are you around?
Yeah, I'm here.
I heard that you were telling that our people will be able to vote for maybe RAC-FM.
Then if agreed by the majority of people in the community, we will purchase worth of 3,000 styles.
Then I don't remember the price of your collection, but if the price is something like $100, we will purchase up to $30 NFT and we'll proceed to $30 raffles.
And each NFT you own will be an entry to each raffle made.
Cool, yeah, so there may be some...
Sounds hella cool.
I'm sorry, we need to buy more of those NFTs.
I didn't turn this to three.
He was saying it is pretty cool and anything to grab more of the NFTs to help out the dogs?
Isn't it cool that it's all on-chain as well?
So we were talking about this.
Obviously, I have type bank accounts, right?
I can transfer the money from no problem, but he accepts cryptocurrency depending on the sanctuaries like state and what's happening in the markets.
And he does get advice, by the way, guys, just to let you know some big people said we'll give you the right advice if you want to try and manage your stuff.
I like it how this guy doesn't have to sell everything or he waits until he might get a little big, you know?
And these royalty things.
I love the fact that we can send them crypto.
Bruce and I had a conversation, right?
Bruce, where we were like, well, do we like off-ramp it?
And Bruce is like, well, no, not really.
It's going to change like what we're doing.
The cool thing is this entire like chain right from the field to the table, right?
And the part of the table is going to be on-chain.
And I think that's really cool as well is that like these transactions are going to be all public, all published.
And like that's one of the beautiful things about blockchain, isn't it?
Is that like you just know when we talk about like proof of charity.
Bruce, think about it.
How do you prove proof of charity when it's on the bloody blockchain?
That was what I was just about to say, especially in the current climate right now.
And there's been recently a couple of charity projects, right?
That just turned out to be maybe, okay, I'm going to be very polite and diplomatic here, right?
They maybe turned out to be not exactly what they promised to be, right?
So it is so crucial, so crucial that everything is just transparent and clear and on-chain
when we do stuff, especially charity, right?
Because we all have been scammed with charity.
Yeah, I'm going to shut up now.
All right, guys.
Any questions for RAC FM or Stargaze Raffles?
Are you in Stargaze about the projects coming up?
We will get your question answered.
We got some cool guys up here.
Fun projects.
We've got some cool guys up here.
I'll tell you what use.
I'll tell you.
Your very slick operation, your own dude is class.
Must have respected and must have shouted out to you guys.
Yeah, thank you guys for coming on board.
You know, I feel that this won't be the last collection that you guys launch on Stargaze.
Well, we would be careful.
Be careful with what you wish for, man.
We would love to get into badges.
We would love to get into badges like participation badges and stuff.
And we've looked at some stuff.
I think Larry did some stuff.
Is that right as well?
Was it Larry?
Oh, yeah.
So that's what I'm saying.
We just redid the badge claim site as well.
So you could enter in your Stargaze name and claim it right away.
It's pretty cool.
It's also supported on studio.
You should be able to make a badge in like five minutes.
And enter in NFTs.
So like I'm really excited about it.
Like, listen, could you, like, not you, could someone hypothetically burn like five NFTs, say,
like on Omniflix and mint a new one on Stargaze that's like a really exclusive one?
And then would that be possible or not?
Do you want to burn NFTs on, say, like Omniflix and then have them mint on Stargaze?
If you could do that, though.
Like, is that going to be possible with what's going to happen soon enough?
Like, burn and mint, I think, are really so interesting at the minute.
And cross-chain, I think, is super interesting.
If you tie them together, we're thinking like, okay, what do you do to create exclusivity?
Yeah, you know, I think that's definitely already possible.
And I do think that's how some tier projects migrated into the cosmos.
So the interchain transfers allow you to transfer from chain to chain and back again.
So, like, I believe it gets locked in the bridge or it gets burned in the bridge and it gets reminted.
But then you can go backwards as well.
I'm asking, though, because I don't know if you know.
I know when you work in a particular eco, you know, what you'd pay attention to outside is sometimes limited,
except for by conditions.
So we're like four NFTs deep in a collection on Omniflix, you know.
We said it was going to be like a 10 of 10.
And what we're being doing, as we're being gone, the first two were just images, like not JPEGs, PNGs, whatever you want to call them.
But we did create like an NFT and we did, like, get people to participate in, like, Mint.
The third one we did was we embedded the podcast in it with the person that was in the picture.
And it was like a Rack FM special.
These are all Rack FM artworks from Yaman Ambedo.
Shout out.
I mean, guys, this is like creators.
Let's be fair.
I mean, I'm Brascos here as well.
These, for me, have just been the most impeccable artists and creators and innovators in that field.
Like in my little world for the last, like, 12 months or something, like, literally, Ambedo's work just keeps getting better and better.
And we're going to drop Finn's Rack tomorrow with this list.
So, dude, we have another drop as well tomorrow.
But we shouldn't talk about it here.
I mean, I don't know.
I wanted to keep it stargaze.
I don't want to talk about any other drops.
I don't want to be, like, disrespectful to you, you know?
That's all good, man.
We're friends here.
I love to support you guys and, you know, you're doing a fashion stargaze as well.
So what's going to happen tomorrow?
And I might have got distracted from the Omniflex NFTs.
But, like, that's a collection that we're trying to, like, create.
But I have been envisioned where you would have to burn it to get something, like, magical.
It's going to last you forever.
But tomorrow, we are.
At the beginning of the week, first of May, we opened up preregistrations for the...
So we've got a DAO.
And we basically, like, publicized the DAO treasury address.
And we said, okay, if you would like to send, like, $3 in gelato or Juneau or Signal or AxelRUSD.
Like, whatever it is at the time, whatever the exchange rate is, send $3 to the DAO.
Like, a pre-registration, pre-order.
And we'll drop you the mint.
And so the last one we did on Omniflex was our first single from Raka Fem DAO Records.
And it was called Imagine the Smell.
A lot of people know.
We're about to drop tomorrow on the big space in the lead-up of the wheelchair mafia.
The people who were pre-registered and paid $3 on our DAO, right?
Our DAO DAO DAO on Juneau, yeah.
We're about to drop them an exclusive, like, NFT with a rap embedded into it.
And it's ridiculous.
So it's Ambedo's artwork.
And it's fit on the vocals.
It's called GM, GM Gang.
And it features Jay Cardinal.
And it's probably one of the most cultural relevant NFTs, I think, that's going to come out in the next, like, year.
That's ridiculous.
And dude, yeah, this is going to be the warm-up before the wheelchair mafia.
We're probably going to keep spaces going until, like, you know, the mint comes and we mint out.
I mean, nobody tells us what to do.
Yeah. And so you wouldn't be banned down there in the chat.
Nobody tells us what to do.
We'd go on for, like, three or four hours, right?
The epic spaces.
Bro, we don't live by anyone else's rules.
Lots of difference with us.
We really give, like, zero, folks.
And, you know, something with that kind of becomes a, like, a lot of responsibility.
Like, we can go and do what we want.
We can go and give this money to charity and make, like, and see it a people, you know?
Don't be all about the greed.
Try not to be all about yourself.
Try and, like, share some of the love around, man.
You'll feel much better for it, yeah.
All right, guys. We're getting towards our hour here.
But I want to give another shout-out if there's any questions for the RAC team or Stargaze Raffles.
Please pop on in.
I didn't heard any question about our project, but I would like to tell something about this.
We have something.
We need an epic treasure.
Last week, Testnet Connectives.
This is a test for the future connection.
We are able to request Testnet Connectives.
We chose the same one with the new collection.
And, you know, I think one hour, I will proceed to the grow.
And you can use it.
Stargaze Raffles. Sorry, dude.
Listen, I know exactly your problem because I've had it myself.
You're on a wired headset.
Like, you've got a wire in, yeah.
And I think there's a little thing broken, the little copper wire, you know, when they get a little bit dodgy.
And your headset, like, bang, bang, bang.
I think, I don't know.
Was it just me or did anybody else hear that?
Yeah, bro.
I only have my headset and I come to talk with something else.
But if you have questions, oh, I'm sorry, my English is so bad.
You can just join our Discord and I'm always able to answer your questions.
There's no problem.
Awesome. Thank you very much.
Yeah, if you guys have anything else you want to leave us with or anything we didn't cover, please speak up.
Iraq, anything else?
Yeah, let's just have a good day.
I mean, let's just have a Friday.
Let's have a fun day.
I don't know what else to say.
I'm just so bullish on how you guys have helped us, the advice, the mentorship, first class.
And if you ever hear about FM, like, talking about, oh, my goodness, absolute first class.
Like, that's a statement in itself.
It's just been a dream to work with you guys.
And, yeah, in the future, it's going to be crazy.
And let's remember, you know, we are building some form of identity.
Like, wherever you lie, whatever you feel, you know, we can come together over, like, common goods, common causes, et cetera.
So, yeah, man, dude, I waited up until 2 a.m.
We're on the hour market, 3.
What a privilege.
I'm going to have to let me dogs out.
My dogs, people think I'm a pikey, you know.
I'm going to let the dogs out, and, dude, I'm going to go to bed and sleep.
And I probably go to bed with a smile on my face, because I think this has just been, I don't know, not copium or anything.
You know, hope during, like, dark times or whatever.
But if you're not bullish on the ego right now, after listening to stuff like this tonight, man, you're in the wrong game.
So, yes, thank you very much, Stargates.
It's been a pleasure.
We thank you very much.
Thank you for joining, and everyone have a great Fresh Mint Friday tomorrow.
Enjoy the mint.
Bye, guys.
Imagine the fucking smell.