Recorded: June 29, 2023 Duration: 0:12:58



[Music] Derby!
unmuted to give you a shout out and the music is
is done so now.
What is uh y'all can't let me when I when I play the music it's it's not working all right
You know Twitter's got to rug one way or the other. Man Twitter is always doing weird things dude. I did not feel like it doesn't matter what day or time you're you're gonna
get some bug. You know, I really thought we got we got the man sending sending satellites to space and sending rockets off the space space coast every week. He'd be able to fix a little Twitter glitch, but man expectations will kill you.
Especially when the apps are in the TV.
What did you say bro? Sorry, I'm eating blondies right now too. My wife is an amazing cook. Oh you go to me sweets. I honestly forgot what I said because that blondie was so good. Yeah just hit your taste but sensory overload is all out there.
brownies, but they're blondies and they are just phenomenal. So on the same wavelength there, I know what you mean. Guys, if you don't mind, please like, retweet the space. Let's get some friends in here. I think it's going to be a really fun
day we've had some pretty remarkable action in the market. A lot of instilled confidence, bitcoins looking a little shaky here at the 30K range but I don't want to give away all the TA right now but it's going to be fun.
End of, how was your week?
Dude it has been an absolute blast. The only time I actually watch the markets, we have the market bots within our discord server that traps everything. So the only time I actually watch
markets is when I'm like in discord and I see the I see a box on the on the side that is about the only time and I got to say seen Bitcoin at 30,000 was actually a surprise this past like weeks
So I mean, yeah, it's been, it's been, it's been crazy to see a bit going back up there. I've had a great week. Surprisingly, it's the middle of winter and it is surprisingly, surprisingly hot in your way. I don't know what is wrong with the
weather right now. But dude, this weather is really nice for wintertime. I went outside with a t-shirt which is crazy because last year I had to have like a co-Jackie and a heat
on and I wouldn't go outside so I mean it's been a crazy year it's been a crazy week for sure so I mean I'm having a blast I'm enjoying the time I'm enjoying the the weather so yeah it's going great so far thankfully
Well that bro is always a good
As he's talking about Twitter rugs There might be in red Maybe maybe I'm gonna do it. I think I actually just was walking running from like this account. I'm sure
Can you guys see me? Yeah, yeah, I'm definitely rugged. Yeah, it's automatically muting me. I've seen this before. It looks like it might not now. So yeah, no, guys, just
Just a quick reminder, you know, nothing in here is financial advice. This is for entertainment purposes only. And yeah, you know, we're here to have a good time. If you're if you're wanting to make decisions and you're wanting
I think he just unmuted again. He did. It's just randomly muting me. But I was just saying we love to hear everybody's opinion and perspective on the market. That's how you grow. Your network is your network.
worth and you have to evaluate it and really try to put yourself into other people's shoes and in a lot of times I think you know the the the maximum amount of your intelligence is the ability to see both sides of the argument at the same time right and really build basic
cases for that because then you can start to create like a really fundamentally sound understanding of what the opportunity and the risk are for both sides. So, Enzo, I got to ask, what is your TA? What's your market analysis? How are you feeling?
So I have a, I mean, as you guys know, I haven't, I've said this, I think in the last couple of spaces, I haven't really looked at the charts aside from from the market bought, but I think I've
I'm going to start to do a little bit more TA once I see ETH over 2000 once I see eith break 2000 I think I might start you know like looking at the charts again and evaluating my
position on what I'm actually going to do. The only thing I actually have right now going for me, I have a bot that automatically trades ETH. So I'm not worried about looking at a chart because I have a bot for all of that.
I might start to add on to its position a bit more once I actually see it break 2000 until then I'm still we're still in a range where I'm just kind of sitting on the side till then
So, Inza, I would love to know and I'm sure others in the crowd. We hear about all of this A/R and different automated trading strategies that can be deployed. What kind of bot do you use?
So I think we've had a toast point before in one of our spaces and they've talked about their bot. I just used the bot that they made. It's called Crypto Toast and it's an automated bot that treats ETH against ETH
against USDT or BUSD Mavic. Have you back tested it? They have back tested it and I have all the results so it tells me everything that it's talking about, it's all walled up.
And from the log, I can see the percentages that have gained everything that's happened. I can see my average per trade. And so far, I mean, it's been good. I'm still positive on trades. I think I'm almost positive. 1% per trade.
almost I do turn it off whenever we're in a downtrend it does get turned off and then depending on the range we do turn it back on but yeah for the most part we're net positive on the bot it
and we don't even have to look at the chart or anything. Maddie has been kind enough to look at the charts and he has a team that's figured out how to fully build the bot. They have a team of traders that like updates the bot depending on how the market is doing.
I have no reason to look at the charts because of what does everything for me thankfully. You know we're gonna hop over to the North Fawder next. I just wanted to throw out there you know last night I actually went through and I created a bot and so the trading strategy that I used is
So you can go through and you can use Ponscript and oddly enough for V4 version, chat GBT is actually pretty good. I mean it's very good and highly efficient to create not super complex trading strategies.
But I use the moving averages, the MACD, the Bollinger bands, and RSI as indicators and I set upper and lower ranges for those and with three or more qualifying indicators, you know, confirmations on a
trade, it will place that position. And as you stated in so a lot of the times, the reasons that bots don't trade downtrends is because they're much more complex and difficult to sustain like a profitable trading strategy. But it was really interesting because just
with that simple trading strategy probably took me 10 minutes to set up and back test. It has a 73% wind ratio. Now the downside of that, the one thing that I really look at with different trading strategies is the short ratio because to me if I can get a good wind percentage and to
me like, if you can find an Algo, this producing like 65 plus percent of winning trades, that has the potential of being a strong tool in your belt. But the short ratio is the
The wrist tolerance right so the higher the sharper ratio the better because that's saying hey You're getting a really good risk to reward based off of these trades so That's one thing that I'm really trying to work on is to identify Hey, how do I lower that sharp ratio? I'm sorry, but how do I bring it?
that sharp ratio up lower my wrist while still sustaining a really high wind rate. And you can just be simple and you say, "Hey, I'm going to throw in a 5 or 10% stop loss." But that actually through the whole strategy also, it's so interesting. And I think with where tech is, we're really on the
because of seeing some incredible opportunities with some highly effective bots and in our father did you want to chime in? Yeah, because I own a burnt toast, but I just honestly haven't dove into it and I figured I'd ask you real quick is there a minimum to get started on that? Because that was the
one thing that I was I've been saving up but I didn't know what there was like a I've just been so busy I looked into it so CryptoMedic who's in the audience told me about it and I definitely having bats and putting in those strategies to where they could take the emotion out of trading because that's what the bottom