Sunday !Chimp Chat 🐒

Recorded: April 2, 2023 Duration: 0:39:10



GMGM, all of our lovely chimps, family, friends, extended community members. It's good to be
back to another Sunday chimp chat from your host, Merr. If I'm fortunate enough, I'll have other speakers and I invite anyone who would like to come shop it up. Discuss things going on in the community in the space. Just get back to our roots here. Last week we took Saturday as our day for our chimp chat. I had stuff going on on
on that Sunday, but it feels good to be back. Sunday at noon, EST is typically the time that we like to go live and it's been working pretty well for us. We've received a lot of support, a lot of notifications have been set for the space prior. We've been doing really good job of getting the word out. And more or less, these are an opportunity for us to share information about what's going on
within our community to communicate to others maybe who are not privy to the discord to our Twitter to see what's going on with our project and our members and I think Twitter spaces are a really great opportunity platform to do just that. So this is our fifth installment, five consecutive weeks. We've been pretty
good other than last week being on a Saturday. We've been pretty good about Sunday at noon EST and there's been content to talk about every single week just based on what's going on within our project. Sometimes we stray off the path a little bit and talk about what else is going on in Web 3 because that is an endless well of information.
And there's so much that we can dive into here today. The first of which is that the Chimperes have announced a New York City event in April. This will be April 22nd. Details for this I'm sure are still on the way. This will be the week after the event.
After NFT NYC, so I've already mentioned if you're going to be in New York City during NFT NYC Week, which is coming up pretty soon, would love to connect, would love to chop it up. I'm just going to send a couple invites out to people, feel free to come up if you'd like, would love to talk to you guys, no pressure, of course, no pressure.
a lot of familiar faces, which is great to have you guys coming back. So that, of course, the April 22nd New York City Meetup, that's very exciting. Of course, last base we talked about, the T-Back is rebranding to the Chimper's Chronicles, which I think is a great move for us as a community as an IP and a really progressive
move for Chambers as a whole. We have two days left, not counting today, but on Monday and then counting Tuesday. We have two days left for Adventure 2, so make sure you're getting in your final roles. I hope all of you guys are moving along quite well, picking up some items, enjoying the experience, competing with friends, and spending
really great experience for me personally. This was my first adventure. So a learning curve for sure, but it's a very easy thing to get on and appreciate. Inside it's okay. Nice to see you. Thank you, man. Adventure 2 has been great. You know, I've complemented the art multiple times. I thought it was really, really well done. The detail of
the map, the overall layout of the land I thought was incredible. So this has been a very, very pleasurable experience for myself and I'm sure many others. We had a very high conversion rate of holders who are staking at the time of Adventure 2 going live. So we had a lot, a lot of participants in there, well over 75
percent of the community was participating in Adventure 2, which are numbers that are really, really something to be proud of. And of course, since we last talked, the art contest for the Retro Chimpers, art contest for the art foundation has come to a conclusion. I'm going to try and find a tweet. I really
should have had this prepared ahead of time. But the winners were announced. I know Rafa was one of them and I'm blanking on the other two. But we saw some really, really incredible entries and we talked with some of the artists last week on the space. So this was another experience that I thought was very well executed. Received a lot of views from not only internally but
Also outside of the community and I think that that's something that's really important for us, right? We are so tight-knit within our own walls, but the ability for us to reach outside of our discord, outside of our group chats is very important, especially when it pertains to some of the metrics that people like to talk about such as for price, etc. You know, the only way that
We really improve in a dramatic fashion on something like that is to bring in outsiders and you can't count on your own community to continue propping up things such as a floor price. But none of that really matters to most of us, right? To most of us, we enjoy what we have going on and we really do. You know, the things that I've mentioned, the activities, the real life activation,
the adventures, the art contest, and the newest thing, also that I didn't mention yet. The World Wide Web Club. I thought this was fantastic. One of my good friends in the space, Mike who co-hosts with me daily, he's been a big fan of World Wide Web and he has known about them for well over a year now. They've been around for a long time.
And I thought that, you know, them adding us to their world of avatars that can exist was very, very cool. Not only that, I thought our art representation within the world was great. I think where one of the cleanest looking avatars, I thought that, you know, our pixel art translated
very well to their pixel world. And it felt like I really did bring my trip to life in there. So that was cool to see. And I haven't spent too much time in there. I'm going to need a real tutorial of what goes on. I haven't looked into worldwide web too much. But I was able to connect the wallet and walk around and kind of poke around and see what's going on. But I understand
there are some PVP activities in there, there are things that you can do and I'd have to look into that more and investigate what's going on there. I think I should reach out to someone at World Wide Web and see if we can do a co-op space with them soon. I think that'd be really cool. I don't see B-check here today, which is okay. Typically he comes with a news rundown,
We were able to get him the one time, but if he's busy today, that's no problem either. Other than that, I feel like it's been business as usual, which is, uh, understanding the significance of the moves that we've been meeting because business as usual for us, um, is moving at a very fast pace and it's something that we should all be proud of. So there is,
One other thing with April 22nd, right? We have New York City meetup, but also I'm pretty sure we have a Boston meetup, but that may be getting rescheduled. I have to circle back with Labnani and others who are from the Boston area. I'm a Boston guy myself, so I'll be looking forward to that meetup whenever it comes in. I'm aware that we have been
and provided by some merch from the Chimper team for that Boston meetup. So perhaps in New York City you guys can expect the same. No promises. I don't know much, but I'm sharing what I hear with members in the wind with and that'll be very cool if that's true. So yeah, that's kind of been our
For a week in rewind, you know, since we last talked, and last week was really great. We had a really good turnout, a lot of speakers, Sir Joey and I held a really good conversation up here on stage here at EDM saying that he's tied up today. It's for a birthday party, I believe. But yeah, just the ability for us to come together is
more or less what we're providing here. And with that, feel free to come up, feel free to ask questions, feel free to DM me anything that you'd like to be talked about. But it's been an eventful week for me, both IRL and in Web3. I've been grinding away my daily spaces outside of Chimchat.
I took a day off or so from Twitter just to reset because a lot of this stuff, if you're really pushing for the metrics and trying to attain growth, it can be a little bit exhausting as with anything that you do for hours on end. But being able to take a step away from the space for a little bit, it's like a day or two on Monday or Thursday.
Tuesday. It was super refreshing. Came back and the people that knew I took the day off felt relieved to see me come back and I was welcome back with open arms. So that was awesome. That was awesome. I spent that day in real life. Doing things that all of us should be doing. I went to the gym. I had a great work day. I met up with some friends for dinner that night.
and I just felt good to disconnect. So, as much fun as Twitter and Discord are for all of us, I think it's important not to forget what else exists outside of Web 3, which never shuts off and is always full of controversy, drama, excitement, opportunity.
And that's my take on the whole thing. Other than that, it's a beautiful day here in Boston, sun shining. I'm going to play around a golf after this, which I'm really excited for. But the thing is with that is it's a golf simulator. So it's indoors and I get to play on any course in the world really, which some may call fake golf.
I don't know it's experimental. It's new it's progressive. There's a bar. It'll be fun. I'm going with my cousin. So it'll be great. I have not done any new commissions. I don't think. I haven't had any artists working for me recently, but what has happened for me recently is that a bunch of my friends have been really obsessed with
I forgot the name of it now. But it's an AI art platform and you can basically submit your PFP and type in a couple props, what you'd like it to do, where you'd like it to be, et cetera, et cetera. And it'll turn out a new image for you. A commission style image.
really we've been using for the timeline for posting and that's something that has become quite the trend lately in the space and with that you know it's also really cool to note that Elon Musk and Twitter they went live two days ago it was on Friday afternoon for me
at least Friday afternoon, they went live to talk about the open API for the Twitter algorithm, which is something that most people who I surround myself with were very interested in because a lot of us seek Twitter growth, seek to go somewhat viral or at least sustain engagement
across all of their postings. And there were a lot of developments that were very interesting. I'm actually going to search for this thread real quick. It was from NFT God if any of you are familiar with him. He's a mutant PFP. He's been someone who's pretty knowledgeable about the space for a long time. So this is now being posted up to the top. And a lot of it was a
So what was released essentially was just a lot of code, right, with the open API essentially what that is, is you can just search into a database of code which represents how tweets function in the timeline. And there are a couple of key things, some of which we already knew if you're an active Twitter user.
user here in Web 3. Some of them being like if you have Twitter blue in a checkmark next to your name, you're going to be prioritized on the timeline. You're going to be the only accounts that are featured on the FU page. However, some things were pretty surprising. If you have a photo or a video linked to your Twitter
It will likely be two times as visible and discoverable on the timeline. There were a lot of different things that I can break down about how these tweets are measured and ranked, etc. But the bottom line is that there is essentially a rating system. It's all numerical.
Add to your score and likelihood of being featured at the top of the fur you page or Twitter, Twitter, bread Twitter. It's the word I'm looking for. Timeline. And there are things that subtract or take away from your likelihood of being at the top. So some of the things that really contribute to being at the top are
Posting images like I said, Twitter blue like I said and likes are also a really big thing. So most importantly are retweets, second are likes and then third are comments on your tweet. So those sort of engagements are what really prop yours to the top. And this is sort of turning into a lesson on Twitter engagement.
But that's cool. I'm just talking to myself so we can keep going down the rabbit hole. Things that really take away from your Twitter postings are anything controversial, anything with a link that leads external out of Twitter, which is an interesting conversation point within itself. They don't want you basically directing traffic off of Twitter.
And there's been talks from Elon Musk and others in Twitter that any link in your that there will no longer be a feature where you can provide links in your bio in your website link anything like that that leads to an external link bringing people off of Twitter and they say
The goal of these features and what's being implemented with the platform is that they want to provide an experience on Twitter that is not regretted. And what he means by that is he wants you to spend as much time on Twitter that is in your eyes as entertaining or productive
as possible. He does not want people regretting the time they spend here or spending too much time that seems wasted. Other things that take away from your Twitter engagement could be multiple hashtags. It's not going to be helping you. Like I said, posting something offensive, NFT God says it's dead in the water.
And there's so much more to break down here and I'm curious if anyone has You know check this out themselves So if you don't want to come out feel free to reply to me and talk about anything that you found pretty interesting No text in your tweet, right? Just posting a an image that's a big demotion only a little
link is a big demotion. And then something that's what has been talked about as a Twitter hack for a long time amongst my peers, but is now being verified in this open API is that if you start your tweet with an @, if you start your tweet by mentioning somebody, it basically gets measured as a
And so by that I mean it will not be ranked equally as any other tweet that you can pose yourself. So that was something that was interesting. I've had friends tell me find any way possible to start off your tweet by not tagging somebody. You can say hey, I'm not going to say anything.
at or even period at, but just making sure that that sort of tag is not the first thing there. And I just thought that a lot of this was interesting because what you can essentially do with this information is you can now create a mathematical equation essentially to
Curate the highest performing Twitter postings possible. You can plug in the numbers here, you can find what creates the most value, what amplifies your brand the most, and use that, leverage that to build a following. Build as many viral posts as possible, get the most engaging and most featured discoverer.
So I think that this will be really helpful for whether that's upcoming Twitter projects, right? Projects, NFT projects that are using Twitter, whether that's for people that are really trying to start making name for themselves on Twitter. I think that there is now a formula that can actually be verified for the first time. A lot of people have known about these strategies.
And I've talked very openly about sharing some of these strategies in the past with people. But now that you have the information in front of you, and now that you can see what's actually going on and what's helping the tweets and what's not helping the tweets, for the first time we now have a real formula that can be created for success on the timeline. Super interesting, in my opinion.
someone who uses this app all the time. And a lot of some of the theories that my group has had for a while about how to gain traction on tweets and threads, etc. were solidified. We're proven through this open API. It's funny because I actually had one friend up on
stage with Elon Musk. My friend, Demon, who is a golden bean PFP. If you have seen him, maybe you have not. Really good guy, a good friend of mine in the space. He had a conversation, one-on-one with Elon Musk on the recording space, which is insane to think about. I can't even imagine the feeling of that. There were 40
30,000 people listening to that space. And one of the things, he proposed a couple things, actually, which credit to him. He had the audacity to basically demand change for Twitter. And one of the things that he proposed change for that got directly addressed by Elon Musk was that they were going to double the size of the group shots on Twitter.
changing it from 75 participants to 150 participants in any one group chat. And I think that this is a great thing. I'm sure all of us are in multiple group chats. I alone, I think three and potentially four, Shimper's based community group chats and all of which
or CAPTA 75 members, they're filled to the brim. And I think that having the ability to merge these and become more inclusive conversation, not only is beneficial for the community and not having anyone left out, but also in our ability to share information, much quicker pace, and just receive feedback.
I was super bullish on that. Elon basically directly addressed this and it's funny because you could tell in the way that he responded to the conversation and the question that he is not someone who uses Twitter group chats and I don't blame him. The user interface for Twitter group chats are not favorable.
I've forever been a discord guy and have preferred that we take it to a discord server, a discord group chat just because of the lack of what's the right word here? The lack of development, essentially, I guess. They're very restrictive and funny enough there's even a limit on how many Twitter
DMs you can send in one day. So you can actually get DM banned for a day, timed out for basically a 24 hour period. I think the total count is 500 messages that any one account can send in a Twitter DM in one day. So that's just also worth noting. Going back to what Elon Musk was talking about in conversation with Demon is that
He was asking, you're talking about direct messages? Damon replied, yes, yes, there's currently a limit to 75 people in those. And he said that is totally something that can be worked out. And he's keen on fixing it. So keep an eye out for that. And if that day does come where we double the group chat size, everyone needs to tag Damon
and thank him. So if that day comes, I'll be sure to bring him on here and he can talk about his experience. But we've been talking about that for spaces for the past two days. But regardless of the fact, there were a lot of great conversations in that Twitter space. And it was really cool to see one of my friends actually up there talking with Elon.
Yeah, I think I'm pretty bullish on the fact that Elon is coming out in front of the community on a live Twitter space and addressing things, comments, questions, concerns with the API as it was published in real time. There were a lot of interesting questions and points raised by speakers that came up there.
And it was funny because most of them had Bitcoin in their bio. I don't know if that was just by chance or if that was something that was favoritism or maybe it made no connection to the events that transpired whatsoever. But many of the speakers that were brought up that were outside of the Twitter team to talk to the Twitter team about these changes.
had Bitcoin in their bio. Super interesting in my opinion, just worth noting. And I stuck around for about an hour and a half. I haven't seen an official report honestly and I'm sure there's one out there but there should be some sort of recap or something that just talks about all
all the things that were discussed and the answers from Elon or from other team members. I think that would be beneficial for the space. I'm trying to circle back here and see if I missed anything on that front. Other than that, I hope everyone's having a great weekend. It is a beautiful Sunday.
I'm here in Boston like I said. I'm keen on meeting more of you guys. I'm excited for NFT in New York City. I've been becoming a little more docks on the timeline. I think this is my next conversation point. I'm a 24-year-old guy. I live in Boston. I've been posting pictures of myself a little bit here and there. Got no problems.
with it, you know, I think it's allowing me to connect with people in the space a lot easier and just kind of put myself out there a little bit. And it's funny because now I'm leaving myself susceptible to get chirped. There's been a lot of comments about my appearance now lately, which I think is hilarious. And I never take this stuff too seriously.
But for warning for anyone who feels they are close to doxing on the timeline or sharing real parts of their life, it's just another opportunity for people to come at you. So consider doing it in group chats or wherever you feel comfortable, but I don't mind.
problem with it. And I think it's hilarious. So I always say thanks for the engagement, Buzz. That's about all I have to say on the matter. But it's funny. Oh, my dude, I want to thank you so much for coming up. You're breaking up a 25 minute monologue that I've been raging on. What's going on, homie?
The chup, chup. Yeah, not much is this a beautiful day on the East Coast of America. Loving the bull cut and I've been getting you know, razz for it, but just remember there's a lot of legends out there with bull cuts. The beetles, Bruce Lee, you know, there's a lot. There's a lot.
Rockley from Naruto. He's not and you're providing some great value today. I don't know if everyone was caught up with the Twitter I'll go and how it works but hope everybody's listening and I don't know if everyone who's going to New York, surely has.
Show of hands. Feel free to throw a hand up if you're going to be in New York City. Reach out to me like I said if you're going to be in New York City. When someone else comes on speaker I get like a second to just like breathe and slam my coffee. But dude appreciate you so much. I know you're kind of in my neck of the woods geographically so I'm glad that you're enjoying the same weather that I am.#
Yeah, you know what's funny is because I host Space of Seven Days a week. I'm pretty active on the timeline. I'm pretty active in group shots and I Feel like I beat the dead horse a little bit with some of the topics that I bring up especially with the Twitter API. This has been talked about in my groups non-stop ever since Friday
not as ears to the ground as I am with the developments in Web 3, crypto, twitter, Elon Musk and all that stuff. Some of this can be news to you. And if it is, I'm really excited to be the one to deliver to you. And I think it's really just at least important that you understand that these things are there. You don't have to go
about they're trying to manipulate the code for the API to have the most viral tweets and the quick is Twitter growth. But just kind of understanding what can set you up for success versus what can really set you up for failure when it comes to putting out any form of content. It's just something that's pretty beneficial for everybody. Have you, were you listening to the space?
No, but I heard beans were also named demons right about how you got up there. But my biggest takeaway I would say was just like build each other, you know, and you're awarded by the algorithm like follow people that you like to follow. You know, like comment don't be a stalker and
You know what's actually crazy in the part that probably surprised me the most and I forgot to mention today is that you actually as a Twitter account basically get penalized for a follower ratio and what I mean by that is according to the API that was released there is a penalization
for those accounts that do not have at least a 60/40 ratio of followers to following. Right? So let me break this down. If you have 100 followers, it is beneficial for you to not follow more than 600 of those. People that follow you back. 60.
60 to 100 you want to have 40% buffer between the amount of followers that you have and the people that you follow. I thought that was shocking. I think it's actually bad for the space to be almost discouraging an equal follower ratio. I don't have an equal follower ratio but there's a
a lot of random accounts on here that are of no substance and no value that follow me. So that is not a prime example, but I think especially when you're starting a new account and you're sub 1000. I think that you should be taking the opportunity to follow back every person that you interact with. And furthermore, I think as we grow our Twitter accounts,
I don't think that you should keep that mentality in the back of your mind. I think that you should. I follow every single person that has chimper, PFP, chimper in their bio. I see them anywhere possible associating with this project and this community. I follow immediately. And they could be someone who puts out no content or doesn't even talk about the
community. But just to connect with them is something that's important to me. And that goes the same for most other communities that I kind of associate with generally. You know, beans being one of them. I have so many friends in that community. Yutes is becoming a new one because my co-host Mike has become a member over there. So just
I was bridging out and talking with and communicating sharing perspectives with other sectors of crypto twitter is pretty important to me. I tried to convince myself that I'm not stuck in a Neko chamber. We probably are. I definitely am. But I've been taking steps to break out of that. And one of the things that I've been doing to do
just that as I've been hosting art talks with prominent artists in the space. Molly McCochin was one of them, Shelby Stardust was the second and I'm starting to look around for a third one now. I think there is in some world a cool connection between the artists that I'm bringing on the Chimper's Art Foundation but I'm not sure. Those girls that I mentioned are doing
incredible work. Shelby is releasing the first ever open edition with magic Eden, she's partnered with Magic Eden, which is incredible. Both of them are on super rare and they both have very unique styles, none of which is pixel art, but regardless of the fact, I think it's beneficial for me to continue to have these conversations with people that don't
have the same day-to-day as I do that aren't watching the same timelines that I am that aren't in the same Twitter space that I am day-to-day. I just think it's beneficial and it's it's a very fun experience for me. It's very rewarding. The conversations feel very refreshed and different from my typical exchanges with my friends on here so that's where I'm at.
Yeah, definitely diversify your, for instance, I, and I have enjoyed the new on the new look, bringing up artists because that's all I follow, like innovators on people in my community and artists. Like when I first started
That's why I have like 4000 people I follow because I just like followed everybody I could and then I'm just like slowly like unfollowing people like every week I try and like unfollow like the hundred and then follow people who follow me back. So the number seems like it's going down and then it comes back up because
I keep trying to get to the real people who are doing things in this space. There's a lot of companies out there that don't have a PFP. There's a lot of different places, layer 1s and layer 2s out there like Sui and
We'll see on the one that does to be a drop Arbitram and all these other places where they have PF, no, PF use, but they have NFTs and they do some amazing stuff and gaming and avalanche and A-Box. So yeah, just not getting trapped in just like the Ethereum, Solana.
ecosystem bubble of drama every day is good.
I couldn't agree more. I actually just got distracted because I looked at my timeline for a second and I saw that one of my good friends actually had their wallet during today. This tweet just went live 30 minutes ago. A big loss, honestly, including crypto chicks, World of Women's Galaxy, low-pages, Valhalla.
little lemons. Geez, alright, I gotta reach out to her. While I have you and while we have this opportunity to discuss things of this nature, I want to raise complete awareness for wallet security in WebSery. And this can happen to anyone as her tweet just states and honestly, I'm
pretty upset to see this news. I have personally made really good connections with both Pocket Universe and Fire. And these are both two three wallet security tools that you can add to your Chrome extension and basically partner with your wallet to verify
That the transaction you're about to make is legitimate. It simulates it for you to get an understanding of what is about to happen, right? You're not looking at a bunch of code in the smart contract. It puts it in plain words and actually fire is really my favorite. Don't tell pocket universe because I'm friends with one of the owners and creators, but I think that fire is
is the better of the two because fire pops up simultaneously to your wallet opening, it pops up right next to it, and it shows in not only words, but in pictures what's about to take place. So it'll show that the picture of a theory and with the amount is moving over, leaving your wallet and as a result of that, a chimper is arriving in or on the other
end of things, it can say this is just a signature and it is asking to verify that you own this. This transaction cannot remove assets from your wallet. So if you do not already utilize one of these two three wallet security tools, I highly, highly, highly encourage you to change that.
If you have any questions about setting these up, if you are looking for official links, feel free to DM me. I think today has turned into a campaign for me personally to advocate for wallet security. And that just happened in real time. So that's how fast the space moves. And I could be more serious about that.
I'll talk to you guys about the safety practices that I have and I'll go into a little bit of detail here with that. I think this is beneficial for everybody regardless of how experienced you are in the space. As far as my reserves, I have cryptocurrencies that sit on a cold wallet. I have a Ledger Nano X that is a hard wallet that does not
it connected to any sites that does not get plugged in to my computer unless I'm transferring funds to a warm wallet or in liquidating the money that I have in there or you know I don't even have to connect it to send funds to that wallet. So it's only getting connected to move things out essentially and I have a
What they may call a warm wallet, okay, where this chimpere is stored, this chimpere is stored in what I'm willing to call a warm wallet. This is a wallet that I do not mint on. This is a wallet that I do not exchange with anybody. I do not send money out of this wallet. All I do with this wallet is I connect to a
official links that I only go through vetting deeply through the Chimper's official discord such as the Dojo Worldwide web, things that I have to prove that I am an owner of this token for. And there's a level deeper than this. There are tools out there that some
like Yuga has incorporated. I forget the name of the tool now at the top of my head. But essentially it can sit as a sort of barrier between the wallet that owns the asset and the wallet that is required to sign for it. So it can be kind of a middle immediately of the process and just verify that you own it without actually connecting the wallet that does.
on the asset. So when you're really getting, I see a couple board apes in the crowd. Maybe they're familiar with that device, that tool, and they use that. So like I said, the chimper does not interact with OpenC, even it does not touch anything other than the things that are required to prove that I own it. And then I have
My hot wallets, multiple hot wallets. These are minting. These do not carry much Ethereum in them. These do not carry any NFTs of value in them. Right? I'm interacting with links that I've that as deeply as I can. Oftentimes, they're links that have been in existence for less than five minutes though.
the free minting tools and wallet security tools that I've discussed fire and pocket universe. I actually use both simultaneously. So there's quite literally two different wallet security tools that I'm checking, any sort of interaction with my wallets before anything happens. And I highly encourage you guys to
to do the same. So like I said, if you have any questions about these wallet security tools, about how to access them to make sure what you're using is legitimate and how to get set up, feel free to DM. I would be more than happy to help you get set up with these because my stomach sank a little bit. My heart drops when I saw this tweet just
now by my friend. And I don't want that to happen to anybody. And it shouldn't happen. It's an unfortunate thing that this does still happen in this space. So yeah, that's where we're at with that. And if anybody has any questions like I said, feel free to reach out. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. I think
We'll start to wind down. I'm out of monologue material for today. This has been a great 40 minutes. And I appreciate everyone who has popped out today. There was more value that I provide to a Twitter space than usual. But that's what happens when you download it. So next week, I'm going to be looking into
I think I'll reach out to the wall security tools and see if we can get them to come on here for us and collaborate with insight on that and see what we can organize as a group. They're free, like I said, so it costs nothing to have them come on. I'm friendly with
with both of these groups and it costs nothing to get set up. But there's features and things that they can explain and depth that I'd love for everyone to hear. I'm going to see if I can get World Wide Web to come in here. We'll be sure to have Bcheck next week. So we'll be ripping in running next Sunday. Yeah.
So that's it for today.