Syndicate Weekly

Recorded: Feb. 26, 2023 Duration: 0:43:51



Yo, we are back, Synecube Weekly, this is episode, I don't know, three, maybe four? We hosted a fair few of these, although we did adopt a new format. I think this is a perfect tour.
This is the reason we haven't done four. We did one on Discord. We started on Discord. We did one on Discord? Well, yeah, well, we started the show or the weekly AMA on Discord.
We've done three water spaces on. I didn't know that shit. Yeah, we've done three Twitter spaces. Yeah, and then now we're just doing what we're doing, but I'm gonna shoot some I'm gonna shoot some invading
invite you around and then we'll go ahead and get the show on the road. Jericho, when you get that thing posted, just pin it and then I'll put up in the series afterwards. Okay, yeah, I'll pin it right now. It's already posted. We got hella content. Lots of news, lots of polls.
Can we go? Then we have all seven all seven poles oh my gosh Okay, I saw these is this recorded by the way
Yes, I mean my DMs are long. Okay, no problem. We'll just wait then.
Okay, no, I'm good. We can't we run it. We got hijack up here. Hanged Jack. Thanks for being here. I appreciate you. This fantastic. This we needed Hanged Jack here.
We've been having experience this weekend. I don't know if we're going to get the amount of people we did last week because I feel like since Solana went down, everyone's been kind of like that.
I think there's been a bunch of more activity on this quarter. I feel. It's just the way it goes, man. Yeah, thank you guys for being here. This is Synecchia Weekly. This is our time for our AMA and project update as well as go over some of the polls we sent out throughout the week.
The most recent pin on the jumbo tron or the furthest left is actually the link to the space. If we could actually get all the homies to go up there on the jumbo tron, jump a quick comment, like in a retweet on the space. That would be absolutely fantastic so we can hopefully get some more people in here to learn more about Sync Kit. But without further ado, Jericho, do you
Yeah, for sure. And when you refer to the jump with Tron, it's the little messaging button at the very bottom. It also pins the jump with Tron is also the pin I pinned tweets on the top. You can either hit the child on the bottom right or the jump with Tron. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I don't know. Let me let me type W.
Okay, okay, but yeah a little brief update on CineKit. CineKit has grown a lot or nearly at 200 servers were literally in striking distance of it nearly 10 away. So CineKit will probably hit 200 within the next few days and
And it's going to bring our growth to be 100 servers every month so far. So it's been awesome. We're growing really, really rapidly. Another thing is we're finalizing everything for the CineKit since Mint. And we're getting really, really comfortable with leading into the Mint. We think it's going to be very successful.
and we've been talking to many, many people in the back to get a lot of partnerships, co-marketing spaces lined up, pre-sales, whitelist. So yeah, Syndicate is going to do, I think it's going to do very well for the Mint. One thing we have over a lot of the Minting products right now is an actual product with users. So yeah, Syndicate is going to be
great force to be reckoning with. Another thing too is we're redeveloping our white paper and putting in new information, new utility for the SINCE, a slightly new direction for the overall business. But what stays the same is our, you know,
businesses is news and sponsored news. But another thing that we're going to really commit to is content. We want to have a commitment to content. So we've noticed with a lot of projects in the space new or old is that you know a lot of people do not have you know they aren't able to to
understand what's going on with the project. Where does that's because the project owners are not making enough announcements, they're not hosting enough AMAs or spaces. And I'm sure that all of you guys have experiences as NFT holders. You guys don't know what projects are doing. You want to hear from the owners, but you just
So, me and Socrates, we want to push this commitment content. We host nearly 10 shows a week. You're going to be able to hear from us more than one time every single day in a space. We want to post weekly announcements, weekly updates, network updates. So, with Syndicate, we want to be the most
transparent and the most communicative project you've ever been a part of. So, you know, leading into the cynicate minz and marketing cycle, all of the new people coming in, we're going to press that same commitment and content to them as well. We want them to, you know, not only be
and love what we're building at Cinnacant, but also be educated on what's going on in the space, not from just our news, but the content we cover. So Socrates, he hosts making time, he interviews the best builders, the best artists, the best anybody in the space, and a lot of people don't even have the exposure to those people. They just know that they're big, we just have a lot of followers.
But they've never actually heard them speak so making time. That's our commitment to you know shining light on these builders We have bigger picture We have a huge project today on bigger picture, which is Wolf Capital It's a really hype mint founder J chef will be interviewing him So that's another commitment of ours educating and showing a
People in Web 3, you know what is so great and what's you know maybe Not so great about Wolf Capital and all the other projects that come after it and Synekit Weekly as well Synekit Weekly we do this show every week on Sunday and we cover our weekly polls and we gather the opinions of the entire
a community, the entire network. So we're about to jump into that. But that's the thing with Syndicate. We really want this commitment to content and education and learning and community building and transparency is going to be a huge, huge factor in our success. And we've taken community feedback. This show
was literally created from a community suggestion. So yeah, Syndicate is going to do, I think, very well in the future with this community-oriented plan. But Zogridies, do you want to jump into our polls? Yeah, we can jump into the polls. Before we do that, I do want to say
one thing we will be starting next week is a kind of focus group when it comes to content creation and growing on Twitter and talking more about our experiences in Web 3. We will start hosting kind of like voice chat nights and discord where we chat about our growth and kind of what we're doing on Twitter, how
we can learn from each other our experiences and then we'll just kind of see where that goes. That will start on Monday this upcoming week, so actually tomorrow I'm about to send out some grandma right after the show and then we'll do it Monday and Friday's every week and then we'll just fill it out see how it's how it's how it goes and I hope to see some of our friends there about
You know, without further ado, we can actually just go ahead and jump to the poles. I'll actually flip to the very end on the jumbo tron if you scroll all the way to the right. The first post we did this week was the pole for are you bears or bullish on Bitcoin NFTs and the sentiment from
network was a 57% no and a 43% yes on Bitcoin, Ordinal and FT's. Definitely an interesting topic. In my bullish on Bitcoin and FT's not right now, I think the technology still is infancy. I see me it doesn't make too much sense but Jericho, what are your thoughts on that?
Yeah, I mean I have really no clue really about about Bitcoin NFTs I've heard some you know a brief discussion with you hang Jack and our friends in Syndicate about stacks and ordinals, but I haven't really delve too deeply into
I know that ordinal punks were gone for a couple bit coin which was insane but I think it is very early. It looks like it's just purely speculators who are very liquid but it hasn't garnered
to much attention from the average community member from an average retail investor like me and you. So I think until we see more retail investor activity, then I can start looking more into it. But I think it is very promising though.
Yeah, and I think a big problem that ordinal entities have is the narrative of Bitcoin is a lot different than the narrative of the smart contract chains, right? Like ETH and solar, whatever. Right, whenever it comes to Bitcoin, people had the impression that this was more or less like largely immutable. There's not stuff you can add to it. It's literally just the blockchain.
or transactions, pure transactions. So this change in narrative is a little bit out of left field for a lot of people and that's why I think there's a lot of hesitancy. But did you want to add to that? Yeah, I mean I think Bitcoin NFTs kind of make more sense than any other chain for NFTs because Bitcoin is the largest blockchain.
it has the greatest name recognition. But, you know, are there solutions for there to be, you know, this is like an uneducated thing to say, but, you know, is there even an exchange? I'm not even sure. I know stacks has an exchange, but these Bitcoin, the ordinals from what I know, they are not on
back. It's a literally on Bitcoin. So, so yeah, I think like it Bitcoin and FTs are pretty prime to have a lot of adoption from from many people just because of the name recognition. It's a you know, it's a huge chain. Yeah, I mean, we'll just see where things take us.
with the ordnance and Bitcoin NFTs. The next poll that we had in the network was, is R Usher, oh hold on, yeah, is it R Usher bullish? No, no, it's a will Bitcoin stay above 25? Oh, I see, yeah. Well Bitcoin stay above 25K by the end of this week, we had a 53% yes.
46% no so basically no one knows I mean it could go up it could go down That's kind of where we're out with something like that so you're kind of know you're more of the charting kind of guy So what is your take on 25k Bitcoin? I mean we're at the end of week man. We're at 23k man. We're not even above 25 so we we
We tapped 25 this week and we stayed above it, like briefly. But yeah, we were unsuccessfully able to break out. We're back at 23k. But I mean, if Bitcoin literally is able to stay above 25k for a whole week,
It's pretty much prime for a breakout. 25K is an incredibly important resistance for a very long time. We haven't been able to break through it for nearly 8 months. We haven't been above 25K. I think people in the poll were a little too
Well, the two-go-wish. It's probably going to be unlikely, especially in the current larger macro situation going on. CPI was not that great. And I think the overall environment of the world is pretty bad. And also the war in Russia.
is has been heating up as well. Then they pulled out the nuclear treating with the US this week. Yeah, things aren't going great for everybody. We got balloons getting shot down. We got aliens. We got things just aren't working out for us. Who knows?
Bitcoin could go up as a result or could go down. It is just what it is. I would give my take here, but honestly I don't know anything about astrology or men's astrology, aka charting. So to me it's not too my alley. But the next poll we have is Revenue and this is
This was a pretty insane pull. Yeah, this is crazy. And this poll was is revenue share and NFT utility you are bullish on we had 57 votes in total 52 votes were yes, they actually are bullish on rough sharing in five a whole five votes were no not bullish
I think that's very interesting. I think a big reason a lot of projects do revshare is because it's kind of like word-of-mouth marketing. You're really hoping to build convection with the handful of people at the expense of cash flow as a way to get them further engaged and spread
your mission and diamond hand your entities because ultimately if your entities are expensive that brings a certain luxury or a lure to your product. Something similar to this is like Dejan Conflict, right? With expensive entities they used to have the coins and those coins were like 300 solar something ridiculous.
But now it's the vacats or Dejan cats, whatever I forgot what it's called. But you know, I think there's a lot of merit to something I grew up sharing. Do I think it's always the smart move for businesses? No, I don't think so. I think it's really situational, um, depending on how you're cash flowing and what that looks like. But Jericho, what's your take on something like that?
I think peer-reps here of giving people money. That's illegal, you can't do that. In the state at least. I like to invest in high growth tech startups.
And in no world would you ever want those high growth tech starps to pay dividends and you look at web two companies such as Tesla and the beginning stages of Apple or Google or Amazon none of them pay dividends is because you know us as investors I would want them to retain earnings and continue to grow and I think a really great example
For example, the web 3 space is European P.U.T.s, we got a D.Gaad in here, D.Gaad as well. Imagine if Frank just started pouring money into the pockets of the D.Gaad holders and the U.T.s and taking money out of the business, that would be less money to work on the
development, less money to put into marketing. That's the thing I really, that's why I want. I don't really want quote unquote passive income. I want floor price to go up and the only way floor price can go up is through more exposure and getting more people involved with your community, bidding up the floor.
and providing value that is not tied to income. Once you tie your NFT to income, there's a huge psychology shift. Buyers are now looking at NFTs as a ROI investment. Can I get my return back on this NFT in terms of
the passive income. And once that passive income does not come anymore, that doesn't just stop or it doesn't meet their expectations. They're going to drop on the floor. And we've seen examples of this famously with Borogudragans, Tio.
any tokenomics projects, those are all rev share projects and most of them are at zero. So that's the problem with rev share. These businesses are making commitments way too early in their lifespan to say we're going to do rev share for a rev share 50% of royalties 50% of
the company's profits. How can you make that commitment when you don't even know how much your company would be making in the future? So yeah, I love the DeGods approach. I love the famous Fox approach, creating a whole business and then revsharing through their chest mechanic, but not directly revsharing the project to their
holders and this is kind of how we design SyncKit as well. RevShare through our affiliate program. Right? RevShare through actively, you know, doing something that will benefit not only the business but benefit the whole collection as the network grows, our reach grows and that gives us more ability to be everywhere.
market since as much as possible. So that I think Active Repshare is amazing. I like what famous foxes with the go on missions and you get a chest and you can sell it. And with us on board a server make money and then move on with your deck. So I think Active Repshare it makes a lot of sense but just pass it in come that literally makes no
freaking sense in any world. So I'm not a fan of Repshared at all. Yeah and one thing I wanted to add to this is you know you mentioned whenever you're revsharing or you're making that promise it's something you hope you can just sustain them out of the conditions but if you know anything about
NFT projects and you know anything about running a web 3 business. One thing that's true is consistency is never, you know, the market is never consistent. People always want something different. You know, everything changes. The only constant is change. Right. So committing to something so broad like revshare in my opinion,
is something that doesn't really make too much sense. But whenever you have it, like, how do I phrase this? Maybe like on a retainer kind of basis, like what we're going to be doing with our upcoming a field program is it's there's like a retainer for it. Like we have a set amount of capital. Yeah, it's like a pool.
Exactly. So that way, we have this much money dedicated to the effort and it's not just an infinite stream of money or revenue that's just leaving our business. It's something we can pivot should be deemed necessary. And if we discontinue it for whatever reason, people knew what was going to get discontinued anyway at one point.
Right, so it's not like, you know, when SSCE stops doing, this is a little bit different, but I'll just bring up this as a kind of analogy, is when SSCE stopped emitting Genesis Go token, their shadow tokens, they're formant to basically zero, you know, they're a lot less than what they used to be, and it's because, you know,
the admitting is gone, right? There's no more token. The rough share has gone and I think it's pretty obvious that people are indeed bullish on rough share and I think there is a case to be made to be bullish on it, but I think you just gotta be smart. You can't just go blindly into something like rough share. For sure, for sure. - 100% agree. 100%.
So we'll move on to the next poll. The next poll we had after this was actually one of our highest voted polls ever. This was this was the highest voted poll. Gotcha. Gotcha. So at 187 votes, we
The question was, would you mint an NFT collection that was a slow mint? And we had 183 people vote yes and four people vote no. Very interesting poll. Definitely did not go the way I anticipated Jericho. What are your thoughts on this?
This was, I mean one, I did not think the question would get this much response, but it seems people were very vigorous with, you know, wanting to answer the question and very opinionate on this. If you guys have, you know, if you guys have anything to say, you guys can request speaker and we'll bring you up, by the way. But yeah, I think the current
environment we're in, especially I'd like to say like that it's the age of pre-sales and I thought pre-sales I think I thought pre-sales were going to be the norm back in October because of how the shift was based like turning and we're moving into an era where people
really see NFTs on salon at least as these are true startups. These are startups I'm interested in what they're doing. I really want to be a part of what they're doing. And back then it was all hype and nothing else. So I think when you add that layer of true conviction, people do not
care whether or not the collection will mental. Of course there are a lot of people who care, but I think people have realized, okay, I think this collection is going to is doing something very special. These people are special. I like what they're doing. So I'm just going to make the investment. I'm going to take the take
the dip. And I think people are giving projects a lot of flexibility now, especially since it's the bear market and there's not as much liquidity and unique buyers and sellers. This is something that is not talked about all in the space, but the unique buyers and sellers from right currently and engaging it
Versus like in August of last year. It's it's dropped by probably more than half and today was the lowest amount of buyers we've had in I In like almost a year. It's been it's crazy today. I mean it and we're following the network going down but still only 2000 unique buyers today
So I think the people left over in the Salana community are more sophisticated and more understanding of what's going on and they're giving these projects more leniency. But for this vote to go 183, yes, and for to know,
I have no clue. This was madness. Yeah, I think one thing about this point particular is if you're still here, you're probably not someone that is too overly focused on the flip, right?
a lot with the people of discord and the community members of which read our news and thanks along those lines. And I think the concept of a slow man in participating in something like that is the idea of really engaging with the project you believe in and being involved with
that and see where that takes you. So I think we just hit a heartstring there whenever with this question about together. But did you want to add something? Yeah, I and another thing too is a pre-sale in itself is a slow mint because pre-sales will last for months, right? They're minting and batches over a very long
period of time, that in itself is a slow-man. So I think people have reassociated slow-mins to just be the norm. I'm participating in this pre--I mean, a lot of communities. It used to be just like Google's and champions and SMB getting pre-sales, but it looks like every community is getting pre-sale nowadays.
So yeah, we're allowing the last, you know, the NFT holders who don't hold the most expensive collections access to pre-sales, and I think they've reconditioned themselves to be like, "Okay, I'm gonna buy this pre-sale for two. Publicment is three."
I think I can make money on this. I'm going to wait two months and then I'll get that one so three-cell flip. I don't know. They might long-term hold as well. But I think the pre-cell narrative and how all the NFT projects are doing it have reconditioned the whole ecosystem.
Absolutely, my brother. Yeah, we'll go ahead and move on to the next poll that we had this week. In this one was 173 votes. And the question was, do you own any ETH NFTs? We had 141 people vote yes. And 32 people vote no, which to me was actually quite surprising considering
most if not all of our network is so on the base right so seeing a lot more people own NFTs on the east side is kind of interesting to me because you know personally I don't own any e-tps I know you do Jericho but I'm just not what that looks like yeah so it's definitely a little bit surprising to me what's your take on this
I've always thought Salana is the chain to be multi-chain and we saw this with the craze that happened on Apto's. Most of the market participants on Apto's when it was going crazy was nearly all Salana. It was not very much eat people at all. So it's not surprising. I mean a lot of people
came to Solana from ETH but the Solana community in particular is very multi-chain and I've seen them venture into a suite quite a lot now in stacks and near the whole near community is the Solana community. So yeah I think
I think Salana is just the chain to be multi-chain. I don't think this vote was too surprising to me, but like you said, our whole network is basically made up of Salana communities. And this is a lot of people who own Ethernetes. Holy crap, my only Ethernetes is worth a lot more.
what the fuck what happened they doubled well shit okay I love to hear it love to hear it and he got an e-s guys oh my god I'm about to be on polygons so you're about to catch me on the new network brother that is true that is true you will be on polygons you're gonna be on polygons before you're on e-s
I'll probably end up getting e-tens, especially as indicated it's all branches into e-tens. I probably spend more sense from a network came in the business that I have a development standpoint. So yeah, we'll just see where that takes us. But yeah, I think this is definitely interesting to me.
I definitely expected less people to have eaten up teas just because I thought more people were like quote unquote soul maxes and just held their entire bag in one chain, but I guess I'm projecting. So I guess a lot of people are a lot more diversified than I am, which is an entire bag of soul and up teas.
Definitely interesting and it's probably been one of my favorite polls we've done so far. But the next we are coming pretty close to the end here. We have two polls left to kind of chat about. The next poll we have is we run this pretty recently which is are you fearful of this current crypto market?
We have 56 votes for this. 41 votes for no at 73% and 15 votes were for yes at 25%. People were definitely very positive with what's going on with the ecosystem, regardless of price action. So Jericho, what is your take here?
I think we have 41 liars. I think you cannot operate in this crypto market without being scared. Of course you should be bullish. I mean, we're all here for a reason. We're all bullish. But being bullish is not the same as being scared. I'm scared as shit. I mean, this market can go either way. You know.
I think more likely it's gonna go down does it mean that I'm gonna sell everything no it just means that I'm prepared to buy and I'm ready to buy When everything goes down again, right? But yeah, I was super surprised about this point. It seems that everyone is in person
my bull mode. And yeah, I think that the people who voted no, it liars. It's not true. You got to be scared. This scary shit. FTX? That was the scariest thing ever and crypto history probably. So, so yeah.
Yeah, pretty valid. I agree. Maybe you know, there I've just be voting no because they're not too engaged or maybe they're only stuck in NFTs, but we'll never know. We will never know, but I agree. I agree. I think people in particular, if you're an anti space, you
People tend to be less fearful. The NFT supply is relatively low. You have a supply of 5K, 10K, whatever. But there's many more people in the broader Solani ecosystem that could be possible buyers in your collection.
will be upheld. Are people think the floor will be upheld in a way? And that's my mindset with a lot of my NFT investments like Champions, for example. There's only 222 Champions, but how likely is there to be one person who can
and buy one champion. I think it's really high. So that's why I buy that. But an interesting fact is the NFT mark the Salona FC market cap is almost at the low at the the August lows when everything went down to like nothing. When D gods was at 125,
GGSG was at 9, FFF was at 20, DGNAG almost hit in the 30s. So we're at where nearly at the lowest point in market cap. So yeah, I would look out for that. The whole ecosystem is on a discount from what the market cap is telling us.
Yeah, absolutely. And I think this goes kind of hand in hand with the next question that we had, which was, "Are you worried about Solon's future whenever the network goes down?" We had 110 votes for this. 39 votes were, yes, I am worried at 35%
71 votes at no I'm not at 65%. Definitely a lot of people of course bullish you know riding in out with some water even if the network goes down there in for the ride and are kind of strapped in but Jericho what's your thoughts on this?
going down often. So you compare Salana versus Bitcoin. Bitcoin is basically nearly 100% decentralized. Bitcoin has never gone down ever. I think it might have gone down once in its history, but for my knowledge, I think it's never where Salana, this year alone has gone down a few times. I think three times.
So I think it's just the growing pains of the network. The thing that Solana has over the other L1s is that Solana is really geared for mass adoption just on how the chain is built, the dev standpoint, the community standpoint, the marketing, the transaction speed, and the
fees involved. So that's the really bullish thing about Solana. I think people have cared a lot less about okay, chain goes down, price goes down. We saw when Solana went down during, I believe, okay, bears era. Solana freaking knows dived from like a hundred Solana.
$100 per soul to like 70 than 50 than whatever. But yeah, I think people have just reconsidered themselves. I think this is the market. Like all these polls are signifying the whole Salana FD community has reconsidered themselves to be more
Selenian on what's going on in the space. And I think that's mainly due to the fact that the people who are still here are pretty much war veterans. They went through the shit. They've gone, they've gone rugbed by the chain by NFTs, by NFT project owners. And they're just used to it man. They're used to getting beat up. So it makes sense.
Yeah, I'm absolutely agree. If you're still here, you've been through the trenches, right? So where it goes. I mean, I'm out here, you know, I'm kind of into doing what I got to do, building our business, building syndicate, meeting people that were working hosting spaces, you know. So another day and what three it is another day and what three, but now I agree with your tape Jerko.
I think it's people are just lining up in terms of mindset and just kind of embracing where we're at and aren't in for the ride more or less. But we are coming pretty close to the end of actually that is the end of the pulse. We went through all of them. How many were there? One, two, three, four, seven. Seven. Seven, yeah. That's crazy.
Yeah, it's been a fun week. You know, we've had a ton of stuff going on We've grown a lot. We had a lot of people and engagement with these poles So that was nice to see for once And we got a bunch of cool stuff coming in the pipeline and I'm looking forward to you know chat more about that next week But Jericho, do you have anything kind of dimension before we go ahead and wrap things up?
We brought Heng Jack up as speaker by He Day and Speak. What the heck? That's just how it goes. Brother, Heng Jack is there anything you want to mention my man? No man, I was just listening to you guys. So, no, but there's definitely some interesting pull. I didn't think some of them would be so lopsided. That was kind of crazy.
What we've noticed with these poles is either people are incredibly bullish or incredibly bearish. It's rarely ever in the middle. And I don't think we've ever even had one in the like right in the middle, like neutral. So yeah, people are very, very polarized on a lot of topics.
The biggest one to me was that revshare one. I don't understand how it was so the upside that was instant. We posted that poll because we interviewed west 57 on bigger picture and a big utility of theirs was revshare and I was like, okay, I want to see if people act share bullish on revshare and people were and I tag west 57.
and the pause I go out you guys right good good move I guess because you guys made some good points on like red share and like why it's not feasible but the crazy thing is if markets if people that's what they're looking for how do you like please both sides because you got people looking for
rev share but then really it's not a feasible thing right it's like a you know what I'm saying it's kind of like you got to find a middle ground in a sense there or maybe educate people on why it's not feasible and then people would understand better kind of thing I think there are like
like three types of revshare. I think casino projects, all casino projects should probably revshare. I think it makes sense for casino projects to revshare. You're giving money back to your holders and they're most likely going to go back and gamble it back into the platform. So that makes sense.
There's also like how famous Fox is that they built the revenue streams first and then they started rev sharing but not directly through like a token or anything but through another type of NFT. So that was pretty smart. And then the D got away, which is a really smart way too. They created dust, which is basically a shit coin. It wasn't funny.
the LP wasn't funded at all. It was just purely dust. And then people start funding the LP, price start pushing up, and now people believe in the speculative value of dust. So that's another great way to wrap up here. Just create a token and hope that token has some sort of
value that people perceive it to have. So that was great. Yeah, no, that was interesting. That's kind of cool. But yeah, I don't think I have any other points to make. Yeah, it's been a really great week. We're really excited for the
the the NFT mint is still probably going to be a little bit ways away, but things are getting finalized and yeah, I'm very, very excited on what's going on. Are you rocking the polls? Yeah, I'm going to put up the bigger picture line. Oh, okay, okay. Okay. But I guess the last
thing too is be out our show tonight with Wolf Capital bigger picture this is going to be a great space wolf capital very very hyped hopefully the ticket network can get some whitelist spots from them bigger picture is not like your typical shell space it's more of a shield and grill we really go deep with the the project
owners, we talk about things that most project or most putter spaces do not talk about a lot of business oriented stuff, a lot of legal oriented stuff, and we dive in particular with the aspirations and the motives of the project owner. So rather than, you know, going deep in, what does your project do? Why is it so great?
It's more of okay, who are you as a person? You know is your business strong is it built to last and Yeah, we want to bring confidence in the space So we want to ship the narrative from you know all hype all promises to all substance and all reality so Yeah, be there bigger picture. It starts tonight
at 6 p.m. 6 p.m. C. S. D. Yeah, exactly. Yep. Okay, perfect. I need to get into that one because I've been asking you socrates. I'm like, I got I got a white list for both capital, but I have no clue what it is. So I mean, this space is going to be perfect for me. Yeah, man. Get the final form.
Yeah, you're going to enjoy it. Jayceps and really awesome guy him and his team. I think there's going to be a couple team members there, but they're super engaged. You know what you're talking about. I'm really bullish on them. They're super active in the community too, and they're just all around great guys.
He's a very, very competent person. He's very, very smart. Well spoken.
Perfect. I'm looking forward to it. I'll be home just in time for that one too. That's good. Sounds good brother. We love to have you but I have pinned the space to the top on the jumpa tron on the jumpa tron my boys if you are interested in attending making or not making time but bigger picture. We
We will be hosting it tonight at 6 p.m. CST 7 p.m. ESD. So translate that to your time zone as according, or well accordingly. Set a reminder, drop a quick comment like and read to eat so we can hopefully get some more people in to learn more about Wolf Capital. But this has been an awesome show on the Syndicate Week.
- Yeah, yeah, one last thing before you wrap it up. This space is gonna be the first space we've done in partnership with No Fluff. No Fluff is a Twitter space on Twitter and it's hosted by SlommyBommy and Lucifer.
It's a great space. Those guys are great guys and we partner with them for the long term for bigger picture. Most likely every big bigger picture coming forward will be in partnership with no fluff. So that's just one thing I want to add as well.
Yes, sir, we will be doing that with our boys Lou mommy We got father P down here. We got a whole bunch of people from the club guys We have to have on board for the bigger picture show But once again guys, thank you for being here. This was episode three of the syndicate. We
weekly where we chat more about what's going on in Syndicate and our polls for the week. If you enjoyed this show, we will be hosting this every day at, well not every day, but every Sunday at 12 p.m. ESD. So we'd love to have you guys more consistently so we can kind of chit chat
about what's going on in the space and tell you a little bit more about Syndicate. We do have bigger picture later today, as you mentioned. It's a pain dollar jump with your own please set a reminder and I hope to see you guys there. But once again, thank you guys for being here and I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day. Bye bye.