Taco ( . ) ( . ) Tuesday

Recorded: Feb. 27, 2024 Duration: 1:00:06



what's up chris good morning
are you there chris
oh yeah i can hear ya how you doing today
sorry i was just telling ashley that we started there she is
all good man just uh you know woke up to a bunch of bms as usual
but everything great how about yourself
doing pretty well preparing for a couple things that we're doing on bitcoin
and then just keep cooking on salano alongside you guys
same old same old same old right
people have no idea how much in the trenches people like you and me really are
they have no idea how much goes into this
when the product comes out they think it's fucking magic
yo dawg this aint magic this is two years of sacrifice homie
no i get it man it's so much work so many details and yeah i mean it's fun
but you're right you only you only know when you're when you're in there when you're doing it
but yeah and i'm really happy to see everything you guys have been doing
i saw that you guys implemented the ashley avatar and everything already
by the way how you doing ashley
oh i'm good i'm a i'm a little jet lagged but actually pretty good compared to
how it was when i first landed last week so i'm super excited
like i've been playing i was playing the endless runner
and it's so fun to play with the avatar like with your own avatar
like that's the most fun thing ever
yeah that is cool yeah that is that is nice you should make my mind then chris
let's start working on mine so i get the feeling also
did you just get back from france um ashley when
um i got back yesterday afternoon from france so
yeah just today is like i feel like my first like real day back because i'm actually like being productive but
um yeah i i landed yesterday was wiped
and how was the um the the event in general it looked like a little it looked like um
smaller than the usual but nicer than the usual that's at least what i got from everyone's photos is that is that right
yeah actually like i felt like quality was really good like there i i don't think a lot of people could
like go out there or maybe they didn't want to because it was all the way in europe
um and it was kind of cold in paris so uh but man like it was it was very well done
it was done at the grand pellet at ethimir i'm probably i'm probably
pronouncing that really badly um but it was literally right across the street
like literally you could see the eiffel tower at every almost every angle at the conference
it was beautiful just beautiful place that it was held and like all the side events
there wasn't like a crazy amount but they were all very well done
um i mean it just felt like there was a lot of effort that was put in all of it
and i think that was like the most important thing to me like when you go to these conferences
is that it's just like in the crazy thing is too i felt like people were actually there to learn
because like i was emceeing uh for the event partially on saturday
and the stage was pretty full for the most part throughout the day
uh versus like some other conferences that you see like a lot of the other conferences
you don't see the main stage super full but this one was super full which is really good
and how about people wise did you kind of get an estimate you know like a thousand couple thousand five hundred three thousand
gosh i'd say i'd say maybe like like uh maybe like a thousand or more
like i wouldn't say over fifteen hundred but around a thousand comfortably
and it wasn't too crowded so it was like it was like very comfortable
nice well that's good to know and the um so well before i ask you about paris the city
uh when it comes to other people giving you know a conference or a talk showcasing their projects
did you see anything that we don't know about like anything maybe big or important happening in europe
that we don't hear on our side of crypto twitter a lot or did you see it like completely intermingled at this point
i'd say for the most part it's intermingled there was a lot of art and fashion stuff like digital fashion that i saw
that was really interesting um that was incorporated with like the apple vision pro
there was a lot of like the thing that i think that a lot of people um like maybe are familiar with but don't see all the time
are digital collectibles that are like um like luxury items so like when you first walked into the conference
um you know i'm sure y'all have heard of 90cc um and there was a lot of those you know clothing luxury items
with like NFC chips and then you go throughout the conference and you see a lot of that and then there was a lot of like um
there was a lot of art that i had no idea like i think this one was really art focused and really fashion focused
um more so than the other ones and then there was a lot more gaming like a whole lot more gaming conversation
like there was a whole dookie dash booth which was really cool um there was a lot more gaming booth i can't remember all of the names
um but it was it was just really cool to see like like it had much different focuses versus um like a lot of the conferences are just kind of given out merch
and kind of like feels very salesy and stuff like that this one there was a lot of like activations where you could like interact with things
like there was this one booth um i took a video of it so i could i remember the name but basically you walk in they equip you uh with something
and you can actually like move the 3d avatar and it like changes like depending on you know i guess what you're doing but it literally moves with your movement and it was really cool to see
yeah that's really cool so you would see it like on the screen moving or the way you say they clip something on you was it like a like a sensor was a bulky like can you yeah i'm interested in that
it was like a very small thing it was like it went on your like head or something um because i i walked in midway while they were doing it and they were on a stage
and so like they would you know be moving and it wasn't like perfect movement but it was pretty pretty good compared to what i've seen especially with how like little equipment that they were wearing
um so it was like very intuitive um and i didn't get to try on the apple vision pro thing that they that the line was atrociously long so i was like i'm not gonna i'm not gonna wait that long
um and i had a bunch of other stuff that i had to do but that was really cool it's like an interactive like thing there so i think that they're getting better at that kind of stuff now
yeah well when it comes to the gaming stuff and you know 3d um almost like mixed reality avatars and uh interacting with gaming that way and like a platform where you you uh i've seen some that are like a little treadmill and you're walking on the treadmill
you can run and jump and do stuff in a game but you're not actually moving i think all those ideas are pretty good but we're still like a long ways away from having something like that like in your room in a in a compact you know foldable way or i don't know i think that there might start being places that you go to to do this but um as a personal thing i think we're a long ways away but a good thing that we're moving in that direction
um on the fashion side though i do think it's it's really cool i'm not really a fashion guy but i i do like to trip out on like where i see the world going towards right and my prediction for all of that doesn't really have much to do with bloomers unless we sell that type of stuff one day because the brands want to
but there's so much like designer stuff and and you know luxury items and and progression or evolution of fashion that later gets stolen or it gets ripped off you know especially in europe there's a big market for like fake designer bags and fake designer clothes so this is where i see it colliding with with everything like the apple vision pro
it's still kind of bulky and hard to use the right now it looks pretty weird if you're wearing that on the street but i think that not long from now i will be able to just have like smaller glasses like way smaller versions of the things like the apple vision pro and just go about your day normally like if you're wearing sunglasses but you can pull up stuff right on your on your glasses if you want to like your dms or
you know something like a video and you can set stuff up like the operation process what to see at your house so what i think it's going to be a happen is that a lot of fashion brands are going to be compatible with a default software of these things so when you're walking down the street
if you walked right next to somebody that's wearing like a hoodie or a jacket or a hat that has a digital collectible attached to it or a digital mark attached to it you'll be able to see some sort of ar
um effect uh like uh maybe a little glow or or maybe a little um maybe fire something right and maybe you can turn them on and off so they don't distract you but if you have them on uh i think it'll be really cool to like
know that your hat or let's say your hoodie is an original it's not a rip off because um you know it just if if someone has that on they can see winks on you and if it's stolen right even if it's stolen from a store then it wouldn't turn on because it's the type of stuff that you activate it once you pay for it and if you get it stolen and you have like the the code for it you can disable it right you can you can kind of tell the company hey this got stolen
and approve that you're the real owner and they just turn it off so it'll give some authenticity to fashion and designer stuff and it'll make us all feel like way cooler when we're on the street because we're going to be seeing glows and fire and wings and maybe sound effects on other people's clothing i i really do think that's going to be real and like 10 years max so you you heard it here before anywhere else
i can definitely see that like i really can like it's i don't know i i'm very interested to see where it goes like i i kept hearing um from 90cc that if you bought like particular collectibles there was like this is like rumors just super big rumors but there was like a token that was involved somehow if you bought like one of the you know items there was like some really cool stuff so i bought a hat
i bought a satin hat which you know i don't know i i i found out that i impartially like either allergic or something to satin so i wore it throughout the day um and when i came back i was like you know it like i guess inflames my head or something but it's a beautiful hat um you know so i'll wear it sparingly but but i'm very interested to see what kind of like rewards that they incorporate in the in the luxury items
like i i think that that is going to be a really cool thing like i just imagine getting an airdrop from a luxury collectible
yeah yeah it does sound cool and um you know i i hope to do a lot of that stuff well that we do a lot of that stuff for brands uh through through bloomers because uh the difference is like i think a lot about the like the valenciaga video game experience that they did in the metaverse or something like that
uh different brands have done stuff like that but they do it for like a weekend or it lasts like a month and then there's there's no real way to retain the users right and keep the activation going um if you don't like pretty much open a video game on division in your company right um so if you have companies doing it for you if there's like video game companies that put you on a
um on a license i guess you could call it like on a program right and are just building those
experiences and activations for the brand they can be like okay it's going to be three a year
or four a year so one port per quarter and these are the proposals for the for the four quarters
and then by you get by the time you get to the fourth quarter you can already be giving them
proposals for the next year right so they don't need to worry about it you keep doing uh we keep
doing all the activations for the brands and we have like templates that we can modify brand per
brand but we already have like hundreds of modifiable or mutable examples of games and
experiences that we can do for brands so okay this is something we did for dominos three years ago
it was really successful we can do it for you know hoses tacos or whoever we're talking to at
that point so yeah i really think that that's gonna really be a thing i mean right now your
example was luxury items um a token etc but same thing you can go to a company like that
a brand like that and tell them okay these are the five options that we can build for you
and we already have i don't know 50 000 daily active users that are going to start interacting
plus who you bring yeah it's all exciting the future is pretty exciting as long as the world
doesn't burn down yeah that's always the risk oh my gosh that would be awful um but yeah i was i
would say that the week in paris was like a super bullish for web 3 um like that sounds probably
pretty silly to people that weren't there but you know like i didn't realize that there was a lot of
web 2 people there like a lot of people that had no idea anything about nfts and they were there
asking questions participating a lot of them were art people like super big into art and all that
stuff so that was like really cool to see like it felt like there was a lot more onboarding this
conference and than previous ones yeah that's cool uh i think it um that's really important
and i think it has to do with the fact that the europe has like way tighter laws and regulations
as to what you can do and um i think that there's pros and cons to everything right i'm not really
big on regulation but i do understand that when you're somewhere where the regulation is loose
like a lot of bad actors can do like things that resonate a lot because our brains tend to
register negative experiences that happen to us and to others more than positive ones right
because it's more tied to the survival instinct so whenever there's like a big crypto scam or
something happening in the us it kind of throws off a lot of people that had just gone into like
i have a couple of girlfriends that were telling me that they were really into crypto about a year
ago year and a half and we would not get into details right they would just tell me no yeah i'm
also into crypto and it's great and blah blah and then after a while i heard that no i'm out of that
i'm really sad we lost all our money and i kind of asked them what they were doing and in reality
it was just a little facebook pyramid scheme so they were told they were into crypto and they
were told that they were investing in coins and and they were getting like uh like a return every
month but it was just a little pyramid maybe there wasn't even any crypto involved but that's what
they told them but now in their mind oh no crypto's dangerous crypto's a scam and you know those people
don't get held accountable because the sec is more focused on going after the big guys that they
can take billions from it's all about the money for them whereas i feel like in europe it's more
about following up on little investigations you know like oh this guy scammed me for um i don't
know five thousand frags or something okay let's go check it out and that doesn't happen here in
the u.s you tell a couple somebody drain my wallet they're going to be like you're what buddy
that's what sounds like a you problem yeah i mean you're right dude like that that's wild to me i
mean but but that also like there it's a double-edged sword because we ultimately want to keep
you know the decentralized aspect of crypto you know that's the whole reason this whole movement
started this whole reason why bitcoin existed in the in the first place before everything else
so that kind of takes away from the decentralized aspect of it but it you know unfortunately it's
something that probably needs to happen before mass onboarding and maybe there's a way to do it to
where there's still like plenty of decentralization but there's regulations against people that are
you know like draining wallets or maybe you know i i brought this up a long time ago
um i don't remember if i brought up with you guys or or you know maybe before that
um but like it would be really cool if there was like insurance companies that you could pay like
a month to month you know like like you know they do with bank banks um you know where where you
pay a specific amount of insurance and then let's say you do have a wallet drain um you know you're
protected by that insurance i think that would be you know a more interesting solution in a easier
solution than a full decentralized you know government regulated thing because then it
becomes just like you know regular finance which we all don't like um you know but but there still
would be even if there was more centralized aspects of it when it came to rules um i i think
the most beneficial aspect of 1-3 and crypto generally is the fact that it's so quick um
you know like i just was thinking about it this week um about you know like just you know when
whenever i was buying things like in person i was literally able to send it within a few moments
um and i didn't have to worry about you know processing or whatever um and that's always
been like my favorite thing when it comes to like um things like um just transacting generally
when it comes to real estate just imagine like i was a former realtor before i was doing this
um and it takes days to close days or you know it just it just takes so long to approve transactions
in that industry um you know funding mortgages and all that it's it's just crazy and you have
to go through all these hoops um when it comes to buying real estate buying or selling um and i've
seen people do crypto transactions and like just literally within a day um you know whether it be
on the weekend holiday or or whatever it may be and you know real estate is where i see it most
beneficial um for now obviously gaming would be pretty cool because um there's a lot that you can
do with that um but i think the more we make it easier to do traditional finance in a quicker way
i think that's when we'll truly bridge the gap to you know web 2 and web 3
yeah 100 i mean those are all really really good points i i've always thought of that
on the real estate side i've um that you know if you could like tokenize properties and tokenize
mortgage contracts and and debt and things like that and and they can be like on a platform
actually in that i didn't like just stop tripping on that myself i i heard uh implications of it
in um on a talk given by one of the executives of okx which is like uh i think it's like um exchange
but they're making a wallet or they already made a wallet and they they were talking about that
that type of future and you know it was something i don't remember how much they explained to it and
how much it was my own imagination but my my trip ended up on you know just tokenizing property
and mortgages in a way that if you want to put your house on the market uh anybody from anywhere
in the world i mean i could be just a japanese guy that scalps american properties like a day
trader because i know that you know a week later i can resell that um that debt or that property
for a little bit more right if you let everybody participate and it's in the and it's tokenized
like the deed is tokenized it would make it really cool and way faster and you know way less of what
you're saying right which is the title company and the mortgage company and the escrow company and
and the underwriters just you know bombarding everybody with a requirement and insurance and
and it goes back to what you were saying about regulation that how much of that actually
protects people like i agree with you that you know mild regulation with a free market and private
capital taking over things is way better than a tight regulation like in europe because okay
maybe all these people are more curious they feel safer they're getting more adopted but then
the capability of the projects over there is way less right and they're censored even as to what
they can say like in europe you can get the cops at your house for something you said on facebook
which i think is crazy it's just crazy to me that you know the authorities can come and raid your
house because you said you thought of something illegal and expressed it so so yeah i'm a hundred
percent for for freedom right and and i do believe that regulation comes too late anyway
like even in computer viruses and stuff i mean we don't see the government or regulation
protecting us from that right it's it's really what protects us is our our software like malware
bites and kaspersky or uh north northern and my cafe so all these private companies really came
out with solutions for us um making making trojans and um uh you know stealing people's
bank accounts illegal didn't really solve the problem it can make some people accountable
for it if they catch them but you know it's still not what what prevents it um yeah i definitely
think that the free market is a way better regulator than bureaucracy and government i've
seen it a lot um i saw it a lot in in the cannabis industry like in the where i live
at one point it became like one of the the counties with well not one of the county with
the most hemp per square foot uh like on the planet and one of the counties were the most
weed grown uh on the planet right so all the boomers started freaking out oh it smells like
weed everywhere and many of these girls are illegal and oh many of them are ran by aspanics
oh my god and blah blah so it was just so so much um alarming alarmist um christ right from
part of the community and what i thought is like okay that's why the prices are dropping there's
so much hemp and weed going around that nobody can make a living off of it anymore everybody's
going bankrupt so it's just a matter of time for 80 percent of these um places to shut down all
all they need to do is wait because that's how the market works so that's exactly what happened
right it all started going away because uh the market crashed but before that the state had
already approved like a seven million dollar a year budget for an enforcement team and new trucks
and more cops and more regulation and more inspectors so then all the growth shut down
and now you have a seven million dollar a year enforcement team that's sitting on their ass and
all they can do is go bully people so this this whole right trying to regulate it only created
a new problem and more spending so that's just one example of what you were saying that thinking
that daddy government is the answer is more than likely a mistake
yeah i mean you made some good points it's just like it's crazy that that you know like what you
said about the government controlling like everything that you do like that i can't imagine
living in a country like that um i i feel like crypto really helps with breaking down barriers
when it comes to like you were mentioning like thing people like the anonymous man i'm
gonna pronounce this like really bad because you know my brain is scrambled today uh but the
not anonymity oh perfect yeah you said perfect there we go i did it um but um you know the fact
that we don't you know half the time know what each other looks like on the other side of the
screen i really love that um that it's breaking down those kind of barriers that typically you
would experience in other industries um you know i feel like a lot of the time like no matter where
you come from um you know in crypto there's always opportunity like for every single person
um and i that's what i love most about crypto is like i came from personally i came from um you
know like i i never really i was like super shy i was doing kind of like average work you know i
was kind of like the nine to five typical class worker you know not not doing too much in my you
know spare time and i went from that to doing what i'm doing now working with lots of different
people from all over the over the world um doing cool things like you know gaming obviously with
you guys um you know working with hella moon working with rug radio just working um within
so many different fields in this industry like it just feels like um it just feels like the
opportunities in the space are so endless like when it comes to you know personal freedoms and
career choices and you know just financial freedom like i i love that i've seen friends
go from you know having maybe ten dollars in their bank account to becoming multi-millionaires
and you know i obviously wish wish that that would be me on there um yeah me too yeah just you know
but but i i love that i love that about the space that you just see people just just do so well um
no matter what they're doing you know outside in their personal life or where they came from
yeah i like that and and just a big government prevents that right we we there's always going
to be new industries where stuff like what you were saying can happen and it's always because
of the beginning it's just meritocracy and just kind of your your skill a little bit of luck and
your own decisions and that can make you or break you so there's a big risk sure but there was also
a big risk with people that were going around looking for oil and digging everywhere and you
know just setting up camping places where there was no technology just to know exactly how much
oil was underneath you uh you know if you were going to get a good roi uh if someone was going
to come and poison you at night because they wanted to take that uh that piece of land from you
same thing with gold right and same thing with spices like it's just uh we're just repeating
history it's not it's it feels very new because it's in an innovative um industry right and this
is all new stuff but the essence of it is just human exploration human intrigue and human ingenuity
and all coming together to create stuff and and start a new a new chapter in in humanity so
yeah i'm all for that to keep happening if we try to to you know hinder that we just become like uh
you know just it feels kind of like like pigs in uh well it's they don't have them in stalls but
you know where where they keep it just like cattle right i'd rather us be be like roaming
wolves than than cattle i like that i like the way you phrase that because yeah um because common
crypto phase you got that dog and you um that's what i like about that so in paris what um
how was it like so i see a lot of stuff about um like paris like mixed opinions i don't want to say
either or kind of like new york you know some people really like new york others think it's
like getting too dirty and too crowded i'm one of those i still like to go but you know if i live
there i would be thinking i need to do something about it or what the paris feel like so so like
it was crazy because i had a phenomenal experience you know like i mean i'm not a big fan of the
weather but you know of course it's winter so it's kind of gonna be cold anywhere you go
but man like it just you know it was beautiful there was so much to see like the first
night i was there um i went to um on a dinner cruise on the seine river and you know as i
was passing the eiffel tower was lit up and we were super close to it so it was like one of the
best views and it was twinkling um just gosh it was just gorgeous and then um you know it was
surprisingly cleaner than i thought people were always talking about how dirty it looked and then
you know i get there and i'm like wow it's actually like there's minimal i i barely saw
homeless people and the homeless people that i did see had like pretty nice tents i mean that's
weird to say but um you know like it wasn't very noticeable um so it was it was pretty crazy um
you know we went to the lube we went to um a few like historical places and in the it was just
you know gorgeous like the history and the art you know it's very historical and art related
we saw the Notre Dame uh which just magnificent even though we couldn't go inside you know because of
the burning that happened in 2019 it was still just gorgeous on the outside um we saw the catacombs
that was crazy um and really really cool so there was just like i felt like there was a lot to do
and a lot to see um even you know walking around um you know a lot of people like that have been
to france or that i've talked about france talked about how like rude some people like french people
and i did not experience that at all like maybe like once in a blue moon but like just the same
as as i do here in the us um for the most part everyone is super understanding especially if you
like because you know like one thing that you got to know when you go there is that you know like
if you if you don't speak french like you need to know like some basic phrases you know say please
and thank you or you know like just common polite phrases that you would use every day
you know a lot of the time they'll be they're super happy for business they're super happy to
you know help you a lot of them know english which is really really helpful the hotel that
i stayed out um they they were all english speakers and even if they weren't they were
like very accommodating um to me um just just you know i really didn't have very many negative
experiences some people um that i was hanging out with her the week just hated it you know
they were like oh the people are rude the weather's awful it's so ugly blah blah blah and i was like
man i'm like i had a very different experience so that was that was very interesting um so i'm like
i love paris i just i don't know i i always have a special place for it and i definitely
want to go again because there was like so much i didn't see yeah no and that's good to know then
that it's that it's still pretty nice over there um because yeah if people say oh the weather
sucks well that can be well the weather's the weather you know and yeah and people you know
there's cultural barriers and stuff but no sometimes i would hear that oh yeah like woman
can't walk around the eiffel tower at night anymore because it's so dangerous and it's dirty
and it smells bad all over the city but now based on what you're saying it sounds like
that's not true so so that's good to know exaggerated completely i think like the in the
walking around at night like women walking around at night i can't even do that here in my home state
um you know in my city you know it's dangerous for me there so like it's just generally a dangerous
thing for for anybody like that's a woman to walk around you know by by ourselves um just a sad
reality of of our society whether it be in the us or in france or you know wherever you know the
safest place that i ever experienced you know at night was japan um that was like the safest place
i never felt like weird or uncomfortable or anything like that in france i was with um you
know my husband the whole time so i never you know had that experience so you know in honestly
i never heard of anyone that had that experience as a woman there um but a lot of us were like doing
side events so maybe it just was not something that came up um but yeah i mean it's just i mean
wherever you go it's just gonna be like that for women i mean it's a hard reality yeah yeah some
places more than others but in general yeah you gotta gotta stay safe um depends the area i mean i
live in a really small town austin felt really really safe like really cool to me when i was
there but well before diverting to even more of that what about like news that you could i didn't
ask you like what's going on in the space like exciting stuff anything you have for us today
um well you know news is kind of like hard to say because there was like different like aspects of
the news like you know the dookie dash game um is pretty bullish they have like a gaming tournament
that orangey is participating in um so it's like a million dollar tournament um and if you get the
highest score i guess in a certain period of time you win a million dollars which is awesome um i
wish that was really good at that game like i'm decent at it but no nowhere near pro level like
that so you know i kind of like tried a little bit but you know i wasn't spending too much time on it
um i know that there was like um gosh there was like something in particular i'm gonna have to
look it up again um but there was like some like like there was a lot of news when it came to like
luxury stuff like name brands getting more involved um when i went to like wow gala um
they had a partnership with Sephora which was really cool because like you know you don't
often see web3 companies partnered with like major web2 brands which was like i felt like
very bullish for those kind of projects so that was cool um let's see what else was happening um
um if there was like so many announcements i'd have to go through but there was like some news
that was announced um hold on let me see if i can find it somewhere um i know the magic unit and
eth marketplace just opened today um i i know they talked about that during the conference was
was super bullish um it's just generally bullish for that because i felt like you know magic unit
is a really good platform and you know i'm not just saying that because i'm an ambassador um i
just know a lot of people on the team and i've always had a positive experience with them
um a lot a lot of the news was related to um you know like um i guess like it was very art heavy
and very digital collectibles heavy and all of that so like it was it was cool but it wasn't
like high priority i feel like generally for the space um you know like especially if you're not
like an art person um there's like some things that i'm missing like definitely big things that
i'm missing that i'm gonna probably get off the space and then be like oh crap i can't believe
i brought that up well yeah bitcoin touching 57 is one but that was that was cool yesterday
yeah that was but um but yeah the um the million dollar tournament i think that sounds but it does
one person win it i mean i feel like ever since we said okay bloomer season one one million dollar
gaming showdown everyone's talking about their million dollar tournament which is fine you know
it's fine that i can be giving people ideas constantly but um that one you know i'm interested
in the mechanic because um it does one person or how many people take the like split the price
it's just one it's just one i i'm not sure if there's any other prizes but it's just one which
i think honestly i think it's better that way um because like it's a huge thing to win just imagine
you know like i'm pretty confident that orangy's gonna win it um just seeing the way that he played
he broke a million points i think it was either today or yesterday um so it's gonna be pretty
hard to beat that score um and it's just so bullish to see somebody like make an extreme
amount of money from playing a game as silly as do he dash um like where you're like literally
you know selling through like the sewers and you know there's fart noises and everything
um which is you know hilarious um so i i love that about this space yeah it is cool uh it's cool i
mean the thing is though as a gamer you know that's kind of why i we structured the bloomers
tournament different like the million dollars because if you look at gaming it's always uh
the one percent uh you know the pro gamers the only ones that are making money and and that's
really cool right they deserve it they they earned it but it's really hard to become a pro gamer like
it's a lot of obviously you need the brain you need the skills but you also need the discipline you
need the luck you need a lot of support from your family that many people yeah thousands of hours
right so you know when we're talking about mass adoption and and sustainable models um the the way
that the million dollar showdown is going to work in bloomers is that there's a million dollars in
prices but everybody is competing for small prices and in smaller tournaments and just racking up
rewards all day so you know it's way more people because there's only so many millions of dollars
to go around people right and it's so many hundreds it's going to be hundreds of thousands if not
millions of us at some point trying to get these prices so if we if we make it in a way that
everyone or a lot not everyone obviously but a lot of people are getting two three thousand four
thousand in prices per season and then more and more brands come in so it's it's kind of like more
enticing more inspiring to play at least for me because the dookie dash okay a million dollars
i would really like him right but i'm not about to start trying to run bloomers be a father and
you know take care of my health and go to the gym and get better at golf and be the number one of
dookie dash and beat orangy it's it's not going to happen so so why even try you know but if dookie
dash you know had like a million dollars in prices and you know if you beat your the the high score
of the day or maybe the people in your bracket people around your same level then sure maybe
i can become the number one in my own bracket right so that that's kind of what i want to make for
what we're building for bloomers a game where if you're in the top if you're in the 30 percent
right if you if you're in uh let's say there's tiers like diamond um gold silver and bronze
right so if you're in bronze but you're one of the best bronze players you get some prices
if you're one of the best silver players you get some prices the same with golden platinum so
it's kind of divided amongst depending on the bracket that you're in so that everybody can
participate and everybody can get uh prices from from brands that's kind of that's what i always
wanted when i was like in college and stuff like i would i had my i had my time when i would like
switch or flip my sleeping schedule and just play warcraft again against like chinese and koreans
who were the best in the world back then trying to beat them but you know just the fact that they
were it was 9am and they were sponsored and and just playing fresh for me it was 2am and i was
just or 4am and i was just drinking red bulls and eating pizza and getting yelled at my dad
that why are you still up it's just such a huge disadvantage you know yeah no i i agree no i i
think that's a good point and i like that about you know bloomverse is that you know that like
it feels like it's for the you know the the average gamer you know and average gamers you
know a lot of us can't play every day um unfortunately uh because we have a lot of
stuff that we're doing you know not not everybody can you know um dedicate so many hours like
you know as much as i would love to be a pro great gamer you you have to start young you have to start
a long time ago a lot of the best gamers you know started as teenagers and you know i've
personally been like a casual gamer my whole life but you know i've never been like you know the
person to sit at my desk like and just like game out like crazy hard um so i like that about what
you know what we're doing here because you know nothing is better you know just like with what
imso chris is doing with the endless runner it's nice to be able to get rewarded for playing a game
even if you're not even if you're not good at it um you know because i'm not the best um and even
if it's not a lot of money here's the thing all these ungrateful motherfuckers need to remember
and anyone who listens to this recording blizzard is never going to give you a goddamn thing
Activision does not give a fuck about you there is not a single mobile entity not a 10 cent not
that gives a shit if you are homeless or you are dead here you are our family we do give a fuck
if you're here we do need your voice we do fight the same battle we are walking the same path we
are on the same journey we are a gang we are a clique whatever the fuck you relate to a cartel
a cabal a fucking army we are a fucking army so that's the first thing you need to remember
when you come and you're taking a shit and you earn 30 cents worth of bonk and you want to tell
me it's only 30 cents Activision blizzard will charge you three dollars to do that i give you 30
cents that is infinitely better than what they are doing now as more players come and more liquidity
grows and the utility expands and our infrastructure is built into more and more places it's not 30
cents anymore you ungrateful bastard it's three dollars for taking a shit it's it's 30 dollars
for being loyal you know like it and you can repeat that a hundred times a thousand times
whatever you have time for blizzard they're going to make you addicted and they're going to extract
every dollar and they're going to use everyone around you to shame you and to continue paying
and then guess what they're going to do never allow you to own any of it and if you ever let
someone log in your account or you ever try to share your assets or you ever try to take a piece
of your life back they will ban your shit for violating terms of service and every single dollar
and every single minute is worth nothing you are that much closer to dying and you got nothing so
that's what i would like to say about web3 gaming sorry i just put a hundred whitelists on this csv
in like 11 minutes we are fucking cooking we are so back dude we are back we are so back
and that's all that's all true man all of those points are very true and you know even if you
look at these companies i love the when blizzard lost me you know because i love blizzard games
for a long time and i really like that back in the day you know you could make your custom maps
and your custom games that's where dota came from right somebody just thinks they're all the tower
defense games and then uh dota came from that and so many different ideas came from that and
dota became like a huge game and you know when when blizzard launched the warcraft 3 uh relaunch
like the reload what they did was change the terms and conditions so that anything that you think of
and everything that you build and the custom maps is their property and they can sue you if you use
it to make your own game later so instead of like embracing it like hey everybody come build games
again remember blizzard is where creativity blooms like this is where it's at they made it so that
anything that you think or do or build inside their platform is automatically theirs and i thought
that was just disgusting man but but yeah this is this is one of the charms of web3 and one of
the most important things of web3 and you know so inspiring that all of us are trying to do all
these cool things and the fact that pal world you know that that game that's booming right now
they didn't they had never made a game before they started with like a 10 000 budget and then
got some bcs to back him and built the first game ever that they had ever built and it became what
it was just tells us everything that we can do right it's not true that only big uh companies
like activation and blizzard can build good games we're all gamers and many of us have
experience in business and psychology and gamification so i'm really excited to see
everything we're gonna build and um but i'd like to set the bar lower than that i'd like to set the
bar lower than that i'd like to say i can build something similar to a product you're used to
something that feels good that is easy that doesn't piss you off that works directly from
your phone or your shitty little laptop or your nice fancy macbook it will be digestible it will
be understandable and it will be a better use of your time than what you consider the superior
product and if you support these products and you join these communities then the money will flow in
and the product will scale to be that triple a product but at the end of the day the time and
effort that you might have spent playing warcraft one warcraft two warcraft three then they make the
mods then you get dota then you get league then you get world of warcraft dude do you know how
many thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars millions of players spent and all they
did was lose days of life that's it they never owned anything and they never got a single dollar
back that is fucking crazy to me the fact that we are basically becoming like you can even look at
free like mobile gaming right and attention-based gaming and stuff like that and it's it's like okay
i don't mind you extracting my attention and incentivizing me to spend money but it can't
be for absolutely nothing other than clout because here on web 3 we can let you chase clout
and we can also reward you with tangible assets and if you believe in that ecosystem and those
assets other people will too and that will create an intrinsic value behind them and if there are
solid tokenomics and onboarding and even distribution methods then you can actually
have in-game economies that scale into the real world literally none of these web 2 entities can
ever offer that utility they legally cannot offer you that utility they have already built their
companies in a way with so much red tape and so many developers and so many partnerships and so
many legal implications to insider trading and you know they've got their terms of services that
prevent like bigotry and racism and this and that and the other and basically any excuse they can
to take away whatever it is that you did i mean look at expansions look at dlc's look at the way
level caps change look at stats look at min maxing look at difficulty ranges you can look at like
from regular rating to mythic rate or heroic rating to mythic rating and you can just see
that they've stuck you in these game loops that are fun they're entertaining they give you a sense
of purpose until you've logged out for three hours once you've taken three four hours away
from the game and you went outside and touched grass kind of seems like the time you just spent
on that game wasn't worth the time you just spent on that game in web 3 we have a real opportunity
to change that perspective and that doesn't mean that web 3 gaming overthrows web 2 gaming
in the future it means that web 3 gaming sets an example that forces web 2 companies to come
into web 3 and create a 2.5 standard where ownership and rights to your activity and pseudo
anonymity and freedom of choice are a demand right not a speculative prospect of future hope
this thing we're all dying on the hill no no it'll be what is expected because if you don't
do it someone else will that's where i feel like we are right now in this transition between web
3 to web 2 it's not a war it's more of a lesson plan you know it's more like we're showing them
you can't just make us victims for our whole fucking life i'm not a victim to games you are
because endorphins are addicting they're very addicting and these emotions and these
relationships that you build they do have a social context to them they do you do feel a level of
guilt when your best online friends need you to help them with something and you just
yeah you feel guilty that is some real shit man like bro i've been willing to fight people in
real life because i know they're fucking cheating right i know they're fucking cheating you won't
cheat it you won't cheat if you're sitting right next to me motherfucker you know like i get so
emotional when it comes to like techin right techin 8's new love it right love it i get a little
emotional when i'm playing techin 8 i spent 110 on that game dude i haven't gotten back from it
i'm saying i can't even hope to other than that little bit of a rush so like there are things
that we're building toward in web 3 and things that bloomverse is building toward in web 3
that are mimics of this thing that you're used to this this first person shooter play this third
person shoot you know this gears of war and this techin type play styles or this arma style and
this this uh celebrity deathmatch concept like these different kinds of things that we get you
know a lot of excitement from in real life they're all clones of one another right like what's the
major difference between like a fortnite to a warzone or a pubg or even the originator arma 3
which became the mod pub 3 all right well first off day z which then became pubg which then spawned
the concept of actual pubg which inspired fortnite apex legends and then of course the last one
warzone okay so it started with a shitty computer game that you could mod called arma 3 right into
a survival horror called day z and that evolved into extraction shooter genre well we could clone
some shit like that like you know like it's it's out there the difference here is that you own
everything and that your time can be valuable and that your skill can translate into real world
monetary incentives and it's not illegal and you don't have to worry about your account being banned
and you don't have to make a sketchy deal with your debit card to some dude overseas who meets
you on an npc level one account that you had to go to a specific fucking neutral zone so that he
could give you gold that's crazy that's absolutely crazy so at the end of the day we can just do that
with a click of a signature and a request from a player like it it's unbelievable like sorry i'll
just rant about this forever because i am so fucking gassed right now about everything that
is transpiring on the back end between us no but it's true it's true i mean it's a it's a very simple
it's very simple to look at it from the standpoint of we know that our attention is valuable we know
that our time is valuable we know that money is being made as people play games as we play games
and we should just split it right between the companies and the players the attention revenue
should be split in a way that your skill and your level in the game just gives you real life value
right because we like everything that we do to give us real life value and we're trying to have
a better quality of life and we're all adult gamers now it's no longer like you know 10 year
old kids that their parents are trying to distract with an atari now it's just this this gaming
culture is part of the adult economy and you know the tools are out there for us to build things
that give us back as we play and that's what we're going to be doing here so and you know speaking
of that as we're wrapping up the space i want to remind everybody here to retweet the space
and follow us and follow what we're doing follow what chris is doing we have some really cool
tournaments coming coming soon where you'll be able to wage your tokens against your opponents
and you'll you'll be able to have a an ash the avatar a cryptostash avatar different weapons
it's just a demo right it's just the beginning of bloomverse but you can get in early now we
have a mint coming and a lot of cool stuff coming a token airdrop coming for those that minted the
chest so follow us and stay tuned for everything that we're doing because we're definitely keeping
you and all the gamers out there in mind to to build something really cool for everybody and
it's like chris is saying it's going to be evolving and transforming and getting better
and better but it's because of you guys that we can do it so we're all in this together
hell yeah i'm super lit up honestly like i love i love to hear chris yelling at people like
you know it's just crazy that yeah like literally i'm just yelling at the wall right like i'm
literally just yelling at the universe just letting them know we fucking know and there has to be
a fucking change because we can't just be victims in everything in life that gives us pleasure like
we cannot just have our lives sucked out from underneath us so that one day 30 years from now
we look back and just feel nothing but sadness and regret and then we're laying there waiting
for the cancer to take us and we feel like we did nothing of substance well that won't happen man
don't be such a doomer bloom versus here so it's not happening we're here we got this we're
definitely living in very exciting times hey we might not even get a lot of stuff back from
from bloom versus as we play over the years but we might even like uh put our brains into some
sort of robot or something and just keep going like forget the cancer we'll just be
start flipping bodies i mean we don't know what the future holds but the only thing we can do is
keep innovating and keep pushing man i'm definitely excited to leave and live in these times
all right guys so i'm gonna wrap up the space we went 10 minutes overboard today because it was
a good one but we're here every week for the taco titty tuesday so everybody eat some good food eat
some tacos touch some titties do with consents but you know as long as there's consent you can
touch them all you want and have fun guys we'll see you guys on the deep dive on on thursday
have a good day everybody