Talisman x Mandala x Astar: Tech, NFTs, and Adoption ✨

Recorded: April 24, 2023 Duration: 1:02:58



Welcome everybody, thanks for tuning in today for this Ashtar Twitter space where we have the Mandala team and Agile from the Talisman Wallet team. Thanks again.
You guys hear me? Okay? Yes, we hear you guys, I am.
Perfect. Perfect. Let's give it another minute or so. Can you do it also over here at Lindala? Yes, we can hear the Lindala team. Hey there. Is this good? Perfect. Great, great, great.
Feel free to tweet out, retweet this space.
and this being recorded. So let's turn it into when they're ready.
Nice to see some familiar faces in the space and we're gonna get started soon. So thanks everyone for tuning in. My name is Rams, Community Growth Lead here at ASTAR Network and I'm joining today with the Mandala team, Kevin and also the Talisman.
team agile. Thanks Kevin for being here. How are you today? Oh good, we're great. Thanks for having us. Are you kidding? familiar spaces on these spaces I liked it. Yes, yes. And agile how are you today?
I'm good. I just arrived in Thailand today and so I went outside and touched grass and got some sun. So I'm very good. That's how it's done. Nice. This grass really thinks they like that. I thought that was gone. I don't know that it exists. Do you have to go to Thailand?
Thailand for that. Do you mean in the before four times when they used to be grass? The before four times that's right. Sadly. Okay well thanks again about to be for being here and for our listeners too if you have any questions we feel a comment and
and in the little bubble, down the bottom right of your interface. And if now we'll have some space at the end of the Twitter space, so you could ask your questions out loud. So-- - Okay, first and most important question, Agile, was it at Lemmengrass?
No, it was just regular, regular grass. Although I did see some, pick some wild lemon grass at a yoga retreat recently. Awesome. Is that what made you change your profile picture to a lady? Yeah, I had to, I started to go outside a bit more.
So I'm going to start it. So take a little bit of leave and take a break and I decided I needed to, you know, make my Twitter profile a bit more online to compensate for how offline I'd be. That's a good balance. So, the Mandala team Kevin, thanks again.
We're excited for this upcoming launch. I see a lot of a lot of promotion being done and also a lot of Just a lot of content that you're showing us and it looks beautiful. Can I ask you for a brief history and perhaps an introduction about the modality?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, and I just throw that right back at you and say thanks. This is all of that is because of you guys. So we are loving how much is happening out there on this project. So thank you. Yeah, my name is Kevin Fox. I'm a ex Hollywood called myself a veteran, I guess I've earned it.
And you know, worked in film when I was young, then television as well. And I mean, I've done it all actually film TV commercials music videos and got into the web early early on. I love where tech meets storytelling and how to use technology to tell stories and unique
different ways so the audience can my big thing is immersive and reality like what is real and how can you sort of delve in story dwelling let's call it instead of storytelling so you provide experiences for people on top of a really cool story and technology has been an amazing way to
to do that. And you can start with film and go, wow, that was a whole new technology at the time. And it was. And it was incredible. And now we're talking about completely different things and really exciting things. Anyway, so spent a lot of years doing a lot of that and figuring out ways to bring the different technologies in, whether it was, you know,
you know, nonlinear editing on computers and then digital cameras and then internet and then, you know, go on and on from there. And now where we are is a whole new world. And I'm really, I couldn't be more excited about what Web 3 and not words I like, but Web 3 capabilities of being able to bring people into the
story and so many unique new ways. Many, many, many years ago, maybe not that many, just many, many years ago, I was involved with the Blair Witch Project, which was a really, really fun experience because we tied the internet into storytelling of a film. So you went to a film, but you also got
a lot of the backstory and lore and pieces of it and not just the backstory and lore but you could interact with your friends around the story of Blair and so of the witch itself and sort of you know it was this urban legend kind of a thing and we let people run with it and play with it and we had a lot of fun with it it was huge
It was a great way to do, like I said, create an experience for people outside of just seeing Thor beat the shit out of somebody five times in different movies. And yeah, so for many years I was looking for a really cool project that would go what I would call sort of a cross platforms or a cross medium.
and was fortunate enough to go through a friend, get introduced to John and the team here at Mandala and they were in the beginning stages, but had fully developed a story that used technology in ways that actually had to do with the technology being part of the story and that was the key piece for me.
So yeah, and now here we are. We were at a big studio for a long time and we developed there and we had all these different, I call them silos or different departments ready to go at once, which meant gaming, TV, digital and comics because we already had a comic on Dark Horse or
a graphic novel I should say on Dark Horse Comics, which is easily the biggest independent distributor in the world. And right before the studio, we were making the deal with the studio thinking that was the way to go and you have to understand this is sort of, you know, pre or maybe at the very very beginning is a blockchain.
And we started to look into blockchain. I thought this is exciting stuff, but the studio will never go for it. And fortunately for us, but maybe not so fortunately for the studio, a big huge company came in and bought the studio. And we decided that was a good time to get out. A partner of ours told us, you know, that
deal was going down, they gave us a sort of heads up and we kind of got out. Anyway, we moved fully into this new space and have really done not just our homework and research, but we're also trying to be pretty innovative and inventive with it. And this is a great segue for us to jump out of my intro, which is
always too long into wallets and getting new users into this space and finding ways to make it an easy on-ramp and a really fun experience for them. So we've spent the past months knowing what we know in this space to create ways to do that but with the story behind it.
and we'll get more into that later. And yeah, that's us. Thanks, Kevin. And I'm a huge player with project and remember terrifying me when I was younger. I do. You're welcome. I still don't know if it's true or not. So I read it down there. It absolutely
>> Exactly. That's the beauty of it. Yes, thank you for the segue into the wallets and how accessibility is key for this too. So, Hedgehog, please take it away. Brief introduction, maybe a little bit of history for our users to understand you better. >> Showing cool. Thank you, Rams.
So, I'm the co-founder of Talisman, which is a browser extension wallet for the Polkadot ecosystem, which many of you will know is a multi-chain ecosystem. And we have a really big emphasis on how to, how do we make
user experience really high quality in a multi-chain ecosystem. How can we empower users to leverage Web3 tech to take custody of their assets, to use these amazing new applications that we have that provide these really interesting guarantees and these protections, and how can we make that user friendly?
because it is quite technical. And, yeah, Talisman is approaching two years old. We originally had the idea for the projects on April 1st, 2021. So in terms of the conceptualization
of talisman. We've been around the ideas been around for two years, but we kind of got started in around June 2021. But the operative part is that if you want to get started using the polka dot ecosystem, you want to use ASTAR network and use applications. You want to participate in, you know, minting Mandala NFTs.
you want to join the clan. You need to check out Talisman or a wallet like Talisman. We make it really easy for you to create accounts, get started, you can buy crypto, we support Ledger. I'll talk a little bit more about features down the line. But yeah, that's Talisman.
Thanks, I have, yes, and as a as a tells me while I user myself, I would say it's nice to have a wallet that could do many mostly chain aspects not just here on polka dot but outside of it to the EVM world and Moving Alright Rams, I get to jump in and go and now what do you guys do over at?
We focus on basically making lots of comic books. That's all we do here at Star. If anyone didn't know. But I'll juxtapize. Yeah, I love it. I love it. I'll juxtapize. We are a smart contract hub. And what that means is that you can bring
You can create your smart contract, the apps in the EVM way or the wasm web assembly manner. So we're a dual virtual machine in essence. So you offer the technology for all types of builders and the coding language they know, they might bring some really over from.
EVM or start working with ink here at Polkadot. And so we try to basically provide all the tools that a builder may need. And we also have one of our features that sustain builders here in our ecosystem, which is called the AppState.
Builder will build their project out, launch it, and then be listed as a DEAP through a community governance method. And in that way, the community can stay on DDEAP and the rewards, the more DEAP stickers are, the higher the rewards are for the builder.
essence providing a sustainable income as long as you're continuing innovation and as well and attracting community members to stake on you. So that's what we pride ourselves in and we've had great success as the Smart Contract Hub and we currently
have, let's see, many projects building on this, and about 35 that are listed as the apps eligible for the apps taking. And I'll get into some of those features later on as well. But yeah, that's basically
in essence what we do. So I do want to jump into also going on to what else we can do in our in our history. We at Ashtar we did focus on basically we focused on a scaling solution in the beginning and then we moved forward into this like
multi-language smart contract hub. And now we're seeing the need for basically outreaching and not just being internal here in AtStar, just delivering a product for our Ecoshainber. But I'll
also extending and branching out. So that's what makes the whole Mandalo team interesting as well because you have a multi-chain aspect already. So I wanted to bring it back to you, Kevin. Can you tell us a little bit more about this multi-chain aspect and your previous launches? Yes, yes.
So like I said earlier, you know, when we were looking at the space and for me blockchain goes way way back, you know, we always, you know, I've been through one web one and web to again words. I hate, but we need them because they seem to define the era of dinosaurs that died out and then the play a scene and yeah, all that. So web one and one too.
And you know, we dreamed of this thing happening and here it is right we look and when I say dream to it, it was more of a open system, a democratic system and people we really did think web one and web two was going to be this panacea of, you know, great values for people in so many ways and we everything
time we watched the corporations come in, gobble it up and turn it back into the centralized platforms where they own everything including your data and everything. And now this thing appeared that truly had the, you could not change this thing of decentralization. And so
We did. We dove in and started looking around for decentralization and where was that working best? So we looked at the different chains and every chain has its unique ability to do that. And we realized one thing up front too was that while everybody was hunkering down in their chain, work hard on it when we're a eith and we're a polka dot and we're right.
That kind of got crazy there for a while with you know Bitcoin I think started that sort of concept right because they were early in probably the only ones at the beginning so everybody was a Bitcoin Maxi But our concept was how can we bring all these Chains together? How can we make sure people can within our story?
didn't have to be linked to one. And more importantly, you know, the people holding all of these things should be diversifying their, you know, as if you were investing in things, you would diversify your investments, right? You'd have some that would be a little higher risk and you'd have some that were maybe a little more stable. And if you're smart, this is what you do. So we thought, well, this
story has to take place across chain and we went on Cardano first mostly because that was where we had spent our initial time investigating into this and we aligned with a lot of the way they did staking they do it very differently than other chains and then we started to look into the ETH network because we had gone
to East Denver and met a lot of great people and so we dropped some on East with a very famous artist, Tony Millionaire. We used this guy, Bert, the farmer is his name on Cardano and now we met someone in Polkadot at East Denver, Surag, his name. And he was awesome.
And so we've been talking with Polkadot now for I'd go I'd say probably two two and a half years maybe even yeah about that. And we just knew that this chain was truly holding on to the decentralized concept. I mean to a degree that nobody else was I think.
huge for us because and we'll get into this later with our staking app and why decentralization is so important. And I'll let you guys talk about that as well because you guys are building in that fashion I would say more than others. And again not to compare but it's just different sort of different agenda
who invested in the entire chain to begin with, and then what is the ethos of the community, and the community is the biggest part for us. If we could offer your community, our community, and the greater community at large, that's in this new space now, whether it's blockchain or Web 3, and hopefully gaming is coming right around the corner here.
It is for us, but if that audience can have access to all these different chains and options and choices, that is the best way to stay decentralized. I'm not sure if I'm answering your question completely, but I hope this is kind of getting to it. Anyway, a long, long time ago, there were, you know,
groups of people around the world and when you brought those people these tribes together that's when innovation happened and I still believe that completely and we do we embrace that at Mandala. Wow well said yes I'm a time I've been using recently is this cross-pollination of community
and users. I think that's the way forward, especially as we see some pushback from certain countries and the regulations that governments are placing we're trying to at least. Then I think we're going to grow stronger and perhaps more innovation does and will come from this cross-pollination, right?
And I think that the wallet teams, especially once like Palacemen, are pushing for that multi chain aspect too and making it easier. So I'm going to pass it on to you, Agile, some of your origin story, like why, first of all, wallets. Tell us.
Personally, although I'm involved in Web 3 and tech and I've been building stuff in the space since 2017. I'm just personally more interested, I think, in people than
things. And you know, some people are really interested in things, they're really interested in systems and how they work. Some people are more interested in people. And so for me, like, we had to be, we had to be building something that wasn't just like a protocol, we're not protocol engineers, like we want
be building like end user software, something that people use on the daily basis and something that like it's really tangible how it impacts their lives. It's not something that you know is abstracted away. There's lots of really valuable things that you know we build
that become the infrastructure, whether it's the energy grid or some logistics system that delivers my food or even the security of the polka dot relay chain. But we like building things that touch end users.
And I think around 2021 when we got started we were looking at polkadot and we saw we just really love the ideas that are being expressed in polkadot. The idea of chain maximalism, I think
a little bit, you know, unproductive, and you know, different systems work in different ways and there's just trade-offs, you know, sometimes you want privacy and sometimes you want transparency and it depends on the context. And so having this idea of polkadot where
There are many blockchains that can share security and decide exactly how they want to talk to each other and share value and express the ideas that are important to them. The best ideas can win. I think that was a really attractive proposition. We decided how can we make getting
involved in polkadot, how can we make it as easy as possible for people to use apps in the ecosystem and participate in the creation of this new set of technologies that might have really large real-world impact?
Yes, the people too. Can't forget about both. So you can see why you can see why we got so excited about talisman, right? I mean, that's everything we've been thinking about. They are building and that's huge. I love that you just get about sometimes there's privacy and sometimes there's transparency. I mean, that's a huge
huge piece of what we believe in as well as you're you know one of the things we started when we created the gaming part or let's call it the story part you know our initial thing is to teach people to be sovereign you know I think there's a lot of people out there at this time in the world that we've kind of lost a lot of freedom
and things are getting really dicey for a lot of people out there and to reclaim your sovereignty in a virtual world or in a virtual space which is being built now and then to hopefully transcend that back into yourself so you feel sovereign in this world. You know, we need tools to do that.
And we need tools to try it out. Let's call it a simulator using things, you know, wallets and crypto and like I said, the gaming that's coming. And if you can kind of start slowly understand what being sovereign needs and having your freedom, that's a huge piece of this.
And like I said, you'll then bring that into your own life as well. And that's what this is all about for us. Or, you know, we're building an enlightenment simulator, which is a way for people to test, run and try different paths to their own individual enlightenment. An enlightenment defined any way you want it to be. It's not, you know,
There's no definition here and there's no dogma attached. We're trying to open up and create a way for people to do interesting things for themselves. And that's the best part of this. The story is that you are the hero of your story. And we're just telling a story that you can engage in and start to do that. And the tech pieces that you
you use along the way are crucial for that. Like I said, the piece just said it just actually really went deep in me, Agile. And that is that there's a need for privacy time sometimes, but then there's also a need for transparency. And defining when and where that is should be your choice and not the choice of some corporations.
Yeah, yeah, exactly. You should be able to vote with your feet about what matters to you. And yeah, like, you know, something like Ethereum has some certain properties. It's a, you know, on some level, it's a libertarian playground.
But it's transparent and then you have systems that are being built for privacy, systems that are being built for regulated markets and they're all just different optimizing for different things.
I don't know what's best. I can only make that choice for me. And so to have this system where the idea
is can compete and we can see what wins. That's pretty cool. Well, maybe nothing has to win and that's the beauty of wallets and what you're building, right? You know, it's your choice. There doesn't have to be a winner. There can be smaller options out there always, you know.
It's crazy to me that I'm a vegetarian and suddenly, 10 years ago, you could get one kind of milk. And now you go to the store and there's 80 choices for milk. That's awesome. It's really amazing. There doesn't need to be a clear winner all the time.
And some of those smaller companies making cashew milk, they don't have to be huge either. They just have to have enough to have an audience that will buy. And this is where we are now. And I love the, and that wallet is sort of the, as you call it, the talisman, right? It's this
object that represents a good will, good luck, and it's such a great name of a thing, but it's also very, very profound in a way. That's your wallet is how you control things right now. And it's also how you get introduced into the entire system. What's the first thing every
every web 3 component asks you to do first is connect your wallet. And a lot of these wallets didn't have that many options. They were just a wallet that stored a thing and you guys are looking at it so differently and that's huge for us because the wallet is key to all of this.
Yeah, definitely. I think uh...
The wallet is like looking more and more like the universal kind of login. The Web 3, the injected Web 3 provider.
Speaking of which. Hey, Rams, I'm not to draw, but I noticed that who is here and if we wanted to bring him in at any point, I mean, I know he could speak on a lot of this as well because he's now in a space where I think he's, you know, looking at not just the wallets and the ecosystem.
but also where that might lead into the gaming and that's huge because the wallet like you just said agile so perfectly is that these wallets are going to act as your universal login and again these are all words that I don't think say a lot of you know gamers or let's say
people are there, they may understand, we can kind of get too tech on them quite often and lose them quickly. But the idea that you log in and then it can check all kinds of things really quickly of what NFTs you hold, you know, and what we always say assets.
that's called them digital, you know, pieces of the gaming or of your own personal wealth or of your own. Like, it can check all that so quickly and then go, you can now have a unique experience. And I can't do that on a game right now and that's huge, that's huge.
Hey Hoon, welcome to the stage. Lots of great topics here, especially around the tech. What it means to get into a 3D through a portal such as a wallet and what it means for the user, the person. Any comments on what you heard so far?
Oh yes, absolutely. Thank you for having me here. I have been summoned by the Elder Council here and I'm happy to present a little bit. So yeah, regarding the topic of wallets, I absolutely agree what's been said here. Wallet for me is within the Web 3 space. So it is really
what represents you and it is the portal that unlocks all the potential that's possible within within the Web 3 space. And yeah, look really that's why it is so important. But I also want to provide a different perspective on this, like not just like wallet as a Web 3 concept or
your keys, but what does it really mean to have ownership of your own key? It means that you are the only one with the ATBOR key to access and newtate the state in the blockchain, and in a more broader sense, like if you look at traditional databases.
on a quote on go web to service which is just like Kevin here I'm not a fan of that word as well but so traditionally the server has is the holder of all keys they have they have the keys to decrypt and encrypt all information on their
server, they have to keep you mutate any information and the user just sends it request by saying that, hey, I, uh, uh, hey, Mr. Overlord, can you, can you allow me to, you know, like, I have access to my documents, please? And then you'll be in the, the reward for this Google will grant you that access. It's sort of like that. And thing is like, it's
It's not really just a matter of being a control freak or big corporations are bad because they're the one that sort of builds what we are using right now and they provide a great user experience. So I see value on that, but at the same time, we acknowledge that it is unsustainable for so many projects to have total control overall use
Because as a as a game developer, for example, I really don't care about the user's personal data. I don't care about their email. I really don't care about anything. I just need a method of them. A method to identify who the player is and how can how they can interact with certain things. And blockchain sort of allows us the option.
to delegate certain things to the users directly, and certain things can still be kept by the producer. And so for me, yeah, while it is sort of this representation of freedom, sovereignty is the men's element, metaverse prevents. And at the same time, I would say like what's most important is for DAPS, especially nowadays.
is not just having a wallet and treating it as a wallet, but understanding the presentation of the wallet. So how would you present the concept of an account and how does the user take control over that? And with this, I also have my own opinions like sometimes I'm against with
like having a single universal wallet or account for every single interactions. I feel like you should delegate certain features to a certain account and at some points I feel like it makes sense when the DAF forces you to create another specific wallet to interact with their application. So there's a lot of ways I think to tackle this.
I'll follow up on that, which is interesting how you, the ending there that you said, right, these different dApps for you to use different wallets and things and you're right. That's kind of ridiculous in a way. I get why they're doing it, but that's exactly what we're trying to not, not do this time.
But I also believe that people if they want to can hold different like I can have five talisman wallets if I want to have unique characteristics or unique gameplay or unique Ideas in how I want that you know what I want to do today, right? I may have one that's just financially
Responsible and then I may have one that's holding a budget NFTs for a fun thing and I may even split those up But you're right the idea that we have to have a different wallet to have an interaction with a company creating a thing is is insane. It's insane. Yeah, absolutely and although I would also like have a
I would be also slightly careful in terms of like seeing different wallets because yeah different wallets different accounts enforcing that without any purposes is kind of ridiculous and we've resolved this a lot. But at the same time, I feel like depth creators shouldn't be bounded by the wallets that is available, meaning that
Because everyone uses a meta mask. They assume that whatever if meta masks doesn't support this API, then we can't use it. Like, you know, fuck that. You can make it a wallet if you need to or plug in. Be creative. Don't let the system limit you. What do you think about that, Agile?
I guess we kind of come from the perspective of trying to advocate for the user, right? And so I think you can follow these, like I think sovereignty is a spectrum and you know people want different
kind of amounts of sovereignty. And for us we have some kind of like you know, perhaps the people that choose talisman are the people that are going to say fuck it, I'll build my own wallet because that maybe they're less technical, they're people who are beginners they're getting started but
We certainly, in our own way, echo that sentiment. We have a design philosophy at Talisman, which is, you know, don't simplify, clarify. So we want to teach people how these systems work. We want to empower them to move further along that
self-sovereignty spectrum and become more advanced over time. We don't want to just abstract things away from them and just sort of say, you know, like avoid explaining difficult concepts or hide the web three parts. We kind of, we want to be a tool that is, you know, empowering and allows people to really grasp what
going on with the tech. Yeah, again, that's exactly why we love what you're doing because we use story to do that, I'd say. We want to do the same thing. We want to educate them about what sovereignty is, right? And like you said, it's personal. It's 100% your, you know, you'd delineate what's where
the lines are like as you said what's private what's transparent that's a great beginning start for us as teaching people and yeah and then what do you want to do within web 3 itself and what does that mean to you and how would you accomplish that so we're I love everything you're saying because we agree 100% with everything
Great discussion. Great discussion. And I did want to touch upon some other topics too for our users. New and current to understand about Mandala, NFTs, some of the tech they're bringing also with the upcoming NFT launch and how talisman was incorporated in this.
So just to move on, just for our user's sake and for them to get the scoop. So Mandala, Kevin, tell us about the Staking app and these upcoming NFTs and how you're working with Tell Usman on this.
Yeah. Let me know where to start on that. So one of the things, so we're all, I'll go simple, right? We're dropping some NFTs with ASTAR. They're really fun. They are, we've kind of been doing these sets of NFTs alongside the growth of
Web 3. And every time I say it, my heart skips a beat. I hate that word so much. But, you know, on Cardano, we drop these very sort of what's called imprimative digital pixelated looking NFTs. And then the second set we dropped on ETH were more sort of hand drawn and more
in the style of that artist, Tony Millionaire. And now we're going into Astar with these and Polka. And these are more sort of I would call them 3D-ish and more fleshed out, more evolved. And eventually this will lead to unreal engine assets.
other word I hate to say, but Unreal Engine avatars and FTs. And the point is that you're seeing it grow through the evolution, not just of blockchain and Web 3, but also of maybe you, if you got in early, right? You've moved on through and you can decide which one you want
use later. We also built a staking app. And I'd say that this is very important because it does a number of things. And I may hand that over to John in a second, but the staking app was with this was an idea we had a long, long time ago. And we're truth. I didn't hate to say this, but we were building it kind of for Facebook a long time ago when none of this
stuff existed. And the idea would be that in the story there are these 12 clans associated with these 12 characters that are the main characters of the storytelling and their animal totems and their spider clan is technology, turtle clan is sustainability, wolf clan is you know, bear clan is protecting
So you kind of get the idea. And the idea would be that you would then sort of start staking in you join a clan and then you can stake your NFTs and the NFTs also have those. There are dolphins, there are wolves, there are spiders, there are, you know, and so you can either and they're generative.
So you don't know what you'll get, but I may get a dolphin and I like turtle and I'm going to either swap trade or sell and try and get my turtle or I'll stick with dolphin for now. And I want to get too complicated here, but that's all for the audience to just go have fun with. But the sticking app itself, you know, initially started in Cardano.
And that was because they had stake pools and they have causes usually. The stake pools would let you stake your ADA. You would get a percentage on it and a big chunk of that would go to some mission they had. You know, helping some building a school on some remote island, you know, often the Far East or somebody who's trying to
do water in, you know, solve water issues in the central US, things like that. And we love that. That mission oriented, fixed the world, changed the world, be a part of it, and you're now the hero of the story. And then as we moved into E3, E3 didn't really have staking yet, so we had to kind of figure out what they're staking would look
like and how our staking app would work and we've kind of solved that so you can do that although that's we all know that's on a crazy trajectory right now thanks to regulation and things and in polka dot too now we're you guys have staking and we're going to be able to stake within that and it's all through the app it's really simple and it's because of talisman and the wall
connect and the way you can do the check and see what things are in there. Again, I always try to not be technical until it more as a story. We're also really big on when you do stake things, we offer, so we have comics on Dark Horse. We retain the IP, so we're able to
digitally reward people with a digital copy of comics. And so we've got two different lines of comics going or two different stories. Let's say that intertwined. One is called Marcaba and the other is Ed to the Mandala and you'll get those comics when you stake as rewards as well. And we do that because
reading the story is very important because it informs the entire narrative that you'll be not just playing in but hopefully learning in and then applying to the real world and seeing what the real world is around you. So I can let John explain this staking app a little bit more and I'll have to do it you know kind of rather quickly because he's
been more involved with both Palacemen and the developers building up. Hey everybody. Yeah, so I mean actually I'd like to maybe take it from a from a high perspective in terms of where we're going with the Enlightenment Simulator with the utility of these NFTs and also
So eventually the the mandala token, which is connected to the NFTs and in this kind of story driven rabbit hole way. I'll just point out that the NFTs are really intended to be your avatar and you get a self-sovereign identity with the NFT with each NFT. And then we say that there's
In our vision map, there's seven dimensions of Mandela Avatar NFT utility and privileges for holders. One is self-sovereign decentralized identifier and there's two companies we're working with that are integrated into that. And then really what we're looking to build is a knowledge
a knowledge sharing community where different knowledge holders in the clans can share knowledge in exchange in different tokens, tokens together to create a new economy, let's say that's based on abundance and not on scarcity that we've been stuck in since who knows how
long. So then there's the stake you can stake like Kevin said and then there's also early access to our token event and then there's also early access to a lot of the tech that we're bringing together with companies like Astar and Talisman and a lot of other exciting game companies that
that we're bringing to the table. And so, yeah, really the idea is that these NFTs ultimately at the highest level unlock the mythic potential of who you want to become and what we call the new earth or how we lyrically describe the reality that's taking form that is first and
imagination and manifest right now in the metaverse that we're constructing together and then materializing into a new world. This is great. Also, you
works before with NFTs, with Moonbeam, and also for our new users who are coming, so this is two part really. Can you tell us a little bit about the work you've done with other NFTs and comics? And then the other question I'm going to ask alongside is for our new
users are coming from either the Cardano or Ethereum ecosystems coming onto the Polkadot area, Arena. Can you tell us what the talisman wallet can offer for these new users? Yeah sure.
So I guess I mean firstly around an FT use I think Talisman in terms of storytelling has a very similar kind of operating model to the mandality. We really love storytelling and we really love placing people in immersive in immersive stories.
and sort of allowing them to go on this journey of leveling up, understanding Web 3 and becoming, you know, gaining these benefits, you know. I think that crypto in general, getting involved, is a bit of like a hero's journey in that you go out into this unknown and you explore all these new topics and you don't really
know what's going on and maybe you win some and you lose some but even if you get greedy and lose a bunch of money, you'll kind of change forever. If you actually use apps and you see the potential, you see how, oh, I can send US dollar stablecoins around and there's no bank involved
and hang on, there's really something here. So yeah, so we've done a lot of storytelling and community building and trying to create a really interesting narrative around talisman, especially in our NFT. So we've launched a
and NFT on Moonbeam. Many moons ago now, which I think you can find on Tofu NFT on Moonbeam called Ghosts of the Past, where the Talisman team are sort of preparing for an epic battle against the UX challenge
of the Polkadot ecosystem. We also use NFTs pretty heavily in our community. So I think the Mandela team we're talking a little bit about NFTs forming the basis of an identity system. In our community we use NFTs to reward
contributors and we're sort of creating a social graph of all of the people who have contributed to talisman and so if you are interested in getting involved in the talisman community and helping to shape our product and what we do, yeah, we'd love to have you involved and we reward people and we're building, like I said, a social graph of
all of our contributors and sort of keeping them all in the family. Now, I guess in terms of the product itself, if you're a new user, I'd say that talisman is the easiest way to get started in polka dot. So you can download the talisman browser extension wallet, which I'll stick a little
link in the chat in just a moment. You can create accounts for the Polkadot ecosystem, all the Ethereum ecosystems, and create what we call Polkadot and Ethereum accounts. You can use every parachain in the Polkadot ecosystem. You can use Ethereum and many of the roll-ups and many EVM chains.
like Aster. You can connect a ledger, you can import seed phrases from Metamask or from Polkadot.js. Many times we've had users say, "Oh, hey, I plugged my seed phrase into Talisman. I found all these tokens that I didn't realize I had that I'd forgotten long
I guess one thing that might not be obvious is when you have a multi-chain ecosystem, you have this combinatorial explosion of your digital footprint. You have many assets on many chains across many accounts and it's very easy to lose track. So with talisman, you can see all your assets
in one place, you can connect the apps really seamlessly, there's no more account switching, and yeah, and you can explore the multi-chain world. Let me just find a link that I'll stick in the chat quickly as well. While you're doing that, I'm just going to say does everybody see why Towson and is so exciting to us?
I mean, the way you guys use story and what you just laid out about people in this space, and that's, they're not even aware of how gamified their existence in this space has been. Like you said, you know, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose and you evolve and you grow and it's, you're nailing it. It's all been one big sort of
I don't want to say game, but it is. Look, life is a game to me. So this whole thing has been a big game for people and they're growing and learning. And now that's going to explode. This is going to spread out into the, you know, as it gets simpler and people can, you know, sort of just push buttons on a phone or on their
computer, it's only going to get bigger and bigger and bigger. And it's because of the things you said, like I can swap currencies, you know, I'm my own bank, I can decide what I want to do. I can have multiple identities if I want, I can, you know, play, and this is really, really exciting and awesome. So what you guys are
building is fantastic. Yeah, I can't really agree. It's amazing because it's just a fondle, you know, with talismans, ego a little bit more here. I really love that they actually do practice. They practice, you know, the fundamental rule of having the best user experiences through a story, you know, like when I heard
the story of a pair of verse really. It really gave me a good perspective. Though I am, you know, CTO of Aster and I have to be a little bit subjective or where I get objective in this case, objective when it comes to wallets. So just to balance it out, sub wallets did the NETs better on Aster, but still a little bit of a tell us a minute.
I've never heard the word fondle on a sort of space yet until today. Thank you. I can maintain it yet. Also, I've just posted in the thread a link to Talisman, which if you want to download Talisman and explore the Parabas, click there and
and follow you nose. Perfect, perfect. And speaking of noses, the mole clan, I don't know, I invite everybody to check out the Enter the Mandala website, check out the clans as well. There's many to choose from. And as Kevin said earlier, I like turtle. I like turtle as well. That's turtle clan.
probably my favorite. But to close it off in the last 10 minutes of today's Twitter space, I do want to leave some time for our listeners if they have any questions at the end. But also talk about how Ask the Mandala team Kevin and John how you're collaborating with other teams and what the future looks like in terms of
you know, parachains and just the outreach that you not only begun with Astar and Unique, but also what are you looking forward to? What are we yeah, that's a big question because we are you know again we are cross
change. The pair of chains for me is the big differentiator between, I'm going against everything I said earlier about having to love all the chains and bring them all together, but look, some have some have very unique things to them that make them advantageous for certain things, right? And the pair of chains to me is kind of when I'm thinking
about gaming and where this should go technically. The parachains is a huge answer to this. And building games on Pokadah I think is going to be really, really awesome and important for the users because there's just a lot of things you can do. A lot of flexibility and a lot of
of tech that allows our story telling to work in the way it should. And not that I, you know, look, there's, ETH has, you know, layers as well and immutable X is a partner that we're going to be launching some stuff within the future. But Polkadot right now as a gaming space or ecosystem is really
looking exciting to me. So that's huge. And within the Polka.System, there's a number of people we're talking to, both game developers and, you know, Web3Tech. Let's call it, yeah. And I don't want to say names of any of those yet because we, I don't think we've solidified our relationship.
or what they're going to do next, but there's definitely people in this space right now who know about it and know what it is. We are definitely on other chains working with big partners as well. Singularity net, many of you may know, Sophia the robot. We're working with them on Metaverse Compatible
and cross over but also using sharing tech because they're building some NPC AIs for us. And that is a non-player character artificial intelligence. And they're based on luminaries throughout the past. I'll just give an example. Nikola Tesla is the first one we're building. So Nikola Tesla who will exist to see us.
somewhere on a map in our game and you can you know you'll interact with him but he is only learned from Nikola Tesla's work. So he truly will be Nikola Tesla. So he's not an AI in the sense that a chat GPT he truly is Nikola Tesla and those Nikola Tesla's works and is
So you'll be able to have conversations with him, but more importantly, because it's using Singularity Nets, AGI, he will learn from us interacting with him while we learn from him as well. And there'll be a number of luminaries throughout the game hidden in different crazy places that have to do with our lore and things.
And you'll interact with them. And those are also going to be NFTs that are fractionalized. And I'm not sure of where exactly we'll be putting those yet, but I think we'll be putting them on different chains. You know, I think that's really exciting for the users as well. And what else can I talk about partner wise? I mean, we've got some AR partners that are
doing some really fun stuff that we're going to do little drops here and there. I don't mean drops in the usual sense. There'll be some fun things coming AR and mobile that will tie into the game and start slowly leading into actually what the game is. And I'll just real quick talk about the game real fast. And the game is
the world is the map, right? And we're going to use you'll be able to play it in the real world. And it's on the laylines that are these power lines all around the world. And you probably live right near one and you'll be able to go out into the world and experience it yourself. But there are two forces.
battling for the earth, and you can either choose a side or we'll see what happens. Maybe everybody chooses one side and not the other, but one is the grid and that is the geomagnetic resonance integration device. And this may or may not be really happening. They're trying
to enslave us all to their grid and the technological grid that they're surrounding us with and own us all and keep us working like we do for them. And then there's another faction that's going against that. We like to say we're forming the rebel alliance of people who are evolving and who are building and creating and doing
doing new things to stop that the grid from taking over the world. And that's the basic story, but it takes place. Like I said, there are sacred sites all around the world and they hit on these ley lines and this sort of chess board all across the globe becomes the game board for all of us to experience and play the game.
And I guess I guess we can also talk about with super exciting. I will definitely be participating. Let's see how I do. I'll see if we get a I won't spoil anything. I do. Thanks Kevin for the insight before we've been working on this for quite a while. Just shows on my side and I asked our side. Just shows that
that the team has towards this project and also just reaching multiple fronts and being on multiple chains is something I think we could all learn from. And I think the team like Talisman as well, including some of the storytelling ethos that they have with their product.
But also focused on the user is also telling of why and how we've all sort of gotten together For us our sides definitely supporting the builder along this journey and everything we can do tech-wise and so on the on the surface level what everyone can see like holding these Twitter space
is getting the word out there. This just shows to our dedication to the builders. So thanks again, Kevin and the team and who any last words add out? - Ramms, can you hear me first of all? I think you just spoke over me right there. - Yeah, we can hear you now, who? - Oh, I think Ramms can't hear me for some reason.
or he's losing not to maybe I don't know my god maybe yeah maybe he's being a dick. It's the Twitter face it's hard to put up. My real life expression was like my profile picture actually the moment I
I'm not sure if he's joking or not. He's joking.
and moving forward with collaborating with projects and whatnot.
you speak. Agile also is referencing my beautiful silky voice. Thanks Agile. I can't hear either of you so maybe it's on me. Well good time me broken. Sorry, who I can't hear you or Agile.
Well, okay, um, if rams can't hear us, I'll take you over coming to the tourist base today with our friends here at Mandala and tell us when and proud of the host not hearing us. I'm live Twitter, too. Ramson, you can't you can hear me right?
Yeah, I can hear you. Yeah, but you can't hear them. So let's I'm gonna I'll maybe I'll just jump in so let who who knows hand up on my to say something so let's let him jump in real quick And then I guess we can open the question. So I'll tell you when who has done talking All right, thanks. Yeah, thanks Kevin. I mean like I kind of like
I'm not going to be able to do that.
blockchain as an infrastructure to reduce the cost but also allow increased the accessibility for certain features of the game. And I don't want to go into too much detail because we do have spent a lot of time here already. But the idea is we're just using blockchain as a way to make the game experience much better for the average users.
without having to sort of showcase the whole blockchain or wallet or who asked kind of stuff. And what we are doing right now is-- - Okay, cool. Thank you. And that's yeah, well, I think there's gonna be a whole other space around that. And then agile. - Oh, yeah. - And then I think agile also had something to say real quick. And I don't know if you can hear him, Rams, but I'll let him#
Cool. Thank you, mate. I was just going to say, like I said before, Talisman is the easiest way to get started in Polkadot, whether you want to stake, whether you want to participate in NFT projects like Mandala, whether you want to explore the path
And I think as our work with ASTAR, we're really keen to support more NFT projects that are coming to market. So if you're looking to build NFT projects on ASTAR,
Whether it's on the Wasm virtual machine or the Ethereum virtual machine. Yeah, like you have the support of projects like talisman to help you launch and go to market and yeah, we'd love to see more projects launching on ASTAR.
And that is awesome. I agree. And Rams, that was your cue to go, okay, they stopped talking and we can go back to you now, Rams. Okay, thank you all. We open it up to, I got rugged by Twitter obviously, so please excuse me in my
interface and not hearing. So that just goes Twitter, isn't it? Yeah, that's it. But if there isn't any community questions, Kevin, I'll let you sort of take it on here and I'll let you end the Twitter space when you're ready.
But yeah, this point was for me to just talk to myself and you. Well, I see gotcha. Okay. Yeah, I can't tell because it looks like there is a question, but I can I don't know what that is and how to do it. Okay. Can you see the questions Ramson? Can you pop that one up and maybe read it or?
No, don't see the question. I don't either. I'm gonna leave it and leave it for now. Okay. Now I've lost all things. Okay, can you guys all still hear me though? Yes. Oh, okay, awesome. Twitter, man, first of all, we need a new place to be doing all of this, not on Twitter anymore.
Yeah, so I'll wrap it up and just say you know check out the parabers for sure Everybody should definitely be looking into a star. They are amazing And there's some a lot more stuff coming check out unique. They are also doing really cool things with us and there's other partners
the road that we'll be talking to get your talisman wallet and check out the drop that we'll have. Go to the star discord and we drop on the 28th April 28th is when the NFTs are out so please have a look and yeah we couldn't have done any of this without all the help of
both Polkadot, Parody, Astar, Talisman, I mean I could go on and on and on and on. And we'll be doing spaces all week. So as the comedians in Vegas say, we'll be here all week ladies and gentlemen. Thank you everybody. This has been awesome and yeah, I'll let anybody else join in at the end here if they want and I'm going to bounce out.
All right, thank you so much. Thanks everyone. Thanks, Idaho. Thanks, Hoon. Thanks, Mandalo team. Have a great day, night, wherever you are. And we'll see you later.

FAQ on Talisman x Mandala x Astar: Tech, NFTs, and Adoption ✨ | Twitter Space Recording

Who are the speakers in this recording?
The speakers in this recording are Kevin from the Mandala team and Agile from the Talisman wallet team.
What is the purpose of this Twitter Space?
The purpose of this Twitter Space is to discuss the upcoming launch of Mandala and how the Talisman wallet team aims to make web3 technology user-friendly.
What is Kevin's background?
Kevin's background is in the film industry, specifically in using technology to tell immersive stories.
What project did Kevin work on that utilized the internet for storytelling?
Kevin worked on the Blair Witch Project, a film that tied the internet into the storytelling.
What is Mandala's approach to using technology in storytelling?
Mandala's approach is to use technology in ways that are actually part of the story.
What was the impetus for Mandala to explore blockchain technology?
Mandala started exploring blockchain technology before the major studios, and a partner helped convince them to fully embrace it.
What is Talisman, and what is its focus?
Talisman is a browser extension wallet for the Polkadot ecosystem that aims to make user experience high quality in a multi-chain ecosystem.
What is one of Talisman's goals?
One of Talisman's goals is to empower users to take custody of their assets and use new applications with protections and guarantees.
What is the importance of accessibility in the context of blockchain wallets?
Accessibility is key in making blockchain wallets an easy on-ramp and a fun experience for new users.
Is the recording being recorded?
Yes, the recording is being recorded.