Talking Beam Gaming Subnet with Avalanche & gaming partners! 🔺🟠🎮

Recorded: April 20, 2023 Duration: 1:01:40



Hello, hello, hello. As everyone comes in, I'm just slowly gonna give the people that we've invited today as speaker access. I will be pinning some tweets here in the
spaces as well for you to check out during the event and other than that I'm super excited just give us a minute while we invite the people and then we're gonna get started.
Hello hello.
Hello, hello Mark.
Awesome, slowly jumping in here.
Alright, so we are missing tile extreme that will still be joining us shortly. We've got weapons today, Walker World, we've got hash for us. I just invited you as a speaker as well, Nathan from my first. We've got out here from Avalanche, we've got Brandon,
our one and only CTO and we've got Mark or I would say best killer. Again, super excited to be talking today. We'll be talking a lot about being the Evelynch subnet that we announced earlier this week. We'll be talking about the Evelynch X.
system in general, we'll be talking about the different games. And then throughout the past couple of days, we've had a lot of questions from the community as well around beam about becoming involved around next steps, timelines, etc. So we'll be covering a lot of those questions that have been asked
the space.
corner. Please do share tweets, comments, their questions and I'll make sure that you get the answers to your questions. Awesome. And again, just one minute as we get the draw link here and then we'll get started.
Alright, let me see the Ron says he's here.
So we'll check in. We've got a parker. I see you're here in the crowd as well. Do let me know if you want speaker access as well.
Let me see if I can give
It's a wrong speaker access.
Also Nathan from Ashford, you should have invited to become a speaker, just gave it to you once again, you should be able to accept that you just need a mic and to be on the mobile app in case you're not. But I think, you know, while we're waiting, I think first of all, you know, welcome to all the guests. Super excited yet you made the time available tonight to be with us.
I think while we're waiting for the two others to join us, why don't we start with introducing ourselves and, yeah, I'm a bit unfamiliar with the crowd. So I think let's just start on our side, Bren, and it's the first time we have you on one of those spaces, do you want to kick it off and introduce yourself and I wish your journey at MC so far.
Sure. Hi everyone, I'm Brandon Askov. I'm the CTO at Merit Circle. I joined about two and a half months ago, although I've been working with Merit Circle prior to that for a little while and was nice to jump-shiff and get on board at an awesome startup that I really like working with. It's been great so far. I think that what I saw from the outside
Mark here up next, please release yourself. I mean, you don't have to buy now, but please do. I think everyone knows me here, but yeah. I'm Mark, one of the co-founders of Merit Circle, and I think the most well-known guy in the community from the theme science. If anyone wants to know something, just
I don't need the introduction per se. But definitely, definitely excited to start talking about being. I think it's something that we had in mind for a longer period. But finally, finally an execution since Brennan joined us.
Thank you Mark, awesome. Yeah, so next up I will introduce ads from Avalanche, please go ahead. Hey everybody, thanks for having me. I just want to say one day I want to be cool enough to be able to say you all know me, so I don't need to introduce myself. So one day I want to be on the phone with you.
But I'm Ed. I lead our gaming biz dev here at Avalebs. We are the exotions of the protocol avalanche that Merit Circle is building on. Super excited. Been talking with Mark and team for a long time. Been here for about a year and a half.