Talking sMACK ep.9

Recorded: Jan. 25, 2023 Duration: 1:14:21



Yo, welcome, fam.
Yo, what's up?
That's some very nice intro music.
Probably the coolest I've heard so far, because everybody's just so hyped up and like, you
know, dance music and stuff.
This one's pretty cool, man.
Oh, that was Dr. Crypto G, who's on the Max account.
Good morning, guys.
You decided to ease us into it, did you?
What's up, brother?
What's up, brother?
You decided to ease us into the spaces with some low-key piano music?
Yeah, man.
I like that.
I like that jazzy feel.
Get everybody in the right mood.
And set a nice little chill tone up in here.
And start from here and start from here and then just keep going up and keep getting bullish.
I'm going to give the speakers a couple of minutes to jump in.
I know the folks from Alex's ear should be here, but we'll see.
They might be a little delayed.
Not sure.
But we're lucky to have Niddle's up on stage already and we're going to be, you know, joined
by the good people at Liquid Cap as well.
Excited to hear the Liquid Capital, what they have to say and what they're up to.
So there's a whole, yeah, I'm looking forward to this actually.
And these projects are really interesting from a lot of different angles.
So we'll get a good chance to hear a little bit about them.
Let me put my computer on mute there.
Yeah, so it should be good.
For people in the audience, you know, welcome.
Happy you guys are all here.
Maybe I'll introduce myself first.
I'm Toby.
I'm a collab manager for Max as well as Aptomingos.
So for those of you into Aptos, that's kind of like one of the top Aptos projects.
And I also run these spaces.
So that's something I do for fun.
It's always a great vibe to get some of the top projects in.
Lately, we've mostly been having the folks from Salana projects, given that Max is minting on there in the near future.
So we're trying to pull up some of the big talents to talk about what they've accomplished, how they accomplished it.
So, you know, spread the word.
And so you speaker, just so you speakers know as well, like our audience is diverse.
We've got a lot of people from Aptos, from Near, Salana, a couple of ETH folks in there as well.
So, you know, we have a lot of people from different chains.
So even though something, you know, like your projects might be well known to all the Salana folks, there's going to be a lot of people here who might not have even heard of them yet.
So it's another reason we want to bring people together for this.
So, you know, the other thing I mentioned, you know, Max is minting soon.
So we always like to give out some waitlist spots and stuff throughout the show.
So, you know, we'll be doing that.
And for sure, you know, I'll probably randomly pick a few people that retweet this while this is going live to bring in some more audience members.
But I'll look through who retweets and give some spots out later on after the show.
So, okay, so we don't have an elixir here yet.
We'll see if they pop up later.
You know, they did mention that there could be some barriers there.
But if not, we're going to still rock it.
We've got a great space that's going on.
Maybe what I'll do, I usually ask projects to give us kind of like the, you know, brief intro and take as long as you'd like.
But just in terms of what your project's all about, where you're at with it right now.
And then I always have a bunch of follow-up questions.
And we usually take some questions from the audience too.
So let's jump right into it.
Maybe Knittable is all asking you to give your introduction, tell everyone what you're all about.
And we'll go from there.
Yeah, let's go.
I love the fact that you have a diverse audience and it's not just Solana people, even though, of course, we are mostly tailored to Solana people right now.
Quick disclaimer, I'm at the airport right now, actually.
So I hope the noise is fine and you can hear me well.
I might be boarding in, I think, 45 minutes or something.
But I think it's plenty of time.
Maybe a little later.
So if you hear any noise, please interrupt me and tell me to shut off.
But I think it's going to be fine.
So far, so good.
By the way, I'm in Munich.
So whoever is at the Munich airport right now, come and find me at the Kabel Smoking Lounge.
All right.
Let's dive in.
So for people that don't know, and sorry for the regular members from our community that hear that every single time I'm in spaces,
Knittables is a 10K 3D animated collection.
And we wanted to set a new standard in the space for 3D animated art in general.
But we also, and that's, I think, the main thing that I wanted to mention today or talk about, if you're interested,
is the entire aspect of 3D, where 3D is going to be in the future, and what it means to our collection.
Because we wanted to make sure that collectors don't just get a nice asset to look at in a phantom wallet or whatever wallet or marketplaces.
We wanted them to experience what the future can be like, kind of.
We understand that right now, metaverses are nowhere near mass adoption or, you know, like, actually used by people on a daily basis.
But we are starting to see some very interesting projects popping up from, like, we had spaces recently with Jakubverse, for instance, that are doing one.
We have Fortal since a very long time, and Beech and Royal, for instance, so a lot of projects that are integrating assets from other collections.
And you can actually see already, kind of a little bit of adoption of, like, collectors in this space that are trying to use these avatars.
Why I'm saying this is because our entire collection is designed in a way that we can actually integrate it with virtual environments of, like, different kinds.
Because every single environment has different requirements, of course, but this is what we want to play with.
And we are in the stage of metaverse integration besides other things.
So to put it in a nutshell, what we want to achieve in the near term, because I think that's, like, one of the things that you wanted to talk about today, is basically two things.
First of all, integrate our collection in the most prominent virtual environments that we can find.
Right now, we are a little bit confined to Solana, of course, but in general, we are not chain maxi.
So we would also like to integrate with other chains, if that's possible at some point, more on that later on.
And the next part is, we believe that we need more people in the space.
So it's amazing if we, like, the community right now in Solana is probably the craziest community ever and the strongest, I think, NFT-related.
But we still need new people, because right now it's a silo.
Like, money moves from A to B within the space itself, but we don't have a lot of new people coming in.
And one thing that we are tackling to kind of overcome this and to bring in new people is by partnering up with a program or a protocol called Cupcake.
And they basically enable through NFC tags, these little stickers or garment tags that you can implement in physical items that enable you as a collector,
if you hold that physical item, to actually mint NFTs from it without any prior crypto knowledge required.
And this kind of plays to the longer-term game of right now it's just for holders only that get access to the physicals for free in our case.
But longer term, it's about actually providing people an opportunity to lower the entry threshold of getting accustomed to the space,
dabbling around NFTs, selling them and trying to, you know, collect NFTs and kind of understand what the space is about.
So a lot of stuff, we have plenty more in store, but I think that as an intro and like as a little vision or part of the vision that we have should serve for now.
So I'm curious about what you think in general, and I'm down to talk about almost any aspect of the collection itself,
if you're interested, and also about other stuff for holders.
Amazing. Yeah, actually, I got a bunch of little things I was jotting down as you were going through that.
So maybe what I'll do, I'll let our other speaker kind of intro their project too,
and then I'm going to come back around with some of the more specific questions that I put.
But yeah, I mean, I think it's really interesting.
You know, Knittables was really a hype mint, and I can see that it will be something that will have the potential to, you know, take off.
And the art is cool. I'm actually looking at it right now as well.
I love the different aspects and the detail that went into that.
So yeah, I'm going to circle around with a few questions in a few more minutes.
But let's hear from Liquid Capital.
How's it going, fam? First of all, let's do a quick check.
Can you hear us okay? Let's check your mic.
How are you doing?
Yeah, good to go.
Awesome, man. Welcome, welcome.
Yeah, thanks for joining us.
I'm interested in what you guys are all about, so drop some knowledge.
Yeah, thanks, man.
I appreciate you bringing us on the space.
And yeah, so basically Liquid Capital, we have two collections, but our overall goal and vision is the same,
and that's really to help in a lot of different ways in the space.
And so number one way is to kind of bring wealth to the space in the best way possible,
kind of spread wealth to the seas of Solana, if you will.
And we do this in multiple different ways.
We also are really big on education and wanting to help bring awareness and education to the space around Web3,
around DeFi specifically.
And so we have two collections, our Mateys and our Doubloons collections.
Our Mateys already minted.
We minted out and really, really exciting.
And we're super excited for, you know, the future of what we're doing with our Mateys.
And then our Doubloons are going to be coming in about two to two and a half weeks.
And the Mateys are kind of our PFP collection.
They also have some utility around some gamification of rewards and things like that with competitions that will be upcoming.
And then our Doubloons are the rev share side of things.
And because of, you know, legality reasons and things like that, our revenue share has kind of shifted.
It's still being done in the exact same way as far as the projects in on how we generate revenue.
But we're switching to like a learn to earn platform.
So we'll have like a quiz weekly that allows people to learn about the Web3 space and then allows them to get their rev share from that.
And our rev share is earned through our investment portfolio.
So we take basically 80 percent of the mint funds and we put that into an investment portfolio using AMMs, liquidity pools, loan protocols and things like that.
And we share our revenue back to our holders every single week through the learn to earn platform.
So we're really excited to be here and for all the things to come.
I got a lot of questions for you as well.
I mean, it sounds really cool what you put together.
And it obviously would take a lot of thought in how to navigate that.
Even the revenue you share are part of things for sure.
So, yeah.
But it sounds like you found a way to make that work.
So I'm going to throw some more questions at you too in a few minutes.
Maybe I'll ask Dr. Krip to kind of give the rundown on what Max is.
Again, we've got a lot of people from other projects.
So let's let them know what Max is all about.
Most definitely.
So first and foremost, thank you, Knittables and Liquid Capital for being on the space.
Really happy to meet you guys.
So my name is Dr. Crypto G and I'm one of the co-founders for Max.
So Max essentially is our take on social experimentation on NFTs.
Our background, we built an NFT project called the Anti-Social Ape Club on NIR Protocol.
The Anti-Social Ape Club became the number one top market cap and volume NFT on NIR.
Now, NIR's NFT environment is not as developed as that of Insolana.
And we essentially wanted to bring our community and the hype, everything that we've built,
and transitioned into a space where we can better provide resources and liquidity for our holders
and for future community members to join us.
Now, in the span of our journey of the past year, we're actually, I believe today is our one year anniversary of ASAC.
In the past year, we've developed our own software developer agency.
So we do all of our development in-house.
We have like around 15 senior developers.
And we're building right now on Solana for the Max launch.
We have a couple of partnerships that are going up.
We launched one with the ABC Ventures, and we are going to be announcing another one here very soon
to pilot our composability, our composability, the composability aspects of our NFTs.
Though future direction for us, at least in the short term, is to build out software that's contributing to the Solana space
that ultimately is going to have commercial viability for not just Max, but for other projects to use and implement into their services.
And otherwise, I mean, Knittables, we're thinking, I think, very similar to you guys.
We want to go into the Web2 space and just do our part to making NFTs and Web3 more accessible through our merchandise,
through brand partnerships, and essentially open up the door for the future and for future generations
and for future just populations of people to be integrated into the cool stuff that we're doing here.
So looking forward to hearing more about you guys.
Thanks, man. I appreciate it.
It's so hard when I run these shows not to show all the projects, but also Max, because there's so much going on there.
But I'll save that for later.
So let me throw out a few questions.
I'm going to go in the same order before.
Knittables, I guess one of the questions was, what was the inspiration for the art that kind of led to the project developing?
Sorry, the art specifically. Let's stick with that.
Where did that come from?
It's a little fun story.
Sorry, there's a little bit of noise.
I'll stop in a second.
We actually are right now working on providing insight into the entire development process of the art
because it was quite a long process.
I think it took us two months or something to develop the character that you can see right now with the Knittable,
like the base mesh.
And the original inspiration was, honestly, one of the founders has a kid and they have like a little monkey soft toy, like soft figure.
And it looked pretty bad, but somehow we got the inspiration of something knitted, right?
And the knitted aspect that we are playing with means threads coming together to create something that comes to life.
I'm going to talk more about coming to life later on, but it basically means that with the community that we have built throughout an entire year of developing the entire collection,
it all came together as like single threads of members that were in the community.
And they basically enabled us to bring Knittables to life by minting the collection and minting it out, of course.
So in general, the knitted theme is, I think, the overarching umbrella that we have in general.
And then we also wanted this character to kind of carry a specific vibe.
I mean, look at the belly, look at the belly button.
That's actually a button and stuff like this.
Kind of very relatable, still PG friendly.
So we didn't want to go into the like very aggressive kind of 2D gen way because we wanted to also open it up target group wise to a huge range of age, of course.
Like younger generations, older generations.
So make it a little bit edgy, but not too much because this comes into play later on when we talk about mass adoption and when we talk about the IP itself.
Because right now when I talk to other creators, I'm usually doing video calls with them and they sometimes take their kids in front of the screen, show them some Knittables and they love it.
And this is kind of what we wanted, but we also wanted to attract the regular like Solana collector and make it fun and interesting.
And we kind of overdid it a little bit on the traits, to be honest, because I think we have 300 plus individually custom designed traits with textures and so on.
So it's kind of excessive, but that's basically my two cents on the development of the collection a little bit.
But there's a lore that's backing everything up, but I don't want to take up too much of the time.
One thing that I wanted to notice and mention, doctor, you give me such a Lex Friedman vibe.
I don't know if you know Lex Friedman, the podcast guy, but this is just in sync perfectly with your intro music.
I love that, man.
I take that as a sincere compliment, so I appreciate it.
You should.
You should.
Okay, sorry.
Back to that.
Oh, man, that's true.
Every time I hear Dr. Crypto G talk, I just want to have a nice cup of tea and chill out.
It's just got that soothing voice.
So, I mean, that's an interesting response.
Also, from the art, I totally hear you about.
And it's a hard thing to navigate doing the PG versus what we often see in crypto degen culture, right?
I think Max, you know, probably fairly say they went the extreme opposite direction, where, you know, part of what they truly are known for is the degen culture that launched them in ASACs on Nier and is being brought over, too.
Luckily, there's lots of room for both, I think.
You had mentioned earlier the VR integration.
So having a 3D model like that, I could see how that would work.
So in terms of that, are there any specific projects you're trying to integrate with?
And, of course, I'm sure there's some you can't even talk about.
But what's that kind of going to look like?
Is the idea that you'd have those avatars, they'd be customized to the individual, they'd be dropped into whatever virtual world is out there?
Is it that type of thing?
Kind of exactly like that.
So right now, the projects, with three projects, we are in the process of integrating our entire collection and some other jobs that we are working on.
One is Yaku.
I don't know if you know them.
Also on Solana.
One is Portals.
I think the OG Metaverse project on Solana.
And the other one is Legion Royal.
They're basically kind of like a player versus player shooter where you can also play tournaments and stuff like this.
And you can basically interact with specific items that they drop.
So, for instance, they have cannons or little guns that you can purchase.
Oh, and then we have Mayhem, also another project on Solana that we're integrating with.
And it basically, like the interesting or also complicated thing and the reason why not a lot of collections are doing it right now, integrating their entire collections.
And in this case, we're talking about 10K assets.
We need to make sure that our holders can play with their own avatars if they want to.
Of course, if you hold, say, 50 to 100 or even more, you will never, ever play all of them.
Maybe some crazy holder is going to do that, but probably not.
So, you will have your favorite characters, but you want to see them in this environment.
And the main topic also here to mention is if you've played video games before and you've seen these cinematic trailers that look fucking amazing and you just want to dive into it because everything looks so real.
Once you start the game, everything looks kind of, you know, because the quality is not there, the graphics are not there and so on.
And we specifically rendered in real time.
So, everything you're seeing on a marketplace or in your wallet in terms of traits and how it looks like, it's almost going to be one-to-one the resemblance in the metaverse if the graphics and everything of the respective metaverse actually...
Did I rug? I can't hear Knittables at all.
Oh, yeah. I can hear them pretty clear.
I guess I'll just have to...
Oh, no. I can hear you too. Fine.
Is it just Knittables that's rugging on you?
Yeah, for some reason.
You're good. I can hear you.
No worries, man.
So, basically, like, the integration process is fairly easy for us because we specifically created the collection to do that.
But still, we have to dabble with the respective environments, right?
Because every single metaverse, because there is no specific standard, requires certain things of the files that we are going to export, of the animation rigs and so on.
So, this is what we're targeting right now.
And the way we ease that kind of transition is by creating specific drops, like we did recently with Solana Spaces, for instance, if you know them.
Or now there is another drop upcoming, which we already kind of announced with Yaku, where we have one asset or, like, very low variety of assets that are perfectly integratable right now to kind of let holders already play around with it until we actually have integrated the entire collection.
Well, that's really interesting.
As usual, I have tons of more questions, but I'm going to jump over to Liquid Capital for a bit, just to, you know, like to spread the airtime evenly across all these projects.
So, I guess I'll start with the first one, in terms of kind of the art inspiration and how that came together for you guys.
You know, obviously there's that strong pirate theme there, which I love.
I don't know, anything to add there?
Was that just in line with kind of the vision for your group, or how'd that come across?
Yeah, so, you know, our original project was Liquid Capital, and originally we just had some guys who had, you know, basically said, hey, we want you to manage our funds.
And so, I started managing these funds, and people, you know, kind of word of mouth grew from there just because of how well we were doing as far as our investment portfolio.
And so, to start, we were just called Liquid Capital, and, you know, so whenever I was trying to come up with some ideas of how we would move forward with the art, the whole liquid idea, we looked into water and some different ideas.
And then pirates, you know, obviously because their main portion of their life is on the water, kind of came up, and it kind of just flowed.
And, you know, obviously I think pirates is something that a ton of people love, the lore of, and the idea could be something that, you know, anybody could like.
And so, we wanted to kind of create something that kind of gave the pirates somewhat of a serious look, but also cartoony at the same time.
Kind of similar to what Knittables was saying earlier with the kid idea.
We're not looking to do anything with the IP with things with kids, but the same kind of idea of wanting it to appeal to a lot of different people and just wanting it to kind of be fun and silly, you know, like I think of a pirate to be.
And so, that's kind of how we decided on this.
And I was just kind of checking out your roadmap too on your site kind of when I was preparing for this.
And, yeah, so, I mean, to me that's pretty interesting.
So, there's some staking involved as well.
I mean, I want to ask the question about RevShare and, you know, a bit about that journey, you know, but I also respect that you're not, well, I don't know, I'm assuming you're not a lawyer and might not all have the intricacies around it.
But are you able to speak to that and how you're able to figure something out that would work, you know, in a way that was safe for yourself and all of your holders as well?
Yeah, I mean, originally we were just going to go with a direct RevShare, you know, and we wanted to find a solution that would be simple and easy as well for our holders when we swap to it.
And so, I think that, you know, we are staying pretty, you know, anonymous as far as, you know, Web3 and the blockchain and kind of everything that provides as there's not a ton of regulations around that right now.
And so, we are staying anonymous, but we still wanted to cover ourselves.
And so, that's where the learn to earn aspect comes in.
It seems like everything, you know, that I've seen and learned and from talking to people that have been in the space a while that if there's anything where you're actually having to earn it or do something like that to acquire it, that that kind of gets, you know, gets around those ideas.
And so, that's why we've done it so far.
Also, education was already a big part of what we wanted to do.
We already have the Athena bot, which is from Underground Down.
We use their bot, Athena, and it's, you know, like a quiz bot that people can answer and connect to it with their wallets and all that kind of stuff.
And so, it makes it pretty simple and easy.
I can just type up a new quiz every single week that gives people, you know, information.
Like, I'll do like a little write-up that kind of, you know, tells people what we're talking about, just like a paragraph long.
And then, I'll have like a few questions that they can then, from that paragraph, just look and say, oh, okay, this, you know, based on what I read, it seems like this is the answer.
So, it'll be something that's simple and easy while still educating at the same time.
And I think with all the new innovations and systems and, you know, people wanting to bring in more people into Web3, I think education is going to be the number one way that we do that, that we grow the space and allow more people to come in and feel more comfortable.
So, that's definitely kind of the core behind what we wanted to do.
And that's why we shifted that way.
And I wouldn't necessarily expect this, but the investment portfolios, are those going to be public?
Like, the ones that are going to kind of be out there?
I think it was more specific for doubloons.
I'm not sure if that also is tied in the maybes as well.
So, maybes will tie in a little bit, but not directly.
The doubloons are the ones that are the rev share.
And so, yeah, they'll be affected by that.
What was your question?
Yeah, I know the other one was just, like, will the investment portfolio be public?
And that's also a hard thing to navigate.
I mean, probably want it to be for clarity's sake, but also sometimes it's nice to be able to make investments when it's not totally public for various reasons.
Yeah, for sure.
It'll be public to all of our holders.
And then we are looking at a way to, you know, one of the things we're looking at doing is creating a dashboard that'll be able to be accessed by our holders.
So, it won't just be, like, right now we have a spreadsheet that, you know, we kind of continually update and everything like that.
And we're going to have more information and more detail that we're putting out and giving to our holders.
Obviously, that can leak and there's different things like that.
But we're trying to, you know, trying to be as open as we can with them so that they feel comfortable and safe while at the same time not giving everything away.
So, we're trying to find a medium balance between that for sure.
But we definitely want our holders to feel comfortable.
As I often say, the one problem I have with this show is every time I have people on, I end up fumbling into a bunch of projects and spending a lot of fun.
So, it's always exciting to hear about these projects.
And I actually like revenue share projects, to be honest.
They're, I think, have a good opportunity.
I know people worry about them sometimes, but I think if they're done right, they can be really helpful and successful.
So, thanks for that.
Let me circle back to Dr. Crypto G.
I don't know if he can answer this question, but I'm going to throw it out there anyways.
Because there is apparently some heavy alpha being dropped about max at some point today.
Any idea when we can expect that?
That is a good question, my friend.
The announcement of which, let me see if any of the team members in the chat want to tell me.
And I'll let you know, but it should be exciting.
That much I do know.
For sure.
It's so top secret.
I get it.
Yeah, for sure.
We'll circle back to you in a little bit.
Actually, that's a good point for me to actually drop some more whitelists.
So, if there's anyone in the audience that doesn't have a Mac list yet that wants to get in on it, jump in our Discord.
And just at me in the general chat.
And the first 10 people that do, I'll give a whitelist to once the show is over.
I'm going to go back to Nittables.
One of the questions I always like to ask teams is, you know, oftentimes there can be a lot of things on a roadmap.
Or if you don't have a roadmap, just like, you know, wherever that vision is going.
So, my question for you in Nittables is, of the different things, and it sounds like you guys have a lot.
But what is the thing on the horizon that you're most excited about personally, and, you know, personally you being the speaker?
So, you know, is there something about that's coming up that's in development that you're able to share that you're really psyched about or think will change things, add something to this line of spaces or the crypto environment in general?
Yeah, Azur, I think three points that I wanted to mention here, and it's just like from my point of view, not the entire team's point of view, of course.
One thing that I'm very excited because it has been in development in such a long time with Cupcake are the physicals that I mentioned.
So, we're actually talking about a physical version of the Nittable that is looking like the Nittable.
I'm not saying all the traits, but I'm saying that the character itself is actually going to be a high-quality software that you can give to anyone.
Everybody's going to say, this looks dope.
And it merges with Web3 because we have these chips in there, and you can see it as a dispense mechanism for future drops of any kind.
Because you can fill these chips up.
Right now, it holds one NFT at a time.
Once you mint it, we can load it up with another one.
But we are right now with Cupcake also figuring out maybe to load it up with more.
So, what you have, there are a couple of things coming together with it.
First of all, it's going to be shipped in a box, and it's a collectible, right?
So, with collectibles in general in the past, it has been a theme of I'm collecting a bunch of them, maybe opening up one or two, but I'm keeping the other ones closed to basically increase value over time.
And we want to make sure that if that happens and somebody actually wants to keep them, they can get access to all the drops that have been provided to the specific physical.
And that's an interesting aspect of collecting, I think, in general, but it also opens up the route of experimenting with shipping, like making sure that everybody actually gets their hands on it, mints from it.
And there is going to be a couple of issues, but we have planned contingency-wise for specific scenarios and outcomes, because if that thing works, we're talking about the masses.
And then a mass approach of actually also targeting people outside the crypto space and getting them into it by these physicals.
The next part that I wanted to mention on the side, maybe, is we are right now talking to a couple of devs in a company, like a game development company,
that are working with us also since a pretty long time, because we've developed custom Discord tools with them, our entire currency,
because we don't have a token based on the fact that we don't have a legal framework to cover it,
and we didn't want to create a BVI or Cayman Island Foundation to basically manage the risk.
And we have our own Discord system called Yarn. So you can collect a Yarn token on Discord,
but it doesn't right now enable you to actually stake your NFTs and collect from it, right?
And these devs are also looking into, and a couple of people might get too excited right now because it's not figured out yet,
but it's in the works, soft staking of some kind.
So you basically, right now, you have to kind of claim the Yarn on a daily basis or through raffles and so on,
and it gives you access to our Discord store.
You can buy multiple items from NFTs to special access perks and other things.
But we are trying to figure out how we can actually implement some kind of staking so people are incentivized
to not list their NFTs and basically collect Yarn over time by having them.
So regular staking, but connected with a legal, like, not required legal framework.
And that's also pretty exciting because it kind of provides similar perks.
Not, of course, the regular stuff with token and the regular pump and dump, but also liquidity in general.
So that's also pretty exciting.
But the last thing I want to mention, because this is kind of our big bet with the collection longer term,
everything in our, not everything, but the majority of things are going to move towards 3D environments or 3D in general,
we believe, at least in the kind of midterm future, so to say.
We see it with Apple now coming out finally with their device that lets you, you know, dabble with VR a little bit more.
And that's going to be pretty interesting.
But in general, Beneverses, all these kind of developments that we are seeing all across,
not just Solana, but in general, but Solana especially also,
means that we will, like, work towards these digital environments where we spend more and more time with.
And we're not just talking about walking around with a character.
We're talking about quests.
We're talking about, like, actually earning some stuff, actually maybe in-game purchases or in-game sales and these kind of things.
And that's pretty exciting because it doesn't even take that much.
And we're not talking about the next world of Warcraft, where you have to invest tens of millions
and you have an investment horizon of maybe 10 years or something to get it done.
We're talking about kind of short-term implementations of things that actually make sense, in our opinion.
And that's also why it comes in pretty handy to collect a lot of data from other projects that we are integrating with,
because every single thing is a little bit different.
And we're also working towards bringing the space forward by helping others understanding the barriers of integration in general.
And the last space was pretty interesting because our main CGI master of oscillator talked in depth about what it means to integrate
and what the barriers of entry are and so on.
And there's a collective working on, like, how to solve this for collections right now.
And this is where we also want to come into play.
So these are the three things I think I'm most excited about.
Yeah, but there's a tonal of course.
Yeah, a lot to look forward there.
Just a point of clarification.
So if I pick up a Knittables right now, does that mean I automatically qualify to get the physical object?
Or how are you, like, is it a holding thing?
Was it for Minters only?
What was the criteria that's been established for that?
Two ways to get it right now.
Right now you can't get it, but as soon as it's done, of course.
We have dropped another side collection called Yarn of Life.
That is basically the object that brings the Knittable to life.
And right now the way would be, given that the physical marketplace is ready and you can actually claim it,
you would basically have to have, we have a lore that basically splits our entire tribe into three distinct eras.
One is the proto-era, the ancient ones.
We have the evos, the more evolutionary ones.
And then the neos, the future outlook.
And if you hold one of each in your wallet and you hold a Yarn of Life,
you can basically burn your Yarn of Life.
You keep your Knittables.
Nothing is going to happen to them.
And you can, with the full set of the tribe, bring the physical to life and claim it for free and get it shipped.
That's the one way.
And the other way is we partnered up with Bonk.
I think you know them, like the meme token, but they're doing a lot more for the ecosystem.
So we will also, because we ordered a little bit more than the Yarn of Life quantity overall,
we have 3,000 physicals right now planned.
You will be able to purchase it with Bonk.
And every Bonk that we will receive will be burned.
So we're not generating any income of that.
It's purely for holders.
And it's also to give back to the ecosystem and enable the Bonk token to have utility of some kind.
Oh, nice.
There's a lot of Bonk lovers in the listening crew.
I know that.
So, yeah.
That's super interesting.
I actually bought one while you were talking, so it's good to add that to the collection here.
I just like the look of one in particular.
Which one did you get?
I'm just trying to approve now.
It's number 4103.
It's a dark little dude with a shield and holding some type of weapon.
And it just got pulled off at me.
So, yeah.
I like it.
4103, I think it was.
Actually, that was at the rank.
Yeah, that was rank.
I can give you the other number later.
But, yeah.
I like the art on it.
Liquid Capital.
You know, same question.
So, again, I know you guys got that upcoming mint.
There's a lot going on.
But for you and yourself, what is it that you're looking forward to most about your project in the next few months, a year?
Yeah, man.
So, I mean, one of the benefits that we have of, you know, generating the revenue we do, I mean, we're DeFi focused.
And so, I'm really excited because, you know, a lot of projects, when they mint, they have a specific runoff, right?
Where they say, or a runway, where they don't necessarily generate revenue.
And so, the mint funds that they get, they have to use to be able to pay the team, pay their devs, their artists.
You know, everything that they're doing moving forward, they have to use that.
And so, I'm really excited for us because, you know, we're able to take a huge chunk of the mint funds, 80% of them, and put them directly to the portfolio.
And so, every single week, you know, we're building up this revenue.
And a piece of it goes to the project.
Some of it's reinvested into the portfolio.
And then 75% of it is going to be paid out through our Learn to Earn to our different holders.
And so, it's exciting because we'll have revenue coming into the project.
And so, it allows us to kind of just, like, infinitely build.
As long as we continue forward, excuse me, we'll, you know, we'll just be able to keep building.
And so, some of the things that we're looking at doing is kind of creating some more gamification, a gamification platform for our mateys.
And kind of some of the crews that we have, they're kind of like factions.
We have the Dread Bandits.
We have the Rum Raiders.
We have, you know, a few different factions anyway.
And so, we have the different factions, and they'll be able to compete against each other.
And so, we're kind of creating some of that.
We're looking at creating a platform that will, like a dashboard that people will be able to see, kind of, like I said, our investments and stuff like that.
So, those are kind of the two big things that are on the horizon right now.
So, and like I said, overall, I'm just really excited to be able to get the mint of doubloons done to be able to start, you know, people to start earning from the doubloons and, you know, just kind of get excited about that.
I'm scanning Magic in for you guys as well.
Just seeing what you got there.
You're a smaller collection though, right?
You guys are, it's 2,500, right?
So, pretty small.
But there's some good ones in there.
So, I'm going to take a look at that too.
So, nice.
Yeah, I mean, it sounds like you've got, you know, some good plans and some things going on.
And there's a lot of options too.
You know, if you've got ways to, you know, whether it's Gamify or find other ways to get more users on.
Dr. Krip, did you get an answer to that question in terms of WinAlpha?
I sure did.
So, we are announcing a partnership this week and it's in regards to the composability contract that I had mentioned.
Now, we are waiting for our partner to approve the marketing schedule.
So, we want to make sure that we're on the same page.
Once that's good and at that point, I mean, we're going to get started on the timeline and get the pump out, get the pump going up to mid.
And I respect you can't really give out that specific info until the partners approved it.
But the fans are hungry to find out.
Okay, so what?
We're at about 2.42 right now.
It's a good time if anyone in the audience wants to ask any questions or anything like that or start thinking about that.
Just put your hand up and I can put you up on the speaker.
Or, you know, if there's anyone else in the community that wants to talk about anything Solana-related, NFT-related, or throw something out to any of the speakers or myself or whoever, feel free to do that.
And while people are contemplating that, because it usually takes a bit of time for people to put their hands up if they're going to, you know, what I'm going to throw out to both Nidables and Liquid Staking is in terms of the biggest challenge or, you know, one of the biggest challenges you recall when it came to kind of launching your collection, what would you say it would be?
Or it could be, you know, if you don't want to do about the launch, then, like, the current challenges you're trying to overcome or are working hard on overcoming, I'd be really interested to hear what you have to say about that.
No, go ahead, Nidables.
No, no, you go ahead.
You talk first.
Yeah, so I appreciate it.
I think the biggest challenge is right now, I mean, you know, looking at scalability for our investments, you know, the portfolio that we have, wanting to make sure that we're securing, you know, funds overall and trying to be able to create some safety measures.
And so, you know, because obviously when the market isn't crazy volatile, when we went from like, you know, 12 to 25 in like two days, that was very difficult to manage.
And there's some impermanent loss that could have like, you know, could be a decent amount.
We were able to correct and adjust and reduce like a very large amount of that impermanent loss.
There was very little.
And, you know, with the funds that we reinvest back in, it'll basically cover it.
So, you know, that's not a big issue there, but that's definitely something that we think about.
And so when we're looking into the projects that we were invested in for the AMM, like hate swap and the different loans and things like that, you know, I'm trying to consider just there's a lot of different numbers.
Right. Being tossed around in my head and just wanting to make sure that we're reducing risk the best as possible, that we're making sure that, you know, the capital that we have, we are able to maintain that and not lose it over time.
So some of those things, I feel like we have a pretty good grip on it right now, but it's definitely something that I'm constantly thinking about and wanting to improve.
And so we actually have like a council of people that I'm kind of putting together right now, just some kind of leaders in the space of other projects and things like that to help me.
And they'll kind of oversee our investments and our project goals moving forward.
And so those are some of the things that we're working on right now that, you know, I think are challenges, but things that we're optimistic about moving forward.
Yeah. I mean, I can't imagine the stress that would go into managing a fund, especially in crypto.
I mean, I guess it all comes down to having really, really good risk management in place and understanding the field and having the right experts, you know, managing a lot of that.
But yeah, I mean, I don't know if I could sleep at night, I'd be constantly checking portfolio, checking that permanent loss indicators and all that, but it's important.
And that's how you make money, right?
So it's admire that, but I can appreciate the, you know, the stress that goes with that for sure.
No, no, how about you?
Yeah, let's go.
I mean, there's or there has been a ton of challenges and there still are.
But I think the major challenge that I'm seeing right now is something that I haven't even mentioned yet.
One of the core ways, and that's cool because Liquid Capital was talking about it, the core ways of us sustaining being profitable in the long run is not banking on the mint proceeds or royalties only, but we are offering 3D services to others.
And we already have contracts in place and we have something really, really, really huge coming that we already announced.
But the problem is that you are always working with NDAs, like non-disclosure agreements that basically make sure that you can't announce things before your partner does in this case or the client.
And it takes a longer time.
Like people expect to understand immediately what this is about.
In our case, it's going to get us a lot of eyeballs, but not before.
I think right now the current plan is April with the final announcement.
There's going to be more announcements before.
I'm just talking about one contract right now.
It's about one kin, by the way.
So this is going to be huge.
And we know exactly what this is about, but we can't talk about it.
And the communication barrier of collectors basically wanting to understand what is going on, right, but don't get all the information, kind of the mismanage of their expectations, our understanding and knowledge about what we are working on, paired with people just being left in the dark.
That's kind of a tricky challenge to tackle with.
And right now communication flow in general, because what we had with issues right after Mint was that people aped into the project without understanding most of it, because, you know, Twitter timelines, Discord.
My apologies.
I muted you there for a second.
It's too loud, right?
I just hit the wrong button.
So the issue with Mint, the Mint itself was a breeze.
I think we sold out 2,500 in public in, like, less than two minutes at a fairly okay price.
But right after, people didn't understand what the project was about.
And a lot of people wanted to instantly flip it for a profit, which kind of paired with other dynamics that I don't want to go into right now that we experimented with, with instant reveal, liquidity pools, and so on, basically led to hyper liquidity and kind of a downward spiral for a bit, which led to FUD.
And then you have to, like, constantly deal with making sure the community is okay as a founder, whereas you should rather focus on bringing the project forward.
But this is an essential part.
And I think we're doing pretty well now.
We're getting better on a daily basis, I think, with communication flow and making sure people understand.
And we also recently published a Gitbook that kind of summarizes the key aspects of the project where people can just dive in and understand everything in one place.
I think, like, communication, I would say, is one of the major challenges that we're dealing with.
Yeah, I can appreciate that.
And you guys, you meant it wasn't long ago, right?
I want to say, like, a month, month and a half, something along those lines?
December 20th.
So, at the lowest point of Solana, I think.
Oh, yeah, I hear you, man.
So, you know, that reminds me, and it's so true, and I've never seen it in any other industry,
is, like, the expectations of an early business, company, project, whatever you want to call it,
to, you know, produce 10x profits, you know, within such a short period of time,
and to sustain that, and, you know, all the different things that go into it, right?
People are quick to FUD, quick to flip, quick to move on.
But, if you look at the projects that really are smart, plan out their business plans,
have achievable targets, all that stuff, it can work, right?
And we've seen that over and over with some of the big projects on Solana, on Ethereum,
on other chains as well.
But having the community stay around, rally enough, and, you know, in crypto,
your community is your marketing team as well, right?
So, you need them on board to a certain extent, and maintaining that is always a challenge.
I mean, I think at Max, we just insult them all the time, and they like it,
so they keep coming back, and, you know, that's how we build our community.
But it doesn't work for every community.
Yeah, and I think, like, of course, like, the easy fix would be just to sit it out, kind of,
because we know what we're building, and we know it's sustainable,
and it's going to work out, and we're 100% positive.
But, as you said, it's not the way, right?
Because you need to make people, like, holders right now understand
and be confident about the project right now, and not in three months,
so you can't go dark with stuff like this.
That's why we are, you know, changing all these dynamics
and making sure that we actually tackle these issues right now
to an extent that we can, of course.
Yeah, absolutely.
I've got someone who's brave enough to come up and want to speak, I think.
Dymacash? Dymacash?
How's it going, fam?
Yeah, what's up?
Yeah, man, Sean, thanks for coming up.
Yeah, no problem.
I just want to congratulate LiquidCap for two smooth mints.
So I could mint Matis, and I could mint two of the doubloons,
so I'm pretty much in a good profit right now.
I have a question for Knittables, because I'm not too familiar with the project.
So I minted one in December, and I flipped it because I'm a fucking degenerate.
So can you tell me more about the alpha on the project or, like, anything that you're, like, developing right now?
Like, can you use?
I don't know.
Of course I can.
I don't know how long you've been part of this space right now,
because I dropped a couple of information that might be useful.
But honestly speaking, I think the timing right now, if you haven't been into the project and you just want to get in.
Sorry, I'm in the train.
Terrible for me.
It's right now, because right now the, like, major problems that we've had in terms of communication
are kind of on the rise of almost being solved, and there's cool stuff coming up because now we actually get traction
on the digital, on the actual development that we're putting out there, partnering up with these developers
and also gaming companies that can actually produce stuff in a fairly short amount of time
and actually seeing come to fruition what we talk about when we talk about metaverse integration.
So we are able to very short-term, or even,
even right now, we have characters implemented already.
Let's check it out, to also talk to our holders, especially do that before you buy into the project,
I would say, to just get comfortable with the vibe in there, how people are actually,
why are they confident in the project, what do they believe in with metaverse, and so on.
In general, also, when I talk about the soft staking and stuff like this,
it's going to be way more comfortable for you to basically collect or participate in the Discord economics
that we have with Yarn to get access to special raffles and so on, and a couple of partnerships either.
I mean, it's done now with Bong or with Small and, like, the other things are also things you would get access to as a whole right now,
besides everything else that I mentioned.
So feeling-wise, I think it's a good time to just check it out.
It's not too toxic.
I mean, it was pretty toxic 10 days after, but right now, it's actually pretty fun.
So feel free to also hit me up with any questions inside the Discord, hop in the channels.
We have an open channel for non-holders, of course.
You can ping us.
We might not be able to respond right away, but someone from the team usually responds in a fairly quick manner.
Thanks a lot, fam.
I'll do that.
Nice, yeah.
All the projects that are speaking of has a lot to offer.
And dealing with that FUD post-Mint, if, you know, that, I mean, you know, unless you pull, like, a major, like, you know, run and pump, like, that happens so much.
Like, like, I even laugh at it.
Like, I used to, like, take it so much more seriously around things.
Because it's a shit, you know, I think it's actually a terrible thing for founders or projects that have poured their, you know, soul into it.
And if you've ever been part of a team leading up to Mint, you know how stressful it is.
You know the sleepless nights you have leading up to it and all that fun stuff, right?
So, to do that, really push something out that you believe in and then have to deal with the DGENs FUDDING.
And, yeah, I mean, at one point you've got to just laugh at it and understand that your vision, I think, is there.
And that you're building in that direction no matter what they say about your mother or your wife or girlfriend or whatever it is, right?
But it's, yeah, that's crypto, though.
That's what we're dealing with.
We're all in it.
Yeah, we have to accept it and embrace it, kind of.
And it took me a while to do so.
And I don't really think it's funny, but it's an interesting dynamic that we don't get, we can't get rid of right now.
No one can, I think, in this space.
So, you can't also, or in our case, we don't close our eyes and we just, we take it serious and we respond to all the, whatever, if it's an accusation or if it's a question, whatever it is, even if it's FUD.
We respond to it and basically give our input to it.
And that usually helps.
The only issue that I see is I wish I could be in the channels all day long and just talk to people, which would mean I can't, I can spend zero time on the project itself and like the development.
But I have to balance it out.
And I think right now it works fairly well and I get more experience with dealing with these issues over time.
For sure, but I didn't mean to undermine that too, if that's how I came across.
I mean, I get to laugh at it when I see it in other people's discords, but I've, you know.
Don't worry.
That goes into it.
But I wasn't being specific to you.
I just know how degens degen when something like that happens.
And, oh, yeah, that's what it is.
Dr. Crypta, do you have anything you want to add around max or the spaces or anything like that?
I always like to be respectful of all the speakers' time.
And I always, you know, say we'll be about an hour.
So we're kind of approaching that.
But still time for questions from anyone in the audience, if anyone has anything to say or ask or, you know, whatever.
I'm okay with people showing their own projects too if they feel like it.
No, I actually, I've been, there's an idea that's been flowing through my head and I actually want to pass it by the speakers over here on the panel and see what you guys' thoughts are.
So, you know, we understand that the Web3 space is growing.
And right now, NFT communities are still, in a lot of ways, fairly tribalistic.
Like, you have people who are affiliating heavily with, like, one or two projects.
Otherwise, they're investing in maybe, like, five to ten projects actively.
And even that, I feel like, is a large number.
And I think one of the questions that I ask myself is, okay, we bridge these communities and get them closer together, interacting with one another.
And if anything, just kind of, not just, I don't want to say share the same community, but in a way, that's kind of what the feeling is.
It's basically, like, I am, I'm someone who consumes Web3, Web3 products rather than I'm someone who consumes Macs or consumes Knittables or just, like, specific, right?
Like, we're building together in a space.
And like you said, Knittables, right?
You guys are working together now with at least three different projects or companies in the space to help accomplish this mission, right?
And now, the thought that I had is, okay, so would, what do you guys think about this, about this specific idea?
So, for the weekly store with Macs, right, we're going to have, I guess I'm saying a little too much at this moment.
Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on.
I can open if you want to.
But that's actually, okay, sorry, do you want to say it or no?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
No, I want to say it in some way that at least can deliver the question forward.
So, okay, basically, I'm going to be launching specific traits for Macs that people can use.
Composability, right?
Now, one idea that I had was, what if I was making traits specifically for other collections?
So, now, if people using our software were able to essentially buy a trait that was specific to the knitable, so it's basically like your own NFT or liquid capital, whoever, right?
I know the project.
It was an NFT that was affiliated with your project.
And if people were able to buy that and include that trait as a part of their NFT, then get some perk in the community.
Like, it literally could be anything, like access to a Discord server or something like that.
But that's the idea, essentially.
Yeah, that's key.
That's key because it started, I think, back when you would launch collections and you would have honorary traits for others just to kind of bank on the art or, you know, the already existing community to entice them.
But actually giving them perks, that's key, in my opinion.
One thing, just as an example that I can share, we have a collection, a partner collection with the Champions, also a Solana project, pretty OG.
And that basically, if you hold this, you get access to our Discord and perks and to their Discord in bracket perks, you know, like whatever they want to come up with.
So, in general, like how we bring projects together in the space is exactly through stuff like this, in my opinion, because we have to work together.
If we all operate in silos, within a silo, because it's only about knitables and that's it, it's not going to get us anywhere, right?
So, we have to share perks.
We have to share communities and kind of exchange information and get better overall as compared to just banking on our own collection.
So, I 100% agree.
I'm glad you like that.
I'm glad you like that idea.
It's been going through my head for the past, like, week and a half.
And I'm like, okay, how do we bridge communities?
And it's essentially that, right?
Like, people have been doing these, just like you mentioned, they've been doing these honoraries.
We recognize other collections.
We are almost, in a way, saying, hey, other community, we are recognizing you in our collection and we recognize your legitimacy.
And so, yeah, take it another step further.
And actually interact with them in a meaningful way and, like, create some sort of, like, inner dialogue, partnerships within and between collections.
Especially those who, like, we believe are going to be here in another five years, in another ten years.
Like, yeah, I want to be exposed to success.
I want to be exposed to success.
And I want to be someone who supports Web3.
Because if you don't support, right, we're coming out, I hope, coming out of a deep, deep, like, bear.
And we may not even be done yet.
But the point is, is if you've been here longer than six months, then you've already been in the struggle.
And at this point, like, you have to have been here because you believe in what this space provides.
And a big part of that is supporting projects who are going to build and find success.
So, cool.
I'm glad you like that idea, man.
Yeah, I mean, I'm excited about it, too.
It just has so many angles you can do if you think about it.
Whether it's integration or, you know, Web2 companies wanting to get into Web3.
You know, it makes sense for them to figure out a way to do it without starting their own collection.
Because for some people, as we've seen, when that transition happens, it doesn't work at all that great, right?
We've seen that happen with a bunch of, like, Web2 to Web3s.
I can't think of many that have actually been successful.
I can think of a ton that haven't been, not going to name names.
But, you know, that's one way to bring them on, right?
This new way to integrate with already established communities, whether it's them having a trait included in your collection or the option to drop something to communities that are active.
Like, there's so many different angles I think that can go.
So, I'm psyched about it.
Yeah, and it speaks to the, like, directly to the interconnectivity of the space itself.
Because it is.
And we know each other.
Like, creators in general know each other, but communities know each other as well.
Why not actually create ties?
And to a certain extent, of course.
And it always has to work.
And there's different models that you can play with.
Different scarcity models also.
And different perks levels.
So, as long as you're clear with a partner in understanding what kind of perks you might be able to provide to the extent.
Because it's probably never going to be the full access or something.
Or maybe it is.
I don't know.
As long as that is clear and you have, like, at least a kind of loose but written out partnership agreement of some kind.
So, I think that's kind of key, I mean, to bring this interconnectivity further.
For sure.
I see a couple of people have their hands up.
Diamondcash, what up?
So, I thought about your idea.
And I think it's pretty damn great.
So, I can even think of an example.
Do you know?
Are you familiar with AppDominguez?
I'm sure you are.
I'm the cloud manager for them.
They're a fan.
So, you're a Nier and the Aptos Maxi, right?
Well, for me, actually, I go with teams.
I don't go necessarily with chains.
So, the Max team I love and enjoy working with.
So, I do it for them.
Same with AppDominguez.
That's how I roll.
So, they have a trade, which is called Hokusai Wave.
So, it's basically like Tsunami.
If you know brand Quicksilver, you probably saw this wave before.
So, if you're holding the NFT with that background trade,
you receive some great deals for Tsunami Finance Dex platform.
So, you get less fees, better staking percentage, and so on.
Like, I don't know the whole deal, but it's pretty good.
So, you can develop a partnership around the trade, too,
with DeFi platforms or other teams.
Had I known that we'd be talking about Mingos,
I would have gotten my man Fisher, the founder, on.
And it looks like he's away right now, or I would have gotten him here.
But, yeah.
Cool collection.
I'm a big fan.
I like their MF Doom, who's a rapper.
They have a trade for him.
That's my PFP when I'm in that chat.
Knit time.
You're up.
How's it going, man?
What's going on, guys?
How we doing?
Let's fucking knit.
Yeah, man.
Nice to have you here.
What are you up to?
Yeah, just seeing Viv kill it again here for the Knittables.
And, Viv, you know, I just question for you,
just around the 3D content creation for these 2D projects here,
maybe just kind of reinforce what the value is for the holders of the tribe here
and maybe just reinforce, too, just the competitive advantage that Knittables has
and the team and what Box was talking about yesterday.
I think that'd be really impactful if we're looking for some alpha here.
I'm not sure if I can do it in the same way that Box did,
but I'm going to try my best.
So, the key that I think Smith points to here is that for our collection,
we have created a custom in-house built asset pipeline
that is optimized for efficiency.
That means that we are able to create assets with the level that you're seeing
with Knittables that are integratable into virtual environments
in a fraction of the time that anyone else is able to do in the space right now.
Just to give you an example of, like, our efficiency levels,
the collection, the entire one that you see right now with the 10K pieces of supply,
we rendered in-house with no external capacities whatsoever in less than four days.
And because we have this now, and right now we're even expanding this pipeline
to integration with, let's say, as we mentioned before, Yaku, for instance,
we specifically know exactly their requirements.
So, for us to basically take another collection that is, let's say, 2D,
but wants to dabble with 3D to give their holders access to certain metaverses
and stuff like this, they can hire us, and we can create in a very efficient manner
for a fraction of the cost on a very high level of quality
and a complete 3D collection, whether animated or not,
that is actually integratable with others.
And that's kind of the key, how we can contribute to the ecosystem
with our in-house asset pipeline, because just using it for ourselves seems kind of lame.
And also, we want to bank on the fact that we generate profitable revenue streams
for the company itself.
And what this means for holders, because right now I'm just talking corporate stuff,
is that if you hold the knitables, and we are basically partnering up
with a 2D collection that is fairly successful,
and they're minting another collection in 3D, for instance,
we give access to this job to the extent that we are able to do,
because we approach these kind of partnerships and contracts
with a holder's first mindset.
So even though sometimes it might not be about a collection itself,
we still work with projects in the space, or outside the space, or both,
and try to think about the holder approach of how can we give the community
that is basically surrounding the knitables and carrying everything on the vibe,
how do we give them access to these partnerships in the way that we can?
For instance, either getting access to the drop itself,
getting a piece and raffling them out, and so on.
So I think this is what Smith was mentioning.
I hope I answered it quite well.
Not to the extent that Vox will be able to do it.
You killed it. Thanks.
Yeah, a lot there.
I'm psyched about knitables in the future.
And I'm actually psyched about liquid capital, too.
I just want to double-check.
I might not have heard this.
I think you said it, so my apologies.
I'm always multitasking when I'm not doing these.
I'm following up on people on those whitelist roles I gave away and all that.
But liquid capital, did you say doubloons is minting soon,
or has that minted already?
I think I missed that detail.
Yeah, so I think one of y'all said that you had minted doubloons.
And so there's a project called Dabloons, which is actually different from us.
And so they're like their own thing.
But we are liquid capital.
We have mateys and doubloons.
And doubloons will be minting in roughly two weeks.
And, yeah, the only way to get whitelist is to own a mateys.
And then half the collection is whitelisted through owning mateys,
and half the collection is presales from our beginning investors
and early projects that supported us.
And so that's how we're going to be doing it.
And the whitelist will be silver doubloons.
We do have gold doubloons, which are already sold in the presale.
But the mateys owning them, you'll have one mateys equals one whitelist.
You'll be able to mint a silver doubloon, which will be four sold.
And, yeah.
Thanks, man.
I think that's what threw me off to you, that comment.
But it's good to know that that is on the horizon.
While you're speaking, I just threw it in my calendar at the approximate time.
I'm going to keep a watch on the Discord and try to get some whitelists in there as well.
If I can.
But, yeah, that's great.
You know, we're getting to 10 after 3.
And, again, I want to be respectful.
I've got a couple things to say as we, you know, maybe start to wind down.
But, for sure, if there's anyone in the audience that has some questions,
like, throw it out there.
The couple things I want to throw out are this.
First of all, once again, you don't have a whitelist for Macs.
You join the late next five people that post in Dgeneral,
which is our general chat on the Macs server.
I'll give you a whitelist.
I just put a marker there so I can keep track of that.
Yeah, it's sad.
I guess people are sad we're wrapping up, right?
The other thing, what else did I want to say here?
Oh, yeah.
You know, I love putting on these spaces.
It's always awesome to have these guests,
people that are really into Web3, that know their stuff.
I'm always happy to chat with other projects,
whether it's you want to come on or you just want to talk crypto, Web3, NFTs.
That's my bag.
So hit me up or hit our team up.
If you haven't checked out our Discord, jump in.
I will warn you, I mean, in general, our Discord is, you know,
it's more on the Dgen side.
It's not for everyone.
You know, you don't want your kids jumping in there.
And, well, I mean, you could, but they'd be pretty scarred for life.
So I wouldn't recommend it.
But I'm going to throw in another spaces.
I'm thinking maybe actually this Friday,
for those of you that know the character Lieutenant Lollipop on Twitter,
controversial figure, good buddy of mine.
I think I'm going to be doing that one-to-one fire side chat with him,
talk to him about where he's at.
He's been posting some crazy stuff on Twitter.
So I think that'll be a fun, interesting chat if that happens.
We'll be posting that if it does.
But Dr. Crypto, G, you usually do a really good job at wrapping up the show.
You want to kind of take it from there?
I appreciate you, man.
I just want to reiterate again, a big thank you to Liquid Capital and Knittables.
Smith, I'm grateful that you came up as well, my friend, and to everybody in the audience.
I appreciate you guys.
This was wonderful.
I'm happy to have heard about everything Liquid Capital and Knittables are building.
I'm super bullish on you guys.
We'll definitely follow up within the coming weeks.
And hopefully, there's some great stuff that we can do together.
And otherwise, again, a big, big thank you guys.
I appreciate you.
Toby, you're fantastic, man.
And the work that you do is invaluable, honestly.
So I appreciate you.
And much love to everybody.
Thanks for having us, man.
I appreciate your time, you guys.
Yeah, happy to have everyone on.
And if anyone, any cloud managers, hit me up if you want to talk spots and stuff.
I'm still getting a few out, at least for now.
Not much longer, but still an option.
All right, guys.
Enjoy your night.
Talk soon.
Amazing spaces.
For sure.
And a lot of fun, man.
A lot of great people.
Thanks a lot for coming on.
Thank you, guys.
Take care, everybody.