Tanukiverse <> Hyhu network

Recorded: April 27, 2023 Duration: 0:36:50



Yo Spidey, ail all o'dyle, haiku network is here, whats up guys. I have you there.
Hello. She's sharing the space and us over so that more members can join. Perfect. I'm going to do the same thing in our video session. Can you hear me okay?
Am I audible? Hi who speak good? How are you doing? Yeah I'm good, thank you, how are you? MAYC is here, whats up? Whats up, MYC?
How are you doing? Bronco is here. You're a robot, what's up?
So guys, what's up? How's it going? It's 5.45 pm in India, Pune India where I am. I who wear a U speaking from can you tell us more about yourself?
Yeah, can you can you hear me five? Hello, I hope I'm audible. Let me know guys if I'm not audible. Can you hear me?
I'll let you guys up. This is Botswatt from Tanukiverse. Hey, can you hear me?
You have Sukhi also here. What's up Sukhi? How are you doing? Need to have you here man. Drongo requested what's up yo yo yo. I think now yeah I think
There was some error earlier and we have alleyho also here. Hey guys. Hey, can you hear me talking? Yes, yes. I think there was some issue earlier.
Yeah, sorry, I think I don't think you guys could hear me before. But yeah, thank you for having me on. I am from the London in the UK, but I'm currently in Marbella in Spain. So it's 2.15 in the afternoon for me. Where exactly are you in right now?
In Marbella, in Spain, on the south coast of Spain. Oh nice one, nice one. How's the weather there? It's about 25 degrees and it's clear blue sky right now so it's very nice. I'm sitting outside for this one.
nice nice
sounds perfect actually it's getting very hot in India right now I think man who's speaking from Haiho
Yeah, my name is Casey. I am on Discord. My other my Twitter profile is the Macy one you can see but my actual name is Casey.
So it's great to kind of get together where yeah, sorry, we're excited to kind of get together and share a little bit about what we've been working on.
So guys just so that everyone gets to know what this partnership is about is I'll give you all a quick idea what we are doing. So as you all know right Minato is coming we haven't revealed the data exactly when she is coming
but the next week is going to be very eventful for us and it's only the next week that we are planning a lot of events every day. So one of those days we are hosting Poker tournament as we all know we have a bunch of gamblers in our community.
So we have we plan this that you know we should host the tournament and do a surprise draw go introduce us to to high-hoon network and that's where you know that's how we got to know so maybe Casey do you want to
highlight more about what high-hoo network is all about. What are you guys building? What's happening? Yeah, I'd love to. If it's all right, I'll give kind of, it will take a few minutes to give kind of a
brief but complete overview of the network. And then we can go into some more details specifically around the poker and the partnership side of things and what's to come with all of that once kind of I've given the overview of that works.
Is that sound good? Yes, yes, for sure. If you would like to just maybe give an idea what's happening.

FAQ on Tanukiverse <> Hyhu network | Twitter Space Recording

What is Haiku Network?
Haiku Network is a decentralized finance project built on the Ontology blockchain. Its aim is to provide a user-friendly platform for global liquidity pool trading.
Where is the speaker currently located?
The speaker is currently located in Marbella, on the south coast of Spain.
When is Minato coming?
The exact date hasn't been revealed, but it's expected to be in the next week.
What events are planned for the next week?
A lot of events are planned for the next week, and one of those days will include a poker tournament.
What is the surprise introduced to the Haiku Network partnership?
The surprise introduced to the Haiku Network partnership is the poker tournament.
What is special about the poker tournament being hosted?
The poker tournament being hosted is an opportunity to bring together the two communities and introduce each other to their respective projects.
What is Casey's role in Haiku Network?
Casey is involved in the Haiku Network project, but his exact role isn't specified.
What is the weather like in Marbella, Spain?
It is currently clear blue skies with a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius.
What is the aim of Haiku Network?
Haiku Network aims to provide a user-friendly platform for global liquidity pool trading.
What blockchain is Haiku Network built on?
Haiku Network is built on the Ontology blockchain.