Tech Talk Tuesday and @nifty_island is the Talk 👄

Recorded: Jan. 23, 2024 Duration: 0:53:10



good morning to the people that showed up early we're gonna have a good day gonna have a great
day it's tech talk tuesday yeah oh we're gonna have some fun all right so check this out as we get
started here this is my favorite part of the year i don't know i'm just saying that because
it rhymes and it's about that time where we start the twitter spaces the x spaces all those
spaces right um i am just getting set up here while i'm getting set up here let's go like this
clickety click click click this is going to be so much fun so today we have some cool things
and let me tell you about those things uh some of the coolest things and i'm going to
as i'm saying all these things i'm really getting set up over here on the metaverse radio broadcast
good morning two percent but we're getting set up on the metaverse radio broadcast as we go global
so that people listening in on their smart devices like their alexa or their google or on their
smart tv they can say hey alexa turn on metaverse radio and so that is getting set up right now so
that we can go beyond the x space and into the global space let me see making sure all this
is set up bam bam bam bam bam bam oops let's go save mic on my five bam bam bam so as i said
we're getting broadcasted out into all those wonderful places we have some cool tech to talk
about today and i am super excited it looks like everything's going out
although i've been listening to my other thing uh but today we're going to talk about one of the hot
topics that anybody that owns NFT is probably paying attention to right now and that is nifty
stinking island okay if you haven't gotten your your characters and your NFTs and stuff set up on
nifty island yet oh my goodness it's freaking crazy it is just so much fun i've been minting
i've been playing i've been running i've been and one of the things we're going to do after this
space today is we're going to jump over there and there's some avatars some characters some
different things that i've been making uh for the past few days a couple days just getting stuff
set up so that we can have a blast um and and we're going to do some giveaways and things like
that so if you haven't already gotten set up on nifty island then you know take this opportunity
to go and do just that because it is it is a blast um i want to make sure here thank you
metaverse radio for joining in always supporting and broadcasting us around the world uh i think
i'm set up correctly i'm not quite sure i've got all my things set up the way that i think they're
supposed to be set up let me go like this if i go stay here check check check it looks like it's
coming through maybe a little bit better there it's it's kind of hard to tell still um and
let me go like this so i i haven't set up so at least maybe we can hear my voice i'm not sure
if we can hear everyone else's voices but that's okay this is an open space so if anybody wants
to join in right if anybody wants to join in grab a mic it is we we talk about tech we talk about
all the cool things that are going on you know with with everything that that is what we do
usually people start to roll in if you've ever been inside of a twitter space or a tech space before
this is this is kind of a thing um you will hear because i am a real person with a real family so
you will hear real life things going on around me uh i've got me personally i've got five kids and
if you don't have that many kids man you're missing out because life gets exciting but here
we talk about tech and that's one of the beautiful things about having all of these children is
i get to get like hands-on first like first person view of what's real up and coming and so i'm
going to talk about nifty island again because if we're talking about kids they might have told you
about roblox before and nifty island is like the web3 roblox it is just it's it's really it's it's
the amount of freedom that we have um and it's so easy let me let me just kind of i'm gonna
highlight a couple things here so i've got these characters called the osu! box and the osu! box came
out you know 2021 is when when everybody could mint and they were full 3d characters full 3d
models so it wasn't just a flat jpeg pfp project and it didn't catch a lot of traction back then
uh mainly because i'm bringing you up laura uh it didn't catch a huge lot of so much traction
because people were like what am i going to do with this 3d model um and now everybody's taking
their pfps and turning them into 3d characters and it's like man we were way ahead of our time
but all of these characters are like one of ones um there's some of them that kind of look copy but
they're all handcrafted right they're all made like because they're full 3d they were already
done so now we have these things you get the full ip for it they've got a game inside the sandbox that's
coming out but what i've done is i've taken this thing and i literally drag and dropped it
into the mentor like just i took my 3d file i dragged it from my folder dropped it in to
the mint thing over here on nifty island waited like i think because my computer's old and and
everything like that so uh it literally took like maybe four to five minutes maybe and that's
including me typing it up of like what the description of this thing was and boom now i'm
running around as my character so what's up florid you look like you've been running around
in nifty island too so how's it going what is up welcome to the welcome to the tech talk tuesdays
thank you for having me i hope i'm coming through all right i've been notoriously
irked by twitter spaces so let me know if that that all works well um i get asked by charles
from from nifty island to stop by and like be around if you have any questions so i'm part of
the team um and i just like loved your intro of the game super excited to like hear about your
experience and your kids experience in the game and yeah uh happy to chat oh man okay so so that
is too cool that you are here so i was inside the the spaces yesterday uh listening to all of the
alpha that was just being dropped from from charles and it was it was super crazy how um
yeah just all the the amounts of things that are that are coming out from you guys is
and and the vision behind it right that y'all weren't like hey we're just gonna like make
this thing and and then go and like flood the whole space it was hey we've got all this stuff
how do we really make it like the interoperable vision is like so true here and it's it's just
it's beautiful it's amazing so uh i've got it since you're here i guess i will ask at least one or two
questions right um because y'all i know that i've been in the game you know what like since last week
it was you know it popped up and i was like oh my gosh i gotta get in on this uh but you guys
this was not a a new thing y'all been working on this for at least a year is that right like
the vision really started a while back yeah i think it's been almost three years by now like
like active work on the game has been going on for two and a half years and obviously like moved
through different stages um from like the concept and the idea as you said like this this idea of
pulling all this digital communities that we all have and love like together into one world
and when we started like other meta forces where we're coming up and like launching that product
back then uh and for us i think one thing is this idea of kind of limiting creativity by having
a buy-in didn't sit fully right so that was kind of the inception of of nifty island and since then
like i mean we have iterated a lot to get to the point that you you see right now and as you
most likely heard charlie said yesterday as well as like we're going to keep iterating on this
until we get to a point to like like really find something together with you that
builds this new digital world that we all want to play in
i realized i was muted you made it so simple and you made it so easy to do all of this um
i mean it's just it's it's really mind-blowing how simple this whole process is um the game
creation on it like i can it's just wow uh people are sleeping on everything that's going on over
here and they're about to wake up in a big big way um honeycomb hydro welcome to the stage man uh
you know join this is this is an open conversation so for again no pressure you don't have to stay
if you want to say hey we get out because it's a it's one of those rooms where we all get together
like every tuesday there's going to be a lot of people in here we're all used to seeing each other
and sometimes we just like dip you know we don't even say goodbye we just jet so it's it's a very
calm uh no pressure type of space so so do your thing but honeycomb hydro welcome to the place
man how's it been grand rising or good evening depending oh it's been all right we got a crazy
ice storm here but you know i stay elevated enough that i stay happy took down some plants
last night had some chocolate with some micro dosing in it all in all the day is a wonderful
day and ready to kick its ass so um yeah happy to learn more about nifty island and
you know where i've been and busy of the levels that i didn't was aware of it back
about a year and a half ago and then hadn't seen anything went and checked it out at your
suggestion and holy shit um yeah so i'm just here to listen learn more about it because
my mind was blown it was like plants were zombies garden warfare mixed with so many
it's beautiful man it's beautiful i i delved into it i may have even morphed into the island a
little bit and yeah it was a blast looking forward to play more on it get the the world into it
and then i guess one question i guess so it's it's open for you know people being proper people
right but let me ask about politics not politics but politics that's guided on cana is that accepted
of something that we can promote and talk about and empower on this platform
that's a fantastic question um i i'm not sure if i'm like the right person to ask this because
i really sit down at the code and like build the stuff so i'm the one that you can nerd out about
technicalities on nifty island um i think so far the approach that i've seen people take is as
long as it's kind of not putting it in sorry as long as it's not putting us into any position
that we have to act we're gonna like have it sit on the island um and i think something we
we would really love to see going forward is that like within the universe of nifty island we want
to see sub communities around certain collections or on certain topics form um and a lot of things
in the game are set up to kind of empower you to kind of use nifty island in a similar way as
why is you using x for example or tiktok or something right so we necessarily do not only
see it as a game per se but also like becoming something that that is kind of creation tool and
kind of a space to me to hang out right so i i would say if you want to start building a community
around that definitely go for it
awesome and with you being that builder side because what's the level of the education and
gamification into regenerative geotherapeutic solutions but regenerative agriculture permaculture
uh levels of food you know sustainability global warming but broiling climate change things of
that such as there a a big level of that happening in there yet or is it more on uh the nft collections
the purposes of what the give back is to those and and the culture within those little micro
communities or what have you i think right now we're definitely seeing like a strong focus on
nft communities which is kind of expected right because an nft community is kind of your digital
identity it's kind of a tribe that you have formed uh and some communities like sappy seals
for example like they are super tight mitt so they just bruised into there and kind of like
stake their kingdom so to say um i like i'm this like a huge permaculture fan like in the
physical world like been doing this for years and and would love to like i don't know just spinning
stuff up here like imagine you had an island where you could like show layouts for gardens
or stuff like this right you could maybe use this in an educational content context as well
i don't know um but i haven't seen this so when i jumped in it was all education because
kind of focused on just edutainment right so the gamifying of that is that connecting bridge
i see through i mean it's the biggest demographic we can reach out to 3.2 billion people gain
one hour a day amenable right so just knowing that but the permaculture that education of
really the understanding and how to it is that visual but then the gamified on it that is the
challenges that go through that they get incentivized right i mean you guys have it built
beautiful so um communities yes uh national industrial hemp coalition and their 38 states
yes although there's quite a few different they mostly go around the plant but then
offspring into other beautiful flowers um indian indigenous levels do you have a big impact
for that uh in in the ecosystem yet yeah what you mean by ecosystem in this
contact like a uh in your nifty because i mean you're just a huge you're an awesome connective
ecosystem of bridging people together um educating them along the way and it's fun right
uh so brilliant but the level of like an indian chief do you have an indian chief
of an indigenous nation operating an island for their tribe literally i do i do not know of any
that that is doing okay um because we've got like 16 of them in the peace summit 99 days of peace and
levels of some pretty fun awesome stuff so i digress i just wanted to know there's some pretty powerful
things that this fits so beautifully and uh yeah i fully agree and and i again i i think that's
something that at least i personally would really love to to see because um one thing like we are
kind of a web three native company so we started from this crypto tokenize angle when we built the
game and you kind of you feel when you log in like a lot of things are tailored around nfts
but um the long-term goal obviously is not only to be kind of limited to this niche right so
um if you if you look at roblox for example which is a very like very very popular game very very
good at what it does um what they managed to do is like they built kind of the tools for people
to do what they set out to do right i'm not sure if that makes sense but i love to to think about
this community angle to figure out like um when you say like you have this 16 chiefs in in the
event or the summit that you were holding like what would be tools that they or that would make
it easier for them to get a value out of nifty island right what what would they need because
they might not be interested in kind of building an island and setting up a race on the island
right they might be interested in more like informational stuff or in kind of i don't know
uploading some of uh their uh uh heritage art or something like this and showcasing it right so
there there are different angles um on exactly yeah so definitely super interested in something
like this and i think like the game has been out for five weeks so um for me it feels like we're
still kind of figuring out um kind of a meta in some way like what's the thing that people do in
nifty island and i expect this thing to kind of shift for for the big part like like what what is
the majority doing but i also hope that we're going to see like sub communities that only touch a very
specific area of the game right what i what i haven't seen and what i would love to see for
example and and something we definitely support is for people to do uh digital galleries on nifty
island right to to set up a museum and and kind of just present the nft art that i have collected
over the years are you since you're the builder are you able to take through a person's persona of
say a bunch of recordings by gpt thrown into an avatar say that was built is that able to
curate these meta museums of levels of these galleries right each individual
having their own that then can empower the others um is that a capability of an npc while
the person isn't there is that down the road here something it's obviously something we like talked
about and spoken about um since the rise of of gpt it's not something that is there yet so we don't
have like clever npc's yet um from a philosophical standpoint i think it's interesting right because
you you would require boom and there goes it may be me but it may be him i thought it was me
and that's it it it's not great it happens no but it it happens to the best of us you know
um and and that's welcome to x right you know uh dude these are these are some super cool
questions i actually i'm very interested in seeing how because you're right you know adding in the ai
and the gpt and all those things um that is that that is going to be kind of exciting i like that
he said you know the philosophical questions and that there's thinking about those things
and that that's even a a process um that there's they're considering before just adding and throwing
it in there yo so the whole time you were talking though if we and i'm let's see if i can bring
him back up here but yeah i know i'm loving i'm loving the conversation and the direction
that all this is is going here welcome back florida thank you thank you i mentioned before
like twitter spaces and i like we're not good friends so i expect this to happen a few more times
it happens it's everybody there's been days i opened the space right and then it's like five
or six opens later we finally get to hang out and talk you know so you're not alone welcome to x
right i think that's what the x stands for is maybe maybe in a few like in a year or something
we can just do the same thing on nifty island it's done yo i'm i'm planning on it like uh i've
been hanging out with some people just doing and the chat feature is really cool now i've heard people
talk to me through there too though is that like uh you own the island you can you can speak oh
everyone can like we have a voice jet uh implementation and so there's i think that's by default it's
pushed to talk so there's some some hotkey um i don't know it from the top of my head to be
honest i think might be tea tea um is it tea tea i can start yelling at people and they're like where
do you come from but don't tell people where to talk button it should be like keep it gated you know
so only yeah that way that way only people that know can talk
it's uh so i don't know i don't know if you if you got lost again um
and maybe maybe me maybe you who knows thumbs up thumbs down if anybody can even hear me speak
i don't know honeycomb okay we're cool all right sweet so uh you were talking about the
philosophical side of bringing in the ai and we can continue on to that with that or we can
move on to some other things we've got uh some amazing creators and builders in here
uh that are all doing you know different things we're not necessarily like the blue chip projects
we're just the people that like live the everyday lives you know uh welcome to the stage dream
but i am gonna shout out benny j and apollo and two percent and slick down there who are always
always always just i mean they're apollo's got these stinking banana guns and i i really
wanted to ask this because i've got one and i wanted to bring it in i wanted to bring in my
own gun skins and i don't know how far away we are with being able to do weapon skins um but i and
i'm ready for it i've got my banana gun ready and i'm yeah like as soon as soon as they say go
boom it's on with the banana guns like it's it's gonna happen i'm gonna bring my metabot a pen
with my banana gun and it's game on ballinade's cool but man that i just i i want to the banana
boys when you started talking about the the garden stuff there honeycomb um you know i mean it i saw
like these these buds running around like some of them are leaves some of them are buds right and
then you have all oh we have so much fun and because of their mentor that they have in here
like making all of this stuff in game like four game and then it still goes outside the game too
like later because it's all still you know it's all still on the deep eye side it's just like
my mind is getting blown with the possibilities what's up alias my molar crew friend like oh
it's just gonna get exciting we had some teeth running around inside of the inside my island
yesterday and i feel like he's about to bring a whole bunch of people in as well this is gonna be
this is gonna be a blast what's up man
we there alihat hello hello he just came from from supermarket i want to
i wanted to get some things before they took the space start and then we would just jump in
in the ice and we no get outside so i got some sweets and things for later you already know
because as soon as this space is over we are jumping into the island and i've got i've got
two games prepared okay so we've got the foot race game and i've got to capture the fly game those
two games are ready to go um they're they're kind of simple okay but it's it's just about
mainly just getting in there kind of getting familiar with it getting you know like these are
the keys this is the controls stuff like that uh so if you're in here in this space now and you're near
your computer like alihat is doing where like he's getting prepared he's like look i'm gonna be at my
pc for the next you know for the next while because it's addicting once you get started you
almost just can't stop so we're gonna jump in uh you'll probably see a molar running around
okay shoot the molar um that maybe that'll be a game i make while people are playing okay we'll
make a shoot the molar game that would be kind of fun um another one is gonna you know you'll see me
is the ball in eight awesome box running around these are some of the characters that you're
gonna have the opportunity to win i've got some 3d scans that are ready to go there's a couple
dragons and stuff like that that are ready to go so people we we have prizes ready to be given away
okay uh so hopefully you you all have time to actually play the game and get in because it's gonna
be stupid awesome right so molar island that is gonna be a thing i i already know i think i'm
gonna i might make you some some 3d assets that are just like teeth and toothbrushes and like
like maybe the the crypto pump arrow that goes up right that's your that's your ramps and stuff
it'll be because y'all are y'all are crazy over there y'all y'all pump pump pump
bite into something and you don't let go you know have you have you played the game
of alice in wonderland the the madness the madness return that game have very very insane
things with the with the tooth also yeah i remember very well that the game is one of the
good ones i played long time ago and and well there's coming from lots of ideas that i want
to do in this island with the motor things so i i was thinking same thing like you like make
i don't know couches whatever you know houses everything with the symptomatic of the tooth
so so yes this this will be very fun to do and and i'm happy that you you share this thing with
me because uh we can we can make a lot of things and since yesterday see that that other i say no way
you you got crazy you you you always go into the next level i'm very very very happy you know
very good it's it's and it's it's impactful like it's just it's gonna be a blast uh i'm gonna give
a shout out real quick to to some of the things that we're doing because it's about that half
hour mark um and i do want to highlight because everybody in here we're all building together and
we've got other things that we're doing so south by southwest right and if you don't know about south
by southwest i don't know where you've been since 1987 but south by southwest we have uh with dream
collab and with honeycomb and with i believe apollos got some stuff because well i do always
bring apollo whether they want to or not my metabolic shows up in augmented reality and these
are some things that we've been doing for the past couple years is putting on some ar shows
and ar tours and ar walks and just highlighting different artists this year we have so many
things going on it's incredible the atx dao that has sponsored some artists and and really with
avalanche and they've created a curator program and so some of those artists like paper ape sweet
churro they are part of our ar tour this year so you'll be able to find some art and creations
that'll be like pokemon go but for art right um you'll be able to check out different music
artists and things like that one of my favorites uh is right now mainly because the name is just
too good but we've got a spot spotty game that's going to be out there okay so as you're walking
around austin you can spot spotty wipe by collect as many of the little spotty pop things
that we make or whatever however it's going to go be on the lookout for how that case going
um there'll be different awards different prizes but there's going to be real life events that
will have some things going on and i wear art walk okay which is taking over seven
cities this year so uh it'll be los angeles nash is it nashville or memphis uh boston denver
new york austin and miami closing out the u i think around like art basaltime kind of thing so
i wear art walk is going to be another event that i am working personally with so if you are a
game creator if you are a gamer if you have access to the machines if you want to be a part of that
and you want to sponsor it you want to be a partner with it get at me let's create the level upside of
things because it's going that one that's right there it's fashion optical music it's it's all
of it we've got young dirty bastard is going to be a huge performance um releasing their doing their
whole visionary tour with i wear art walk as well that said you'll probably see me throw up some
banners and flyers and stuff like that on my nifty island florida i i have to tell you thank you so
much for coming in and and sharing with us your because you're on the dev side you you did a lot
of the the behind the scenes work right um and i know that there's a lot of things that as far
as like alpha is concerned you can't say but just the fact that you're here and and joining in the
conversation and sharing what you have is it's incredible um yeah so that all that said that's my
that's my 30-minute commercial show let's get back to the fun side of playing the games and so
while i'm sitting here just so you guys know i'm actually still kind of like minting some things
like taking some different 3d assets and i'm still putting together some of this island stuff
um as we're as we're talking today i am i'm killing my computer today it is like getting to be so hot by
the time it's just done but if anybody want this down in the crowd wants to jump up apollo you've got
awesome stuff derby wins you've got a whole thing that you do as well if y'all want to share about
your projects share about what you do um by all means jump up here one of the cool things that's
going to happen later today though and i think this might be the first time it's happening inside
the nifty island so spotty wi-fi and dj tracks both have like every tuesday they have these events
to go on right tap in tuesday and they've been hosting them over in decentraland but today
i believe if i'm not mistaken they're going to double this thing with decentraland
and nip the island so if you want to be a part of like that first time experience okay you might
want to go ahead and get your characters and stuff ready because well it's the first time
right who else has done it before yeah it's going to be cool so shout out dj tracks spotty
wi-fi for still pushing the limits breaking things and doing their thing over there anybody
else got any questions anything they want to talk about anything they want to say anything they
want to share before i go on with my rambling but my mouth
no cool i'll ramble then you're gonna get stuck with it back to what honeycomb hydro was saying
they've got the seed the change thing so that's gonna be pretty cool i would like to see a whole
like seed to change island that would be kind of cool i really like the idea that florida had
with the growth of island maybe like all starts to pop up and you start to and you the educational
things the the expansion of what can happen here and the all the tools that you've really given us
here are go beyond just the gameplay of just shooting each other right and you really could
and because it's so light it's not heavy on the computer and i love i love all the other
games that i play but it's super light um it takes up almost no space there is the download
but it takes up like no space and it does work on mac and windows which is a plus because you
know normally things work one way or the other um but yeah so the educational side the access to
things there i heard a rumor there may be at some point uh like a not like a buy-in okay but
different tiers where you'll be able to if you spend x amount of money you know you'll have x
amount of access to things which makes sense because let's get real y'all this stuff takes
up server space right it's not free to power things right uh so me personally i think that that would i
would much rather pay for a subscription on nifty island than play for my pay for my blue check mark
on x which as you notice i don't have a blue check so i that didn't really happen um but i would
much rather pay for my nifty island check than my x check because i feel like i get a lot more
over there and and i i'm i buy into the metaverse thing i have been for a few years now but this is
this is it this this is it y'all uh anybody anybody got anything they want to say i'm kind of
i'm kind of getting this island ready over here so if anybody else wants to jump in talk share what
they've done share any you know just anything as i as i fiddle around on the pc getting this
ready for these games to play i'm getting our links ready y'all well nobody else has any question
for me i have a question for you um when you were like jumping in and setting up the island and
everything like what was something that that worked way better than you expected and what was
something that that worked differently than than you would have expected
oh that's a good question okay so uh the thing that worked better than expected okay
was the i did not expect my avatar my character to run around i did not expect that to load i really
i did not um i had put that same character into other places that it said it was not going to work
and i when i and so i just took the chance i just went on a whim drag and dropped it in there
and first try it just pooped and then i was running around as my ball and ate um i've tried
to do it in spatial and it said it was way too big i tried to do it and like the central land but
there was just no way i tried to do it and all these other places and i either had to like
completely rebuild it just for that platform but over here like i mean it was it was drag and
drop just pink and then i was in so that was that was crazy and as soon as that happened
i was hooked i was there was it was like game stinking on um the thing that uh what was the other
part it was there was you know what would worked better than expected and there was another question
in there the other part was um what was different to what you expected like what didn't work in
a way that you would like it to work or didn't expect it to work the bot loading up a a drone
the little drone guy so i've got like because i've got all these other characters like man
so but i have i guess i have to um make my hierarchy match exactly to the drone and i just
haven't taken the time to do that um and and that's that's kind of me being lazy you know but uh
but yeah so that went after seeing how easy my my avatar went in um and then so that was the only
other thing was the drone because there's really nothing that doesn't work in here that i like
everything works like that that's the only hiccup that i have found is is doing the drone um
everything else is seamless i mean i i have 3d scans of murals and stuff that i'm putting in world
right now uh that again i'm dragging dropping them into this little mint feature here so that
i can use them as as game pieces essentially because that's that's kind of how i feel like
most of my nfts are and when i first started buying them back in or collecting these things
like way back when um it was it was for the purpose of building metaverse places building
building virtual worlds uh or using them in a virtual world and you guys have really made that
possible uh oh i will say because i've got so like i've got my slurpy cups okay so from 7-eleven when
7-eleven did their nft slurpy day and that those are already 3d nfts okay but they don't
but in world they're all 2d they don't they don't i i think i would have to get the file and mint
image 3d on the platform and it seems like that's the way it works best um so that that i that was
unexpected was having it yeah yeah i was having yeah i think you're right um i the way it works
right now is that like each nft brings kind of an address in the smart contract that tells everyone
like what's the data in here um and i think like we only like we have a standard that we're trying
to push that will help having nfts that have like an image and a 3d asset and maybe like even
stuff like equipment and clothes and stuff in there um but for many of the older nfts you would
need to uh remit them on on our platform to get the 3d files in i think
i'll get i'll get the the creator of those things and i'll be like hey 7-eleven can you can you
remit these over here come on man you're just a brand like what what difference does it make
no uh it it is it i i still haven't set up like right now they're still cool i still get the
flash and that that right click right you know or left click give your left hand but that right click
feature you know um where you can still see like you can go and check and like look at what it is
that's up on the wall um so and that's pretty cool oh so what's up with with the music can i
can i bring music in how does that work you absolutely can and i have no idea how this works
um i haven't i haven't tried it i i'm pretty sure uh i think spotty wi-fi is also looking to mint some
of uh their tracks for the game um the default music you get on the island that's kind of from
from our musician sound artist uh person um but i 100 know that we've been looking into uh sound nfts
and like being able to customize your uh like the playlist of your island and i know that we're
also getting a lot of requests for like uh having like sounds tied to a specific spot on your island
so you could do something i don't know you have like a a dance hall and you have different floors
and each floor is playing different tracks or something like this um which is not yet in but
like we're definitely looking into the direction of like how how we can make this more uh not
accessible but how can we like give you more features to to build out whatever you want to
build out i was just thinking about that today as i was i was as i was running around um
and you know spatial sounds right spatial audio i guess it would be the the new or old term for it
but yeah just having those locked zones um that would be that would be incredible like that's
that's a huge game change for for a lot of things the uh so uh yeah i'm i'm with it so maybe reminting
or purpose minting audio tracks uh just i guess right now it would be kind of the same way with
the 3d assets where we go and we we rebuild them for this platform specific which is cool i'm i'm
not super upset about it the fact that we can do that is like i mean that's y'all y'all thought y'all
already have that there's music and nfts there's a lot of creators out there a lot of music artists
that want to have these worlds uh that that draw people in and because this is so light
and it does i can't get into spatial on my phone anymore because it heats up so bad and then kicks
me out because things are so i don't know i just i don't know but this even this i can get it on
on my computer and i'm in nifty island i've got blender open i'm minting an nft over on your
thing all at the like all the same time on my computer and my computer was built in like 1996
okay so the fact that it hasn't crashed yet is it's pretty incredible don't laugh too hard i'm still
i spent all my money on on well nfts so i'll upgrade i'll upgrade when when we all boom right
with it when we all rise you know so does my computer and then my wife in case you're going
to look at me and be like i thought you said we were getting the cars like we will after we rebuild
next in the next four years wait for the next run uh we've got it's just incredible how much i
can actually get done on your platform all at the exact same time yeah this is uh i'm i really don't
know how y'all did it it's uh it's pretty incredible super excited to to hear that that makes me that
makes me super happy um because like the thing is like we've been building this for two and a half
years now and of course like we we think we do the right thing right you you wouldn't do something
when you don't believe in it um but then like talking to to you and like hearing like how you
use the platform or just like what i love to do like i did the build system mostly in game so the
stuff that you use to place stuff on your island so what i really love to do is like just jumping
around on new islands just popping up and just looking at like how people build and it's um
it is exciting to see like the first few days 99 of the islands were like this tropical island
you start with with like the crude house put on top a campfire a few blooms sprinkled around
and by now we're seeing like super creative islands being built where people take the
the system that we made for them and just kind of bend the rules and figure out like what are the
limitations that i have from the game side and how can i kind of walk around those limitations and
i don't know reusing stuff that from the items that we bring with the game like reusing this
to build something super creative or minting their own own pieces and stuff like that so
that makes me super excited and then like definitely definitely worth spending the time on those features
okay so i i mean because people have been going nuts on some of these i feel i always feel this
way um whenever i start to get into building anything um i'm like i was go oh man i did
something cool and then i like go and i look at the page and i'm like oh man i didn't do anything
cool that there's the island where the guy has what is it called like giant graveyard or something
like that where like there's these hands one is reaching down from the sky one's reaching up
from the ground and it's beautiful like there it's snowy uh it's a it's a whole it's a whole art piece
in and of itself really uh and it's just but you're right people have just gone
so extreme and not in a bad way like days i'm i feel like over the next few weeks we're really
gonna see just some amazing things happen and i heard a rumor that like vehicles right or rideable
assets are gonna be you know are kind of right around the corner i don't know exactly when
again i just hear rumors and then i spread rumors and then i hope that it gets back to people
um but rideable things so like the skate parks and stuff that are already in there um i'm it's gonna
be the this next month it's just gonna be an explosion of what y'all have created and given
us the tools for and now it's just i feel like y'all are gonna sit back for for a couple weeks and
just be like oh i just hear like angels voices you know like what do we do next but the worst part
and i'm gonna tell you because if you if you've been doing this for a minute the worst part for
y'all is you already know that as soon as everybody does what they want to you know
what they're gonna do right like they're gonna say what's next what else can you give me well
the good thing about this is that we are the same right we're sitting here and we're like okay
we get the launch out of the door we have a few fires to to put out and like make sure that we
get the stability in that we make the the game run silky smooths for everyone
but we are the same right we have so many ideas what we want to do and like everyone on the team
is like super deep into the project and and has like uh i have a whole scrapbook of things i
want to like get into nifty island just because i want to use them myself so uh i think like we
have a few uh very very exciting periods of time ahead of us you know i'm i'm ready for it i'm i'm
so ready for it that i'm going to start telling people look i'm i'm getting ready to start these
games okay to start this stuff so if you haven't gotten into nifty island yet now is now it's your
opportunity to to meet me there i know that that molar guy sitting up here he's gonna be there
honeycomb hydro i need to get you i'm i think i'm gonna make you like uh i i'm gonna make you
an avatar it may not be ready today okay but i i've got you i i have this here's here's
what i envision okay maybe we can do this together inside the twitter space real quick
okay and you can let me know here's what i envision a bud okay with like a leaf as the arms
and the legs okay is that you can you can thumbs up thumbs down you can tell me what you how you feel
about that right i i'm i'm just thinking that that it won't be like the most beautiful thing
but i think it would be kind of fun to run around as like this stem with like some leaves maybe
maybe the it's a stem with like leaves for hands right and then like the stem for legs and then
the bud is the head what do y'all think it should that be should that be the thing should that be
honeycomb hydro's like character to run around with i'm i'm feeling it it'll be the seed to change
it'll be the seed to change avatar you can do what you want to with it give it away sell it i don't
care um that's gonna happen first before we make that though okay before we make that i'm gonna run
around inside this game um i hope everybody else is ready florida you are awesome thank you for coming
in and and spending some time with us today and you know and just and just hanging out you know
this is we do this every tuesday uh yeah you're awesome thank you for having me uh we'll definitely
stop by in the future again uh and then feel free to like check in in game i need to do some some
stuff now but i'll i'll try to hop by on on the uh the island that you're making
awesome it's uh this is this is the best it's yeah y'all y'all are y'all are making some
cool stuff over there um hex island is the place to be for the next few minutes i know if you don't
like my island that's okay i you're not gonna hurt my feelings go check out spotty's island
go check out tractors island uh they are doing some super super cool stuff over there for real
i mean they're just going nuts uh i believe yeah there's there's there's a whole bunch of people
they're just going crazy but spotty has been hosting some games that just get incredible
i haven't won one yet but that's okay i'm getting better uh i'm gonna share out this link here
uh let's go like this let's go twitter twitter twitter let me see if i can find it i'm gonna post
this link it'll be straight to the island i'm gonna post it from my page you guys can all find me
there that is where i'm gonna be or for the next you know foreseeable future because well this is
just too much fun so here i'm gonna make the tweet y'all in here i'm gonna say join me in
at nifty island right because you gotta tag it that way everybody knows
at nifty island as we explore the islands right okay so there we go just post it you can follow
the link there if you don't already have the link if you do know the link then in you know jump in
world search for hex island you can find me there this is going to be incredible my name is not
hexadeyes but that's what i go by so make sure you find that tweet go there now that's where we're
gonna be i'm gonna keep saying this for the next couple minutes before i end this space just
randomly because you know how to do it i don't actually say goodbye i just go quiet and you're
like what happened oh space is gone that's what we do it's nifty island time go over there let's
have some fun it's time to play some games are you ready i'm ready let's get it meet me there