Techstars Crypto Boston: Building in Web3 Roundtable

Recorded: Sept. 21, 2022 Duration: 1:04:49



Hey, John and Curdy.
Just doing a quick mic check. Can you guys hear me?
Hey, Curdy, do you just want to test your micro-click?
(clock ticking)
(clipper buzzing)
(keyboard clicking)
Welcome everyone, we'll get started in just a second.
Asha and Fereade, if you guys can hear me, do you just want to test your mics out real quick? Sure. Hi, can you hear me? And here you great. Awesome.
about you for read.
Looks like Farid is still marked as a listener. So he may not be able to speak just yet. Can you hear me? Yep. Can hear you great, Farid. Great.
We'll just give a few minutes for folks to start rolling in and we'll get started shortly. Great.
And this is being recorded, so some people may be wanting to watch it once it's done too.
And do we have for it, Ann?
I think he's gonna rejoin. Looks like he might be having some trouble with his mic.

FAQ on Techstars Crypto Boston: Building in Web3 Roundtable | Twitter Space Recording

Who is speaking in the podcast?
The speaker is not identified in the transcript.
What were the speakers doing at the beginning of the podcast?
They were doing a mic check.
Who did the speaker ask to test their mic after doing their own mic check?
The speaker asked Curdy to test their mic.
What sounds did Curdy make to test their mic?
Curdy made sounds of clock ticking, clipper buzzing, and keyboard clicking.
What did the speaker say after the mic test was done?
The speaker announced that they will get started in a second.
Who did the speaker ask to test their mic after announcing that they will get started soon?
The speaker asked Asha and Fereade to test their mics.
Did Fereade have any trouble with their mic in the beginning?
Yes, Fereade had trouble with their mic and was marked as only a listener.
Is the podcast being recorded?
Yes, the speaker mentioned that the podcast is being recorded.
Why might some people be interested in watching the recording of the podcast later?
Some people might be interested in watching the recording of the podcast later if they miss the live session or want to revisit the content.
Did Forit participate in the mic check?
It is not mentioned whether Forit participated in the mic check.