Telos Spark AMA ✨

Recorded: Jan. 22, 2024 Duration: 0:46:48



uh hello guys can you hear me so tell spark oozy are you here
hello you're on mute if you're trying to speak
oh this is actually peter thank you we do not have
oh okay no problem no problem let me check where oozy is
I've got W, dude.
You really am. You really am.
You really are.
Hey, guys.
All right.
Sorry about that.
I think Peter and myself were both logged in from the same profile.
That's why I couldn't speak.
Sorry about that.
Don't worry.
Let's just give it one more minute and see who else.
Like, just get more people from the community.
I just shared this in our telegram group.
And then we'll kick it off.
Sounds good.
And I hope everyone is doing well.
And happy Monday.
Yeah, happy Monday.
Yeah, happy Monday.
Yeah, happy Monday.
Yeah, happy Monday.
Yeah, happy Monday.
Yeah, happy Monday.
Yeah, happy Monday.
Yeah, happy Monday to you, too.
It's clearly the best day of the week, huh?
Yeah, totally.
All right.
I would say, like, kick it off.
And, yeah, just, like, thank you for all people for joining, guys, for taking your time.
It's awesome to have you here.
I mean, today we're having, like, really great guests for our AMA session.
I mean, you're probably already familiar with them.
But despite that, I'm super excited to have them here.
So, and we'll actually not be speaking about Symmetric, even though you might know the,
you might know Uzi and Wdude, like, as representatives of Symmetric.
Today we're going to be talking, actually, about Telospark, which is an ecosystem accelerator program that we're running together with the Symmetric team.
And so, yes, without further ado, I would love to start kicking off the conversation.
So, Uzi, please introduce yourself and Symmetric Finance briefly.
Yeah, hello, everyone.
So, my name is Uzi.
I'm the founder of Symmetric Finance.
We're an AMM DEX on Telos and a few other chains.
And we are excited to be here to talk about Telospark,
which is sort of a new initiative that we've been working on together with the Telos Foundation.
Awesome. Thank you so much.
And, yes, like, just like, let's dive into your contributions to the Telos ecosystem.
Like, you've been within the Telos ecosystem already for a couple of months.
I do remember, I believe you guys launched in November.
And then, like, we had the Black Friday, so going on, like, yeah, please share the highlights and your achievements.
And what have you liked so far?
Absolutely. Happy to talk about that, you know.
I think most people would agree. It's great to talk about wins.
So, yeah, we started on Telos in November.
And we, you know, we launched on Black Friday, which was my co-founder, WDude's idea.
He wanted to make sure that the blockchain community doesn't get left behind on Black Friday.
So we launched then, and then a few weeks later, we launched our token.
And it's been great so far.
You know, we've had an overwhelmingly positive launch, very positive response from the Telos community.
Actually, I'd like to take this moment and thank everyone in the Telos community for supporting us, you know,
so much that we quickly rose up through the ranks.
We hit our first million in TVL recently, lots of users.
And yeah, you know, we are now the number two decks on Telos as of this morning, unless anything's changed.
But yeah, it's been a great experience so far, both in terms of users, in terms of partners,
working with the Telos Foundation, and most importantly, the Telos community,
which has allowed us to grow and prosper and flourish.
And based off of that is why we wanted to work with the Telos Foundation
so we can help grow the ecosystem and welcome more projects and more builders
that want to launch their own projects in different areas that we're focusing on as an ecosystem.
Thank you so much for giving a brief information
and also describing your achievements and highlights within the Telos ecosystem.
And just like let's dive now a little bit into the accelerator program
that you guys recently launched with the Telos Foundation, which is called Telos Spark.
And could you please like briefly provide an overview of what Telos Spark is and what's the intention behind?
Yeah, happy to do that. So we're, you know, I don't know if I've said this already,
but have I told you how excited I am for this program? I mean,
Yes, many times.
So yeah, the Telos Spark program is designed for new projects,
and we're really focusing on three verticals. So one is gaming.
As the community and listeners might be aware, there's a new gaming chain being launched, the K2-18.
So we're very excited for that, and we want to welcome projects.
We want to build on that new gaming projects with NFT focuses or just pure gaming or play to earn or whatever.
And then the other category or vertical within the program that we want to focus on is infrastructure.
So as you know, the infrastructure is growing fast.
We still need some key components like governance platforms,
you know, more wallets, more projects that support the overall growing DeFi infrastructure on Telos.
So that's our second vertical that we're focusing on.
And the third one, you know, which is very near and dear to me,
because we're in it and also close to Nikki, I'm assuming, because she directly oversees it,
which is DeFi, you know, and it's sort of the beating heart of any thriving ecosystem within blockchain.
So those are the three verticals that we're focusing on.
As far as the program itself is concerned, it's structured to be eight weeks long.
Each week we have a different focus.
You know, if you like, we can talk a bit more about an individual week and what that might look like.
But from a very high level, you know, we want to sort of go through all the critical steps
that a startup has to go through in his journey before launch.
So looking at things like, you know, ideation, you know, and then sort of taking that into a further step
and looking at, you know, user stories, collecting user feedback, designing the product itself,
really honing in on the problem that the project is trying to solve.
And then we sort of support them along the way with different workshops that are designed
to help them in their journey to get from, you know, initiation to MVP and then to a full product.
So it's, you know, each week we do a deep dive into each of these individual topics.
We have guest speakers, we have workshops, and we have some exercises for each of the projects.
We know people don't love homework too much, you know, designed to kind of light on that.
But we still, you know, we want builders that want to build that are, you know, that believe in succeeding together,
that want to help the ecosystem grow and that want to grow with the ecosystem.
So that's really kind of how we've designed the program.
And then very exciting lineup of speakers and mentors that will come in and support the program.
Of course, are some of our partners within the TELOS Foundation and some from outside the Foundation
that have been involved in notable projects and blockchain for a long time.
So that's a very high level overview.
That's absolutely fantastic.
And actually, you covered a lot of points that I was about to ask, but I will just like also would like to mention, right?
So if you guys are not familiar with TELOS Spark, so head to TELOS and you will get full information there.
And if you're building something and if you want to actually apply for an accelerated program,
you will have an overview of like links and everything where you can actually click and apply.
Just one thing, Uzi, right?
So on the TELOS Spark page, we have like certain partners mentioned, such as Homeless Ventures,
Cicaro Ventures, we have Criteria, then we have Tools Finance.
How each of these partners will be supporting and adding value to the projects?
Like maybe you could walk through that as well.
So first of all, that's not all of the partners.
That's just sort of the initial ones, you know, that were very eager to jump on the program.
You know, like I said, I've been overwhelmed by the positive response we've had.
So we have a lot more partners, you know, whose logos are yet to go up on the website,
which we'll be updating with time in the coming days and weeks.
But yeah, as far as their roles are concerned, as I mentioned,
the program is designed to bring in industry experts.
So for example, week three, I believe, is all about fundraising.
You know, how to sort of get to a point where you have an MVP and how do you start your fundraise?
So, you know, we cover things like how to approach VCs with your idea,
if you're in the pre-seed stage, or if you're already at seed stage and you have a live product,
how do you sort of take that into the next step and maybe potentially launch a token?
So we talk about tokenomics.
So each of these partners will come in and lead a session.
Now, some of these partners, aside from mentorship and leading workshops,
will also be evaluating projects, especially the VCs and some of the investors.
They want to always get to know the entrepreneurs before they invest
and try to really understand the vision behind the project.
So, you know, as you mentioned, a couple of the names,
these projects will potentially have the opportunity to meet, you know,
these different mentors, get to know them, share their vision
and, you know, what they want to build and potentially lead to funding.
So there's a number of different ways that the partners will be supporting the program
and, you know, just to sort of summarize into key points would be mentorship,
investing and sort of helping build and grow projects.
That's super dope.
So my next question is about, like, actually as a project or as a community builder
or ecosystem builder, I would totally ask this question.
So, okay, let's say I navigate to
and I see the potential or possibility for me to apply on F6S.
Let's say I create a profile on F6S.
So what are the next steps, right?
Like, I submitted my application.
What are you looking to exactly in founders?
What do you want to see?
Like, how does the whole process work?
And how long do the projects need to wait for the response time?
And who's eligible to participate in this accelerator program?
How's generally speaking, like, the due audience is done
and are there any specific requirements or prerequisites for the projects to join?
Great question.
And I think there's a lot to unpack in that one.
So, yes, I'll start off by who can apply.
So, you know, I think as far as the application process itself is concerned,
it's quite straightforward.
We have about 20 questions.
And we would invite anyone that wants to build
and launch a project on teles to apply.
So typically, a lot of the accelerator projects focus on, you know,
pre-seat stage or idea stage if you're an incubator.
If you're an accelerator, you'll be focusing on projects
that have already created an MVP and, you know,
are sort of taking it to the next step and want to launch a project.
We're inviting both of them, you know, especially for the first cohort.
We want to see many of the ecosystem to apply and get involved.
And, yeah, F6S is sort of the platform where we're managing it.
You go in, you create a profile, you tell us about your project,
what you want to build.
As far as eligibility is concerned, you know, as I mentioned,
there are three verticals that we're focusing on.
And that will, you know, be our focus at least for the first few cohorts.
But, you know, if you're not cleanly in one of those verticals,
let's say you're doing something that's DeFi and has NFTs,
or maybe you don't neatly fit into the infrastructure category,
you know, as cleanly as a price oracle project would, for example.
I would still encourage you to apply, you know.
You really don't have much to lose and you stand a lot to gain.
And, you know, so from an application eligibility perspective,
it's quite broad.
And we invite anyone that wants to launch their project on Telos
to come and apply.
Ultimately, the goal is that we want to welcome builders
that want to build on Telos, whether it's the gaming chain
or whether it's the upcoming L2 or, you know, Telos EVM.
We want all builders to sort of come join us in this program
and build with us and get to know each other.
And, you know, there's obviously numerous benefits
to having a community around you as an entrepreneur.
But having people that are working on something
that's very similar to what you're working on
can be game-changing for projects.
Does that answer your question, Niki?
Oh, sorry. I was immune.
This does answer my question.
And also for all our lovely community members
that have joined this session.
So if you would like to become part of the Telegram group,
because there's a dedicated Telespark Telegram group.
So please head to
And then at the bottom, you will see the Telegram icon.
So please click there and you can join our group.
And you can actually ask questions directly to Uzi and Wdudso.
And they're super lovely.
And they will be answering to all your questions.
So let's dive deeper into Telespark, right?
So you mentioned about provision of mentorship
and expertise, like the experts are involved in the program.
And then, like, their expertise is essentially utilized
to guide the participant projects.
But you've been also in the space, like,
for quite a long time.
And I mean, you have also your project with symmetric,
which you're running, right, together with Wdudso.
So, and you've seen, like, for example,
the challenges that the projects are facing in the space
or the mistakes they make, right,
or the unforeseen circumstances that sometimes take place.
But in your view, right, like, so what are the biggest challenges
you foresee, like, for projects participating in this program?
And how does this program aid to address those challenges?
Yeah, that's a great question, Nikki.
Ha, it's hard to be an entrepreneur.
I don't even know where to start, you know,
as far as challenges are concerned.
Everything is a challenge.
I'd say the first step, the biggest challenge
that most, you know, want to be entrepreneurs face
is getting started.
And I think it's, you know, it's funny to me
because I've been in that place where I was like,
yeah, maybe I want to start my own business, you know,
you just kind of don't know where to start.
So I think that's one of the key things about joining a program.
It adds some structure into doing something
that's largely very unstructured and difficult to do.
So I'd say the first challenge, which is getting started,
how to get started, you know,
a lot of those things get solved
when you join an accelerator program,
whether to tell a spark or any other.
But, you know, from experience, I can tell you,
yes, the early days are the toughest
because you have a lot to figure out.
First, you have to figure out, you know,
what problem is it that you're trying to solve?
And once you finally decide
that you want to solve a specific problem,
then, you know, the next steps are,
how do you solve it?
And are you solving it the correct way?
And is there a market for it?
So there's so many questions that need to be answered
that it can be quite daunting as an entrepreneur
to get started.
And, you know, I've been fortunate enough
to have been involved in early-stage projects
in the past six, seven years
in the blockchain and Web3 space.
We've launched a wallet, a DEX,
on four or five different chains,
been involved in layer one project,
been an advisor for several others.
And so I can tell you from experience
that as an entrepreneur,
sometimes you get lost in the noise,
you know, and the space moves fast.
So if you don't act quickly, if you have an idea,
if you're passionate about doing something
and you don't move quickly,
you know, soon that can become stale
or someone else might launch something
and that sort of greatly diminishes
your chances at success.
So, you know, the earliest challenge
of getting started is solved
how you take an idea and go from ideation
to MVP to getting market validation
and then, you know, designing your product
and then be user-friendly
and then making sure it can make money
to sustain you and your employees and your team.
All of that takes a lot of effort,
a lot of time,
and if you have someone
that can sort of act as a sounding board,
that can be, you know,
along for the ride with you,
it greatly makes things a lot easier.
We're very fortunate, you know,
before we started Send Finance,
before we started Symmetric,
we ourselves completed several different accelerators
both in the Web3 space
and the traditional finance space.
And so, you know, firsthand,
I know the value these things can bring
and so we want to make sure
that we take that forward
and share the same sort of benefits
that we got with our participants
in the program.
And to be honest,
that's what I'm most excited about
is welcoming other entrepreneurs
and helping them with their challenges
and seeing, you know,
what they're struggling with
and witnessing growth.
There's something also special about that.
Super awesome.
Like, I really loved your answer.
I'm also given the fact that we're in such a fast-growing space.
Like, every day there's a new problem to tackle.
So, I mean, we're kind of immune
to solving the problems naturally,
which is also good,
which has its own ups and downs.
And I think, like, the general speaking,
the builders or the entrepreneurs
or the actual contributors in the space
are more resilient than anywhere else.
So, especially when you're going
to various cycles, right?
Go, bear, bull, bear.
So, you kind of get used to it
and you tend to kind of ignore the noise
and kind of try to locate the signal, right?
So, I think that's what the space also teaches us,
which is great.
So, the next thing that I would like to ask you,
because, like, you know, this is great.
This is the first, like, accelerator initiative
I would say on towels.
So, for example, I have known only about this one.
So, I would like to, like,
but you have seen that in the space
there are lots of different ecosystems
and there are warnings that have launched
or are launching their accelerator programs.
And also, before actually the Christmas break,
like, there were novel announcements coming up.
Like, XYZ is going to launch an accelerator program
or, like, Avalanche and blah, blah, blah.
Like, so everyone is trying to kind of enter the space
or already entered.
Also, Polygon in the past was doing it.
So, also, like, for example,
Solana is launching an accelerator program
or actually already launched side with their cohort.
Like, they completed the first cohort.
Like, you have to change it.
Like, you have to actually apply to the surface of November.
So, my question is that, like,
how this accelerator program is different
from the accelerator programs on other chains
and what type of value does it bring
someone that's never started a company?
You know, it's someone that's maybe read a book
on entrepreneurship that worked at a VC
that saw a couple of startups
and they think they understand the burden
of being an entrepreneur.
And I'll tell you firsthand that it makes
all the difference when you're talking to someone
that's already tried to launch something
and has failed or has succeeded
after failing multiple times.
So, you know, I think that is sort of
the first big differentiator.
This is really an ecosystem initiative
that came alongside Lee, who was at Swapsicle at the time
and a few other ecosystem players.
And so, you know, it's really an entrepreneur-led program.
So, you will get, you know, sort of the good,
the bad, the ugly, all sides of entrepreneurship
as they are.
Number two, a lot of these programs
are just kind of show pieces where you go through,
you know, a few classroom sessions
and you might have a couple of good mentors,
but, you know, it's really just a formality
and people go through the program
and there's no sort of support post-program.
And, you know, it's really just something
on paper people do.
The way we've designed this
and the way we want to carry this forward
is to really be involved with the projects
and see them through from coming into the program
with an idea or with an MVP
or even an established product
and just sort of taking them from there to the next level,
whatever that might be for the individual project,
whether it's going from an idea to an MVP
or going from an MVP to a full launch
or going from, you know, a full launch,
they may be already active on one other chain
and maybe they want to go multi-chain.
So we're welcoming, you know, different types of entrepreneurs
and different parts of their journey to come together
and share that with us and, you know, grow themselves
and help grow the community and other projects as well.
So, you know, I think having said that,
I also want to emphasize that that doesn't mean
we don't have, you know, VCs and investors
and other sort of more formal players
that will be part of the program
to support their journey along the way.
But as far as the program itself is concerned,
the design, the workshops,
it's really built with the entrepreneurs
and Web3 in mind,
which is not something that's very common out there.
Yep. Thank you so much.
So let's move like to a critical topic.
I think it's a critical topic
or an imperative topic for every founder,
especially like, you know, when you start a project,
like the first thing that comes into your mind, right?
Okay, you have a team, you have an idea,
you know what you want to build,
you know the problem that you want to attack and solve.
But like, okay, where do I get the money, right?
So, and one question is about like funding and investment,
So like, is there any funding like
or financial support available
for the projects in the accelerator program?
And how actually does the program create a way
for projects to connect with potential investors?
Yeah, happy to answer that.
So there is some funding.
So we understand that being an entrepreneur is difficult
and funding is necessary.
You know, whether it's to sustain yourself
and you're just your core co-founding team
or additional employees depending on the stage
that you're at.
So there will be some funding available through the program.
We're looking at small grants to participants
and also some prizes to the top projects within the program.
Now, the program, as I mentioned, is eight weeks.
And there is a ninth week that we didn't mention
or go into, which is essentially what the program
culminates into, which is demo day.
So after we go through the eight weeks,
all the projects get together, you know,
and we get them to present and pitch to the community.
We invite a big group of investors, angel investors,
seed investors, VCs, individuals that are active
in purchasing tokens or investing in, you know,
in startups as safe or soft agreements.
And so a whole sort of different diverse range
of investors will be invited to demo day
to come look at the project.
And that is sort of where, you know,
we hope that most of the projects that go through the program
end up getting some sort of funding.
But of course, there will be some support
that will be offered to the program,
especially the winners of demo day,
who will be decided by the program judges and the community.
No, super.
One thing actually a comment from PassionCC.
The telegram link on the side is actually a Twitter link.
So I actually checked it on Telespark.
And in fact, when I click on the telegram link,
actually on the telegram icon, sorry,
it actually leads me to Twitter.
So maybe something we can check afterwards
so that people can join the telegram.
Let's move to the next question, right?
So like, because there is, I believe,
a certain distinction when it comes actually
to web tree accelerators and web to accelerators, right?
So like, because one of the key components in web tree
that a lot of people actually,
a lot of projects might not think of,
or might actually miss the smart.
It's community and network building, right?
So like, for example,
how will the program enable projects or teach projects?
So how to build a community for participating projects
and can participating projects
or participants expect actual to engage
with the existing community of, let's say, Teles?
Okay, yeah.
So I think one of the best things about the program
is that you'll be joined by other sort of aspiring entrepreneurs
and going through these workshops together.
So that in itself sort of enables community.
But aside from that,
we're inviting all the existing projects
that are already live on Teles
to come in and mentor these new sort of programs,
or sorry, the new participants that want to launch.
And so, you know, I myself,
alongside my co-founder, W. Dude,
we'd be a couple of teams.
I think a few people from some other projects
in the Teles ecosystem, including Swapsicle and Pools
have also agreed to come in
and support the program through mentorship.
Aside from that,
we have some external folks that will be coming in
and mentoring as well.
So it really creates that community feel.
Aside from that,
we plan on having some sessions
that really focus on the entrepreneurs
getting to know each other
and supporting each other's projects in whatever way they can.
So it's a number of different initiatives
that will sort of work towards creating that community vibe
and sort of creating that support structure
that founders need.
No, it totally makes sense.
And actually, right,
like now let's say we launched the Accelerator.
We got the projects in the first cohort.
Like they graduated from the program.
But like how do we actually,
how do you guys actually plan to measure
the success of the Accelerator program?
Are there any success metrics that you will apply?
Yeah, great question.
I think the most important thing for us
is to get the entrepreneurs to a point
where they're comfortable launching.
When you're launching a new product,
there are so many things that can go wrong.
And a lot of the time projects hesitate.
I think for us,
the most important thing is getting projects
to actually launch their product
and get to a point where they're comfortable in doing that.
So our biggest success factor
will really be how many projects complete the program,
how many end up launching their product on telos
and getting to that stage
where they have a well-functioning product.
And so in a post-program,
I think it really comes down to how involved
the projects want to be with the program itself.
We plan on inviting all the program participants
to come in and then mentor the next batch
and sort of create a real community
and help not just new sort of entrepreneurs
that want to launch,
but also help build a strong community
around Telos Spark and around Telos itself.
So I think with that in mind,
it's a very critical part of any blockchain community.
And I think Telos Spark really would help accelerate that,
not just for the founders,
but for the wider ecosystem as well.
So far, and let's talk about maybe future prospects.
Of course, we're talking about the wider ecosystem,
wide growth, and I would be curious to see, right?
Like, what are actually the long-term prospects
for projects that actually, maybe I would rephrase it.
Like, what is your vision for Telos Spark,
let's say in one year from now?
That would be the best thing, yeah,
the best way to phrase it.
Yeah, absolutely.
I think the vision for the program
is to grow and evolve
and become sort of a self-sustaining entity
within the ecosystem.
As I mentioned, we already have
so many different participants and projects
within the community that are willing to support it,
that the hope is that, and the dream is that,
once the projects and the participants
start going through the program,
they come support it in different ways.
And as mentors, and then as investors,
and lead workshops.
Really, the vision of the program
is to be sort of a decentralized community-run accelerator,
something by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs.
Of course, we can't forget Telos Foundation
as a critical part of it as well.
And we want to see that connection
to grow and strengthen.
But really, we want this to be sort of
the main sort of touchpoint
for aspiring entrepreneurs
that come in to the ecosystem
to look at it as the flagship program
to have a successful launch on the Telos network,
whether it's gaming, DeFi,
or on the creative side with NFTs.
We spoke a lot about Telos Spark.
We spoke a lot about Telos ecosystem.
I think we spoke about the projects,
the type of support that they can get
in terms of mentorship and expertise
and also the type of projects that we're aiming to attract.
But I would like to now drive this conversation
more to the personal level.
What's the most exciting aspect
of this accelerator program personally for you?
Wow, there's so many.
But I would say the most important thing for me
is to be able to support entrepreneurs.
Ultimately, we want to see projects come in
and partner with us, launch on Telos,
hopefully come and launch their token on Symmetric afterwards
or one of the other DEXs
or launch pads within the ecosystem.
But for me, I thoroughly enjoy
seeing entrepreneurs grow and build our projects.
Having gone through it myself,
I think there's something exciting to see
a vision become reality
and that reality becomes success.
So I'm most excited about that
and most excited about seeing what kind of ideas
and projects come through and apply.
We've already had an overwhelming response,
close to 100 applications coming in through the system
and we're only been live for 10 days.
So I'm excited to see what else comes through.
I'm also excited to give people the opportunity
to make their vision and dream become reality.
We're in January still.
I'll tell you, a lot of people probably already fell off
their New Year's resolutions, right?
But if your resolution was to become an entrepreneur,
then please go ahead, complete the application,
talk to me or talk to Nicky or anyone else.
But yeah, that's what excites me
and I just want to invite and welcome people
and help them sort of build and grow their projects
and their visions and their startups.
That's cool.
No, thank you so much for explaining actually
your personal vision and where you want to take it further
and like what type of actually,
what it means for you personally, right?
Like basically you have to be passionate about what you do
and that's what I believe in and personally believe in.
So it's always cool to see actually people
that are personally passionate about what they're doing
and they're fully committed to it.
So last but not least,
the question that I would like to ask is following, right?
It's also related to Carlos Park.
Like maybe I have missed something I forgot to ask.
Is there anything else that you would like the community
to know about this initiative?
Yeah, absolutely.
I'm glad you went there.
So I would say, you know,
when you look at a lot of different accelerator programs,
you know, different initiatives on networks,
a lot of the time people don't get the opportunity.
A lot of the time these things are pre-decided.
I want to tell everyone on the call or on Twitter today,
but you know, we're not doing any of that.
We're really keeping it open.
There's no sort of preferential treatment to anyone.
We're trying to give equal opportunity regardless
of your project, your background, your stage, you know.
And so we're really trying to keep it fair and open
and give people the opportunity to come in
and be a part of this initiative and build their dreams out.
So, you know, it's an opportunity
and I invite you to take part in it.
And yeah, that's what I want to tell entrepreneurs
or aspiring entrepreneurs on here today.
Thank you so much.
This was a very pleasant conversation.
So yeah, and thanks for all the people
who joined this conversation.
Like I tried to design these questions to facilitate
kind of like a comprehensive and engaging conversation
offering like in various like insights
into aspects of the accelerator program
and generally speaking its role in the broader Telus ecosystem.
So now without further ado,
I would like to ask if our audience has some questions.
Like if you do, please raise your hand.
So let us know.
We would like to hear your questions as well.
Don't be shy.
And till they ask Luzzi,
would you like to share maybe some off of that
regarding symmetric or Telus Spark?
Yeah, another question I've been getting separately was,
you know, is there any cost to participate in the program?
I just want to, you know, make that clear.
There is no cost.
I'm not going to say that it's going to stay like that forever,
but we're keeping it cost free to the entrepreneurs
and participants.
We don't take any equity.
And if you obviously get an investment at demo day
or, you know, before that,
then that's between you and the investor.
Symmetric is not taking anything.
There's no conditions.
So it's really, you know, it's an invitation for entrepreneurs
to come in and build what they're passionate about
and see it to fruition.
So, guys, this is your chance.
Go ahead and apply so you know where to find the link
for applications., right?
So don't wait for too long, go and apply.
So I'm looking forward to receiving your applications
by the way.
So, yeah, are there any additional questions?
This is your chance.
All right.
I see there are no questions or the audience is too shy.
I don't know, but like, feel free to reach out to any of us.
You can actually fly those into our DMs
or send us a message on Telegram.
I believe most of you are also like members of the Telegram,
Telus Telegram group community.
So please feel free also to actually share your thoughts there.
We will fix the TelusSpark Telegram link as well
so you can actually get added directly there.
It was really awesome to have you today, Uzi.
Thank you so much for joining
and really enjoyed this conversation.
And, yeah, general speaking, thank you so much.
Like, I would like to thank you and WDU
for actually arranging this program,
for like doing the heavy lifting
and for helping us actually to prepare it
and bring it to the broader audience.
Really excited about its future prospects,
really looking forward to what we can achieve together.
And I think like great stuff are ahead of us.
So I'm really looking forward to that.
And thank you so much, guys,
for all the stuff that you're doing for the Telus ecosystem.
It's been great to work with you,
whether from the symmetric side,
whether from the TelusSpark accelerator side.
It's been a very smooth experience.
And I would like to really thank you for that
and also would like to thank our awesome
and lovely community for joining our today's conversation.
And I'm shouting out to all the builders
in our ecosystem, in our community,
please feel free to apply.
And I'm really looking forward to seeing your application there.
Awesome. Thank you very much, Nicki.
Pleasure to be here.
And thank you to our listeners.
And yes, I very much echo that same sentiment.
And also, as Nicki said,
if you're a dreamer, builder, entrepreneur,
please go ahead and apply.
That is the most important thing for us at this stage.
Thanks, Nicki.
Thank you, guys.