Terra Builders • TFM x Stader • Updates + AMA

Recorded: Sept. 26, 2022 Duration: 0:58:39



Hello everyone, thank you very much. Terra Spaces, Finn for him doing the recording for us. Hopefully I'll have the stator team coming in soon. I'm just trying to share this around a little bit.
This is Rebel DeFi on the TFM account. I'm not here to give any financial advice. Maybe a financial warning. I've just been playing around with Tepi.
a poker, really really good fun but in my case it was quite an expensive game shall we say. Obviously there's some people winning money but I wasn't one of them.
Looks like we've got a new thing from Seder here. I'll just bring her up to the stage.
Hi, I'm new see how are you doing today? I'm doing great how you doing.
Glad to hear it. Well, I'm doing pretty well. My pocket is about $100 later than it was a bit earlier on. I feel like having to go with the Terra Poker game. And I wasn't very successful. But it was good fun. Good fun is always worth it.
Absolutely, but yeah, I think I need to be a bit more careful next time. But I was my excuse was I was just testing it out to see how the game is but yeah How did you find it?
It was really nice actually. I mean I don't really play online poker so I don't really know what to compare it to but I just got excited because it was on the blockchain and yeah really smooth experience.
I mean obviously I know the rules of poker but just to play it online yeah really easy. I mean one thing I'm still wondering about is because it is on the blockchain and wondering if there's some way to sort of
If someone has the coding skills to interrogate the blockchain to work out what cards people have got, because that would obviously cause a bit of a problem. Got you, got you, very interesting. I'd also check this out.
Absolutely. I think it's really good that projects continue, like new projects are coming on, projects that are already launched are coming out with new developments and such, like hopefully that's something we can talk about today with yourself. Absolutely. And the stater team, whoa, I see we've got another listener, shall we bring them up to the stage? Yes.
Maybe he's just listening in for now. Amitage, I just said your message if you want to come up, but maybe you're in another meeting or something. - Very well, I'll see you. - Okay, there he is. I'm very well, yeah, I'm not spoken to you for ages, how you doing? - I'm doing great. Thanks for asking.
It almost feels like you've left us here on Terra and gone running off to tons of other blockchains, but yeah, you've been serious building, it looks like over its data. We are all, Terra is always our home, so we are always there.
loving it, loving it, really glad to hear it. So yeah, I mean we've got just about housekeeping then before we sort of get into this thing. Usually we go for about an hour so we've had a few minutes we just sort of chit chat so far and what time is it with you guys over in India just
now. What's an in-depth 11pm? Right so yeah you obviously got to get to bed at some stage so excuse me yeah hopefully finish this off in about 55 minutes or so and definitely be loads of time for an AMA style. I'm called if anyone in on
the floor has got questions. On this call actually, the Luna Epe Club have also offered to give away an NFT to a listener. There's someone listening in who's one couple of NFTs on the last two calls, I might have to strike his name off the list. We'll see. But yeah, so if you
Here on this call, stay on the call, hopefully you'll get some value from Stair Crue telling you about what they've been up to on Terra. And if you're in the call at the appropriate time, I'll take a screenshot and then you will go into the draw for potentially winning a Luna 8 Club NFT.
just to kick things off with the stator crew then I mean do you want to tell us what is going on with you guys Luna X is something I've got my eye on and in the Luna Luna X LP do you want to start talking about that or
Okay, so we can get started on that. So I can just speak a bit, Rival. So on on Terra we are you know very happy driving Luna X and Steak pool. So we have two products on Terra. So

FAQ on Terra Builders • TFM x Stader • Updates + AMA | Twitter Space Recording

What is the name of the podcast?
The podcast is called Rebel DeFi on the TFM account.
Does the speaker offer financial advice?
No, the speaker is not offering financial advice, but maybe a financial warning.
What game did the speaker play on Terra?
The speaker played Terra Poker.
Did the speaker win money playing Terra Poker?
No, the speaker did not win money playing Terra Poker.
What is Stater?
Stater is a blockchain project that operates on Terra.
What is Luna X?
Luna X is a product offered by Stater on Terra.
What is the Luna Luna X LP?
The Luna Luna X LP is a liquidity pool offered by Stater on Terra.
What did the Luna EPE Club offer during the podcast?
The Luna EPE Club offered to give away an NFT to a listener of the podcast.
How long does the podcast usually last?
The podcast usually lasts about an hour.
When did the podcast take place?
The podcast took place at 11pm in India.