TerraBots and YFD Partnership AMA

Recorded: Nov. 9, 2022 Duration: 0:54:28



Hey guys, happy to be here.
I'm glad it's work. I'm on my mobile Going around. I wanted to make sure that's very good to go here Yeah, honestly like how that I was set up the mobile is the only way you can speak on Twitter surprisingly enough desktop mode
won't let you speak. I don't know what's going on with that. Oh really? Yeah. It's kind of bizarre. They haven't added that for a desktop mode so you have to be on mobile. Oh perfect. Let me let Dan know. I think he was going to log on from desktop but he might want to swap.
Okay, that's fine.
We're gonna give it a few moments while people join.
Hello everybody, we'll give it a few moments while others join.
Hey, how's it going, Jimmy? Do I know you?
This is Crash. I've been in a few spaces with you. Probably do not know me. Okay. So we're here to talk about why FD partnership with Kerobots. Is this correct?
That is correct. Well, I can tell you right now. I like terabytes. Why? Because they're 10,101 uniquely generated NFTs. That's pretty big. The biggest 3D NFT project on terabyte. Wow.
because about to come big. Beep, boop! And you know what guys? When you believe in terabytes, you know that TB holders, terabyte holders are for the sake of everyone. Not just the very few. Did he has no that?
Yeah, terabytes are awesome. Yeah, I've been there since the beginning. That's pretty cool. I mean, for me personally, how do I get involved in terabytes? Because beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep#
I'm all about the inadequacy of humanity sending planet Earth into turmoil and the lunatics are left no choice to explore the teraverse in search of greener pastures because they're all broke to cover the vast expanse of teraverse
You've got to know that these eluna ticks have developed a collection of highly intellectual robots, which of course is a very stark comparison to the actual elun ticks, where a bunch of them are feeding retards, to explore the possibilities of another planet to call home. Because eluna ticks have become too greedy and it
their existence would not be possible that the lunatics and with this knowledge the terabytes of society set out their mission to find and help the lunatics find a new home in the cosmos. Wow. Pretty amazing don't you think?
Jimmy, that was an incredible, incredible voiceover you have right there. I just want a great way to start this space is off. The one thing about the box that I really want to highlight that you had mentioned, the largest 3D collection. Right?
It's not just that the art's done in 3D. It's all rigged. It's ready to go. And I think that was part of that huge draw last October, last November as the project was really starting.
Yeah, but you're on the track. I send the trash now because we got this new roadmap. It's even better. Am I right? New team taking control of the discord getting it listed in our art.
Right? New website, secure the funds.
and getting integrated with the Metaverse partner that's been pretty big with Astro Heroes. Huge beep-bop beep.
We are taking that initial roadmap. They wanted to partner with Lunaverse, and it was just early. We had this great product out there. The old team did a wonderful job building. It was just a bit early. The stuff wasn't quite
there and we didn't want to give up on that because so many people minted and are still in the project right they're just waiting they're waiting for something to happen and so as traverse came in right when we're partnered up with them and we really want to make sure that some of those
initial goals, the reasons people were there in the beginning are still getting hit. So even though it is a new team, it's a new idea, we have the blessing of the old team, we have the blessing of a lot of community members, and we really want to take this new idea
This new roadmap that we're headed with, we'll talk about later today, and it's going to be incredible. But we want to make sure that we hit that old stuff as well. And as I see more people start filling in here, do the UI
Foundry guys want to kick us off started about just a little intro to what why foundry is before we talk about the partnership Yeah, I think so let's do it. Thanks a lot Jimmy for the awesome intro to Terabats and Thanks for being here
Alright, welcome everybody. We wanted to talk through Terabot's NYFT and our upcoming partnership for the MVP launch on Tera 2. I thought we could just give, I think Zachary's done a pretty good job and with some assistance from Jimmy the Otter, introducing Terabots if you're not
not aware what all they're about and a little bit of the history we'll talk a little bit more about that. Wanted to give a little bit on each project, give the opportunity to ask questions, the community ask questions, talk with each other and about the partnership and do a little announcement about our upcoming MVP vaults.
So I think we could just pick it away.
Let's do it.
All right, so for those that are not familiar, welcome here on YFD is a community DAO that is a vault and strategy, essentially a way to bring your ideas to life. You can connect a strategist, anyone who has an idea.
with the community, with a community of builders to be able to get connected to a white listed developer team, to be able to idea, workshop that with the community and realize that vision. One of the things we are, we've got a history that we could go
go into from, you know, Terra 1 transitioning to Terra 2. But one of the things that we are focused on for our MVP launch is looking at who are the most the strongest communities that have stuck around. I think Terabot definitely feels that bill. Strongest communities that have kind of hung in there stuck around
through Terra 1, 2, Terra 2 and really the NFT communities are top of that list. How can we have a strong partnership with NFT communities which brings us to our NFT branded vaults? So we will have a terabyte branded vault. We'll talk a little bit more about that.
here soon, but I think I could pass it off to Zachary to tell us a little bit more about the terabats. You already gave us a pretty good spiel. Do you want to talk a little bit about the history, what's brought us here? Yeah, so I mentioned that we're a whole new team.
Right now, right like I said, the original team did a great job creating a product that we really fell in love with. But ultimately the crash hit everybody pretty hard. Right and it hit the original team particularly hard and when it came down to it, they just didn't want to steward the project anymore.
And with this kind of art, this integration, the three-deadness, everything being ready to go, it wasn't a project at the community. The core community was in the discord chatting every day, that's in the Helogram groups, everything like that. It just wasn't something that we were ready to let go.
up. We still believed in it. And the team was a lot of help. Right? They're still around. We still talk to them. We reach out for advice and stuff when we need it. But they passed everything over to us. Right? We have all the socials. We've got the website.
We have the Dow funds, everything like that, diminished from initially, but we do have access to everything. So we have this great turnover. But part of what they did was they reached out and they worked with nowhere to get all 10,101 bots, migrating
to Territu from Terral 1. So that was a huge help. We didn't play any of the games, "Hey, for 5 Luna, you can migrate this or do this and do that and it will help you migrate." I know one planet had a lot of success migrating, giving
the bounty. We just didn't mess with any of that, right? The old team got us over in the territory too and we're simply ready to go from there, right? So our entire focus right now is building up the community. All we want to do as community members are self is provide
value to the community. We have the art. Where do we go from there? We already partnered with Astro Heroes to get this art out there so that people can use what they have. But more so than that, we are working
on the beta for a game. You check out the Twitter, you can actually like and retweet and we're slowly bringing in more and more beta testers. It's pretty cool. But as we build up this community, we need a way to start raising funds.
And we can reach out to investors, right? I certainly something that we're doing and considering. But one of the best ways that I can think to get funds from a community is to just let them build up their own money.
and dedicate to the communities that they believe in as they earn money. So it's win-win. They can help the project grow. They're invested in the project. They're invested in their own bags also growing. And I think that's really where you guys come in.
So you have the NFT branded vault, which allows these communities to help grow the community funds and the funds of the individual investors. So I know a lot of the terabot community is in it for the 3D art and the Internet.
would you mind just kind of going over for the terabot side sort of a layman's terms definition of what's going to happen with these vaults? Yeah, absolutely. And I'll just say that I was in it for the 3D printed terabots.
a little sad that that never was realized. We'll make it happen at some point. I'll 3D-cremus on the last video. I am happy to say that actually in our chat to just today we have been looking at another option. I cannot make any promises right now, but we're
We're always on the lookout to fulfill those initial promises and actually just a few hours ago we started discussing one other thing that could be a possibility in the future, right? No promises just because things can always turn, but that topic is being discussed actually right now.
That's awesome. Great. Yeah. So talking about the vaults, the simplest way to describe it is, you know, if you can go on any sort of platform protocol, you know, whether it's an astroport, some of the others that may have some strategies, you can go on there and
You know, put your put whatever funds are you're in there, whatever strategy you want to participate in you can participate and you get the yield from that strategy. Very simplistic concept. Well, what we're looking to do is partner with NFT projects and it's essentially
Most of the fees from that strategy is going to the underline protocol. Most of the fees go back to the NFT project. So it's another way for the community to have a variety of DeFi strategies. So you know, we'll start with one in the future.
I'm going to be developing a new project that will be available to you.
that as an option and they can support their favorite projects that way. This is another way that you can support a project. You're probably going to be using some of these strategies anyway, especially if you're a D-DAN and interested in that. It's just an easy way to support the communities you care about.
So you'll go on the platform, you'll go into the marketplace. You know, it could be the YFT community front end or it could be that marketplace or you know, all of this is open
source, front end and the underlying smart contracts. So you could, you know, in the future have a terabot's front end that has just the terabot specific strategies, maybe on your website.
Maybe integrated in your game. I think the possibilities are really limitless there. But that's kind of what we're looking at for the MVP vault. Is there anything specific we want to dig into that or any questions you have?
I'm really really interested in the game integration aspect that you had mentioned because ultimately in the long term that's where we've been talking about going right where we're starting to build up this game and we bring it to beta and we're going to have the community
community come in, help us pass it and stuff like that. But ultimately, you don't get into Web 3 just for fun game. It's a nice aspect to have, but we do see ourselves headed in that direction where you're in this metaverse and maybe you head
into the YFD structure in the metaverse and interact with it. And that's how you can deposit from withdrawal from vaults and stuff like that. I think that the thing that has me the most interested, I'm going to try to convey this.
accurately to everybody listening here and correct me if I'm wrong. But ultimately, it's a wonderful form of a D5 meritocracy. It's all a competition driving type of
a factor and you can support your projects with it and you can show what projects you believe in by helping fund their vaults, helping them raise money alongside yourself and alongside everybody else. But ultimately, if you're
project is no longer headed in a direction that you like, you have a financial way to reach out. And as a community driven project, I think that's really important, right? Because while we're in the Discord and on Twitter every day listening to our community,
At the end of the day, the financial backing is really one drastic way to say, "Hey, I don't like the way that you're going, even if I'm too shy to pop onto a Twitter space isn't safe." I'm not too shy. And all about this idea of a game.
because you know what people got to feel the experience when they invest. They got to believe as holders that they can actually interact with the rest of the community. That's really important. And you see with this FTX liquidation that you need to have utility, real use cases, things that people can
actually do for token or project or an NFT and I think fundamentally speaking if this author was going to be turned into 3d shazam then all I know is that this author would be hanging out with terabytes
you know I think let's digitize you. I think we're going to have to get on a phone call with digster and see what we can pull up digster is the artist that brought all this to life for us. He is in our discord so we're going
to give him a call and see what he can do about an honor. But think about it, Ben Zachary. I mean, who would have thought, right, maybe one week ago that mana, you know, for example, the central end will be worth more than FTX.
That's you just in this space you never know. I'll tell you what a year ago this time we weren't talking about Luna at two dollars. We weren't talking about merging Luna and long for those that are following any of the conversations that are
pretty rampant on Twitter. We were just talking about the moon. It's true, but do you think about it? Decentral and other metaverse projects actually have more real world utility than most of these other so-called DeFi projects or exchange projects.
Why? Because at least it's transparent, people can criticize them, but that rate are rarely lies. And it doesn't cause the kerfuffle, yes, the kerfuffle of having people start fudding it on Twitter for a scenario to go to zero. So therefore,
It's kind of like the down side is a lot less in an actual game or a metaverse project than a DeFi project or C5 project where they have their own token and you can do perpetual swaps and it's a surprising thing I think that a lot of these are
other C5 projects you're going to go down to zero two. Ku Kuan might be next, for example. We don't know. They halted their trading for a little while. And of course, Huyo Bay, for example, in the Chinese exchange, it's a sold over to the Tron founder.
who also said that never happened. I could see terabats becoming the future of crypto. You just don't know guys because think about it. If all the CFI projects basically get whittled into a small number of finance backed
companies and you basically have to be okay with CZ in order to survive. People are going to realize crypto's use cases are for games and are for financial transactions into the next bull run and what better use case than 3D robots.
I do love the robots. I would like to touch on one smaller part of what you just said, the fun part, right? Now from talking to the YFD guys, I know a little bit about this and I just want to make sure that our community knows about this aspect.
How do we, and I know that there's a really cool aspect of the life foundry now that lets us build this, which is why I want to talk about it. How do we raise this money using YFD and then turn around
and use that to help build our project. How do we know who we should trust with the money? White Foundry would you like to just show our community a bit about that and the actual building end instead of just the raising money part?
Yeah, absolutely. Raid, do you want to take this one?
Yeah, I can take it. So we're talking about the way that the vaults are funded.
The proposals are funded. I think that's how the S grow capability is all the segmentation of risk and the security. Yeah, so the way the Wi-Fi platform works is that anyone with an idea or that wants to create a vault, whether they be with
Terabots or on their own can submit a proposal through a governance contract to fund and develop their idea. And then the community of YFD itself, which includes everybody, essentially, anybody holding YFD that's locked in the forge,
can go ahead and fund that proposal and put funds in to develop that vault or that strategy or that idea. And those funds are stored in that proposal contract. They're not commingled like Alameda and FTX do with their funds. They're stored
independently in a proposal contract that only the strategist or the proposal and the people who fund it can unlock. If there is an emergency, the entire community can return those funds to the individual users, but there is no mechanism for those funds to move to
anybody other than who they were allocated to as in the developer. So, you know, I think it's a very useful and secure way to do this. All of our funds are independently run in the vaults or in the proposals. They're not commingled in a giant contract somewhere. Does that kind of fill in that space?
I think it does a wonderful job, Phil, and I know in the terabot history we've had some issues, and especially because we've sort of centralized it just a little bit so that we could do this rescue with every intention of still being decentralized, of bringing everybody in the entire community.
into the project. But really that safety in crypto with everything that's going on right now using the smart contracts to guarantee who gets the money when for their milestones and this entire escrow idea is actually a really really good idea.
If we can real quick, if we can promote up the terabytes account to a speaker Dan is here with us.
right i i have invited him to speak just so you know i wasn't slacking on my oh yes he's like i guess he's lacking on his end over there uh... sometimes twitter has weird individual rugs sometimes
With everything that we've discussed, it's been quite a bit, right? We've talked about our art, we talked about the community transition, we talked about what you guys are bringing to the table on multiple fronts, and we've talked a little bit about how we see ourselves
using you guys, right, and using each other. The NFT branded vault to help basically kickstarter bootstrap some community funds for what we want to bring the future in addition to outside money stuff to bring this huge game, this huge decentralized metaverse
idea where you're in there, doing your D5, you're playing games, you're running around, you've got your 3D avatar with the beautiful, beautiful art by Digster. Should we open it up? I know we talked about so much. Does anybody out there have questions about what's going on for either team?
Yeah, absolutely. We talk about that guys because we need to talk about the team. The team is everything. And without the team, you realize this project can scale, but I'm super bullish on this team. This team is one of the best teams. I love three. Go for it.
Thanks, Jerry.
So we should talk about how profit sharing works on YFD vaults.
We haven't talked about that yet, which incorporates some of the aspects that are related to terabytes.
Let's talk about profit sharing. You know profit sharing is the future right? I mean royalties and profit sharing on chain governance be able to enforce it through smart contracts You know what guys if you're talking about making money or in robot language
language mula that you'd realize of course that you cannot make money by speculating on mean coins what you do to make money is you believe in a community and if you believe in a community you can do anything
That's a moment of silence for Jimmy. Jimmy is absolutely right. Jimmy is absolutely right. There's so many projects that are starting to move away from that royalty model. I guess you would call it the royalty model.
And Terabas is going to be a great example of that, right? The team that's currently here now, this core community team from the crash, isn't taking any money. We don't have plans of taking money. We only make money.
money on the increase in value in terabytes, right? Because we're holding a bunch of terabytes. We love these things. And even that is just a nominal increase in what we have because we're not selling them. We're holding them. A lot of us have actually been buying more
or while the prices are where they are. So I think it is a super important topic to discuss, right? The money's got to come from somewhere, but it doesn't need to actually be taken from the community on the back end of trades and stuff like that. So it's a really good topic to discuss.
Yeah, absolutely.
So I can take a first stab at it. Ray, you can jump in and correct me or clarify, add some color if we want to. But yeah, looking at what YFD is doing is having these, you get your project funded and then the way that you
share in the profits is through these unique NFTs. They're interactive NFTs that each NFT has a percent ownership of whatever that particular fund is, whatever that particular project is. So for this particular instance, the NFTs
will be going to the for the branded vault, the initial kind of implementation. Those will be the majority of those will go to the Terabots Treasury and then they can use those NFTs to claim the NFT can call a claim for whatever funds are available and it gets paid out to the holder of those NFTs.
So you can transfer those essentially shares of ownership through these NFTs. You can transfer them around. You could move them if you want. There's nothing tied to a particular wallet, hard-coded or anything like that. It's super flexible. It's really looking at
have a novel use of some of the new Cosm wasm NFT capabilities to be able to have a lot more flexibility that I think the community is just exploring. I mean, there's potential to build all sorts of full functionality on top of mechanisms like this, especially for NFT projects.
or gaming projects, other things with actual utility to some of the NFTs. So because get this right, we're all defied the gems here. How many times have you forgotten where you left your money? You put it in some projects somewhere and you could never remember
the contract that you left those funds in. We're doing something very interesting with these NFTs where we're actually using the new Cosm wasm possibilities of the contracts for the 721s. So you don't actually call the contract. You ask the NFT in your wallet to go fetch
funds for you. And the NFT knows where the funds are. So you don't no longer have to go figure out what YFD is or where the protocol is, or if you sell it or trade it or whatever, those funds will always just be claimable by asking the NFT in your wallet to go extract any claims that are available to you.
almost like if you had a pocket otter that you could fetch fetch money with that's exactly how it works right because you know what I'm sure you guys are aware just like dogs right otters are kind of like colis and colis are
are shepherd dogs. They help herd the sheep. They help herd the cows. And you can get one or two colonies. It takes a few to train them. Right? And what they do is when the cows or the sheep, they get
It too spread out, the colon goes in and gets them back. And then you pour us, you have other dogs that protect the pack. So they sleep with the cows and the sheep in the barn. And when those sheep or cows are going out into the patch,
years, they protect them from predators. So you have different types of use cases, you know, and that's what entities will be. Jimmy the Otter, for example, he is a coley, he fetches, right? He is having the
time of his life just by getting you some bones that you throw out. But Zachary and Terabotts, what they do is they protect your funds because they live with the users, they live with the cows, right? Users who graze on their own don't know
what to do, they just egress. You know what I mean? And terabytes are living with them in the mud with the straw, right? And protecting them from predators, both sexual and financial predators.
You know somebody should mod you in to torch light too. Do you remember they had pets? They used to go fetch the gold.
I remember move online had that move online you could get pets and they would get the little gems for you before I started getting hacked by Chinese hackers
I'm still a little bit in shock that I came into this thing a nice little 3D robot in now on my watchdog. But I think it's our chain governance. What do the robots represent? They represent voting power and
ability protect user phones. You are absolutely right. It's a wonderful analogy and quite frankly it makes it very very easy to understand. But what is Jimmy the author community advocate? He is the Coley. He helps describe the narrative and push it forward.
I got a minute we do have we do have I don't know if you saw the Twitter, but we do have a Terabot to give away I don't know how many Terabot's Jimmy the other has but oh my god
I feel bad if I get more, you know, I'm a whale guys. Everyone's audience knew this. There is a conflict of interest. I do have a lot of terabytes because I'm all in on this project.
That's I think a lot of us are all in on this. We really like it. We are just holding these vats. We're buying more and we're ready to go, especially all of these partnerships, right? And each one does its own job to bring us something, right?
going to bring you to the metaverse. We are going to bring you to DeFi. We're going to bring you to all sorts of Web 3 interactions. And it's all on the roadmap. We're going to do it decentralized. We're going to do it with a community-based team that only cares about bringing value to
the entire project, bringing value to all of our partners. And I think that's just the most important thing that we could possibly discuss of anything tonight, right? Is us all just working together to build each other up to make
a great web 3 space, particularly on the Terra blockchain, since that's where we're all building. And that's about the most important thing that I think we could discuss tonight. But does anybody else out there have any questions that we could answer? I know everything's been done in
pretty much layman's terms, but feel free to speak up if there's stuff that anybody's not understanding so that we could clarify for you. Yeah, I would say this, you know, obviously not a lot of people in the audience right now, but I also I think it's because the elections, so people are kind of turning into CNN, and also because
because of the whole FTX thing. So if people need to be getting some of their money out of FTX and realize they're going to start working McDonald's pretty soon. Which by the way is a valuable and important contribution society making people fat. Otherwise, this is a great recorded space. So if you do have questions, I think the question
to be directed towards how we can make this community better. For me as an otter, I'm a very cute creature. Fish fear me, women want me, and I get hit up on DMs by all sorts of models, usually from only fans trying to get a furry creature with them.
Inshot, right? So my question is how can terabytes help contribute to building these communities? Maybe we could do some cross-chain promotions, have terabytes in other games and have other games have their NFTs in terabytes.
What is about that? What I can touch on initially is that the team's very, very pro-crush chain. One thing that I'll highlight, I don't know how much time everybody spent on other chains in the cosmos, but if you take a
look the Q0 heroes, mint that just happened over on Stargaze actually features terabats in their art, right? Satoshi, pro-Nukeos was doing art for them and got us featured pretty prominently in there. I think almost one fifth of their
their mint has some form of terribot. I would like to see more of that. I'd love to see us get out there and do more. It's in the lore which you so eloquently read for us just to start this off. It's all about getting out there, exploring and creating
new world to live in. So I think we are very, very pro-crush chain, multi-chain, everything like that. We're not just going to go mint a whole bunch of new NFTs, try to raise money that way. Devalue other chains by simply listing. We do
want to do it right and that's going to take some time. We can't just try to pump our own bags by minting and flipping and then exiting chains. If when we do go to other chains we want to bring long-term value to them. As to what specifically we're discussing right now I can't really touch on that.
It's a large, large conversation for one space. I am curious. You, I mean, just the story of the terabats and I mean, I think you're the closest to like true community ownership. I mean, this isn't the original team. You kind of got
of the reins and just picked up and you know we're fans of the project and just ran with it and doing awesome things, have awesome things planned in the future. What's your ideal, like what is the ideal decentralized kind of governance, decentralized ownership of this protocol look like, like what would that look like?
In the long term, obviously everybody needs to say, everybody needs a vote. A lot of places just do tokenomics, right? They launch some sort of token and then it either trades or it flounders or there's dow votes and everything going in there. And who knows what direction that's going
going to be able to go long term, right? I don't know how many US users we have in the terabot community, but GameFi and a down token may or may not be feasible given, I guess, how aggressively they want to go after
objects right now and we can see what happens as things settle down and everything like that, right? We're open to everything. But I think really, one of the most decentralized things that we could do is what you're doing with Y Foundry Deck.
and making it a meritocracy right just bring value to the project make sure that everybody that's in the project community takes part as they would like to and really what they vote with their money if we have
a vault set up to develop an aspect of the game and we have a vault set up to develop some aspect of community. Right? Does one far outweigh the other? That'll tell us what the community's thinking as far as boats and
governance and stuff, we're not quite there yet. We have some preliminary discussions that have gone on, but for the time being right now we're really just dedicated to bringing this whole project back, making it fun for everybody and getting that baseline started because we don't want to
just launch a token and tell everybody to buy it, take the funds and then let it crash. Right, it's all about long-term stability with us. Yeah, I mean, I think it was like something Jimmy said earlier, like I think like looking at like what actually, like what value is being created here? You know,
When the dust settles and a lot of these things kind of fizzle out, like which projects have staying power and actually providing something useful, something tangible, even if it's a game, you know, some sort of utility, I really think like we should start taking a hard look at tokens, especially
like what's the purpose of this? You know, it should be something beyond just like games, you know, like funding and sort of DeFi games, like there should be some, I don't know, some actual purpose, some utility to what we're doing and value creation.
as opposed to just kind of like extracting back and forth from different protocols in communities. It does seem like the age of the token is either dying or it's being killed or a combination of both smothered with a pillow or a pillow. You know, so I think we're moving.
more into reputation based or role based membership into communities. And that's something that YFD has been, you know, exploring is like, where do we go after a token? I think communities.
I think communities like terabytes are going to be one of the leaders in that type of environment because it's so open. We don't have caught massive whale token holders fighting to keep to the old
We don't have an income coming from the project for us personally. It's just a project that we're doing because we love it because it gives us enjoyment. And because of that, we're open to whatever direction that it had. Right. And I think part of
You know, as you said, breaking down the token-based model, there's going to be so much resistance from people that have already profited off of it, but that puts us in a really, really good position because we are ready for whatever's next. Whether we come up with that idea,
Or somebody else comes up with that idea and we're happy to give them credit right they could say it to us. It could be an entirely other project on another chain that we just happen to know about and love what they're doing and want to copy what they're doing when we see that really good governance idea that's best for the community. There's no
right in there. There's nothing like that holding us back from just doing what's best. What's speaking of a tangible benefit? Like I said, we do have that terribot and I had Dan who has to run. He was logging in from a desktop so we could
the spinner, which is why he wasn't able to connect with us here. But I did have him spin for the winner of the community here, and it looks like TX exclamation point D is the winner of the terribot if you can pop into our discord and just drop it
ticket, we do have a ticketing system up, we can get you that that terabyte is a pretty good one. I believe it's a pirate hat. I'm going to come in here and mention something, you know, you mentioned a few important issues regarding whales. And I think the era of whales getting into NFT projects and then pumping them and then dumping them may be over
a little while. Why? Because a lot of those whales were there with the slone NFT projects and so on. And they realized that with a little bit of marketing, people would not be wise enough to realize what was going on. But you see people who own terabytes are very wise, very wise. That's why they're in this room. People in this audience
are so smart, so smart. And they realize that this is a community run and a tea project with regular people or otters, right? No one is too big for the riches as my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great#
Great, great, grand, otter said. You know what I mean Zachary? We have a lot of projects out there that have floundered because whales suddenly announced on Discord. I got a leave because my wife got eaten by crocodile or my husband's boyfriend has died mid-month
You know what it means, Zachary? When you have real resiliency, it means regular people owning an equal share of a project. And that's what I see. So what can we do to maintain this community approach? Well, I pin something to the top. Tom Brady
and Mrs. Bookchin were both using their fortune to buy more FTX. So this is what you don't do guys. You don't own tickets to buy more tickets in the lottery system. Now both of them are broke.
Mrs. Butchman is going to have to start selling her ass to pay for her bills. She is broke. She put all her money in FTX. Now FTX is broke and Sam is going to have to do the same thing. In contrast, Terabots is about helping each other.
If you need a little bit of help psychological psychiatric I'm on discord you can just DM me go to general chat say guys I Need some help I need an intervention and the community will be there to help you Thank you beep up with
And even if they're broke, currently right now they can probably still get into a terabyte. Right? With the drop right now, I think I saw one on the floor at 9 Luna.
Um, it was like two bucks right now. Um, so good opportunity if they want to get back into the future and restore their fortune. Hey, why not get Terabat to shot?
Yeah, well don't do what Sam Bacon-free did where he said FTX is enough to cover all client assets. They do not invest client assets, even treasuries.
Don't be that guy. What you have is whales lie, whales lie to protect their assets and then they delete tweets. What will happen is
This is bad for the ecosystem. However, however, if you have a community-owned project, there are no incentives to lie. You know what I mean? You know what I mean!
Well, thank you for that, Jimmy. On this news though, as I am sort of running out of time a little bit here, unless there's something else specifically between terabot and the Y foundry dow, any other questions, anything
like that, any sort of closing comments or concerns that we could answer or discuss. I'm actually going to have to pop off out of here a little bit. No problems, Zach. You know what? People are not concerned. People are not worried because they believe in you as we get
from planet Earth to our new meta bot, sorry, Luna bot metaverse, we gotta know what to do and we have this new roadmap that I think we're all super excited about. Am I right guys? Am I right?
For those that haven't seen the Terabots roadmap can be found at terabots.io. We do have that as our website. Definitely check out the Terabots collection. Where can they find that? So where's the best place to buy a terabot?
Terabots can be bought on nowhere.art. It can be bought on random earth version 2. Make sure that you're logged into mainnet on your wallet. I believe TFM also has a marketplace aggregator that you can buy
bots on as well as Terrarity. I usually pick mine up off of Terrarity. They have their own ranking system, for rarity stuff like that. It is worth mentioning quickly that the Terrabot on Teraclassic are still
So in your wallet, anybody who owns them on Terra Classic do own their Carabots Classic, but we are no longer using them for our project. We have gotten the trading suspended on random earth. It was up there for a little bit.
And we've had a couple of issues with that, but they are suspended on random earth. So even though you'll see bots on Terra Classic, they have all been migrated to MainNet and are on nowhere and random earth, or you can use those aggregators.
Yeah, and I just want to come here and quickly say if there are those who have not been in this space earlier because the inadequacy of humanity sending the planet Earth in the turmoil, the lunatics, the people in this audience have no choice but to explore the
The Terrorverse, in search of greener pastures, cover the vast expanse of the Terrorverse and develop the highly intelligent collection of intellectual robots to explore the possibilities of another planet to call home. Oh my god, this is quite the roadmap. I am so excited. Beep, bobo!
Thanks a lot Zachary, thanks Terabats. If you're interested in what wife he's doing, if you have an idea, something that you would like to possibly fund in the future, or just want
want to see what's going on, maybe your builder and want to participate, come to the YFT Discord. With that, it's been an amazing space. Thanks very much.
Thanks everybody.
Thanks guys, take care.