Testing Litecoin

Recorded: April 30, 2023 Duration: 0:46:39



Alright, we're trying to work out some kinks here, testing out how to capture the audio in this in spaces and I guess redistributed somehow. So if you are interested
me just dorkin' around talking. I'm just trying to figure out the different levels I need to have in all edges. So actually if you want to come up if anybody wants to talk that'd be helpful. What I'm thinking about doing is having a more regular show like I shouldn't have recorded this on a wide did that but maybe doing a
semi daily show maybe every couple days in the morning do like an hour and I don't know do some news do some just general talking not quite like what we do with our Sunday Sarisa hey Arno do you might come up here and talk and
I'm trying to test recording these spaces for like a podcast. I'm trying to figure out the best way to do it. And you know stuff so you might be able to help me out. But I don't know, considering doing yeah like a
maybe like a Monday, Wednesday, Friday, super early in the morning show. I don't know why. I've been kind of like personally, I've been trying to get up earlier and it would be a good motivation for me to get up and get going.
have more regular spaces. But I don't know if it'll be too much like an hour every couple days. Is that too much? I don't know. So I mostly just started this just to test it and make sure the audio actually records onto my computer properly and the level
are good because then I can just take it and post it as a podcast regularly. So that's all I really wanted so I appreciate you guys coming in but oh here Arno can come in. It's been a while anyway man how you been. I feel like you busy working or something.
Hey, hey, hey.
I mean, I don't know. I don't go ahead and experiment. I think if you do once a week, that should probably be good. But what I'm kind of more so not questioning, it's a bit wondering is like
Sounds like you want to have a show, you want to have a podcast, but you're not even like...
I feel like maybe it's a little bit like the carriage in front of the horse type of deal. Usually people have something that they want to discuss and say and then because of that they make a podcast. Here it seems it's a little bit backwards.
meaning. And this is all this criticism here. It's meant to kind of make you question things, whether than just take shot it to you. Meaning like what do you mean I get backwards? What do you mean?
I think that you're more into making the podcast rather than having a theme or subject and stuff like that. Oh right, like, um, let's have a podcast.
cast but I don't know about what rather than hey I have this topic I want to discuss. Yeah that's fair. I mean I hear what you're saying and I think like the the hard part for me is some of the
I don't know. Like I get the preparation parts, the big part for me. And that's where I started thinking about like if I did something more structured. You know, the Wednesday night thing is just kind of a...
free for all right and that's okay yes it's it's kind of fun in that sense and that's where I thought I've been wanting somebody like to be like
I can look up articles and stuff. I find it maybe more interesting to have a list of articles. So it'd be something I would have to just obviously prepare more for, right? How many get up and get up and get up about four or five articles and that's it. There could be discussion.
of a talk but well you can have discussions and stuff but as long as they're like I said like you know you know structured as in like we don't go on any tangents and stuff because that can just go everywhere and anywhere I know like okay whatever
I know I know trust me. I'm aware of this You know, I think that's part of the thing that makes it interesting, but also part of the thing that can make it Sloppy right Yeah, and it's like you know, I like
I feel like I'm most comfortable.
I'm trying to dial into like what I'm best at, right? Rather than doing everything that's why I'd try and stuff and so like, like YouTube's like, all right to me. I don't love YouTube. So pardon me, it's like the audience part of it, right?
But I really think the end day people like the podcast format so you can put their earbuds in and go walk. Right? And just listen. Yeah, but the thing is if it's kind of interesting and it retains my attention, I listen.
So the idea is to make it interesting, to make it informative, to make it do it like, "Oh, I didn't know that or oh, I wonder how that's gonna go." You know what I mean? So I think having a few articles through the week that you kind of skimmed the
through and kind of like discuss. And then having some interesting guests with something to say rather than, you know, just the typical like, oh, by light coin or like, oh, just the usual rhetoric, you know what I mean?
So I think that's the important planning. And this is a little bit of like, you know, here's the hard part, like, you know, you have jobs, right? You're running gun and so it's like taking
How to make effective use of my time because there are people that I reach out to when they're willing to talk but making it fit into schedules and like you said Making it they're not the right people
What's that?
then they're not the right people maybe. - Well, no, just me, like you personally being like, okay, when do I have time to say, here's a good time for me to chop out an hour or whatever, right? - You basically have to pick something that works for you and just stick with it. - Right. - Yeah, so.
I don't know how to explain that. I do what you're saying. Yeah, don't be too accommodating. No, you can't. I mean, you have to have certain format because if you accommodate everybody, you're gonna end up not... Yeah, you know what I mean. Can't please hold.
the other things like I could do I was thinking if I did a like this is again maybe maybe saying like here's a reason for me to get up and go in the morning let's say just like 7 to 8 a.m. Eastern which obviously anybody who's currently listening to my stuff isn't probably going to be there so we'll whole new thing and
I don't know why I just feel like...
that this is still a really good medium to garner an audience. I don't know. I think it is. And I'm not necessarily.
Uh, man, I'm not like a newscaster, right? I'm not a structured guy.
which is what makes it tough. Because that's what I like about the spaces. I don't want to lose that.
I don't know, man. Well, it sounds like you might have to do a little bit of growing and by growing, I mean, you know, growing pains, right, doing stuff that you're comfortable with, like, preparing and actually, yeah, I mean,
keeping the structure because you're a nice guy, maybe at times too nice, you know what I mean? So having decided what you want to do with it and then actually doing it, I think that sometimes can be difficult and sometimes
sometimes it will take like moderator to a little bit of tough love pushing the conversation in the direction that you want. Not necessarily not letting people speak, that's definitely not it. But when things go off point, just kind of like circling back to what you're the theme or the topic at hand.
And that may feel uncomfortable if you're not used to it, but it might be what's needed. I don't know. Ultimately, it has to be like, what do you want to do? Like, you gotta be honest with you. Okay.
I want to do this and then be like, "Okay, what will it take?" And then, honestly, be like, "Well, it will take this and this and this and it has to be done." Which includes the preparation, which includes having the articles, which I think may
I mean if that's the right way. Which includes finding some guests. And you reach out to 10 guests maybe and only one will show up at least at first until you have some traction and until people want to be on your show. But that's exactly a thing. If you're trying to accommodate everybody
You're gonna lose the value of it. It's gonna become like they're like oh, yeah, it's not big deal It's just like you know, so making it to where not everybody can jump in and necessarily throw their shit Do they're like oh, yeah, man the feds missing up like stuff that we already have like topics we have a
already beaten to death like fuck that yeah no and i and i don't like like part of me is like one to branch out just ideas wise you know like doesn't need to be all just crypto talk all the time um not that not that it is i mean but um
Yeah, like some of the articles could be just interesting, I guess. Like, just, that's what you're talking about. It's not necessarily crypto. Like, like I talk about AI or something like that, right? Interesting. Yeah. But still, if you're going to
do it under the flag of like lightcoin underground, I would say yeah it could be AI, it could be everything, but at some point it's good to have you know a little bit of lightcoin soap and pepper on it. Yeah, that's where it's like
having that structure couple. Maybe it's three articles, right?
You take three meetings you talk about to a Mercripto one of them's AI or you go do some basics about Have somebody that always wants someone who could do a market like hey, you're the you're the guy that does the market thing right talk about
whatever is going on with me too. Right. Even if it's five minutes, just go through what you're seeing, whatever. And then, you know, that's like the more structured show thing. And I think it's just hard to get people coordinated. I think that's the other part. And
I don't know.
I don't know. Well, it's hard to get people coordinated if you have just like random people who are not too serious, you know, like they just want to get up and have fun on space. But what you want to do will take
time in preparation will take making the space of the time for the space like sitting down having notes, having articles that you've already kind of prepared like structure like you said and that's where the whole thing
changes. You know, when you put the effort and it shows, that's where you're gonna get that feel of like, oh shit, this is a tight ship, you know, they know what they're doing. Have you been to coffee and crypto, uh, jesus spaces? No, just who?
Jess and Tammy, well, I would say maybe you should check out their spaces. I don't know if they do Fridays or something like that, but she's great at keeping the
the conversation in the direction yet still giving people you know voice to ask questions and stuff but like she's good about like okay we spent you know this much time on this time for the next topic and stuff and always good about circling back and then if people
go on tangents she does great and like circling back like okay you know yeah. There's a lot of coffee and crypto apparently. Well yeah I can show you the profile and stuff and you can check out but I think she
does a great job and she also, yeah, I would say check out her spaces. You'll do that. Because one of the things that's tough is I sometimes feel like the YouTube thing is
Probably I don't know. It's a weird medium and maybe and and where I'm starting to realize like maybe not where my strength is Well, it's hard to have conversations on YouTube unless you pre-record them or if it's a live stream type of deal. Yeah, this is a lot less
This is a lot more flexible and easy and casual to have conversations.
And so what I was thinking is like the time spent like I edited some stuff down. It'd be nice to be like record, be done, post to the podcast.
Well, you can do that. I'm saying. Only thing is if you record and you just want to be done in both the podcast, that means what you record has to be pretty tight. Because if it's kind of like there's a lot of flack around, you're going to have to edit stuff. Yeah, I think an hour hour and a half what you want to be the, um,
the time length. Well, think about what is people's attention span nowadays, man? I learned to have this a long time for a podcast, you think?
But I don't know, depends on what kind of format you want to go for. I just think about how people listen to this stuff. Like I know for me, you know, the stuff I listen to is yet 45 minutes to an hour and a half, generally.
So, and I also have always thought about like, do I just take like the first? Because usually our Wednesday thing, my intro.
and like you're saying right here, maybe I take my Wednesday thing and do it.
the first hour and a half I post or something like that.
and then just, hey, if you're interested, go on Twitter and listen to the recorded spaces, right?
and not, um...
Now yeah, cuz the editing and all that shit in the videos like I'm just I like doing the videos. I mean there are right There's a lot of work for not a lot of return on them. So it's a little bit of that, you know what I'm saying? Because my live streams have been
kind of sporadic. I haven't enjoyed the live stream like I hoped I would. I was hoping I get my big frustrations. I want to I get regular people to come in and it'd be nice to have it be like here's the these were on stage all at the same time and there
We're kind of this, there's like a structure to the banter of it in a way. If that makes any sense. Yeah, but then you're relying on those regular people, especially if they're not like prepared, it's going to be like, "Hey, my rigour is show up and now I want to come
conversation to go in certain format and they don't even know about it or even if they do, like how are you going to make sure that your goal aligns with their goal? You know what I mean? Yeah. I think the ultimate thing is to be prepared and if you have people who are part of it,
maybe do some preparation too but like hey I'm gonna ask you a few questions it's gonna be about this it's gonna be about that right yeah you know give them give them chance to prepare um but I don't know I think it's very important to have a time
topic and to discuss that topic instead of just like shoot the shit which is fine too but it's not exactly podcast material to shoot the shit like why would people sit and listen through it right no I agree I agree
It's the, it's only interesting to the people that are in the room, right? So, so I got did a couple interviews with some light corners. I have them on YouTube and I'm putting them on the podcast. Those are like an hour.
you know, but again, I know I need more structure to it and a little more preparation to it.
I don't know. I'm just thinking through what it is that I do, what I'm comfortable most comfortable doing and what I feel like I'm most
effective at you know.
I think another thing is that you're alone and this is a little bit overwhelming because there's a lot of things to it. Well the preparation, you know, the, because it's funny, like I did, I'm doing this Christie Lee TV, it's on TV or whatever, the internet.
television will call it and she's got a decent audience and she's going to have me on like every couple weeks and like yeah going into that I'm like all right I got to really know that I've got specific things I want to talk about her and you know she's got a couple topics but she just kind of riffs on them for a little bit and then moves on
right? And that's really how you want to do it. Maybe it's 20 minutes per topic and you have three topics and then you're done and you see what it sounds like. It depends on the topic. Yeah. Some topic might not require 20 minutes. Some might become super interesting. So there's definitely an element of flex. What's
But that being said Yeah, yeah, I know I'm always appreciative of feedback buddy. You know me Yeah, yeah, it's always been good about it. It's just that putting into action is always easier said than done
especially if you're all by yourself it's a lot of work. Oh, you know, you did it. So maybe just stay 60 minutes is the plan, right?
Hopefully you can get an interview, maybe not. Or look at like three articles or topics, you know. And then you do something like, I don't fucking know. So hard, dude.
So many different audiences you're trying to speak to as well Well, you will inevitably have to narrow it down to something Yeah, right you would need to be narrowed down you'll have to have a main topic and I think
you already kind of do right or am I wrong about that? Tango? What do you mean? Tango? Oh that's, you need to be in two oh that's all twisted so we'll have to untwist it. Sorry I'm talking to my daughter too we're trying to untwist this kite you know hold on so we have this kite that got super twisted so we're trying to kind of untwist the
And I actually did pretty good. I got it pretty straight. You did whip it in the aspect. Yeah, like the trick is to find the obvious points and then start kind of pulling a little bit and then make sure that it didn't tighten nearby now.
Yeah, I mean maybe if the plan is like just do a hard cap and then hey if it ends it ends I always think it's good to have like a time limit
Otherwise you just can drag on and become tiresome. And I don't think it's enjoyable for the participant nor the audience when it becomes the "No, I just stop it." So it's always good to be like projected star time, projected end time, and maybe it can flex a bit.
Well, it'd be effective to just be like... They give it a certain amount of time. That's what they do on television, right? And that's what sucks is that it becomes like a bit of an opinion show, which is why the news is like it is. Like we complain about.
Oh, they don't have good long form conversation the news and we're actually discussing things like well, they don't have time to you know, so it boils down to like here's the news and then I Guess I'll give you some opinion on it. You can either Well isn't that what you're trying to do I like conversation
more than just giving my opinion. And conversation is what? A bunch of opinions, no? True. But differing opinions, hopefully, or at least, you know, diving into somebody's opinion a bit. And, um,
I guess, you know, I could probably, because I'm looking at like, let's say I just did 60 minutes of like a five minute intro to 15 minutes per article as the plan. And that's it. Pick three topics and like what, what are my thoughts? And then, see, the thing isn't people are going to
want to talk about sh*t, see that's tough. So we need a second person to be like coordinating if people want to come up and talk, right? Well you're definitely gonna, if you wanna make it like nice and stuff you're always gonna wanna have like some sort of like a co-host, somebody who's on the same page
page, maybe even before the space you kind of get together, not necessarily physically, but like you can be online or whatever, get together, discuss the plan for action. And then when it comes to conversation at the end, like we use, let's say the format is 45 minutes of something more now or picking out whatever. You do the
a podcast part, then you're like, okay, now we're going to open it for conversation. And then the conversational part, you can let it go longer and you just don't include that into your podcast necessarily. And like you said, then if somebody wants to hear the conversations, they can come in to the Twitter space or
But if it's really interesting conversation, it could be like bonus content. But other than that, I would say, yeah, you'll need help, that's for sure. Otherwise, it's pretty ambitious of a task waiting to wait. To just do it like another day thing.
Oh, dude, that would be even more ambitious, but no, just even to keep the... Because you'll have, you know, you'll have your notes, you'll have people, you'll have a lot of juggling, so having like people like at least one more person to be kind of part of it, I think it's almost inevitable.
Unless you grate at juggling things, which I know myself, my quality of work drops significantly when I juggle a lot of things. Yeah, I mean, hosting isn't super difficult for me. I mean, just... Well, define hosting though.
Well, just being the host, starting the space, yeah, easy to start the space. Well, I think managing the people in the space, I think giving a... Well, you know, yeah, I let people definitely go on too much, right? And it's like... Oh, yeah. And I don't know...
Yeah, and that's that's where I have to kind of decide what's the what's the purpose right like say okay, let's just enough like I can't like got a mutam and say look you're just rambling right You don't always have to mute them you can always just kind of intervene circle back without muting them. There is there's ways to do it. That's why I gave you I
DM you that chicks user in. Yeah, check it out. But I think it's definitely like a moderational skill to kind of like be able to circle back not necessarily by muting.
But sometimes if it's necessary, like some people who are rowdy, you're gonna have to put them down. You're gonna have to put them down as listeners. You know, it's part of it. It's unless you want them to hijack your space, you know, but I don't know if that's something that you would be willing to do. I wouldn't. Yeah, and I guess when
talk about hosting I think generally I keep things moving fairly well. I feel deadspatement but meeting like I can come up with interesting things to talk about. Well that's cool but if you have dead space you need filling then the quality of your content
10 is going to drop because like there's always interesting stuff to be discussed and stuff. If you're if you're feeling dead space you might as well just not do it in my opinion. What do you mean? What I mean is that let's say you have a podcast and you do 30, 40 minutes and
great but for the last two at a minute you just don't have anything. You can bring up people for conversations or you can fill dead space but as a listener I think there's a good chance that when I start here people like filling dead space I'm gonna lose interest. Like when somebody starts to ramble just for the sake of like oh we have some dead
space to fill, you know, I have better things to do with my time, you know what I mean? No, I mean, I guess like saying like having a different perspective on a topic. Oh, that's not that space. Right now, I mean, being able to take something that might seem like to take an article.
and think about it beyond just its surface level. This is what it is. How do you think this impacts X or what? Let me look at like... How'd you use it? Like last week we talked about spending the coins, right? And not only
What are the effects, the direct effects of spending and replacing and then what are the, what are maybe the things you don't see or that a lot of people aren't thinking about are the impact of this stuff. So, for example, something silly, like being able to get in practice, like getting used to using tools,
and using it in your personal life and the fact that like, what was I talking about? Like that you don't have, if you don't use these coins, that they're going to just kind of get forgotten. Essentially, what's going to happen, right? Businesses aren't interested in working
like someone will say, well, if he had waited today, he would have gotten this much money. But like this is such a slippery, like that's a fallacy in my opinion and we can go into digging on it. But thing is like exactly like you say, if you don't spend, if you don't use it, it's useless. And if it's useless, it's never going to
quote unquote appreciate so like yeah, you may say today that would have been $290 million for two pizzas but back in the day Back in the day that wasn't the case it's same thing with oil take oil back in the day oil was cheap 10
sense per gallon or five cents or something like that. And then people will drive around have fun and now you could be like, oh just for their trip to go see the movies in you know five towns and they spent today would have been so expensive like no you can't do that. You know I'm saying right yeah yeah I sure say.
Yeah, maybe it's more about the topics then okay, it's the topics and it's also Kind of like already having an opinion then maybe and and and and matching it again like yeah basically sharing different opinions and then
And you know, some things will align, that's great. And some things won't align. And it'll be great to figure out, okay, why do we disagree on this topic? And then figure out the, you know, each side's, yeah, basically dissecting, dissecting opinions, dissecting topics, dissecting articles. Yeah.
And that's where the catch 22 comes into me. If you'd like, we've decided consistency is important. The fact that you do the spaces every week is big. And where I'm trying to get to is the more I can have,
that should be better to grab a bigger audience, so to speak, right? The more you can have as in more topics or quality of topics, because you can have one topic, but if people are really curious about it, that's more. Oh, you can have 10 topics, but if people are like, "Moy, whatever."
You know what I mean? So it's all about quote-unquote. Let me ask you this. Let's say they often use this hop on space. It's just because you're like, oh, so-and-so is hosting. I'll just hop on. Okay, but that's different. I'm just asking I'm curious. Like do you have people that you
are just like, oh, he's doing his thing. I'll just like, who's that hope? Hope has his little spaces. I'm always like, oh, I like, I like listening to him. You know, okay, honestly, but that's just okay. Just hear me out. Hear me out. So like, I've he his is like casual, but if there was one every day, like you go look
at these Bitcoin ones are like every day at 10 a.m. or Monday ones a Friday at 10 a.m. and Grand Other Bitcoin's they're more popular. But I think people more get more used to like, oh, hey, that's on while I'm sitting here at work. I'll listen, right? And it's consistently there. So you become
It's kind of like more appointment type stuff. And if you don't have that, if it's just sporadic, whenever you're going to do it, that just makes it a lot harder to kind of gather people. That makes any sense. Yes, it does.
But I think we're talking about different like You're gonna have your regular crowd That will just show up because of the habit that it has built, you know usually Oh, and Wednesdays they have these spaces. Oh, they're not too boring. So I'll just send out spent some time there while
there. Oh, well there, you know, so that's one thing. Then the other thing is honestly for most spaces, I would say 95% of spaces, even if I see names that are, you know, like, oh, I like this person typically, I will check the topic. Like I always check
I don't know if that really interests me. You know what I mean? So I'll check the top. That's an interesting thought. So like if I, I like where you're going with this actually. Like if I'm going to be on,
I think even one topic might be enough. Oh, it might be. I'm not saying you can feel that dead space. Well, but being able to like have an interesting perspective on it.
be able to come out like I try to do on Wednesdays at least fill five to ten minutes of here's my like here's my brain dump whether it's an opinion or it's fully fleshed out I don't know but what do you think of this and and and then moderate the conversation at that point
Is it that's that's very like self centered to me though? Feels like here come up and talk to me and tell me why I'm right or wrong and I Don't know well that's where any help for stations Yeah, that's where it helps having participants who will be prepared to talk about this subject
you know, like the whole like preparation thing. I think that's where it really helps because I mean, yeah, if you expect people to just humor your topics, I can see how it can feel that way. But if it's kind of more of a rounded thing, there's like, hey, there's some topics, but there's different perspectives and people can bring in their own things. So then it's not self-centered.
Yeah, and then whenever it's over, it's just over. And if nobody comes up, then you move to the next stop post that 20 minute rant. Okay, well, here's the thing, if you rely on the rant itself, then yeah, that's, but that you can
do that without preparing anything, without preparing any articles, without preparing any gifts, you can just round away and you can already do that. Well, if it's if it's there's a little bit of preparation and ranting honestly because you can have like an idea and like you know somewhere
You can have a logical backing for that idea, but sometimes you gotta actually write out like, okay, why do I believe this? Like, what are, connect all the dots of the origin of your concept and like how you actually justified that stance? That takes some time sometimes.
Yeah, it does. It's like leaner is better actually because then it leads more open space and that if it does get to be really interesting like the only way it gets to an hour and a half is if it's a really interesting conversation. And if it isn't very interesting or it's just you know.
there's not a lot of depth to it and it takes 20-30 minutes. Well, and so be it. Just be done with it. Exactly. Liner is better. 100%. Now, we haven't talked about another key piece. Now, and the reason I didn't bring it up is because I do think that you should not focus on it. However, it is very helpful. I think you should
focus on what depends on you, which is the topic or topics, bringing guests and stuff. The other thing that would be very helpful to have is a few extra good conversationalists who are good conversationalists who are not just about, you know, feeling that space
or stuff but like they're well rounded they know when to speak they know when to listen and they're just kind of like regulars who show and give you counterpoints or you know enforce your point or whatever but again that's something that I would not say you should focus on because that's something out of you control really I think with time
they will show up. It's you know a bunch of regulars but again you have to be picky. It's very important to be picky because if you're not picky about your conversationalists like I said they can hijack your topics or the whole thing to a point or it's just like okay that's just kind of getting stupid so yeah they want to
I was just going to say that it's very... No, you got to have standards as well. One of the things I think I'm most passionate about is having fair conversations, like where other people are respectful of each other, genuinely trying to have constructive conversations.
and they're not just like there to tell the other person they're an idiot for their beliefs or whatever, right? And that's hard to find because it's not easy to... Sometimes you don't... again, sometimes you don't know why you believe what you believe. And a lot of people have these very strong opinions and we start to challenge equal what about this and this.
They don't really thought through why it is they believe these things. Well, that's the echo chamber. A lot of people hear something and then they just run with it because they heard it and it made sense at the time. But I think that's the important part is to challenge this blood. Hey, okay, but why? And then you go into the nitty-gritty and chances are in comfort
Some people might actually be like, "Oh, hold on a second. That's a good point. Why do I think that?" And that's where it could be interesting. That's where it could be useful to people, you know, kind of like engaging, mentally engaging. So I think that would be the goal, really. Okay. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, because news to me is kind of bullshit sometimes to it can generate an interesting thought but yet well It's yes it is, but it also is a first thing. It's a icebreaker It's a great starting point. That's why I would say the first thing I would do is I was open to show not no guests
Maybe with your co-host or something, open the show and start like, "Okay, this week in the topic." I said, "Lightcoin, obviously. New developments. What has happened?" We can talk about, "Oh, this rolled out. This and this." Then you can talk about the market. Lightcoin has been affirming itself as the
stable coin because it's not leaving the $90. It's been $90 for the last three months. But yeah, you cover these things and that gets the bowl rolling. That gives people time to show up, you know, check in without missing too much importance
stuff, but you do this overview and whomever is on time kind of gets caught up. Because not everybody will have let's say your sources or the same time, yeah, amount of time to spend to find the news. So they could come to you just as like for this recap. Even though this is a topic that during the week it may have been discussed and beaten to this,
you might still want to cover it because again some of your listeners may not have spent this time figuring this out. So you cover it a little overview and that gets that basically warms things up. Kind of like the opener when you go to a band or to a show there's a band at first the opener right and get people
I think you're right. So should I get up at 6 a.m. and fire this thing up tomorrow, Marie? Well, I think part of what I was saying was to kind of be prepared. No, well, I can, I mean, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I#
I can certainly have a backlog of things that I think are interesting topics of conversation, particularly if I had a new audience. I would say, don't go for conversation topics, go for topics of interest
What do I want to know more about? Because we can shoot the, you know, all afternoon or all morning. Conversation is fun, but it's mostly fun for the participants who get to converse. What about all the listeners?
That was not much of a question. I was more surprised to say that. Instead of a conversation, I would say more so focused on topics of informational value rather than just like, "Yeah, let's just talk about something." Why not like going? Yeah, yeah. I don't know. See, because me, I almost feel like...
Yeah, it is a bit of a, like what I'm trying to create is not necessarily just only like coin talk. Well, it doesn't have to be only. It could be borderline. It could be beyond. You could discuss AI and stuff like that. Why not? Right. But that being said, you could always put it to the scope of, you know, what
could it mean for Litecoin or crypto in general, Litecoin is a type of crypto so anything crypto will work. Litecoin is a type of technology so anything technology will work. You know what I mean? Yeah, no, I have a toy ownership now. Got me thinking, I don't know. Yeah, I have that
effect on people, I'm sorry. I just wonder, I think the hardest part is the consistent audience. And like, if that is something that will build itself, if you provide the value, if you provide the quality, the audience building is just going to take time and it's going to be
something that's external to you. You can't... I mean, yeah, you can go and show your space places, but ultimately I think that's a successful... like a good audience is the side effect of a successful space. It's the... it's the byproduct. I don't think you should go as the goal of...
I want to have audience. I think my audience will cause me, but as like if I have my goals to generate interesting conversation, I have to have other people there who can have conversation, right? It's just me. It's not going to get very interesting. So now you have to make a
little team of people who can have some conversations and can support you in terms of even prep work and stuff and execution. I think it might be useful to build a team and then you'll be like, well, the team will want something in return for their time and effort. And that's where you can think about, well, at first obviously there's
not going much but later on you might get some sort of sponsorship or whatever as long as you don't sell out and that could be a good thing to offer but yeah I mean I think having support you know will definitely make things a lot more
more easy and more interesting possible with two and more rounded because you won't have to always come in and save the day in a conversation but you'll have some I guess the backing of people who might have that interesting question to ask the guests to where you're like oh good you know
So building a good team of people in my opinion is crucial. Yeah, yeah, I'm trying to figure out how to I don't hate the desktop of spaces, man. It's just the worst. But I'm trying to figure out if I can search. It's actually nice to try to jump on some other Twitter spaces.
You should go jump in on it with a space especially the one that I sent you go check out their format Okay, I think she's doing it right. Mm-hmm. Oh, hey, there's community spaces. What is this? You can have just the spaces just within your own community
with no randos. That's kind of cool. I don't know. All right. Anyway, you gave me a lot to think about here. Cool. All right. Make use of my time. You know what I'm saying?
Quality not quantity. Just quantity is exhausting. Alright guys, thanks for listening. Maybe we'll have new stuff coming but nothing today. Our no shut it down. Take, take, okay, take your time. Do it right.
That's my and we can talk off of here - well, it's a little bit it's a little bit of both like I'm a little bit of a you know just turn it on and learn as I go because I'm not gonna be perfect or off the gate and if I think about it too much it's bad but I gotta go a little bit in between right I gotta definitely have no
That's what you used to, but you got a girl from it. It's good to have this on the gold talent. A lot of people are too rigid to be able to do it, but I don't think you should bank only on that. That's all. I agree. I know. All right. I'll let you shut it down. All right. Have a good one, guys.
We get to them then.