Tethys Finance Decentralized Perps

Recorded: April 6, 2023 Duration: 1:02:00
Space Recording

Full Transcription

GMGM, hello everyone. Welcome to our Twitter spaces. Today we are hosting Ted's Finance. We are super excited. We have also Jose. Jose, Jose, are you here?
Yes, man. I'm a good morning, everyone. Do we want to wait for a minute or shall we? God. Let's make sure Nick are you there?
Oh yes I did. Hi Nick. Hi everyone. How's he going sir? Oh it's so good. It's so good. I didn't quite a well. Oh, love to hear it. Love to hear it. Not how are you doing? I'm great. Thank you so much. Awesome. Awesome.
excited for these serious phases and good morning everyone thanks for joining us this beautiful morning or evening after noon depending on where you are right now I'm Jose I'm gonna be partially hosting these to the space
with that marketing format is and that is our builders toward so we're both going to be hosting these spaces today and we're going to be we have we have Tethis as a guest so we're very excited to have them. Tethis is the
most popular decentralized purposes in the media right now. A lot of people are talking about them. So we wanted to satisfy our community and think with that. Let them hear a little bit about it. So Nick, please, we would love for you to give us an intro about yourself.
Oh, so sure. First of all, thank you for hosting us and it's a great opportunity for us to speak to such a big crowd and we've done a couple of smaller Twitter spaces before but this one is particularly exciting for us because it's the big daffical
And I'm Nick, I run marketing for this finance. I've been here since to be one and most of you guys know what is and Basically right now we have the biggest destabilized perps exchange
on the medis and it's doing really well and that's thanks obviously to our community thanks to all of you guys who are using it every day and every day I wake up and look at the volume we've done so far and we've made and we've done over
It will let me refresh this one over 13 million dollars in transactions so far and that's a big number for any exchange out there. So that's very good basically what we're trying to do. We are allowing people to long or
if they are willing to short the medis and the advent, Bitcoin and this area and all of that and we're working to make the exchange make the pet bigger and nicer and all of that so that's that's like
a little introduction about us. And so we're here today to just have a little conversation, have a little talk about what we're doing in the future, what the future holds for us, and don't just answer some questions. So, yeah, is that a good enough introduction? What do you think, guys?
Sweet, sweet. Thank you for that inter-naked awesome. Like before we go into Tethis, before we go into DeFi, decentralized firms and whatnot, I want you to let us know how do you end up in Web3Nake? What brought you here? What's your story?
Well, it's been kind of a long road, at least for me. So I started out just doing marketing. I could be just as a kid, I just love the idea to market things and get them to the end to consumer. And then one way or another.
I ended up in the mining space and basically what I was building, I was building fintech startups for over five years before that. And as I've seen there, so when you're
with a lot of money and we were dealing with just millions of dollars in the whole human protections and all of that. The space is very complicated and there is a lot of documents involved every time and you have a document for this money and for that money and to send it you're going to spend the whole budget
money. And at some point I realized that, all right, so what's the big next step for this entire system, right? So how do we actually, because right now you cannot sound like a million dollars just to another guy. That's not happening even
if you're a company, if you're an individual, that's not happening in the banking system. And that's how I ended up in the Web 3, actually. And I started out even earlier. So I bought Bitcoin talk in 2018. And I've talked about
with that length. And this was the rail pain for when it taught me a couple of things. But yeah, at the end of the day, I moved here and decided to do marketing for all of the DeFi stuff because I truly believe that at the end of the day, we can actually do the system that's robust, that's sustainable and doesn't take
like percentage of the funds you sent to other people, which is obviously not good. And yeah, that's how I met the team of tennis and the war. You kind of have to offer me a spot on the team and the rest is history and that's how I ended up here. So to sum it up,
that's the fintech space that started me out and I figured out there that I actually love like dealing with money and with funds and all of that and not many people like that. Not many people like to talk a little bit like a certain percentage of funds you've got to send to earn this amount.
most people. And yeah, that's that's kind of my story and that's kind of a little bit of my background. Love it. Love it. Thanks for sharing that. I am a big friend of everyone that gets into space because they figure out like there is the mercenaries
which there's nothing wrong with that, like coming into a space to make money. And then there's also the missionaries, people that come into a space with a mission. Either trying to solve issues for a specific subset of the population or they notice the fish and it's going to like get inefficiencies.
in the current systems and they come over here to try to solve them or to find a solution to those. And I mean, I'm also going to like, I migrated to work three also because the people, like I've never seen such a big amount of just intellectually
driven open-minded, funny, passionate people, like you know, like it's a weird combination but it's exactly like what an industry needs to flourish. That's absolutely true. Yes, yes, that's exactly when you meet people who are driven and who are just a lot of banker in a suit and
building something very and actually excited about like a right moral going to be there some that and this is what actually makes any ecosystem for any projects for so yeah that's that's one of the other things I looked for as at some point you get tired of those
calls on meeting with bankers. We have not exactly what you want to do with your life. Exactly. Okay. Okay. Now that we know a little bit about your background, let's get into the sauce. So tell us a little bit about Tethy's finance. What is Tethy's finance?
So first of all, in V1, it was a DEX. We started out as a DEX and basically we saw this spot in the medical system and we loved the concept and with the low fees and that's it's a way of doing all of that and we got excited about it.
So we decided to build here and we started out as a back then we were slowly building it out you know with the leverage farming we had and we had a bridge aggregator and we had to back a whole bunch of that stuff and Then we decided to switch to V2 and
We figured out it's about time we do the next exciting thing and bring it to the ecosystem and that's how we can up with this idea. So, basically, if people are looking, so if we're obviously
market and people are looking for real yield and for protocols for generating money, where it's users and all of that and figure out what's the best to bring here. And we figured out that perhaps, perhaps exchange would be,
So that's kind of the thinking behind us and that's who we are. We basically, just for the common people, you can loan or short without having to log in with your mobile number and all of that on to buy an end and risk your
finds getting frozen for no parent reason and all of that and that's that's a great and very preling feeling we're going to just use the leverage to make the money or not make the money if you're getting liquidated and there happens a lot too. So that
That's a little bit about us and as far as we can see people are loving it and people are using it and that's what makes us excited every day. Awesome, awesome. Just let's assume real quick that there's a few people in here that they
No crypto they know what is to trade one currency for another, but maybe they don't know What are what we mean by like perps or by like trading with leverage will you mind giving kind of like a brief like superficial like overview on on leverage and perps?
kind of like what's different, what makes it different than trading just one currency for another in Hermes, for example. So it's a very simple explanation at this point. So what a verb does it allows you to use leverage and
that the finest example of that is Binance and you get your own funds and you can make so much money with your funds. You're hoping that the price will go up enough for you to do like a one X or a 10X or something like that. Or maybe 10X if you're like you're maybe 100X if you're just diamond hands all of that
So what many traders use is they use leverage and what is leverage it's boring funds from and a platform you know, for example, they finance and using them to trade so basically you're boring the funds
You're putting your funds as collateral. So let's say that the dollar and you're borrowing ten more dollars for us. And if the price goes up, obviously you make the margin, which is on top of the price of the outer and if the price goes down, you might get liquidated.
gives you is the opportunity to make more money with your small funds or not so small funds if we're talking about a whale who wants to leverage like a X over over his million dollars now but still that's like the basic idea the opportunity
to give the people an option to trade with more money than they currently have. And that was only accessible for finance at first and all of those centralized exchanges. And that's, we don't think that's the way to do it because you don't
own your, but not the keywords, not your wallet. So basically, the only option to get perhaps your funds saved and at the same time trade with leverage and that's better to use status-finals.
and all of the other projects out there in different ecosystems. The centralization, baby. Yes, yes, that's exactly the thing. And I also have, if we want to go deeper in this one, I'm sure some people want to, I especially brought Denzel and he's out there with the listener
He can talk more about the leverage because he is a professional on that and he is also part of the team now. So if you can request and if you guys can invite him up, can't even possibly tell you even more about it. And I think that's very exciting and educating people is very important.
So if you can do that, that'll do great. Sure. Then so, actually Mike and we'll get you a view. It's done. Then so you have the mic. You just unmute. So you have to unmute yourself. And then so before we go in and Nick, just to clarify for everyone in the space with leverage,
basically like ignore like the numbers. I'm just using an example, but basically with one dollar worth of equity, if I have one dollar, I can basically buy ten dollars worth of something of tethis or metis. With that one dollar, is that the case?
Yeah, it's well if you pre simplify it down to earth that's that's that's the case. Yes, I would say that that's an overhead
simplification, but yes, I think that then it's really good with analogies and we figured out in the spaces before so key might be the one who comes up like with a good one that will stick then so
Yeah, it's kind of like you would make it or first let me to say everyone I'm then so thanks for having me on the space, but to answer your question, yeah, to put it in a nutshell, it is kind of like that you would put like a
multiplier, it's kind of like a game per se, like a gambling game where you can win up to $10, yes, but there's a high chance you could lose too.
I won't say, "I perpetrating is easy." But there's risks involved, so, but if you know what you're doing, then there's a high chance that you can win that $10 for your $1.
Yeah, so that's another thing that's the best risks you take on with the usual trading when you just for example you swap one coin for now because it went up 10x that's that's a simple one your only overhead is just yeah, you know just the funds you put
in. That's good now, but with the perp straining, it's a little bit more complicated and it generally requires from people at least some knowledge of the market because there is downside and you can't be liquidated, but that doesn't stop the people from doing it because it's very
repealing when you have a dollar and you can borrow, you can put this dollar down, borrow ten dollars and hopefully, hopefully the price, that's what you want to price do. And that's the way you win. It's not that we are promoting gambling of any sort.
you guys out here should know what you're doing obviously but yeah nevertheless that's the best analogy yeah is definitely not promoting gambling like that is just giving users a tool to amplify their exposure exactly exactly the
exposure can be like can turn out into something good if the trade goes as expected or more exposure could turn out in something bad if the trade doesn't go as expected. Yeah, that's that's exactly our thing and I'm looking at the analytics tab right now and
And the people, they're going crazy about medias, like they love trading it. And as far as I can see, it's mostly longs, and you guys just love the long medias. And that's the idea, that's the belief in the ecosystem.
very good result. And that's what we're aiming for with this, so basically we wanted to give people the opportunity. Yeah, there are other projects out there who would let you trade like Bitcoin or Ethereum and all of that. But in the media secretive news, you should have the option.
If you're willing to do so, to long minutes and you guys are taking advantage of that. Like you are. And this is very good. This is very exciting and hopefully the people are making money and they can see that some literators are making money and that's very good.
So Nick, I'm a toilet on a specific topic that I know a lot of people is interested in.
So are you ready? I am. Bring it on. Teepee's staking. Talk to me about it, man.
So basically it's the option to earn more percentage in the funds by just staking the coins and that's as simple as yet. And if state that is, you'll earn a portion of the fees and I'll tell you
the APRs are now, because I'm on the website currently and I'll just refresh the tab. And if you take it as a list today, you'll earn 16% APR by just holding it, by just holding it. A lot of people are in our community.
believe in us and I'll tell you the numbers there is just shy of two million dollars of status state currently and this this is a big number and with this 16 percent 16 percent API API and you also get the multiplayer points and there is all of that kind of thing
You can just I've seen a screenshot on Twitter recently, but the guy who is earning like 300 bucks a day. It's not it wasn't even a screenshot. It was like a picture of his screen and that was great. That's a great result and you might ask me, all right, where do the APRs come from?
it's safe and up and all that. It's good comes from the things collected by the platform. So it's the real real the world has been looking for all around. You know, there was this era of just farming friends there, let's put it this way. And then the people started asking for the
for the real yield and for the protocol to actually make the fees and distribute it back to the users. And that's exactly what we did and that's that is taking. And people are loving it and yeah and the numbers prove it. It's because you
sometimes people will say yeah the people are loving it everyone is using it what are the numbers the numbers are close to 2 million and still 16% the per hour now that means the people are using the platform and we are collecting the fees and the people are earning on their heads by just holding it and then as we've also
So there are a lot of options to play with the protocol down there to multiply, you'll learn all of that. And yeah, that's to answer your question. That's us. That's what we did.
Really yield baby, love it, love it. I've been playing with Tethys lately. I saw that, I mean, if you're staking Tethys, you get that 30% of all kind of like that.
protocol like swap fees and I thought it was fascinating and I also saw another very peculiar product that I want to talk about. Yes, yes. Can you tell me a little bit more about TLP?
So with the TLP, I haven't played with that a lot, but let me tell you, let me tell you some stuff I know, and then we'll just go ahead on it, because he knows way more than I'd ever about it. So basically it's a sum of the underlying funds.
If you want to buy a kill key, you can buy it with medias, if you're in Bitcoin, UDC or ARV. And it's combined with all of those underlying coins. And basically, you're just how they describe it without the
I'll let them describe this one. So we'll probably do a better job than I will. Then so we're up brother. Okay. TLP is like a stable coin but not a stable coin. They pretty much use five tokens which are the five tokens that they use.
just within all the trading on teddies which is you know METIS, EAT, Bitcoin, ABE and USCC and pretty much just to help promote the liquidity that you can trade with on teddies. It's kind of like I use Vegas a lot as a analogy. It's like when you go there Vegas has to have
the casinos have to have a certain amount of money so that you can gamble there. Or if they don't have enough money and people try to gamble there, then they're going to go out of business. So that's kind of like what TLP is. You're kind of investing in the casino. That's why I always say, "Oren on up." Another great thing is when the
traders lose TLP owners they earn they like that's how they earn their money and so that's why I always say TLP is kind of like betting on the house because the house always wins Yeah, with the fees with the piece at TLP holders
they get like 70% of the fees if I remember correctly. Is that correct then? Yeah, 70% but currently it's at 106 right now if I'm looking at the website. Oh yeah. So it's 70% of the fees collected to the perpetual spot for
for the APR is currently at 114. Yeah, and it resets every Friday. Just so people know, resets every Friday. Yeah, if you haven't noticed by our Twitter and if you follow us, you should know by now that every Friday will post like new APRs and that's
where the sweet spot is. So every Friday, they are fresh and the pizza distributed and all of that and the people jumping and that's where we see this little spike out there. So that's just a knowledge and I get for all of you guys.
Sweet sweet. Okay, so now everyone is up today everyone knows what they can do with Tethis and everyone know what they can do with TLP as well TLP like they were saying is a pretty much like an asset basket and If you own you can buy it with any of the
lot of protocols also building on top or around of GMX. Do you think this is something that we will see in Madness, can I like protocols using Tethys as a D5 foundation and building around it? Well I would obviously hope so.
because that just benefits the product of self tremendously. And to answer a question, yes, I think that's the next big thing pretty much. Because what else do you have this exciting that happened recently in the entire crypto university?
that. Jim Mix has been the big thing and the best strategy, the strategy is solid, I would say. So basically they build a tool and now they're building little different projects around it, just building on top of it. That's kind of what the, what the, with the Dexas when there was this Dex
When you had some projects building on top of taxes, like what was it called? Wombat was doing in the Binance ecosystem, what you had like this, like three or five projects building on top of it, just having the yields and all of that.
I think in my opinion that's a big thing that the future but unless the people will come up with something else and they will come up with something else obviously. That's the big thing that's the hot thing and I think it's the new
it will survive and spend the test of time, which is the most important thing. Danzo, you're up. Sorry, I wanted to just quickly mention back on TLP was like if investors are not really interested in perpetrating, which is totally fine.
You could still just invest in TLP and you could still earn a lot of real yield. I just wanted to mention that real quick. Yeah, and always do your own research. Everyone. So, yeah, yeah, yeah.
We should always say that all of us. But yeah, with that question, there is no doubt that GMX will stand the test of time and people will keep using it because it hasn't been really done before at the option to leverage your funds without coming to the login and
and being decentralized and all of that. And that's why I tracked all of those. I was a young leader like some big whales doing something funny out there like for the Bitcoin with 8 million or something like that. So as long as the attention is there and we are in that attention economy right now, the
projects will keep growing and obviously the people who want to succeed will build with the project. So that's I'm pretty sure we'll see in the meta-sacr system and all around we'll see the next level people building on top of it. Yeah I also want to look forward to the same
GMX was a yeah GMX is like really huge over an arbitrum and I'm pretty sure it's only gonna get bigger because gambling seems to be like the next big thing right now in crypto that a lot of people are really getting into so you know people need to figure out how to use it but they're fun somewhere they like to have fun gambling so why not
Yeah, I mean some of them call it gambling some of them call it day trading short-term trading But yeah, like it's in any bear market bull market fucking crap market like people will trade people will be trading Like the way up the way down and they will be trying to make money
That's everywhere. So, and anywhere, like at any time. So, I do not, kind of like I have high expectations about, I think that this is going to have a key role in the medicine ecosystem. As it's like we said, the biggest and the most popular, the central like
platform as right now and I think as the ecosystem grows like the amount of interest in trading these even if it remains constant like the amount of users will grow as well and if the interest ends up rising we're gonna have more users and more interest so I mean I I believe TPs is
is on a good path right now. Most of my questions were already answered for the most part. So unless, I mean, I do have one more question though, before we go to some type of AMA, if there's anyone that has any questions on answered. Nick,
I am wondering is there anything coming up, any upcoming developments, implementations, campaigns or anything in particular that users or listeners should be keeping in mind? Yes.
And obviously, you've seen on Twitter, I think today was that we'll bring some exciting news. So if you guys tuned in in any other episodes and the Twitter spaces were done, the biggest question with the past is,
was the future, what is our target right now? And I've always said that our target is attracting as many people as much liquidity as we can at this point, because the purpose is live as long as people are trading. And that's like the biggest hurdle with
you have to get over and we're very successful with attracting the people. And the question I always got on the hot seat for some reason. I always got on the hot seat every time people would ask me, "Yeah, so I'm on the website right now and I really want a long notice right now." But I cannot do it.
I don't know if you guys are here or not, but hopefully you are, because that would be great. I've done Twitter space with the guys.
And that's me. When is it that anyone will be able to long medias and it won't be like borrowed out all the time and all of that. And the time has come and we've been working with the medias ecosystem for the medias guys and obviously on this
question, how do we figure out a way to raise the mid-scap a little bit for the people to for more people to be able to trade and that happened and that happened very recently I would say it happened this week and right now if I go to the analytics
I'm proud to say that there is at this very moment let me see then I'll leave that there is 43% of medias is out there for the dating for you guys to play around with and the cap
was raised to, I believe, about $250 or $60K. And this is very exciting for a couple of reasons. First of all, that gives the people the opportunity to go and do whatever they want in the debt at this point. Because before that,
every time let me see the analyst that like you couldn't really use leverage because the cap was rather low and the people would struggle when someone will get liquidated other people would come in and all of that and right now you can go ahead all of you guys and you can borrow the borrow
for us at least, is that there is now an opportunity for a lot more people to long-made this. And this is great, and I hope that in the future we'll work on the increasing liquidity cap and figuring out some other ways. But for right now we'll
be there is a little bit even right now let me see even right now there is a little bit liquidity out there and you people can get on right now and long can manage because what you guys want to do and we will release a lot more liquidity over the next couple of weeks
so that more people can tune in and actually trade. So this is very exciting and I'm glad that happened because that was a tough couple of weeks because I would go to Twitter spaces and the people would be asking me, when is this happening? When can I use the protocol finally? I want to use the
But I can know that's all borrowed out can you increase the gap can we do everything is done now it's done now and people can go ahead and just trash it just Trade it just a longer whatever but it leveraged no leverage. It's all all the way up to you We've made a tool and
And now we have the liquidity in it to actually deliver on daily basis. And this is very, this is crazy exciting for us. And that's what I wanted to bring onto this space. And that's why it was done in such a silent manner for us, because we were not sure
I'm very pleased with it. If you cannot tell by my voice, I'm very pleased with it. Awesome, awesome, let's go! Liquidicap raised and damn
means it's not only ready, it's waiting for you all to go try it. So yeah, just gonna like to reaffirm a little bit on that part, we were talking about how it was recently raised. The more exposure, the more users and the more capital is allocated towards TLP,
the more liquidity there's also going to be for traders to play. So as there's more users and going to like more investors coming into not only the ecosystem but TAPIs into TLP, there's also going to be more room for traders to play around. So I mean ideally this will only kind of like the usage of TAPIs,
exposure on it is only going to go walk from now. So yeah, I'm very excited for these upcoming months. I'm looking forward to working very closely with the Tethys team as well. And the CSH, I'm just excited. So yeah, it's very exciting and finally you can buy your TLP with Metit.
Which is not usually available right now and I can see right now on my own my screen that some of you lucky ones for just really the space and then they even jump in and buy you a TV with me this is this is a rare opportunity so first come first serve
So, okay, okay, we have already been here for quite a bit. We talked about what is Tethis? We talked about what users can do with leverage. What is the difference between normal like regular swaps and leverage trading? We also talked about Tethis, Tethis staking, what is TLP?
and all the use cases or all the different things that users can do in tapest finance. So now I'm just wondering, is there any question that we might have left on answered? Like we still have a few minutes left, so this is a time to ask.
Yeah, let's talk with the people because they're bringing the most questions and then we'll become over and we think about them and that's the users who are actually pretty much pressure those in raising the cap because they wanted to use the protocol so much. So if you guys have any questions, you can fire away.
Don't be shy. This space is for y'all, so don't be shy. I've been asking questions for 40 minutes already, so you'll can ask one.
I see some ecosystem builders in the house as well.
Shout out to life, shout out to boys.
and shout out to the rest that I might not be looking at right now, some ambassadors as well.
Okay, we have crypto games that wants to ask a question. Yeah, I have a question. This is crypto games.
I have a question about the percentage of TLP that you decided that you split up five ways. How did you decide on that percentage split?
Basically, we did what we figured out was safe and with the media scape and Chris was had to calculate all of that. So I'm not a guy to answer this question. And I think Chris the games, I saw you on the last phase and you're
bringing like the heat you're bringing the heat my seat every time. I personally think that what was decided was what was the most safe and what was the most stable and that's how we figure out the percentage as with the cap and craze it was the same
how do we keep it stable, how do we figure out a way to keep the thing up to load, even though we'll increase the MetaScap and we've got a dedicated person on the team, colloquially earning all the percentages and all of the risks. I'm not that deep into it.
So I wouldn't answer it, but that's a good question and I will do this for you. We'll post something about it on our Twitter. And I'm writing it down. And you know when I write it down, I'm bringing the answer back. I have a question also. So the percentage that the
percentage is split up, but I understand the point of splitting it like that to make it safer. How often do you guys plan on looking at that, the distribution of percentages and deciding like, when you decide to pivot and decide, oh, maybe we should raise this or lower this
percentage or bring in another coin to change the percentages around based on marking conditions. Yeah, it's a simple answer. As long as the market conditions are good, we are trying to keep it as stable as possible.
As far as I would say as long as the community is happy, we are happy to keep the percentages there. When the community becomes unhappy and that's when we have to step in and to deliver on the promises of all right, that's perhaps that's
and that's the people's protocol. And so that's how we decided it. So basically for the last couple of weeks we've got a lot of things about like raising the mediscapar, raising the mediscapar, we kept calculating it and that's how we raised it. So as long as the people are happy, we are not going to be happy.
So basically to answer your question in short, it's when the people start pinging us about something that it's got to be changed or something like that. That's where we figure out, right. So it's time to adjust it. Okay, thank you for the, thank you for the
the answer to that question. Thank you. I like to ask the question. I love it when it comes to space. I love it because it's the most exciting, the most exciting question. You're truly out bringing me back. I'm not going to answer these questions because I
I'm, you know, I write articles about your protocol and I want to make sure that I'm promoting them correctly and sometimes I like to head off the head off the question by answering what would happen if and it just makes it it makes it better for you guys overall.
Yeah, yeah, that's absolutely great and you keep doing whatever you're doing and that's exciting and By all down the question you had and we'll come back with an answer and maybe we can like get a telegram group calling and answer more questions and we've seen you already
the articles and all of that. Obviously, we want to do some close-up work maybe. I think Danzo can reach out to you and we can figure out a way to work together. That would be great. Now the question led us to something even more exciting and opportunity to work together, which is great.
Yeah, it is great. Thank you. Thank you very much.
Thank you. Thanks, GameScripter Games. We have another question from Emilio. Let me bring you up. Oh no, Emilio is not like that. No, we don't want him. No, okay. Bye Emilio. Just kidding.
Okay, you should be up. Go on. Hey guys, can you listen to me? Hi. Yes. Perfect. Good morning. And not actually a question because I think Hosea and the rich of the guys has having doing pretty good questions and crypto games did bring on the side.
So it's more congratulations to a team of Titus as a long time user. I've been a user since then early 2022. I have to congratulate you because your work has been showing a lot of progress in the in the platform and with this recent update,
me as a current user, I feel, you know, listening to and that you guys are bringing what we want as Zians, as you know, as basically, you know, users, yeah. So yeah, congratulations, man, and keep up the great work.
Thank you so much. This is great to hear from the actual users and we'll keep up the good work, we'll keep listening to the people out there and that's how you build a really good product. You'll be listening to the people and they'll tell you whatever they want to do.
Thank you for using your old protocol and this is great. Thanks again. I really like the, especially I started using the videos because I really like the UX and UI. So you have improved that a lot.
That's our pride. That's our pride. Yes, I know. That's what they call it pride in and we constantly work on it to improve. There are a couple of things here and there but every day we find them and we fix them.
I'm sure that you guys have a great experience. You think the problem? That's their everyday bread and butter brother. Yes. Yes, I did. Okay, awesome. Awesome. Thanks for the questions, Emilio. Do we have any last questions?
Is there a time to charm? Anyone else that might want to ask your final question? I see a question for comment section, not sure if that was answered from Jerome. What are the risks
with investing in TLP and comparison to buying TVs.
Basically, yeah, then you're putting good smiley face on there. Can you explain to the people the different players and whether the race is out there? Sorry, can you repeat the question one more time?
Sure, you can see it in the comments section. What are the risks with investing until TLP and comparison to buying TVs?
The risks. Well,
pretty much buying TLP is like pretty much just investing in the house if you think the casino is gonna win and buying teddies is you're hoping that the token price will go up so that you can
and profit off that. But regardless, if you stake both of them, you will earn a real yield, but TLP will pay out more than Teddies will. But Teddies, you have the
the risk, but the chances of the token price going higher. So it's really your choice as to how you want to earn revenue from the Teddy token or TLP.
If you're buying TLP, you're investing in this basket of assets and earning on top of them. If you're buying Tests, you're figuring out the people are using the protocol. But I think it's going to be successful on all of that.
But either way, as Dancer said, absolutely correct. People are going to be earning real yield on top of them. And the risks are usually on crypto. So I don't think we have to talk about risks. This might, everyone at this point has seen those risks.
with the use DC stuff and all of that. So I think you should consider the risks and we got a nice dock where you can read all about the risks. And there I believe there was a risk tab in there which you can read about. But yeah,
As far as choose wisely what you invest in and just actually believing in the project and believing in the team is what makes the project worthy of the investor. I would say and that's my personal opinion and not financial advice and
Yeah, that's that kind of thing when I grab this smaller spaces if you guys ever catch like I was doing a smaller space We go in the weeds about it. All right, what everyone does all of that but not on this big one. No
Awesome, awesome. Thank you. Thank you very much. Oh, we do have a question. We have more questions. Yeah, let's do it. Okay, we do have eight more minutes to go.
Let's try to keep those questions inside those eight minutes. And let's get it. Yeah. Darren, you're up. Thanks, guys. Why don't you apply for the marathon and get some incentives to increase the volume and liquidity?
But is this the question for us or is this the question for the medic? Yeah, for you, you have to apply.
Yeah, sorry, repeat the question then. I don't really understand that, not because I'm trying to know. Yeah, why don't you apply for the Matys Marathon so that to get some incentives and increase the trading volume and liquidity? We're working together with
with the media team closely and where it's how they answered this correctly. There was no point for us in the application before we had enough media for the people to
to trade. Right? Because even though we will get the people and we will get a little bit of volume and all of that, the people will come to the protocol. What do they actually want to do? They want long meetings. All right. They will have enough meetings now. So it's like a game of chess when you are building a project for the long term.
What do you do first we build out the things we got some liquidity we got some of the people we got some of the exposure we checked all of those boxes all right what's our next step to work on the liquidity first or the work on getting more people into the particle first and we chose to work on the liquidity because we truly think
that people coming in be able to use the thing. So to answer your question, is there application coming? I don't want to tease anything, but it might, the future holds everything, and no one knows what's in there.
to give you a sound answer is because we had to solve the liquidity, I think, first. And now that we are very liquid and the people can use the platform, it's game time for us. And it's the acquisition game and we will bring even more news in the next couple of weeks.
Is this a good answer? From this I got yes you're gonna apply so it's a good one. Well it's you telling me so I didn't say that but
The future holds a lot of exciting things and I don't think that's the last phase would do with May 16th. I'll leave you with that. That's an enough teaser to tune into the next. Thank you, May.
Okay, now we have we had Anthony I don't see him anymore. We have brains I see Anthony drop the comment I mean question
in the comments. So I'll just read it maybe. Will other meetings eco tokens be able to be listed on Terri's perp the index? If so, how can they can they can get listed?
Not at the moment. So did we have, we did wherever I think about it? Yes, but that's not our main focus at this point. We'll have to get back with the team and think about it one more time because the focus works in a different direction. It's about the user
position on getting more people trading and getting good equipment. Right now we can think about it. How can we, you know, as a big protocol in the access, can we bring some other people on? And the answer is we might, but not in the work that the moment.
Okay, thanks for answering this question and now we have Prince I think is the last one Prince Europe You are Jim Jim guys So you what's up Nick?
for sure for sure. So all right, I don't know the last time we we chatted or the meetings, communities, I don't know we had a couple questions which you said you'd get back on so I don't know
just kind of like a flow right now. So I don't know perhaps you once I did earlier, but I'm just going to ask again because I stepped in from my laptop sometime ago regarding more liquidity for me to you know like long game because I remember
we talked about then I mentioned some time I want to be long meets is but then all the meets isn't the pool or the way all borrowed out so I don't know any of the tone that has more liquidity to be added on all the terms of actually making to improve that.
Yes, that's exactly the question we gathered here to announce and I'm glad you made it over here in the last minutes of this space I'm glad you made it over here because I promised and I think a promise to you specifically that I'll get back on to this question and I'll figure it out and
And we have the capacity base and you can now use it. And it's up to 50k, I think, to 50 out of 60k. I have to check on that and we'll release it kind of gradually, but we've worked on it and we've worked closely with the medias guys.
Right now it's it's up and that was the big moment for this space So I'm glad you made it over here because I promised you and the right now I can leave the space a very happy person because I promised a human something and I delivered on it. So yeah, that was all
for sure that's really great to hear. So just one more thing, one more thing, how about the show of more tokens to be able to you know, trade on leverage because I think as of last I checked it was just a few about couple four five there
about and I believe we have more to kids on meetings. Any improvement on that? Any improvement on that? That's not at the moment. We're taking your questions just step by step, you know. First we have to solve the liquidity for medias and now we can look around and figure out other topics.
Is it in the works right now? No, but I was thinking about it. Yes, but right now our main thing is yeah, we've got the medits. We've got the medits community happy because they can long get there everything they want. But at this moment it's not in the works, but the way I'm thinking about it.
I do not think there is one of the odds of something to that.
Yeah, because unfortunately there's a lot of small caps. So if you try to trade it, there's a lot of whales that can manipulate it and you can get a wrecked really quick. That's why if you look at GMX for example, they use certain tokens where the
liquidity is so high that even a team of whales, they can't really change the price as fast as they can change a smaller token within the Midas ecosystem. Maybe if you just use like a million dollars, you can change it really quickly.
but like a million dollars in BTC you won't change it that quickly. So that's why it's kind of dangerous to just put any token. Even though it sounds like fun and exciting but there's a lot of like safety procedures that go along with it.
Yeah, even with the mid-estor praise we have to cultivate everything to the dot and figure out the exact amount of liquidity who hold up without like the price being manipulated but someone just coming in and souping everything and all of that. So it's tricky question, but
is that promise? And they usually promise something I deliver on it. And let's keep it this way. So we'll think about it, but we'll think about it in a little bit right now. We're looking to attract more people. And I think that's how we ran out of
time. So we ending it. What's the ending thing? Ending? Dude, we're staying here for like 25 hours. It's just the beginning.
Thank you everyone. This was a great, very special thanks to you and thanks to Denzo as well for explaining certain concepts. We appreciate all the valuable questions that were made by the public, by ambassadors. Again, thank you very much for assisting the
space. We had a great time and make sure to do the name for the next one. We have a lot of good things coming with Tepis, so stay awake. Thank you everybody. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

FAQ on Tethys Finance Decentralized Perps | Twitter Space Recording

Who is the guest in this Twitter Spaces event?
Ted's finance
Who are the hosts of this Twitter Spaces event?
Jose and Mark
What is Tethys finance known for in the media?
Being the most popular decentralized purposes
How much transaction volume has Tethys finance done so far?
Over 13 million dollars
What does Tethys finance allow people to do?
Long or short the medis and the advent, bitcoin and this area
What is web 3?
A system for decentralized finance
What brought Nick to web 3?
Dealing with money and funds and seeing the need for a system that is robust, sustainable and does not charge percentage of funds sent
What is the difference between mercenaries and missionaries in the web 3 space?
Mercenaries come to the space to make money, while missionaries come to the space with a mission to solve issues or inefficiencies in current systems
What did Tethys finance start out as in v1?
A dex
What is the main purpose of Tethys finance?
To provide users with a way to long or short without having to log in with mobile number or risk their funds getting frozen