Tezos Art Weekly - Episode 13

Recorded: Nov. 15, 2022 Duration: 0:50:49



Hey, Chef T, how's it going?
Hello, I was just tweeting out. Definitely there's been some big movements happening in the Tesla's ecosystem regardless of the market conditions. So just tweeting about that.
How are you? Quite a week for sure on all friends. Definitely lovely about it.
Cool, let's wait a few minutes, see if people join and then we can start.
Hello, hello.
We're just making Tesos in the Corros today.
Oh, lovely.
So hopefully people who follow Tessers and you will see this and maybe have a few new people
but this is a recorded space and you can tune in afterwards. This is Tezos Art Weekly episode 13.
We reached 13 episodes. Shakthay. So you don't need godless.
of the number of weeks I think the community, the slope build is something that's beautiful. I think we've made great connections, great friends, some in India, some internationally. You know, we've had some
amazing updates, some amazing activities, some amazing campaigns happening. So, you know, overall I'm really excited about what we're doing and I'm keen to hear about the first time a workshop that she didn't Banglaur. Yeah, yeah, I'm looking
Thank you for all to talk about this. It was great fun. So there was another set of cool events that happened. One was the IIT head. I personally sort of missed it.
a big one that was a part of this week.
And apart from that, I don't know if you are in a school, an energy collection is dropping, some that you like really significant in history. One of the biggest brands in history.
sports industry has decided to use tassels as the blockchain they are minting on. Hello.
(keyboard clicking)
Apex or... Hello, am I audible? Yeah, you are. Hello? Yes, I can hear you.
Hello. Hello.
Exhaust, can you hear me? Yes, I can. Okay, okay. Then I think that we are having the standard Goa connectivity issues.
Yeah, it's sorry about all that noise earlier. If you could please put yourself on.
Hey, hello, can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you loud. Okay. So strange she can't hear me. So I think the things that we can talk about is the giveaway that you did and I won.
Yeah, I think you will wait for that but yeah, let's go on and take a look.
Yeah, some things up with Twitter space as usual. So I guess cyber Shakti can't hear me unless you can now and we're trying to get Tesla's India on mute. But we're going to somehow do the space anyway.
I'm glad you can hear me pick circle. I was... If she leaves and joins by, if she goes into the listeners and then actually joins by, she'll probably want to get it. It works sometimes.
Yeah, I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that.
Okay, I'm gonna invite Shakti to go host again. Hopefully this time it works.
Hello. Yep. Is working now.
We had some interesting pots and pans and sounds in the background. I don't know where they were coming from, but I think we're good now.
So, what's been happening, Shakti? How's Goa? Nice, easy. We're doing great thing.
That's a very, very long residency, I must say.
Okay, I was kidding. Go as a great place to work at. We're starting to think about the Teso's residency actually, so we could talk about that, something that we want to do next year.
with all the artists that we are working with at TIEC. We want to do a retreat where we can all kind of meet in person and work on a project together, maybe a collective, generative project.
So once we figure out which month then we can probably figure out the location. I'm wondering whether March April is a good time to be in Goa. If it's any later then we probably look for some place in the mountains to do it.
to a school. If it's in March, then there's a high possibility that it's going to happen in the war. Definitely. March really is a hot dough, but still, you know, it was.
is being in Goa. So yeah, I'd like to start today by talking about the Bangalore workshop that we had. This is the first workshop in the city and it happened at the headquarters of Jagga.
and also in collaboration with B Fantastic. Jaga is a co-working space in the center of Bangalore, quite a great location on Richmond Road. And yeah, it's a very wonderful space on the sixth floor of a
building and they've got lots of plants and a massive balcony and lots of desks and lots of light and it's a great really nice place to work out of. So we had a two day workshop out there on day one it was all new people people hadn't really ever
ever even heard of Tezos, some hadn't even heard about the blockchain, well not firsthand, but they hadn't really done anything on the blockchain. So it started with the basic explanation of what the blockchain was, the history of the blockchain.
I always like talking about history, so we started off at the early days of Bitcoin and how that was created and the ethos behind it and then smart contracts and Ethereum and then Tezos coming into the scene with
of stake and the history of Hiketnan can all of those fun things. So people had a great time listening to that. You know, history is something that really expands the understanding of these things, otherwise most people presented in a very
technical way. So with history you can actually tell a story. So we told the story of crypto through that and then really got into more practical stuff like you know the different types of wallets how you can open a wallet or a browser how you can open
wallet on your phone. And yeah, it takes a long time really to do these things. So the first day was pretty much focused on things like that. Though I did a pretty extensive section on the different artists and marketplaces on Tezos. So we looked at FX
We looked at object, we looked at it, we do of course. And I was, I think everyone noticed I got most excited when speaking about it. We do like I normally do. Although no one minted any pixel art that day. We did take a deep dive into
this 8x pixel stuff and TypeDart was a pretty exciting discovery for people especially non-visual artists, writers, poets and things like that. So on day one we kind of just did an overview of all of these
things look at what artists have been doing and stuff like that. Interactive NFTs and things that people hadn't seen before. And on day two, invited everyone back for a complete practical workshop where everyone minted their work.
people collected from each other, spread the word, learned the practical process of putting the NFTs up. And it was such a wonderful group of people. They diverse in terms of age. It wasn't just some people.
So what was the youngest age and what was the oldest? I actually didn't ask anyone their age but my guess would have been the youngest in the mid-20s so not that young and the older side would actually be in the
I would guess in the fifties. Wow. Yes. So quite a span of age and more than that, actually quite a span of skill sets. So we had someone mint a poem, somebody minted some
prose, a quote, then somebody minted a photography, a 1% minted a beautiful 360 degree video of the nilgiri mountains, which, which sold out in
under an hour which is it's a beautiful video yeah we're going to post about it having a time to really get all the art out there but keep a look on the t-ac Twitter we'll be posting about it then we had people posting hand-run sketches
couple of them really nice. Somebody did a beautiful portrait of his niece, somebody did a portrait of a sketch of the Pisces fish and then surprisingly we had two coders in the house who completely finished
is writing p5.js code for the first time, figured out the HTML CSS and minted onto TIr, interactive NFTs, two of them, which was the first that we've had in
any workshop. So that was really, really good to see. And well, Jagga beef fantastic are creative tech, centric people. So we did expect some coders to land up, but to actually finish the code because
anyone who's done that knows it's not just writing a code that compiles you also have to prepare the HTML and the CSS and package it into zip file and upload it. It's a little complicated if you do it for the first time. So yeah, they did that and they minted it's pretty successful.
they figured a lot of stuff out themselves doing the workshop. So that was really nice to see. And what else, what am I missing? Yeah, I think that's about it. But you know, for a group of such a small group, it was quite a diverse range of
art minted for the first time. Everyone is very very happy to be using the blockchain in such a fun way. There are a lot of people who tried other chains, they'd opened a Metamask account and things but they felt quite intimidated by the technology so we made it very
very, very easy for them and a lot of them realize that a lot of people have tried NFTs but they just got stuck because someone taught them how to open wallet but didn't tell them anything beyond that or they went on open see a year ago and they didn't really
connect with that. So, you know, there were people who kind of stopped halfway. So, working with them, to get them onto the platform, showing them object, they were quite impressed by how smoothly things were contested. So, that was also nice to see.
Wow, that's amazing. These are like efforts being taken at grassroots level to ensure that people don't really know the basics but they know the rich history of the of blockchain in general and then you know how it sort of
has managed to be on Tezos, the community why you were the amazing platforms that are available for a variety of range of creativity I would say.
from type.art to FX hash. So I'm sure everybody must have been in love with the workshop and I'm sure that there are some amazing creators that are going to come out of this. Yeah, definitely. So sure. Bangalos are wonderful city that way. It's the
the tag hub of the country lots of young people lots of colleges on a personal note I went to a wonderful bookshop out there and I saw young people really obsessed with books which is such a rare thing in this day so I was quite
amazed by the city, it was progressive in a lot of cultural ways. So I'm actually pretty excited to go back there soon. There are no plans yet, but I hope it happens. Are you back in Kolkata? Yeah, yeah, back here.
It was a very short trip. So I flew in to Bangalore in the morning on a Saturday. We had the workshop at three o'clock, finished day one at six o'clock. Then I went back to Jagga because we were talking to them. I would actually tell people about that.
That is well. In the morning, so I had a meeting with them in the morning, then we started at 3 o'clock again, finished at 6 pm and I flew out of Bangalore at 10. So yeah, it was hyper speed. I picked up on that. There is some development coming.
Yes, so well, it's not confirmed, but you know, there are people who've partnered with us with this workshop. So definitely shout out to what they're doing. B fantastic is going to be doing a festival in March in Bangalore and that will be focused on a
AI. So it's going to be India's, as far as I know, India's first AI centric festival, they've done it once before, but the theme, the focus was in AI, it was more art and technology and quite amazing actually. They have a video up if you want to check it out. So, defense
you can look for it on Google. So March, yeah, March, they're doing like a fully AI centric festival where they're doing really interesting cross-collaborations AI and performance art, like AI and dance, you know, not the standard
just prompting AI to spit out an image like very very different approaches to artificial intelligence. So it looks pretty exciting hope to be actually be back for that. So we'll see what we can do. Definitely they're interested. They were pretty happy with the workshop. So
So we definitely want to bring a workshop to the festival. That's something that they want as well. But more than that, like a panel and we're hoping that we could do an NFT gallery as part of this. So that's something we've just started working on more of that. That would be beautiful.
It's a great initiative and in a wonderful city. So, yeah, hope that works out. Amazing. So in the other big news, Manu has announced that they are going to drop their
which is a huge huge huge announcement I think the biggest of the week I guess Manu is so honestly I'm not a football fan but obviously you know like any
anybody on the planet has heard of Manu because it's such a huge brand and they've chosen Tezos. So I'd love for Varun Dota, you know, to have some more light on this topic because I know that you are a big big big football
I'm I know not so much I don't mind football but I honestly don't have time for sports it kind of consumes too much time so I do too many things to be involved with
sports fandom. But yeah, everyone knows Manchester United. I was there when they came to Calcutta. There were 8,000 people on the ground. So, you know, just testament to the amount of people that really
follow soccer football and the club. So at that point of time there was no announcement of collectibles but given the Tezos has a marketing tie-up with Manchester
You know, I did over a long period of time, it's a multi-relationship that they have. People had been kind of waiting like, when is the collection going to drop? So now it's been announced and yeah, I think
It's pretty big in terms of the visibility that Tessos is going to get from people outside the crypto space. Of course, it's also to speak the truth. It's a strange time with the market the way it is. So a lot of people are also very skeptical about it.
But you know at least they get to know about Tezos even if they don't participate they get to see the Tezos name and you know at some point if they do get into it they'll remember that okay I saw Tezos back then and in that sense the market
marketing that Tessels is doing from the top level is pretty spot on. They have a tie up Manchester United, they have a tie up with Red Bull Racing. So, you know, all the F1 fans and things like that. There was an ad that came out a couple of weeks ago.
So yeah, there is a lot of that top level visibility going on. The work we do is obviously just focused on the grass root, but it does help somewhat that people have seen the name or remember the name.
And by the time we get to them and talk to them, you know, they're at least familiar with something that exists called Tezos. Absolutely, absolutely. It's also a very bullish sign for your projects that are contemplating or you know, still wondering what blockchain is best for.
for them for such a big brand disorder of you know come out and like you mentioned this already a marketing tie up going on and then collectibles are just a natural progression of what is happening. So it's just it's just I think it's a very positive sign for more projects to sort of you know get confidence.
In terms of brand types with the blockchain, I think we're all in the same boat, no matter which chain you're coming from. The general consensus of the world right now is very skeptical just because of the way the market has gone and the scandals of FTX and things. So my hope is that we
We get out of this rocky period and things stabilize a little bit where all chains are kind of focusing on building and things like what has happened with these major exchanges, stop happening, the things stabilize a bit.
So yeah, we're looking at things a few years into the future when it comes to All of this coming together, but what we're doing right now really with artists and art is I think the most important thing out of everything Because it's actually using the blockchain and I keep
saying this to people that you have to use the blockchain to make it relevant. Just trading cryptocurrencies is not why we're here. In fact, we've never given financial advice or anything like that. It's always about using the blockchain as a technology and not as an
investment using it as a technology to further your art empower yourself with new tools as an artist. So in that respect, it's a great time that everything is cheap because you can be more active and that's the way I really look at it.
So true, very well articulated. In fact here in Goa, I tend to run into artist quite often and I'm socializing and there are some people that they're just sort of analog artists as such.
And I've had the opportunity to sort of stop to them about NFTs and Tezos in particular. And everybody is like, hey, crypto's gone kaboom. Like, what are you talking about? And then I sort of tell them about Tezos and the community that we have and how it's benefited in the sense like
For me personally and how people have found such amazing collaborators, such amazing collectors of their work, it's amazing to sort of, you know, just be a part of this ecosystem and that gets people excited. So I tell them, you know, don't look at it as, you know, cryptocurrency and, you know, market
scams. Look at this as an amazing way to sort of put your work out there on a blockchain that's immutable, that's you know, that's full of creators like you, full of collaborators and yeah that gets people really intrigued. So maybe if something is
for artists. Yeah, with the residency that we're planning, hopefully go out of some of the mountains depending on which month we do it. And yeah, with every workshop that we do, with every
a panel or lecture that I give it's always about this that we are here to use this technology. No one here is promising to make you financially richer. We are here to make you creatively richer. We're here to make you richer.
in terms of connectivity and the community and things like that. And it's a step up from the web to space where everyone was creating art which got turned into this word called content by platforms
like Instagram and Facebook. So it's time to come back and embrace your art again because it's not content. It's actually art. People aren't collected. People might not, but at least you get to say that you're putting art out there again. So that's what we have to do and everything else will follow.
amazing. So in the next set of conversations that we planned for today there was another art event that happened that is RIP hen. So again homage to Hicketmanzi and you know all the old time creators came out together
and a lot more new collectors join and they got to learn more about hen and the history that it meant for. It was meant for so great works were exchanged. There was no particular theme message. People were just posting work using this hashtag so that all the
old timers and new people could sort of get to know each other. I completely missed that because of my workshops. Could you maybe highlight a few of the artists that came back like the old old timers who might have minted something? I've really missed it completely.
I'm honestly even I missed it out because I've not been online so much but I saw Mikol post about it and Mikol had a great threat going.
Apart from that, I think Joanna did really well. Joanna sold out four pieces.
on secondary.
And in old timers, I think everybody was there. I think almost everybody we know was there.
Cool, I'll, and I find time I'm gonna take through it. Everything's probably already on secondary, so I'll just sit and look at it. Wishing I got it.
But nice to see the word "Hen" being revived and brought into the art, the crypto art space again. - Yeah. - I think it was-- - It's not definitely had a good--
Glitch art, yeah. Yeah. Well, old old school hen and glitch art are synonymous. Did you make a piece?
I didn't, I didn't.
I didn't. I just read in the book. I'm going to make any.
Sorry, go ahead. I was going to ask if anyone in the room made any repent pieces. I'm going to curate a few pieces and pin them on the
space for people to see. Yeah that would be great. Some amazing pieces that I personally liked.
Amy, say, "Pixilca, Tio."
Peace out. Welcome. Yeah, we've pretty much covered our weekly updates. So if anyone would like to come on up here and just talk about how their week has been on Teso's.
maybe some updates. Pixel card, I know you, I saw your messages just before we started this space about nine nights giveaway. Finally, you burn them. Maybe you want to tell us about it.
Yes, you did. I think in every raffle which I was in, I did not win. But then I realized and I posted about it like with
the crying emoji, I'm like, how is this possible? I didn't win anything. Then I realized that I collected three pieces that no one else had collected. So I think I have, I won quite a bit.
Absolutely. Oh yeah, so pixel curve is also burning those. So those become man and man for you. Yes. Yes.
Yeah, I mean, finally, Manis could sort of put in the film. Yeah, there was like very long overdue, but yeah, managed to keep some of them for me. And I kept like one piece for me. And I think some of them, what a low has.
And yeah, I mean finally going to I mean I'll I'll I made them I'll mint it tomorrow and send it to you guys But I added message in the Moscow written so I don't know if anyone got that with the I just right that's
Everyone's going to sit and decode most code man. I mean you can online you can do it. Okay cool. Why don't you think of that? Yeah I think
If you feed all of this into GPT now you can decode anything right just Yeah, I mean they have websites which converts text to mods and mods to text or mods to audio also It can protect it that sounds that is also there
You know in the curation that I'm putting up a lot of pieces are just skeletons coming out and you know when access being denied to people. I think that's a running theme I'm seeing. Skeletons are the brand identity.
entity is hand down. Only here will we celebrate like bad connectivity. Did you also talk about FXS turning 1 year? No, please. Pixator, you are the FX hash.
I am not an expert but I think they turned like one year so they are also celebrating an event from 14 to 18 so you have to be artist are minting 365p 365 editions or iterations of the
native system, all of them are priced at one of one and there has been like a crazy action since yesterday and it's going like there are some of there are some brilliant pieces which people have minted and I think the index is shut now I think it
open like tomorrow or something so I think we'll see like more OGs of FXS sort of you know mint and I think that was like the new push for the what do you call for the test like a generative generative art on Tezos so I think it's going to be
Now if you see like if on object if you look at it like most of the top what you call collections are on FXS so I think it's like taking over Tezos for that matter in terms of volume. I'm really excited to see what people
are going to. I think that event ends on 18th. So I think next two, three days are going to be very crazy on FXS. Something like, you know, so for example in one of our sessions what we can do is we can actually walk through these collections
is these 365 collections that people are dropping and you know maybe discuss the art and things like that because it will be very interesting maybe we can get somebody who is minting and speak to them on Thursday I think if we could get some
effect says artist room and thing on so that will be cool. Yeah yeah yeah. I'm playing sound. Maybe we can do the honors of Q-Rating and stuff. We're playing the sound in this space today. What?
So there's some experimental music happening in the background. Not me, not me. I am the place where I am has crickets. I'm standing there. There's a book. From the island there is some
music happening but like that's very low. It's far out in the background. My mother had enough of poker, you know, she's like, "Who was that thing that you did that since then?"
So basically what we built on St. Pharm was, it's called as Pokas and so Pokas I think the name of cricket in Bengal. Pokas in fact.
with someone who's listening in on this entire thing. So say hi to Ignas. Hello, hello, what's up? Yeah, so he has been listening to his first Tezos art week. Little, little
and found reunion happening right now. Yeah. His ears went up and we talked about the focus. The apoka is an insect in Bengali. Okay. So when we first design this.
In the side, it used to make these strange sounds that sounded like insects. So, the pokasins. Right, right. I'm glad you've been enjoying the pokasins. My mother is not definitely not for the people around. It's not a performance synth, it's for the user itself is
gets the most joy. But I'd love to hear it in one of your NFTs. That'll be awesome. Yeah, I'm getting hang of PD though. Yeah, thank you for that. That you can into the music side. I have not really heard on
I don't know if PD can be integrated into the backend of a generative project, but I don't see a reason why not. Yeah, I mean, I think that means that needs to figure out what we'll see. Web audio for sure.
But that stuff is a little complicated. I've been playing also like once get to forget the basic of it. There is a P5 sound library as well. So probably. Yeah, I've done a lot of stuff for installations with that and I could have actually put it into a F
effects hash projects just been very lazy but it's possible. Now I realize it's like a year for a fix and it's not that old so I think I'm finally going to forget something to work on there. I think it's time. It's about time.
There is also one more event which is called 11, there is 11, some event like that also. Well 11, 11, 22, a lot of people have been talking about this date.
Yeah, there is a event which is happening called 11 test 11 something like that which is Talking about so you have to meant a piece minimum one test and 11 editions you have to send it to them
it's done by test town so they are also doing that event I think it's still 18 or something like that yeah that is also like one event happening on taisers cool we'll have a
We have new listeners in the room.
Hi, Kisa. Is that how you pronounce your name? And hi, me first for being with us throughout the evening. Well, you know, is the host of the the plenty space that happens every Saturday. It's the Teso community call.
It's pretty much one of the biggest community calls, community spaces for Tezos that happens. I believe Saturday, 10 p.m. are India time. So yeah, he's a wonderful host.
And now he knows, he knows us because he's always dropped in. Thank you, Theo, for always coming into our spaces and listening. But I'm sure he love if Indian artists get on to the community call on Saturdays and speak also. We don't have enough voices from Indian speakers.
on those things, so it would be nice to send more. Definitely we'd be there. Thank you so much Theo for tuning in and we'll tune in in kind you know. Yes so I was pinning all these pieces so the later
piece of a pin is actually hen buffering. Somebody actually had a screen recording of Hikitna loading because it used to be down so much. There is hen down thing and somebody's actually minted that as an NFT.
Oh yeah, that's been minted from the early days. I think that's like the an old joke that people just say over and over again. And I've also put up Nicole's thread. Nicole's thread has like greater responses so there's paper
There is all the regulars of the Lakshira on that thread. Toxic tell is there. Oh cool toxic motel. I remember toxic motel from the early days. Definitely an OG.
Yes, and also an amazing glitch artist. Yeah, yeah, really like this style.
Yes, so we're officially done with the announcements for the week. Yes, I just remember that there is we can probably cover this later. I don't have too much information, but Tesla is going pretty big.
at NFT art bezel Miami. So that's going to be a big show and there's going to be events and things out there. So if anyone is going to be there, please reach out to us because they're
also events there if you want to attend the Teso's events. I think there's a list that's being submitted so we can put you on it. So yeah, just join the Teso's India Art Sim culture discord and PMs or better still join
the Tezos, India, Arts and Culture. Well, it's called, yeah, discord and drop a message in the general channel. We'll be happy to connect you with other people going to Art Bazaam, Miami. This is first week of December.
Pretty cool. I remember in 2020 I had won a contest at the Miami event. One of my early pieces was submitted in a competition and I
I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I#
Yeah, it looks like it's going to be a fun time for Tezos community that land up there. Awesome. Awesome. So I think it's a wrap for today. Thank you all for tuning in.
I'll be back day after tomorrow Thursday with a new artist spotlight and talking to the spotlight artists as well as inviting other artists to talk about their projects. Hopefully we get more people talking about their
RIP in pieces. So yeah, see you all on Thursday at 9.30. Thank you all for tuning in to those who are listening to the recording. Thank you for listening. We will be posting updates on
all the images and poetry and generative art that was created during our Tessos India Arts and Culture Bangalore workshop at Jagga B. Fantastic and other updates on what's happening.
So please stay tuned. It's all going to be posted on our Twitter. Yes, also join our discord because we are restarting our giveaways. They'd stop for a little while, but we're going to kickstart them again. So yeah, have a great week, everyone. And thank you once again.
That's more for tuning in. Good night, Hyperchectomy, good night, Pixic Earth, thank you, Tezos India, Narn, Meafs, Theo, thank you so much for tuning in. Thisa, thanks for being here and have a wonderful week everyone. Good night. Good night. Bye everybody.