Tezos Community call #10 w/ Plenty & naan

Recorded: Aug. 13, 2022 Duration: 1:21:07



and readings and salutations from our side of the world to morning, so I'll say good morning.
What's up Victoria? I'm I'm early, so I don't know what kind of part of it.
Hey, it's okay.
Tessas Kassa.
Pixel on canvas. I see you down there. Silo welcome to the party.
Hey guys.
Oh my god, what's up, Mack? Or, we're up in with the test, too. Welcome to the party.
Fio just message me and said his internet cut out so he'll be in as soon as he can.
So who's gonna run this thing?
We'll figure it out for now, I guess. I can go on a road with today's Texas Community Call.
That could be one of those crazy. What's going on on the other side of the world, the chaotic non-organized side.
on the other side of of tezos or the crypto space or what do you mean?
Just just the community in general where there's no direction. We'll just see what happens. We'll see who has what to say. It could be.
Yeah, it can be like, what's that up book with the kids were left alone in Ireland and then they start killing each other. Lord of the Flies maybe? Yeah, that one.
It's fun story, that's for sure.
Not really. Hey, test tools welcome.
Hey, what's going on? There you guys you guys you guys staying cool? Hmm, but it is gorgeous New England summer weather today. We're trying to get out to the pool so I won't be on for long. Yeah, see I
go in the pool and I stay on. I've worked that out. Yeah, we have to go to the YMCA here. I don't think you want to hear all that. Oh, yeah, no, no, no, I got my own pool. Oh my God, that must be so nice. Just like put your phone on a floaty.
and just being your pull? Yeah, it's like heaven. I wanted a pool for so long and then like when COVID hit and everybody was on lockdown I was like you know what I'm getting a pool and it's like the best thing I ever bought.
It's like best investment ever. I'm picturing your cell phone on one of those like beer floaty things that people put like their beer can on or like a six back. Usually what I do is I put it on the edge of the pool because if you're
I have this total vision of Victoria having her husband as like a cabana boy fanning her with like a palm leaf like serving coconuts
Oh, definitely a really big palm leaf and like, yep. I mean he did just serve me potatoes at the pool, so there's that. You guys, I'm kind of freaking out right now. I had an auction for like an edition that's like a one of 10 that I've been like busy promoting
the last few days for the Tesos for Africa fundraiser and I had like a bit of 50 Tes on it and then someone came in and bid 51 and someone just bid a thousand Tes. It went 51 to a thousand. Oh my god that's so cool. I saw that
I'm like, do they know they could have bought one for a lot cheaper? I think there's one for sale for like 250. I put that on the tweet though. Like I tried to put all the info on the tweet.
like this is a one of ten the floor is 250 but I mean obviously either they don't know what was going on or they just wanted to donate you know what I mean so it's one or the other but they're a non so I don't know like I can't even check with them but yeah I don't even know what's happening
Yeah, burn welcome back. Yeah, we we were lost about you. What a bird. Hello everybody. So punctual. Everybody's on time. I'm going late.
one. Thank you all for joining us. How is life? How is life? I've had COVID all week, so pretty fucking miserable. How's everybody else doing?
I am doing great. We are finally out with the kid with our shots. So like she's doing kid activities and we're going and buying bicycles and doing all that usual family summer stuff for the first time. It's kind of great.

FAQ on Tezos Community call #10 w/ Plenty & naan | Twitter Space Recording

What greeting did the speaker use at the beginning of the podcast?
Good morning.
Who did the speaker say hello to during the podcast?
Various people in the call, including Victoria, Tessa, Kassa, Pixel on Canvas, Silo, Mack, and Fio.
Who had internet issues and had to join the call late?
What did the speaker compare the community call to?
The chaotic non-organized side of the world or Lord of the Flies.
What did the speaker say about the weather in New England?
It was gorgeous summer weather.
What did the speaker say about their pool?
They have a pool and it's the best investment they ever made.
What did the speaker have an auction for, and how much did the winning bid go up to?
They had an auction for an edition that's one of ten for the Tezos for Africa fundraiser. The winning bid went up from 51 to a thousand TEZ.
Why did the speaker think the winning bid was so high?
Either the bidder didn't know what was going on or they just wanted to donate.
What did the speaker say about their recent week?
They had COVID all week and were pretty miserable.
What did the speaker say they were doing for the first time as a family?
They were doing kid activities and buying bicycles for their kid for the first time, now that they were all vaccinated.