Tezos Community Call APAC #13.1

Recorded: March 9, 2023 Duration: 1:56:16



just give me a second while I send out links new links and get everybody in here. Feel free to
get everybody in here feel free to come up say you must wise welcome
welcome wise just sending out links trying to get everybody in here
thank god i let you up and didn't rug you i just got rugged twice already
what the fuck i was wondering so like do you house the apex spaces like every once in a while
thing like it's not on the same day or like what's the situation like yeah it's the same
day every week every thursday at 12 am okay i thought it was on monday like i'm what
i don't know like sometimes i see it on monday other times i don't but like it's actually kind
of lucky that i caught this one so what yeah what's what's what's what's that call is there a call on
monday no it's very little i joined her i remember joining us like a non-space on a monday so i'm like
oh it's on mondays i don't know if we've done a non-space on a monday and in a while actually
yeah probably like i'm trying to remember like the last time actually because we did uh
we did a not we did non-spaces on tuesday for a little bit we called it the nft community call
gotcha yeah yeah that that was a while ago gotcha okay like i'm but i remember i was like on a monday
and i joined and they were talking about like women in the nfts and i'm like uh i could
put their own my eyes but yeah um yeah it's been a minute i say this as if i hadn't
chatted to you on the sunday at 4 am yes thank you thank you for coming up well now it's 12 am
for me so revenge i mean like we're up anyway that's a thing that people don't realize whether
it's 12 or four we are still up yeah yeah yeah exactly like i'm probably i'd be up at this time
anyway um so yeah before we get started let's let me uh send some links out here pamela should
be coming in and we should have some speakers here in a minute god i never know if people can
even see the space to be honest with you so where that algorithm is just like it's a fucking pain in the
ass but like that's nothing here so hello um morano i think i've spoken to you before i'm discord i
believe so
morano welcome welcome
welcome hi everyone um yes wise we we spoke a couple of times on on discord yes um also i'm
how are you
me i'm i am well i mean well one can be but i am healthy i'm here so yeah that that counts
for something and yourself in good good i have two legs two arms i still have all my fingers
yeah i'm okay there we go
all right and there we go so i don't know if you seen it hit your phone wise
but i just we just sent out notifications to everybody who has non-wallet downloaded on their
phone should have gotten a uh a notification saying that we we are live in this space
so let's see how that works it should be pretty cool
yeah you like that that'll be uh that'll be one of the features going forward um no
we have the the ability to do notifications for really anything so no no we'll start doing
i mean not the wallet thing but like i remember how i was telling you um i'm sort of like doing
uh i'm part of like the beta testers for like this new thing for like um artist discovery tool thing
oh yes yes yes yeah so they're going to be launching the launch was delayed um because
covid and all that stuff well i think someone was sick but i just like i finally have the time like
to actually sit down like a real human being at my desk and look at a computer and not like
talk as i'm walking like a crazy person or like eat my sushi on the fucking tram or
wearing my disgusting scrubs or whatever so i'm testing it out finally
and i gotta say like i'm really fucking impressed
so like what it does is it pulls out all the information so you type an artist name
and what it does it pulls all the information all their artwork from different blockchains
and it kind of just shows you it's kind of like Wikipedia but like for artists um it makes
discovery easier the thing though is that you actually have to know the name of the artist
which just makes it interesting but and then when you find a piece that you like you click
on the link and you just it directs you to the marketplace to buy and it's really well done
interesting and that has APIs for like every every platform because i know
dns is trying to do something similar right yeah i i'm gonna be completely honest i don't know
what dns um i know like they like i know that they do like it's i see it more as like uh
not necessarily a discovery tool but more just like for music nfts and like displaying
nfts so because it plays on like as like spotify so it's like the spotify of nfts that's my where
my brain is kind of going that's what what i think it is that's really cool if you could
send everybody a link i can that that's really awesome it will be released soon and um it's
really fucking cool and like it gives you like the statistics as well which i gotta say like
when it comes to stats especially in nfts i'm just like i don't need to know that
i have no interest in knowing how much the valuation is or how much they sold last time
that's not going to affect me buying the work oh it just goes i mean object damn near caused
an uproar with their with their year year end recap that they said they did last year oh my god
i looked at like how much i spent and i'm just like
okay this is this is not right this this is a lot a lot just doing the math right yeah
and i'm like i'm like trying to do the pricing out because like
it didn't seem like a lot of x tz but like i'm like oh man earlier in the year it was like
fucking five bucks or some shit like that and it's like yeah i'm like doing the math
i'm like oh damn like i probably could have used this on better things you know what's interesting
after like that day so like when everyone was like like trying that feature
sales have kind of like slowed down for a little bit but then the moment end of the year kind of
came about like January it's just like everyone forgot about it and like object had like one of
the highest months of like the beginning of the year it was just like fucking crazy
it's a drug we all tried to take a break and then just got started getting itchy you know
we just we had to mint we had to collect it was like had to happen it was like crazy
it was really it was really fun i do think maybe it should be kind of
for a feature like that to kind of do it maybe she became a fight
just to like yeah yeah maybe better
so morano and pixel dreams welcome guys welcome tesos community call um open floor today we're not
talking about anything super specific we're going to hang out with wise as long as possible after all
as many questions about tesos an object as possible while we have her and uh yeah just hang out um
definitely feel free if you have artwork or any project or anything going on
comment them down below um as as well as pinning them up top commenting down below actually helps
the space um tremendously it that comes up and uh you know when people are looking through spaces
it tells them how many how many people are commenting and how many people are doing this
and that so definitely help us out by sharing your art or anything you want to share down below
and uh and welcome welcome pixel dreams you haven't said hello yet welcome pixel yo how
you doing uh right now i haven't slept and i feel like i'm going crazy my brain
like yeah i was working on a contest uh speed contest and yeah i'd love uh you guys opinion
on it i'll pin it up right now for you guys to check it out
absolutely i'd love to check it out and uh what you know while you're paying this up
tell us about like the journey uh what went behind it you know um don't just chill us
art and prices tell us tell us about the journey
yeah it was a contest that i came up uh paid it forward uh a contest about kindness
so i had to come up with a animation a pixel animation uh so the the one i first tweeted out
is not that clear so i had to put out another video uh the resolution for the one i tweeted
was too high so i had to reduce it so you can check out this one i just need you guys opinion
on it it's a contest and you know it's just i really had fun with it actually i um just
expressing kindness in my own way and you know the nfc community the nfc space itself or what
the nfc space should be i feel like you know you have to um when you succeed you have to help
others you have to also lift you know others uh up and uh yeah that's the way to go and yeah
thank you for the opportunity to speak no problem i love the idea of paying it forward
um so how does it how does it work does someone buy your art and you buy someone else's art or
so tell us the process how how do people get involved with paying it forward
yeah so paying it forward you know it works in different ways you know it can be you know from
the little process you get you know supporting access not just in web to even in web uh not
just in web 3 even in web 2 you know like helping the needy helping the poor um hosting charitable
you know programs you know donations and you know stuff like that you know just helping with um
helping in the way you can not helping the person that helped you uh because that's not
paying for uh paying it forward that's paying it back for paying it forward you know um pushing
that uh love towards uh another person and that was what i was trying to um express in this piece
oh see i love that i love that it reminds me of um when we did the tesos for tesos event
uh way back let's see last summer and yeah i mean that just that alone
caused the price of tesos to go pretty would it would it go back to wise back to four dollars
it like jumped way up uh from like two dollars back to four dollars and stayed there for a while
just from people paying it forward so i love it man um thank you for sharing and i hope it's
just as successful as the as the last one yeah thanks man i appreciate you and yeah i need to
get some sleep i just came up to say hi and you know know what's going on in the space and stuff
and you know it's kind of addictive you know you just have to you know show up in the space
and yeah it's nice hanging with you guys i see also people in the listeners also
shout out to c-map uh oh shiri uh i mean so it's everyone down there in the space
and the speakers also thank you thank you thank you yeah shout out to everybody down below
i'll repeat what i just said a couple minutes ago feel free to post all your art anything you
want to share down in the comments even if you're a listener it just helps the space out
tremendously um please share the space uh send it to people you you think would be interested
or you want to hear from and yeah let's get let's get a conversation going um me myself i i got a whole
slew of tesos news i could dish out on you guys lots of things are happening in the ecosystem
uh a lot of cool things that are are really meaningful for tesos's future um you know
object one being the obvious thing off the top of the head right we have y sitting here um
we have unity releasing their sdk for all the gamers and the gamer devs out there they can
start building tesos actual blockchain games on using the unity software super huge stuff even
ubisoft actually put out a um a job offer they're now trying to hire unity devs devs
who specifically know how to code in unity um so i i think we're gonna see a real shift
with cryptocurrency with tesos in the uh at least in the nft space right i can't really speak
super heavy for what's going on in finance and d5 we're still in regulation hell but uh yeah it's
looking pretty good for for nfts and and everything going forward and that's not
mentioning focus art that's not mentioning you know google using tesos uh california dmv's
using tesos lots of things that we could possibly talk about and and also i want to hear from
you guys so if you have stuff that you want to share with uh with me with the tesos community
these are recorded they're time stamped out um and they're saved and and later posted on spotify
so yeah if you want people to come hear your journey what your art's about please feel free
to come up um yeah and that that's my rant for right now so welcome welcome everybody welcome
welcome and thank you pixel for sharing what you have going on um now marano before we dive deep into
all the cool teso stuff that we could talk about with wise
what do you got going on tell us about yourself introduce yourself say hi to everybody down below
hey hey everyone um i'm just uh another artist um very interested on on tesos i'll be
minting uh things around a year or something um yeah so i'm from Barcelona originally but i live
in Australia um my background it's uh in graffiti so i start very very young uh painting everything
and everywhere and then from there i've been you know basically doing all sort of creative
um stuff you know uh currently uh i own a branding studio in Barcelona so we are
a big team doing you know working for um companies doing a lot of um strategy and stuff like this
and then what i like the most is just paint digitally or you know physically um for example
today i'm being doing some stop-motion animations with my um painted uh cardboard blocks that i'm
it's a project that i'm currently working on um that i'll be launching very soon and yeah
just uh enjoying the community and connecting with uh others that it just uh the reason why i'm
here and just being uh yeah focus on on on the art let's go it's the best thing you can do right now
is double down and um dive deeper into your disciplines right your your art and just get
better while things are slow and things are simmering down here in the uh bear market and
it's the best thing to do because i mean hey if it does turn around um and everybody starts
flooding back into the nft space the only ones that are going to be here people like you
you know that's the only art that they're going to be buying when they all come back so
well yeah absolutely i mean i i was doing uh hard before so uh for me nft is another medium and
support to put my stuff on it so of course i'm very very interested and you know very curious
on everything uh around technology and i think it's also a great place to have a daily
connection with other artists and support you know great people and you know and stay
you know focus on on on your thing and yeah it's uh the best thing to do of course
absolutely absolutely and sarah i see you down below as well um marano why is like well
what's going on in australia you guys everybody okay over there i mean we
this space was like hopping 100 plus people every week uh and then last week all of a sudden
nobody it was a ghost town i had just casey and then why is well you did try to come wise
but i wouldn't let you up and then where is everybody what happened i think it's just like
once like space fatigue plus like your spaces happen around this relatively close to when
victoria spaces kind of close so i think people are like all talked out um and for me this time
is kind of okay like mornings has to be like super early or like later in the afternoon or evening
for me to even attend spaces which to be quite honest i rarely do unless i have like
an hour or two to kill kind of thing but um victoria spaces happens to me like on thursdays
and the weekends so most people kind of go to those but the other thing is is more space is
kind of happening and today was like in um well for you guys it's like international women's day
but for us it's like all done um there was like so many spaces kind of happening object hosted one
i think victoria hosted one photography things hosted a couple and men feminists i say this with
with a tiny bit of a smirk hosted a couple to engage in reform i have like no opinion like a
negative opinion i should say on that um but it's been like space palooza the entire day um well
it's in terms of like my notifications was what i can see so uh people are kind of tired and
nfdnyc is kind of close so people are preparing for that too
and there's a few exhibitions kind of opening so is it that closed
yeah isn't it like in march or something oh i thought it was well it we are in march
i was gonna say i thought it was in april but i guess that is next month damn yeah like we're in
march so um but like there's things kind of happening um as well but i don't really know
where the rest are except for today there's just too many spaces to kind of count oh yeah
but the update space was kind of fun yeah it was i got my phone so you're saying um
i have to cancel victoria okay i got it good luck with that she's kind of got like a groupies
and you and you've got pamela so okay well hold on pamela started this space this is actually
uh supposed to be like pamela's space and that's the time is flexible too um
this was the time that that you guys decided i don't know what the fuck you're talking about
but yeah it's um it's all around but um i do think spaces should probably cater a little bit
more towards like um like time suited for like philippines thailand like asia in general a little
bit more um because like we are like a couple of hours ahead compared to they are so if we really
want to tap to the tesos ecosystem a little bit more we should probably start getting to them
as well or bring them into the conversation because it seems that um they are like they host
around spaces obviously and it's fantastic from what i've heard but we rarely get to meet we
don't really see them as much so that's again well that was supposed to be the point of this
um yeah you know we just found the world so okay they we fire pamela
and fine yeah so like right now in the philippines it's like 1 30 pm and obviously it's like a work
day um so if you really kind of went on board the moon and like have against you know people
from that community because they're fucking amazing have you seen this stuff they do
absolutely bloody mind-blowing like they do events like the um apac um tesos apac is just like tweeting
about the exhibitions there's they're celebrating uh international women's day they hosted a space
i believe yesterday i was talking to one of the um uh sorry one of the people that are like
organizing the event they had their own space they're doing like an art event thing which
people are minting for there was like a poetry section as well there was like a video it was
it was really well planned and it's going to be running for the entire month
there's going to be a hashtag involved as with all tesos events and i'm going to post some of
that stuff in the optic discord too um but it's really well done and when they plan an event
they really plan an event and i don't mean like it's a one day two day thing and burn i mean like
it's a whole experience and i feel like that's the community that we as tesos people should get
to know a little bit more of because the disconnection is i'm starting to see it a little bit more
so um also thailand and so on all the other countries so i do think that more spaces should
cater um to them or at least align in terms of timing and maybe non can bridge that
um i would love to say object could do that too i would love that um but the thing is though
there's typically on the person that runs spaces so timing for me is awful but i again i am absolutely
happy to organize a time for us and yeah watch out to those people because i'm like uh i'm going to
be going to their space when they have the second one and i do think that um yeah i mean it's
great for the americans with the canadians with the australians and yeah it's fun cool but
what about the rest you know i don't know it just feels weird all right i'm gonna start rambling
no thank you it's a lot of good insight and um yeah there's a little apac community on twitter
somewhere so often we'll have to get the discourse going and maybe change the time um we also had
shiva and cmab come up in the midst of that so welcome welcome
yes how how i just won because we we were talking about tesos and was that important thing about
these events on tesos i think i'm try to to stay there and made some artwork especially for these
events and not missed it it's really create a new connection because they host in the space you
could go there you could post your artwork you could see the um other artists and you collect
from other artists it's so informative because after to see you just you know you metric
like a stranger sent you left the space like friends it's really nice and important like
the whole whole idea for connection between artists because i think tesos more or less like
connection between artists really i like the platform and i enjoy it every time
thank you i just don't want to stay silent as i hear the pixel was that and said hello
shira okay and then but him now right now like the space i can see him but um nice artworks i like
this idea when these small creatures go to all the hearts and accident create the bridge
the new build a new road for example for the i don't know best future yes very nice very nice nice
to meet all of you guys hello hello no nice to be here i mean that that's really sweet and that
that's really why uh that's why we do this space and that's really the whole point of non like
we're not we're gonna eventually actually pretty soon here you'll be able to see non in whatever
native language you want to to see it in um that's one thing that we're working on right now
and then um we'll also be going this is more of a like a crypto thing but we'll be going
multi-chain in the future as well so accessibility to everybody everywhere um and making sure our
voices are heard is our number one number one goal so shira what what time is it for you
uh where you are right now is this a good time for a space yes yes for for me yes i'm i'm in
cyprus my daughter left the school and usually i joined space because she left after two or three
minutes around eight and for me the easiest part because i'm freelancer working from home and stay
in the space afternoon because i'm divorced i'm single mother just rushing also i need to cook
i need to deliver her to some gymnastics or something like that training process or she
met with friends and then i jump to the space um but i'm usually driving usually driving and
it's not comfortable to speak to speak but if you give me a few few moments because i think today
thursday the test town i got those special space uh when you came i was there once like a guest
and it's very nice uh they uh ask person uh to treat the artwork which
he or she collects and talking about artists who made the artworks and it's really um for for me
i i really like to go there because you hear the ideas why people collect artwork where is this
i don't know maybe something what's resonates with them maybe because it's like a story
and this is really my favorite part i've been right now on jumbo throne um because we talked
before about this event i also post my artworks for this event as i said before but uh it was
four different topics for every week in february it was the whole event called my one and only
and it was like papila it was ride or die something else i can't remember i need to check it but
on this um on jumbo drone i post the artwork which i collect and we talked yesterday with
frederick in the uh this um how to say in the right bottom corner this is his artwork and
anytime if you collect from tennis you also could uh dim uh test town or uh tuna i think test tuna
and said that guys i want to talk about my collection i treat you need to treat the
artworks prepare the speech about artists and every thursday i think they now posting with
kind of space of course it's tuesday there's a sia yesterday it was a test out thank you it's
really amazing and uh to to opportunity to speak there to present your artworks meet the artists
because we all support each other collect from each other i can say that i'm a huge collector or
something like that but uh the person which i like which i speak and which i knew i tried to
support and i think this is a right way to create a relationship sorry i'm speaking too much
no it's okay i was gonna say i love test town i'm good friends with lily white who runs it
uh i actually have a meeting with her in the morning in uh in like like nine hours so i'm
very aware big fan yeah sorry sorry that interrupt you it means that you know that from the left
bottom corner it's your artwork if you know lily oh nice yeah i do
that's awesome thank you for sharing yeah the one and only event was awesome and um
test quake aid in that whole initiative is even more awesome for many more reasons
but it was a little sad that uh my one and only event got overshadowed right it kind of just got
unfortunately pushed to the side for now um but yeah i can't wait till lily's starts tackling
events again and and hopefully we can soon right hopefully i don't know if we'll ever
be done like nobody in turkey's gotta just suddenly have all their houses again but
um hopefully once they're in a more stable spot we can move on to like yeah doing
real cool stuff with tazo so i'm excited for that
yes yes and uh i could post because i think i made uh three three artworks like three collection
because one of them about puppy love i got puppies first time i tried to post the photos and i think
some of them not sold out and they didn't post but i got a huge problem with uh meeting and listing
because i'm usually i'm start if it's not uploaded immediately i could lose one two three days to
post it you know it's really for me it's difficult it's it's for ride or die i think i i meant it
listed but i've not even made the twitter about it and me as hello hello i see the pin will also
try to join space and maybe he ragged with this you got the classes because he's a teacher this
is what i like in this free because you see the others you know the guys and you just there's a
love thing to them shout out and um if you want i could uh post something but i don't know it's
we talking we're not shilling right that's a little bit of both right right it's a little bit of both
it's a community call so we're talking about basically whatever we want to talk about and
you've already shared art from other people and talked about cool stuff going on in teso
so there's no reason you can't talk about your own art as well i think i said let's say if
we're talking if we're not shilling if you just want to talk grab the mic and get up on the
stage let's uh knew each other better thank you yeah yeah no problem no problem this is yeah it's
open floor um you know i get disappointed maybe a little sad if someone just comes up and is like
yeah this is my work this is what it costs and then they they leave right after but it's they're
right it's a community call it's open floor for everybody um sometimes i do a space every once
in a while we'll have like a guest or something and we'll really like stick with that guest and
and um talk to them for most of the time or it might be a topic right um like when tes quake aid
first happens the space was very much dedicated to tes quake aid right so but right now there's
not much going on um well there's a lot going on but it's all been talked about multiple times
um so yeah we're kind of just hanging out we're kind of just hanging out today so if
you want to share your artwork shira go right ahead and then we'll go to see map right after
hello um hey guys good morning um it's 11 a.m where i'm at uh i'm from india
uh i see a lot of unknown faces um i think mia from turtle spaces for quite some bit um oh hey
wife um so i thought might as well introduce myself um so i've been painting professionally
for 20 years and um i joined the nfp space um in nevember um you know last year wait not last year
last last year um and i started off in ethereum and thankfully uh i have to say
thankfully because otherwise i don't think i would have come into teso space
thankfully someone told me you know you wouldn't get much sales in epe uh you might want to try
if uh teso so you know i wasn't skeptical but then i joined anyways um and i was told um you know
that one of ones won't sell you have to put additions which i was fine with um but um
when i started off there was only that one space which was at around three in the morning for me
and that was the space by uh basis on test tuesday and it was just such a breath share compared to
you know your usual chill spaces because you're chit chatting you're getting to know the artist
and and it was so basically let's just say i just fell in love with tesos and i'm more active now
on several spaces rather than each spaces um although i have worked you know in both um yeah
so i have a couple of genres that um i have um uploaded or mentioned if you might uh if you
want to call it that um yeah so that's a little bit about me um any questions or welcome because
i'm right now just simply blabbering yeah did you get a chance to go to the indian art fair
i know india is a big place but did you get a chance to go no that's in delhi i did not
i did not get a chance to go there i live in uh it's a state in the west
got it got it got it no welcome welcome um as someone obviously i work uh with none
and i look work with a lot of people in india so glad to have you and glad to see you here
another country we're strongly trying to get more people to come out and
and be represented in these spaces so thank you thank you
and bases oh my god i miss bases so much i still message him
every once in a while and ask him if he's coming back to us i do miss me back is he back is he
oh damn damn it's not as active as he was i mean like people go live so uh but like he's
more focused on his music i think that he has a drop called tes tones uh it's happening an object
um but he does have spaces and it's like typically around two-ish three-ish my time but he is back
only a little bit more active on the music side of tesos so no the hip-hop side just
the other side so pretty cool oh that makes sense i gotta go stock him and find out what
where he's doing it what it is my time yeah it's it's pretty cool so um but yeah and like he's
posting like music and stuff and like um behind the scenes with his band it's pretty cool well
yeah people are here people are now kind of a little bit more dedicated yeah i knew he was
i knew he was doing more music stuff i'm glad i'm glad he's back to spaces though i um
i advocated for him pretty heavily in a few positions like i i always thought he should be
a community manager you know yeah yeah because he was doing like i think like five like spaces
every single day and i just like i remember like telling him in his face i'm like that's not
sustainable you're gonna burn out so fast it's just it's not the way to go um but yeah i'm glad
that he took some time off and just recharged and came back when he came i yeah it's i don't think
you will like realize the toll and the energy and that kind of goes with hosting um yeah so
and especially if it's like long spaces like for the people that do like two to three hours i'm
like you guys are crazy yeah i mean yeah every saturday um mostly i do that space it's 12 p.m my time
and i'll stop the space around 2 2 30 and that's talking to all like you know heavy people
defy people just people that have big words and and big brains and by the end of that space i am
just i'm checked out for the rest of the day i go take it out yeah i mean like you just need to kind
of i remember because i used to host like uh i did like an artist interview thing with um
oh my god or jesse we used to do that on a weekly basis we had some it really kind of took off i
was surprised um we had the guy from like lincoln park we had code crafting we had all these like
crazy people over and i'm just like this was like during the pandemic but this was like every single
week for an hour and that was even like it was taking toll i'm like yep i don't really talk
that much so like in spaces so doing this consistently is a bit oh that was such a crazy
time to be alive like even celebrities and everybody was just on the same putter space
for a year yeah it was i got to know like so many crazy people and like like the contacts and stuff
i still talk to them from time to time but it's just exhausting and i only did it for one hour
a week and even my spaces only go for one hour a week i'd have to like schedule that
a week or so in advance just so it doesn't clash um but for the people that do it like speak for
more than two hours holy fucking shazz you guys are nuts like like crazy oh it hurts
after two hours i'm in pain i'm in so much pain after the two hour mark i mean it's do you
typically like plan out your spaces or is it more just like a conversation kind of thing
it depends right now it's more like a conversation right because the planning has been done
at the same time every week you know what i mean uh same concept every week so it's more of a
conversation at this point so i i don't i don't really do much planning nowadays unless i have a
specific thing i want to tackle okay fair enough i mean i tend to snoop a little bit so um i mean
people don't really know this but i don't write anything i just kind of go with whatever they say
but i know something about the person beforehand like
check out their website what do they do what does the first meant oh this is something striking
and this is a lot for the musicians that i interviewed um because it was kind of fun
and even for the artists that i talked to but i think the flow of conversation kind of goes
back and forth and that's the that's the really fun part of it and you can tell if someone is
curious um about the work or not and i genuinely am when it comes when i'm talking to these people
and even you theo like when we're chatting in spaces i'm curious you know exactly when i'm
like not interested in the conversation yeah like you'll know exactly yeah i do i do i get afraid
that i'm i'm easy to read as well like um i'll space out while someone's talking like it'll be
a maverick he's just going on for like 12 minutes and i'll just be completely spaced out and then
he'll look for a response uh just be like oh yeah no that was great all right next speaker
oh you said that that's really interesting but um i used to be able to kind of cover it
relatively well but now like the filter is just like kind of like can you say that in an interesting
way just to keep my brain running a little bit just tiny bit but um luckily i haven't um
like i haven't had um like difficulty in speaking with people but every once in a while i kind of like
run out of steam especially in the morning i'm like oh 3am sip of coffee one two sip let's talk
you're the first person i'm talking to today let's do this yeah
but it's it's fun kind of like going to a party and like going to a conference i should say
and um getting to know a person no not even a conference it's like a dinner date
so yeah you're dating the person that you're speaking to
amazing i mean it is in a way i mean yeah it is like yeah like a business day right right
like you're all in immediately discussing yeah yeah that's exactly it but um i any space so like
hey we would like to interview i'm like i have nothing interesting to say sir go and do something
else i don't do that it can be pretty unique too i mean this one's probably more business data
but i would uh i would like categorize victoria's space as like going to your local bar you know
it's the same people every week maybe a trickle a new person here or there and it's just
friends being friends you know like i don't know how else to say it just talking about stuff
there i mean i come there maybe you know once a week for like a bit like 10-15 minutes
it's kind of fun i think it's just like um yeah yeah it's definitely like the
the older crowd a little bit i'm not being ageist i'm just saying but um yeah totally
i think at one point i describe it as like the boomer space and i'm like
like what the fuck i feel like i'm fully honest like fucking references i'm like what the fuck is
this shit i'm like i did my service i'm gonna go so yeah let's let's do this some guys being funny
and i'm like your jokes are wasted on me sir and it's not fair i'm gonna give my speaker role to
someone else who enjoys it but um yeah i think it's like um yeah please don't tell her i said
it's like the boomer space please don't want to so bad no but uh there's a we there's another
category of space that disappeared actually and this probably wasn't your vibe anyway wise but
like we also had the spaces where it was like very much pothead in the basement nobody talking
to each other everybody's just stoned and silent in a space i can't i can't do that like my um
so there's like a space that like i'm actually like friends with these people and i've known
them for quite some time it's i feel like it's the space where i let my crazy out more than
usual it's like the egg space so it's like a whole group thing they're like it's a weird cult
thing um that's like well i would let my weirdness out but it's not a tesos we don't
really talk chain at all we just hang out for the sake of hanging out and now it's gonna
become more like a women's space which is kind of really interesting but um yeah they're like
we vibe we chill when we have time so i love it but i think like with bigger spaces it's
it's a bit challenging because everyone wants to contribute and that's cool but
you know i don't know it's not a shy thing it's just like
and especially if i'm not vibing i'm like that's cool i'm like you don't have to try so hard to
impress me i'm not that worth it dude i'm just a random person just it's cool egg space is
interesting yeah that's still potheads in the basement but it's like the weird potheads
oh it's okay to put it in perspective it's just like it is like this space where
female crazy gets uh it gets like um it's kind of like showcased like dating life craziness things
that are happening in the daily phases we talk about like random shit but uh yeah i pretty much
talk to them like every single day so nice they disappeared off my twitter for a while they still
on twitter they they are they hiding discord or something no no no discord god no um they still on
twitter like we still are it's just like these days um having spaces can be we had like one this
morning but i had to leave for the object um space and yeah like we have them every once in
a while because having phases every single day can be a bit it's like we have nothing to really
talk about and plus we dm most of the time um but that's another one i'm gonna have to look for i guess
yeah mother's another one yeah mother's another one right i like i haven't spoke to in so long
i miss hearing her just dominate a whole room full of men yeah that's mother is like the one
that created the group so like it's her space uh but it's really fun um and that's pretty much
where i like i spend my non-object um work thing and egg and objects which really says a lot
yeah all right and on when you guys show up on my feed so and i'm not working or i'm not school so
well let me do a quick reset i think we have pamela 30 minutes ago said that she was gonna
hop in in 30 minutes so we'll be seeing her we can let her know that she's fired and we gotta find any
time for the space um in the meantime welcome everybody who's here um and thank you for coming
thank you for sharing your uh work and all the stuff you wanted to share down below um yeah
thank you for just being here listening if you want to come up talk to us this is an open floor
we're not talking about anything special we're just kind of shooting the shit talking about um
um really uh hosts that don't get enough attention like basses and mother right i mean that's kind of
what we've been talking about but we're welcome to hear it from you guys um poetry you're really
cool with you're always a cool chat sarah you're awesome as always um poio you're you have some
amazing initiatives going on as well and uh you're in iran so if you want to come up tell us give us
any updates on on that please feel free to come up um yeah and marano go ahead go right ahead you
have your hand up um just um uh talking about spaces um i just uh ran a space with stephan brian
on uh tuesday's 9 am australia time um talking about street art and nft is just if someone is
interested just can go to my profile uh i post every week so yeah yeah we talk um so stephan brian is
a she she has a podcast about street art and also street art related with nfts as well so yeah so
we invite um you know people from the art street art scene or you know graffiti background stuff
like this and yeah just very relaxed um and chill um yeah so if someone is interested just dm me
yeah i'm interested right here right now so um
what did you say it was is it uh like a collection of street art like is it a gallery or is it um
no no no sorry no um sorry maybe my accent is a bit it's uh um to the space that i that i run
on tuesday's i'll i'll perfect the chat so it's we are consistent every tuesday um yeah just uh
yeah perfect perfect send us a link marano let's get it let's get let's get us in there
yeah i found it but it wasn't recorded but i did post the information pinned it on top
oh yeah that's awesome that's awesome marano street art is the the life blood of art culture
oh i appreciate what you're saying because for me it's very you know it's been my life for
you know more than two two decades and you know i i'm who i am because because of graffiti
in the first place and then you know the transition to to other stuff um yeah so i really
it's i think it's a really good place to to to start and you know especially for people that
you know we we couldn't or we didn't couldn't suit in in a cat you know more institution like in a
university or a degree and stuff like this we um when we struggled with all of those things
you know street art gave us you know the opportunity to you know the divide the right
environment to to to grow artistically and and it's pretty similar to to here
in the sense that you know it's about the community and so yeah it's really cool
awesome that is really cool um yeah i'll probably i'll be i mean probably to get to hear find out
more about it i know i was talking to um one-on-one tezos the uh the account there
one of the actual organizers who are doing the test quake aid and they help artists do events
as well and one of the things that she was recommending is that more nft people
do street art um you know find a spot throw some art up you know start passing out flyers
and start doing stuff so i i think this is a really good step in the direction for nft artists
who want to do more than just like this twitter thing like that it's a really good resource
yeah it's really cool so i just posted the flyer uh with the information i mean there is not much
just the name and everything but just yeah if anyone is interested it's a every week and
it's a very chill space
awesome 9 a.m australian time
correct all right let me see let me do a quick google translate and see what that is in my time
um i think uh it's um gmt plus 11 um utc plus 11
all right cool yeah that's actually not a bad time at all for me at all so i'll try to be there
that's like right after i do a teso space on tuesday is um tuesday tes day i run that with kryptonio
and we do that four hours before this space so we wrap up yeah like two three hours
before so yeah that's perfect perfect
okay go ahead no just keep in mind that we are a day ahead of everyone it's just that maybe is your
monday oh yeah you got me you got me there that's right it's it would be wednesday for me that's
right that's right which is even better i'll be there either way awesome yeah thank you thank you
marana for sharing and it looks like we lost wise she might have had a call or something
hopefully she comes back um in the meantime we have jasiah here welcome hey non hey marano
and everybody uh thanks for having me up i'm just finding it interesting to listen to you guys
uh i come from a photography background but have been a collector of street art
more in the physical form for quite a while and then looking into nft artists as well so
just here to learn and see what's up um marano who who are some of your favorite
uh street artists in tesos right now do you have some that are posting regularly on objects do you
like um to be honest i don't know many artists many street artists on on on object i have
i think i connect with a couple of ones but not yeah not not like um people that i really
have the opportunity to to speak with them or something just um you know those connections that
we sometimes they follow me and follow back and stuff like this but i have to be honest i i didn't
found um many artists on tesos but it's um yeah i don't know maybe that because i'm yeah that's
right maybe it's my fault but yeah i would love to know more do you know um um do you know any of
them um yeah a few so uh waxhead is one that i really like um dalek is another one
and let's see i know shepherd fairy has released a uh one piece which he hasn't created a profile
yet but uh with the pussy riot um they created a piece like like a month or so ago
that was interesting yeah
can you can you tell me again the names of um the other two that you mentioned waxhead
and dalek
i got i followed dalek yeah i thought yeah i i have uh one one or two pieces uh do you know if he is
very is um active lately um i don't think on tesos but he's always active like in his own
discord and stuff like that and in the regular like print space like graffiti print space and
like making vinyl toys and stuff like that yeah i really love his stuff he's a great i mean he's
an old school um yeah he's been around forever yeah i wish he would like post more on tesos but
um it seems like a lot of those guys like they got in like i don't know like a year or so ago
they posted a bunch of stuff and then they haven't really done much recently but
i mean that's the story that's the story ain't it um bear market everybody kind of ran away
but yeah if you guys don't mind post up some links so we can we can check out what you guys talking
about well yeah non i saw like um i was looking through your your twitter i saw you were posting
a lot about the uh the india exhibit that i think they minted that through fx hash is that right
right that is correct that is correct the indian art fair uh we had four computational artists
we'll say um yeah minted through fx hash and displayed um right there at the event and the cool
thing is that they it was all minted live right there at the event oh wow that's awesome
so yeah i'm a i'm a big fx hash collector and follower of a lot of those artists so
always love seeing um things that are coming out of that like uh
the live minting experiences seem really cool and like you know they're gonna be coming out with
the fx params which hopefully will make the live minting experience even more exciting and
and more people will catch on to it yeah
yeah i mean that's our indian art fair was when it was awesome for us uh that was our first
real world test with our with our app and the wallet function and the mint function and
everything in between and it was a massive success uh so yeah everybody not not only
you know they they downloaded the app set it up and minted live and had an nfp uh in under five
minutes they had no prior knowledge of blockchain at all necessary um and that that was really the
goal that is the goal for like you know uh mass adoption and stuff like that so it was a huge
success yeah that's amazing um what wallet are people using when you on board or something like
that well uh for us personally none the non-out um non the non-out previously was called non-wallet
and has been out for quite a long time um so obviously being from that's the one we use
um but it is it is a mobile only wallet so you have more options when it comes to desktop like if
if i was going to give you a recommendation personally for a wallet on tesos on desktop i
would say kukoin not kukoin kukai sorry whole other app
yeah i think that's what they were using it art the art basils is that right
yes yes that is what they use that art basil but um basil basil whatever it's it is what they use
um i'm not sure there's some politics at play and i'm a biased party so i'm i'm not sure if they'll
use use it again i'm hearing none might be used more but it i'm also a biased party so i'm not sure
i'm also a biased party so i'm not sure cool what um just curious like do you know why
temple is not involved like is it harder to use temple for live minting or
is it because it doesn't connect to like your google account or something like that
um it's really hard to say uh you know it has to do with a bunch of different things right marketing
uh the team behind the wallet uh what their relationship is would say the tesos foundation
or other big uh grant grantees in the space um and i know mad fish in general
it which is the people who made temple and quippy swap are actually located in ukraine
so i'm sure they've had quite a bit to deal with over the last couple years and we
an immense slowdown on production as a result so unfortunately it's kind of just slowly
slowly falling to the wayside which is unfortunate
and then poetry sorry man welcome welcome thank you for coming up
so g how's it going
good going good going good um trying to figure out i'm like going through i'm getting dms like
hey no community call today and i'm like i've been running for an hour so apparently twitter
isn't showing up the space but other than that i'm doing good how are you doing
yeah i'm absolutely fantastic g um like i say it's um yeah no twitter twitter space is a
funny man like i know from i know from running my own how how this shit kind of works um
look i literally shout out to mt parete and listeners by the way um yeah because he he
ended up i think two weeks ago ended up just being a space of me and mt parete at the end
and but then like i um yeah because the fucking space kept running on me and then like i basically
the link that i've been sending to people no longer worked so it had to be a new link every time
but yeah no spaces are a funny fucking thing man sometimes you get like 40 you know you can
sometimes get 40 people regardless of your follow account and then other times it's like
five people show up and you can't do nothing about it so yeah i know i know you're paying
brother know you're paying oh man you just you just brought back like some twitter ptsd from last
last wednesday uh man it was the same exact thing i kept having it took me three attempts
just to get the space started it kept ragging uh everybody came up the speaker it would rug them
immediately kick them out of the space and um by the time i did finally get it going it was only
me and one other person casey that was it for a good half hour i ended up just closing it i was
like screw it no that's fucking hilarious man but yeah you would think that elon has enough money
to sort out this shit like Elon he took over what the fuck's going on over there no i know i know
and i'm sitting there i was really hopeful because he reinstated some people that you know said some
you know said some controversial shit and i was like people should be allowed to say shit
like do you know what i mean so i was really happy when he took over and now this space is
shit is happening and it's like dude sort it out like for real so sad it's so sad uh man it it is what
it is though we'll truck along for as much as much as we can see now i'm getting dm saying that the
space is over like i don't i don't know what to do here it's are we here we're here right
i'm pretty sure we're here and let's just unless this is like the twilight so
you know unless all those philosophers were right and we don't really exist yeah i'm still here
i can hear you guys
yeah twitter is definitely being funny being funny as hell um damn that sucks it sucks so bad
well i'm gonna send out some new links real quick see if we can get some more listeners in
usually we try to run this space till about for another like 45 minutes and we even go
uh to we'll say what is it let me do some translations it's probably six what is it
six fifteen utc we go to about um another four yeah 45 minutes to an hour hour and a half ish
depending depending right yeah i feel i feel like i've been in this space like a month or so ago
and there was like a lot of people in here like i don't know it's uh and then i i didn't get like
sent the notification for this space again until tonight for some reason i don't know
interesting yeah that uh damn yeah so i uh that's pretty much what it's been
up until literally last wednesday the last apex call number 12 we were plus 60 listeners
twice a week for for months on end i mean the saturday call is on number uh number 40 now
and yeah we've always been plus 50 up until last week we suddenly had zero one list right one
speaker and uh yeah we're still working we're still kind of i guess working through it
weirdly enough josea though you were you were up you've been talking um talking about other artists
in the space and things like that what's going on with you do you have things that you're doing in
the space uh yeah i'm a photographer and i post stuff here and there but um mostly a collector
and like i'd say probably 70 percent fx hash and then like 30 object um
you know i've collected on like versum as well and i don't like impromptu is like pretty new
i've been collecting on there a little bit um just been like trying to follow the space like
as close as i can like you know on all the new stuff that's coming out and artists that drop
like fairly regularly and um yeah i don't know like just trying to follow as much as i can on
on my free time i like i've been looking at your profile it seems like you've uh
collected a lot on fx hash as well right is that right
so yeah almost just frog the space almost just frog the space uh nan does uh lots of well we
have a big fx hash collection right now because the way that indian art fair worked is uh we collected
a lot of the stuff and then it was distributed through a giveaway that we did live in the space
so you probably see a lot of fx house collections on the non-page uh me personally my name is Theo
Wayne i have a profile on twitter at at tez will and my most of my collection i i probably it's
probably an even mix really of uh fx hash objects uh you know i've been i've been here since way back
in i remember when hen first launched so i've been here just collecting here and there uh on really
any platform i can i i have something from somewhere yeah for the most part solana now
no on tesos
what do you guys think of solana on a real one because i don't know i don't know why but i've
always i've always got really bad vibes about like solana as a project like just as the general
crypto coin um but what what's your guy's opinion on it i i don't know if there is much to say um
back in its prime right when it was like one of the top three it it still was never
active it was always going down the blockchain was always down they just couldn't use the damn thing
and that was in its prime and then it got really bent over with ftx um so as far as i'm concerned
and until someone tells me otherwise it's it's it's all but dead yeah i'm i'm not a fan i uh
i mean i i like that it's crypto other than that uh i mean it's centralized heavily um
seems like yeah like you said it's down all the time there's scams there's hacking there's
you know and then on the art side i mean
you know i'm sure there's some decent art there and like i mean i've seen
some like photographers and stuff who who have posted there and
you know but for the most part like
i didn't find the platforms that friendly um that's what drew me to tesos most of all
like cheap tees and the platforms are super super friendly and the the real artists are here like
you know i don't i mean they're on ethereum as well but you're talking big fees there
and that's just kind of a different ball game in my mind but um salona hasn't proven itself to me
so i don't know
but i wouldn't rule it out and i think there's others as well like cardano is interesting
although i haven't seen like a platform as robust or as interesting as object
or fx hash or anything like that on cardano yet so that's what's keeping me at tezos for now
no i hear you i fucking like i can't i can't emphasize enough how much i dislike the fact that
certain crypto platforms are almost trying to go like the centralized route um don't be wrong i
know that we need more money into this space in order for everything to get bigger and to grow
however the whole point of it is that it's decentralized and that gives the power to the
individual i.e you and me rather than like massive corporations and i just think that
even even to a degree like i i was i was thinking about investing in binance like in the lot at the
end of last bull market but then obviously i realized it was very quickly going to turn into
a fucking bear market and i was like nah but um yeah binance is um almost trying to monopolize
the market i feel when it comes to crypto exchanges but no i hear you i think tezos is the fucking
place to be like at the end of the day so many nft artists are going over to tezos like if you
are just a collector as well um i think i mentioned this to non on the last core i think there's like
an op there's an opportunity for object to because it's so user friendly and because the
art there is so cheap compared to for example ethereum it's very easy for collectors to sort
of get started and start playing around with some nft's you know buy one for like 50 you know
less than a pound or less than a dollar um they can literally get in for that amount
they just have to make one transaction on tezos first home which is obviously that's that bit's
a bit of a pain in the ass um however there are ways around it if you know what you're doing
the exchanges um but i think i think that tezos is the place to be it's beautiful it's a great
platform object is fucking sick the only thing that i would say is that they need to correct
that issue like my my profile link here um keeps keeps just going to page not found so
i keep having to change the profile link in my bio um so that's the only thing that that's the only
thing that i've actually picked up that i would change about the platform but i think it's
beautiful like so i think there's a lot of opportunities for new people who aren't in
into nfts to get into object and i think there's so much that they could do to become potentially
become like the premier nft platform because open sea is fucking shit man like if you're
if you're just starting a new project or you're trying to collect you're going to get lost in the
fucking ether with open sea like that's what i found anyway um additionally i think that ethereum
you're always going to have to pay that gas fee like you said and it's just you have to pay so
much just to get in on the ground floor and i don't think that's fair to people who want to
start in this they're potentially not too sure about it people are very unsure of crypto because
of the sort of media the media um how do i say it like the media scapegoating of it and the
you know the media is very keen to mention scams they don't really talk about the success stories
you know several crypto millionaires have been suicided which no one's fucking talking about
um and yeah i just think that i just think there's such an opportunity for tezos to
separate itself from everything else and i think i sort of spoke to non briefly about this in
the last call yeah i totally agree with both of you um i would say the biggest
my biggest criticism with tezos being the place for art is that there is so much good art here
you better bring your a-game as an artist because you have a lot of competition
and you know that would that would be my one criticism like it's so good
that you you got to be good if you want to play you know what i mean um and that is speaking
as someone who is um not a very successful artist on tezos
yeah to be honest mate i'm not a super successful either like i've had
i mean i've had about sort of 30 sales and i've only been on tezos three months so like
i haven't done badly but obviously as an artist when you are selling like when you're selling
something as cheaply as you generally sell on tezos in order to let people like because you've
got to let at the end of the day you've got to let people get in on the ground floor of your
project like that's the bottom line when it comes to nfts at the moment is um everyone's
block into objects but you need to have some at least some stuff that's available for cheaply
so you need to have some stuff that's available cheaply um in order to sort of immerse that
you've got to build your community and then hope that people will sort of buy more expensive shit
and yeah i haven't been lucky enough for that to happen to me yet i've been selling like my
stuff all the stuff i've sold has been between like one and five tezos and but i do actually
think that with all the attention that tezos is getting just from nfts i do think that in
the next crypto boom and nft boom i honestly think tezos could be worth a lot more than what it is
now i'm i'm genuinely and i genuinely mean this is not financial advice i'm not qualified to even
say this shit to you and but i honestly believe that tezos could go to like 20 pounds like i
believe that that could happen hundred percent oh i mean easy it was nine at one point
you know nine usd so that that's easy i mean if you want to really fomo in
you know not a financial advisor or anything like that ethereum there was a time and a place where
ethereum jumped from a dollar to like 300 dollars and then maybe a year or so later it went to
fucking four grand so it happens bitcoin itself a lot of people forget how long bitcoin has been out
that shit rode under a dollar for god so many years guys so many years and then it rode at
those low prices for even longer until one day it jumped up to a thousand just overnight and
the rest was history um tezos has only been around for four years it's it's it's it's it's
almost stupid to say you're early like it it's the it's ridiculous how early uh we are in the grand
scheme of longevity you know tezos is only four years old and um it bitcoin's been around since
like freaking 98 or some shit like that it was popularized in 2008 ethereum came what years after
right ethereum's getting old but really even not even that old itself uh we have a long way to go
guys a long way to go i mean how how long was the internet around before it hit mainstream in the
90s right uh long time 70s 70s maybe it was first right right exactly it i was gonna say 70s but i
wasn't i didn't want to go too far back yeah the internet was around for a while before it was like
really made public in the 90s um so yeah it does get a little annoying to hear
people say oh you're early you're early and it seems scammy and sometimes it is
but it's true it's also true in the technology world um being two years old is is is nothing
in the technology world nothing oh my god uh we can go off of hard technology and into social
applications um instagram was around if you're old enough to remember instagram before facebook
bought it right well or see you know they they were around for many years before it became
quote popular amongst gen z same with facebook facebook was around for many years in colleges
before it hit popularity with millennials um it's just the nature of things we just gotta give it
time that shit was the biggest mistake millennials ever made by the way
um in my space to facebook yeah because if you look at it right facebook everything has to be
the same everything's uniform whereas my space it was like you were jumping into someone's fucking
world like my space was beautiful why didn't we keep that long before web three was a thing
yeah it was beautiful i remember they had music uh it was the one of the coolest platforms ever
it was it was it was so cool like the original i would say that the original influencer was on my
space star in my opinion like that's how it went because people were probably right
yeah you're probably right um that's a whole other thing
there's like some marketing research behind that where for some reason people just enjoy
uh niches they don't like having access to everything on one spot i i guess it just like
i don't know if it's too much for the human brain or you know facebook is actually having this
struggle right now uh where there's too much to do on facebook that's why nobody uses it
they'd rather use instagram for their photos uh twitter for their their thoughts um you know
um you know snapchat for their naughty stuff so it's it's like everybody wants that
niche that niche right i mean freaking tiktok look how popular tiktok got for freaking 15 to
30 second videos like we didn't have youtube for the last 20 years
yeah that's that's true um i got really fucking frustrated to be fair when um when youtube did that
i've been trying to run i've been trying to get a youtube channel up to a thousand subscribers
for years right and then i suddenly realized that you also had to have 40 4 000 hours of viewership
um to to basically be able to advertise and to make money off of it and i had a video that
had a million views but then youtube decided to bring in shorts which are videos that are
underneath a minute and then basically what had happened is that um suddenly those those hours
that you the viewership that you get from shorts and one of my videos over a million views was from
shorts um basically one of none of that counts towards your 4 000 hours um but yeah that's a
different story anyway but yes it's interesting to think about like that we've all just switched
up so many times and i think that you hit the nail on the head there with facebook like you
say there's too much that you can do on it um i also do think that everything's just gotten a bit
sort of boring with um with the like i say it's very uniform and there's a lot of censorship on
there like i was i was like part of an mma thread on there the other day and i was just trying to
like post a very basic opinion um it was slightly controversial but like not too much and then they
just fucking censored it like they didn't let me post it and it's like well how like how far
this way are we going to go you know what i mean yeah i absolutely know what you mean um
one of my favorite things to do on facebook is to just uh go into like comic book threads
like i'm a huge comic book nerd and let me tell you uh comic book nerds were really
really co-opted by like the culture wars you know what i mean like so i'll just go on there
and piss off piss off everybody just just just just start talking shit um in in rightful ways you
know people are just they they'll think they're an expert on something and why this character
shouldn't be uh this way or why they should be this way and i'll just go on there and say
and just start trolling just whatever the opposite of what they want to hear is
and that's all i use facebook for so i can only imagine
yeah no i don't think you're the only one either like i see i see people doing that shit every day
and that's funny though because people are i do feel like people are very precious about
comic books though like people are like proper hardcore about it they get really like butt hurt
about certain things like say for example if a movie or tv show comes out that doesn't
like match their opinion of what should be happening in that comic book it just becomes a really big
deal so yeah i'll rate you to do it it's hilarious it's dude it's so hilarious and when i say the
culture wars i mean like both sides too right um it doesn't matter like people are so emotional
about superior there's their comic books and don't get me wrong so am i i'm very emotional about the
comic books that i own obviously that's what got me into collecting in the first place
but to just go to these extents is i think hilarious like to like care about other people's
opinions and stuff is ridiculous like um man when they they announced that tim drake robin
was going to be gay and i remember the uproar from like the more we'll say right side of the
comic book community and dude it was it was the funniest thing i'm just like i just spent like
a good two days just posting pictures of classic tim drake and superboy like the gayest couple
you could probably possibly read in all of comic book history like he's just i'm like yeah he's
been gay this whole time don't fucking worry about it why are you guys so emotional about this stuff
he's got to be rebooted in two years anyway yeah i think whatever you um whatever you think
about that stuff i think it's not important um i think that it's kind of sad actually and
most of the people i'm assuming none that you're a millennial am i right yeah i'm 29
oh wow exactly the same age as me um yeah no i think with um with us millennials like it's
interesting because i feel like we've had we've literally out of any generation so far we've been
the generation of information but like some people take it too far and they're just so brainwashed
by what they see and hear on the news or on the internet and everything and i feel like they're just
like we like millennials in general we allow ourselves to be divided by things that are
fucking irrelevant like realistically yeah we love it dude we're in the we're in the most
safest most privileged time of human history i mean what else do we have to do
no agreed um don't get me wrong i love the fact that cryptos around like i think that's
i think this is going to be like this is a new age for our generation now like i feel
our generation's been been told that we're lazy by the baby boomers and i'm actually right i'm
actually writing a piece at the moment about the sort of generational differences um it's inspired
by some of the stuff that i've had with my parents but i think um yeah our generation in general
i think that there's just fingers that we could do better like some of the shit that i
hear people say that are a similar age to me it's like how can you like how can you buy into
this shit like how can you just be part of the argument when it's an irrelevant argument
like do you know what i mean it's um it's one of those things where it's it's like the elite the
elites and globalists are not even trying to hide what they're trying to do anymore like they're
literally being so bait about it like the whole like the um world economic forum meeting it's
like the whole covid situation they've not even they're not even trying to hide what they're
doing like the fact they're trying to control us and they're you know they're overly um on this
climate agenda because that allows them to control us whilst they fly to fucking private meetings in
these weird masonic lodges in their fucking private jets um and it's like but most if you
talk to most millennials about that they won't fucking know it's like why don't you know like
you've got we've got access to all this information and you choose to just like pick
the easiest shit to think about so yeah sorry i got a bit angry there because it does it does
like because i feel like i've woken up in the last few years it frustrates me when other people
were not awake um anyway i'm gonna shut up now um empty paree empty welcome you've been here a
minute welcome welcome poetry i almost had a meltdown over politics and i don't blame them
empty empty oh so he might have fell asleep it happens you take too long to get to them
it happens they walk away you know oh bless his heart nice guy though really nice guy
i'm good poet as well i mean i helped him he's basically he's a really good like spoken word
spoken word poet and so he basically jumps into real life spoken word spaces um like
basically real life open mics i think he's even got a project where he runs open mics i think
that's what he's part of what he's doing um so i think i saw something about that on his twitter
the other day and but yeah super super cool guy um really good poetry and he's just got into
objects i think he's got two he's only minted two pieces but yeah he was basically asking
for my help on tezos because you know that whole when you first get on there there's
that whole thing if you need to make a transaction on tezos so yeah like i taught him a little way
around it i just like buying some tezos on coinbase and then transferring that to the tezos was it
wallet um the temple wallet because then technically you're receiving something so yeah i
i sort of helped him get onto the blockchain because i just thought his poetry fucking needed
to be there um so yeah shout out to mt anyway but i'm sorry that you're not here brother
shout outs to him i'll offer i'll have to get him back in these spaces i'll talk to him
i'll reach out to him see what he's about that's really cool though um tell us about what
yeah you've talked a little bit about the poetry you're doing right now about millennials and
and boomers uh tell us more tell us more about the poetry you're working on
yeah man so um the deal is i've basically i've had i've come to a bit of an impasse with my parents
um when it comes to my son because what it is is that they're like i don't know what it is
about their generation i don't know if it's something to do with the way that their parents
were with them um and i do think that this some of this is a problem with my parents specifically
um but it's kind of the poem is more about sort of general boomer logic towards millennials
um like the fact that they i do think that they taught us don't get me wrong i think there's
certain good things that they taught us and then there's certain bad things that they taught us
so that's kind of what the poem goes into like it's kind of an appreciation and a criticism at
the same time um so it's very much sort of they taught us i feel like they taught us good work ethic
but they only taught us to apply it in certain ways like they didn't really teach us to be
creative then teach us to be entrepreneurial because i do feel like the majority of that
generation like they're very sucked in by the establishment and it's not necessarily their
fault um because i think a lot of it is to do with the fact that they didn't have access to
the information that we have access to um but it's like they're just very like overly respectful
of the establishment even when the establishment clearly don't have your best interests at heart
um and then they've kind of enforced that like my parents in particular they enforce that belief
into me um so yeah a lot of it is about those kind of themes um and about sort of trying to
shoehorn you into a box and then trying to say that you're lazy if you don't want to follow the
like you don't want to follow like the conformist way if that makes sense so yeah i mean those
are just some of the themes that i'm touching on i haven't finished the piece yet it's going
to be one of my longer pieces and yeah i'll be minting it in i don't know as soon as i finish
writing it i'll be putting into a word document and then minting it when i want some farms from
ai art to go behind it oh see that that's i think we're that's actually really interesting
i can't wait to read that that's a whole that's a perspective uh i don't think i i've i've heard
but actually it hit me you're in uh you know euro in the uk so it's like that makes sense actually
you're right like it makes total sense it's definitely i had a different experience here
in the states uh because i was raised by um basically you know the the 80s crowd right
so they were very anti-establishment um very all about creativity and you could be whatever
you want when you grow up right that's that's the side that i got raised by but no you're you're from
the uk so that makes total sense because people totally respect like like law and legislation and
shit over there in a way that is admirable actually
yeah thank you um like i say it's um i think yeah i suppose i agree with you i mean i don't
i think with america like i think it's luck of the draw to be honest with millennials in general
obviously if your parents are yeah hundred percent
yeah no i i think um i don't know i think it's obviously good that you've had a different
experience um don't get me wrong and i'm not saying that my parents did everything wrong
and my parents did did say they always did say to me all we ever want is for you to be happy
but then the thing is if they'd if they'd encourage me this is the thing like what what i um
this is basically what prompted the conversation right so it's it's very much like they don't they
don't give your opinion any respect and i think that's what i struggle with because it's like
there's a lot of things like i've said this to them and it's like with a lot of respect
there's a lot of shit that i know that you don't know and it's just because of the experience that
i've had is different the experience that they've had and they can't get their head around that
so i'll give you an example right so i'm i think i told you in the last call like i'm i'm a sort of
freelance copywriter like that's part one of the businesses that i've got along with um along with
trying to sell nfts um so i do both i do that um like i said love to work with object at some point
but we'll um we'll discuss that at some point anyways um like i say we um i was basically
talking to my mum about that a few weeks ago um and she was basically saying oh am i okay to
tell your father about this i was like yeah that's fine that's not a problem because it's
one of those things where it's a bulletproof mentality so i don't really give a shit about
like negativity anymore because like i'll just ignore it and i'm gonna do what i'm gonna do
and i've made that decision now but basically he texts me he texts me the other day bearing in
mind this happened she told him about him must have been six weeks ago he hasn't said anything
he's not said oh um how's it going son or you know congratulations i'm glad you're starting this
what he basically sends me this really controlling sound in whatsapp message being like i've seen a
guy online who um he basically asked me first of all after not saying anything about my business
or anything like that he basically says to me your um what are you planning on doing copywriting as
a full-time career or are you just doing it as a side hustle and i said i want to make it full
time then he goes right well i've seen this guy on the internet um and he's made he makes websites
and he's got really good reviews and um yeah you and i need to see him okay and then he just put a
question mark and i was like wait a minute like i've literally got i've got like a cost-free business
plan where i'm just sending cold email outreaches because i've done research on this and i know
that you don't need a website as a copywriter necessarily i know that you don't necessarily
need one but then he's trying to tell me that i need one it's like i'm i'm running at like i'm
running a profit this year because i don't have to spend any money on my fucking business and now you
want to do something which is going to cost like just for the website maintenance it's going to
cost me money to advertise it and then it's going to cost me money to pay for whatever the fuck
this guy's going to do so like i don't know like it's just i don't know that that's what sort of
prompted it because there was just i was just annoyed to be honest about about that situation
because it was like you're not giving any credence to what i've actually researched and what i know
you have not even asked me about it so yeah that's kind of yeah just just what actually that i do
understand man um that's a disconnect yeah millennials have a sense of entrepreneurship
that it has and this is the same with gen z actually gen z even more so um because they were
raised by us uh have this sense of entrepreneurship that is just unrivaled by any other generation um
largely because of you know parents like mine who told us we could be whatever we wanted to be i
guess um so yeah we all did go out there learn entrepreneurs i mean look at the internet we
talked a little bit of shit about social media but damned like millennials probably know more
about like finance and shit and all that different stuff than any other generation before
like just collectively right um for the most part you talk to somebody uh they at the very least
probably have a robin hood and like a game stock stock you know and it's like they they they
so it's very interesting um it's very interesting and i was also thinking about it and i don't even
know this whole boomers thing is starting to get i don't want to be old i maybe holds the answer and
what i'm guess i'm trying to say is gen x gets away with too much there's a there's a whole
generation in between baby boomers and um millennials that's my mom's generation gen x
and they're the ones who are like in their 50s and like in their 60s like the ones that are largely
in power boomers man boomers in the states were fucking like hippies either either you were a
hippie or you were shipped off to vietnam you know and and if i remember correctly in like the 60s
and stuff over in the uk the boomers over there are what started punk rock they had their fucking
you know their mohawks and their spiky mohawks and shit yeah no my dad was a massive punk rock fan
actually yeah exactly so yeah it's weird it's weird talking so much crap about boomers today
like because like they were that generation you know
now yeah they were but i think like there's i think what it is is that there's a different
there's now a different type of anti-establishment stuff like obviously with them it's like it very
much with my parents like authority very much begins and ends with the government whereas i'm
like wait a minute if you're saying for example you're a ceo of a company and basically you've got
shareholders to bring money to the company um you know what who's going to make the decision
if push comes to shove if they disagree on something who's going to get their way
there's going to be the shareholders because the shareholders providing the finance and it's the
same with governments and central banks like who do you really think is making the decisions who's
really got the money and i've tried explaining this to my parents so many times but because
they've been sort of brainwashed into this idea of democracy and all that sort of thing they
can't understand what i'm talking about oh yeah no you're never going to explain money i mean that
that's actually that's an even bigger problem and like it it's it's hard dude like normal most
i should i guess i shouldn't have said that i do believe that millennials in general have a
better sense of finances but that does not equate to like uh the everyday individual weirdly enough
like i can't explain half this crap to my wife you know and she you know she's a millennial
but she does she it makes no sense to her that the you know when you start really getting into
where does money come from where does it go down the deep path for some reason people just
it's like you know they don't want to hear it they don't want they don't want you to tell them
santa's not real right you know what i mean in some weird way it's like yeah it's it's
i don't know how else to explain it it's like you really are ruining someone's reality that they've
been raised into uh you know it's like that's why this whole phrase taking the red pill that's why
it came up again in the first place like when we're talking about the matrix you it's it's like
in a way leaving that you're like disconnecting from the matrix you finally see the code you're
like oh this is how the world works damn it's very interesting you know a lot of good books
about it a lot of good books around this you ever read like uh debt five thousand years a slave
i think i've actually seen that book um yeah because i um yeah it's um it's difficult
it's um but yeah you're completely right by the way yeah it's a yeah it's a good book to read
if you want to really learn what this is all what the world's about how it works like in
this that it's all debt right the answer is that it's right there in the title title um but your
it breaks down in a book right uh many chapters along what debt actually is and it's in a way
philosophical uh it's in a way scientific and um i just don't know why not a lot i don't know why
it's not like a bigger thing right i these things aren't for some reason like when someone can write
a book and tell you all the answers and all the secrets and they just put it to the side nobody
pay attention to that or even if we do know that's another problem millennials poetry uh we're all
pretty connected we all know what's going on we all know what's going on in all these different
countries uh we know what's going like uk and us like have the same problems all the time for
some reason um why are we doing anything like i it's so weird like uh america's always in this fear
of like we're gonna have this civil war and and blah blah blah uh or we'll say the politicians
call it a a divorce you know uh a civil divorce uh which is hilarious like divorces aren't messy
but one of the messiest things ever um and i think it's it's why not like honestly
we need some change if that if that brings like if that makes kicks us in the ass and actually
makes us do something um we'll also be it like i think we need a generation that will
fucking speak up like it's not us it's not us poetry we don't do shit we talk about it
and then we forget about it and talk about the kadashians the next day
yeah that's that's a really good point actually um i um
yeah no my missus is actually saying this to me the other week um she was basically saying
that um we are basically the um we're the information generation it was like my son's
generation which is i think it's generation how far that's supposed to be the disruptors
and gen z are kind of the awkward the awkward one in between um i don't yeah no but i agree with
what you're saying though like um and yeah that sounds like a good book i'll have to look into
it i've already got like two books i'm trying to read that i haven't read yet um piano the um
yeah i think trying to actually understand money is is difficult and yeah like you say i don't
think the boomer generation gets that i don't think they get the whole like the whole
economy is made out of debt basically when you break it down
yeah it is today remember when they were raised um well actually that's maybe it was different
in the uk uh at least this is true in america when the boomers were raised they had gold backing
them right um and they were raised in a whole separate mentality like save your money
was a big is a big thing that you hear from that generation oh that's not that's not how
money works today and we got we got rid of that in the 80s so we're taught the wrong things
we're just taught the wrong things and i don't remember it's two in the morning so i don't
remember is uk is that is that a fiat their current your currency over there
yeah yeah i think i think pretty much every currency in the world is fear other than other
than the russian ruble ironically right so yeah they're obviously on they're obviously on gold
now but it's interesting that you brought that up about gold because i was watching this video
this was months ago now but sorry my son my son has just woken up so i have to go in a minute but
um yeah what i was gonna say is that apparently since the dollar was taken off of the gold
standard um basically employment and the cost of living has has risen and then basically the um
what was i going to say like the wages have so basically they have risen but they've like the
gap has continued to close as far as like and like you say i think saving money is a big part of
that like i think saving money was a huge thing for for my parents and for a lot of like other
other boomers and potentially even some of generation x like the sort of older end of that
generation um but like you say i think it's it's no longer possible to save yourself to wealth
you can't do that you have to invest that it's literally not how it's programmed it there are
it's inflationary right you're always going to it's always going to be worth less tomorrow
like it's just that's the nature of it yeah and in my opinion like fiat currency is so overrated
to like and this is the thing um what like when i tried to explain to people like you're literally
losing money as your money sits in your bank account i don't think people ever get what i
mean but it's like it's such a simple concept to me because it's like more money's in the economy
the money is inflating and inflation is essentially fiat currency being worth less
like that's what that boils down to it means that you can buy less with the money that you have
and your wages aren't going up so like that's that's um uh that's an effery right there um
not going to swear properly because you know my little man you might be able to hear in the
background respect respect and then you're exactly right and um like i try to explain that and i
try to explain like no that's literally they're like oh well you know it'll go back down
inflation this i'm like no that's literally how the system's built like that's what it's supposed
to do it's like i'm not saying there's something wrong with our system this is what it's supposed
to do and like people just can't comprehend that they're like what no uh now or like when you tell
them another good thing that i uh i heard from somewhere i wish i remember the source but
uh they're like imagine this you have a you have a bank account you can look at your bank account
on your app on your phone right now right most people can um imagine you have
ten dollars but you need a hundred so you just click on the number and you add a zero
and that's it you have a hundred dollars in your account
it's crazy right oh man like
laugh funny that is what print that that's literally what they do when we say quote printing money
there's not some printer press somewhere just being flipped on no they're they're going into
their bank account and adding a zero that's it like the money's fake it doesn't fucking matter
so that's all they're doing like it's but it's hard to wrap your head around how like you're like
what that can't be legal and it's just it's the way it works yeah and you know what i think
that's a really good point because i think that um that's what makes me laugh about people who
criticize crypto and they say oh it's not even real it's like yeah but no money's real like
it's all nothing's backed by anything anymore like you're not backed by gold it's not backed by
nothing so like yeah no so that's an interesting point for sure um anyway dude it's been a pleasure
speaking to all you guys um i'll try and be on the next tesos community call if you let me know what
it is um and yeah peace out to all of you thank you have a good one man we're we're gonna end it
right now and hopefully i do see you next time cool thanks dude seeing a bit thank you man have
a good one have a good day with your kids and thank you uh josiah and thank you everybody else who came
uh we do this every thursday at 12 a.m utc and we do this every saturday at um oh no sorry it's
5 a.m utc 12 a.m est and then we do it every saturday at 5 p.m utc and 12 a the 12 p.m utc jesus
2 o'clock in the morning there it is so please join us join us again and yeah thank you guys for coming
cool yeah thanks for having me out and hope to see you guys again soon
thank you josiah have a good night goodbye everybody