TFM Founders Series: Team Kujira Founders

Recorded: Feb. 9, 2023 Duration: 0:14:09



Good evening one, good evening all. This is Rebel DeFi on the TFM account here looking forward to a really exciting conversation tonight, but tonight for me, but I think mid afternoon or early afternoon for the Kujira guys. Pleasure to have you here today, Dav.
Hey, hey, how's it going man? You're good?
Can you hear me, Peeps?
(keyboard clicking)
I had a bad trouble hearing you there. Can you hear me? Yeah, all good. Can you hear me now?
I don't know, can anyone else put a thumbs up if you hear me?
Okay, Milkycats captain is rugged on a good space. Is that thumbs up for TFN or is that thumbs up well? Is it thumbs up for TFN first of all?
Okay, that's good. Can we do a same check on DAV please? Okay, can you guys thumbs up if you can hear me?
Cool? No? Oh my god.
Let me go out and try and come back in.
It's weird.
Hopefully I'm not speaking over you, Dave. Looks like you're getting thumbs up as well. That's good news. And difficult is I can't hear you. I'm not saying if you can hear me or not.
I'm gonna try another co-host up to the stage.
Sorry, I'm throwing in at the end.
if you can already pass messages that would be fantastic.
Can we do a same check on soy?
Hey guys, yeah, I could hear you both fine then
But now I feel like I can hear you perfectly. No, no, I got you. I got you. I can hear you perfectly. I was muted there. And can you check if it does. Can hear you?
Hey, does... Can you hear me?
I guess not.
Oh yeah, okay. Okay, so dove can hear it. Can dove hear it? Dove, can you hear me? With the emojis.
Oh, possibly.
That's a good saying.
Well, maybe, maybe it.
Do it do and do and do and maybe drop out and come back in see if that helps Because they you are the mean guy, but I think everyone helps can hear you
Milky's here and thumbs up for Dove.
All right, hang with us. Well.
Let's just try and go for it and see maybe so I can pass the messages to dub and then do the can pass the messages to the audience and then we'll take it from there. So I'm really excited.
to be speaking to Dub one of the co-founders of the Kujira project. I know that hands is unable to join us today because of an assuming work commitments, Brett may or may not be joining us at some stage.
Hopefully I've got quite a few Kajira users in the call just now. I can see some names. I recognise quite well.
So yeah, there's been loads of news about Kujira and I'm loving this community that the team has built. Some of the news coming out called, "Kujira shared a tweet just at the start." You will say, "Pend tweet to the call and up
out one of the new developments that are coming out with, which is a wallet. Now I was kind of intrigued by this, with the station wallet has just come out. Obviously, it's with the sonar wallet from Kajero, it was announced long ago, but I'm
interested to find out like is the fact that station is now released is that going to mean that so now is not going to come out or you still want to go ahead with that and if so what is so now are going to bring to the space that you don't think station has or for a long-winded question hopefully does could here
we're concerned that people aren't able to hear, dove, and that is of primary concern to me. And let's see.
what we could do. Okay, sorry, Brett is in here. I wasn't starting. That was him.
We just dropped out. Brays here as well, maybe coming back. I'll tell you what we could do. We could do something pretty radical and end this space and start a new space.
but maybe we can go further, also Dive has dropped in and out a few times. Thanks for your concern, I've not seen you disappear. Something strange going on.
Right. We're already seven minutes in, so I'd imagine the people coming to this space are likely going to be here already.
It is definitely a twirthing.
Right here is
I've got Milky Jam Hunter, that's not really what I think.
Right, executive decision. Let's end this space. We'll start a new instant space on the TFM account and hopefully, the second time lucky, we're going to get everyone in and everyone's going to be able to hear.
I'll just get right out first of all to hear his opinion on that one.
Great. Can you hear? I can hear you. How are you doing? Can you hear me? I'm so... yeah, it's quite stressful, I guess like that. I can hear you very well. Okay, good. So the fact that we're not hearing dove, I think you can hear us, which is kind of good. Can weirdly I heard him in the beginning, but
But then, yeah, obviously, come on here anything now. Which is going to be quite key because he's the one that needs to do all the speaking. You should just behind the keyboard. Make him talk. Yeah, I mean, like, he always brings a good vibe. So I would definitely...
here at Hort and he's got to say today. So I literally, I think I can think of just ending the space and starting a new one. I'm not a swear expert, I don't know if there's any other... Someone did tell me there was something weird. I don't know if there's something... I'm sorry, I don't know if that's one.
iPhone or Android, there's something like if you leave the space and then kill off your Twitter and start again. I don't know if that was the text, but there was some really weird work around the people who were saying, "Does work."
Yeah, Dave was just saying that maybe remove him from being a co-host and let him just request a speak which might which might work. Okay, I'll do it more. Just for the for the fun ever anyway.
So could it be in here I added them as a call host, but it already requested to speak so maybe give them neither.
Hello, don't.
Okay, I'm seeing a few crying faces. I'm assuming you've got the same problem as me.
and still unable to hear dub. I think that's our only option. Kill it off and start again.
Yeah go for it. Okay hopefully see you again soon.

FAQ on TFM Founders Series: Team Kujira Founders | Twitter Space Recording

Who is speaking on the podcast?
Rebel Defi from TFM account is speaking.
Who is the co-founder of the Kujira project?
Dove is one of the co-founders of the Kujira project.
Why is Brett unable to join the call?
Brett is unable to join the call because of work commitments.
What new development was tweeted by Kujira at the start of the call?
Kujira tweeted about a new development, a wallet.
What is the name of the wallet that Kujira has announced?
The name of the wallet announced by Kujira is Sonar wallet.
Has Station wallet already been released?
Yes, Station wallet has already been released.
What is the purpose of 'Sonar wallet'?
The purpose of Sonar wallet is unknown at this stage.
What is the community like for the Kujira project?
The speaker loves the community that the Kujira project has built.
Why is Dove not able to speak in the call?
Dove is not able to speak in the call due to technical issues.
What is the decision made by the speaker regarding the call?
The speaker decides to end the call and start a new one due to technical issues.