The BIG @skeleton_punks announcement you've been waiting forπŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ

Recorded: Oct. 15, 2022 Duration: 0:58:49



What's going on guys? We're out. We're ready. We're starting to catch a little fire on the info web.
You have his gun. Good afternoon.
I just saw that new PFP looking good. Yeah, I was starting to get everyone starting to flash those bones finally. We're going to have, I think we're going to have some really kind of exciting news, no? But people that know the plan and what we're doing, I think it's a very straightforward plan, but it's something that we could all
rally behind and understand and maybe take some of the direction in our own hands. I think it's a solid plant, right?
The most exciting part for me is you're just rallying the troops together, which, you know, it's not easy to do, but you are doing it. So shout out to you. No, no, it's we, right? It's really us. This whole thing that we're about to go over today, I can't emphasize enough, A,
that none of it would be possible without every partner who is participated and be for it to actually go into effect. We really need everybody who participates to really understand what the goal is and the aim. We cannot do this without rallying everybody. It's just not possible.
That is what Luna was to us, to us when I looked at the feeling of every Luna community I went to, they all almost felt the same. That was the weirdest thing. It didn't matter if I was in D5 doing Luna or an NFT doing Luna or some weird Brainiac chat doing Luna. Everybody was just trying to help you.
And it was always the same vibe right and that itself is like what really was our our value proposition that is the thing that was our driving force so if we recapture that and we and then we can represent the tools that the tools that that unlocked all that liquidity power if we can
give those tools at the most community level, well then I think we have a shot at really kind of directing how things go. And I don't think even people realize the shot that we have because of the crumble that happened. Like in times of chaos, there become amazing opportunities and sometimes
Sometimes there are opportunities that like just are not or that overlooked and I think we have a shot at a very simple plan for a very huge opportunity That's that's really what it comes down to So we're gonna talk about all of that today, right? We're gonna go over all of that everybody
100% we're going to go all over that and I am excited. Look, let's have a look at what we've got here. We've got probably 20 to 30 people at a glance who are tuning in today. Let's do a quick recap. So if you haven't jumped on the last four to five, I think this is number six now that we've had in the last
a couple months with you. If you haven't jumped on the last four or five, two of the spaces that we've had with the skeleton of punk's crew, we've had a few announcements. Give us the tail there, who are the announcements thus far. Okay, so if you haven't, if you've missed out, you know, we've decided
You know, we started off just trying to fix our little NFT project. We started to try to make friendships from those friendships sprung bigger ideas The SP Alliance has been formed that consists of orbital command NFT switch, Godora, KappaPolt, Hermes, Pro
And PFC validator who is one of these legendary validators who does just so much quietly for many networks and most people don't even know about the stuff that people, not until I started validating that I understand like X
All that it took to do that. There's like so many things that it takes to do this and this guy does it for so many networks So we are honored to have him in this plan and so now we are gonna roll out this plan and should that's where we are today should I just say what it is do we want to post something or pin something we could pin something
So that's phone labs right now is in a listener right and they have in their profile I don't know what you want me to do Do you want me just to make something? I don't even know I don't run Twitter spaces right this is how how ridiculous I'm I'm totally co-dependent on orbital command to host everything
What was Rebel going to say just before I jumped in? Rebel wasn't on the cast for something. So like PSC's up on the stage here. I mean, is it possible to introduce PSC without like, yeah, without like giving away the whole thing or is it kind of, I mean, obviously he is integral to the whole
But yeah, maybe PFC would want to say words or you could say something. Yeah, for sure. For sure. PFC, please, please talk about the experience of like this weird coalition that has formed. I think it'd be interesting for you to tell your side of what happened. Yeah, sure. So basically, I just got a tap on the show.
shoulder, I got added to a group, so hey we got this brilliant idea, how can we help? We need some advice and all that kind of stuff and yeah so we jumped in and mostly
guys have known before and it was really easy just to get us all together and it all came along really well. We're in the final stages of what we're doing and well the final stages of the start of what we're doing I should say because I think this is going to go even further than where the announcement is.
and yeah it was awesome to work with you guys so I'm looking forward to you know basically taking the wraps off this thing and letting it loose and seeing how it can change things and more importantly push lunar and you know the chain and the token and skeleton
$100,000 up there to be awesome again.
because I believe Lune is a sleeping giant and if we can reignite that specialness that PFC was kind of talking about that we kind of captured in that little group together, right? You know, all that was brought together by just the desire of a decentralized economy and we all are like, you know what, we can actually do something about this.
I remember Doke was saying that no matter what happens to him, he set the system up so that this thing can run no matter what. We have this window where people are kind of stuck with us. So we can either do something really interesting right now and show them how to play the game because for us that played
the game, we understand where the real value is, right? Because it levels the playing field. You can start the game with as little as like two or three hundred dollars and play value capture games for a month or two. And then that that can be a thousand dollars. And then you can do that again efficiently. And then that can be like a few thousand dollars, right? Like it was actually a quite
efficient model of building wealth and having assets and acts in liquidity. So our plan is to present these tools to you and allow the smarter people to build on top of them and allow these tools to 100% go to the community. That is our model.
So basically backbone labs is a production that we put together that has now built. I'm just going to say what it is. Yeah. So basically what we have decided and what we believe is that the magic and Luna
was the defy. We were able to have assets and then we were able to put them somewhere and they were able to continue to grow and we were able to access that buying power. We were able to put them in something and tap into it freely. So say
I'm gonna use a higher number say I had $10,000 right this was what the magic Luna was I could buy $10,000 worth of Luna on a red day You got to remember you got to play this right you got to buy your your investing for you whatever you're gonna leverage against on a red day Don't buy on a green day, then you'll be red real fast, right? So you buy your fucking excuse me you buy your
your lump on a red day. You turn that into your collateral. In this case, where you're going to tell you what our collateral is. Once you have your collateral, you can now leverage, say, just 20% of that. Right? So now you can get another $2,000 of tokens that you couldn't access before. And now you can hold
on to those. Now all of a sudden you know you, instead of your, you know, your 10, you have $12,000 worth of tokens and now you go green. So now you sell half of that and now you have, let's like a liquid amount that you can start to play this buying and capturing game right and it's like you can wash rinse and repeat is very similar
cycle and this was the very basics of what Luna is. So I would like to present to you one of our partners is capapult. They are a producer of an algorithmic stable coin called stable, right? So we know that the answers cannot come to
from TFL and we know that I'm going to tell you I don't have the answers either. I just have a basic framework of an idea of something that might work and something that might fuel people's participation again. So backbone labs is an auto compound in LSD. It will produce a token called bone
Luna, bone Luna will be a collateral that we can now leverage against moving forward. Come November, this token will be available. So what it does is that it's we are basically going to challenge state or labs, right? We are going to challenge state or labs. We're going to give one
100% of the revenue and fee generation away 70% of the fees are going to go to the astro port LP providers because we have to have good trading have to have to be liquid 30% of the fees are going to go to the skeleton punk down
We will have a vote on what to do with these fees. If you are a Dow member, you can make votes. This will happen, I don't know, I think probably towards the end of this quarter, if not the beginning of next quarter, just to be honest, because we're trying to get out so much stuff so quickly, right?
target date with this new platform will be before Halloween. We have a contract, a fee splitting contract that is in audit right now with SCV audit and I just got the approval for that actually late last yesterday. So early this morning, late the yesterday, that will take, I don't know, maybe
maybe a week. That's the only thing that we are waiting on to go live. So right now, if you guys want, you guys can go to You can look at what we will start to offer. There is a play setting. I urge anybody who's
interested in like saving Luna and having a say in like what we're going to do moving forward to participate because this is the kind of thing like we are really trying to get all the undead like lunatics who really man if you understand what I'm talking about if you if you lived your life for if you almost debanked
Right, we were so close to debanking. And just because that didn't happen one time and we got sabotaged does not mean that we quit again. Like, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not ready to give up on that yet. I really believe CDBCs are coming. I really believe it's silly that if we don't prepare for these things and have a strong
soft peg algorithmic on Terra or anywhere on the IBC. That's why I love Cujira. They have their USK going. One of the things I would love to see over there is to see Bon Luna be able to be collateral on other chains. Since 100%, we are going to build this thing. The group that you
you see before you, the skeleton punk alliance have leveraged all of their talents, assets and everything and put together an entire platform and decided to give it away to the community in 100%. You know, we were like, okay, so how do we, and there's no token, we don't have a token that's going to suck liquidity out of the platform.
There's no there's no thing that's going to like ponsanomics this thing you either join us in a community like the skeleton punks You can make votes on the platform or you can just not have a say in that right if you don't want to join our community then don't but you know what we also offer 70% just to people who want to have a stable pairing
over an astro port because when you when you do an LP on like Luna or ex Luna, I'm going to give that example. That's a pretty stable parent and don't and don't think we're not coming for those astro words. We're going to come to those incentives and we need the community to understand that we are giving away 100% of everything. I don't know of any other
project or any other project right now in the market who's come together, assembled their friends and made a project out of nothing but friendships and like promises and like just web three technology. This is what crypto really is about right? Like let's just keep, let's just call a spade a spade. I'm going to call everybody out right now. A stator labs got 500
100,000 Luna to do what we're doing for nothing right so so so when we come to the community and we say hey, we got another idea we need your help We have the power to actually implement change if you join us like if you understand that we are going to actually hyper incentivize anybody
sell them. That's what rich people do all the time that they do from banks in the real world. That's why goquan revolutionized what was happening and our system was attacked. That's the truth of it, right? The shit worked perfectly. Don't get it twisted. It worked fucking
the problem was, is that fucking four pool went out of balance and you got that bait and switch and blue, blue, blue, and you got okey dope. Whatever. So we live and learn. This time, doesn't have to come from Dokewan. We can, we can, we can step forward as a community. We could all be skeleton punks at heart. If you were like, if you were a person who's
not going to accept the status quo then you are one of us already. You know, one of our best friends, project friends is we're gacked money. They are a money mixer. We have figured out a way to mix money and earn interest at the same time. I want everyone to think about that. We can clean your money for free and you can earn interest at the same freaking time.
Everybody's going to need clean money in the world coming forward. Like I promise you, you don't even realize it, but we're going to show you why that's important. And I promise you, there will be other people who will be doing long, long threads about why this is important coming up.
Anyway, I think that everyone understands at this point, I'll be quiet.
Dude sorry in a nutshell for everyone listening if you didn't catch it skeleton punks are doing DeFi and Sorry with that being said my man Debes has a question and then we're gonna open the floor up because I'm sure some of you out here have some questions of your arms
the energy you bring alone to Terra is invigorating in itself. So, you know, give yourself a pat on the back because I know it's not just you, but your team, the way that you've been able to bring NFT projects together and DeFi
protocols together. It has been incredible. It's been great to be able to participate in these spaces which bring on so many members of the community. I wanted to give you a thank you to that. The one note I wanted to point out though was the link to backbone
I was clicking it at first and it wasn't working, but then I added an S onto the end of Labs, so, and then I got to this really cool site. So I want to make sure everyone has an opportunity to go check it this out, because it's pretty cool.
Hey, I have fucking fat fingers and sometimes my brain works so fast. You know what's funny is I even pay that stupid thing for this account so I can make edits because I have a little bit of dyslexia too. It drives me crazy. It drives me crazy. Hey, it's all good. We're in this together, right?
And you know what this is what I'm saying right now because even in a bear market we can play value capture games It doesn't matter what the market's doing if there's volatility till it being these games are relevant right token up token down It doesn't matter because even even on the lune market if the games were still implementing
We had a good collateral and we had a good stable and they were community funded in community fuel, right? And we were like, yo, okay, we can actually control what's happening by owning a berry, but we only have a small collection of MTs. We have like 5,000 MTs. And we're saying like, look, okay, we have this chance to re-
We're trying to attract builders, people who are really interested in shaping what's going on because when you have a small tight knit group who all can implement change and are all very focused, we can really, I don't want to say it aggressively, but we could take over the whole network if we all
Unwreck ourselves like we could really do it like that's the thing It's such a simple thing because it's the framework It's the backbone of the whole defi thing is are these tools if the community adopts these tools and says we are only gonna play the games with these parings this collateral this day
This table with whatever other token is what we're playing the game with because this is paying us back. We can make every other person who brings a platform after how to use these and that these things will directly fuel directly fuel the whole system right it's it's very cool
If you want to get a higher score, you can get a higher score.
And if they stuck with us the whole time, then they have to be crazy like us. So we're trying to like show people that we can we can like do something with nothing. And like literally we've never had anything. Our group has never technically had anything. We always you know the story. Let's not get in the
that shit again. This is a new flag. Fly the flag, exactly. Fly the flag. So we're going to start a new thing. You know, we have these, we have these gems of projects. We've surrounded ourselves with people that we find are like the hardest working people for the communities. And we've decided to put together
going to make big moves instantly. We've been making a lot of plans. We've been like calling it all the favors. You know, we're trying to pull out all the stops and like we're giving 100% of it away. All you got to do is either provide some liquidity or you've got to just come buy a skeleton pumpkin, hang out.
before it's too late. Like so everybody who doesn't have one just go grab one. It's only like I don't know 60 something Luna right now. Go get one before it's nuts because we are gonna we're gonna give everything away. And if we're giving everything away we built this right. If we're giving everything away then then we have to have a model of getting paid.
And we get paid in JPEGs. So if we get paid in JPEGs, I mean, you guys can figure it out. I can't say too much because I don't want it to become a security. So until we sell out, I can't make promises of anything. But if I'm getting a paid in a JPEG, and we're building a whole protocol for free, and it's going to be controlled by a DowJPEGs#
Well then I don't know I'm just trying to make it interesting to participate again you know and this is a more fun model to unrecarcel and We might as well do it together. Fuck it right? Love it rebel you got a question, brother I feel like the kid of school like practically standing on his chair with his hand in the ear like waving about like teaching
teacher, big me, big me. And this is like I've heard this a few times which is it's quite exciting and I love JG's enthusiasm. It's going so fast I'm just thinking my brain doesn't quite go as at that speed. You're talking about bone lunar. I mean that's quite a lot
name. So you're telling me I'm going to go and I'm going to go to TFM, other or good astro pour however, and I'm going to try to get a USB. Maybe maybe maybe in the end we settle on V Luna. Do we want to recapture something and re-own something? We know it stands for Bow Luna, but do we want to re-own
We don't have to have anything ashamed right? I'm just saying it's not. Why not? Why not both you know it's it's be Luna but the the ticker is be Luna. Yeah, there you go. There you go. Let's take it over right? We can take this over. That's the whole point right now.
Now, a whole chain crashed. Right? And if we are here in the rubble, we can shape what's happening if we stand together. Like, this is the part that's like the most shocking to me because Luna always stood together. And then I know we all got wrecked, we all lost a shit ton of money. But if we can all stand together, no matter what our political shit is, if
We all agree that we want transactional freedom, then we can all be aligned in this one cause and it doesn't fucking matter. And we can actually implement change. Like we have a shot to like really this network is huge. This is a billion dollar net work billions right there was sixty billion dollars right and so he
He literally made a duplicate and airdrop the same amount of shit to everybody. So it's the same network as it was books 4 and you're telling me it's only parked at $400 million. I don't think so. So if we could take over this shit as a community, then man, can you imagine the stuff that we could build? Could you imagine there's
334 million Luna parking that community pool we can come up with some fantastic ideas and we could vote the money into existence man. It's just sitting there. It's like a fucking big old candy machine. We could make anything we want if we fucking unite anything. It's crazy.
I love the biggest smile on my face. This is so uplifting. I love it. Bring B. Learned a Back. Let's bring B. Learned a Back. Hey, you know what? Dole Kwan is gonna make, he's gonna wear a fucking skeleton part.
I swear to God it was the last thing I do after that Laura show he's gonna wear a skeleton plug maybe not after a little or so after Halloween man We're gonna we're gonna pull out all the stops He has to help eventually if not we're just gonna take over what you guys say if he doesn't participate we take over
love it. Hi, I'll just notice there's someone in the cred that's requested this big. I'm just gonna let him up and say what they got to say. What are you doing? Let's see how it goes. It is. Oh, what are we done here? I pressed the wrong button. Come back to me. Just just while you're doing that doctor, like, so we've got PFC here. Oh, yes.
with this. We've not really touched on timing of anything. So I don't know if that's something PFC could speak to or JG maybe. Yeah, I'll give it a crack. As JG mentioned, we're basically just putting the
final stages on an audit. Once that goes through, then the code is live and it can be turned on at any time. So I think it was Halloween, was the release. I feel very confident that the code will be ready to go
So, we're not going to be waiting for everything else. There might be one or two other things that we need to set up in the systems to make a really good launch. And we can talk about that, just getting extra port and all that kind of stuff wound up the right way.
I don't think the code or any of that kind of stuff for the initial release has any challenges. The stuff after that is still going through. But that's not, you know, we'll talk about that once we've got the original stuff going. We've got some ideas about the DeFi world and what we can and can't do and how it's going to help.
You know, I think we'll, you know, it's an NFT DAO. It's going to be amazing and it's going to have a mix of other cool things and we're going to take all the brilliant ideas sprinkled around all the different networks and merge them into one. This SP DAO is going to be amazing.
and even back to solid you know yeah that even back to solid you know the over the stable clinton capapult that things gonna rock
Yeah, I'm just, you know, that's the other thing like this is the other component. It doesn't have to come from TFL. We have teams that are community funded and then community based. We can all get to know them. We can all participate. You know, one of the things that I got to say that the skeleton clunk, clunk, did is
Is that all these members that you see, we offered them all a chance to buy in at 1%, we want them to participate. Some took it, some are going to pass them out, some are going to use them for engagement, but they have the opportunity and we gave them this opportunity to fully participate with us.
We want everybody to participate with us because this is the only way that we are going to find a way out of this is if we all come come together again. Like I would almost even suggest that we do weekly meetings again. I don't know, like there's not something else going on.
to build together and we have to make interesting shit. We have a six, you know, I don't even have much, how much was the money on terror? I guess how many billions of dollars, right? That's the kind of network we're sitting on and if we don't develop it, we are suckers. I hate to say it, but that's the truth.
The big dog, I've got a question from the man, the myth, the legend, uh, Moon DeLorean in the comment section that says, I'm trying to scroll back there so let's explain how we collect fees to share them to the SP community. Can you please elaborate on that?
So here's the thing I can't elaborate look so basically what we're going to do is this right so Just like every other auto compound there are there's a performance fee right we're using a 10% performance fee there is some less than us. There are some more than us, but we're giving
7% of the 10% away to the people that provide liquidity on the Dexas. That is to incentivize the people there to provide Luna and Bonluna. And the other 30% will go to the Skellitz and Punk Dow. And that money will be decided upon
through the Dow and through Dow propositions and so we are going to let the community take care of how they what they do that money and like I said we're getting paid in JPEG so I can't say too much for security reasons but I mean you can you can imagine what what direction we're going
with this without me saying more than that, right? We can talk about that in like a number one or two. Got it. So anyone who's listening, if you didn't catch it, learn a Bayliner polls or whatever on Astro Port and 70% is going to the 70%
70% is going to the pools and 30% is going to the DAO. Perfect. Yeah. Legend. And we've got BICROM. I've been trying to get BICROM out for a conversation for a while and it's not only just happened. So, God for everybody. Okay, so my question is, what is the basic
Basically the facilities we are getting for the holding skeleton punks, you know. Okay, so like like I said right now, at the moment, look, we are we have a staking platform ready to go and this is our plan, right? I can't tell you specifically.
because I can't make this a security. Do you understand what I'm saying? You got to just bear with us and know that I'm paying myself in JPEGs and we're giving 100% of the fees away. And if we're doing that, you have to believe that we have a model in revenue sharing, right? I can't say more than that. You're going to kill me, dude.
- Do you have that, but not that big room? - Oh.
I'm going to say that again. Sorry about this. I couldn't hear you. You're talking about 10%, 10%, and then we're going to spell 10%. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no#
I believe Aerys Protocol has a similar product. They use a 7% auto compound performance fee. The performance fee doesn't matter percentage wise too much, but where does that come from?
So if I put in 100, I'm wondering 100 points. So I see what you're saying. So you would go, I understand what you're saying. So you would go to backbone labs and you would click on the skeleton, punk, gravedigger, which is a
liquid-staking platform. And you would stake your Luna there and you would get back probably, I think it's the way it's scaled. It's a little bit less because it's an auto-compounding token. If I'm correct, I'm almost certain that's what it is. So if you put 100 in, you might get like 90
9.7 back or something like that. I don't know what the ratio will be. And then you'll have bone luna. And then the goal, this is the goal. The goal is to take your bone luna when capapult is up and running that they will allow you to print stable or to collateralize your bone
Luna for further buying purchases. This is the very beginning framework of what DeFi is. This is just the very, very beginning, right? So if we can adopt community framework when TFL comes out with their stuff in November and December, we can say, "Hey, guys, what we love these games
but we want to only play them with these tools, right? Because these tools are actually going to fund us back again. And we know that we can participate in the development of these directly. You can directly participate. If you own a skeleton punk, you can make propositions on this liquid stake
on this community collateral that we're giving 100% of the fees away. We are asking people to participate again because we think that we have to try again, we think that we have too good of a chance, we think that this network is too fantastic and we know that
It just has to come from all of us, right? I'm just making a pitch and I'm going to get out of the way, right? I'm just saying that this is the idea behind the alliance. You know, we know that this is the beauty and like how people get rich is they can access their access, their assets, buying power. That's what it is, right? Go ahead.
Yeah, my question, I guess to back up a little bit again and for the audiences, do you mind explaining the choice behind Capapult? So, you know, why? Because it seems to be an integral part of your plan. So what part of Capapult's vision appealed to you most?
and why you've kind of partnered with them to be part of this backbone labs. Well, look, so for Capapult, once again, I'm a believer in what we started with decentralized economy and the decentralized money. I believe in that.
Even to me, USK is very appealing to me, the Kujira system is very appealing to me. So to not try again is silly. And now to partner with TFL is something that maybe I can't, people would have a hard pill swallowing, but you know what, partnering with somebody else that's like I know has been
Here through the whole time grinding with us because they were building a whole different application on on terror classic when this whole thing wrecked they retooled everything and they were like Okay, we see a serious issue. We can address it We have a team. We have an international team They have a pretty big team and like
their code is freaking extensive. It's like 30 or 40,000 lines of code and they have a really interesting method of doing it and because it's a soft peg system, you know how if we deep peg too hard, it's just like downhill, like we witnessed it, the system broke on the other one. This one is designed to
actually kind of fluctuate and ride a wave and by riding that wave that system creates in itself arbitrage opportunities that we can teach people how to play and the more people that we teach how to play this arbitrage system that they will be able to you know what's the you know the thing if you teach a man how to fish like that whole thing like we have a better
better way to teach people how to earn money right now and we have a better way to get ahead in life and like in our generation we know shit is going up so if we can't exponentially increase our earning power then we're gonna get left in the dust. I don't want that to happen to me personally. I lost too much last time so we better make this one great this time. We got another chance right? We got another freaking chance.
Great question there, Mr. Deves. Um, checking in, because obviously I can see we've got 4719 on the call and Hermes. Any contributions from you either of you there?
Sorry, could you repeat the question? This is just a general check-in to see what your thoughts feelings sentiment is around what's happening with backbone labs.
Well, it's been it's been great with with this group. I mean by now everybody has understood I mean this this this energy that just emanates out of JG. I mean, it's just it's been crazy. I mean you definitely need
someone with a vision with a passion with a voice. I mean, we've all seen USD, USD, right? I mean, I wasn't there, but fucking hell, I felt it. I was across the globe, and I felt that shit, right? To my core. And I mean, I
I know how hard I shield the USD to everyone. We need these people to be able to bring some energy back. And I really love
analogy of coming back from the dead. So it's been really cool. I think we have a really solid group, this alliance that we formed, we're basically exporting each of our fields and we complement really well. I think that
There's really a lot to go from here and we can really make at least in some parts a community centered and community built protocols like this one. So instead of waiting
for TFL to create anchor, to create mirror protocol and all those other things, we can collectively work, bring the best minds together and decide and come up with ideas. Here feedback, just spitballing and try to
go against the ideas and say, "Okay, well, what would be the flaw in this? Please tell me how I'm wrong with this idea that I had." You know? And I think if you really unite, I mean, 1 plus 1 becomes 3 instead of 2. I think that's really the biggest
the biggest key takeaway from here is that these six partners together as a group were not worth six, we're worth 10, 20, whatever, right? And it's not just us, it's the entire community, Jesus, you know, I mean, like JG has meant
and everything like this entire protocol is for building, it has this fee because we want people to provide liquidity. Otherwise, it's not liquid, if there isn't any liquidity pool. So it's game-fi in a way.
It's taking tokenomics, it's taking programmable money, which in my opinion is the greatest selling point of crypto is that you can take what the computers have been invented for in 1950 or whatever it was. Okay, I know that it exists before.
for that. But anyway, it writes. And then I mean, anybody that has programmed the line of code know the God feeling that you get, you know, when you when your code works, it's like, Oh my God, this is my baby. This this thing does what I can mend it to do. I can now automate
my home, I can automate this program. I don't have to do this monkey job all the time. And now being able to take this ability to program stuff and do it with money, I think that's the biggest selling point here. Game changer, let's get to change your brother.
So literally, oh, so good. And just want to clear something up. Anyone that's listening, because there was a conversation happening in the background in my DMs just to get some clarity around what was happening before around the auto compounding and the V structure. And so just to make it super simple, no one pays a fee.
out of their own money, it's literally just a fee that comes out of the auto compounding staking rewards. And so if that makes it easy, you won't even notice it. You will not notice it. It's literally, maybe I can even amount. Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. I actually have to explain this a few times.
to magically, right? And it basically, it takes out the revenue that you are getting by staking, which is around 14%. It's taking those revenues every few hours or days. I don't know how, how quick the algorithm works, but PFC will be able to answer that. And whenever it takes
takes out those those taking revenue fees 10% of that is redirected towards those those splits that we have mentioned right so if you are taking out let's say a hundred Luna because you've deposited I don't know a hundred thousand or you know it's gonna depend on how long anyway whatever whenever
the algorithm itself takes out the the 100 Luna of rewards. It's going to just put three into the treasury of the NFTs and seven into the B Luna Luna pool, right? PFC, Ian, do you want
compliment you're or correct me if I'm wrong. I'd never correct you. But yeah, just to add to that, the other benefit that this is happening is because this is going every day or every half day, the amount of interest you're actually getting because of the compounding is increased.
So if you just basically state your lunar on a validator, you'd be getting 19 or 13% give or take. But because of the, you know, if you, most people would claim once a week and they're potentially, you know, recalculate, re-do it. Because we're doing it daily or every 12 hours or whatever. The amount of interest actually increases significantly.
And that's one of the benefits of the liquid staking and that's where the fees are coming from. So you're not going to, you know, you won't see it, you know, you won't actually notice it for the most part. But you know the things that I was more foolish. But even if we take a slightly higher fee, if you
If you also participate in the game fully and you provide a little bit of liquidity, if you provide some Luna, Bone, Luna over at an LP, this is a steady LP, there's not going to be very much impermanent loss on this pairing. And if you go over to provide liquidity there, then you are starting to really play the game of DeFi, you are helping at the most bare level
And we are trying to hyper incentivize this level right here Yeah, exactly and that's where the fees are going to so it's not going into our pockets It's going into liquidity rewards. It's going back into the Dow so even you know even whatever the numbers are This is all getting rolled back with the aim that
to attract even more money because not everybody is going to have an NFT. Other people are just going to use Bone Loona because it's great. And that is going to again push into the rewards and do a lot more things. Okay, so what we're using is we're going to kickstart the pools. We're going to hopefully get Astro Awards
kicking in as well. And the amount that we'll actually get for actually using the OP rewards will probably be higher than the phase that we grab. Welcome to DeFi. It's a weird place. It is a weird place, but it's magical. This is the thing. If you saw it before,
You understood that what it does for the playing field and we can teach the new people who are coming in and we know looking we know that at some point they're going to try to merge that liquidity between luna and luna they're going to find a way to bridge that gap right we're going to start to crossbreed when everything starts to integrate into great to the ibc if we have
good framework man we can really set the tone our network is the biggest still even though everyone hates on it it is literally the biggest and everyone is stuck on it so if we make it awesome now while things are slowly trickling out man we can convert everyone again I know we can nice
nice. Super dope, super exciting. Just to clarify this then for the people in the call, we've got Bone Luna which the ticker may well be Bee Luna. We've got Bone Luna, Bee Luna, we've got Capapult. Can you speak on the
relationship between B. Luna and Capapult. What are we going to be able to do there? Okay, so when Capapult comes out, they are going to produce this algorithmic stablecoin. Our goal is to, they will be able, I'm sure they have many ways of producing it, but we are producing
a 100% community driven version. And so we are hoping that through this information that we will become the Luna standard for a better term. And we want to be the flag bearer. So what you will be able to do is you'll be able to take this B Luna over to Capapult and you
You will be able to basically borrow against it. I, from what I understand, I'm not sure. I don't want to give away too much. I can't speak too much for them. Yeah, I can't say too much. I don't want to give away too much for them. If you guys know what anchor is, then just imagine that shit. You know what I mean? Like I don't know what to say. That's what I'm#
Awesome, thanks for coming back in on that. My understanding is that solids not going to be like an algorithmic stablecoin or an over collateralized stablecoin. Yes, but so over collateralized means we are the over collateral. So the fact that we're an auto compounded token,
That is over collateralization the last time the model was working it was just a B Luna or a derivative which was just a stake Luna Receipt right so what we're doing is we are actually taking the Luna and as BFC said what we are doing with it we are auto compounding it so the interest is way higher last time it was
7% this time around is already 14% or just under 14 and then we are auto compounding PFC do you know what that when we auto compound what it goes up to I haven't used the auto compound calculator Honestly, it's it's usually between 1 and 2% extra that you get Gotcha, okay
So, you know, it helps the system, that's what this does, and what it does also is that you can now access your assets buying power without giving up your assets. This is how the rich get richer, and what they do is they have assets, a bar
against them they buy more assets that pay and then they either pay those the borrow off or they buy more assets right this is the game of wealth grabbing or wealth garnering or wealth building right like it's having assets using that buying power buying
more assets using that buying power, getting those assets by more buying power, and we have the opportunity to lay the framework before the bigs come to market. And if we all can unite, like all of us undead lunatics who've been like just chomping at the bit for something exciting.
to do, we can provide the exciting shit ourselves. This is what I learned by just reaching out and saying, "Yo man, are you interested in trying something? Hey, do you want to try something?" And I came in the reception that I received from fellow projects has been overwhelming
It never stopped the Luna community even in the most down time has always been so warm and comforting to me. I'm not going to lie, right? Like, I love this lifestyle. Like, if you don't love this lifestyle, like, you don't understand what we're doing actually because this shit is freedom.
I've never been happy in my life. I used to do shit that I used to hate. Right now I'm broke as fuck, but I'm happy because I know there's a chance that we can actually come together and do something fantastic. I see super possibilities. If you guys don't see super possibilities, then once again, you don't understand crypto.
But there's also going to be inherent dangers and we're going to have to educate each other and keep each other aware. So we have to have a community because government is going to come and try to pose sanctions and restrictions. And so if we don't have good infrastructure again, we're going to be fucked, right?
So we gotta come together. That's like what it comes down to. And if you feel like I do, then you're a skeleton punk. And you're a fucking, you know, you're a web three warrior. Like I'm not gonna quit. Like I have a rebellious nature by heart. And, you know, I'm a disruptor by heart. And like that's just what I am. I've always been kind of like somebody who pushes the#
In this situation, I really feel like we have to take a stand. If we don't take a stand here, we're going to find ourselves in 10 years in an economic world that we're not going to like. I'm just looking just to quick mention here, I'm scrolling down the chat, haps of Skellypunks in attendance and I'm noticing even like,
I'm not even sure if the PFC was originally his OJ1. So there are Skellies everywhere at the moment. Show your bones, people. If you've got Skellies, show them bones. I'm actually on nowhere out right now looking at which ones I'm going to
next. So the vision is awesome. I'm behind it. It's all about the execution. And so it sounds like there's a really good team of people that are comprising the backbone labs. I'm trying to take, I just remembered my microphone's probably rubbing on my beard. So apologies if that was the case. Rebel. Thanks, man. Yeah.
you're seeing you're on the market please right now. I'm on the right now. What's the floor price? 69 Luna on nowhere. Well it says 75 on the top but yeah 75 on nowhere and on random. I'm looking here. It says 69. Yeah so 69.
Oh, it's a bit of a waste of time to sleep in and buy a snack. Speaking of all species timing, I don't know if everyone else caught this, but JG was saying earlier that it'll be ready. It should be ready. The aim is to release by Halloween, Halloween skeletons.
How about we do a Halloween release? Listen, I honestly think that we're going to be ready before that, but we just don't want to over promise and under deliver. Like in our roadmap, we were like trying to do like an October 23rd thing, but then we got this audit that we had to do and we were like, we should give ourselves just this little buffer. Like PFC wasn't
We're ready to go. We pretty much ready to go. Once this audit, the contract is out of audit with SCV security, and I wanted to say SCV security and Vinny have been fantastic. If you are a project builder and you're trying to get something done in Rust,
I'm telling you, this guy is reachable, he is personable, he will help you, he will literally walk you through this even if you are a first time developer. Like that's how good these guys are. Like they care, they really care about what they're doing. And I'll tell you this man, the quote that he gave us, I was like,
and that's so much money. And then the quote that I got from the other people, I was like, oh shit, Vinnie's a good deal, man. I'm not gonna lie. They just go over to Vinnie real quick. He's a really good deal. It was like, astronomically different. Yeah, the other real and great thing about SCFee is a turnaround time.
You talk to the other guys they will get you in December January, you know, if any can do it, yeah, he turns these things around much faster. I don't know how he does it, but he can go real quickly things too. Yeah, just he promises that he delivers still spends the same amount of time on it, but
But he doesn't have, there's no lag. Look, I got a 20 something page detailed report on my little end of T switch project. I was so surprised that there was so many security flaws. I was like, damn, is that even possible? Like, ripped us a new one, right? And then I was like,
We're still learning a little bit and he's like that's okay. He goes that's okay. He's like we can do it together. He's like we just will do it together and I was like fuck that's awesome. So he took extra time and that's like a big deal. Somebody who's gonna really teach you, you know that's
Somebody who actually loves what they're doing like that's important to us. Shout out to ssa vape supporting that wag me culture We uh, yes, God, I got chubby baby in the house here. I said speaker. Let's go. I'll be baby. What's up? Yo, what do you guys say? And I missed the announcement
For reals? If you missed the announcement. For anyone that's missed the announcement. I'm working on a thread right now and it's going to get the word out for you.
We're bringing day five back and skeleton skeleton punks are leading the way Yeah, that's the TLDR right there. That's the TLDR
with that. We've got. I want to also say I want to say that you know that on the topic of S.V. Security and the audits, S.C.V. Energy Switch did pass the audit with flying colors, everything that he brought to us, like it was addressed.
And a lot of the things that were even a problem weren't really a problem. They were just because we do a lot of the stuff in our protocol on the front end because we have so many checks, right? So there was a lot of things, but we're ready to go into late comers are going to be able to get their skills and
I believe on the 17th we're just cleaning the data. So finally the rest of our friends will be able to join the party and participate like they've been waiting patiently and we appreciate that everybody's been participating like they have been.
awesome stuff. Everyone that has been listening, you epic and anyone that's just tuned in to TLDR is that the skeleton punks are doing D5. Debes will be putting out a thread very soon with all the details that you need to know about that. It's pretty exciting stuff. I'm super excited. I'm feeling
I mean, smiling is entirely cool. I love the guys and I've been on the scene and the opposite of being smiling my face out this whole conversation. And so I just want to share out to everyone that's contributing with, you all shout out to JGB, you know, inspiring the masses, shout out to all the crew, you know, you're Hermes, you're PFC, Kappa Pulse,
Everyone that's jumping on board to assist with this revival it really is a lunatic revival and it does feel that way and I think that Yeah, I think the next few months could be very fruitful particularly once we start seeing the dApps coming out in November December From TFL there, so all the legends that are in this spot
We appreciate your time and you I want to say one more thing I want to say one thing before we go right yeah, yeah, go go so check this out right I'm this is the last time this is the last pitch We have this chance to lay the framework we can be the backbone of the whole game if we decide on community
collateral and community stablecoin if we can all unify behind these things like we we are giving 100% of these fees away to people who participate like nobody else is going to match that state or labs will never match that right we need to get this all together
together, we need to unify. If we do skeleton punks, we'll be a Dow, we can implement change together. We can all fucking do this shit together. Like, TFL doesn't even understand. We were able to put this together with six projects, just, just like minded. What
happens when we expand this alliance and there's 40 of us. What's going to stop us then? Right? Like this is what I'm trying to say. Like this is only the start if we can if we can all spread this message come together, start to have these weekly spaces. Man, we can really implement change in ways that people won't understand.
I don't know if I can see it. I'll just say this. Imagine if every single one of the 130 validators on Terra were doing as much, you know, as, I mean, I'm just, I'm just going to say it is like literally half of the validators
They're not even doing anything active in the community. I mean all the people you see here and there are other validators outside again, SCV is not part of this alliance, but he's doing a great work. You've heard the shout outs, but I swear to you, there's at least 20 or 30 of them that some people

FAQ on The BIG @skeleton_punks announcement you've been waiting forπŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ | Twitter Space Recording

What is the podcast recording about?
The podcast recording is about a plan to revive the value of the Luna cryptocurrency.
Who is participating in the SP alliance?
Orbital Command, NFT Switch, Godora, Kappapolt, Hermes, Pro, and PFC Validator are participating in the SP Alliance.
What is the value proposition of Luna?
The value proposition of Luna is to provide a decentralized economy for users to build wealth and have assets and acts in liquidity.
What is the plan for Luna?
The plan for Luna is to present tools to the community and allow smarter people to build on top of them, thus providing the community with the backbones of the Luna model.
What is Backbone Labs and what have they built?
Backbone Labs is a production that has built the magic of Luna's DEX (Decentralized Exchange).
What was the magic of Luna?
The magic of Luna was its DEX, where assets can continue to grow and users can tap into their buying power.
How should one invest in Luna?
One should buy on a red day, not a green day.
What was the feeling of the Luna community?
The feeling of the Luna community was one of everyone trying to help each other, regardless of which Luna community they were in.
What is the aim of the plan for Luna?
The aim of the plan for Luna is to direct how things go and recapture the specialness of Luna.
What is the SP alliance?
The SP alliance is a coalition formed by the participants Orbital Command, NFT Switch, Godora, Kappapolt, Hermes, Pro, and PFC Validator to provide solutions for the Luna cryptocurrency.