The #BlockchainEvolved Show

Recorded: Aug. 12, 2022 Duration: 1:20:42



Hmm, check, check, check, check. Hear me, you do. Sounds good.
Hey, everybody, thank you for joining us one moment. We'll let the room fill up and get the tweet out.
Yeah, could you check check can you hear me my friend? I can hear you yes Excellent hey, so let's see here. How's your day going so?
So far. Oh, it's going pretty good. Pretty good. Thanks. Just giving getting everything set up for recording on my end. OK.
Well, I thought I had everything set up and of course all the fun tech aspects. There's always something.
All right, cool. Should be all set recording now. Perfect.
All right, so how do you prefer for me to refer to you by your handle or your real name? No, yeah, you can just most people know me as code crafting. So let's just go with that. Do you got it? All right, cool.
Okay, so for anyone that doesn't up joining the recording, I don't want them like waiting so long. So I think we should just get right into it. I'm going to head to our Slack channel just to remind myself of some of the topics we talked about.
Okay, so everybody, thank you so very, very much. This is the blockchain of all show today we have a special guest, my code crafting of interpop. We're going to discuss some of the tech behind interpop.
some of the things, ways they've solved some novel problems and some interesting things to come. And my coat crafting, my dear friend, would you mind introducing yourself? Yeah, hey, thanks. Yeah. I'm a--
senior engineer at Interpop before that I worked at TQ and then I have a long long history of being an engineer in like healthcare and stuff. I've been an engineer for like over 20 years. So yeah, very excited to be here.
Very awesome. Yeah, thank you so much. I'm peeing around the space. I've never, like, personally taken a whole lot of the time to get to know you, but I've always had a positive impression of you and interactions with you, so I'm really, really looking forward to getting to know you better here. I know we didn't talk about this before the show, but some of the stuff I always like to ask people is, especially dev#
is how they got into crypto and how they got into their particular like professional role in crypto. If you wouldn't mind sharing some of that history with us. Oh, yeah, sure. Yeah, so I got into crypto by doing crypto puzzles actually.
back when I was just a web2 developer working for like healthcare startups and stuff like that. I started to get into crypto puzzles and I did I don't know if you're familiar but I played Satoshi's Treasure Hunt which was like this year
huge puzzle hunt with like a million dollar prize. And it was like a Shameer split the key into like a thousand pieces and you had to get like 400 to like win it. And like it was supposed to take six months and it dragged on for like a year and then like another two years and one of like the co-creators ended up like committing suicide.
And the whole thing kind of fell apart and there's like hold this whole crazy story behind it, but like out of that I Like joined a team and become like on like friends with everybody on the team And the one guy on the team was an Ethereum developer I think it's just like hey, do you want to do some hackathons with me? So I'm like sure I'll do some so we started to do some Ethereum hackathons
and we did pretty good in those and then in Code Club which runs the future of blockchain hackathons. Their second hackathon it was Future Blockchain 2. Teslas was a huge sponsor for it and they were having trouble finding people too.

FAQ on The #BlockchainEvolved Show | Twitter Space Recording

Who is the special guest on the podcast?
Code crafting of Interpop
What will be discussed on the podcast?
The tech behind Interpop, ways they've solved novel problems and interesting things to come
What is Code crafting's role at Interpop?
Senior Engineer
What is Code crafting's professional history?
Over 20 years as an engineer, including healthcare and web2 development
How did Code crafting get into crypto?
By doing crypto puzzles, specifically playing Satoshi's Treasure Hunt
What is Satoshi's Treasure Hunt?
A puzzle hunt with a million dollar prize, where the key was split into a thousand pieces and you had to get 400 to win
What is Code Club?
An organization that runs the Future of Blockchain hackathons
What was Tesla's involvement in one of the hackathons?
Tesla was a huge sponsor for Future Blockchain 2 hackathon
What did Code crafting and his friend start doing after participating in Ethereum hackathons?
They started participating in Code Club's Future of Blockchain hackathons
What happened to one of the co-creators of Satoshi's Treasure Hunt?
He committed suicide, which led to the puzzle falling apart