The #BlockchainEvolved show - Game development with @gifdotgames

Recorded: Sept. 2, 2022 Duration: 1:30:01



All right, check check.
to your trick. Can you hear me all right? Hey Joy, if you're... Oh, yeah, I've got you up here. Okay, cool.
Let's see.
Joe, can you hear me all right? Let's do an audio check real quick. My experience with the Twitter spaces, it works best to just use your phone. Use the direct audio right there in general.
Welcome, welcome. How you been? I was waiting for you to give me a cue to talk. I'm good. I'm good. I think
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,#
If it's just having joined the space if I see them up here, I'll add them up.
Yeah, yeah, I think he's there. He's as a listener and then pigs at wars also. I don't see. Let's see. I invited pigs at war to speak. I'm not seeing a Nemon. What's the name?
It's not mine. Oh, okay. There we go. There we go. Literally. I gave the invite.
Yeah, cool.
Thank you. All right. Awesome. Awesome. All right, everybody. Thank you very much for joining us today. We're going to go ahead and get to it. This is the blockchain of off show. We talk tech protocol governance really focus on the tech side of things. And today we have very special
GIF.Games, Joab from GIF.Games, Tess Topia, and we also have Pigs at War. And so, and the Mon is a developer at GIF.Games, is that right? Or a job which you don't mind, would you introduce yourself and your colleague?
Yeah, for sure. So, I'm a joy. I created director, gift games, pretty much run anything on the business management side in the direction of where our products go and our games go.
Yeah, I mean, if you're not familiar with Tess and Tump, yeah. We... Oh, and Nemon's asking how to have the except... You have to be on your phone, Nemon. Yeah, unfortunately, you've got to be on your phone with the Twitter app. That's an unfortunate limitation.
Yeah, so yeah, we've done so Pio, we've never won game on Tezos. We got yield farming NFTs recently. We're running the with blockborne. We're running a tournament for our battles and that's
been ongoing for four weeks now and next week will be the last week for the tournaments and it's been fun kind of seeing this esports experiment happening with our game and I know you know the future is only brighter as we continue to experiment
and do new things with this and the tools we have available to us. >> Yeah, I don't know if Nimon's has come to speed for not, but yeah, I mean, if he ever does join, I can introduce him, but for now it's fine. >> Okay, cool, cool. Well, one of the things, it actually pakes at war if you don't mind introducing yourself real quick.
Yeah, hello everybody. First of all, thanks for the invite here. I'm public hawk, so I'm not much technician. I know about our technology, of course, but I don't know the details like deep details yet.
I'm here to answer questions and tell you more about Paxid War today. That's my job. Oh, sorry. Yeah, it is like it's definitely way more tech-based. So if you, as deep as you can get into that would be like mainly the focus. I just, I
I want the blockchain to all show to be something more like more for the devs to kind of come in, know what's going on in the space and know what's what's being used, how it's different problems are being solved, executed, things like that. So yeah, just as much as you can get into that would be really, really awesome. And I'm on welcome.
Hey, thanks. I was having issues taking the decision, but I'm in
Yeah, I'm sorry. Amandar, he's our lead developer. He does everything on the front end and makes sure all things are running cohesively and manages our team of developers. He can get into some
of the more like nitty gritty details, but I wish I was here, who's our smart contract developer, but I'm sure I can definitely help out and answer some questions or get into some of the more deeper things that we're doing.
So please go ahead and I'm sorry. I try my best. So any questions you have? Awesome. Awesome. So one of the things I am curious about when we get someone on here is how they got into blockchain crypto, Tesos,
because if you're not in the space and not in the industry and you want to get involved, it's really helpful to hear how someone else got there. So if you wouldn't mind going ahead, like when did crypto get on your radar and how did you get involved and how did you get into Tesos?
I'm answering this question so many times.

FAQ on The #BlockchainEvolved show - Game development with @gifdotgames | Twitter Space Recording

What is the name of the podcast recording?
The name of the podcast recording is Blockchain of Off Show.
What topics do they focus on in the podcast?
The podcast focuses on tech, protocol, and governance related to blockchain.
Who are the guests on the podcast recording?
The guests on the podcast recording are Joy and Nemon from, Tess Topia, and Pigs at War.
What kind of games has produced on Tezos? has produced one game on Tezos, which is Tess Topia.
What kind of product does offer which involves yield farming NFTs? offers a product involving yield farming NFTs for their game Tess Topia.
What esports experiment has been conducting with their game? has been running a tournament for battles in their game Tess Topia, which is an esports experiment.
Who is Nemon and why is he having issues joining the podcast?
Nemon is an attendee who is having issues joining the podcast because he needs to use a phone with the Twitter app to access the space.
Who is Public Hawk and what is his role in Pigs at War?
Public Hawk is a member of Pigs at War who is not very technical, but is available to answer questions and provide information about their product.
What role does Amanda have in
Amanda is' lead developer who manages the team of developers and ensures that things are running cohesively on the front end.
What is the purpose of the Blockchain of Off Show podcast?
The purpose of the Blockchain of Off Show podcast is to provide a forum for developers to discuss and learn about the latest technologies and developments in blockchain and crypto, with a focus on Tezos.