The #BlockchainEvolved Show: Live at Tez/Dev

Recorded: July 22, 2022 Duration: 0:53:24
Space Recording

Full Transcription

All ready check check
Check, can you check, check? We'll have to move that phone away from the address. All right, Aze, thank you so much. All right, we've got a couple trickling in. Thank you for joining us and give us a moment.
We're going to get to the link around, let the room fill up a bit and we'll get going. We are live from test dev 2022. What are I'm with block? I'm sorry. I'm saying I'm with blockhouse. I love blockhouse. I feel like part of the team.
Yes. Okay, so like to get it now you describe it to me a little bit beforehand.
Oh my god Twitter is so bad. Sorry about that. We got to classic Twitter treatment. I'm not sure where we lost with the audio cut out.
on me and I'm going to describe as best I retained what you described to me yesterday. I want to understand. So now the thing that you described that stuck out to me, this is awesome. I'm so happy to see this come into the ecosystem.
the ability A to transact over Bluetooth, so not necessarily needing a connection to the internet, but also being able to, in a way, we'll go into more detail about that, do off-chain transactions. And that A, I absolutely, you're using
So for those that aren't familiar with crypto, message signing is essentially where you take your private keys and you sign a message and that is a very general thing. Specifically, it's most commonly used to sign transactions and validate those publicly.
on the blockchain. And I'm a big fan of using the message signing scheme in other far more creative ways. And we are buddies on this. So yes, please, did I just start that? I'm very accurate on what are application notes.
So the way it works is that we use the sign-in mechanism to allow merchants and customers to actually trade sign information. So a merchant can verify if any information that was given to us
customer in our case are loyalty points. So what they are giving out of line and off chain are loyalty points. And these loyalty points get signed, these payloads get signed. And you can verify them whenever the customer

FAQ on The #BlockchainEvolved Show: Live at Tez/Dev | Twitter Space Recording

What event is the podcast live broadcasting from?
The podcast is live from 'Test Dev 2022.'
Who is the speaker of the podcast?
The speaker of the podcast is not identified in the text.
What is Blockhouse?
Blockhouse is not clearly defined in the text, but the speaker appears to have a positive association with it.
What is the unique feature of Blockhouse?
The unique feature of Blockhouse is the ability to transact over bluetooth and perform off-chain transactions.
What is message signing?
Message signing is a mechanism where private keys are used to sign a message, usually to validate transactions on the blockchain.
How is message signing used in Blockhouse?
In Blockhouse, message signing is used to allow merchants and customers to trade signed information, such as loyalty points.
What type of information is being signed in Blockhouse?
In Blockhouse, loyalty points are being signed and traded between merchants and customers.
How can merchants verify the loyalty points given to customers?
Merchants can verify the loyalty points given to customers by verifying the signed payloads.
Did the podcast experience any technical difficulties?
Yes, the podcast experienced a technical difficulty where the audio cut out and the speaker had to restart their description.
Which social media platform did the speaker mention as being 'so bad'?
The speaker mentioned Twitter as being 'so bad.'